Serendipitous Discovery of First Two Antidepressants
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Editorial Taiwanese Journal of Psychiatry (Taipei) Vol. 28 No. 2 2014 • 67 • Serendipitous Discovery of First Two Antidepressants In this editorial, we would like to recount a useful concept in distinguishing such discoveries how serendipity played a rôle in discovering the from non-serendipitous ones. That is, sagacity is an antidepressant activity of iproniazid, fi rst mono- essential element of all discoveries. In the absence amine-oxidate inhibitor (MAOI), and imipramine, of sagacious discernment the signifi cance of an ob- prototype of tricyclic antidepressant (TCA). servation would not be recognized and a “discov- ery” would not occur. We have stressed, therefore, Defi nition of Serendipity that it is the unforeseen nature of an observation that is key in defi ning a discovery as serendipitous; The term “serendipity” was fi rst coined by the discovery of something not sought. As a solu- the British writer and historian Horace Walpole, tion, we have proposed an operational defi nition of fourth Earl of Oxford when he wrote to his friend serendipity to classify discoveries as serendipitous Sir Horace Mann, a British diplomat posted in and non-serendipitous [1, 2]. In regard to the stages Italy. Walpole found the inspiration for his neolo- of discovery we have present four patterns. The gism in a classic story, possibly of Persian origin, second pattern includes those initial serendipitous tittled The Three Princes of Serendip, describing discoveries (frequently in laboratory animals) that that three princes from Serendip (present day Sri led secondarily to non-serendipitous discoveries. Lanka) travelled by order of their father to know This category comprises many of the most impor- the world. This term appeared in print for the fi rst tant fi ndings of the decade of the 1950s, among time in a publication in 1875, when the chemist them the discovery of the antidepressive effects of and bibliophile Edward Solly responded to an ar- iproniazid and imipramine [3, 5]. ticle published anonymously some weeks before in the a journal Notes and Queries about the story Serendipity in Discovering of Walpole. Thus, serendipity as a concept in sci- Iproniazid ence traditionally has been associated with fortu- itous or accidental discoveries that are unexpected. The fi rst specifi cally antidepressant family The rôle of serendipitous discovery in the de- drugs are MAOIs, which belong to the antituber- velopment of modern psychopharmacology is of- cular hydrazide agents that had been used since ten contradictory. In many instances these differ- the early 1950s (Figure 1) [3]. In 1952, studies ences of opinion can be traced to the relative degree began at the Sea View Hospital on Staten Island, of importance that is attributed to sagacity and to New York City, on the clinical effects of ipronia- unforeseen occurrence. We have proposed in previ- zid, carried out by Irving J. Selikoff and Edward ous publications [1, 2] that while sagacity is an es- Robitzek, who observed that this drug had, com- sential element of a serendipitous discovery it is not pared to isoniazid, greater power to stimulate the 編者評論:最初兩種抗憂鬱劑的偶然發現 Francisco López-Muñoz, 沈武典, Cecilio Álamo, Ramón Cacabelos • 68 • Serendipity in Discovering Antidepressants Figure 1. Dates and key milestones in the discovery of iproniazid: from antituberculotic drugs to monoamine oxidase inhibitors. APA, American Pschiatric Association central nervous system, an effect initially inter- were pursuited as potential hypnotics or sedatives preted as a side effect [5]. Finally, Nathan S. Kline by the Swiss chemical company J. R. Geigy and colleagues (Harry P. Loomer and John C. (Figure 2). Robert Domenjoz, director of Saunders), of Rockland State Hospital, were the Pharmacology Section of Geigy, encouraged his fi rst psychiatrists to assess the effi cacy of ipronia- team to look into the effects of the phenothiazines, zid, marketed as an antitubercular agent, under the because no important application had been found trade name Marsilid®, in non-tuberculotic de- at that time, in the hope of their being useful as pressed patients (chronic psychotic depression). sedatives [4]. In 1952, Deniker and Delay as well For their study, they recruited 17 highly inhibited as Hamon et al. had made an important discovery subjects with severe schizophrenia and 7 with de- while testing chlorpromazine, at the Saint-Anne pression. Their results showed that iproniazid has University Hospital as well as Val de Grâce a stimulant effect on depressed patients, and that Military Hospital in Paris, respectively [8-10]. 70% of the patients who received iproniazid im- These fi ndings intensifi ed the search for substanc- prove substantially (in lifted mood, weight gain, es with similar properties. The result was that better interpersonal capacity, increased interest in some long-forgotten antihistamines fi led away by their surroundings and themselves, etc.) [6]. In the Geigy company were dusted off, in the hope 1957, Kline published a report on iproniazid, pro- that they might prove useful in psychiatry [4, 11, posing the term “psychic energizer” to refer to the 12]. One of these substances – known internally drug’s action [7]. as G-22355 – which had been synthesized in 1948, was sent to Roland Kuhn, at the Thurgausiche Serendipity in Discovering Heil- und Pfl egeanstalt in Münsterlingen (close to Imipramine Lake Constance), Switzerland, in early 1956, to see whether it could be used as an antipsychotic The history of tricyclic and tetracyclic anti- drug [4]. The extensive clinical research that took depressants began in 1930s, when antihistamines place in 1956 at the Kantonsspital Münsterlingen, López-Muñoz F, Shen WW, Álamo C, et al. • 69 • Figure 2. Dates and key milestones in the discovery of imipramine: from antihistamines to tricyclic antidepressants. RCT, randomized contolled trial. near Basle, found that agent G-22355 lacked any appreciable neuroleptic effect. But Kuhn observed Conclusion that three patients with depressive psychosis im- proved remarkedly in their general state within The clinical introduction of psychotropic just a few weeks. Subsequently, another 37 de- drugs in the 1950s is a great medical advance of pressive patients received this drug, formally the 20th century, and the importance of the event called imipramine, thus showing its special effi - has been compared with the discovery of antibiot- cacy in treating depressive disorders [13, 14]. The ics and vaccines. Although in these early phases antidepressant effect of imipramine was, totally of psychopharmacology, serendipity played an unexpected, and its discovery was done acciden- important rôle in the discovery of many psycho- tally. But Kuhn had the sagacity to recognize an tropic drugs [16], the fi nal results of these research antidepressant drug while searching for a substi- are truly important. tuted antipsychotic drug. Drug discovery is often a multi-stage pro- Kuhn himself commented: “Chance admit- cess, and that serendipity may play a rôle in some tedly had something to do with the discovery of but not other stages [1]. In the area of psychophar- imipramine. Chance was not decisive, however... macology, purely serendipitous discoveries are to this had to be added a measure of intellectual rather rare. The majority of discovery presents a achievement that was able to “invent” something mixed pattern, a combination of serendipitous and completely new, something hitherto unknown, non-serendipitous fi nds. (The authors declare no namely a new disease... Göthe put the sense of the potential confl ict of interests.) matter in a nutshell when he wrote: “Discovery needs luck, invention, intellect – neither can do References without the other [15].” 1. Baumeister AA, Hawkins MF, López-Muñoz F: Toward standardized usage of the word serendipity in the historiography of psychopharmacology. 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