St. Francis de Sale Higher Secondary School, Narengi CELEBRATIONS CELEB RATIONS Touching Lives Moulding Future 13th EDITION

Annual 2017 - 2018 Website: Email ID: [email protected] Content OUR Messages I 37. Delhi is not far (Book review) 20 Illustrators VIII 38. To kill a mockingbird (Harper Lee): 21 39. book Review: The Alchemist 22 VISION 40. Riddles 23 English 41. Riddles 23 A holistic Society of Compassionately human, spiritually 42. The Boon Companions…. 24 1. flood in the City 1 enlightened, intellectually awakened, professionally skilled, 43. beautiful Quotes of 2. culture & Tradition of 1 socially committed and culturally integrated persons based St. Francis de Sales 24 3. mary Anning 2 on the values as lived and taught by Jesus Christ and Saint 44. JOKES 25 4. who invented maths 2 Francis De Sales. 45. The 12 Disciples of Jesus 25 5. William Shakespeare 3 46. FACTS 25 6. Indian Constitution 3 47. Tongue Twisters 26 7. science in everyday Life 3 48. facts About 26 8. The Magical Words 4 49. A Poem for My School 27 9. How Was America 50. “Rain Rain” 27 Discovered? 4 51. life is a Game 28 10. subhas Chandra Bose 5 52. Money 28 11. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 5 53. smart Phone Company A - Z 28 12. Why Does the Sun Shine 6 54. Time 29 13. The sleeping Sun 6 55. DEAR LIFE 29 14. The Beauty of a Smile 6 56. A Little birds Song 30 15. Vinod the Circus Boy 7 57. riding a Rainbow 30 16. conservation of Forest 7 58. Jokes 30 17. Ancient Egypt 8 59. Honesty 31 18. The Importance of 60. I Love Colours 31 Teachers in our Life 8 61. flying Kite 31 19. Why Rain is Important? 8 62. little Daisy 31 20. life without Mathematics 9 63. Mother 32 21. in China 10 64. POKEMON POEM 32 22. ROBOTICS 10 65. EVERYDAY 33 23. saint Mother Teresa 11 66. Quiz About Some Indian Dances 33 24. connecting the Dots 12 67. Northeast Travel 34 25. The Art of Biography Writing Owes it to Gossip. 13 26. GST 13 Assamese 27. Michaellangelo 14 1. ¸√±˚˛ ¸Ù¬˘ Ú˝√√í¬ı ¬Û±1± 47 28. What was the Holocaust ? 14 ’±˝◊√√ 47 29. Reading…. 15 2. 3. Ê√œªÚ ¬ÛÔ 48 30. Unnoticed 15 . ·“άˇ 48 31. Mask 16 4 5. Œ√ά◊Ó¬± 49 32. Intelligence 17 ’±˜±1 ·“±› 49 33. You 17 6. 7. Ù¬±Î¬±1 50 34. cristiano Ronaldo (My Hero) 18 øfl¡Â≈√˜±Ú Ê√±øÚ¬ı˘·œ˚˛± fl¡Ô± 50 35. Tachyon 18 8. E±·Â √- ¤fl¡ ˆ¬˚˛±ª˝√√ ¬ı…±øÒ 51 36. Let 2018 be your year of 9. øÓ¬øÚ1 &1n∏Q 51 Design and Printed @ Faircrow Art House healing and redemption 19 10. 11. õ∂øÓ¬|n∏øÓ¬ 52 15. ‚’‚ ’«∏Ê ∑§ıŸ 68 12. ’¸˜1 ø¬ı‡…±Ó¬ fl¡ø¬ı¸fl¡˘ 52 . ©‹¤ÊŸ 68 ŒÊ√±Ú¬ı±˝◊√√ 53 16 13. 0 69 ά ˆ”¬À¬ÛÚ ˝√√±Ê√ø1fl¡± 53 17. ∞∑§ ∑§ÁflÃÊ „⁄ ◊°Ê ∑§ ŸÊ◊ 14. . ¬˝∑ÎΧÁà 69 15. ¸“±Ô1 54 18 16. ¸˜˚˛ 54 19. ◊ÒŸÊ ⁄ÊŸË 70 17. Œfl¡Àfl«¡È≈¬ª± 54 ’ìÊÙ ∑§Ë ŒÈÁŸÿÊ 70 Ê√±øÚ ŒÔ±ª± 55 20. 18. 71 . Ó¬1± 55 21. üÊË ªáÊ‡ÊÊÿ Ÿ◊— 19 . ªÈÁ«∏ÿÊ 71 20. ø‰¬fl¡±1œ1 ’Ú≈Ó¬±¬Û 55 22 21. ¤Àfl¡˝◊√√ ’±fl¡±˙ 56 23. ⁄ÄÌʟ ◊„ʌʟ 72 22. ˜˝√√±R± ·±gœ 56 . ‚ìÊË Á◊òÊÃÊ 72 . ¸˜≈^ 56 24 23 72 . ˜±Ê≈√˘œ 57 25. øÈ≈∑ȧ‹ 24 . ÷˝c≈ÊøÊ⁄ 73 25. Œ˜±1 ¸À¬Û±Ú1 ¶≈®˘ 57 26 26. Œ˜±1 ¬Ûø1‰¬˚˛ 58 27. ÃËŸ ’ÊÃÙ¥ ∑§Ê äÿÊŸ 73 . ¸“±Ô1 58 27 28. ø¢ŒÊ ◊Ê◊Ê 74 28. 1„√√±˘œ ø¬ıU 59 29. ÷Ê߸ •ı⁄ ’„Ÿ ∑§Ê åÿÊ⁄ 74 29. ˝√√±ø1 ·í˘± ŒÚøfl¡ 59 30. ªÈé’Ê⁄flÊ‹Ê 74 31. „°‚Ë ∆„Ê∑§Ê 75 . Á„ãŒË ÷Ê·Ê 75 HINDI 32 33. „ »Í§‹ 75 76 1. øË¢≈Ë 61 34. ◊°Ê 76 2. ◊⁄Ë Á’Á≈ÿÊ ⁄ÊŸË 61 35. åÿÊ⁄Ê ’ø¬Ÿ 77 3. ◊⁄ ◊Ÿ ∑§Ë ’Êà 62 36. ⁄Ùø∑§ ¡ÊŸ∑§Ê⁄Ë 77 4. ©¬Œ‡Ê 62 37. »§‚’È∑§ 5. ∑§Áflfl⁄ ⁄Áflãº˝ŸÊÕ ∆Ê∑ȧ⁄ 63 . ¬˝∑ÎΧÁà ¬˝◊ 63 6 Photo Gallary 78 . ◊Ò¢ ’ÊŒ‹ ’Ÿ ¡Ê™§° 64 7 Students 8. „ÊÕË •ÊÿÊ 64 Photo Gallary 9. ¬Ê¬Ê •Ê¬ Á∑§ÃŸ •ë¿ „Ù! 65 92 10. øÈ≈∑ȧ‹ 65 Teachers . ¡ËflŸ-‚¢ª˝Ê◊ 66 11 Group Photo 104 . ’Ê‹ ◊¡ŒÈ⁄, ◊¡’Í⁄ „Ò¥ 66 12 Teachers 13. ÷Ê⁄ÃËÿ ‚¢S∑ÎΧÁà 67 14. Sflë¿ ÷Ê⁄à •Á÷ÿÊŸ 67

I CELEBRATIONS CELEBRATIONS II III CELEBRATIONS Fr George Panthanmackel MSFS Mahesh Pradhan Provincial of Province Office secretary Bharatiya Janta Party - Kishan Morcha City District Committee It gives me immense joy in learning that the SFS School, Narengi, is bringing out its School President – KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA NARANGI ALMUNI ASSOCIATION Annual “Celebration”. Congratulations to the staff and young budding writers and artists Member School Management Committee – SFS SCHOOL - NARENGI of SFS School for their hard work in making this annual magazine of the academic year Ph no. - 9435819205 / 03612640308 2017-2018. Today, children in India are growing in a more challenging and demanding environment. The rate of Today the concept of education has changed tremendously in its outlook with the mass media, change in every sphere is rapid, with the enhanced knowledge exchange and technology development, globalisation and other technological influence affecting the people and the society at large. the world is going flatter. Hence the learned teachers have to assume tremendous responsibility to bring about formation and change in the students into vessels containing in them latest technology and wisdom to Globalization demands a new dimension to our approach to education. Such an education would mean transform the whole world into a heaven of brotherhood, peace and freedom. Further, teachers imparting skills, that would develop mental agility in individuals to confidently interact and work in are the role models to the students who can help their pupils to handle day today situations in a diverse environments. mature way. The pupils are to be made aware of their rights and obligations to help the needy, to The school SFS’s Motto’ TOUCHING LIVES MOULDING FUTURE’ , stands perfect and the curriculum be the agents of social change, promoting brotherhood and love in the society. is oriented such that students embody self confidence and out of box thought process. The SFS always make concerted efforts for a holistic development of the students who enter the school portals. The school The basic school curriculum should reflect and address the needs of the civilised society such has been always emphasizing to bolster the physical, emotional, social and cultural needs of the students. as respect for others regardless of age, race, gender, colour, class,appearance and religion. The practice of value oriented process acts as a nucleus around which the school activities revolve. Education must promote peace and harmony and should never fuel jealousy, anger, hatred and suspicion of any kind anywhere, as taught by Jesus Christ and St Francis de Sales. It should There atmosphere inSFS evokes a team sprite amongst the students and teachers with a communication promote concern for the “Mother Earth” with the understanding to safeguard its eco-system that ’WE CAN DO IT’. for the future generations. The young children have lots of energy and energy needs to be channelled and consumed in a constructive manner, through love and positive thinking. It could On behalf of school management committee and parents and guardians representative congratulate team be through the process of creative participation and involvement in the academic, co-curricular SFS for publishing the 13th edition of school magazine-“CELEBRATION”. and extracurricular activities. Swami Vivekananda truly said “Take risks in your life, if you win, you can lead! If you lose, you can guide!

I firmly believe that our dear children in SFS School, Narengi, will one day become agents for Mahesh Pradhan peace and builders of universal brotherhood, as they are fortunate to be imparted with such a resourceful and meaningful education from the management, teachers and mentors. I wish them every success and implore God’s choicest showers of blessings.

Fr George Panthanmackel MSFS Provincial MSFS Northeast India Province

CELEBRATIONS IV V CELEBRATIONS EDITORIAL The annual school magazine, Celebrations is a platform for students to showcase their numerous creative abilities, be it poetry or painting in front of an audience and readers. It unleashes for the students a wide spectrum of creative skills that also is involved designing the magazine. This magazine is like a mirror which reflects some sorts of activities undertaken by the Desalites. We are hopeful that this small piece of literary work will not only develop the taste for reading and writing but also develop a sense of belongingness to the institution as well. To make this magazine special we tried to provide the paintings and drawings of the students related to the field. The editorial team is highly thankful to the students for Fr. George Thomas MESSAGE their creative task to make this magazine lively. Principal The crux of the goal of the Desalite education is to be Catalyst of Social Transformation, votaries of We thank all who have extended their help to bring out the magazine. National Integration and Ambassadors of Universal Brotherhood. This simple but powerful words speak about the goal, purpose, life, vision and mission of a desalite. With the emergence of modern means of communications such as high-speed aviation and transportation sector, internet, mobile phones, social networking sites etc., the world has truly been smaller and the gap that exist between nations, cultures and languages are narrowing down. So, the question arises, is it time for a world government and a universal democracy? For a vast majority the answer could be that, it is a great idea, whose time has not yet arrived. And let it be so.

But the idea of creating a universal brotherhood is not new at all. The idea of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, the famous Sanskrit phrase found in Maha Upanishad simply speaks that “the world is one family”. This is a very lovely, inspiring, ancient and Indian concept that can broaden the thinking and perspective of the people at large. Just imagine of a time, where in people of all cultures, religions, caste and creed, languages and nationalities live in peace and harmony, respecting each other and celebrating diversity. This definitely is not an impossibility though difficult and challenging.

Every desalite is part of an international organization. A desalite passed out from a Fransalian institution can be found in any part of the world which itself is nurturing the idea of universal brotherhood from childhood itself. At SFS Narengi, we sow the seed of universal brotherhood at every sphere of activity. Be it academic, co-curricular activity, the idea of Universal Brotherhood never escapes our pedagogy and educational initiatives. We instil the idea of global education believing firmly that 21st century learners need to think beyond the idea of barriers that separate humanity. Global education leading to universal brotherhood is a creative approach of bringing about change in our society. It is an active learning process based on the universal values of tolerance, solidarity, equality, justice, inclusion, co-operation and non-violence.

As you begin to turn the pages of CELEBRATIONS 2018, you shall find that variety, is the essence of this edition. Be it articles, photographs, drawings, graphics etc, diversity is encouraged positively, solely with the purpose of encouraging the learners for the future to respect and accept each other. My sincere appreciation to the school management, editorial board, respected teachers, and friendly students for this edition of the celebration. It is the fruit of their hard work and creativity. Happy reading to one and all.

God bless SFS Editorial Team



CELEBRATIONS VIII She helped determine that mysterious Flood in the City stones called bezoars were actually fossilized poop! Studying dinosaur poop Why the beautiful rainy season today has is important to figuring out how they lived. become a flood threat to us? Lots of people Despite her scientific accomplishments, lost their lives, homes and everything. Who she was not allowed to publish because all are responsible for it? Is it Mother Nature she was a woman. Doctors and geologist or somewhere we the humans? We always respected her ideas and used her findings blame our nature but we never judge our in their own work. Her name would be mistakes. When we see outside we find edited out or never included to begin with. lots of plastic garbage in the drains, open Although this was unfair, it was remarkable drainage man holes. Construction over in Victorian England that she, a working the drain, everywhere de-forestation and Mary Anning class woman, was even allowed to mingle many more human activities that block the “The greatest Fossilist the world ever knew” educated gentleman. Marry Anning’s drainage system. If we are responsible for discoveries allowed the world to see so many anti-natural activities than we have Mary Anning was born in 1799 in a small fossils as more than mystical oddities and no rights to blame our Mother Nature. Our English seaside town called Lyme Regis. Her introduced us to the age of the reptiles. Mother Nature will definitely punish us. So family was very poor, so to make ends meet she we should stop these kinds of activities that would help her father collect fossils to sell to Punyum Kutum cause harmful effect to nature and minimize rich tourist. It was a dangerous work, the cliffs Cl. VI B the flood effect to our city. Then we can were steep, and the ocean caused riptides and peacefully enjoy the rainy season. land slides. Despite this, 11 year old Mary took over the fossil business when her father died. Rishita Sarkar WHO INVENTED Cl. III B There was a time when people had never heard MATHS of dinosaurs and thought it was impossible for We’re sure that more than one student has wished any animal species to go extinct. Mary helped that they could travel back in time and prevent to prove this wrong and her discoveries began someone from inventing Maths. Of course, that Culture & Tradition at a young age. When she was around 12, same wish probably has seen been made with she discovered the first complete ichthyosaur regard to all subjects that result in homework and skeleton ever found. She went on to discover of India difficult tests from time to time. But would that really 2 skeletons of the previously unknown species be possible…..even if time travel existed? Probably The culture and tradition of India refers collectively to the called plesiosaurs. These fossils were unlike not! Why? Unlike a light bulb or a computer, thousands of distinct and unique culture of all religious any animal known to humans, proving that mathematics isn’t really an invention. It is really and communities present in India. India’s language, extinction can occur! She also discovered the more of a discovery. How did it get started? No one religions, dance, music often labeled as an amalgamation first Pterosaur skeleton outside of Germany and can know for sure, but we can use our imagination of several cultures, spans across the Indian subcontinent many different ancient fossilized fish. to find out its discovery. For example:- and has been influenced by a history that is several millennium old. India is a civilization and a birth place If we go back to the prehistoric time we will find that of many religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and human gathering berries to eat. We can imagine Sikhism collectively known as Indian religions. Indian how this basic task probably gave rise to maths. religions are a major form of world religions along with If we want to spread them, first we have to count. the Brahmin ones. India is one of the most religiously and Probably this gave rise to numbers in mathematics. ethnically diverse nations in the world. If so, then counting numbers was the first thing

Jagreeti Borgohain from which maths came! Cl. - VI B Tanjil Wazed Cl. VII A

Art - Nayanjyoti Das

CELEBRATIONS 1 2 CELEBRATIONS Art - Anindita Das The Magical Words The simple magic words are – Thank you, William Science in Please and Sorry! Shakespeare everyday Lets see how and why to use these three words: (26 April 1564 – 23 April Indian Life 1616) 1. THANK YOU Constitution The modern age is an age There is not one day of our life which we spend William Shakespeare was an of science. It has made our without taking help from another person. From English poet, Playwright and At the time that the constitution life easy and comfortable.. the time we start our day till we step into our actor, widely regarded as the commenced, it was divided It has made everything bed, we have taken a number of favours. Be greatest writer in the English into 395 articles in 22 part and every work possible. free and generous in saying Thank – You! language and the world’s and 8 schedules. Already the It has added to the joy of pre-eminent dramatist. He is longest constitution in the How Was America life. It has indeed made its 2. PLEASE often called England’s national world , it has now grown to way into almost every walk Often we take things for granted poet and the “Bard of Avon”. 448 articles in 25 parts, 12 Discovered? of our life. and order people to do things for us, His extant works, including schedules with 5 appendices rather than requesting them to oblige. collaborations, consist of and 98 amendments. The In 1492, an Italian navigator Christopher Let us have a look at our Just adding a simple and sweet please, could appropriately 38 plays 154 constitution of India, whose Columbus set sail from Spain looking for everyday city. The alarm completely change the attitude towards you. sonnets, two long narrative chief architect was Dr. B. R. a route to China, where he hoped to find clock wakes a man to get Even if he/she can’t do it at that time, they will poems and a few other verses, Ambedkar, was adopted by the valuable silks and spices. He believed that up in the morning. The make it a point to help you at any other time. some of uncertain authorship. Constituent Assembly on 26th the world being round, if he sailed for electric oven prepares his His plays have been translated January 1950. It is the highest enough West, he would eventually reach the tea and breakfast. The 3. SORRY into every major living law of the land and cannotbe East. A fleet of ships – the Nina, the Pinta cooker cooks his food. As they said,” To err is human….” and we do language and are performed overridden by the Parliament. and the Santa Maria – set sail. Three months He shaves with an electric exercise this right as a human being numerous more often than those of any This article talks about the later, they spotted land. They were actually razor. Villagers also enjoy times a day! Saying sorry does not really other playright. parts of the constitution as well off the coast of southeastern America – the the blessings of science. disgrace anyone, on the contrary puts them in as the important articles of the Caribbean islands. Columbus landed on a They move from one place a more respectable position. In the 20th& 21st centuries his constitution of India. It is an small island in the Bahamas, which he named to another by bus or train. works have been repeatedly important lesson and is useful These three simple words can work wonders for San Salvador. Under the mistaken impression adapted and rediscovered by for all tests and recruitment people. If you genuinely use these words in your that he had landed on the Spice Islands near Science has alleviated our new movements in scholarship exams. day to day communication with people you will India, Columbus called the place ‘Indies’ pain and misery. We take and performance. find a change in the way people respond to and the natives ‘Indians’. medicine to get cured etc. you and your action. Gyandeep Deka Cl. VII A Bikram Aditya Swargiary Susmita Narth Rishan Goney Bishal Deka Cl. VI C Cl. VII A Cl. IV A Cl. IV A

CELEBRATIONS 3 4 CELEBRATIONS Subhas Chandra Bose A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Art - Abhilasha P.D. Kashyap On January 23, 1897, Gandhiji opposed this Subhas Chandra Bose ideology because it Popularly known as Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Why Does the Sun Shine was born. His father was directly, conflicted with AvulPakirJainulabdeen Abdul Kalam, is a RaiBahadurJanakinath his policy of ahinsa distinguished engineer who is known for Every morning we look up at the sky Bose, a prominent (non-violence). The his work as the Missile Man of India. He is and see the sun rise and shine. It is lawyer of Cuttack British Government in also considered as a progressive mentor, Orissa. His mother India perceived Subhas bright, big and definitely hot! We innovator and visionary of India. He became was Prabhavati Bose, Chandra Bose as a always wonder what it is made of. the eleventh President of India and due to a remarkable example potential source of The sun in reality is a giant star and of Indian womanhood. danger and arrested him his easy accessibility and as the people’s one of the brightest objects in our Art - Jarum Doley Later, the world came without any charge on president. galaxy. It is located at a distance of to know him as “Netaji. October 25, 1924. He A.P. J. Abdul Kalam was born on October After completing his was sent to Alipore Jail 26, 000 light years from the galactic The sleeping Sun 15,1931 in a middle- class family in early studies at the Calcutta and in January centre and completes a revolution in Rameswaram, Tamil town famous for The Beauty of European Protestant 25, 1925 transferred to ‘225-250 million years’! However, One day, the Sun thought, “ its Hindu shrines. While his mother collegiate School in Mandalay Bombay. this 4.6 billion years old star is the Why do only I have to wake up Cuttack, he came to Ashiamma, was educated, his father, a Smile centre of our solar system. And it early? Why do only I need to be Calcutta to study at He was released from JainulabdeenMarakayar, a devotee Muslim is the gravitational pull of the sun punctual? From tomorrow, I will “All day without a smile is a Presidency College in Mandalay in May, 1927 was not a well educated person. Marakayar 1913. due to his ill health. that keeps the planets from drifting not wake up on time.” The next day that is lost”. Smiling is was a good friend of Hindu religious leaders Upon his return to away. Our sun is a big ball of hot day, the sun did not wake up in a simple act that means so and the school teachers at Rameshwaram. Upon completing his Calcutta he was elected gases, especially hydrogen, just the morning. There was darkness much to the person given graduation, he left India President of the Bengal He did not have much wealth, but possessed like the millions of other stars in everywhere. The little plants and but so little to the person for England to appear Congress Committee great innate wisdom, generosity and was a the Universe. The temperature at trees felt weak because they did giving it out. It only takes at the Indian Civil on October 27, 1927. spiritual person. the surface of the sun is nearly not get the light of the sun. a split second to smile and Service Examination, Subhas Chandra Bose Kalam grew up in an intimate relationship but he was reluctant was one of the few 10,000 degree Fahrenheit and rises When the sun woke up, it saw forget yet to someone that with nature. As a child he was fascinated to work under British politicians who sought to 27,000,000degree Fahrenheit problems everywhere. The needed it; it can last for a by the flight of seagulls. His interest in flight Government. He and worked towards at its core. The temperature and sun regretted and thought,” lifetime. We should all smile resigned and returned Hindu-Muslim unity led to his specialization in Acro Engineering pressure is so high that it triggers the Unpunctuality can lead to trouble more often. What sunshine to India on the call of on the basis of respect from Madras Institute of Technology and hydrogen atoms to smash into each for everyone depends on me. From is to flowers, smiles are Chittaranjan Das. of each community’s eventually to his supervising the development rights. Being a man of other and stick together to form that day the sun became punctual to humanity. These are Subhas Chandra Bose ideals, he believed in of India’s guided missiles. another gas called helium. and never woke up late. but trifles, to be sure but felt that young militant independence from the Moral – Never be late for your scattered along life’s groups could be social evils of religious Archita A. Gogoi Abhilasha P. D. Kashyap work. pathway; the good they do moulded into a military discord. Cl. IV B Cl. IV B Anonymous is inconceivable. arm of the freedom Cl. IV C movement and used Archita A. Gogoi to further the cause. Cl. IV B Himashree Deka Cl. VII C

CELEBRATIONS 5 6 CELEBRATIONS crowd gathered a little distance and his dog would skillfully walk away watching something. He behind him. When the Gemini was curious to see what it was, so circus came to the city, Vinod he ran to the place and pushed went and met the director of the through the crowd and went to circus and asked him for a job. the front. To his delight, he saw a The director asked to give a man tightrope walking. The man demo performance, and to the was able to even carry things on director’s surprise, Vinod’s show his head and in his hands as he was one of a kind to have his walked on the rope. The crowd dog tightrope walking with him. Art - Sajid Ali Why Rain is was cheering and throwing So, the director gave him a job Art - Sayed nashiha Firdoshi money on the man. On his way immediately and Vinod gave his Important? Vinod the Circus Boy back to the hut, Vinod bought a first ever public performance to the Ancient Egypt rope. He tied the rope from one delightful cheers of the audience The plants we grow, the tree to another. He tried to walk of Gemini circus. From then on, The Great sphinex of Giza is a animals we raise and the Vinod was a poor boy who lived on the rope like the man had Vinod travelled from place to in a small hut in Madras. He wonder to behold. The sphinex requirements of the human done. He fell down many times, place entertaining huge crowds of Giza is a symbol that has body to stay hydrated are all sometimes managed to get only but he did not give up. His friends and became a very famous circus The one meal a day, but he was represented the essence of dependent on water,…. who watched him laughed at artist. His dream to be a rich man Egypt for thousands of years. clean water. happy and made everyone happy him. They teased him saying, “ came true, but he never forgot Importance too. Every morning and evening See, a great circus star walking his past and always helped the Carved from the leedrock of Rainwater fills streams, rivers he went walking to the beach to on the rope!” They made fun of poor. He not only helped them sell groundnuts. He usually got Giza plateau, the monolithic of Teachers and lakes. It carries with it him. Still, he did not give up. financially or materially, but he sphinex has the body of a lion not only the potential for life Rs. 25/- or Rs. 30/- a day. From Every day, after returning from also encouraged them, gave that amount, he would spend with the head of a pharaoh. For in our Life but also a history of its the beach, selling groundnuts, them confidence, enabling them the Egyptians, it is a symbol of own past. for his food and buy groundnuts Vinod would practice walking to believe that success is possible strength and wisdom. Teachers are important in for the next day. He wanted to on the rope. While doing so, he for anyone who works for it. Did you know that sphinex have our lives just like our parents. Rain is the lifeblood of save a little money everyday, also made his dog walk with him. Moral of the story – two temples? One is located They teach us the wisdom in human existence, of life on but he was not able to do so. After months of practice both Determination leads to success. directly in front of the sphinex everything. They give moral our planet. And it commands He however, had a dream – to Vinod and his dog became expert become rich. One day as he and dates back to ancient support and encourage our respect. tightrope walkers with things in Syeda Nasiha Firdoshi Egypt, and the second lies to us to live equally in this was selling groundnuts he saw a his hands and one on his head, Cl. IV C the North-east of the sphinex society and treat everyone Rain is important because (this belongs to Egypt’s modern equally. They teach us the it feeds our immediate era.) importance of life and put needs without requiring us CONSERVATION OF FOREST in the right track to ensure to tap our reserves in the In 1974, the villagers in the hills of Uttrakhand thought of a When you get to spend a day in that we are capable enough water table. Rain provides a unique way to prevent the cutting down of trees. They put their Giza, visit the Great Pyramids to survive in this society. renewable resource that can arms around the trees. When the tree cutters came, they told (one of the ancient wonders of They make a beautiful meet our food production them they would not leave untill the tree cutters left. This was the world), the Great sphinex statue from an unshaped needs if managed properly. called Chipko Movement. (Unravel mode of transport, stone. They make us more But we must understand that and drink lot of water to beat knowledgeable and enable nothing in nature exists by Sundarlal Bahuguna, Chandi Prasad Bhatt and Gaura Devi the heat…. And when in Egypt a proper flow of knowledge itself. Rather, our waterways were the leaders of this moment. walk like an Egyptian! from one generation to and the rainfall that feeds Trees were planted throughout the country through the Social another. Without teachers, them are all interconnected Forestry Movements. Vanmahotsav is also celebrated every Sajid Ali all would be barbarians. affecting population along year in the rainy season. Each child is encouraged to plant a Cl. V B the way. tree. Social Forestry Movements aim at planting more trees. Tapashya Jonak Baruah Cl. VI A Alangkrita Sarmah Shreya Mitra Cl. IV A Cl. V B Art - Shreya Mitra

CELEBRATIONS 7 8 CELEBRATIONS Life without Mathematics

Do any of us realize the importance of maths in our daily life? This is a subject that is applied to every field and profession. To help us realize this, why don’t we imagine a world without maths? Art - Anindita das

Imagine living your days Buddhism in China without a watch and a Chinese Buddhism has shared Chinese calendar. Both the watch and Art - Jaryum Doley the calendar use numbers, the culture in a wide variety of areas including most basic and important of all art, politics, literature, philosophy, medicine mathematical characters. How and material culture. ROBOTICS would you know the time of the day? Wouldn’t you miss your Various legends tell of the presence of Robotics is the inter-disciplinary branch days or your birthday without a Buddhism in Chinese soil from very ancient of engineering and science that includes time. Nonetheless, the scholarly consensus calendar? Art - Rishikesh Ranjan Saikia mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, is that Buddhism first came to China in computer science and other Robotics deals Consider that you go to a shop first century CE during the Hans dynasty, with the design, construction, operation and the application of is not complicated like people to buy something but since this through missionaries from India. use of robots, as well as computer system mathematics. We are all believe it to be, it is just their is a world without maths, you for their control, sensory feedback and so used to technology attitude that makes it so. don’t know what money is and The view that Buddhism was transmitted information processing. of various types that We are taught addition, you don’t know measurements. to China by the sea route comparatively it will be difficult to subtraction, multiplication So what will you do? lacks convincing and supporting materials, These technologies are used to develop live in a world without and division in our primary and some arguments are not sufficiently machines that can substitute humans. Robots computers, television, classes. Since then, we have Whether it is a zoologist rigorous. can be used in any situation and for any mobile phones and been applying these elementary assessing the number of purpose, but today many are used in dangerous even electricity which concepts to learn new concepts. animals species on earth or a Based on the historical texts and the environments manufacturing processes, or is generated in power Every topic is based on these doctor checking your heartbeat, archaeological iconographic materials where humans cannot survive. Robots can houses using the elementary concepts and if these they have to know how to discovered since the 1980s, particularly the take any form but some are made to resemble element of maths. are not clear then we fail to count. first century Buddhist manuscripts recently humans in appearance. This is said to help in apply these concepts to our new found in Afghanistan, it is believed that the acceptance of a robot in certain replicative Despite the importance taught concepts, which makes us Without mathematics an the most possible theory is that Buddhism behavior usually performed by people. Such of mathematics there feel maths engineer cannot build a bridge. reached China from the Greater Yuezhi of robots attempt to replicate walking, lifting are so many people who is tough. A quantity checker chemist northeast India and took the land route to speech, cognition and basically anything a resist getting to know cannot prepare medicines. reach Han China. After entering into China, human can do. Many of today’s robots are and understand it. If you Rishikesh Ranjan Saikia Buddhism blended with early Daoism, and inspired by nature, contributing to the field of have the basic concepts Cl. X C There wouldn’t be any more Chinese traditional esoteric arts and its bio-inspired robotics. of mathematics right advancement of technology iconography received blind worship. then the subject isn’t as each sector of technology Sanjay Deka difficult at all. Maths directly or indirectly employs Naina Sharma Cl. X C Cl. X C

CELEBRATIONS 9 10 CELEBRATIONS Connecting the Dots Art - Jauyum Doley “Again, you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.” These are some of the lines said by ‘Apple’ co-founder Steve Jobs during his Stanford University commencement speech in 2005. Connecting the Dots has been one of the most popular theories proposed by Jobs during his lifetime. This theory basically pulls out the meaning of what life reveals to us when we pass through a certain series of Saint experiences.

Art - Jasleen Barla Mother Teresa As humans, we often come across various kinds of situations during our life – some One early morning, when Mother Teresa was March 1997, Sister Nirmala was elected to sweet, some bitter and so on. But while seventy three years old, fell from the bed and be her successor as superior General. Mother experiencing a situation, we never know hurt herself. This happened when she was visiting Teresa was filled with joy to give her blessing what will be the outcome of the situation in her sister in Rome in 1983. They took her to the to sister Nirmala and to be freed from such the future. Based on the situation, we tend hospital o be checked and it was then that the a great responsibility. Less than six months to make various decisions but are always doctor discovered that she had a serious heart later, on September 1997 at 9:30 pm Mother uncertain about the outcome. This was problem. They gave her medication but over the that all the dots or experiences have Teresa “went home to God” at mother’s exactly what Jobs meant when he said, “you next year, she had several heart attacks and had connected. We will come to realize house. She was 87 years old when she died. can’t connect the dots looking forward.” Dots to receive pace maker. This did not stop her. She are nothing but the mere experiences which that whatever we are today is because would not say “no” to Jesus! we come across in our day-to-day lives. Life of the experiences faced by us and Great thoughts by her:- the decisions made by us in the past. As soon as she felt better, she was off again, provides us with situations of various tastes This was what Steve Jobs meant when opening more foundation, giving speeches, taking and at times, it becomes difficult for us to • “Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow has not he said,”You can only connect the every opportunity to proclaim, by her words and come yet, we have only Today. Let us tackle these situations because we never dots looking backwards.” actions,God’s love, joy and peace to the people begin”. know whether the decisions made today will she met. She did not think of herself. • “If you judge people, you have no time to benefit us in the future or not. But inspite of love them.” Hence it is very important that we As soon as she knew there were poor people facing such experiences, what is important • “God has not called me to be successful. always do what we believe is great suffering in some parts of the world because of is that we always need to follow our heart He called me to be faithful”. work and the only way to do great disease, war, earthquake, floods or famine, she and intuition, because following our heart • “The most terrible poverty is loneliness work is to do what we love. If someone was there to offer help. It did not matter of what and intuition will satisfy our curiosity which and the feeling of being unloved” does what is right for them, things will caste, religion or nationality the people were, she is more important than anything else. And • “If you can’t feed a 100 people, then feed work out in the end. If we tend to follow saw everyone as a children of God and as her along with satisfying our curiosity, we also just one” our heart, intuition and passion, then “brother” and “sister”. need to believe in life, destiny, gut, ’karma’ ‘Love One Another as I Loved You.’ everything will eventually fall in place Everyone who met her knew that they were in the and so on. Because a combination of all these elements will move us into the right and the dots will somehow connect presence of a holy person. They could feel that she Bhargab Patowary themselves in the future. was very close to God. Cl. X C path and eventually help us to reach the destination we thoroughly desire to reach. As mother Teresa got older, her health continued to Bedabratt Kashyap And upon reaching the destination, if we Cl. X A deteriorate. She wanted another sister to take over take a look back into the past, we will see as head of the missionaries of charity. On 13th

CELEBRATIONS 11 12 CELEBRATIONS Michaellangelo Major Works He created his first sculpture at the Michaelangelo is widely known as the most famous age of 25, in which he carved ‘ Pieta’ artist of the Italian Renaissance. Among his works are a sculpture in which Mary supports the the ‘David” and ‘Pieta’ statues and the Sistine chapel dead Christ across her knees. Created frescoes. from a single piece of carrara marble, the fluidity of its fabric and the positions Michaelangelo was born on March 6, 1475, in of the subject were inspiring for its early Caprese, Italy. Born to a family of moderate means spectators and still remains as one of his in the banking business, Michaelangelo became an most admired works. The Art of Biography apprentice to a painter before studying in the sculptor gardens of powerful Nedici family. What followed was a His another ambitious project was the Writing Owes it to remarkable career as an artist in the Italian Renaissance, design of the Sistine chapel’s ceiling recognized in his time for his artistic virtuosity. which contains over 300 figures. Gossip Although, the original plan was to It is a truth rarely acknowledged that what paint 12 apostles, he proposed a more we don’t know is just as important as what complex scheme which resulted in a we do. The history of biography and the Art - Rishab Sharma supreme work of high Renaissance art history of gossip are closely intervened. When incorporating the Christian symbology gossip is recorded we start to obtain details of and prophecy. personalities, choices, quirks, likes and dislikes, the weird and the dull traits that make an This legend died after a brief illness on individual. If we move past to the 16th century, February 18th, 1564, at his home in the gaps in our knowledge become very Rome, at the age of 88. pronounced, especially when we move outside the ranks of aristocracy. The polemicist Thomas Rubul Sarma Nashe was much in demand in 1590s, and Cl. X A he was undoubtedly the only writer in English GST literary history that was offensive enough to provoke the authorities into closing the play Goods & Services Tax, is a holistic Indirect tax houses and censoring press. Yet we do not on the sale, consumption and manufacturing know when he died. of goods and services in its entire product What was the Seventeenth, century writers started to record cycle i. e. from manufacturer to the consumer details of their subjects – one reason why we Holocaust ? know so much more about the life of John throughout India. GST, as an indirect tax for Milton and that of William Shakespeare. the whole country would make India a unified The most important figure in this revolution In the early 1930s, the Nazi party rose to power was John Aubrey, who dedicated his life to market by replacing levied by the central & State in Germany, led by Adolf Hitler. He set up a secret recording the details of the nation’s most government respectively, truly on the lines of police force, banned opposing set up parties and celebrated and significant writers. ‘One Nation one Tax’. As a destination based stared to persecute minority groups in the Germany Aubrey has not really received his due, taxation system, it has been rectified by the population, such as gypsies and Jews hindered by the lack of a proper edition of his 101st constitutional Amendment Act. GST will be During World War II concentration camps such Brief Lives and the assumption that because he as Bclsen and Auschwitz were set by the Nazis. calculated only in the ‘Value addition’ the central dealt in gossip he must be trivial. He thought Millions of Jews were imprisoned and murdered of himself as the ‘hint keeper’, and he was the & state government. father of modern biography. His writing was a in the camps because Hitler believed they were triumph of dedication, ingenuity and humanity. responsible for the downfall of Germany. As an Rishab Sharma estimated six million Jews died in these camps in Source – Daily Telegraph Cl. V B world war II, an event know as Holocaust. Luna Basistha Cl. X A Anonymous Cl. X B

CELEBRATIONS 13 14 CELEBRATIONS vegetable colours and dyes. These masks are generally made to Reading…. assume the characters of Gods, Goddesses and demons in the famous play of Raasleela during festivals (which are performed “Reading maketh a full man; conference a ready man, even today). and writing an exact man,” said by Francis Bacon. The Venetian Carnival Mask is another one of the fascinating It is said that books are the best friend of man. They always remain with us as true guides. Reading is a habit face-gears that has always caught human interest even with which requires to be cultivated in course time. Once a passage of time. Its origin dates back to 13th century when they man has developed this habit like a hobby, he finds great were simply worn by rebels. Today they are adorned during the 11 pleasure in it. They are valuable treasures of knowledge days carnival of Easter. Originally sculpted by skilled craftsmen and experience and are open and available to all. called Mascherari, they are available in different quality sizes and materials in shops throughout Venice. It is through the reading of books that we learn to love virtue and hate sin. The reading of good books develops and elevates our character. When we are in a depressed The Krampusnacht festival masks however have a darker story and dejected mood, they console and soothe our troubled to it brighter formers. It is based on a mythical horned demon Art - Christina Mushahary minds. A person can become a complete man by reading named Krampus who is believed to punish misbehaving children as heaquires knowledge and wisdom. Mask contrasting St. Nicholas, though being celebrated simultaneously The habit of reading should be developed in the children with St. Nicholas day in Austria. from the very beginning. When the children grow up, they From being iconic props in can learn a lot and increase their knowledge. Books are musicals to having an entire Human’s needs to experiment with the unknown and celebrate the best companions of the youth, these can save them movie based on it with namesake the mysticals have clearly survived through history in the form of from falling in bad company. – ‘The Mask’ the mask and its ordinary – looking item that we know as Masks. fascinating transformative power Jishnu Basumatary Art - Tishnu Basumatary has never deemed in human Cl. - XI Science Christina Mushahary history. Today, they are no longer Cl. XI – Science just parcels in rituals but are also inseparable parts of many Unnoticed festivals and carnivals.

So many things go unnoticed as you keep rushing, Every type of mask has a different you overlook so many beautiful mundane things symbolism, origin and importance because you’re always rushing. You miss out on in different cultures and traditions life and how magnificient it really is because across the world. you’re rushing to meet a deadline. You miss out on how graceful your mother is aging because In the world’s largest river island you’re rushing to catch a train. You miss out on Majuli, masks are indispensible how much your friend bloomed because you’re part of its important Vaishnavite rushing to be on time. On time for someone else, heritage and culture. The something else but never on time for the things Samaguri technique of mask that truly matter, for the people that truly matter. making – undeniably an art in You miss out and you unnotice all of this incredible itself – starts by creating a 3- things just because you’re rushing. Always rushing dimensional bamboo framework. and stopping elevators and catching green lights. Scripts of clothes dipped in clayey soil, a blend of cow dung and And before you kow it, you’re rushing to get your clay are used for creating the life back. But its’s gone. It is passed. Unnoticed. necessary depth of the frame. This is followed by smoothening of Sarah Ramdinfel D. the frame and body of the mask, Cl. ix c which is then finally coloured in by Art - Anand Chetry


I believe every soul is born to do something specific and special. Everyone is born with a number of qualities in general and some special quality in particular. That particular quality has to be seined out and nurtured not only for the materialistic success of a person but also very necessarily for the mental fulfillment and satisfaction of oneself. It is generally seen that when a person lacks the passion in the trade, he/she is practicing; they tend to deviate and eventually end up as what we call ‘mediocre’. Art -Christina Musahary Cristiano Ronaldo The question is whether the people who are to support the kids emotionally and financially are But I have a hope in my heart that in the coming aware of encouraging that special talent in which years, the education scenario will change and (My Hero) their child excels. vocational, co-curricular education other than the conventional norms of formal education will The best soccer player in the world get importance and also be treated a corner is Christiano Ronaldo and he is also In our society, the children who are academically my hero. bright are the ones termed as intelligent, but it is a option with the right amount of basic formal education alongside. very lesser known and accepted fact that a person’s Christiano Ronaldo Dos santosAveiro is linguistic and logical (i. e. Mathematical) intelligence not just a normal soccer player to me. are taught and tested in the conventional school Chandana Das Cl. XI – Commerce He is my role model, my inspiration,my system and used to measure, IQ and the other forms motivation never to give up and by doing of intelligence are given less importance. the best I can Tachyon

Christiano Ronaldo was born on A tachyon particle is a hypothetical February 5, 1985. He is 6 ft. 1 inch tall particle that always move faster than You and 7 on his team. He currently plays light. Most of the physicists believe that in real Madrid but before, Christiano faster than light particles cannot exist Yes, let yourself flourish and just be who you had also played in Andorinha National because they are not consistence with the want to be. Away from others and your own sporting CF, Manchester United and toxic expectations. Allow yourself to fly without also for Portugal’s international team. known laws of physics. It would be not controlling who you should be, where you He won 3 golden ball and golden boot. possible to see it. After a tachyon has two should go or how you should live. Give yourself Christiano Ronaldo’s name was given images of it, appearing and departing in the time and space you need in order to become after the U.S president Ronald Reagan, opposite direction. true to yourself. Let yourself go. Le it take risks, was his father’s favourtite actor. He has climb mountains, jump leaps, overcome waves. two elder sister, Elma and Lilianacatia. The possibility of particles moving faster You’ll be surprised by how much you can be when you allow yourself. Christiano Ronaldo had always inspired than light was first proposed by O.M.P me to do my best. From all the incredible Bilaniuk, V.K. Deshpande and E.C.G Sarah Ramdinfel D. tricks and goal that he made had shown Sudarshan in 1962 Cl. IX C me that nothing is impossible because if he can do it- “I can also do it.” Darshan Subedi Cl. X B By Biprakalita Cl. X B

CELEBRATIONS 17 18 CELEBRATIONS Delhi is not far (Book review) - Ruskin bond (author)

Well, Delhi is not far is for all those people who are amused and fascinated by everyday life events and nuisances of common place small town people. This is not a mind-boggler read with a great plot and nail-biting climax. The characters are all there is to Delhi is not far and they are indeed what makes this book such a special read. They are all unique.

Arun, the aspiring and struggling writer will write cheap thrives novels then do examination guides for monetary compensation. Suraj, is an orphan and he is the source of constant inspiration and companionship to Arun, is also charismatic and yet charming in his own way. Then comes the barber Deepchand, the rickshaw-wala Pitamber and the junk shop aspirer Aziz, they all aim very high in the filthy by-lanes of Delhi’s Chandni Chowk among many other areas.

The book, extensively assures you that the writer Arun is synonymous to the legendary Ruskin Bond himself and that his story is anything but untrue. Right from the hurdles he faced with finding well- paying and sustainable publishers to the adventures of his one day vegetable stall and encounters with hooligans and bossy beggars, everything will appear like it is what Ruskin actually did and actually confronted. Also amusing will be small incidents which are bizarre in nature and unheard of. Like the beggars which the municipality wants to impose on them.

LET 2018 BE YOUR In the end, I waved recommend Delhi is not far to those who come from small towns, enjoy gadget-free surrounding and loves surrounded by people. This is for all those who loves adores hassle free life and YEAR OF HEALING enjoy the small town life. AND REDEMPTION SACHIN PRASAD Cl. XII Humanities Let 2018 be the year you will finally heal.

The year you will rise above every heartache, sorrow healing. A year of just taking your time and loss.The year you will mend every battle scars to heal, no matter how slow, as long and open wound. The year you will gather all the as you are healing. A year you will no broken pieces of your heart, of your soul, of your longer fake strength; but just be honest life, putting them altogether and bandaging every with what’s going on inside you and crack, until it becomes whole again. Let this year be no longer holds back your true feelings a year of hope, assurances that there will be better for your loved ones. Let this year be days for you, that there is a joy set before you, after the year of confessing all your fears all these mourning. That the sun will rise and the and doubt without hesitation. storm will cease, and the aftermath will not be as messy as the calamity but it will be beautiful, it will LET THIS YEAR BE THE YEAR YOU be glorious. Let this year be the year you will finally WILL LOVE AND BE LOVED, AND TO realize that the ruins are magnificient and the year BE WHOLE, AGAIN. of utter healing. Healing over every physical, mental, emotional and spiritual pain and suffering. A year of Sarah Ramdinfel D. regaining all the lost strength and courage, a year Cl. ix c of admittance- that we are broken, that we need Art - Anand Chetry

CELEBRATIONS 19 20 CELEBRATIONS where the body of the boss’ latest kill is hidden which he was supposed to find the treasure, To kill a mockingbird and that body happens to be the most concrete Book Review: he is attacked by a group of thieves who rob evidence that would lead to his arrest. Mark is and beat him up. On learning the reason why (Harper Lee): astonished while his brother is traumatised. Now The Alchemist Santiago had come to the Pyramids, the leader targeted by the mob and followed by the FBI, of the group laughs and tells him that he too There are only a few books which upon re-reading Mark’s options are limited. The truth will make Penned by the best international best-selling once had a dream of finding the treasure it you find something that you had never known him wanted by the mob and lies will get him in the novelist, Paulo Coelho, ‘The Alchemist’ is a underneath a ruined sacristy, but wasn’t foolish before. To Kill a mockingbird is one such book, same state by the government. The situation calls surreal tale of dreams and fables, imagination enough to chase it. you return to it for comfort and guidance even after for him to be more mature than his age (which he and reality, loss and lesson, victory and velour. having finished it years ago. is) and to be careful with his words. Knowing that Santiago was enthralled by the idea that his Set in the mid 1930s in a small town in Alabama, he cannot deal with it alone, he decides to get a The book embarks in a sacristy where the treasure actually laid right under where he had the story revolves around a lawyer who is defending lawyer with the only money he has, one dollar. Andalusian shepherd boy, Santiago dreams originally dreamt of finding it. a black man charged with the rape of a white girl, What other perfect lawyer for the client than a of discovering a forbidden treasure beneath silhouetted by a society stepped in prejudice and lawyer with a troubled past? the Egyptian pyramids. Trying to realize the ‘The Alchemist’ teaches us three most racism, told through the eyes of young Scout Finch. The story unfolds in stages as Mark and Reggie prophecy behind the recurrence of the same important: one, that ‘when you want something, Harper Lee perfectly brings out the dark side of (the lawyer) tackle these problems, evading the dream he had days ago, he seeks the help the whole universe conspires you to achieve it; the American society and the daily troubles and mob and the FBI at the same time whilst keeping of a Romani fortune teller to interpret what two, that one must never sacrifice his dream affairs the black minority went through in the mid themselves alive. he saw. Being reassured about the existence and three, that all that we seek from the end 30’s. The book is perfectly balanced with humour, The book is thrilling from the first page itself but of the fortune as the woman had interpreted, of our journey is present right under where we childish antiques and serious tones that is enough however calls for a little patience with its over five Santiago decides to approach a destiny he start it. to keep you hooked to the book and turn the hundred pages. If however, you are a lover of had never before thought of. pages, wishing there were more. thrillers and used to reading such books then this is Muskan Kaur What is special about this book is not only the definitely the book for you. One that will keep you As his journey begins, Santiago encounters a Cl. XII Humanities priceless teachings that you receive along the way up all day and all night! round of events that transformed his idea of but also the reminiscence of your childhood and life and livelihood- he has to sell his sheep your innocent ways that every person who reads it Boilen Singson to Melchizedek, the king of Salem; lose all will be able to relate to. The protagonists’ widowed Cl. XI Science his money to a cheat; work in a merchant’s father, Atticus Finch appears as an era defining crystal shop before he can finally set his feet moral guide whose sense of justice and truth is in search of an unknown treasure. never lost throughout, evoking these characters even within you. Yet, there is more to his journey. The boy “Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit meets an Englishman engrossed in his ‘em, but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird”, strange books and the search of an alchemist forms the basis of the story and is relevant and continues his travel with him. In a stop throughout the book and transcends itself to be a at an oasis, he falls in love with Fatima, an moral conscience. Arabian girl who promises to marry him only after he has finished journey. Although The Client (John Grisham): frustrated, Santiago teaches himself from his John Grisham brings us another all-nighter with many Philosophers of life, one that teaches The Client. Described by The Times as “Grisham at him the truth of true love. his best”, The Client is one of the best thrillers you’ll come across. As the last stage of Santiago’s enlightening Twelve years old Mark and his eight year old journey unfolds, he meets a wise alchemist brother happened to witness a suicide of a man who also teaches him to realize his truer while going out to the woods when Mark decides self. Finally, they risk a journey through the to teach his brother to smoke. Everything would territory of warring tribes, where Santiago is have been fine, had not the man been the lawyer forced to demonstrate by turning himself into of a mob boss. The catch? The lawyer told Mark a simoom before he is allowed to proceed. Art - Sushmita Basumatary When he begins digging the pyramids under Art - Nikita Dutta

CELEBRATIONS 21 22 CELEBRATIONS for the students of Humanities. It has been the Riddles The Boon most memorable journey for all of us. Though each one of us had shared different talents and 1. I am tall when I am young and short when I Companions…. thoughts yet we united ourselves and bring out the am old. Who am I? best from our multiplicities. The very true reality Ans:- A candle Friendship means understanding not arguments. behind our every success was our undefined 2. What has hands but cannot clap? It means forgiveness not forgetting. It means the bond of friendship among us. Most importantly, Ans:- A clock. memories last, even if the cell phone is lost. this world have not been possible without our 3. What is at the end of a rainbow? beloved teachers who have supported and held Ans:- The letter ‘w’. The bond of friendship has a very deep and us together. Eventually, as days passed, we have 4. What starts with ‘T’ and is filled with ‘T’ insightful significance in each and every soul in become a small family, just like it says, “Friends and ends with ‘T’? this universe. It is rightly believed that ‘no man become our chosen family” Ans:- A teapot. is an island’. This has been a true reality that no 5. What has an eye by no head? single mortal can exist with solitude. Therefore, Dipajali Swargiary Ans:- A needle. presence of different beings features with diverse Cl. XII Humanities qualities and affections like love, Loyalty, trust, Sumaya Mehbub Laskar understanding, enjoyments of each other’s Cl.- IV B company and the ability to express one’s feelings to others have led them to build the bond of friendship.

In the same way, blending of diverse souls was seen and experienced in the final two years of our schooling by being part of humanities (XI RIDDLES and XII). The final two years were extraordinary

1. I live without a head, legs and even a Art - Anand Chetry hand. Who am I? Ans:- Plant.

2. I go up and down but don’t move. Who am I? Beautiful Quotes of Ans:- Temperature. St. Francis de Sales

3. I needed four limbs to move when I was • Do not wish to be anything, but what you are, small but as I grew up I only needed two. and try to be that perfectly. Who am I? • Have patience with all things but first of all Ans:- Human. with yourself. • Nothing is so strong as gentleness, nothing 4. How many months have 28 days? so gentle as real strength. Ans: All 12 months. • Be who you are and be that well. • The measure of love is love without measure. 5. What belongs to you but other people use • Do not lose courage in considering your own Art - Anindita Das it more than you? imperfections. Ans:- Your name. Bidisha Kashyap Das Anonymous Cl. VII A Cl. IV C

CELEBRATIONS 23 24 CELEBRATIONS Tongue Twisters • I thought a thought But the thought I thought wasn’t the thought I thought If the thought I thought had been the thought I Thought, I wouldn’t have thought too much.

• I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish But if you wish the wish the witch wishes, JOKES The 12 I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish. 1. Suman: How many sides • If all the felt I ever felt, does a circle have? I never felt a piece of felt Seema: It doesn’t have Disciples of Jesus Which felt as fine as that felt felt any side. 1. Andrew 9. Peter When first I felt that felt that’s felt. Suman: Of course it does. 2. Barthelomew 10. Philip • If you notice this notice, you will notice that The inside and outside. 3. James the Great 11. Simon This notice is not worth noticing. 2. Servant: “Sir, please wake 4. James the less 12. Thomas up fast” 5. John • Silly sally swiftly shooed seven silly shop Master: “What 6. Judas Iscariat Bidisha Kashyap Das The seven silly sheep silly sally shooed Shilly – shallied south happened?” 7. Jude Cl. VII A Servant: Sir, you forgot to These sheep wouldn’t sleep in a shack 8. Matthew Sheep should sleep in a shed. take your sleeping pill. 3. Karan: Rahul, let’s colour Y. Sanatombi Devi his hands red. Cl. X C Rahul: Why? Karan: So that the police can catch him red handed. 4. Teacher: John, what are the degrees of ‘sick’? Facts About Assam John: Sick, very sick, dead. • Assam is India’s first state 5. Tommy: Doctor I am so where AFSA was imposed. It is still in effect unbroken worried, I feel like killing FACTS since 1958. myself. • Strawberries have more Vitamin C than oranges. Doctor: Don’t worry, Just • A single drop of liquid can contain 50 million bacteria. • The river Brahmaputra leave that to me. becomes as wide as 10 • Kathasaritsagara is the oldest collection of stories in 6. Principal: If you study km while flowing through India. Assam. hard, you’ll get ahead. • Have you ever wondered how many teeth does a 7. Student: No, thanks I mosquito have? • Assam’s tea forms the already have a head. • Ans:- 47 teeth. largest chunk of total tea production of India. Gautam Kumar Hiya Rajbongshi & Himakshi Engleng Nasifa Anjum Rehman Cl. – VIII A Cl. - VI B Cl. X C

CELEBRATIONS 25 26 CELEBRATIONS Money A Poem for Money can buy books, but not knowledge Money can buy gifts, but not gratitude. My School Money can buy food, but not appetite. School, School, School, Money can buy servants, but not respect. There are many schools everywhere; Money can buy artist, but not their talent. But there’s not a school Money can buy army, but not their bravery. Like my school…..SFS. Money can buy land, but not its fertility. Teacher, teacher, teacher, Money can buy temple or church but not God. There are many teachers everywhere; I love and respect all teachers, Sophia Baite But I love my SFS teachers the most. Cl. – VI B Students, students, students, There are many students everywhere; But SFS students are the best, Cause our teachers teach us the best. Abigail Odyuo Long Live! SFS Narengi Smart Phone Cl. I A Company A - Z

A – APPLE B – Black Berry “Rain Rain” C – Coolpad D – Datawind Rain, Rain, Rain, E – Era Please go away, rain F – Fome I want to play. G – Gionee Dark clouds dark clouds, H – Honor Don’t come here Art - Sheron Sinha I – Intex I want to play. J – Jew Trees are wet, K – Karbon Crows are wet, Life is a Game L- Lyf And all birds are wet. M – Micromax But I am not, Life is nothing N – Nokia I wear a raincoat But a game O – Oppo So I am dry Who plays the best? P - Panasonic Rain, Rain, rain, Wins the name… Q – Q Mobile Please go away, Not all succeed, but R - Robot I want to play. All should try S - Sony My friends are waiting If you don’t succeed, T - TCL I have to go, Just smile…..don’t cry, U - UKIN But you don’t let me go Make sure the fullest life you live V - Vivo Rain, Rain, Rain Never waste your time, W - Wiko Please go away For time that is gone, X - XOLO I want to play. Is gone forever. Z - ZenFone Gautam Kumar Roy Anishadevi Sophia T. Baite Cl. VII A Cl. 2 – C Cl. – VI B

CELEBRATIONS 27 28 CELEBRATIONS A Little birds Song Jokes TimeIt just goes by, never comes back, Sometimes I’ve seen, So use it wisely, or else chances you will lack. 1) Which medicine do ants take when they Sometimes I’ve heard, Every second, every minute, every hour or a day fall ill? Up in the tree, If you just foot around, you’ll regret and pay. Ans: Anti Biotics. A little bird, Forget the past, plan for future, Singing a song, 2) What fish can be seen only at night? That is what people will learn from a wise teacher. A song to me, Ans: Starfish. Every chance that you get is very gracious. A little brown bird The description of what is given is called time, 3) Teacher: If you had 13 apples, 12 grapes, Up in the tree Sometimes you feel your life is fine. 3 pineapples what would you have? Sometimes he stays But let me tell you, it’s entirely not true. Billy: A delicious fruit salad. Sometimes he sings Then to the wind I hope you must have learned something useful 4) Teacher: Which one is closer, sun or He spreads his wings, To apply it in your life and fill the gaps, Africa? Flying away, To utilize your time and be cheerful, J: Sun. Away from me, And overcome your temptation just within a snap. Teacher: Why? A little brown bird J: We can see the sun all the time but Up in the tree. Saheel Ahmed can’t see Africa. Art - Anushree Sankar Cl. XI-Science Anonymous Sonamoni Das Cl. VI A Cl. – 6B DEAR LIFE I was thinking about letters lately and was thinking to write something for you as I am about to get into a new sequence so just let me tell you how I feel about you. It’s been a while and I saw a phase of you which was worth witnessing. Thank You for letting me in so that I Riding a Rainbow could see you from close. I’ll ride on a dragon, I’ll ride on a rainbow You decipher everyone’s fortune and you even see how I’ll ride on a balloon, To solar the sky, my future is going to look like, I hope you feel great to I’ll ride a rocket I’ll ride on a kite mast such a greater power. And ride on the moon, No matter how I see myself today you already have As it flies up high. something different for me waiting, that’s how you I’ll ride on a cloud, I’ll ride on the wind, conduct different code of surprises. Art -Nayanjyoti Das and a Unicorn too, And the sun and the stars, You are biased sometimes, you favor someone who Everyone of us run out of options but still need to I’ll ride on the seat, On floating bananas, already got ample but you give nothing to the one who make a choice thou, I just love my choices and I of a magical shoe. got none. Maybe you got something for them too and so hope you love yours too. And flying guitars. I keep my mouth shut. I hope my end is not near yet because I got Soniya Kumari You give us a means of hope, some call it power but I But why would I ride something more to do, till I have you next to me Cl. VI - C call it choice. You were a myth to me till I came across all along my destiny I shouldn’t feel miserable but on the sun and the stars? your definition they say everything may go in vain but you should be thankful to you. It’s just so much cooler remain constant. Than riding in cars. You are just a span of time who waits for us to lose breathe -Lokesh Pradhan maybe that’s what you are supposed to do Cl. XII Commerce No complaining but just saying how awful it might sound to you.

CELEBRATIONS 29 30 CELEBRATIONS Honesty POKEMON POEM Charmenders are orange The day I was honest Squirtles are blue Gave me Joy & made my life the best If you were a pokemon May it be hard to be honest I would choose you But try once in your life, Your smile is stronger, You will be the happiest Than that a hyberseam Every dishonest moment makes us Like Jesse and James Lie a thousand times We would make a project team, But one truth, can change life I’ll stay by your side like Pikachu and Ash & makes us feel proud And I’ll love you more than a level 80 Among a million lies. rapidash. You are more legendary than aentie and mew Nilanjan Das But out of the 450, I would choose you. I Love Cl. VIII A Archita Ajanta Gogoi Colours Cl. – IV B I love colours, Yes, I do! Little Daisy Red and orange, Green and blue! My pretty little Daisy I love colours, Shimmering at the meadow’s edge Dark or bright! There’s so much in life to see Yellow, Purple, Never question yourself For now, you are a BUD Black and white! And I’m here waiting for you to bloom I love colours. Just be patient and let the rain sink in Yes I do. Let the storm pass by MotherI owe my life, to those eyes, Deepsikha Sinha You’ll open up someday to From which hot tears trickled Cl. IV B Be my favourite flower Down through her bonney cheeks, Oh Sweet Daisy! She is in pain Khanrin Y. Shimray But intuitively, it is me who is hurt. Cl. XI-Science I owe my life to those kind ears, Art - Shanrin Y Shemray Which can hear my painful cries Flying Kite Even when I am miles away from her I owe my life too, I often sit and wish that I That immense selfless love of her, Could be a Kite in the sky, Whose power has no comparison, And ride upon the breeze and go Really, I owe my life to you, Whatever the way it chanced to blow; Mother! Then I could look beyond the town And see the river winding down; Jimani Sarma And follow all the ships that sail Cl. IX B Like me before the merry gale; Until at least with I came; To some place with a foreign name.

Elora Chetri Art - Nikita Dutta Cl. IX-C CELEBRATIONS 31 32 CELEBRATIONS EVERYDAY Northeast Travel Every day is a new name of hope for me. : Every day I want to be a young soul who The Land of Dawnlit Mountains never give up. By Khanrin Y Shimray Every day I want to be a good son how my Arunachal, one of the most sparsely populated states of India, borders China, Bhutan and Myanmar. mother wants me to be. There are five major rivers - Kameng, Subansiri, Siang (later the Brahmaputra in Assam), Lohit and Every day I want to explore more. Tirap. The mountain ranges follow the river systems. Home to a complex mix of communities, Every day I think myself to be great writer who its people are friendly, colourful and simple. Arunachal can be justifiably proud of its rich flora masters dealing with words. which ranges from the alpine to the subtropical, from rhododendrons to orchids. Its verdant forests, Every day I want to write a story of my life and turbulent streams, lofty mountains and snow clad peaks make it a unique place offering the tourist add some more fun into it. numerous opportunities for rafting, hiking and mountaineering. Every day I want to ride my motorcycle and Arunachal Pradesh finds mention in classical literature such as the Kalika Purana, and in the epics go faraway places. of Mahabharata and Ramayana, it is believed that sage Vyasa meditated here and also that the Every day I want to look more attractive and remains of the brick structure, scattered around two villages in the hills north of Roing was the want to feel how it feels to be palace of Rukmini, the consort of Lord Krishna. Arunachal Pradesh was also the birthplace of the gorgeous. sixth Dalai Lama Every day I try to compose my own poems with sound words and verses. Every day I want to help the weak people to Itanagar, the capital of Arunachal Pradesh, is a beautiful historic city, also known as `the Land of the him to believe in me. stand strong. selfish being. Dawn lit Mountains’. It is located in Lower Subansiri. The new district is being named Papum Pare. Everyday I want to grow Every dayI want to take my camera and want Every day I want to tell my It has been identified with Mayapur, a city of the 14th or 15th century A.D. The new township has more……….. to capture the latest happenings brother how foolish he is but modern buildings, bazaars and traditional homesteads. still he is an amazing friend. that surround me. - Lokesh Pradhan Important attractions include the old brick fort (Itafort), Buddhist Monastry, Jawaharlal Nehru Everyday I want to tell my Every day I want to dream more so that I Cl. XII Commerce Museum, Ganga Lake (Geykar Sinyi) and Zoo. On the banks of the Bharali river at an elevation of have a sound sleep. father that whatsoever I 190 mtrs. is Tipi, an orchidarium with over 7500 orchids. On display are some of the finest species Every day I want to be more of human than a become in future I still want with names like the Dainty Lady’s Slipper or the more formal sounding Dendrobium. Arunachal has the largest range of orchids in India and at Tipi, scientists are creating new, hybrid species using the latest techniques of biotechnology. 40 kms. Away from here is the Orchid Park at Sessa. The journey onwards is most adventurous and perhaps the most difficult as Bomdila, the headquarters of the West Kameng District is at a height of 2530 mtrs., offering wonderfully panoramic views of Himalayan landscapes and snow clad ranges. The scenery is spectacular but there is a tingling sense Quiz of fear too - it is a long way down! About Some Indian Dances There are apple orchards and Buddhist monasteries, for travellers are now entering an area that Q. 1) The Kuchipudi dance belongs to which state? had had strong Tibetan and Buddhist influences over the centuries. The area has many Buddhist Ans:- Andhra Pradesh. monasteries called `Gompas’ and there is also a crafts centre producing very fine carpets of colourful designs. Around the area are good trails for trekking enthusiasts. Q. 2) Which is the folk dance of Punjab? A 10 km. drive from Bomdila takes you to Tawang, a Buddhist pilgrimage site, where the Dalali Ans:- Bhangra. Lama, the spiritual leader of the Tibetans, goes to preach and pray. The most striking building in this Buddhist village is the tall central monastery, the Tawang Gompa. Q. 3) Ghoomar is the dance form of which state? Ans:- Rajasthan. The 400 year old monastery dominates the valley with a grand view of the Himalayas. The Tibetan influence here is unmistakable, with the elaborately painted wooden windows and other motifs. Q. 4) Which is folk dance of Tamil Nadu? Prayer flags flutter in the breeze and inside, the monks - there are some 500 lamas - light lamps, Ans:- Bharatnatyam. rush about their chores and drone in joint prayer. An 8 mtr. high gilded statue of the Buddha is here, as are numerous ancient Thankas or traditional paintings and manuscripts. Anonymous , (Feb-March) the main festival is fixed in consultation with the Buddhist calender.

CELEBRATIONS 33 34 CELEBRATIONS Shopping Pleasures The people have a tradition of artistic craftsmanship. A variety of mementoes like paintings, wood Excursions carvings, carpets, shawls etc. are available. 27 kms. away is Bishnupur famous for its conical roofed temple, dedicated to Lord Bishnu. Built in 1467, during the reign of King Kiyamba, it is interesting for its antiquity and Chinese style design. It is also known for its stone production. 45 kms. away is Moirang. The town is one of the main seats of early Manipuri folk culture with the By Nyaipriya ancient temple of the pre-Hindu deity Lord Thangjing, situated here. In the month of May, men Manipur, described as the Jewel of India lies south of and north of . It shares and women, dressed in colourful traditional costumes sing and dance in honour of the Lord at the the international boundary with Myanmar on the eastern & southers side. Assam is its neighbour on Moirang Lai Haraoba which is a ritual dance festival held every year. This town has a special historic the west. Though lying at the eastern extremity of India, Manipur is famous all over India thanks to importance, as it was here that Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose’s Indian National Army (INA) hoisted its classical dance form, the Manipuri. The Manipuri dance is marked by graceful and restrained its flag for the first time on Indian soil. The collection of letters, photographs, articles, records and movements and delicate hand gestures. other memorabilia are on display at the INA Museum. Manipur is a mosaic of traditions and cultural patterns, best represented by its dance forms. The 48 kms away from is and Sendra Island. This is a saucer shaped fresh water lake Lai-Haraoba, a traditional stylised dance is a ritual dance appeasing gods and goddesses. The Lai- that attracts many species of birds. Part of it forms a rare ecosystem. This huge and beautiful stretch Haraoba festival is generally celebrated between April and May, after the harvest season. The Raas of water is like a miniature inland sea. From the Tourist Home, set atop Sendra Island, visitors can songs and dances express the Leelas (sports) of Lord Krishna as a child with the Gopis (milkmaids) get a bird’s eye view of the lake and the life on it: the fishermen and their families who live in neat of Brindavan, and depict their yearning for communion with the Lord. The tribal dances of Manipur huts on its shores. They cast their nets on the lake, rear fish farms in it using nets as floating walls, are the expression of love, creativity and aestheticism of the tribal people of the state. Manipuris harvest it for the water chestnut known as heikak, and even build their houses on islands of floating were earlier recognised as skilful warriors and still practice the arts of wrestling, sword fighting weed that drift around the lake. On the western fringes of the Loktak Lake, 40 kms. south of Imphal, and martial arts. Sogol Kangjei (Manipuri Polo) is the principal sport of the state. Indeed, Polo is lies the charming resort of Phubala. It joins the mainland by a low causeway. believed to have originated here. Muknakangjei (Wrestling Hockey) is also a very popular game in The islands of Loktak are unique: they ‘float’. The islands comprise of marsh and grass with a root Manipur. The game is part of a ceremonial function and enjoyed due patronage in the olden days. of solid earth. Situated on the fringes of the Loktak lake is the Keibul Lamjao National Park. Habitat Another popular game known as Yubi-Lakpi (Manipuri Rugby) is played, using a greased coconut. of the endangered dancing deer, the brow antlered deer of Manipur, it is the only floating National Park in the world. In the midst of Siroi hills and near the Khangkhui Lime Caves is Ukhrul. This district headquarters of Imphal Manipur east, 83 kms. away is the highest hill station of the state. A centre of the colourful warrior Imphal, a mini-metropolis , the capital of this beautiful land of blue-green hills, cascading rapids, tribe Tangkhul Nagas, it is well developed and famous for a peculiar type of land lily, the Siroi, carpets of flowers and winding rivers beckons the tourist. It is connected by road with Guwahati grown on the Siroi Hills. Siroi Hills and Kangkhui Lime Cavesare interesting places for excursions. (Assam) through National Highway No.39 and (Assam) through National Highway No.53. Ukhrul bears a gay and festive look during Christmas time. Here the Govindajee Temple is a prominent Vaishnavite centre. The simple aesthetic structure has two golden domes and a large raised hall where ceremonial dances are performed on special occasions. The shrine of Vishnu is flanked by shrines of Krishna & Bal Ram on one side and Shopping Pleasures Jagannath on the other. In the heart of the city are two memorials, the towering Shaheed Minar in Manipur specialises in handloom which is a Cottage industry in the state and almost every household Tikendrajit Park that commemorates the martyrs who died fighting British Colonialism and the War owns a loom, with women busy in the creation of typically unique native designs. Famous among Cemetery, that revives the memories of those British and Indian soldiers who laid down their lives them is the Moirangphee design, believed to have been introduced by Princess Thoibi of Moirang. during the Second World War, which came to the doorstep of Imphal. The heritage of Manipur can The Phanek or snake design has red and black stripes and is symbolic of snakes. Pick up an exotic be viewed in the State Museum, located near the polo ground. It is a store-house of Manipur’s past. shawl, tangkhul scarf, lashingphee blanket, cushion cover, bedspread or ready made garment. Your On display are works of art, archaeology, natural history, textiles besides a portrait collection of choice of handicrafts to decorate your home includes Krishna Radha dolls in Raslila pose, Phirooks former rulers of Manipur and armoury of the Royal army. If you feel like shopping, visit the unique or decorative papier mache flower vases, baskets, bamboo trays. Or just wear a bamboo hat and Khwairamband Bazar. All the stall holders are women - almost 3000 Imas or mothers. It is split into walk away. two sections on either side of the road. Ideal places to buy such handicrafts are Paona Bazar, where fixed price shops will lessen your Six kms. away, on the Imphal Kangchup road is the Zoological garden at lroishemba. It takes pride shopping worries, Manipur Handlooms Sales Emporium, Handloom House and Tribal Emporium in sheltering one of the rarest species of the world - the brow antlered deer. Also near Imphal, at and Sangai Handloom, near the Gandhi memorial. a distance 12 kms., is the Khonghampat Orchidarium where visitors can view over 120 species of orchids including some of the rarest orchids in the world. Surrounded by the New Manipur University Complex and amidst pine and jack fruit trees, about By Mahesh Raj Adduri 8 kms. from Imphal lies Langthabal where you can see the ruins of an old historic palace, well Sikkim is a tiny hill state tucked in North Eastern part of India. Known for its lofty mountains, planned temples and ceremonial houses. quaint villages, pristine scenery, holy lakes and vibrant Buddhist Monasteries, a holiday in Sikkim is sure to bring you close to nature providing you ample peace and solitude. Sikkim is also a

CELEBRATIONS 35 36 CELEBRATIONS paradise for adventure freaks, trekkers and altitude scenic wildlife mountaineers owing to its myriad adventure sanctuaries in India. Apart activities. Whether you are looking for a from being the home to laid back break, taking in the extravaganza some endemic species of of nature’s beauty or seeking a fun-filled Himalayan alpine flowers that adventurous holiday, Sikkim will not leave include colourful primulas, you disappointed. Listed below are some magnolias, poppies and irises, of Sikkim’s main attractions, adventure the sanctuary is also famous activities and carnivals that you would like to for its Red Pandas and Snow be part of during your vacations in Sikkim. Leopards. The breath-taking ‘Kyongnosla Waterfalls’ in Places to See in East Sikkim the sanctuary, with the water gushing down from the height of 10, 400 ft., is also a sight to Also known as the ‘Land of Monasteries’, behold. Gangtok is the beautiful capital of Sikkim. Mesmerizing views of the soaring peaks of Mt. Kanchenjunga, fresh mountain air, picture postcard beauty - Largest monastery in Sikkim, the ‘Rumtek Monastery’ is a must visit and salubrious climate; makes it one of the best places to spend relaxing and peaceful vacations in the place during your holidays in Sikkim. Located at a distance of 23 km. from Gangtok and perched lap of Mother Nature. Here are some of the must-see tourist attractions in Gangtok. at a height of 5000 ft., the monastery is surrounded with lush green landscapes and small flowing streams. Built in a traditional Tibetan style of architecture and decorated with colourful murals, Nathu La- Located at a distance the monastery houses the Golden Stupa that contains relics and ashes of the sixteenth Karmapa. of around 55 km. from Gangtok and at Tranquil settings of the monastery combined with sounds of enchantments of mantras by the monks, an altitude of 14,500 ft. Nathu La is an important trade link between India and China. Spectacular views of the snow-capped peaks of the Eastern Himalayas from Nathu La, lures thousands of tourists every year to this scenic place. Being an important military post of the Indian Army, special permissions need to be taken 24 hours in advance from the Army authorities in Gangtok. Also, the pass remains open only for few specific days of the week, that too only for Indian nationals. Make sure you study the weather forecast well before heading towards Nathu La as the roads to the pass are prone to landslides and avalanches. Also, the visit to Nathu La is not recommended for children and adults who are prone to asthma.

Tsomgo Lake- Enroute to Nathu La, you will come across the enchanting Tsomgo or Changu Lake. reverberates your souls with inner peace and solace during your visit to this divine place. Crystal clear waters of the lake with stunning backdrop of the snowy summits of the Himalayan peaks, Ban Jhakri Falls – Situated amidst a lush green valley at a distance of around 4 km. from Gangtok, the offer great panoramic vistas. The lake gets completely frozen in winters, giving it an additional touch of Ban Jhakri Falls are an enchanting scenic site visited by many tourists. Enclosed within a beautifully artistic splendour. One of the favourite stopovers for tourists heading to the Nathu La, Tsomgo Lake is an landscaped park based on the Shamnistic theme and dotted with sculptures depicting the Jhakri ideal place to indulge your taste buds in piping hot tea made of special Yak milk and butter, accompanied (local Sikkimese) culture, these falls provide a perfect ambience to have a fun-filled day with family. with Maggi or delicious momos. The trip to Tsomgo Lake is incomplete without taking a memorable Yak ride in its vicinity. An inner line permit needs to be obtained by all tourists from the Army authorities before Gangtok Ropeway – The Gangtok Ropeway is another interesting tourist attraction in visiting the lake. Gangtok. The cable ride starts from the Deorali Market and takes you to highest point of Gangtok, Tashiling. Providing you with the bird’s eye view of the Gangtok city and the surrounding Himalayan Kyongnosla Alpine Sanctuary and Water Falls – Located around the Tsomgo Lake area is another interesting peaks, this ride is a must when you are in Sikkim. tourist attraction, the ‘Kyongnosla Alpine Sanctuary’, which is one of the best high

CELEBRATIONS 37 38 CELEBRATIONS stretches of the valley with a mountain river flowing through its middle and snow-capped peaks of Places to Visit North Sikkim ‘Pauhunri’ and ‘Shundu Tsenpa’ overlooking the valley from a distance. The valley is also home to Lachung the ‘Shingba Rhododendron Sanctuary’ that is famous for its numerous species of Rhododendrons. The valley and sanctuary gets painted in hues of red during April-May when all these varieties of Located at a distance of around 120 km. Rhododendrons are in full bloom; it really is a sight to behold. from Gangtok, Lachung is another beautiful town in Sikkim. Known for its snow-covered Katao – Blessed with panoramic beauty, peaks, sparkling waterfalls and gurgling Katao valley lies at a distance of around 28 km. streams, the town makes for a perfect from Lachung and is often visited by adventure destination in Sikkim to have a relaxing stay buffs wanting to try their hands at activities like amidst picturesque beauty. Following are skiing, snowboarding, and snow tubing. Again, some of the tourist attractions that must be the area lies under a restricted zone and one included in your itineraries during your visit needs to obtain Army permissions before visiting to Lachung. this place.

Lachung Gompa – One of the most beautiful Gompas or Buddhist Monasteries in Sikkim, the Lachung Gompa is a must visit during your vacation in North Sikkim. Situated on a hill top amidst serene settings of apple and peach orchards with a stunning backdrop of towering Himalayan peaks, a visit to the Monastery will surely provide you a feel of peace and tranquillity. Lachen Another picturesque hamlet in North of Sikkim, Lachen lies at a distance of 125 km. from Gangtok. Undulated mountain air, stunning views of Mt. Kanchenjunga and tranquil settings of this small hamlet attract thousands of tourists every year. Often included in itineraries along with Lachung, the town acts as a base to some of the popular Eastern Himalayan treks to , Chopta Valley and Mt. Kanchenjunga. Special permissions need to be obtained to enter Lachen. Here are some popular attractions that should not be missed during your visit to this place.

Gurudongmar Lake – One of the highest alpine lakes in the world, Gurudongmar Lake is not only known for its spectacular beauty, but is also revered as a sacred lake by Buddhists, Hindus and Sikhs. The lake can be reached via Yumthang Valley – Also known as the a rugged terrain with little vegetation and human ‘Valley of Flowers’, this picturesque valley lies population. Occasional views of high alpine at an elevation of around 11,600 ft. above sea pastures covered with rhododendrons and yaks level. Winding mountainous roads from Lachung and sheep grazing can be seen from a distance. to Yumthang Valley take you through enchanting As you reach the lake, you are welcomed by vistas of sparkling streams, lush slopes and mesmerizing views of the emerald blue lake stretches of colourful mountain flowers. As you surrounded with snow covered peaks of the reach the valley, you are sure to be taken away Eastern Himalayas. Located in close proximity to with its breath-taking panoramas of vibrant flowers the China Border, visit to lake is not allowed for spread across wide foreign tourists and even Indian nationals require special permissions from the Indian Army.

CELEBRATIONS 39 40 CELEBRATIONS Cholamu Lake – Also known as the ‘Tso Lhamu’ Lake, this lake lies at a distance of 6 km. from Rabadantse Ruins – Former capital the Gurudongmar Lake and is considered to be the highest lake in India. The trek to Cholamu Lake of Sikkim, was destroyed by the is really challenging with its rough terrain and extreme cold weather conditions. But, as you reach the Nepalese invaders during 18th The town and lake, the surreal experience just cannot be described in words; crystal clear azure blue waters, exquisite its royal palace now lies in ruins, close to the surroundings and an amazing panorama of the majestic mountains is enough to make your jaws drop. Pemayangtse Monastery. Surrounded with thick forest cover, spectacular views of the Must Visit Places in West Sikkim Kanchenjunga range and extensive scenic beauty, a visit to the Rabdentse Ruins is a must when you are in Pelling. Top Places to Visit South Sikkim Located in the West of Sikkim, Pelling lies at a distance of 115 km. from Gangtok. Snow-covered peaks of Kanchenjunga range can be best viewed from this tiny hamlet. Tranquil environment and picturesque Nearly 80 km. from Gangtok, Namchi is a tiny settings of this enchanting town lures thousands of tourists from all across the country. Following are settlement in South of Sikkim that commands some of the major tourist attractions of Pelling. awe-inspiring views of Darjeeling and Kalimpong

in West Bengal. Namchi is gradually taking up Pemayangtse as a major tourist destination in Sikkim with Monastery – some of its following tourist attractions. One of the oldest and most important monasteries of Sikkim, the Pemayangtse Monastery lies at a distance of 2 km. from Pelling. Samdrupste Hill – Also known Perched at a hill top above the Rangit as the ‘wish fulfilling hill’, Samdrupste is River, the monastery is surrounded the major tourist attraction of Namchi with thick woods and mesmerizing town. Known for its tallest statue of Guru views of the snow clad mountains. Padmasambhava in the world, the place Statue of Padmasambhava (main is visited by many tourists and pilgrims. lord of ), ancient Besides seeing and appreciating the sculptures, scriptures and paintings, skills of the craftsmen and artisans of beautiful Thangkas and murals in this tall statue, tourists can also visit the the monastery are worth taking a prayer hall and a beautiful garden in look. the vicinity.

Khecheopalri Lake – Highly revered lake by the Sikkimese Buddhists, the is located at a distance of 28 km. from Pelling. The miraculous part of the lake is that it remains perfectly Solophok Char Dham – This is one of clean in spite of being surrounded by thick forest. the most unique places one can see in its lifetime. Not even a single leaf can be seen floating on the With an 87 ft. tall statue of Lord Shiva enclosed surface of the lake. It is believed that before a leaf by miniature replicas of 12 Jyotirlingas and four falls, it is captured by a bird thereby preventing it to sacred pilgrim dhams of Hindu religion, this temple fall on the surface of the lake. The local Sikkimese complex forms one of the most sacred sites in people often visit the lake to pray and get their Sikkim. Located at a distance of 5 km. from the wishes fulfilled. The nearby Khechepalri Gompa Namchi town, this is a must-visit place in Namchi. and a holy cave is worth visiting by tourists.

CELEBRATIONS 41 42 CELEBRATIONS NAGALAND DAY 3: By Khanrin Y Shimray DZUKOU VALLEY A land of clouds, mountains, serpentine rivers, valleys strewn with flowers and colourful people, It is a perfect blend of celestial beauty with its emerald green rolling hills, interspersed by gentle Nagaland is located in India’s Northeast. Nagaland is a narrow strip of mountainous territory lying to flowing stream. It is about 30km south of . Apart from this, the wonderful caves are the east and south of Assam, north of Manipur and west of Burma. This predominantly tribal state is enchanting to the visitors. The most eye-pleasing view can be seen from June-September when the blessed with great valleys, meandering streams, high mountains, deep gorges and a rich variety of flora entire valley is covered with wild flowers. and fauna. It is the only state which has English as the official state language. PACKAGE TOUR- The land which encompasses within itself so much beauty has rightly been called as the “Switzerland of (2 DAYS) the East”. DAY 1: PACKAGE TOUR- KOHIMA (3 DAYS) TRIPLE FALLS It is located at Seithekiema village at a distance of 16 km from Dimapur; this three- tier waterfall is cascading from a height of 280 feet into a natural pool. DAY 1: KOHIMA WAR CEMETERY DAY 2: This cemetery symbolises bravery, self sacrifice, heroic guts and utter submission to its motherland. It is RUINS OF THE MEDIEVAL KACHARI KINGDOM situated in the heart of Kohima Town. According to the historical facts, the Japanese invasion was put It is located at Dimapur, reminiscences of the glory of this kingdom can be found in the ruins that are to a stop at this place. scattered in and around the town.

The cemetery’s popular epitaph says: DAY TOUR (WOKHA DISTRICT) -

“When you go home tell them of us and say MOUNT TIYI For your tomorrow we gave our today”. It is an ideal spot for trekking. From the top of the hill, the charming view of the entire Wokha town and surrounding area offer a good memorable experience to the climbers.

KOHIMA’S CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL DAY TOUR (PHEK DISTRICT) - It is situated at Aradurah hillat Kohima. It is the largest cathedral in the whole North East and its quiet and serene ambience is conductive for meditation and prayer. SHILLOI LAKE The Shilloi Lake is shaped like a footprint, is also called Lacham. It lies on the slopes of the Indi- STATE MUSEUM Myanmar watershed in Phek district of Nagaland. The water is dark grey, perhaps because of the silt It has a rare collection of artefacts of all the different tribes which inhabit the state. adding to the mystery.

ZOOLOGICAL PARK DAY TOUR (ZUNHEBETO DISTRICT) - It is situated at the top of Kohima town. The beautiful flora and fauna of Nagaland are found there. The LARGEST CHURCH IN ASIA rare Blythe’s Tragopan is found there. It is located in Zunheboto town in Nagaland. It is nine storey Sumi Baptist church

DAY 2: DAY TOUR (TUENSANG DISTRICT)- KISAMA HERITAGE VILLAGE CHANGSANGMONGKO AND CHILISE The Hornbill festival is a major event that takes place within the confines of this heritage village. The It is located in Tuensang, Nagaland. The importance of these both villages lies in the chronicles village is about 12km from Kohima. It is a perfect primmer into Nagaland’s cultural fabric. It is held of legend and history, whereas Changsangmongko is supposed to be the spot where all living from December 1 to10 every year. It is an occasion for Nagaland’s 16 recognised tribes to congregate organisms first appeared on the face of the earth, Chilise is loosely recorded as the place where the and display their costumes, dances and music. Sports like tug-of-war, Naga chilli competition and Naga last headhunting took place in August 1978 wrestling is added to the fun.


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Art -Gitisha Patgiri

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Art - Gitisha Patgiri Art - Christina Musahary •ÊÿÈfl ’Ù«∏Ê ∑§ˇÊÊ —ŸıflË¢ (∑ )

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Art - Christina Musahary

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SFS_Class I B SFS_Class II B

SFS_Class I C SFS_Class II C


SFS_Class III B SFS _ Class IV B

SFS_Class III C SFS_Class IV C


SFS_Class V B SFS_Class VI B

SFS - Class V C SFS_Class VI C





SFS_Class IX B SFS_Class X B

SFS_Class IX C SFS_Class X C


SFS_Class XI Commerce SFS - Class XII Commerce

SFS_Class XI Humanities SFS - Class XII Hum

CELEBRATIONS 89 90 CELEBRATIONS Photo Gallary Teachers

CELEBRATIONS 91 92 CELEBRATIONS School Co-ordinators Dept. of Commerce

Dept. of Assamese Dept. of English

Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of G.K

CELEBRATIONS 93 94 CELEBRATIONS Dept. of Hindi Dept. of Science

Dept of Mathematics Dept. of Social Science

Dept of Moral Sc. . Coaches (Football and Karate)


Green House Debate Club

Red House Cultural Commitee

CELEBRATIONS 97 98 CELEBRATIONS School Magazine & Newsletter Commitee Sports Commitee

Star Class & star assembly commitee NCC Scouts & Guide Cubs & Bulbul

Literary Commitee Religious Stafff

CELEBRATIONS 99 100 CELEBRATIONS Front office staff Health Care

Back office staff School Captains_Headboy, Headgirl

System Administrator & Social Media Supporting staff


Group Photo Teachers Canteen staff


CELEBRATIONS 103 104 CELEBRATIONS St. Francis de Sale Higher Secondary School, Narengi Touching Lives Moulding Future Sa GREEN ve the Go T rees St. Francis de Sale Higher Secondary School, Narengi

Touching Lives Moulding Future

Thimmaya Marg, Puberun Nagar, Kalitakuchi, Satgaon, Guwahati, Assam 781171

Website: Email ID: [email protected]