Report of the Royal Commission in Regard to Rupert Max Stuart
[P.P. 80 SOUTH AUSTRALIA REPORT OF THE Royal Commission in regard to Rupert Max Stuart .Laid on the table of the Legislative Council 3rd December, 1959, and ordered to be printed 3rd December, 1959. [Estimated cost of printing (250), £114 9s. 5d.] BY AUTHORITY: W. L. HA WES, Government Printer, Adelaide 1959 Digitised by AIATSIS Library 2010 - [P.P. 80 REPORT OF THE ROYAL COMMISSION IN REGARD TO RUPERT MAX STUART To His Excellency Air Vice-Marshal Sir Robert Allingham George, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, and upon whom has been conferred the decoration of the Military Cross, Governor in and over the State of South Australia and its Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR EXCELLENCY. By a Commission under Your Excellency's hand dated 30th July, 1959, we were appointed a Royal •Commission to enquire into and report to Executive Council upon:— (1) The facts purporting to be disclosed in certain statutory declarations purporting to be made by Norman George Gieseman, Edna Gieseman and Betty Hopes all of Burpengarry in the State of Queensland, relative to the movements, actions and intentions of Rupert Max Stuart now a prisoner in Her Majesty's Gaol at Adelaide. (2) The movements of the said Rupert Max Stuart during Saturday, the 20th day of December, 1958. (3) The reasons why the said statements were not made or furnished to the Supreme Court of South Australia or to an appropriate authority before the dates when they were respectively made and furnished.
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