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HYDROGEOCHEMISTRY of COASTAL CARBONATE Aquifer in LUCIJA–Portorož (GULF of TRIESTE, NORTHERN ADRIATIC SEA, SLOVENIA) HIDROGEO COBISS: 1.01 Hydrogeochemistry of coastal carbonate AQuifer in Lucija–Portorož (Gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic Sea, Slovenia) Hidrogeokemija priobalnega karbonatnega vodonosnika V Luciji pri PortorožU (TRžaški zaliv, severno Jadransko morje, Slovenija) Mihael Brenčič Abstract UDC 556.34.06(497.4) Povzetek UDK 556.34.06(497.4) Mihael Brenčič: Hydrogeochemistry of coastal carbonate Mihael Brenčič: Hidrogeokemija priobalnega karbonatnega aquifer in Lucija–Portorož (Gulf of Trieste, northern Adriatic vodonosnika v Luciji pri Portorožu (Tržaški zaliv, severno Sea, Slovenia) Jadransko morje, Slovenija) The 801 m deep artesian borehole Lu-1 in Lucija near Portorož V letu 1994 je bila v Luciji pri Portorožu (JZ Slovenija) izvrtana (SW Slovenia) was drilled in 1994 on the coast. The borehole is 801 m globoka vrtina Lu-1, ki leži v neposredni bližini morja. constructed in flysch in the upper 257 m and continues in lime- Vrtina je v zgornjem delu do globine 257 m izvedena v ter- stone below that depth. The groundwater has a very distinct ciarnih flišnih kamninah, v spodnjem delu pa v paleocenskih chemistry. High concentrations of iron (10.4 mg/l), sulphide in krednih apnencih. Podzemna voda v vrtini ima zelo pester (15 mg/l), and chloride (6700 mg/l) are representative showing kemizem. Prisotne so visoke koncentracije železa (10,4 mg/l), that mixing of seawater (31%) and groundwater (69%) under sulfida (15 mg/l) in klorida (6700 mg/l), kar kaže na mešanje highly reducing conditions is present in the confined carbonate morske vode (31%) in podzemne vode (69%) pod vplivom aquifer. Groundwater flow is extensive and deep, fed by higher redukcijskih pogojev v hidrodinamsko zaprtem karbonatnem elevation precipitation to the northeast. vodonosniku. Opraviti imamo z obsežnim in globokim to- Keywords: salt-water intrusion, groundwater-seawater interac- kom podzemne vode, ki se napaja s padavinami na območju tions, groundwater discharge, confined limestone aquifer, Lu- severovzhodnega sredogorja na razdalji več kot 10 km. cija, Slovenia. Ključne besede: vdor morske vode, mešanje morske in podzemne vode, iztok podzemne vode, zaprt karbonatni vodonosnik, Lucija, Slovenija. Introduction Coastal areas are usually very densely populated and in- In coastal areas groundwater usage and seawater– dustrial activities, services, and tourist facilities are very freshwater interaction are among the key hydrogeologi- well developed. For these reasons, demand for drinking cal problems. A short overview of the problem is given water and other water usages is high. Demand is also by Todd and Mays (2005), and hydrodynamical calcu- present for geothermal water that can be used for heating lations regarding the saline–freshwater interface can be as well as for balneological uses. found in Bear (1979). For coastal karstic areas, a recent Department of Geology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva ulica 12, Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail: [email protected] Department of Hydrogeology, Geological Survey of Slovenia, Dimičeva ulica 14, Ljubljana, Slovenia Received/Prejeto: 16.04.2009 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 38/2-3, 179-196, POSTOJNA 2009 Mihael Brenčič overview is given by Fleury et al. (2007); however sev- banc et al. 2004; žumer 2004, 2008; Faganeli et al. 2005); eral review works about karstic groundwater in coastal however there is no systematic knowledge about the hy- areas can be found elsewhere (e.g. Breznik 1998; Cala- drogeology of the wider Slovene coastal area. forra 2004; Tulipano et al. 2005; Breznik & Steinman Drinking water supply problems are profound in 2008). Karstification of carbonate rocks from the Dinaric the Slovene coastal area. For these reasons, many practi- carbonate platform along the Adriatic coast is relatively cal hydrogeological investigations have been performed deep and karstic features, especially submerged springs in the past; they were focused on drinking water supply (e.g. Kuščer 1950; Kuščer & Kuščer 1964; Bonacci 1995; and into low enthalpy geothermal groundwater usage. Fistanić 2006) and caves (e.g. Vrhovec et al. 2001; Surić Many boreholes and wells were constructed and hydro- et al. 2007) can be found below the present sea level. To- geology data obtained. Unfortunately, they are mainly day they can be found from the Gulf of Trieste in North not systematized or published. The aim of this article is Italy to the coasts of Albania in the south (Breznik 1973). to present hydrogeochemical characteristics and hydro- Groundwater discharges into the Slovene littoral zone geological interpretations of the groundwater flow cap- are not well known. Carbonates outcrop only in the area tured in the borehole Lu-1 positioned in the coastal car- of Izola; other parts are covered by flysch rocks (Pleničar bonate aquifer of the Slovene coast. Data from borehole et al. 1973). There are several indications that ground- Lu-1 are compared with those for groundwater sampled water flow is significant (Lapanje & Prestor 2003; Petrič in the wider Portorož (SW Slovenia) environs. et al. 2004) and that submerged springs are present (Ur- Site description Borehole Lu-1 is positioned south of Lucija, on the west- 23 m and 128 m in depth, interbeded marl and sand- ern part of the land that belongs to marine Marina Lucija stone within flysch of Eocene age is present. In the inter- (Fig. 1). The shortest distance between the borehole and val between the depths of 128 and 257 m marls are inter- the sea is 40 m and the top of the borehole tubing is at cepted; their upper part is Eocene and their lower part is 2 m a.s.l. In the near vicinity of the borehole to its north, Palaeocene age. These beds are followed by Palaeocene natural streams conducts surface water from the coastal alveoline-nummulite limestone extending to a depth of hinterland into the sea. Water in the channel is brack- 378 m. In its upper part pyrite lenses several millimetres ish with chemistry depending on the tidal conditions. in thickness are present. In the interval between 378 and South of the borehole, abandoned saltpans at Fazan are 381 m clay with coal is found (Fig. 2). In the same beds, present. Sečovlje coal mine operated in the vicinity (Breznik Understanding the geological structure of the area is 1973; Plenčar et al. 1973). From 381 m to the final depth very important for the interpretation of regional ground- of 801 m massive upper Cretaceous limestone with dark water flow. The southwest area of Slovenia representing nearly black bituminous beds intercalated with white the maritime province is composed of Eocene flysch and sparitic layers is found. Limestone joints are filled with transitional marl overlying the rocks of the Adriatic Di- calcite and thin films of iron minerals. Below 500 m, no naric carbonate platform which spans the Upper Trias- open fissures conducting water were observed. sic to the alveoline nummulite limestone of the Middle From the surface to a depth of 244.5 m the borehole Eocene age. The area is located on the border between is cased with concrete. From 244.5 m to the final depth Istria belonging to the Dinaric foreland and Čičarija and the borehole is open without any casing. The borehole Kras that belong to the External Dinarides. Thrust faults was drilled with reverse borehole fluid circulation. Wa- are present in the area that were activated post Miocene ter in the aquifer was pushed out together with drilling due to underthrusting of Istria beneath the External Di- cuttings through the tubing with compressed air blown narides. The thrust belt strikes generally NW–SE dipping into the annulus space between tubing and casing. After toward NE. Thrust blocks consist of limestone and flysch the drilling was completed, the temperature at the casing rocks that alternate in the direction of dip (Placer 1981, mouth was 23°C and the temperature at the bottom un- 2005, 2007). der static no flow conditions was 28°C. The borehole was completed to the depth of 801 m. Groundwater hydrogeochemistry from borehole To the depth of 23 m, the borehole is drilled in Qua- Lu-1 has been interpreted considering chemical analy- ternary organic clay sediments. In the interval between ses from other boreholes, springs, and surface water in 180 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 38/2-3 – 2009 Hydrogeochemistry of coastal carbonate AQuifer in Lucija–Portorož ... Fig. 1: Geographic position of borehole Lu-1 and other sampling points from the study (geology modified after Pleničar et al.1973). the wider Portorož environs (Fig. 1). Details about the lected from borehole KA-1. In this borehole flysch ends sampling methodology are given below. Sampling was at 36 m and limestone is present until the final depth of performed in borehole D-1 near Orešje on the left bank 404 m. For the interpretation, sample PAL-1 from bore- of Drnica creek near the village of Dragonja. The bore- hole HV-1 near the Palace hotel in Portorož was avail- hole was drilled to a depth of 450 m where in the interval able. The borehole was drilled to a depth of 705 m in between 254 m and 450 m limestone is present. Samples similar lithological conditions to borehole Lu-1; however were also taken from boreholes Al-0, Al-1, and Al-2, fissures are very seldom. Samples were also taken from which are positioned southwest of Krkavče. The bore- springs in the vicinity (Fazan, Koblar) and from surface holes are drilled to depths of 140 m, 183 m, and 240 m waters (river Dragonja and creek Rokava). respectively and are positioned close to each other. Bore- holes Al-0 and Al-1 were completed in flysch rocks; in borehole Al-2 limestone starts at the depth of 158 m. On the foothill below the village of Parecag near the aban- doned inn on the southern side of the Portorož–Sečovlje road, sample PA-1 was taken from borehole MM-1; this borehole was completed at the depth of 380 m and flysch ends at 210 m.
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