Department Celebration Honors 1,000 Graduates 2
loamaHsn DapaibMnt 2Mi amhrsnanf sdMion the Sundial CAUFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, NORTHRUME SPiOIAL EDITION JOURNALISM ANNIVERSARY, FRIDAV, NOVEMBER 4. 1S03 Department celebration honors 1,000 graduates This anniversary edition of the Daily Sundial honors all of the students who made this celebration possible, the thousands of students who attended journalism classes during the past 25 years. Part <A the university's 2Sth anniversary festivities as well, this issue highlights the achievements of the Sundial,- KCSN-FM, Scene magazine and all departmental organizations and honor societies. Photographs found in an old fdde^ rqxoductions of Sundial pages kept in bound volmnes, lists Ol award winners and letters of reminisoenoe written by representatives oS different time periods obviously are (Hily part of a larger story. In addition to any names published here, every graduate can recall another dozen students who assisted with a departmental ivoduction or excelled in <jlhe classroom. Also not forgotten are all of the professors, including the many devoted part-time instructors, who gave their time to insure success of student the same can be said for the staff, whether they worked in the department office, Sundial advertising, KCSN-FM or in a production capacity. But this primarily is a testimonial to the department's graduates, all 1,000 of them, no matter where they are or what they have achieved.* Our evolution from a one-person depulment to one of the larynt and most successful in the region is traced here through the photos, okl headlines and lists of facts and figures. This profile of growth, as interesting as it is, can be taken for granted.
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