Revue de Traduction et Langues Volume 18 Numéro 1/2019, pp.180-203 مجلة الترجمة واللغات Journal of Translation and Languages ISSN (Print): 1112-3974 EISSN (Online):2600-6235 Omission and Imagery in Hemingway’s “Up in Michigan,” Carver’s “Chef’s House,” Ford’s “Rock Springs,” and Mason’s “Residents and Transients” BOUDJERIDA Messaouda University of Abou el Kacem Saâdallah Algiers 2- Algeria
[email protected] Received: 15/08/2018; Accepted: 23/07/2019; Published: 31/08/2019 Abstract: Ernest Hemingway’s minimalist style, which is based on his “Theory of Omission,” has exerted a considerable influence on generations of writers. This article provides additional evidence with respect to his narrative influence on the short fiction of the leading figures of literary minimalism. To fulfil this primary aim, a comparative and an analytical study is carried out using Wolfgang Iser’s reception theory. This has been deployed in order to demonstrate that the narrators of Raymond Carver’s “Chef’s House,” Richard Ford’s “Rock Springs,” and Bobbie Ann Mason’s “Residents and Transients” employ the techniques of omission and imagery to affect the readers’ imagination and engage them in the construction of the story’s meaning .More interesting, they make them feel more than they understand the emotional state of the characters, which is left beneath the surface of things, as does Hemingway in his story “Up in Michigan.” Keywords: imagery – influence − literary minimalism – omission − “Theory of Omission.” الملخص: إن أسلوب إرنست همنغواي البسيط ،المبني على