Parish Council Minutes


Minutes of Stondon Parish Council Meeting held on 28 March 2018

Present: Councillors: - N Benson (Chairman), D Evans, B Haylett, G Lomax H Parhar and J Wallace. Clerk and RFO: - J Stirling

Also present were Ward Councillors I Delgano, and R Wenham and 7 members of the public.

Clerk requested that the first item of business was selection of the Chair and Vice chair. Cllr Benson was proposed and unanimously voted into the role. Cllr Benson accepted the role. Cllr Robinson was proposed and unanimously voted into the role. Cllr Robinson had advised the Clerk, in writing, that he would be prepared to accept the role if he was elected.

122. Apologies Received Apologies were received from Cllr’s D Shelvey (CBC) , P Robinson, G Simkins, T Hudson, A Marabese Cllr Simkins advised that he can’t attend due to illness. The Council resolved to accepted his apologies

123. Declarations from Councillors in relation to interests in any agenda item No Declarations made. 124. To receive and provide outcome of requests for granting dispensations of disclosable pecuniary interests No requests made.

125. Questions or requests from members of the public Council in relation to the business on the agenda or future items for discussion A Parishioner (GP) asked why the Council was not considering the demands from the SALGA (Allotments). Council advised that the Clerk had already emailed GP with the information and that as the Meeting notes containing the demands arrived after the final date for inclusion in the agenda, it is likely to be added to the next agenda.

Community Reports 126. To receive a reports, for information only, from the following groups:- a) RAF representative – Nerys Bell Nerys sent her apologies but advised they had no further news from DiO on the changes to the station but they advised that there will be an announcement in the next couple of months, hopefully during April 2018. RAF Henlow as part of the RAF100 is giving out STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Math) kits designed for KS2/3 (or equivalent), Schools can access the pack, containing Aircraft Design, Radar, Speed Record, Code Breaking, Disaster Relief, Remote Pilot Air Systems, Logistics Challenge, Stealth and Satellite activities working alongside the national curriculum. The schools planned to receive these kits are Henlow Academy, Robert Bloomfield & Etonbury Academy. b) Central Council representatives – Ward Councillor The refuse collection had attracted a huge response with over 11,000 letters and emails. The Local Plan now has an extended response date and will be reviewed on 26 April. DiO no news to date. The Governance has been published on-line but waiting for resources to become available. The Traffic calming measures in Road should happen in Q2 of the highways proposed works for 2018/2019. [email protected] Signed ______P a g e | 46 Date Stondon Parish Council Minutes c) Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr Haylett Report attached to the minutes. d) Highways and Policing – Cllr Benson Report Attached to the minutes. e) Play/Allotments – Cllr Evans/Clerk Invoices sent f) Local Schools and PPG – Cllr Marabese Cllr Marabese sends her apologies.

Planning Matters 127. Planning Applications a) CB/18/00469/FULL Consultation 5/4/18 , 23B Station Road, , Henlow, SG16 6JL, First floor front extension to sit above part of the existing ground floor. RESOLVED that this application is SUPPORTED by the Council

128. Planning Decisions a) CB/18/00275/FULL Decision Date:21/3/2018 81 Station Road, Lower Stondon, Henlow, SG16 6JN Proposal: Single storey rear extension and detached garage. – GRANTED

129. Chairman’s Announcements No accouhements to be made

130. Approval of Minutes of Stondon Parish Council Meeting(s) The Minutes of the Stondon Parish Council Meeting, held on 28Febuary 2018 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

131. Clerk’s Report & Matters Arising I attend a half-day session organised by the SLCC to understand the changes in connection to the External audit arrangements. This included training by Maazars. This should help me with the upcoming audit of the Councils accounts.

With GDPR on the horizon and all the associated costs and issues BATPC have arranged a presentation on Monday. Hopefully this will provide some clarity on the way forward and associated costs, which could be significant.

I also attended an on-line presentation done by SLCC. I will be putting together a report for the next meeting.

I also attended a presentation from CBC in relation to Project Griffin. Project Griffin is the national counter terrorism awareness initiative for local parish councils produced by NaCTSO to protect our cities and communities from the threat of terrorism. The briefing event was to increase awareness the most likely types of terrorist activities.

CPRE Planning workshop – this highlight the need to ensure material considerations are used and that the Council has identified suitable projects for S106/CiL related funding.

Allotments - I have sent renewal invoices and consent forms to tenants. All the above has kept me very busy. GDPR being the biggest challenge over the coming months with all the legal implications.

132. Correspondence a) MAAZARS re CPC Annual Governance and Accountability Audit 21/3 b) Manor – EIA Screening opinion 21/3 c) Bedford Shopmobiltiy hire 19/3 d) Insurance review e) Locality re NP funding update f) SALGA Meeting notes g) Bedford Road issues – parking/incident h) Stondon Village Hall minutes [email protected] Signed ______P a g e | 47 Date Stondon Parish Council Minutes i) Mirror on Orchard Way 13/3 j) NPPF – 2018 consultation k) Planning Enforcement – Height of bunds l) Christmas Lights - CBC

133. To consider: a) Meeting with Bloor i. Issues with S106 for Doctors RESOLVED to send a letter to Beds CCG based on the document circulated by the Clerk. ii. Response to planning application RESOLVED to respond to the planning application based on the document circulated and OBJECT to this proposal.

b) Barrett – LS1 – response at planning meeting RESOLVED – Clerk to write to objectors group to thank them for their assistance and hard work. c) Optimus i. Meeting outcomes ii. Response to planning application The above planning application was reviewed in detail with all the parties involved and a better understanding gained. RESOLVED to respond to the planning application based on the updated document circulated and SUPPORT provided these applications are considered together.

d) Rainier – Document and meeting Clerk to contact to arrange meeting date suitable for all. e) Neighbourhood Plan update and Exhibition Cllr Haylett submitted a report attached. He is planning an exhibition in the coming months. f) Grounds and Grass Cutting update i. Litter bins – Birch Grove CBC not emptying them Clerk advised that he had chased CBC and their contractor had not emptied the bins. g) ROSPA Assessment for Play area - Clerk RESOLVED to approve the expenditure for the assessment of the Play areas with a budget of £300. h) Internal Auditor approval and External Auditor update – Clerk RESOLVED to approve the proposed internal auditor. i) Feedback on CPRE Course in Bedford. Clerk See attached report. j) Review policies with regard to: - i. Risk Management Policy ii. Financial Regulations Review of policies will be held over till next most suitable meeting. Consideration on the impact of GDPR will also need to be factored in. k) Insurance review Clerk advised that Came and Company had provided a quote but felt this was expensive. The Council request the Clerk investigate an alternative option and if there is a significant cost saving to take up that offer having done a service comparison. Also asked Clerk to advise key Councillors of option. RESOLVED to delegate authority to Clerk to seek alternative supplier for Council insurance on the basis of similar service and at a lower cost l) Visibility Mirror on Orchard Way A parishioner raised a concern about visibility on Orchard Way at the junction with Pollards Way. It was requested that the Council look at installing a mirror on this corner. Having considered this the Council decided it was not appropriate on a public highway. As CBC Highways do not recommend the use of them, there are a number of similar corners in this area and may require some 10 to 14 mirrors and potentially cause problems with drivers relying on the mirror to ensure the road is clear. RESOLVED to Clerk to write to individual to advise. [email protected] Signed ______P a g e | 48 Date Stondon Parish Council Minutes m) Christmas lights update No news yet. Waiting for CBC to be have not provided any detail on what is needed. n) Spring Clean update This has now been scheduled for the 7 April

134. Finance: a) approve payments to be made Resolved to make the following payments

Payments to be made March 2018 Total Date Payable to Payment Details VAT (gross) 13/03/2018 BATPC Training - (180.00) 01/03/2018 BATPC Training - (55.00) 28/03/2018 Amazon/Station Wholesale Reciept book (0.33) (1.99) 28/03/2018 Amazon (Clerk) PC Memory (12.66) (75.97) 28/03/2018 Sipgate (VOIP) Phone charges - (10.00) 28/03/2018 Stondon V Hall Meeting July/Aug/Sept - (48.52) 28/03/2018 Zurich Insurance Parish Council Insurance - (1,796.06) 28/03/2018 Village Garden Services Ltd Maintenance Feb-18 (148.33) (890.00) Monthly Total (161.32) (4,593.17) Carried forward (9,215.98) (72,287.92) b) Income £761.55 bank interest and allotment payments.

c) To receive monthly reconciliation The monthly bank reconciliation had been circulated and was approved.

The meeting closed at 9.03pm

Where no signature exists in this electronic version a hard copy version available for inspection from the clerk [email protected] Signed ______P a g e | 49 Date Planning responses – March 2018

CB/18/00231/FULL Location: Land adjacent to 6 The Pastures, , Henlow, SG16 6QB Proposal: Demolition of existing village hall and sports pavilion and provision of a new Village Hall, Sports Pavilion, Tennis Court, School Play Ground together with improved car parking, footways, fences, gates, landscaping and associated engineering operations

RESOLVED that this application is SUPPORTED by the Council subject to the developments being considered together.

We want to see that both developments (CB/18/00231/FULL and CB/18/00223/OUT) are considered as a single entity in relation to any S106, Reserved matters and legal agreements, along with confirmation from the Planning Department that they will follow our request.

It was felt that this offered significant community gains but some aspects of the development are unclear. We are waiting for revised plans that add detail on those aspects of the development to provide the council with a level of surety.

The additional information includes discussions on the Village Hall, access and measures that could be used to minimise impact and issues relating the Village Hall being rebuilt and the groups that use them.

CB/18/00223/OUT Land to the rear of Stondon Lower School and playing fields, Upper Stondon, SG16 6QB Proposal: Outline: Formation of a new access together with residential development up to 40 dwellings together with associated landscaping and engineering operations

RESOLVED that this application is SUPPORTED by the Council subject to the developments being considered together.

We want to see that both developments (CB/18/00231/FULL and CB/18/00223/OUT) are considered as a single entity in relation to any S106, Reserved matters and relating legal agreements, along with confirmation from the Planning Department that they will follow our request.

Matthew Heron

CB/18/00181/FULL Land rear of 133 & 135 Station Road, Lower Stondon, Henlow, SG16 6JJ Proposal: Demolition of 133 & 135 Station Road Lower Stondon and erection of 149 residential dwellings (including 3 custom built plots and 52 affordable housing units) with associated access, road, parking, LEAP and amenity space. Construction of surface water attenuation basin and associated pumping station and provision of 0.12ha of land for community facility.

RESOLVED that we OBJECT to this application

The site is situated outside the settlement envelope and is only a small part of the overall site being considered in the local plan. As such we consider that this application is rushed, offering minimal community benefits, lacks suitable access points and highways infrastructure as well as inappropriate for the location.

Housing growth The following items are planning applications that are being considered by CBC and NHDC. They could potentially 374 houses to Stondon and , excluding the impact of the closure of the camp.

Hillside Road approx. 40 Feb 2018 CB/18/00223/OUT Bloor phase 1 approx. 149 Jan 2018 CB/18/00181/FULL Barrett phase 1 Outside the 185 houses Aug 2017 parish/NHDC

The following applications have already approved Welbeck 85 houses 10/11/16 Approved June 2017 CB/16/05229/OUT Bovis Stondon 80 houses 30/6/16 Approved Nov 2016 CB/16/02314/FUL Park Phase 2 L Transport 25 houses Approved 2016 CB/16/03105/OUT Museum

The Parish Council has also been approached by developer suggesting they would like to develop over 240 units on the edges of the village but with little in the way of gain or community infrastructure. The sites will also create a range of issues for the community and sit outside those proposed by the local plan.

Stondon seems to a target for aggressive developers and we want a line drawn. While this is a small section of a bigger site, it is being considered the Bloor application and represents about 40% of the area. As a community we want to see a complete holistic plan drawn out for this area and it impact on the village and its infrastructure.

Local Plan site. While this site is part of the draft Local Plan (2018) it is only part. By breaking the larger area into smaller units it creates problems with traffic management, look of the site and is likely to create three different sites. Each creating issues with traffic into Station Road. We want this to be treated as one site and to create a complete plan with suitable community gains.

Environmental - There are environmental concerns in relation to the Dog track. There are new kennels housing 75 residential dog and the vastly increased number of 50 races a week. This will increase the noise, smell and related waste management issues. This aspect has not considered and would expect a 20m gaps of gardens or housing along with appropriate noise abatement schemes.

Highways – we have a number concerns. Starting with the additional issues with an overburdened highway network, mainly Station Road but also the A600/A507and A600 into . Without an overall plan this will create even more problems with the Station Road interface with the A600 around the Bird in Hand and the Post Office/Chemist.

We want to see a complete solution proposed that accommodates suitable access points both entering and leaving this development that would include a direct access onto Bedford Road to be included as part of the proposed plans. This would go some way towards relief of the congestion on Station Road.

Transport Plan

There is an acute lack of detail on public transport and does not offer anything to alleviate the problems faced to potential residents on personal transport. No cycle ways around the village nor any detail on how resident can access local transport hubs such as railways stations. This is going to lead to an increased need for car transport and associated environmental impacts.

No details have been provided on how they will support EV charging for home owners.

MDBA – This site has a licence with a limit on it of 10,000 vehicles a day and currently it is indicated the volume is about 13,000. This does not include the extra traffic coming from Bovis and Welbeck. The loss of their licence to operate could have an impact on employment opportunities in the area.

Community gain – They have offered to provide the community with a 0.43 ha plot of land but no indication of anything else. Other developers have offered and provided significantly more for less units.

The size of the area needs to significantly greater with funding to support the development of a sports hall or suitable facilities.

Water and Sewerage. The local resources have been stretched to the limit and beyond. The sewerage system can’t cope with the increased volume of all the developments and the water supply is struggling and there have been a number of breaks in the supply with the increased volumes of water required.

Donna Lavender Police and Highways Report for 28th March 2018


Nothing to report other than the circulation of the PCC’s Annual Survey 2018.


A speedwatch was undertaken on Station Road on 5th March. Some 156 vehicles were recorded travelling towards Shillington between 14.45 and 15.30, of which 8 were clocked at 35mph or over. The highest speed recorded was 39mph.


Still awaiting dates for the commencement of the Bedford Road traffic calming.

Regarding the S278 Bovis Station Road calming, still no news regarding the status of this. We continue to push CBC.

Still awaiting a response from Highways to the Rural Match Funding Meeting (for the eastern end of Station Road from Redwing Croft to the roundabout).

Several potholes have been reported to Highways, some or which have been filled but not all.


1. NPWP members have shared their areas of interest and there are representatives for most areas of the plan.

2. The NPWP checked with CBC to see if Henlow Camp can be mentioned in the Stondon NP because of its adjacency and the use of shared services and facilities. CBC confirmed that it can be mentioned and considered. But the Stondon NP can only include matters and policies relating to the Stondon neighbourhood area.

3. The NPWP have agreed to enlist the help of Navigus Planning as external consultants to assist with the process of preparing the neighbourhood plan.

4. Stondon Lower School have been approached to see if the first public consultation can be held at the school. We are still awaiting a response.

5. It has been proposed that a competition should be run for the pupils of Stondon Lower School to design a logo for the NP. This is still the case the exact details still to be confirmed.

6. The NPWP are currently considering how to achieve the best turn out, feedback and content for the first public consultation.

7. Members of the group and mailing list to be asked to sign a privacy notice regarding their contact details. To be held only for the duration of the NP production.

8. No costs incurred for period.

CPRE Planning workshop – attended by Cllr Austin ( PC) & James Stirling (Clerk Stondon/Clophill PC) 16th March 2018

We were given an overview of:

 the English planning system & what role CPRE play in it  CPRE’s current & past campaigning issues  how CPRE can help us

We took part in: an exercise to ‘object’ to an application & discussed what matters will be taken into consideration when decisions are being made

The biggest show stopper of the day was the proposed housing targets for Central Beds, Luton & Bedford where 75,000 will be built across all three areas up to 2035, with:

Central Beds planning for 40,000-60,000 new homes. 6 new towns will provide many of these homes.

Bedford planning for 19,000 new homes by creating 4 new towns in north Bedford

Luton planning for 8,500 new homes and 9,000 elsewhere

13,000 new homes will be built on 5 sq miles of greenbelt land

It is estimated that 50% of these houses are for local need. The remainder is for “inward migration” from London & elsewhere in the UK

There will be a new M1/A6 link road through the Chilterns AONB

We have presentations used available that lists some key items of interest.

Stondon Parish Council 31 Plum Tree Road, Lower Stondon SG16 6NE

Tel: 01462 887521 Email: [email protected]


Annely Robinson - Premises Manager Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group Capability House Bedfordshire MK45 4HR

Dear Ms Robinson,

I am writing on behalf of Stondon Parish Council regarding the allocation of section 106 funding, provided by housing developers to Council (CBC), to proposed BCCG projects. The majority of these monies had been secured by Stondon Parish Council.

Residents receive primary care services from either the Shefford Health Centre or Lower Stondon Surgery. We share these services with other towns and villages nearby namely; Lower Stondon, Henlow, Shillington, , Langford, Clifton, Gravenhurst, Shefford, Campton and other surrounding villages.

Stondon alone has a population of circa 2200 residents and this figure is due to rise considerably in the coming year due to housing developments currently underway that will add 190 new homes. In addition, planning applications have been submitted to add 374 new homes to CBC. There are proposals from developers to be discussed by the Parish Council for a further 240 new homes in the village. In total the potential for over 800 new homes.

Furthermore, there is considerable activity in planning applications in the towns and villages covered by our primary care service providers, and all this is without the pending closure of RAF Henlow in 2020 and the subsequent large-scale housing development proposed on part of the site potentially adding 790 homes for occupation.

Whilst this Council accepts that the Shefford Health Centre is a relatively new facility with room to expand, we are concerned about the limited room to provide services at the Lower Stondon Surgery. Lower Stondon Surgery was purpose built in 1991 to accommodate 3500 patients, however, it now serves a list size of 5500. We are aware that in 2016 NHS , in its assessment of the Bovis development south of Station Road in Lower Stondon, considered the surgery as constrained i.e. having insufficient floor space and the need to increase clinical staff to meet demand.

Whilst Lower Stondon Surgery has very limited land available to expand its premises, it currently lacks the funds and it is our understanding that the BCCG is not willing to provide funds for the expansion of Lower Stondon Surgery, preferring instead that patients travel to or . This Council believes that it would be inappropriate and impractical for reasons of geography and lack of direct transport to ask local residents, bearing the burden of new large-scale housing developments (or new residents for that matter) to travel to practices other than those in Lower Stondon or Shefford for primary care services.

In the document titled “BCCG’s Commissioning for the Future – Commissioning intentions 2018/2019 strategy” page 22 refers to the following:

Sustainable estate for delivering primary care services

“We will work in partnership with both Local Authorities and GP providers to secure new/improved premises for the delivery of care, including to address the needs associated arising from housing growth. The priority areas of focus will include /Marston Moretaine.

We will continue to work with wider partners to develop integrated hubs to support the delivery of primary care at scale, and more integrated working across health and care services.

A number of place based integrated hubs will be developed working in partnership with providers and wider key stakeholders.

Each hub will provide local access to a range of health and social care services improving patient outcomes through a multidisciplinary approach. The Business Cases for the first three hubs in Bedfordshire will be agreed with partners during 2018/19.”

There are many examples in the document on key strategies that focus on local, sustainable delivery of services. The same document notes that there is a 58% increase in those over 65, again driven in part by housing growth. With these highlights for the need for local, sustainable primary care services and that the Parish Council has worked tirelessly in gaining commitment from developers to assist in this target, our understanding, disappointingly, is the BCCG do not wish to invest locally but in a hub unreachable by locals using public transport and increasing the reliance on unsustainable modes of transport.

As the current and future constraints on Lower Stondon Surgery are due to the ‘needs associated and arising from housing growth’ Stondon Parish Council requests that BCCG use section 106 monies (especially those arising from developments within this parish and nearby parishes with residents registered at Lower Stondon Surgery) to improve the Lower Stondon Surgery practice ‘premises for the delivery of care’ for the benefit of local residents in their own community.

We look forward to receiving your feedback and response to our request.

Yours sincerely,

James Stirling Clerk and RFO Stondon Parish Council Periodic Balance as of 28 March, 2018 - Balance at 31.03.17 b/fwd (bank) £66,654.69 Plus opening S106 debtors £3,025.48 Plus opening VAT debtor £9,790.15 Less opening allotment deposit creditors £0.00 Less opening allocated reserves (£46,201.00) Revised opening reserves £33,269.32 Plus income to date £59,937.29 Less payments to date (£37,717.51) Less net S106 payments (£1,488.66) Plus net movement in allocated reserves £0.00 Plus net movement in allotment deposits £0.00 CLOSING FUNDS BALANCE £54,000.44

Represented by balance at Lloyds Treasurer's Account £50,898.27 Lloyds savings account £40,423.80 Allotments £1,957.47

Subtotal £93,279.54 less unpresented cheques (£2,304.67) Closing bank balance £90,974.87

VAT debtor £9,226.57 S106 debtor £0.00 Allotment deposit creditors £0.00 Allocated reserves (£46,201.00)



Unpresented cheques ID Amount 1 (£55.00) 2 (£487.56) 3 (£132.95) 4 (£487.56) 5 (£115.12) 6 (£1.99) 7 (£75.97) 8 (£10.00) 9 (£48.52) 10 (£890.00) 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 -