A Bibliography of Aeolian
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ABibliographyofAeolian(Eolian)SandDunesandRelated Phenomena,totheendof1989 CollatedbyAndrewWarren frommanysources,including:Warren,1979a;1979b;Busche,etal.1984;LancasterandHallward,1984; Niessen,etal.1984;Mader,1995(allthemselvesinthisbibliography). Codes(Scope): Codn=coastaldunes; dnbed=dunebeddingandstructure(usuallyinancientsandstones); dnhyd=dunehydrology; dnsol=dunesoilsandnear-surfaceweathering; dnuse=useandmanagementofdunes; dnveg=dunevegetation(andsomeotherduneecology); dune=aeoliandunes(occasionalsubaqueousduneswherethesearevaluableanalogues); dunelog=analoguesofaeoliandunes(mostlysubaqueousbedforms); glue=sandfixingbychemicals ripple=aeolianripples; sand=aeoliansand; sdmo=sandmovementbywind(andsomeanalogoussubaqueousmovement); stbdn=dunesstabilisedbyvegetation; **=detailsmissing; ??=dubiousdetail; ?=dubiousrelevance. Themainsubject-criterionforinclusionisrelevancetoduneformordynamics.Thussomeworkonother aspectsofaeoliangeomorphology,asondustandwinderosion,andotheraspectsofdunestudyason meteorologyorecologyhasbeenexcluded. TypesofPublicationReferredto:Thereferencesaremostlytopublishedaccountsin widelyavailableandrecognisedjournals,butsomearetointernalreportsanduniversitydissertationswith limitedcirculation.Generalised,secondaryandtertiarysourceshavebeenexcluded,exceptwhenthought tobeofseminalvalue.Somepopularaccountshavebeenincluded,butmostofthesetoohavebeen excluded. LimitingDates:Theearliestreferenceisfrom1669.Theclosingdate(1989)hasbeenchosen becauseoftheavailabilityonvariouson-linedata-basesofreferencestopublishedpapersfromatleast thatdate(intheBritain,BIDSandGeobaseareexamples). LibraryReferencesaretolibrariesinLondon:whereunspecifiedtheseareeitherintheUniversity CollegeLondon(UCL)libraryinvarioussections,e.g.geog(raphy),geology,inst(ituteof)arch(aeology), townplanning(tpl),biol(ogy),bot(any),zoo(logy),engi(neering);ortheUniversityofLondonLibrary (ull,notalwaysindicated,butdistinctlydifferentcodingsystemfromUCL’s).Therearesomereferences tomaterialavailableinthelibrariesattheSchoolofOrientalandAfricanStudies(SOAS),theRoyal GeographicalSociety(RGS),theBritishMuseum(British,BM)andAldwychlibraries. AbstractsreferredtoareinNiessen,etal.1984;Busche,etal.1985;(bothinthebibliography)andin Geoabstracts Disclaimer,Corrections,Additionsetc.: Thisdoesnotclaimtobeacomprehensivelist,largethoughitis.Ihavereadmanyoftheprincipalpapers ondunemorphology,andhavecheckedthedetailsofthemandmanyothers.Therearenonetheless, missingdetails,afewdubiouslyrelevantentries,and,doubtless,omissionsandmistakes(especiallyin languages,inspecialismsandinareasoftheworldwithwhichIamnotfamiliar).Iwelcomeadditionsand correctionson:a.warren@geog.ucl.ac.uk.Additionsandcorrectionsaremostlikelytocomefromauthors 1 themselves, if they see that their favourite work has been excluded. I hope to update the bibliography with additions and corrections from time to time. Aartolahti, T. 1967. Über die dünen von Urjala, Comptes rendus de la Société géologique de Finlande, 39, 105-121. [dune abstract in Niessen, et al. 1984 Aartolahti, T. 1972. Frost cracks and frost crack polygons on dunes in Finland (in Finnish), Terra, 84 (3), 124-131. Aartolahti, T. 1973. Morphology, vegetation and development of Rokuanvaara, an esker and dune complex in Finland, Fennia, 127, 1-53. [stbdn dnveg abstract in Niessen, et al. 1984 Aartolahti, T. 1976. Lentohiekka Suomessa, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia, Esitelmät ja pöytäkirjat, 83-95. [stbdn sand Abbott, P.L. 1980. Provenance of Salton Dunes, southwest of Salton Sea, California, in Geology and mineral wealth of the California desert,Eds.Fife,D.,et al., South Coast Geological Association, Santa Ana, 409-413. [sand Abdel-Malek, Y., et al. 1971. Some factors governing the soil nitrifying capacity under the conditions of Kharga Oasis, Journal of the Desert Research Institute, Arab Republic of Egypt, 21 (1), 49-59. [dnsol Abdel-Malek, Y., Monib, Y.M., El-Hadidy, T. and Ragab, M. 1971. Chemical and microbiological studies of the soils of wadi El-Arish area, Journal of the Desert Research Institute, Arab Republic of Egypt, 21 (1), 61-72. [dnsol Abd el-Rahman, A.A. 1967. Water relations of windbreak trees under desert conditions, Phyton, Annales Rei Botanica, 12, 35-41. [abstract in Busche et al. 1984 dnsol dnuse dnveg Abdel Salam, M.A., El Bagouri, I.H. and Sabet, S.A. 1970. Amelioration of sandy soils through carpet- like application of amendments, Journal of Desert Institute, 20 (1), Arab Republic of Egypt, 121-1349. [dnsol dnuse Abdu, Anwar Sheikh ed Din 1977. A study of barchans in northern Sudan, unpublished M.Sc. dissertation, University of London, 74 pp. [dune Abedine, A.Z., El-Radwan, M. and Maklad, F.M.A. 1967. Preliminary study on the effect of artificially created layers of sandy soils on yield of alfalfa, Journal of Soil Science of the United Arab Republic, 7, 45-49. [dnsol dnuse abstract in Busche et al. 1984 Aberbach, S.H. and Sellinger, A. 1967. Review of artificial recharge in the coastal plain of Israel, Bulletin of the International Association of Scientific Hydrology, 12, 65-77. [codn Abohassan, A.A. and Rudolph, V.J. 1978. Afforestation for sand dune stabilisation in Al Hasa Oasis, Saudi Arabia, Proceedings of the, 1st International Rangeland Congress, Ed. Hyder, D.N., Society of Range Management, Denver Colorado, 257-259. [dnuse aldwych (B) DM 23 Abolkhair, Y.M.S. 1981. Sand encroachment by wind in Al-Hasa Oasis of Saudi Arabia,Ph.D. dissertation, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, 196 pp. [dune abstract in Busche, et al. 1984 Abrahamsson, K.V. 1972. Landforms of southern Saskatchewan, in Southern Prairies field excursion background papers, Eds. Paul, A.H., Dale, E.H. and Schlichtmann, H., Department of Geography, University of Saskatchewan, Regina, 151-195. [dune stbdn Abramova, M.M. 1969. Movements of moisture as a liquid and a vapour in soils of semi-deserts, Water in the unsaturated zone, Proceedings of the Wageningen Symposium, 2, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) / International Association of Scientific Hydrology (IASH-AIHS), 781-789. [dnsol dnhyd abstract in Busche et al., 1984 2 Abu Bakr, M. 1963. Physiography of the Changai-Kharan region, West Pakistan, Pakistan Geographical Review, 18 (1), 1-12. [dune Academia Sinica, Sand Control Group 1958a. A report on co-ordinated research on the desert regions, 1- 2, United States Joint Publications Research Service, Washington, DC, JPRS Doc., 18658, 18178, 108 pp. [dnuse copy of summary abstract in Busche et al., 1984 Academia Sinica, Sand Control Group 1962a. Sand control research, 3, United States Joint Publications Research Service, Washington, DC, JPRS Doc., 19993, 203 pp. [dnuse copy of summary abstract in Busche et al., 1984 Academia Sinica, Sand Control Group 1962b. Sand control research, 4, United States Joint Publications Research Service, Washington, DC, JPRS Doc., 20938, 278 pp. [dnuse copy of summary abstract in Busche et al., 1984 Academia Sinica 1978. Desert transformation in China - summing-up of masses' experiences in sand control, Scientia Sinica, 21 (2), 251-278. [ades dnuse abstract in Busche et al., 1984 Academia Sinica, Lanzhou Institute of Desert Research 1977. The Great Green Wall of China, Unesco Courier, 30, July, 32-33. [ades dtechb dnuse wneroc ull abstract in Busche et al., 1984 Academia Sinica, Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology, Cryopedology and Desert Research 1977. Combatting desertification in China, United Nations Conference on Desertification, August, Nairobi, A/CONF.74/18, 50 pp. [abstract in Busche et al., 1984 dnuse Academia Sinica, Lanzhou Institute of Desert Research 1978. China's deserts and the prevention of desertification, (in Chinese), LIDR, Lanzhou, 60 pp. [ades dplan wneroc or 1979 ?? Academia Sinica, Lanzhou Institute of Desert Research 1979a. The preventive measures of shifting sand at the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert (in Chinese, English summary), in China’s deserts and the prevention of desertification, (in Chinese, English summary), LIDR, Lanzhou 45-54. [ades dplan wneroc abstract in Busche et al., 1984 Academia Sinica, Lanzhou Institute of Desert Research 1979b. The controlling of desertification in the oasis in Dunghuang, in China’s deserts and the prevention of desertification, (in Chinese, English summary), LIDR, Lanzhou 55-58. [ades dplan wneroc abstract in Busche et al., 1984 Academia Sinica, Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology, Cryopedology and Desert Research 1982a. The transformation of deserts in China: a summary view of the people’s experiences in controlling sand, in Combating desertification in China, Ed. Walls, J., United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, 4- 29. [dnuse Achtnich, W. and Homeyer, B. 1980. Protective measures against desertification in oasis farming, as demonstrated by the example of the oasis Al Hasa, Saudi Arabia, in Desertification in Extremely Arid Environments, Ed. Meckelein, W., Stuttgarter geographische Studien, 95, 93-105. [dnuse XF 22 Meck Adam, J.G. 1975. Les dunes maritimes de l'Afrique occidentale. La fixation des dunes de Dakar, in Colloques phytosociologiques, 1, La végétation des dunes maritimes, Paris, 1971, Ed. Géhu, J.-M., Cramer, Vaduz, 245-251. [dnuse codn Adam, K.D. 1950. Über Windtransport von Kies in Wüstengebieten. I. Beobachtungen in Nordost-Afrika, Neues Jahrbuch der Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen ??, **, 289-294. [ripples sdmo Adam, L. 1959. The physical geography of the Mezofold, (in Hungarian), Foldrajzi Monografiak, 2, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 514 pp. [dune Adhikari, M. and Chakrabarti, G. 1976.