WIPO MAGAZINE October 2015 / No

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WIPO MAGAZINE October 2015 / No OCTOBER WIPO 2015 MAGAZINE No. 5 Harnessing the power of the First impressions of the Publishing in the UAE: private sector: An interview “dot.anything” world an insider’s perspective with Francis Gurry p. 2 p. 14 p. 28 How cities benefit from helping the music industry grow p. 36 Keep connected through the WIPO Wire The WIPO Wire newsletter offers a quick round-up of WIPO’s news, resources, features and videos straight to your inbox every two weeks. Available in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian or Spanish Sign up at www.wipo.int/newsletters/en/World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO Wire September 17, 2015 Global Innovation Index 2015 Launched: Switzerland, UK and Sweden Top The Rankings The Global Innovation Index (GII) 2015 - launched in London today - showed Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Sweden, the Netherlands and the US leading the world’s most innovative nations. WIPO Director General Francis Gurry and Baroness Neville-Rolfe, UK Minister for Intellectual Property, briefed the press together with report authors ahead of a panel discussion. Innovation Leaders By Region WIPO MAGAZINE October 2015 / No. 5 Table of Contents 2 Harnessing the power of the private sector: Editor: Catherine Jewell An interview with Francis Gurry 6 Global Innovation Index 2015: Effective Innovation Policies for Development 10 Micromax, Madrid, and the 1.25 millionth international trademark 14 First impressions of the “dot.anything” world 20 Africa’s innovators are open for business 24 Mining innovation 28 Publishing in the UAE: an insider’s perspective 32 In the Courts Blurred Lines: The difference between inspiration and appropriation 36 How cities benefit from helping the music industry grow 40 Delivering online IP services in Moldova Cover images: Left to right: iStock.com/Diyana Dimitrova; Jess3; Kalimat Publishing Main image: DustinRabin.com Acknowledgements: 10 Matthew Forno and Benoît Apercé, Madrid Registry, WIPO 14 Brian Beckham, WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center, WIPO © World Intellectual 32 Paolo Lanteri, Copyright Law Division, WIPO Property Organization 2 October 2015 Harnessing the power of the private sector: An interview with Francis Gurry WIPO Director General Francis Gurry believes that closer engagement with the private sector, through public- private partnerships offers an opportunity for the Organization to boost its capacity to advance agreed public policy goals. Mr. Gurry explains the relevance of these partnerships to WIPO and discusses the opportunities and challenges they present. There is strong interest in public-private partnerships at the moment. Why is that? We have seen a general trend over the past 25 years towards the privatization of public functions and utilities, which means the size of the private sector has grown. On Photo: WIPO/E. Berrod top of this, spare capital in the public sector has dried up as governments grapple with austerity measures following the global financial crisis. Today we see that spare capital now lies mainly in private sector hands. For example, in 2012, the budget for the United Nations (UN) system as a whole amounted to USD40 billion. In the same year, private giving in the United States alone amounted to some USD320 billion. It is therefore desirable to find a way to harness some of that capital to fund public programs. Public-private partnerships can be very effective vehicles for implementing policies agreed by our member states. For example, the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired of Otherwise Print Disabled seeks to address the famine in accessible-format books by establishing the legal framework for such works to move more freely around the world. But while the Treaty creates the pos- sibility of cross border exchange of these books, it does not actually move them. To help make that happen – in line with the agreed policy objective of WIPO member states – we formed a public-private partnership, namely the Accessible Books Consortium (ABC), which in fact evolved from the WIPO Stakeholders’ Platform estab- lished by member states in 2009. How are WIPO’s public-private partnerships managed? I want to underline that that public-private partnerships are not a vehicle for establishing intellectual property (IP) WIPO MAGAZINE 3 laws or policies. WIPO’s normative program remains the visual impairment. It is getting considerable buy-in from prerogative of member states, and member states alone. stakeholders. It is a purely public function. To meet its aim of increasing the number of books avail- Public-private partnership initiatives at WIPO are carefully able in accessible formats worldwide, the ABC does three managed in line with the Organizations principles of good things. First, it acts as a cross-border book exchange, governance. They feature in our Program and Budget enabling participating libraries to download for free proposals, which are reviewed and adopted by member books that have already been produced in accessible for- states, and like any other program activity, they are subject mats by other participating libraries. Until the Marrakesh to rigorous oversight, audit and reporting requirements. Treaty enters into force (when 20 countries ratify it) the ABC is responsible for clearing rights with the relevant They must also have a practical mechanism, a committee rights-holders to permit accessible format books to move or a board made up of stakeholder representatives, to across borders. guide the operations of the partnership. Secondly, the ABC builds up the technical skills and Can you describe examples of WIPO’s successful institutions that developing countries need so they can involvement in public-private partnerships? themselves produce and distribute more books in acces- sible formats to people who need them. WIPO Re:Search and the Accessible Books Consortium are two of our most prominent public-private partnerships. Finally, through its Accessible Publishing activities, the ABC is encouraging publishers to ensure that every The very successful WIPO Re:Search partnership time they publish a work, it is produced in formats that was established, broadly speaking, to address the are accessible both to sighted people and to those with acceleration of drug discovery for neglected tropical visual impairments. diseases, malaria and tuberculosis. It is not concerned with the delivery of health services, but is very much WIPO GREEN [see box] is yet another interesting upstream in the research, development and commer- public-private partnership. It aims is to support the cialization spectrum. market in eco-friendly and clean energy technologies by increasing transparency and enabling actors to come WIPO Re:Search enables participants to share their IP together more easily. assets among themselves to advance research into neglected tropical diseases, malaria and tuberculosis. What would you say are the main lessons from It is designed to address a deficit in research and devel- WIPO’s experience so far? opment (R&D) funding in these diseases which particularly affect the poorest populations of the world. These popu- We are still learning about public-private partnerships, lations have no purchasing power so the ordinary market but it is very important to implement them gradually incentives for investment in R&D and product development and to establish very clear objectives. All relevant stake- do not exist. There is no market for these products but holders need to be on board and to participate in shaping there is a very real health need, making it a classic case operations. And that takes time. for public intervention. Consultation and reporting are also extremely important. The Japanese pharmaceutical company Takeda recently We endeavor to ensure member states are fully on board joined the WIPO Re:Search Consortium increasing its and understand the nature of each partnership. In addition membership to 98. Ninety-four research collabora- to keeping member states informed through our usual, tions have also been concluded between participating established institutional reporting mechanisms, we also institutions to date. We are very grateful to our partner, report on progress through the dedicated website of each BIOVentures for Global Health (BVGH), which facilitates partnership and through the main WIPO website. these collaborations [see box]. What new partnerships are in the pipeline? Similarly, the ABC brings together all relevant stake- holders: authors; rights-holder organizations (collective There are no specific plans at the moment. It depends on management organizations) for authors and publishers; the opportunities that present themselves, but we have publishers; libraries; the World Blind Union; and the to proceed gradually and carefully to ensure that any Daisy Consortium, an umbrella organization which is new partnerships pursue objectives that are agreed by working to create technical solutions for people with member states. At present, we are consolidating existing → 4 October 2015 Photo: WIPO Photo: iStock.com/Diyana Dimitrova Photo: IStock.com/Haykirdi About the Accessible About WIPO GREEN About WIPO Re:Search Books Consortium WIPO GREEN is an interactive mar- WIPO Re:Search catalyzes the develop- (ABC) ketplace that promotes innovation ment of medical products for neglected and diffusion of green technologies. tropical diseases, malaria and tuber- Launched in June 2014, the ABC aims Launched in 2013, it consists of an on- culosis through innovative research to increase
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