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Jessie Brown; PR 4161 MfiClCAyKl' J4 .B2 ^ 1858 Copy 2 lsro_ 6. I JESSIE BROWN; THE RELIEF OF LUOKNOW. % grmna, m S^bxee ^tts. BY DION BOURCICAULT. A .1e3ni-i[)tioii of tli« CostinTve^easrTvrthe (Jharacters—Entrancea and Exita- Rf^lathf Pofiitions of the Performers on the Stage, and the whole of the ' .^tage Bii(?ine88 This Plav forms No. 203 of French's Edition of thp Standard Drama. NEW VORK: SAMUEL FRENCH No. 122 Nassau Street, Up Stairs. LONDON ASSURANCE, a Comedy in 5 acts. - London, IRISH HEIRESS, a Comedy in 5 acts, - A LOVER BY PROXY, a Farce in 1 act, - - - ALMA MATER, a Comedy in 3 8,cts, . CURIOSITIES OF LITERATURE, a Farce in 1 act, THE BASTILE, a Drama in 1 act, - - - - - THE OLD GUARD, a Drama in 1 act, . - - - acts, - " * WOMAN, a Tragedy in 5 (f VICTOR AND HORTENSE, a Drama in 2 acts, act, - - - . I LOVE IN A SACK, a Farce in 1 LOLAH, a Drama In 2 acts, - - . - - - USED UP, a Comedy in 2 acts, - OLD HEADS AND YOUNG HEARTS, a Comedy in 5 acts,- DON C^SAR DE BAZAN, a Drama in 3 acts, - A MATCH FOR A KING, a Comedy in 2 acts, - - • MOTHER AND SON, a Drama in 3 acts, - FOX AND GOOSE, an Operetta in 1 act, LAYING A GHOST, a Faroe in 1 act, A CONFIDENCE, a Comedy in 1 act, - - - - THE OLD SCHOOL, a Comedy in 2 acts, - - - FOUND OUT AT HOME, a Comedy in 3 acts, THE WATER CURE, an Operetta in 1 act, SHAKSPEARE IN LOVE, 1 act, - - Comedy in 5 acta, |!l LOVE AND MONEY, a THE WILLOW COPSE, a Drama in 5 acts, - THE KNIGHT OF ARVA, a Comic Drama in 2 acts, - SALAMANDRINE, a Ballet, GERALDA, a Comic Drama in 3 acts, TipS^ INVISIBLE HUSBAND, a Comic Drama in 3 acts, A RADICAL CURE, a Farce in 1 act, LOVE IN A MAZE, a Comedy in 6 acts, SEXTUS THE FIFTH, a Drama in 5 acts, [Continued on third page of cover.] KOHilING 'VUP. REPKRTOlIli'; OK MISS AGNES ROBERTSON. No. VI. JESSIE BROWN; OR, THE RELIEF OF LUCKJ^OW, g^ Jlrama, in ^l^rce gicts. (founded on an episode in the INDIAN REBELLION.) BY AUTHOR OP London Assurance, Old Heads and Youns? He?.rts, The Irish Heiress, Used Up, The Corsican Brothers, Love and Money, The Willow Copse, The Life of ;iu Actress, The Phantom, Andy Blake, The Chameleon, Victor and Hortense, (renevicve, The Young Actress, Louis the Eleventh, The Knight of Arva. Fanst and MarK;uerite, Janet Pride, George D'Arville, The Poor of New York, Belphegor, Napoleon's Old Guard, Love in a Maze, Alma Mater, A Lover by Proxy, Don C^sar de Bazan. The Invi«ihle Husband, Sixtus the Fifth, The Prima Donna, Bluebelle, The Cat Changed into a Woman, Una, The Fox Hunt, &.C., &c., &<% Entered &oc«T'd5Dg to Act «f Congcc-es, in the year One TteustaU Kigfet HtiDdred and Fifty Kight, by DioK BouiiciCAUi.T, in the Clerk's" oflice «f the DT»tTj<-t Court oT tfce I'nited Stat« for the Souibein District of New York. NEW VORK: ITU^ SAMUEL FRENC H^^C/. ^ 122 Nassau Street, (Up Staihs.) <SC> f/ CAST OP CHARACTERS.—[Jes3,ip/Brown.] Wallack's Theatre, 1858. The Nana Sahii?, Rnjah of Bitlioor, - Mr. l^oiircicault. AcHMKT, his Vakeel, - - - - - Mr. II. 13. Phillips. Lester. K.VNUAL McGr.BGoK, } Officer.s in the En^- ) Mv. Gkordie McGRicaon, ( lish Service, ( Mr. A. 11. Davenport. PwEV. David Blount, Cliaplain 32nd Regiment, Mr. W. R. Blake. SwEESiE, a Private, 32d Reghiicnt, - - Mr. T. B. Johnston. CassidT; a Corporal, 32d iJegiment, - Mr. Sloan. Soldiers, Highlanders, Sepoys, and Hindoo Servants. Jessie Brown, a Scotch Girl, - - - Miss Agnes Kohertson. Amy Campbell, Mrs. Hoey. Charlie and Effie, her Children, - - Misses Reeves. Alice, - - Mrs. Allen. Mary, - Mrs. H. B. Phillips. Ladies and Children. The Scene is laid at Lucknow. in the Province of Oude, in India. Time—The Summer of 1H57. An Act supplemental to an Act entitled "^n Act to amend the several acts respect-' ing Copijright," approved February third, eighteen hundred and thirty-one. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repiesentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That any copyright hereafter granted under the laws of the United States to the author or proprietor of any dramatic composition, . designed or suited for public representation, shall be deemed and taken to confer upon the said author or proprietor, his heirs or assigns, along with the sole right to print and publish the said composition, the sole right also to act, perform, or jepre- scnt the same, or cause it to be acted, performed, or represented, on any stage or public place during the whole period for which the copyright is obtained ; and any manager, actor, or other person acting, performing or representing the said compo- sition, without or against the consent of the said author or proprietor, his heirs or assigns, shall be liable for damages to be sued for and recovered by action on the case or other equivalent remedy, with costs of suit in any court of the United States, such damages in all cases to be rated and assessed at such sum not less than one hundred dollars for the first, and fifty dollars for every subsequent performance, as to the court having cognizance thereof shall appear to be just : Provided nevertheless, That nothing herein enacted shall impair any right to act, perform, or, represent a dramatic composition as aforesaid, which right may have been acquired, or shall in future be acquired by any manager, actor, or other person previous to the securing of the copyright for the said composition, or to restrict in any way the right of such author to process in equity in any court of the United States for tho better and further enforcement of his rights. Approved, August 18, 1856. .Notice.—Any manager permitting this work to be performed in his * t^eatre^without the written permission of the Author, is liable to a })enalty of not less than one hundred dollars for each performance— in conformity with the new Copyright Act as above. JESSIE BROWN ACT I. SCENE I.— The Exterior of the Bungalo of Mrs. Campbell—Luck- now in the distance. Table laid on r. h. side, under a tree, with viands upon it. Native servants in attendance. Music.—Enter Geoedie McGregor, with Alice and Mary. Enter AcuMET from the house. Geor. Here we are at last. What can induce Mrs. Campbell to live a mile from Lucknow 1 Alice. You are a pretty soldier—you cannot march a mile withoufc a murmur. Geor. On my own native hills in bonnie Scotland, with my hound by my side, I have walked a dozen miles before breakfast ; but under this Indian sun Mary. And with only a pretty girl by your side Alice, Say two pretty girls. Don't be bashful, Mary—include me. Entef Mrs. Campbell. Geor. Oh, Mrs. Campbell, look here! I am besieged—Delhi is nothing to the condition I shall be in if you don't relieve me. Alice. Mrs. Campbell, pleaf^e, he won't tell us which of us he is in love with. Mrs. C. I will tell you : with neither. He is in love with his new uniform ; he only received his commission two months ago, and every officer is for six months in love with himself. Geor. After that I'll take a glass of sangaree. Mrs. C. Where's Randal 1 — 4 JESSIE BROWN. Oeor. My fiery brother, the McGregor—as Jessie will insist on call- ing him—is, as usual, inspecting his men. is Mrs. C. Jessie is right ; for your brother, Randal McGregor, the noblest man tliat ever breathed the Scottish air and made it purer. But tell me, what news from Delhi ? [They sit. Geor. Oh, the siege continues; butitM'ill be taken, of course—these black rascals are mere scum. [AcHMET, who is serving Geordie, looks round. Alice. There is one who disagrees with you on that point. Geor. Does he 1 Ach. No, sahib, Allah Akbar ! it is so—we are scum. Lady, in Hindoostan there are one hundred millions such as I am, and there hundred thousand such as you yet for a century you have are one ; bad your foot on our necks ; we are to you a thousand to one a thousand black necks to one white foot, God is just, and Moham- med is his prophet. We are scum ! Geor. I can't answer for the truth of your calculation, but I agree in the sentiment—you are scum. [Brinks. Ach. Sometimes the scum rises. Gear. Yes, Dusky, and when it does, the pot boils over and puts the fire out ; so the scum extinguishes the element that made it rise. Ach. I cannot reason with a European. Geor. No, nor fight with one; by your own calculation it takes one thousand of you to do either one or the other. [Exit Achmet. Mrs. 0. Beware of that man, Geordie ; I did not like the expression of his face as you spoke. Geor. Bah ! there is virtue enough in one red-coat to put a whole army of them to flight. Mrs. C. Have you ever been in battle 1 Geor. Never. But when I'm on parade, and hear the drums and see the uniforms, I feel like the very devil. Alice. There is no chance of the war coming here—is there ? Geor. Not the slightest. London itself is not more peaceable than yonder city of Lucknow : the native regiments here are faithful as dogs.
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