
1 : An Introduction

1. For the patterns of housing and the distinctive ways of life developed around the textile industry in the Nord in the nineteenth century, see Hilden (1986). 2. Not women, who did not achieve political rights in France until 1944. 3. For the move away of the population, especially the male population, from church-going, see Dupeux (1976, pp. 168, 186--7). 4. For a discussion of women and the Republic see Sian Reynolds, ''s Citizens', in Reynolds (1986).

2 The Constitutional FriUilework

I. The concept of a loyal opposition, with recognised leaders who may even draw an official salary, and who take their places on state occasions as part of the formal constitutional structure, remains unknown in France. 2. The major biography has been translated into English: Lacouture (1990, 1991). For a brief, vivid pen portrait, see Wright (1989). 3. A resolution which would start the amendment procedure was approved by 408 votes to 165 in May 1958. 4. Rene Remond, 'La creation du systeme', in Duhamel and Parodi (1985). 5. Debre began his career with degrees in law and political science, and in 1935 joined the elite civil service corps of the Council of State, the main governmental legal advisory body. He distinguished himself in the Resistance, and in 1945 was brought back from a post as governmental representative in the provinces to undertake a major programme of administrative reform. A committed Gaullist, he became a senator and was a fierce critic of the political and constitutional system of the Fourth Republic. 6. They were the Socialist Guy Mollet, the Christian Democrat , Felix Houphouet-Boigny representing the parties of the French territories in Africa, and Louis Jacquinot, an independent. Mollet had been prime minister from january 1956 to May 1957 and Pflimlin had briefly held that office during the closing days of the Fourth Republic, from 13 to 28 May 1958.

332 Notes 333

7. George Ross, 'Adieu vieilles idees: the middle strata and the decline of Resistance-Liberation Left discourse. in France', in Howorth and Ross (1986, pp. 57-83). 8. See Dreyfus and D' Arcy ( 1993, p. 158) on freedom of association. 9. Abraham Lincoln at the dedication of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, 19 November 1863. 10. A similar provision appears in the Basic Law of (formerly West) Germany of 1949. II. The procedure- provided for by Article 85- was used once, in 1960. 12. One of the ministers at the time, Pierre Sudreau, resigned because in his view the government was acting unconstitutionally. 13. Quermonne (1980, p. 65), quoting Noel (1976, p. 223). 14. See Debre's speech to the Conseil d'Etat on 27 August 1958, printed in Quermonne ( 1980, p. 621). 15. Williams (1972, p. 438). See ch. 30 for a brilliant discussion of the IV Republican 'system' against which the framers of the V Republic were reacting. 16. France Observateur (7 August 1958), quoted in Claude Emeri, 'Les deconvenues de Ia doctrine', in Duhamel and Parodi (1985, p. 80). 17. Candidates for election must nowadays, since the Organic Law of 1976, be nominated by 500 sponsors, who must be elected mayors of commu­ nes, elected members of the council of a dipartement, members of the Economic and Social Council, or members of Parliament. They must come from at least thirty different dipartements or overseas territories. 18. Odile Rudelle, 'Le general de Gaulle et !'election directe du president de Ia Republique', in Duhamel and Parodi ( 1985, p. 117). 19. See Fran~ois Goguel, 'Introduction', in Duhamel and Parodi (1985, p. 130). 20. A list of all the members of the Council from 1959 to 1992, with brief biographical details is given in Avril and Gicquel (1992, pp. 148-52). 21. Figures from Loic Philip, 'Bilan et effets de Ia Saisine du Conseil Constitutionell', in Duhamel and Parodi (1985). 22. Of the 45 referrals by members of Parliament between 1974 and 1981 all but one arose from members of the opposition. The exception was the referral of the law on abortion in 1975. In 1976 the finance bill was referred simultaneously by the opposition, the majority and the prime minister. See Avril and Gicquel (1992, p. 63) .

3 The Presidency

I. Quoted in The Guardian Weekend, 6 May 1995, p. 13. 2. President Mitterrand, speech of 13 June 1990, quoted in Maus (1991, p. 40). 3. Quoted in Quermonne (1980, p. 176). 4. Quermonne (1980, p. 195) gives examples of a number of important issues on which de Gaulle and Giscard d'Estaing sought the views of each minister in turn. See also Giroud ( 1977, pp. 26-43). Schifres and Sarazin ( 1985, p. 194) say that President Mitterrand never did this. 334 Notes

5. The photograph published as Plate 33 in Horne (1977) shows young servicemen listening to the radio broadcast. 6. De Gaulle made eight such broadcasts in 1960 and six in 1961 as a result of the turbulence in . In 1962, which saw not only Algerian independence but also the referendum on the constitution, he made eleven, whilst the student disturbances of 1968 produced seven broad­ casts. See Andre Passeron (Le Monde, 12 septembre 1991). 7. The President never appears before Parliament and there is no regular or formal equivalent of the Queen's speech or the State of the Union address. Compared with the United Kingdom, Parliament in France is much less able to insist on being told about important policy initiatives ahead of the press or on statements about major events being made to them. Consequently news of policy developments is often conveyed initally through the media. 8. M . Harrison, 'The President, Cultural Politics and Media Policy', in Hayward (1993). 9. The phrase was used by Massot (1987) as a chapter heading. See Anne Stevens, 'The Presidential Staff', in Hayward (1993). 10. In many ways Foccart and his secretariat operated as if they were an autonomous ministry, rather than a branch of an exective office. In 1974 the separate status of the secretariat was abolished, although African affairs have always had a somewhat individual position within the Elysee. II. Jolyon Howorth, 'The President's Special Role in Foreign and Defence Policy', in Hayward (1993). See also Howorth (1991, pp. 3-16). 12. Not to be confused with the Secretary General of the Government, a senior official based in the Prime Minister's department with responsi­ bilities not dissimilar from those of the British Cabinet Secretary. 13. Giesbert (1990, p.l39). See also Favier and Martin-Roland (1990, p. 433) . 14. Etienne Burin des Roziers in Pilleul (1979, p. 225). Interviews with former members of President Giscard's staff and with former ministerial cabinet members (, September 1991). 15. The incumbents have all been male, although there has been a female deputy secretary-general. 16. Portelli (1987, pp. 114-15) and L. Hamon, 'Du Referendum a Ia Democratie Continue', in Duhamel and Parodi (1985, pp. 504-21). l 7. Quoted in Quermonne ( 1980, p. 181) .

4 The Governmental Machine

I. Quoted in Quermonne (1980, p. 637). 2. In the 1988 Rocard government the Minister for the Civil Service, Michel Durafour, was a full cabinet minister, a status that has con­ tinued, reflecting the priority given to administrative reform and modernisation and also, under Balladur and Juppe, to reducing public spending. Notes 335

3. Jean Massot, 'Le President de Ia Republique et le Premier Ministre', in Chagnollaud (1991, p. 26). 4. Volkmar Lauber, 'Economic Policy', in McCarthy (1987). 5. In 's 1986 government there were 43 ministers, in May 1988 's government contained 49, and in Edith Cresson's 1991 government there were 45 (not including the prime minister). 6. Thus in 1991 such a title was held by Jean-Pierre Soisson, the leading non-Socialist minister in the Council of Ministers, no doubt to mark the government's desire to extend its support towards the political centre that Soisson represented. AlainJuppe did not use the title in either of his 1995 governments. 7. This pattern again contrasts with that of the United Kingdom. The number of ministers and junior ministers in the United Kingdom, at around 100, is approximately twice that in France. Partly, but not entirely, because of the need to have a spokesman in the House of Lords - French ministers can freely attend and speak, but not vote, in both houses of Parliament - most UK Cabinet ministers have a team of at least three or four junior ministers attached to them. 8. It is hard to believe that the existence of the President's mistress (housed for some of the time in official accommodation) and a daughter would have gone unremarked, or at least unreported, through two election campaigns and some thirteen years in office in most western countries. 9. In Hayward 1993 p. 216 10. Figures from Fournier (1987, p. 109). 11. Pascal Lamy, head of the cabinet ofJacques Delors during his time as President of the Commission of the European Communities, observed the difficulties of his compatriots in this respect: interview in Esprit, no. 10 October 1991, p. 70 cited in Pierre Muller, 'Le modele fran~ais de !'administration face a Ia constitution d'un espace public europeen' (Muller, 1992, p. 23 ).

5 The Ac:bninistrative System. in France

I. Daniele Lochak 'Les hauts fonctionnaires et l'alternance: quelle politi­ sation?' in Muller (1992, p. 47). 2. Stephen E. Bornstein, 'The Politics of Scandal', in Hall, Hayward and Machin (1994, p. 270). 3. All the midiateurs up to the present have been male. 4. Jack Hayward, 'Mobilising Private Interests in the Service of French Policy Style?', in Richardson (1982). 5. Margaret Sharp and Peter Holmes 'The State: Captor or Captive?', in Sharp and Holmes (1989, p. 10). 6. Ke vin Morgan, 'Telecom Strategies in Britain and France: The Scope and Limits of Neo-liberalism and Dirigisme', in Sharp and Holmes (1989, p. 54). 7. L'Express, 8-14 December 1989. 336 Notes

6 Local Govermnent

I. These consortia take the form of intercommunal agreements. There are also 153 ( 1985) districts and nine ( 1985) communautes urbaines, essentially devised for large urban areas where the multiplicity of communes posed particular difficulties, which provided for joint operation of a number of services, for example the fire service, infrastructure development and town planning. Communautes urbaines were imposed upon , Lille, and Strasbourg by law in 1966. 2. There are also four overseas departements: Guadeloupe, Martinique and French Guyana in the Caribbean, and Reunion in the Indian Ocean. 3. Sonia Mazey, 'Decentralisation: La Grande Affaire du Septennat', in Mazey and Newman (1987, p. 123), see also Schmidt (1991, pp. 365-7). 4. Howard Machin, 'The Traditional Structures of Local Government in France', in Lagroye and Wright (1979). 5. Catherine Gremion, 'Que reste-t-il des administrations deconcentrees?', in Muller (1992, p. 189).

7 Parlia~nent

I. This penalty was quite widely used immediately after the war, as part of the punishment of those who had collaborated with the enemy occupa­ tion. 2. During the three weeks of the official campaign candidates may only display posters - of a uniform and rather small size - on the official noticeboards provided. 3. 68 out of491 in 1978, 156 out of491 in 1981 and 120 out of577 in 1988. None in 1986 because of the use of proportional representation: Dreyfus and D'Arcy (1993, p. 83). 4. The system used was the 'highest average' system, with the elimination of lists achieving less than 5 per cent of the vote. 5. The number has increased by two in each of the three renewals of 1983, 1986 and 1989, the extra members being additional representatives of French citizens living abroad. As in the National Assembly, there is a replacement system rather than by-elections. 6. 28 out of491 in 1981,33 out of577 in 1986, 33 out of577 in 1988 and 32 out of 577 in 1993. 7. This concern is understandable. Although the holder of multiple offices was entitled to draw only half pay for some of them, Schmidt reports that in 1985 Jean Lecanuet was drawing some 61500 francs (over £6000) a month from the combined tasks of member of the European Parliament, senator, regional councillor, president of the conseil general of the Seine Maritime and mayor of Rouen. The average basic salary of a senator or depute was then about 33 000 frances a month: Schmidt ( 1991, p. 147). 8. Giscard d'Estaing was the second depute to give up his seat for this reason. Alain Carignan, mayor of Grenoble and a former Gaullist Notes 337

minister had resigned his seat in 1988 to concentrate on the affairs of Grenoble. Two other deputes gave up their European Parliament seats at the same time. 9. For example, by Ashford (1982). 10. I am much indebted to Maus, 'Parliament in the Fifth Republic', in Godt ( 1989) for the ideas and information in this section. II. The procedure may be used more than once during the passage of a bill. Thus the budget for 1990 required the use of the procedure five separate times in the autumn of 1989. Motions of censure were tabled and voted on on the first two occasions. 12. This disqualification does not apply in the cases where a motion of censure is proposed when the government has used the provision of the constitution's Article 49, paragraph 3 to make a law an issue of confidence. 13. The information in this paragraph is taken from LeMen (1984). 14. Personal communication. 15. I am much indebted to Christian Lequesne (1993, ch. 6) for the information and ideas in this section.

8 The Nature of Party Politics iD France

I. See Duverger (1964, Book 2, ch. I) for a classic statement of the contrasts. 2. Byron Criddle, 'France: Parties in a Presidential System', in Ware (1987, p. 137-8). 3. John Gaffney, 'The Emergence of a Presidential Party: The ', in Coie (1990, p. 63). 4. Robert Poujade, quoted in Charlot (1971, p. 67). 5. Translated, by Monica Charlot and Marianne Neighbour, in Charlot (1970, p. 168). 6. Andrew Knapp, 'Un parti comme les autres: Jacques Chirac and the Rally for the Republic', in Cole (1990, p. 140). 7. This phrase, translated from Pascal Perrineau, is quoted by Martin Schain in 'Toward a Centrist Democracy? The Fate of the French Right', in Hollifield and Ross ( 1991, p. 79) . 8. Alistair Cole, 'The Union for French Democracy', in Cole ( 1990, p. 120), following Rene Remond's classic formulation in Remond (1982). 9. See Yves Meny, 'The Reconstruction and Deconstruction of the French Party System', in Flynn (1995) and Knapp (1994) for the argument that in this respect the is now no different from most of the others. 10. Meny 'Reconstruction', p. 191. II. The member then elected subsequently left the party, but another member of the party was returned to Parliament in one of France's rare parliamentary by-elections, at Dreux in December 1989. 12. Meny 'Reconstruction', pp. 182- 7. 13. Meny 'Reconstruction', p. 184. 338 Notes

9 Parties, Voters and Elections

I. FrankL. Wilson, 'The Evolution ofthe Party System', in Godt (1989, p. 58). 2. Howard Machin, 'Changing Patterns of Party Competitition', in Hall, Hayward and Machin (1994, p. 41). 3. Wilson, 'The Evolution of the Party System', p. 67. 4. Bell and Criddle (1988, p. 213, 215-16) for most of these details. 5. John Gaffney, 'The Emergence of a Presidential Party: The Socialist Party', in Cole (1990, p. 62). 6. For this paragraph, see Bell and Criddle (1988, pp. 197-209). 7. Thus in 1967 only 8 per cent of regular churchgoers voted Socialist, whilst in 1988 16 per cent did so. Since the proportion of the electorate who were regular churchgoers had in this period declined from 25 to 14 per cent the gain was not large in absolute terms: Frears (1991, p. 81). 8. Machin, 'Changing Patterns', p. 51. 9. Machin, 'Changing Patterns', p. 51. 10. Gaffney, 'The Emergence of a Presidential Party', p. 66. II. This section owes much to the unpublished paper presented to the Political Studies Association Conference of 1995 by David Bell and Byron Criddle on 'The "crisis" of , the French case' and to Peter Holmes 'France: Economy', in Europa rearbook Western ( 1993). 12. Gerard Grunberg, 'Que reste-t-il du parti d'Epinay?', in Habert et al. (1993, p. 214) 13. Daniel Boy, 'Ecologistes; Retour sur terre', in Habert et al. (1993, p. 179) 14. These paragraphs are largely drawn from Frears (1991, ch. 9), Hains­ worth, 'Breaking the Mould', Hainsworth, 'France', in Lodge (1990). 15. H. Machin and A. Guyomarch, '199Q-1994', in Hall, Hayward and Machin (1994, p. 304). 16. Pascal Perrineau, 'Le Front National: Le force solitaire', in Habert et al. (1993, p. 144). 17. Perrineau, 'Le Front National' p. 152. 18. See Le Monde 14 September 1995, for the refusal of consultancy and accountancy firms in France to accept the newly elected FN town councils as clients, because it would put them beyond the pale in the eyes of all their other clients.

10 The State and Civil Society: Pressure and Interest Groups

I. Peter Hall, 'Pluralism and Pressure Politics', in Hall, Hayward and Machin (1994, p. 79). 2. Mouriaux ( 1994, p. 108) says that in 1993 about 8 per cent of the workforce was unionised. In 1989 he was quoted (Headlam, 1989, p. 32) as estimating 9 to II per cent unionisation. 3. Reported in Headlam (1989, p. 33). Notes 339

4. A minority section of the CFTC retained its church links, and the old name, but remained a very small group. 5. Suzanne Berger, 'The Socialists and the Patronat: the dilemmas of coexistence in a mixed economy', in Machin and Wright (1985, pp. 231-2). 6. Sian Reynolds, 'The French Ministry of Women's Rights 1981-86: Modernisation or Marginalisation?', in Gaffney (1988, pp. 149-69); see also Reynolds (1988). 7. Wilson ( 1987, p. 242) likens it to clientilism as found in Italy. 8. The phrase is from Bauer and Cohen (1981). 9. See Wilson (1987, pp. 244fl) for a good explanation of why not. 10. For an extensive discussion of the resources available to groups which may determine the role they can play, see Wright (1989, pp. 279-89). II. Reynolds, 'The French Ministry ofWomen's Rights', p. 150. 12. Reynolds, 'The French Ministry of Women's Rights', p. 159. 13. Reynolds, 'The French Ministry of Women's Rights', p. 159. 14. Howard Machin, 'Changing Patterns of Party Composition', in Hall, Hayward and Machin (1994, p. 49). 15. John Eisenhammer, 'Longwy and Bagnoli: A Comparative Study of the Trade Union Response to the Steel Crisis in France and Italy', in Meny and Wright (1987, p. 609). 16. Howard Machin, 'Changing Patterns', pp. 49-50.

II France and Europe: Policy Making and Politics

I. Philippe Moreau Defarges, 'France and Europe', in Godt (1989, p. 227). 2. Stanley Hoffman, 'Mitterrand's Foreign Policy of by any other name', in Ross, Hoffman and Malzacher (1987, p. 301). 3. Jack Hayward, 'Ideological Change: The Exhaustion of the Revolu­ tionary Impetus', in Hall, Hayward and Machin (1994, p. 28). 4. This analysis echoes some of the themes suggested by Dupuy and Thoenig ( 1985) .

12 Conc:lusion

I. Stanley Hoffmann, 'Thoughts on Sovereignty and French Politics', in Flynn ( 1995, p. 258) Guide to Further Reading


Two short books in French- Charlot (1994) and Meny (1993)- condense within them the extensive knowledge and considerable insights of two of the major figures in contemporary French political science and cover the themes of many of the chapters of this book. Both assume some background familiarity with the French situation. So do Wright (1989), which is comprehensive, lively to the point of being provocative, and very clear, and Hollifield and Ross (1991) which deals with a range of political and policy themes. Morris ( 1994) provides a more basic but stimulating intro­ duction in English. Hall, Hayward and Machin (1994) and Flynn (1995), by providing up to date analysis of current developments, would enable readers to build upon the foundations which this study seeks to lay. Pouuoirs and Modern and Contemporary France are amongst the most useful periodicals.

1 France: An Introduction

Pinchemel ( 1987) and the two volumes of Braude! ( 1989, 1990) provide comprehensive and wide ranging surveys of many aspects ofFrench physical, social, economic and historical structures. Price ( 1993) is a great deal more concise. Thomson ( 1969) still provides an interesting political viewpoint on the Third Republic. Agulhon (1993), McMillan (1992) and Larkin (1988) are invaluable for the historical background of the twentieth century, and the latter two both have useful indications of further reading. For more detailed history, the eighteen volumes of the Nouvelle Histoire de la France Contemporaine, published by Seuil and becoming available in English translation through the Cambridge University Press (for example Rioux 1987) are an indispensable starting-point. Hazareesingh ( 1994) provides a detailed analysis of the intellectual and political traditions discussed in this chapter. On the Vichy period Paxton ( 1972) is the classic and still outstanding study and no book on the Fourth Republic has surpassed, or even equalled Williams (1972). Flockton and Kofman (1989) in English and Parodi (1981) in French are clear introductions to the post war economy of France. Vesperini ( 1993) is up-to-date and comprehensive, but less accessible to the non-economist. Dupeux ( 1976) covers a very broad span of social development. Bell et al. ( 1990) is an essential work of reference, for it provides a biographical sketch of many of the political leaders mentioned in this book. The regularly

340 Guide to Further Reading 341 updated editions of L'Etat de la France (Paris: La Decouverte) provide a well documented overview of many political, policy, social and economic issues.

2 The Constitutional Framework

The text of the constitution as amended to the beginning of 1995 is published in a bilingual edition in French and English by the Ministere des affaires errangeres. Maus ( 1995) provides an extensive array of supporting texts and statistics. Andrews and Hoffman ( 1981) include a useful discussion of the constitution which is comprehensively considered in Duhamel and Parodi (1985). Documentation Franr;:aise (1991) is concise. Dreyfus and D'Arcy ( 1993) and Quermonne and Chagnollaud ( 1996) provide clear descriptions of its institutional impact. Wahl ( 1959) and Debre in Andrews and Hoffman (1974) illuminate its origins. Barillon (1986) is a useful work of reference. Constitutional developments are chronicled each quarter in Pouvoirs and the Revue jranJaise de droit constitutionnel.

3 The Presidency

The institution of the presidency is comprehensively covered by Massot ( 1987). See also Pouvoirs, 41 ( 1987). The reading suggested for Chapter 2 also covers the role of the President. Hayward (1993) and Wahl and Quermonne ( 1995) are very comprehensive studies of many aspects of the presidency. Insights into the working of the Elysee are given in both these works and in Schifres and Sarazin ( 1985). On the presidents themselves, see Shennan (1993), Lacouture (1990, 1991), Roussel (1994), Giesbert (1990), the two volumes of Favier and Martin-Roland (1990, 1991), Northcutt (1993) and Cole (1994). On the Constitutional Council, see Avril and Gicquel (1993) and Stone (1992) and, on the Conseil d'Etat as well, Conseil Constitutionnel et Conseil d'Etat ( 1988).

4 The Governmental Machine

On the earlier years of the Fifth Republic see Anderson (1970), Andrews (1982) and Institut (1990). Claisse (1972}, Antoni and Antoni (1976), Long (1981) Massot (1979) and Fournier (1987) are all basic sources. Wright (1989), Godt (1989) and Chagnollaud (1991) include discussions of the themes evoked in this chapter. On cohabitation see Tuppen (1991) and Cohendet (1993).

5 The Administrative System in France

Suleiman (1974, 1978) still provides the major outline of political-adminis­ trative relationships available in English. In French see Dupuy and Thoenig (1985) and Muller (1992). De Baecque and Quermonne (1981) is a mine of 342 Guide to Further Reading information and reflects the concerns of the 1970s. On the effect of altemance, see Cerny and Schain (1985) and Lochak and Chevallier(1986).

6 Local Govermnent

There are two valuable studies of the local government system before the 1983 decentralisation laws: Lagroye and Wright (1979) and Machin (1977). Gremion ( 1976) provides a masterly and very influential study of local­ central relations. Ashford ( 1982) makes a stimulating comparative argument, while Schmidt (1990) sets a thorough study of the decentralisation reforms in a clear historical context. Ten years of regionalisation are comprehensively discussed in Loughlin and Mazey (1995). In French, Remond and Blanc ( 1989) is the standard comprehensive textbook, whilst Rondin ( 1985) takes a refreshingly sceptical view. On local politicians, see Garraud (1989).

7 Parliam.ent

The chapter on parliament in Wright (1989) is a concise and very compre­ hensive discussion. On electoral systems and elections, Cole and Campbell ( 1989) is the standard work, usefully complemented by Frears ( 1991). On the early years of the Fifth Republic, see Williams ( 1968) and, for a more recent overview, Kimmel (1991) and Camby and Servent (1994). On the , see Cluzel ( 1990).

8 The Nature of Party Politics in France and

9 Parties, Voters and Elections

The political development of the Fifth Republic is well described in most of the general works on French politics. For a lively survey of the political history of the Fifth Republic, see Portelli ( 1990). On the party system, see especially Hall, Hayward and Machin ( 1994) and Hollifield and Ross ( 1991) and also Wright (1989) Machin (1989) and Wilson in Godt (1989). Ysmal (1989, 1990) are indispensable general works and Cole (1990) contains extensive bibliographies. Charlot ( 1970) and Duhamel ( 1980) are classic studies ofGaullism and the Left, respectively, in the first decade or two of the Fifth Republic. On the Right in historical context, see Remond (1982), on the Gaullists Knapp (1994), on the Socialists Bell and Criddle (1988) and Bergonioux and Grunberg (1992), on the Communists the fascinating insider study by Jenson and Ross ( 1985) and Bell and Criddle ( 1994). On the National Front, see Mayer and Perrineau (1989), Birenbaum (1992) and Marcus (1995) and on the ecologists, see Sainteny (1991). Laughland (1994) and Meny ( 1992) are forceful denunciations of the corruption of the system. Guide to Further Reading 343

10 The State and Civil Society: Pressure and Interest Groups

Wilson (1987) is a comprehensive study. On the trade unions, see Mouriaux and Bibes (1990), Noblecourt (1990) and Mouriaux (1994). Weber (1986) is a study of the CNPF and Keeler ( 1987) of the farmers. Mendras with Cole ( 1991) ranges widely over the changing aspects of civil society in France. On the events of 1968, see Hanley and Kerr (1989). On the women's movement, see Jenson and Sineau ( 1995).

II France and Europe: Policy Making and Politics

There is no general study of this topic. Christian Lequesne's major study ( 1993) considers the institutional framework in illuminating detail. Moreau Desfarges' chapter in Godt ( 1989) treats it broadly and the underlying attitudes are analysed in Cerny ( 1980) and in Lacouture ( 1991 ). Dyson (1994) covers the key topic of economic and monetary relations. The chapters on France in Lodge (1986, 1990) are revealing. See also Pouvoirs, 48 (1989). Bibliography

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344 Bibliography 345

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academies 14 Antoni, J.-D. 114 Adenauer, Konrad 314 Antoni, P. 114 administrative courts 148, 175 arbitrage 50-1 administrative system 135-57 Ardagh, J. 281, 290, 296 control of 146-50 arrondissements 170, 172 distinctiveness 135-46; civil service Ashford, D. 337 management 143-4; corps and associations see clubs grand corps 139-43; French asylum, political 46 tradition 135-8; political­ Attali, Jacques 83, 84-5 administrative Auriol, President 54 relationships 144-6; structure Auroux, lois 30 I, 306-7 of civil service 138-9 Avril, P. 54, 57, 333 and interest groups 298, 299-30 I local government 168-76 Napoleon's legacy 13-16, 29, 136 Badinter, Robert 55 nature of policy-making 150-7; Balladur, Edouard 59, 100-1, 103, 109, fragmentation 153-5; French 117, 128, 323 policy style 152-3; interlocking background 108 elite 155-7; confidence votes 206 technocracy 150-2 m1msters 117- 18, 119; women 121 Prime Minister's role 111-13 Mitterrand's invitation to form see also civil service government 63 advisers, Presidential 84-5 UDF support 252 advocacy groups 290 Barbie, Klaus 20 Aerospatiale 319 Barre, Raymond 110, 116, 124, 146, Agriculture, Ministry of 300 249, 316 agricultural pollution 178-9, 278 background 108, 109 Air France 305, 305~, 319 debate with Mitterrand 117 Algeria 78, 290, 334 Gaullist Party 20 I attempted coup, 1961 77, 80 issue of confidence 200 De Gaulle 25~, 34, 51-2, 68, 243 Ministry of Finance split 119 extreme right 229, 266 National Assembly 211 Fourth Republic 25-6 party composition of independence 2~ government 122 referenda 51-2, 68, 94 political leadership 115 Alsace 3 UDF rivalry 251 altemance 63, 237-8, 331 women 121 ambassadors 76 Bartolini, S. 234 Amoco Cadiz oil spillage 209 'battle of the transistors' 79-80, 334 Anderson, R.D. 14, 16 Bauer, M. 339 anglers' societies 278 Beauvoir, Simone de 295 anti-clericalism 12-13 Bell, D.S. 223, 253, 256, 338 anti-semitism 19-20, 230 Beneton, P. 293

355 356 Index

Beregovoy, Pierre 103, 119,200, 257 Chagnollaud, D. 48, 49, 335 associates and scandal 128 Chamber of Deputies 33 background 108, 123 see also Parliament and Cresson 116 chambers 282-3 suicide 72 Chambre rigionale des comptes I 75 vote of censure 204, 322 Chapelier, Loi de 279 Berger, S. 339 Chapsal, J. 34 bipolarisation 236 Charlot, J. 234, 275, 276, 337 Birenbaum, G. 274 Constitutional Council 55, 60 'block vote' (vote bloque) 199 countersignature 87 blocs 248-52 Gaullism 227 Blonde!, Marc 284 Le Pen 272 blood transfusion service 126-7 Chevenement, Jean-Pierre 259, 259-60 Blum, Leon 224 Chirac, Claude 82 Bonapartism 10, 13 Chirac, Jacques 46, 63, 79, 128, 322 see also Napoleon Bonaparte background 69-70, 108, 121, 125 Bornstein, S.E. 128, 335 Cabinet: size of 117, 335; women Bousquet, Rene 21 in 121 Bouchardeau, Huguette 123 EC 317 Boy, D. 338 Finance Ministry 115-16 Breton regional movement 291, 303 Gaullism 227-8, 249-50 Bridgford, J. 263 General Secretariat of British Consumers' Association 290 Government Ill Brittany 3, 291, 303, 326 Ministry for Women 114, 119, 304 Brown, L. 148 Mitterrand's invitation to form Budget, Ministry of the 119 government 62-3, 100, 108 Burgundy 3 National Assembly 206 Burin des Roziers, E. 334 National Front 271, 274 party composition of government 122 cabinet ministers 117-18 political party 115, 117 cabinets, ministers' 83, 129-32, 132 RPR 70, 227, 246-8, 325 Calais 3 Presidency 73, 99, 103; public calendar, revolutionary II opinion 91-4; referenda 98; Calvet, Jacques 318 staff 82 Canal case 88 Transport, Housing and Environment capitalism 27, 330-1 Ministry 119 Carignon, Alain 128, I 71, 336-7 Choisir 295 Cawson, A. 153, 300, 301 Christian Democracy 225-{) censure, motions of 199-200, 201, church see Roman Catholic Church 204-5, 337 civil servants 136-7, 138 Centre des dimocrates sociaux (CDS) 226, autonomy of senior 144 251, 324 ex- as members of Parliament 191 Centre national des indipendants et paysans ministers' cabinets 130 (CNIP) 228, 233, 248-9 training 150-2 Centre parties 225-{), 248-52 civil service 15, 134 see also under individual names control 146 Chaban-Delmas, Jacques 107, 211 corps 139-40, 144 background 108, 121, 171 grands corps 140-3, 144, 156, 327 dismissal I 07, 246 management 143-4 Finance Ministry 115 ministers and 124-5, 144-5 National Assembly 211 structure 138- 9 party composition of see also administrative system government 122 Claisse, A. 110 Chafer, T. 282 Clark, D.A. 149 Index 357

climate 4-5 Confidiration generate des petites et mtryennes Club de l' Horloge 231 en/reprises (CGPME) 287 Club Jean Moulin 231 Confederation ginirale du travail clubs 279--81, 296-7 (CGT) 284, 285, 305, 307 see also interest groups Confederation nationale du patronat franJais Clubs perspectives el rialitis 231 (CNPF) 287, 289 coalition governments 22, 24, 156-7, conflict between ministries 153-5, 323 248-52 political in Parliament 204-7 cohabitation 61-3, 85, 87, 103, 132-3 confrontation 305-6 Cohen, E. 339 Congress of Parliament 45, 46 Colbert, Jean Baptiste 8, 136 Conseil National de Ia Magistrature 74 Colbertism 135-6 conseiller aupres du President 84-5 Cole, A. 293, 306, 337, 338 conseils ginirals 165, 169, 171-5 party politics 248, 252, 264 conseils restreints I 00 Collard, S. 99 Conservative Independents 234 colonies 24-6, 43-4 consortia of communes 160, 161, 336 Commissaires de Ia republique I 74 constitution 31-63 see also prefects amending 44-7; 1962 68; 1995 194 Commission d' acces aux documents Article 49, para. 3 199--200, 201, 337 administratifs 149-50 balance 47-9 Commission du diveloppement economique cohabitation 61-3 regional (CODER) 166 colonies 26 Commission of the French Plan for demand for new in 1958 34-6 Reconstruction. and development of regime 49- 54 Modernisation 311 European Community 211 Commission nationale de l'iriformatique et des Fourth Republic 33-4, 34, 39 libertis (CNIL) 149 letter of the 40-4 committees, Parliamentary 196, 199 1946 22-3, 40 committees of enquiry 208-9, 213 objectives of authors 36-40 Common Agricultural Policy Parliament 39--40; legislative (CAP) 313, 316, 318, 326 powers 197-9 Common Programme of the Left "' 261 political parties 278 communautis urbaines 336 President-Prime Minister communes 159-63, 174-5 co-operation I 07 electoral system 168- 71 Presidents' powers 75, 76, 87- 9 Communist International 222 referenda 32, 47, 51, 52, 94-5 Communist Party (PCF) 18, 20, 191, structure 42, 43 219, 222-4 Third Republic 33 and CGT 285 units oflocal government 159 demise 259, 260-3 Constitutional Council 42, 45, 46, 47, and EC 325 54-61, 189 electoral fortunes 21 - 2, 53, 232, 234, Debre 39 236, 254, 260-3 membership 54-5 Fourth Republic 24, 25 1980s 32 opposition stance 232 Parliament 197-9; electronic Resistance 20, 261 voting 204 'community', French 43-4, 53 President and 77, 89 Concordat II role 55-61 Corifidiration Jratlfaise dimocratique du travail controleurs financiers 14 7 (CFDT) 284, 286 corporatism 300-1 Confidiration franJaise des travailleurs corps 139-40, 144 chritiens (CFTC) 284, 286, 339 grands corps 140-3, 144, 156, 327 Confederation generate des cadres corruption 125-9, 258-9 (CGC) 284, 286 Corsica 163, 166, 291, 303 358 Index

Coty, Presid!!nt 54 Prime Minister 106, 110; first Council of Ministers 78, 129, 320 government 244; ministerial Council of Ministers, European 313 posts 114 Council of State 47, 87-9, 141, 148-9 Provisional Government 19, 21, 22; counter-revolutionary current 10 reconstruction 26-7 countersignature 86-7 regional councils 166 courts of accounts 141, 147 resignations 22, 35, 47, 95, 231-2 Couve de Murville, Maurice 108 Resistance 19 Cresson, Edith 102-3, 114,200, 201, 275 RPF 232, 233 background 108 sovereignty 279 Beregovoy and 116 state 137 dismissal 107 De Havilland 319 EC 314, 322 De Singly, F. 283 FNSEA 300 Debatisse, Michel 123 government ministers 117, 335 Debbasch, C. 83 majority 20 I Debre, Michel 51, 52, 244, 332, 333 UDF 238 constitution 36, 37-9 Criddle, B. 337, 338 ENA 108 party politics 217; PCF 223; Prime Minister 51, I 08; Socialist Party 253, 256 dismissal 107; Culture, Ministry of 79, 163, 181 government 122, 123; types of cumul dej mandats 177, 178, 181, 191-2, regime 47-8 336 decentralisation 137-8, 191-2 effects of reforms I 77-81, 182 D'Arcy, F. 36, 208, 333, 336 laws 1982 165, 166-7; De Baecque, F. 157 prefects I 74-5 De Gaulle, Charles 23, 35, 76, 234 Declaration of the Rights of Man and Algeria 25-6, 34, 51-2, 68, 243 Citizen ( 1789) 9, 15, 40, 41 attempted assassination 53 de-colonisation 24-6 Bayeux speech 36-7, 38 decrets 118 Canal case 88 Defarges, P.M. 339 constitution 34-9, 42; defence 66-7, 315-16 amending 44, 47, 88, 94 Defferre, Gaston 121, 171,252,253 Constitutional Council 54 Delegated Ministers (ministres death 227 diligues) 118 EC 312-13, 314, 321 Deligation a l'aminagement du terri to ire et a fascist tendencies 49 l'action regionale (DATAR) 112 Gaullist Party 243 diligations pour les communautes General Secretariat of the europeennes 210 Government Ill Delors, Jacques 231, 324-5 ideology 226-7 EC 316, 320, 324, 330 industrialists 287 economic policy 116 Liberation period 20 Socialist Party 255, 25 7, 258 opposition to return to power 235 departement councils (conseils Parliament 193; dissolution 50, 95, generals) 165, 169, 171-5 204, 243; Senate 190 departements 14, 163-5, 168, 179 PCF 21, 261 overseas 159, 336 Presidency 77, 78, 98, 103, 106; staffing 176-7 concept of 37; election deputes see members of Parliament 1965 90, 249; media 80, 81, deregulation, financial 330 334; nature of 67- 9; Devaquet, G. 294 personality 70-1, 86; protected direct action 288- 9, 305--6 area 98; referenda 94-5; directeurs des cabinets 129, 130, 131 regime 50-2; staff 82-3, 84 Directory 14 Index 359 disaffection of voters 271, 276-7 Presidential see Presidential elections discontent 92-3 Presidents and 89-90; opponents see also May 1968 returned 62 Dreyfus, F. 36, 208, 333, 336 role of Constitutional Council 55 Dreyfus, Pierre 124 voter protest 276-7 Dreyfus affair 12 electoral systems 169 Drilleaud, Guy 284 general elections 187-8, 220-1, Dubedout, Hubert 171 235-8 Duchen, C. 294 local government 168-76 Duhamel, 0. 332, 333, 334 Presidency 33, 52-4, 69, 169, 333 Dumas, Roland 55, 214 Electricite de France 302 Dupeux, G. 332 electronic voting 204, 205 Dupuy, F. 155, 339 Elgie, R. 102, 107, Ill, 201 Durafour, Michel 334 ministries 118 Duverger, M. 217-18, 337 Prime Minister 108-9, 115, 116 elites, overlapping 155-7, 182 Elysee Palace 82-5 Ecole Nationale d'Administration Emeri, C. 333 (ENA) 108, 137, 140, 141-2, 143 Emmanuelli, Henri 127 Ecole polytechnique 140, 142, 156 employers' organisations 287-9 ecology movement 260, 263-{), 295-6, Environment, Ministry of 299-300, 304 the 299-300 see also Greens environmental movement see ecology economic and monetary union 318-19 movement Economic Planning Commission see Estates General 9, 15, 185 Planning Commission Euratom (European Atomic Energy Economic and Social Council 42, 44 Community) 311, 312, 323 economy framework 329 EUREKA 318 growth 27-8 European Affairs, Ministry for 119 international 329-30 European Coal and Steel Community regional diversity 6-7 (ECSC) 28, 311, 312 education 13, 167, 291 European Commission 320 change and direct action 288-9 European Community/Union 28, 153, higher education reform bill 294 311- 27, 330 Eisenhammer, J. 339 Committee of the Regions 168 election campaigns 187, 215, 336 constitution and 42, 45 elections 25, 186-9 elaboration of European 1945 231-2 policy 321-7 1951 232 enlargement 315 1956 232, 233-4 France's relationship with 311-21 1958 51, 235-{), 243 and local government 181 1962 244-5 National Front and 270-1 1967 237 'outsider' interest groups 302 1986 62- 3, 79, 188 Parliament and 209- 11 1988 79, 188, 237, 234, 238-9, 242 permanent representatives 324 1993 79, 234, 242 referendum on enlargement 95-6 issues influencing voters 269-70 SGCI 112, 323, 324, 327 party fortunes 240-77; European Defence Community 311-12 Communists 260-3; demise of European Monetary System Centre 248-52; ecology (EMS) 314, 315, 318 movement 263-6; European Parliament 188, 210, 267, Gaullists 244-8; National 272, 325 Front 266-75; extreme right 229--31 Socialists 252-{)0 see also National Front 360 Index

Fabius, Laurent 115, 121, 126, 194, 259 Gaffney, J. 224-5, 257, 337, 338, 339 background 108, 125 Gallie, D. 307 government ministers 117; gardes champetres 160 meetings 133 Garner, J.F. 148 party composition of Gaullists 69, 20 I, 226-8 government 122 and EC 325 'short-circuiting' Prime Minister 116 election fortunes 50, 51, 233, 234, farmers 178-9, 302 244-8 demonstrations 305, 326 emergence of Party 235, 243-8 Fauroux, Roger 125 instability of Fourth Republic 24, 25 Favier, P. 334 Gaxie, D. 121, 123, 125 Federation de !'education nationale gendarmerie 155 (FEN) 284, 286 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade FiderationfranJaise des societis de Ia protection (GATT) 316 de Ia nature 296 General Secretariat of the Federation nationale des syndicats d'exploitants Government Ill, 334 agricoles (FNSEA) 284, 287, 300, General Secretariat of the 302 Interministerial Committee for Federation syndicate unitaire (FSU) 286 questions of European Economic field services (ministries') 138 Cooperation (SGCI) 112, 323, Fifth Republic 13, 15, 67 324, 327 constitution see constitution general secretariat of the presidency 83, insi tu tions 298 85, 334 Presidents 68 general strike 291-4 Prime Ministers 109 Giniration ecologie 264-5 Finance Inspectorate 141, 143, 147 German Federal Republic 333 Finance Ministry autonomy of EC 312, 314 Minister 115-16 Social 225 conflicts 154, 323 German Occupation 18-21 controleurs financiers 14 7 Germany, unified 314-15, 319 split by Barre 119 Gicquel, J. 54, 57, 333 First Repubolic 32 Giesbert, F.O. 334 Fiterman, Charles 123 Girondins 9 Flynn, G. 337, 339 Giroud, Fran~oise 114, 119, 304, 333 Foccart, Jacques 84, 334 Giscard d' Estaing, Valery 115, Force ouvriere (CGT-FO) 284, 285 217-18, 248-50, 275 foreign investment 329-30 Clubs perspectives and realites 231 Foreign Ministry 323 constitutional amendment 45, 57 Fouchet plan 312 EC 314, 325 F ourastie, J. 26 election of opposition Fourcade, J.-P. 115-16 government 62, 213 Fournier,Jacques 107, Ill, 112,132-3, Gaullists and 20 I, 245, 248-9 335 ministers 123-4 Fourth Republic 5 National Assembly resignation 187, constitution 3~, 34, 39 192, 336 instability 22-6 opposition support 212 Prime Minister I 05-6 PR 250 regime des interets 298 Presidency 69, 74, 99, 100; fragmentation 153-5 Constitutional Council 54, 57; Frears, J. 185-6, 209, 256, 264, 338 media 81; personality 71-2; French Committee for National political relationships 79; Liberation 19 projects 99; public French Revolution see Revoiution opinion 72, 90; staff 82, 83, 84 frontier con trois 320 and Prime Minister II 0 Index 361

RI 249 Horne, A 25, 334 UDF 69, 228, 250, 251 Houphouet-Boigny, Felix 332 women 118-19 House, J.W. 7 Godt, P. 337, 338, 339 Howorth, J. 333, 334 Goguel, F. 333 Hue, Robert 263 Goscinney, R. 137 government by assembly 47-8 ideological divisions 219-31 government policy see policy Centre 225-6 governmental machine 105-34 Left 219-25 m1msters 117-25; corruption and Right 226-31 scandal 125-9 Idrac, Anne-Marie 125 policy co-ordination 129-33; lie-de-France 6, 7, 166 between ministries 132-3; immigrants 270 within ministries 129-32 immigration 5-6 Prime Minister I 05-1 7 Independent Republicans (RI) 249 grandes ecoles 140, 141-2, 150-1, !55 Independents and Peasants group grands corps 140---3, 144, 156, 327 (CNIP) 228, 233, 248-9 grands projets 28 Indo-China 24 Greens 239, 264-6 industrial policy 317-18, 319-20 Gn!mion, C. 336 industrialisation 6-7 Gremion, P. ISS Industry, Ministry of 124, 143 Grenelle agreement 294 industry-administration links 300 grievances, expression of 207-8 information, political 207 Grunberg, G. 338 'insider' interest groups 301-2 Guichard report 160 insider trading 127- 8 Guigou, Elizabeth 323, 327 inspectorates 147 Gulf crisis 80, 83, 102, 193, 206 intellectuals 223-4, 263 Guyomarch, A. 338 interest groups 278-307, 326 clubs and societies 296-7 Habash, George 206 contestation and direct action 305~ Habert, P. 338 and EC 326-7 habilitation, loi d' 200 nature of 281-96; lobbying Hague, R. 216-17 movements 289-96; Hainsworth, P. 338 parastatal 282- 3; social Halimi, Gisele 295 partners 283- 9 Hall, P. 335, 338, 339 role of 297 Hamon, L. 334 state and 298-302; politics 303-4 Hanley, D. 195, 253, 263 Interior, Ministry of the 14 7, 171, 279 Hargreaves, A. 269 investment, foreign 329-30 Harrison, M. 334 Irving, R.E.M. 226 Harrop, M. 216-17 issues of confidence 199-200, 201, 337 Hayward, J. 303, 334, 335, 338, 339 Italian Communist Party (PCI) 262 capitalism 330 Italy 5 policy-making process 152- 3, 301 state 297, 329 Jacobins 9-10, 14 trade unions 283 Jacquinot, Louis 332 Headlam, A 285, 287, 338 Jaures, Jean 18, 222 Hernu, Charles 116 Jenkins, B. 126, 128 higher education reform bill 294 J eumont Schneider 99 Hilden, P. 18, 332 Jobert, B. 83, lSI Hoffmann, S. 339 Jospin, Lionel 127, 252, 255 Hollifield, J. 337 1995 presidential campaign 46, 72, Holmes, P. 299, 335, 338 258, 259, 276 Hooghe, L. 168 Jouven, Claude 146 362 Index

J uillet, Pierre 83, 84 Lequesne, C. 322, 337 Juppe, Alain 103, 108, 112, 121, 122, Leyrit, C. 127, 128 129 Liberation 18-21 allegations of corruption 128 Lincoln, Abraham 333 first government 118 lobbying movements/groups 289-96, ministries 119 326-7 1995 government 124 local government 14-15, 158-82 electoral and administrative structures 168-76 Keating, M. 168 expenditure 180 Keeler, J. 56, 57; 58 local---<:entral relationship kickbacks 127 patterns I 77-81 King see monarchy members of Parliament and 191-2 Knapp, A. 191, 192, 227, 337 revenue 179 Kohl, Helmut 73, 81 staffing of authorities 176-7 Kuisel, R. 27 units 159-68; communes 159-63; dipartements 163- 5; regions 165-8 Lacombe, Raymond 284 Lochak, D. 145, 335 Lacouture, J. 26, 27, 332 Lodge, J. 338 Lagroye, J. 336 loi d' habilitatum 200 Laguiller, Arlette 263 Long, M. Ill laiciti 13 Lorraine 3 Lalonde, Brice 264, 304 Luchaire, F. 100 Lamy, Pascal 335 Luchaire affair 127 Lancelot, A. 34 Luxembourg Compromise 312- 13 landscapes 5 Lyons 170 Lang, Jack 55, 116, 123 language 6, 42 Languedoc-Roussillon 181 Maastricht Treaty on European Larkin, M. 22, 23, 233 Union 315, 319, 322 Larzac plateau 295 constitution and 42, 45 Lauber, V. 335 ratification debate 211, 24 7, 316-17 Laughland, J. 80, 129, 239 referendum 72, 81, 97, 260, 270 Lavau, G. 223 Machin, H. 335, 336, 338, 339 law enforcement 178-9 ministries 118 Le Men, J.F. 337 President-Prime Minister Le Neouannic, Guy 284 relationship I 07, 116 Le Pen, Jean-Marie 229-30, 266, 267, Socialist Party 256, 306 268, 272-4, 277 MacMahon, Marshal 16, 33 Le Roy Ladurie, E. 224 Madelin, Alain 119 Lebrun, Albert 76-7 Malraux, Andre 114, 243 Lecanuet, J ean 336 Malzacher, S. 339 Leclerc petrol chain 319 Marchais, Georges 20, 223, 262-3 Lefranc, G. 287 Marchelli, Paul 284 Left, the 219-25 market integration 314, 317-18 Common Programme 261 Marseilles I 70 see also under names of individual parties Martin-Roland, M. 334 Left, Federation of the 252 222, 223, 263 legality, President and 87-9 Masclet,J.-C. 191 , 212 legislation 190, 196-7, 197-204 Massif Central 4 Lenoir-Freaud, N. 55 Massot, J. 334, 335 Leo XIII, Pope II Presidency 74, 76, 78, 90 Leotard, Fran~ois 251 Prime Minister 107, 108, 110, Ill Index 363

Mauroy, Pierre 107, 117, 119, 122 Mitterrand, Fran~ois 122, 218, 333 austerity 116 ·associates 128, 157 background 108, 121, 211 background 69-70 Community Party 115 Constitutional Council 55 Culture Ministry 146 constitutional reform 45, 45--6 Finance Ministry 116 EC 314, 315, 321-2 government ministers 117, 121; elections: 1958 235--6; 1967 237 meetings 133 Finance Ministry 116 need for National Assembly General Secretariat of the support 108 Government Ill Maus, D. 59, 193, 201, 325, 337 German unification 315, 319 May 1968 50, 291--4, 305 government in opposition 62-3 Mayer, N. 274 Industry Ministry 124 mayors 121, 160, 162, 170-1, 191 ministers: closeness to 116; electoral Mazey, S. 336 legitimacy 124 McCarthy, P. 335 ministry for women's rights 304 media 126 nuclear power 296 Parliament and 206, 207 Parliament 74, 188, 193, 212, 213; President and 79-82, 334 dissolution 79; loi midiateur de Ia ripublique 113, 149, 208,335 d'habilitation 200; Senate 190 members of Parliament 190-2, 212-13 PCF 261 grievances 207-8 Presidency 79, 99, 237; campaign information 207 for 53--4, 70, 72; legislative role 202--4 legitimacy 96; media 80-1, ministers as 39, 121-2 82; new form of see also Parliament presidentialism 100-2, 103--4; Mendes France, Pierre 23, 106, 235--6 personality 72-3; public austerity policy 26--7 opinion 90-1, 101, 102; distrust of 219 referendum on Maastricht 97; 233 staff 82, 83, 84--5 Mendras, H. 293, 306 Prime Minister 105, 108, 117; Meny, Y. 101, 337, 339 ministerial appointments 114 dubs/groups 160, 281, 283 'social area' 319 Constitutional Council 59 Socialist Party 70, 252, 253- 5, 25 7, corruption 129, 175 258, 259 EC 302 Star Wars 318 erosion of ideological difference 239 World War II 20-1 military (presidential) staff 83 Mitterrand, Jean-Christophe 82, 85 ministers 117-25, 335 modernisation 26--8 appointment 114 Mollet, Guy 51, 332 autonomy 115-16 constitution 39--40, 49 cabinets 83, 129-32, 132 PCF 53, 261 corruption and scandal 125-9 monarchism I 0 exclusion of Prime Minister by 116 monarchy 29 meetings between 133 abolition 9 as members of Parliament 39, 121-2 government by 8, 135--6 oversight of civil service 146--7 restoration 10, 13, 15 Ministers of State (ministres d'etat) 118 Monnerville, G. 57 ministries 138 Monnet,Jean 27, 28, 311,313 conflict between 153-5, 323 Montpellier 162, 181 policy co-ordination 129- 33; Morgan, K. 155, 335 between 132- 3; Morris, P. 126, 128 within 129-32 Moulin, Jean 20 Presidential staff and 85 Mouriaux, R . 285, 286--7, 338 364 Index

M ouvement des ciltryens 260 Occupation 18-21 Mouvement fra11fais pour le planning Office for the Evaluation of Science and familial 281 Technology Policy 209 M ouvement de liberation des femmes 295 ombudsman 113, 149, 208, 335 M ouvement des radicaux de gauche opposition 31, 332 (MRG) 259 development of 235-8 M ouvement ripublicain populaire Organisation de l'armie sicrite (OAS) 229 (MRP) 226, 232, 233, 234, 244, Organisation for Economic Co-operation 250 and Development (OECD) 323 movements, popular 290-6, 303--4 Organisation for European Economic Muller, P. 151, 153, 335, 336 Co-operation (OEEC) 323 multi-party system 217, 218 Orleanism I 0 survival 238-9 'outsider' interest groups 301-2 see also party politics overlapping cleavages 217-18 overseas departements 159, 336

Napoleon Bonaparte 3, II, 15 administrative legacy 13-16, 29, 136 pantoujlage 156-7 Napoleon III 13-14, 15, 16, 32 parastatal groups 282-3, 299 National Assembly 9, 186-9, 204, 205 Paris 6 committees 196 large-scale projects 99 committees of enquiry 208-9 local government 163, 166, 170 electoral system 169, 187-8 17, 222 higher profile 206-7 Parliament 16-17, 185-214 president 194-5 constitution and 39--40, 197-9 Prime Minister and 108 dissolution 50 see also Parliament and EC 325-6 National Committee (Commission Fourth Republic 23--4 nationale des comptes de campagne et functions 197-212; European des financements politiques) 55 dimension 209-11; focus of National Council for Independents and political conflict 204-7; Peasants 228, 233, 248-9 legislation 197-204; nursery of National Council of the Resistance 19, political talent 211-12; 20 political education and National Economy, Ministry of 119 expression of grievances 207- 8; National Front (FN) 266-75, 338 supervision and control 208-9 EC 325 members of see members of electoral support 188, 189, 234, 238, Parliament 239, 266-75passim oversight of civil service 14 7 extreme right wing 229-30, 274-5 powers 198 Parliamentary disturbance 203, 274 President and 49-50, 334; regional elections 175- 6 majority 79, 201; national interest 317- 18 powers 74-6 nationalisation programme 28, 58 Prime Minister and 116 NATO 315-16, 321 Second Republic 33 New Caledonia referendum 96 structure 186-97; members of Newman, M. 336 Parliament 190-2; National Nice 3 Assembly 186-9; organisation Noel, L. 333 of work 193-7; Senate 189-90 Nair, Michel 127, 247 Third Republic 17, 33 3 Parodi, J.-L. 332, 333, 334 Notat, Nicole 284 Parodi, M. 28 Nouvelles Frontieres 319 Parti Socialist U nifie 255 nuclear programme 295-6 partisan identification 217 Index 365 party politics 179, 181, 215-39 policy, government 29-30, 330 administrative system and 157 ·co-ordination and ministries 129-33 balance 275-6 and EC see European Community/ civil servants 144--6 Union coalitions and demise of making 15G-7; Centre 248-52 fragmentation 153-5; French Communism's demise 260-3 style 152-3; interlocking composition of governments 122 elite 155-7; constitution and 42 technocracy 15G-2 and EC 324--5 President and 78-9, 99, 101 evolution of system after 1958 234--9; policy community 301-2 electoral systems and emergence political education 207 of Opposition 235-8; survival political parties see party politics; and of multi-partyism 238-9 under individual names Fourth Republic 24, 25 pollution, agricultural 178-9, 278 fund-raising scandals 127 Pompidou, Georges 50, 77, 122, 124 Gaullist Party's emergence 235, background 69, 108, 109 244--8 constitutional amendment 45 ideological divisions 219-31; EC 313-14, 323 Centre 225---{); Left 219-25; Gaullist Party 69, 245, 246 Right 226-31 National Assembly 211 National Front 266-75 Presidency 77, 98; appointment of post-war system 231-4 mm1sters 114; industrial prefects I 73 policy 98; Paris 99; Presidency and 68-70 personality 71; Prime Minister and 114--15, 117 referendum 95- 6; staff 82, 83, Socialist Party fortunes 252---{)0 84, 94 Third Republic 17 Prime Minister 115; dismissal 107; types of parties 216-19 loi d'habilitation 200; see also under names of individual parties resignation 204--5 Pasqua, Charles 115, 247, 271 population 5-6 Passeron, A.81, 334 Portelli, H. 90, 115, 261, 334 Paxton, R. 19, 20 POS (plan d'occupation des sols) 161 Pechiney 128 Poujadism 24, 137, 229, 230, 233-4, Penne, Guy 85 266 Perrineau, P. 274, 338 prefects 14, 139, 145, 155, 171, 172-5, personal advisers, Presidential 84--5 178 personality, President's 70-4 Presidency 67-104, 106 Petain, Marshal 18-19, 20 cohabitation 61-3 Pflimlin, Pierre 332 De Gaulle's concept 37 Philip, Andre 51 and EC policy 321-2 Philip, L. 333 electoral system 33, 52-4, 69, 169, Pickles, D. 225, 281 333 pieds-noirs 266, 290 limitations and constraints 86-98; Pilleul, G. 334 constitutionality and Pinchemel, P. 5-6 legality 87-9; planning countersignature 86-7; communes 161-2 political environment 89-90; regions 167 public opinion 90-8 Planning Commission 27, 166, 312, majority in Parliament 79, 201 323 nature of 67-70 Prime Ministers and 112 presidential practice 98-104 Pleven, Rene 23, 26, 27 Prime Minister and 77- 8, 100, Poher, Alain 57 107-9, 322 366 Index

Presidency (cont.) ralliement II resources 70-85; formal Rassemblement du peuple franfais powers 74--7; media 79-82; (RPF) 232, 233, 245 personality and personal Rassemblement pour Ia ripublique approach 70-4; political (RPR) 70, 227, 234, 239, 246--8, relationships 77-9; staff 82-5 250 role and constitution 48-9, 49--54 and EC 325 Second Republic 33 electoral fortunes 234, 251-2 Third Republic 33 Rausch, J.-M. 176 Presidential elections 237 reconstruction 26--8 1965 53, 90, 249 records, official 149--50 1988 241 referenda 94--8 1995 241, 273 Algeria 51-2, 68, 94 presidential regime 48, 49--54 constitution 32, 4 7, 52, 94--5 presidential staff 82-5 Maastricht 72, 81, 97, 260, 270 press conferences 80, 81 President's powers 77 see also media regime d'assemblie (government by pressure groups 289--90, 326 assembly) 47-8 see also interest groups regional councils 166, 169, 175-6 Prime Minister 23, 105-17 regional identity 7 countersignature 86--7 regional movements 291, 303 and EC policy 322-3 regions xvi, 165--8, 179 functions 110-17; administrative electoral system 17 5-6 role 111-13; governmental staffing 176--7 role 110-11, 132-3; political Remond, R. 229, 332, 337 role 113-17 Renault 101, 193 and President 77--8, 100, 107-9, 322 Republic, evolution of 16-17 scope of power 105-7 see also First Republic; Second weakness in Fourth Republic 23-4 Republic; Third Republic; private members' bills 196, 203 Fourth Republic; Fifth Republic privatisation 317 Ripublicains independents (RI) 249 proportional representation 187, 188, Republican Party (PR) 250, 251, 324 220-1, 239, 272 9--10, 13-14 protest 92- 3 Resistance 18-21, 137, 261 see also direct action; May 1968 Revolution 185, 328 Provence 3 administrative system 136 Provence-Alpes-Cote d' Azur impact of 8-10, 29 region 175-6,271-2 resistance to II Provisional government 15, 19, 21, 22, Reynolds, S. 304, 332, 339 23, 26--7 Rhine-Rhone canal 153 public interest groups 290 Richardson, J. 335 public opinion 90--8 Ridley, F.R. 151-2, 219 public sector 28, 283 Right, the 21, 226--31 see also administrative system; civil see also under individual parties servants Rioux, J.-P. 20 public spending Ill Rizzuto, F. 226 Rocard, Michel 96, 102, 238, 255 Quermonne, J.-L. 157, 333, 334 background I 08, 211 Presidency 48, 49, 62, 76 dismissal 107 questions, Parliamentary 195, 208 issues of confidence 200 legislative measures through Radical Party 228, 233, 234, 250, 254 Parliament 116, 201, 212 radio 79--80, 82, 334 ministers 117, 124, 335; circulars Rainbow Warrior 116, 126, 206 to 110-11 Index 36'

mm1stries 119; Industry 124 Single European Act 314, 318 motion of censure against 200 see also market integration party composition of 'social area' (espace sociale) 319 government 122 social partners 283-9 Planning Commission 112 social policies 319 political parties' finance bill 59 social security 138 Socialist Party 255, 259 socialism and church 11-12, 13 Roman Catholic Church 229, 256, 286, rise of 17-18 338 Socialist Party (PS) 239, 240, 306 state and 10--13 CFDT 286 Rondin, J. I 79 and EC 324-5 Ross, G. 333, 337, 339 electoral fortunes 234, 252-60 Roudy, Yvette 119, 304 history 219-25 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 279 issues of confidence 200 Rudelle, 0. 333 local government support 176-7 members of Parliament 190 Safran, W. 122, 328, 331 1981 government 13 Sainteny, G. 260, 266 and PCF 262 Sarazin, M. 129, 333 vie associative 296-7 Sartre, Jean-Paul 224 women 304 Savary, Alain 253 societies 279-81, 296-7 Savoy 3 see also interest groups scandals 125-9, 156, 258-9 Soisson, Jean-Pierre 176, 335 Scargill, I. 167 sovereignty 40-2, 278, 330 Schain, M . 337 Soviet Union 80, 222, 223 Schengen agreement 46, 58, 89, 320 St Gobain, glass-making company 124 Schifres, M. 129, 333 state 137, 328-9, 331 Schmidt, Helmut 314 church and 10--13 Schmidt, V.A. 173, 179, 182, 336 and clubs/societies 279-81 Schuman, Robert 23, 28,311, 313 and interest groups 297-302, 326 Second Republic . 13, 32- 3 post-war reconstruction 27-8, 151 Secretariat ginirale de Ia comiti Presidency and 76-7 intirministerielle pour les questions de Statui giniral de Ia fonction publique 138 cooperation iconomique europienne Stevens, A. 299, 334 (SGCI) 112, 323, 324, 327 Strategic Defence Initiative 318 Secretaries of State (secretaires d'etat) 118 strikes 292-3, 294, 305 secretary general of the Elysee 83, 84, students' movement 256, 291-4 334 Sudreau, Pierre 333 Secretary General of the suffrage 13-14, 17 Government Ill, 334 Suleiman, E. 99, 152, 154 Section franfaise de l'internationale ouvriere suppleants 187 (SFIO) 18, 222-3, 224, 233 Syndical national de Ia petite et mcryenne and De Gaulle 244, 252 industrie (SNPMI) 287-9 Resistance 21 support 233, 234 Tapie, Bernard 72, 128, 259 Seguin, Philippe 81, 194-5, 247 taxes 179 Senate 189-90, 336 technocracy 150--2, 156 committees 196 television 79, 82 committees of enquiry 208-9, 213 Timoin club 231 referendum 95 Terrazzoni, A. 179 Third Republic 33 Thetot, C. 283 see also Parliament Third Republic 15,16-17,18,33 Sharp, M. 335 Thoenig, J.-C. 155, 339 'shuttle' (navette) 196 Thomson, D. 10, 31 368 Index

Thomson group 318 Villiers, Philippe de 251 Thorez, Maurice 232 voting disaffection of voters 271, 276-7 Touchard, J. 293 electronic in National Assembly 204, Tournier, F. 21 205 town councils 168-71, 174 general elections 186-9 trade unions 17-18, 222, 283-7, 301-2, high participation rate 215 306-7, 338 issues influencing decisions 269- 70 Trans-European Networks 319 rights 13-14, 17; women 17, 185, Tuppen,J. 7 332 two-ballot system 187-8, 220-1, 236, see also elections; electoral systems 238-9 Voynet, Dominique 265

A. 137 Uderzo, Waechter, Antoine 264, 265, 304 102, 258, 319 unemployment Wahl, N. 37 difense des commerfants et artisans Union de Ware, A. 337 (UDCA) 230 Weber, E. 6 Union pour la dimocratie franfaise Weil, Simone 119, 124, 211 239, 250 (UDF) 69, 226, wholesale greengrocery market 298 324 EC Williams, P. 29, 126, 333 fortunes 234, 251-2 electoral Fourth Republic constitution 33-4 ideological spectrum 228-9 Parliament 23, 33, 189 des consommateurs 290 Union federate PCF 18 la France 238 Union pour UCDA 230 et Union des industries metallurgiques Wilson, F.L. 338, 339 287 minieres Centre parties 252 Union pour la nouvelle ripublique interest groups 278-9; (UNR) 243 non-occupational 290; state see also Gaullist Party and 297, 298, 299; trade 5 United Kingdom unions 285 movement 295 anti-nuclear wholesale greengrocery market 298 EC . 312, 313 Wolf, M. 187 118, 335 government mmtsters women members of Parliament 190, of Parliament 87 sovereignty 336 326 transporters attacked ministers 121- 3 48, 318 of America Ministry for 118-19, 304 group 127 Urba PS 256 growth 6 urban right to vote 17, 185, 332 women's movement 294-5, 303-4 Treaty 3 Versailles working class 223 see Greens Verts, Les Wright, V. 67, 332, 336, 339 Viannet, Louis 284 'untidy reality' 297 Vichy government 15, 19, 20, 166 vie associative, Ia 280, 296-7 Vienna Treaty 3 Ysmal, C. 240