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Unit 6 Session 2 – The Was Built

BIBLE PASSAGE: Exodus 35:4-40:38 MAIN POINT: God told His people to build the tabernacle so He could dwell with them. KEY PASSAGE: Leviticus 11:45 BIG PICTURE QUESTION: Who can keep God’s Law? No one can keep God’s law perfectly except Jesus.


1) PRAY.

2) READ THE VERSES: Exodus 35:4-40:38

Leviticus 11:45 I am the Lord, who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore, be holy, because I am holy.

As you teach kids about the building of the tabernacle, show them God’s desire to be with His people. Emphasize that Jesus was God’s plan to bring people back to Himself.

3) WATCH THE VIDEO Bible story video: https://vimeo.com/267359643 Discussion Starter Video: https://vimeo.com/267359732

Optional Songs: https://vimeo.com/267356684 https://vimeo.com/267356542


ACTIVITY: Follow Instructions Split into 2-4 groups. Provide each group with the instructions for building a contraption using the building supplies provided. Tell each team to form a tight huddle so the other team cannot see what they are building. Each team has the same supplies and instructions. After a few moments, invite teams to display their creation. Same supplies/instructions, do the creations look the same?! Did they follow each instruction? Did they find the instructions specific or vague? Did they find it difficult to follow the instructions? Say: God’s people were given specific instructions and a variety of different supplies like you were. God even gave them skills to make the tabernacle just right. We’ll find out more about it in the Bible story.


ACTIVITY: Key Passage Provide Bibles for kids to find and read Leviticus 11:45. I am the Lord, who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy. Sing the key passage to the tune of “Frere Jacques?” Also known as “Are you sleeping?” (we will sing it every week during this unit) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXI7KEUbSxM

They should have learned this song last week. This week you can add hand motions to the song

Frère Jacques – I am the Lord (point upward) Frère Jacques – Who brought you up (Hold up left palm and walk to fingers across) Dormez-vous? – Out of Egypt (continue fingers walking) Dormez-vous? – To be your God (lift arms up or out in worship) Sonnez les matines – The-ere-fore be holy (point in front of you or to other kids or the leader) Sonnez les matines – Becau-ause I am holy (point upward) Ding, ding, dong – Levi-ti-cus (hold hands together palms up like a book) Ding, ding, dong – Eleven-Forty-Five (continue book hands)

Say: Holy means “set apart.” God is holy, or set apart from us, in many ways. He is timeless. He has no beginning and no end. He can be in all places at once. He is all-powerful. He is completely independent from all created things. God always does what is perfectly right. He always says what is perfectly true. God is incredible! Who can keep God’s law? No one can keep God’s law perfectly except Jesus. Our sin, or disobedience of God’s laws, separates us from God. God told His people to build the tabernacle so He could dwell with them. God loves to be with His people!

ACTIVITY: Count your cards There will be cards fixed face-down on the white board. Divide kids into 2 teams. Player from the first team rolls a die. He counts that number from the top left card across the row to the right. Player will take the card down and read the statement aloud. Player’s team identifies the statement as true or false (and if false, they must correct the statement to make it true). If the correct response is given, the team keeps the card. If the response is incorrect, player replaces the card facedown. Player from the second team repeats the process, counting from the card which was turned over - moving horizontally OR vertically (only the very first move of the game has to be horizontal). Play continues in this manner. When all cards have been collected or time is up, the team with the most cards wins the game. True/False statements are listed at the end of this summary.

ACTIVITY: Pop-see-ko A twist on ‘following instructions/hand motions game’. Watch this video until you get the idea: https://vimeo.com/135767485 Write the following on the board to help kids who might forget: HEY WHAT FOR WHAT POP WHAT My hands are high my feet are low and this is how I Pop See Ko Gather kids in a circle. Demonstrate Pop See Ko with your assistant, then move to the first child next to you in the circle. It will start bumpy but you will all get the hang of it and then it will be fun! LEADER STUDENT (go around circle) EVERYONE 1 Hey NAME Hey what? 2 Are you ready For what? 3 To pop Pop what? My hands are high, my feet are low and this is how I pop see ko (doing action when saying "this is how I 4 Pop See Ko! pop see ko) His/Her hands are high, his 5 feet are low (repeating action) and this how he/she pop se kos! Po 6 See-Ko, Pop Pop-See-Ko Then start over with next child

ACTIVITY: Draw what I say Divide the kids up into pairs. Give each pair a pencil/crayon/marker and two pieces of paper. One person from each group should come to you to get the first item to be drawn. They will then go back and explain to their partner how to draw the item without telling them what the item is. For example. You tell the instruction givers the item is a car. They tell their partner to draw a rectangle and to put two circles at the bottom of the rectangle. Or they may be more detailed and say draw a circle, now draw another one, now draw a line between them, etc). They should only give oral instructions, no pointing or motions. Discuss: Take turns showing each pairs drawing of the same item. Discuss how they all look different and it was difficult probably. Ask the kids how they think the got it right with only instructions from ? (the two builders in charge were given wisdom and knowledge from God). Talk about how we can ask God for the same to help us get things right in our lives.



1) Hello! Welcome back! 2) Opening Activity 3) Review Do you remember last week when we talked about the ? God gave us rules to help us know how to love Him and others. God’s rules showed us how holy God is and how sinful we are. Today’s Bible story is called “The Tabernacle Was Built.” You see, the Israelites were traveling through the desert on their way to the promised land. They followed the cloud of God’s presence in the day time and a pillar of fire in the night time. But God’s people needed a place where they could meet with Him to worship Him, and later they needed a place where they could offer offerings to say they were sorry for their sins.

4) Big Picture Do you remember our big picture question from last week? Who can obey God’s law? No one can obey God’s law perfectly except Jesus. God is holy, and He commands His people to be holy. The tabernacle was going to be a special place where holy God could meet with His people. Since it was a place where God’s presence would dwell, He had some very specific instructions about how to build it!

5) Pray 6) Watch the video

7) Discuss the story God told His people to build the tabernacle so He could dwell with them. God gave them specific instructions and told them to build the tabernacle just as He had told them. They did! The people built the tabernacle just like God had described it to Moses. Not only that, but the people were happy to give special gifts to Moses and the priests for the tabernacle to be a place of beauty too! God desires to be with His people. As part of His plan of salvation, God sent Jesus to “tabernacle,” or dwell with people on earth. Ask the following review questions: • What did God want the Israelites to build? (a tabernacle, Ex. 35:10-11) • What were some of the materials needed to build the tabernacle? (gold, silver, and bronze; blue, purple, and scarlet yarn; fine linen and goat hair; animals skins; wood; oil; spices; and gemstones; Ex. 35:5-9) • Whom did God give special skills for building the tabernacle? ( and Oholiab, Ex. 36:1) • What did God give Bezalel and Oholiab? (He gave them special skills for building and creating, Ex. 35:30-35) • What did God command Moses to do to the tabernacle once it was finished? (anoint it with oil, Ex. 40:9) • What were the Israelites supposed to do about the cloud of God’s presence when it rested or lifted from the tabernacle? (Follow the cloud wherever it guided them, Ex. 40:36) • We don’t have a cloud to follow, how do we know what God wants us to do? (The Bible/Jesus is our example)

8) Activities (choose from above) True/False statements: • God used a pen to write the ten commandments (false, His finger) • Noah brought down 10 rules from God for the Israelites (false, Moses) • The first four commandments relate to how we should love God (true) • The last 7 commandments relate to how we should love others (false, 6) • The tabernacle is where Moses lives (false, God) • God told the Israelites to build the tabernacle however they wanted (false, he gave specific instructions) • The is empty inside (false, 10 commandments are inside) • The ark of the covenant can be accessed only by special priests (true) • The ark of the covenant is in a museum in London now (false, no one can find it) • The tabernacle’s purpose is so that God may dwell among His people (true) • The tabernacle was paid for by God (false, everyone contributed) • The tabernacle had 10 curtains (true) • God sent the ark down the mountain with Moses (false, it was made by the Israelites to God’s specifications) • Moses anointed Aaron to be a priest (true) • Aaron’s daughters were anointed to be priests with him (false, sons) • To anoint someone, you dedicate them to the service of God by rubbing dirt on their forhead (false, oil) • God led the Israelites using big arrows pointing the way (false, a cloud). • We don’t need the tabernacle now because we have Paul (false, Jesus) • “dwell” means a dry well (false, live among/with) • God gave Phineas and Ferb special skills for building the tabernacle (false, Bezalel and Oholiab) • The tabernacle is a really big tent that the Israelites could take with them (true) • They used gold, silver and bronze to build parts of the tabernacle (true) • They used goat hair to build parts of the tabernacle (true) • The Israelites didn’t provide enough of an offering to build the tabernacle (false, there was so much that Moses had to tell them to stop)