
Vol 49. Houlton, Maine, Wednesday, August 1909. No. 32

glad he had conquered, although the settled and the first frost <-io>, d them graceful nmvemems and attempting, more than I ever needed you before. pain was still sharp. He felt a better lluwn. with his free and ea-y insolenep, to I can’t go to father, lie wouldn’t un­ man for it, and. wrapped in this com­ She took the nous quietly, but with make friendly advances, but, seeing derstand, or else he would understand placent optimism, lie passed close by shining eves, though her pleasure was that, she refused to imt ire him, he be­ too much and spoil It all. his temper is THE the front of the trader's' store, where no greater or more genuine than Bo came piqued and grew bolder. so quick. Hon’t think I’m unwomanly, X’ccia find crept to be alone with her icon’s, who grasped hot h lmr hands in “Look Imre. Xecia; you're a mighty Poleon, for I’in not. 1 may be foolish misery. his and shouted gleet ally: pretty girl. I’ve had my eye on you and faithful aud too trusting, lmt; I’m X' Burrell had almost, parsed her when 1 “Bien' I'm glad! Yen'll be rieln* ever sitin' I lauded, and the more I see not --immaidenly. You see, I’ve never b a r r i e r lie was startled by the sound of his gal for sum now an' wear plaintee tine of you the lmt tor J lik e yi eg" boon like other girls, and he was so name breathed softly; then, to his dress lak I fetch yon. ,1ns' t'ink, you “It isn’t necessary to tell me that,” fine, so different, v he made me love ^ a r y Library amazement, he saw her come forth till’ gob on your pkwe more queeeker she replied. “The price of sugar will him. It’s part of a soldier’s training, like a spirit Into the silver sheen. (Ian your fader, an' he's good miner lm just tin* same.” too. 11 a! Hat's bully!” I suppose. It was so sweet to be near ‘•X'ccia,” ho cried, “what are you do­ “Yes. and yoii’r ■ bright, too,” he de­ ! him and to hear him tell of himself ing here at this hour'.” She looked up “Oli, well, they will find it on your REX BEACH clared. "That’s what 1 like in a wo­ ! and all the world he knows. I just let at him sadly. lie saw that her cheeks claims vei*v soon/' sin* replied. man good looks and brains. I believe He sh 00k Ills head. “\ oil better myself drift. I’m afraid - I’m afraid I C0PYRWHT.1908.BY HARPER & BROTHERS were wet. and something inside him in strong methods and straight talk, I listened too well and my ears heard snapped and broke. Without a word [ knock wood w’on you say dat. Mebbe too none of this serenading and moon- (Continued from last week) I draw di> blank again. X'oHidv can’t i more than he said. My head is so full he took her in his arms, meeting lu*r tight mush for me. When I see a girl of txioks, you .know.” lips In a long kiss, while she, trem­ tell. I’ve do de sain’ t'ing before, an’ 1 like 1 go and get her. That's me. I “Why didn’t you shoot?’ growled to strangle expostulation for a mo­ dnso men w’at been workin’ my groun' ] "He should have know’ dat, too,” Stark angrily, at which the negro half ment till he saw the soldier actually bling witli the joy of his strong em­ mala* love like a man ought to.” | said Poleon. brace, drew* closer and closer and rest­ dey’ro gettin’ purtv blue.” The girl laughed derisively In his bearing off his quarry. "Yes,” she flared up. “He knew I. arose and broke Into excited denials “When you do become a Flambeau face. of his guilt. Runnlon kicked him sav­ “Stop that!” he bellowed. “To h—1 ed her body wearily against his. ; was only an Indian girl.” “Little girl, little girl!” ho whispered king.” she continued, “what will you "Now. don't get sore. I mean busi- agely, while the crowd murmured ap­ with your law! We’re goin’ accordin'* do with yourself? Surely you won’t The only color In Doret’s face lay proval. to our own!” An ominous ecno arose, >ver and over, his tone conveying every Hess. 1'm im soft talking southerner | now in his cheeks, where the sun had I rhude of sympathy, love and under­ continue that search for vour far coun­ wit h gold butt buttons oils .and highfalutin "Le’ me see him,” said Lee, elbow­ and in the midst of it the miner in his try. It could never be so beautiful as j put it. but lie smiled at her—his warm, ing his way through the others. Fix­ blind fury, forgetting this exalted posi­ standing she had craved. lie knew way? I don’t cure if you are a squaw. engaging smile and laid Ills great what had made* her sad, and she knew this.” She pointed to tin* river that I'll take you.” ing his one eye upon the wretch, he tion, took a step too near the edge of never changed and yet was never the j brown hand upon her shoulder softly. the bar and fell off into the body of that he knew. There' was no need for “Hon't talk to me!” she cried in dis­ *Tve look’ in bees eye an’ I’m al- spoke impressively. velds. Tim anguish of this long day same and to the forests, slightly tingl'd gust, her voice hot with anger and re­ the meeting. With him fell the dig­ w ith ttie signs of the coming season, j ways t’ink lie’s good man.- I don’ “You’re the first downright thief I had whetted the edge' of their desire, sell) nmnt. ever seen. Was you hungry?” nity of the assemblage. Some one - “It’s very tine,” agreed the Canadian. i never t’ink he’ll mak’ fun of poor little and they we're too deeply, too utterly But he continued, unheeding; “Xow, "No; he’s got plenty,” answered one laughed, another took it up, the nerv­ “I don’ see w’y anybody would care : gal.” t in the ecstasy of meeting to care cut out these airs and get down to of the tenderfeet. “He’s got a bigger ous tension broke, and a man cried; for livin’ on dein cities w’eti dere’s so I “But he has, Poleon. That’s just t r spewed. ’ cases. I mean what 1 say. I know “The soldier is right! You can’t much nice place outside.” ‘ what he has done.” She came near to outfit than I have.” I “Your lips eding so that I can't get i you've been easting sheep's eyes at Bur­ "Then I reckon It’s a divine manifes­ blame a diuge for stealing!” And an­ “Yes,” said Xerla, “I’ve no doubt one breaking down and finished pathetical- j free." sigheel the girl at last. rell, lmt. Lord, he wouldn’t have you, tation,” said “No Creek” Lee tearfully. other: “Sure! Hogs and chickens are Would got tired of it soon and long fm- I ly, "They’re telling the story on the “ Y e m never shall.” lie whispe'red. im mutter how rich you get! Of course "This black party Is goin’ to furnish legitimate prey!” mmething to do and something mally street, so Kunnion says." gut whe'ii si »' smiled up at him pite­ ywi acted careless In going off atone an example, as will elevate the moral Lee was helped back to liis stand worth while, lmt I should like, to try "Hat’s easy t’ing for feex,” he said. ously, lies- e'.ves swimming, and said, “I ; with him. but I don’t mind what tone of our community for a year.” and called for order, but the crowd (t cnee, and I shall as soon as I’m rich , “Kunnion sin* don* spread no more [mist,” !m wrenched himself away and j they're saying around camp, for I’ve "What y’all aim to do?” whined the poked fun at him and began moving Hiough. Won’t you come along’/’ i story lak* dat.” I made little slljxs like that myself, and thief. about restlessly till some one shouted let her go. “I don’ know,” he said thoughtfully. j ”1 don't care what they say. I want a motion to adjourn and there arose a j We’d get along.” i the truth. . 1 want to know what he "We’re goin’ to try you,” announced (TTU’TFR XI. “Mebbe so 1 stay hem, mebbe so 1 talc' chorus of seconders. ! “Bit have you kitted!” she hissed i means, what his intentions are. He the one eyed miner, “and if you’re WUKKi: Tint PATH !.lt!>. my ramie an’ go away. For long tain’ As Poleon and Gale walked home the Through fier clinched teeth, while her swears he lows me, and yet he has found guilty, as yon certainly ore goin' I t'ink dis Flambeau she’s de pm/nis’ whole body vibrated with passion. Frenchman said, “Dat was nervy t ing XT) now began a new era for never asked i ie to marry him. lie has to be, you’ll be flogged, after which Ian’ I hoar endin' to me, but I don' “I’ll call Poleon and have him shoot to do.” Flambeau an era of industry gone t<>o far. lie has made a fool of perdloament you’ll have a nice ride A know ye* for w'ile.’ you!” She pointed to the river bank a The trader made no answer, and tin* 1 smdi as the* frontieT town had me to amuse himself, and.-aud I downstream on a saw log without “What kind of place is that land of hundred yards away, where the Cana­ other continued, “Stark is goin’ for lmvew known. Tim woods be­ couldn't, see it until today. He's laugh­ your laundry.” y!i I can't bear it!” "Too bad you didn’t think of them cryin’ to ini* ever since I’m little boy. temper and shrugged his shoulders somebody gets Stark first.” 'timber, and new cabins appeared on as The Frenchman took up ids wide hat before. Let’s get at this, boys, and It's a place w’ere I dim' get too hot on lm answered her roughly; When they were come to his door the every hand, rising In a elay. from the counter and placed It care- bive it over with.” lie summer an' too col’ on de winter; “Fnderstand me, I’m on the square. trader paused and, looking back over | A doze-n tents were? pitched on Lee’s 1 fully upon h.s head, but she stopped A miners’ meeting was called on the it's place w'eiv birds sing an' flowers So think it <>ver and don’t go up in the the glowing tents and up at the star discovery claim, for the* owner had Tflrn as he nn-ved toward the door, for •pot and a messenger sent hurrying blossom an’ de sun shine an’ w'ere 1 air like a skyrocket.” sprinkled lieayens, remarked, as if con­ hee'H besh'geel by men who clamored ran sl< ep widout dreamln' 'bout it: all she read the meaning of the glare In to the post for' the book In which was She cried "lit at. him “Go go-go!" recorded the laws of the men who had cluding some train of thought, “If that !<> lease a part of his ground, and. tie tarn’.” ids eyes. boy has got the nerve to take a nigger yielding finally, he had allotted to each .and finally he took up his bundle*, say­ made the camp. The crowd was de­ “Why, it’s the land of content. You'll “Wait tlii you understand—wait, I thief out of a miners’ meeting and hold iff them a hundred feed. Forthwith ing as In* stepped out slowly: termined that this should be done le­ never discover It by travel. I'll tell say! He hasn’t done anything yet.” him- against this whole town he [hey se't about opening their portions, “All right! But I’m coming back, gally and as prescribed by ancient cus­ you a secret, poleon. I've found it "Hat’s de trouble. I’m goin’ mak’ wouldn’t hesitate much at taking a feir ttie* ground was shallow and the and you’ll have to listen to me. I don’t yes, I have. It lies hem.” She laid her ‘lm do sornet’in’.” tom up and down tbe river. There mind being calk'd a squaw man. white man, would he?” gold so near the surface* that winter hand on her breast. “Father Barnaul “X’o, no; It isn't that. It’s these was no defense for the culprit, and he “Waal,” hesitated the other, “mebbe You're pretty near white, and you’re would Interfere with its extraction, told me tlie story of vour iH'ople and doubts that are killing me. I’m not offered none, being too scared to do dat would depen' on do crime.” good enough for me. I'll treat: you more than plead. The proceedings ( wherefore tlmy made haste. Tim own- lmw it lives in your bleed that hun­ sure”— “Suppose it was—murder?” right. Why, I’ll even marry you if ■ nr ewersaw them all. complacent, in tlm ger to find tbe far places. It's what: “I hear plaintee,” he said. “Dere’s wore quiet and grim and were well We got no men lak dat ! you're dead set on it. Sure!" “Ha! ain’ •ertainty of a steady royalty accruing drove the vovageur and coumur du no tarn’ for monkey roun’.” nigh over when Lieutenant Burrell Flambeau.” in 'from the* working of his allotments. hols from Quebec to Vancouver and Sin* could scarcely breathe, but "I tell you he may be honest,” she walked into the saloon. He had been They said good night, and the old Burrell sought X'ecia at aiTearly day from the Mississippi to Hudson bay. checked her first inclination to call declared. "He may mean to marry in hit quarters all day, fighting a fight man entered his house to find Album with himself, and In the late evening, ami. in presence of hew father, told Tin* wanderlust was their heritage, Poleon, knowing that it needed only a me, but I've got to know. That’s why waiting for him. wen! from her to set that nut brown j to you. That’s rebelling against bis war with his con­ ******* and they pushed on and on without I came what you must science, he had sallied out and, drawn rest, like the salmon in the spring, but savag-* it Kunnion’s throat. Other find out for me.” by tbe crowd in Stark’s place, had en­ Burrell took his prisoner to the bar­ they were different in this that they thoughts began to crowd lmr brain and "I’m good trader, Necla,” said the racks, where he placed him under never eame back to die.” to stifle her. Tin* fellow's words had | Canadian after a moment. “I’ll mak’ tered. guard, giving instructions to hold him A man replied to his whispered ques | There was a look of great tenderness stabbed her consciousness and done bargain wit’ you now. If he say yes at any cost, not knowing what wild in his eyes as he bent toward her and something for her that gentler means he’ll marry you I don’ ask no more, tion, giving him the story, for the and reckless humor the new citizens of meeting was under Lee’s domination, searched her face, but she was not would not have accomplished. They but If he say no you geeve 'im to me. Flambeau might develop during the thinking of him, and at length he eon- had opened her eyes to a thing that Is it go?” and the miners maintained an orderly night, for it is men who have always and businesslike procedure. Tbe mat­ t i nued; sin* had forgotten a hideous thing She hesitated, while he continued lived with the halter of the law tight | “Fader Barnum he's goin’ tie here that had retired Its fangs once before musingly, “? don’ see how no man on ter of fact relentless expedition of the upon their necks who run wildest affair shocked Burrell Inexpressibly, ilex' Sunday for cheer up deni Injun, j to strike, but that her dreams iff hap­ all dis work could lef you go,” then when it is removed. ( onstantim* she’s got de letter.” : piness had driven out of her Eden. to her, "Waal, Is it bargain?” end, seeing Poleon and Gale near by, he After he had taken every precaution “Ho you know.” said Xecia wistfully, j All at once she saw’ the wrong that “Yes.” she said, the Indian blood edged toward them, thinking that they he went out Into the night again and surely could not be in sympathy with “I've always wanted him to marry had been done her and realized from speaking m w, "but you must learn the fought with himself as he had fought me.” this brute’s insult that those early truth. There must be no mistake. this barbarous procedure. all that day and all the night before “You t'inkiu’ 'bout marry on some fears had been well grounded. It sud­ That would be terrible.” "You don’t understand, lieutenant” in fact, ever since old Thomas had •aid Gale in a low voice. "This nigger feller, eh'.'” said the other, with an odd denly occurred to her that in all the “Here ain’ goin’ be no mistak’.” come to him after leaving Xecia and hours she had stm*nt with her lover, "If he should refuse I—I’ll marry la a thief!” had so cunningly shaped his talk that grin. “Waal, w’y not ? He’ll be here ail . day an’ night. S’pose you do it. Mos’ in all those unspeakably sweet and some one quick. I won’t be laughed "Gentlemen,” announced Burrell, Burrell never suspected his object un­ intimate lmurs, there had never been "'standing near the ashen gray wretch anybody w’at ain’ got some wife til- at by this camp. I won't be a joke. til he perceived his iwjsition in such a oii<* word of marriage. He hafl looked Oh, Poleon! I’ve given myself to him ■nrt facing the tentful of men, “this clear light that the young man looked ready will be glad for marry on you, man Is a thief, but you can’t kill him!” ail’ mebbe some feller w’at has got into her eyes uul vowed he could not just as truly as If—well, he—he has back upon his work with startled eyes. live without her. and yet he had newer taken my first kiss.” Stark leaned across the bar, his The corporal had spoken garrulously wife too.’ if you don’ lak dem an’ if eyes blazing, and touched the lieuten­ you’re goin’ marry on somebody you ; said the words he should have said, Dorot smote his hands together at of his officer’s family, of their pride tiie words that would bind her to him. this and began to roll Ills head back­ ant on the shoulder. \ and of their love for Ills profession; can 1m* wife to me.” ; "Do you mean to take S hand In all Xecia laughed lightly. ”1 brdrve His arms and Ills lips had comforted ward from side to side as if In some had dwelt enthusiastically upon the her ami sidled tier fears; but, after ad, gmit pain, but his lips were dry and lieutenant’s future and the length lie you would marry me If I wanted you of my affairs?” In1 bad merely made love. A cold fear silent. After a moment the spell left "Thin Isn’t your affair. It’s mine,” One of her leaner* come to *hou he r and to. You’ve done everything else I’ve was sure to go and finally drifted into crept over the girl. She recalled the him, the fire died down, leaving only a •aid the officer. “This Is what I was the same story he had told Xecia. Bui- Fob on a h>oj of dnnt. ever asked. But you needn’t, be afraid. 1 won't take you up.” In till her life , old corporal's words of a few weeks dumb a g o n y in its place. She came sent here for, and it’s my particular rell_ at last sensed the meaning of the her that ho had been approached by this man had never spoken of hoe to ago, and her conversation with Stark closer and continued: business. Yon seem to have overlook­ crafty old soldier’s strategy and dis­ men who wished to lease the claims her, and she had no hint of tin* dream ; came back to her. What if it were "I'll m*v**r let them point r. ■ me and ed that Important fa£t.” missed him, but not before his work he held for her. It would prove an in lie cherished. j tnm that which Kunnion implied? say, ’Then* goes the squaw that—he “He stole my stuff, and he’ll take his had been accomplished. expensive way to develop her holdings, While tin y were talking a H* at What if he did imt Intend to ask her. threw’ away.’ ” medicine.” When Burrell drove his reason with he said, aud she would run no risks. had drown inshort' and made fast after all? What If he had only been "I say he won’t!” firm hands he saw but one course to Moreover.it would 1m rapid and Insure amusing himself? She cried out sharp­ I Foil f i |) I i"< | )|e\ ( week . ! For tbe second time In their brief to the bank in front of them. An follow, but when his miml went slack a quick return, for a lease so near to ly at this, and when Boret staggered acquaintance these two men looked for a moment the old desire to June Indian landed and. approaching, enter­ proved territory was In great demand. in beneath a great load of skins in* fair into each other’s eyes. Few men ed let" talk w it h the Frenchman. her returned more strongly than ever, After some discussion this w.as ar­ found her In a strange excitement. had dared to look at Stark thus and and he heard voices arguing, pleading. By and by poleon turned to tin* girl ranged. and Meade as trustee allotted When he had finished his accounting /MERRILL TRUST ( o \ llTe,, for when a m an has once Khed porsundln?'. She was equal of any and sa id ],,.!• ._rri>un to t he "It's dat Kunnion! I seen 'im pass mastered their surprise at the Inter­ himself that he was right in seeking after spent much of his time in the X BANGOR. MAINE / -fere and nddr<--wed lmr fa mid’arly. mi de store w'ile I’m down below.” ruption and then began to babble un­ this union there would rise again the hills, leaving the store to Hoivt. lie “lb'll", Noeia! I jn-U beard about His Prow-, knit in a black scowl, and til Burrell turned from the gambler picture of his people, their chagrin and seemed anxious to get away from the the -.trike "ii your claim. That’s tine Ills vi-i'-e slid off a pitch in tone. and threw up his urm for silence. what would result from such a mar­ ramp am At lide himself in tlm woods. BUY BONDS! and danuy.” "Wat he sa\. eh?” “There's no use arguing.” he told riage. Stark was almost I'onstantly occupied She a"k 11" \s hedged his rwiuratula “No, no; it's not that. He paid me i i the mob. “You can’t do It. I’ll hold He had wandered far during this de­ at Ills saloon, for It was a mint and J,et us tell you til tout some 9 tiwis "inly, for. although it was sues He laid his hand uj on the negro and that he believed he had come to an structure of squared logs, larger than lented It fr<>ii) this man. She chose te thi-. but she continued: “Hon't blame made for t!u* door, with face set and understanding with himself he turned the trading post, destined ns a dance let it pass, how ever. him for liking me. I'm the only wo­ #yes watchful and alert, knowing that back toward his quarters. He knew hall, theater and gambling house. "I had swim good new s last night man for 500 miles around or I was Netting' 4- to 5 a hair’s weight might shift the bal­ it would be hard to give her up. but Burrell entered into a season of pen myself." he continued. "uiic of my until this crowd came—so how could ance and cause these men to rive him lie had irrevocably decided, and his arn-e and flagellation of spirit, light­ P E R CENT lnwi lias hit some good dirt, and we’ii he help himself? No; he merely like wolves. path began to unfold itself so clear ened only by the moments when he know what it means in a day or so. d-avi'd me what a fool I've been.” Lee's indignation at this miscarriage and straight that he marveled how he was with Xcria and when sin* made Denominations of I’ll gamble we're Into the money big. '1 guess you better tell me all 'bout Of JijKtlce hud hhnvi by the throat as could have failed to see it. He was !him forget all else. This damnable in­ $100, $500, $1,000 though, for I always was a lucky cuss. il s ping/’ said poleon gravely. “Ydl decision goaded him to self contempt Umov I'm all tarn’ ready for help you. He despised himself for his weakness Say, wlmre’s your father?" Xecia Wen you was little feller an' WRITE OR CALL Ilis social instincts an 1 tmining, his "i I e’s wit at the mine.” i "t Past .vour finger you run to me sense of duty and the amenities of life "We’ve u-a d up all of our bar sugar at tlm sa]i>iiii, and I want to buy what show’ her and l’oleon a bag among Maine’s moneyed men. Wherever yop of dust. He and his partner had You can rest assured that you’ll find what you want at tins modern Drug Store. Our live, vou can do business handily with us. found the pay streak finally, ami he P rticulars sent on request. laid come to notify her that it gave Prescription Department gives conscientious service in every detail. You yet just what promise of being very rich, and now the doctor orders - there is no substitution, no adulteration — ami every precaution is that its location was demonstrated no taken to guard against mistakes. EASTERN TRUST & BANKING CO. doubt the other “laymen” would have And in every other department in this Store the variety is complete, and excellence of Beintfor. M a i n e It within a fortnight As all of them quality and fairness of price are always in evidence. Avert* ready to begin sluicing as soon Branches at Oidtown, Maine and Machias, Maine. as tin* ground could be stripped, un­ doubtedly they would be able to take out it substantial stake before wdnter PERKS DRUGSTORE aoi"iTN°g The Aroostook Times, Wednesday August 11, 1909.

iftte anb UQater Sale Buy All You Can Use of These Sensational Cut-Price Offerings GREATER SAVINGS WERE NEVER OBTAINABLE

T ’S but the matter of a few weeks now when we’ll be able to take I possession of our renovated and improved building, with its fresh, new, clean stocks. These goods are already ordered— and are waiting only for our bidding before being rushed here. Final, Decisive Price-Cuts are Made to Sweep Out All of the Merchandise Still on Hand! THIS ASTOUNDING SALE STANDS ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PRECEDENT FOR PRICE-SLASHING AND VALUE-GIVING Cost prices are actually halved-you can buy for positively LESS THAN THE EXPENSE OF MANUFACTURING THE ARTICLES. Every Item is a bargain and saving chance never equalled at any sale event of any sort in the entire merchandising history of Houlton. COME! BUY LIBERALLY OF THE ENORMOUS HOULTON RICHARDS & CO MAINE

tin* guests of Mrs. Dibbley's brother ports s.'ittout a short time ago by nesday in honor of Misses Marion ! Imre with Mr. and Mrs. Aldeii A. ('. Mitchell. and Isabel Frawlcy of Banger. j Yartmy they came down by auto some* inexperienced correspondent ! leaving Fort Fairfield in the niorit- 'l’lie* young ladies held an ice cre*ani in the Northern part of the County, Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. York of Mars | ing and returneil the saitn* <*ven- social Fridav evening of last week by which tin Original estimate of Hill, Mr. and .Mrs. C. M. Towle of from which they realized a sum of tin.(XX.).not) bushels was made for the Faston and .Janies Kirsfead were i ing. H I. in to he used for church pur­ County, were- entirely unreliable. among the automobile parties to en­ Mrs. John Gartley of Woodlawn anglers Monday. One of the pick­ pose-. The report also that by reason of Crescent Park Notes. joy Landlord Stephenson's fine was called here one day last week erel measured twenty-two inches Du* seed missing, large* fields were chicken dinner Sunday. by tin* illness of her daughter. Mrs. Mr-. Fttle* Barton accompanied long. Finest Tunmy hut it will la* pleas­ her eldaa mgllighter. i Mrs. Granger to her being ploughed up a-ml re-seeded A party of boys are camping at On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Ora The Misses Pierce gave a hop ing to Mrs. Turney's many friends homelotne in I’I’la ivie ietice R. I. Monday. with grain was erroneous; or in­ the Cold Spring this week. Gilpatriek gave a dinner party at Thursday evening to the young la­ to learn that slu* hits so far tveov- Mrs. Bart deed that tin* vitality of fin; Aroos­ Mrs. W. D. Buzzell entertained the Pavilion in honor of Mr. and took seed is running out from re­ dies who made up the house party at e*rod from her recent, illness as to lx* SeV (*!',al we Mrs. Holt Wednesday and Thursday Mrs. Klrick Tuck of Providence, H. peated planting, should and could the Pierce cottage. about t he house. G. W. \V. Rollins. K. G. Bryson and The Merry Twelve held a whist 1. Covers were laid for twenty. (;. he easily renewed by raising more The Horse-Shoer’s Association of Mrs. A nge’■elim* Whittier have each party at the Star cottage Thursday. Landlord Stephenson furnished the vigorous plants from the seed ball, Aroostook County and Woodstock lost a COWv within a week, and only dinner. Llnneus. and that I offer $100 for a peck of A party of forty enjoyed a fish will hold their annual picnic at the a B' eVVVC'd*ks ago F. G. (’leaves lost The Misses Pierce- have been en­ the* pofafo sce'd ball for this pur­ chowder at the Star cottage Sunday. Park Saturday August L. <). Sawyer is ill at his home. two Att first it was feared that T tertaining at a house* party at the pose. Such “rot" would be laugh­ Tyler Good and family are spend­ John Adams of Boston was a cull­ thelelet e mb might be some contagious Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Buzzell enter­ Pierce cottage* this wee*k. 'The* fol­ able were it not for the fact that, ing the week at the McDonald cot­ er at Janies Adams, Sunday. disease.*ise*ase anamong the cattle*, but later tained Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davis and lowing math* up the party : Miss as served up by the State papers, it tage. it was wa s tilethought that the cows ate Watson Davis of Portland at the Margaret Burnham, Miss Anna Put­ 1. F. But h who has been i 11 t he is taken seriously, and the result is, Miss Emma Pearce entertained some*onn* peeisepoisonous weed in the* pastures Park Wednesday evening. nam, Miss Kninia Pearce1, Miss Fdith past two weeks is some better. almost, general misapprehension of Miss Margaret Burnham at Birch Mr. and Mrs. Ora Gilpatriek en­ K doii, Miss Clare* Browne*, Miss Daniel Hatfield went toOakfichl the conditions as they really exist. Point Sunday. tertained a number of guests at their Geraldine Pierce and Miss Alma Station on business this week. Letter B. Road. It is something quite new to the Mr. and Mjs. H. W. Plummer en­ cottage over Sunday. The party Pierce with Mrs. T. V. Doherty as Frank Stewart who ha- been ill intelligent ami thoroughly posted tertained Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Ket- took dinner at the Pavilion. chaperone. the past yi*ar is very low at this Jehu W. Davidson returned from potato man to learn that it is only chum Thursday. The Webb Reunion was held One of the most enjoyable* and writing. a trip to Limestone Saturday. necessary to plant seed halls in or­ Mrs. Rich and Mrs. Edblad enter­ suceessful datums e>f the seasem was der to renew or re-in force the vital­ Thursday, the party being made up Many from this town attended the Si*ve*ral from here attended league tained a party at the Eastern Star held at tin* Pavilion Tuesday eveni­ ity of that particular sort, as it is a of Littleton people. A sail on the baptism in Hodgdon, Sunday, Au­ game's In Houlton last week. cottage on Tuesday. ng by seve*ral young ladies frenn well known fact that it is often nec­ launch and a hop were enjoyed. gust s. ! News are very scarce ip this vicin­ teovn. Thy ball was prettily decor­ essary to work out for several sea­ Mr. and Mrs. William H. Guiou Mr. and Mrs. Horace Richards ity at present. ated with cut flowers, wild flowe-rs Many from this town attended tin* sons the result of the planting of and family are spending the week and family of Fort Fairfield spent enmpmeet ing helel at Lit l letoii Sun­ Miss Louise Chamberlain, Houl­ at the Star cottage. and nume'i'ous colored lanterns seed balls before* a satisfactory seed­ Saturday at their cottage returning day Aug. S. ton was the guest of Miss Myra Da­ Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Davis and which added a great deal to t in* en- ling can he* secured, and even then home Saturday evening by auto. Most of the farmers in town have vidson om* day hist week. party were among the auto parties joyment eif the fortv ceiuples present. it may lx* apparently entirely for­ finished haying ami report a light Miss As!) of Ludlow held a nn*et- At the Park Friday evening. Mrs. Fred Harmon entertained a The music wtts all that could he de­ eign in varii'tv to that from which party Monday in honor of Miss sired, being furnished by the crop hut of gei«)d ejua 1 ity. ing in the school house* Sunday it sprung. Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Ira G. Marion J. Dunning of Picton, N. S., Knowles sisters of Fe>rt Fairfield A much needed s h o w e r ; * e o n i p a - morning which was well attended. Our Company are continually Hersey entertained at Rest cottage, 11 coming out by auto in Mrs. (’airs' wlm are artists in their line. Deli- nied by very high winds pa-see) over Anolh**r meeting will he* held on searching tor Dn* ideal potato, ami Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Gorham. car. ciems refreshments were served at this vicinity Sutniay aftertp'on, Au­ m.\i Sunday evening at 7.bn. are* to-day conducting a series of Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison en­ intermission. The young ladies gust s. tests in connect .on with no loss than Richards entertained Dr. and Mrs. tertained Mr. ('lias. Davis of Pasa­ wish to thank l)r. Bert Doyle who Tin* base Ball game between eigiit of the State* experiment Sta­ Williams at the Richards cottage. Potato Prospect For dena, Cal., Mr. Lawrence Snowball brought the Missis Knowles from Hodgelon and Lintmiis, Saturday. tions in ditfere nt parts of the coun­ Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Putnam were and Mr. Anderson at t he Park Sun­ Fort Fairfield in his auto and Mrs. A mg. 7 resulted in a score of - to 1 Aroostook. try. New methods of fertilization the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. 1). day. Hettie* Porter for t lie doeorat hm of i)i fa vor of Li nileus. amt culture are being tried, and Putnom at the Putnam cottage cut flowers. seedling a iKi hybrids by the hun­ The usual Saturday evening hop Herman Bells of ilouhon tilled In vie-w of the w idi'ly e 1 ilie t'ent Sunday. dreds have Imeti grown to be quick­ en­ the* pulpit at the M . F. ch u rch MIM- reports -.(■tit out from Aroo-took for the cottagers was very much ly discardeel as having soim* unde­ . Harris Porter and family and .East Hodgdon day A ug. s. in the ah.-ence ol L. G. ('mi nt y recent ly eoneerning Dm po­ joyed this week. The new electric sirable qualities. Recently, how­ Miss Glass of Wrshington spent piano dance music being very much M a re' i who is conducting the sing - int o acreage1 in A ro< *-i < o1L anil the Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. John R e ‘ V . W. \V ! I ei • 1 e 1' ol llollltoll prospect i ve crop, we interviewed F. ever, int i u'e -t i ng expiTinmnts with enjoyed. ing at the Littleton camp gmu smne degree of success have been A. Millar. preaches! hen* last Sunday. ,. ( 1 ■ ■ \ e land, l’re-ident o! t In* F. L. sure* The occupants of the cottages were made t hrough graft in ; Die* expe*ri- Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Blake were » Mrs. Joseph Brown of New Lim­ ( hoi lcml ('eeiiipaiiy wine is regarded pleasantly entertained Friday after­ men ters s* * ID n u't" s. ure an ideal <}he guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. erick was the guest <»f Mis< Lillian Haynesville. a- aimuig tin* hot ant Imrity mi tiny- noon by Miss Mary L. Spear who t uber in shaj . size and ejuality. as Wilkins at the Whitcomb cottage Brown e>n<* day hist we*e*k. thin g pert a i u i ig to tin* potato indus- rendered a number of vocal and mt of town mi bu­ wi* 1 i as one re i-t ing disease*, but as Thursday. Miss Minnie Callnan has gone in T. N . (>r-e r i- t r y, with 111' ■ 1 ■'11" w i n g re--ill t : Mr. piano selections. om* expert wel I puts it. “ Tim law Oante*rhury, N. B., to spend a week .im*s> t his w(*-• ( ' le ■ ve lam 1 said : Mrs. Eugene Smith, Mrs. Boynton Fred Harrison entertained Harry of resistance - evil]- t ) lx* t hat the* and Mrs. Kincaid of Mars Hill are with relat ive*s and friends, Si tm 'on Irish m is fort u in* ‘•The fnm clear weaMmr for the and Leonard Snowball of Chatham, la>f t w ei u i'io , following (he rains greater tin d ■give of resistance* to spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Stillman of Limestone is vis­ e | e is" Olle nf ck hot ses la-' N. B. and Chas. Davis of Pasadena, of t !.' M-eVii'US t Wee \\ ecks, together ■a- Die p eei er the ejuality for Tyler Good. iting her elaughter Mrs. Arthm Wl eK. Cal. at the Park Friday. The party will.' D i coj'ioii s sP>rm S of Vestel'- table me. an I mi infinitum, so. Mr. and Mrs. Tuck, who are the He>\ ey ami ot tier relitt ives lu re. M r-. ( 'ha-. O' Bri mi at id cl) ihlr th ■ let saw, “ \Y<* light guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Gilpat- a i e at I e *ln< ■ troin .! ; i ■1 | man for a Dr. Bert Doyle entertained Mr. Master Leo Ralph Moure.* gave- a tions B>r th" jw,,per growth and em pipe am n it gain.'’ riek were among the successful birthday party (■> seven of his little few i la \ -. and Mrs. H. I). Stevens of Fort Fair mat 11 r i) eg of tl !■ pot.at O crop, and friends last Salunlay a ft erne >e m. I Mi All I \Yil-e 'ii a ii 1 -on J iin i"t Don't D e e* a i a** extra dollar to CREAM field at dinner at the Pavilion Sun­ c.a re! ii 1 I1"1 1 re] ea red ley me m i! ei ns III! ,d to tl hone IS M....-e- vfi'Ai; \ r »■ aiol keep tin* extra dol- Doyle’s automobile. of Ludlow --pent >u tie lay Imre wit 11 1 • n g t ri j t!i nui-; h tin p e' t a * <' If yon have pains in the back, Urinary, i.i' - n y e w\ Jieecket. If interested VYlite Mis. Stephenson'- parent-, Mr. and: Yirgie Him- e : In : Bladder or Kidney trouble and want a cer- Mr. and Mrs. W. G. 1 bun ford en­ ' e \\ 111',' S e e ’ t i o II: of the ( i'll! t V i ' V '!' ter n n !. p :t flolli o to s U V. e ei i. M i >. Dm in ( tals, pleasant herb relief from Women’! ills joyed a picnic at the Park Tuesday M rs. Fdwarel i 1 ■. j 11 -1 i fy the bel im' ii.nl id( II AID >s MFC. ( <». We-lo! try Mother Gray’s “AUSTRLIAN-LEAF.” in honor of Mr. and Mrs. lh ad of Mr. ami Mrs. Willmv Burden and e la - i w ,\ •< b. cient inm d fa voraBle ei.mib Imi Woodfeinis Sfa. Mane. It Is a safe, reliable regulator, and relieves all Melrose, Mass. A sail on the launch elaughter Lillian of 11 emHon -pint M r. ai m I M rs Wan 11 v, -■ tuny nsi-enaBly e\pe, i g, : •;> Female Weaknesses, including Inflammation Camilla was enjoyed. the Sabbath here with Mrs. Bur­ Mow I a i a it i v e! at. l aim vest a normal crop, or -ay, a - 1*:r; tnd ulcerations. MOTHER GRAY'S AUS­ den's -isrer, Mrs. John Grait. Saturday evening in their auto. as t hat • > 1 last season . a ; ■;u < • \i*.■:■:' Times Publishing Co. TRLIAN-LEAF is sold by Druggists or Mrs. J. B. McMann gave a de­ lightful picnic dinner and supper to Recently a party of friends from M r, amt M i -. Wesley Di bbl.*y ami ' ly lb.l H Hl.l II 10 bushels. gent by mail for 50 cts. Sample sent FREE. Tlx misleading a ml rid ie ahm- Iv Fine fob Work Address, The Mother Gray ,CoM LeRoyN. Y. a party of thirty young ladies Wed­ Fort Fairfield spent the afterintou — i ni I'eiirv ill WT'eiit ham. Mass., an 1 The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, August 11, 1909.

£ < i 3 i i 3 ib 3i tSn3n3it3iigit3ii?f s 1 <» 2. H mi 1- ton scored in the 1st and up to t lo­ ot 11 when tin- In-aw hittm-s of the Chaw H. Berry was in Bangor last M. A. Maloney has returned to home team land'-d laiuh-d on Willey,Willey. Tin week tin business. Machias. ■ game was close and exciting Mrs. II- M. Stevens of Hartland H. 1). Siucock was in Bangor last rot's on tin part of the visitor- is the guest of her son, II. P. Stev­ week on business. ted six runs.g Kalph ( iood in ens. Hon. Howard Pierce of Mars Hill (itn- hit in rig hi center, in-ttii Miss Anna Curran left here last was in town Friday on business. a home run. Bridges, M <• N CARNIVAL SALE and AIh>n fool; many ipportunit h week for Portland where she will Hon. Byron Boyd was among tin- coming t In-ir way. visit friends. prominent down state, men in town Ilouitou met defeat -m Friday in a last. All-Wool Suit-, nvular prim S i".1)0 , yours John Watson attended a meeting game with tin- ('arihoii t--am. A ft >r of the B. 5. Charles White on Leonard street, Miss Edna Phillips of Pawtucket, Both Cariliou and Millinocket will Serious Accident. Crystal R. I. who has been visiting Mrs. W. Mrs. M. A. Maloney has returned be seen today. No one should fail Advertising. Mr. and Mrs. Win McCarty and B. Gibson during the past few weeks from St. John and Calais where she to attend as both will he red hot con­ Odder Parsons and wife visited at young child were driving out Wed­ .James Hatt’s Inis week. Tim treat success of that mer- returned to her home Saturday even­ hns been visiting the past ten days. tests. nesday of last week un-t with a se­ chant prince, John Wanamaker, ing. | The many friends of Mr. S. C. Cassie and Caild** Mitchell are O'Connor, who is pitching for rious accident by which both re­ was achieved M. M. Clark returned from St. Webber will be pleased to know visiting relatives in East Horsey through newspaper Caribou has been pitching on a lo­ ceived fractures of (lie leg. advertising. In his early career Mr. Paul Saturday noon, after a that his condition is much improved this week. cal league team in New York state They were coming down Pleasant Wanamaker puts his profits into month spent with his son, Walter. Mrs. J. I). Walker and children whore lie did fine work. Miss Edna Swallow of Oakfield Mrs. Clark remains for a longer street near Mechanic, when the was calling oil friends and relatives tin* newspapers to tell the readers of Millinocket are the guests of Mrs This week’s games are Caribou horse becoming frightened of tin- visit. in town last week. what in* was doing and what were Walker’s parents, liev. and Mrs and Miilinocket at Houlton to-day, whistle of the merry-go-round, his .aspirations. He selected the A large number of people attend­ McKay. Caribou at Miltiuocket Thursday, started suddenly and when Mr. Mc­ Mrs. I). C. Goodall of East Horsey best: mediums—the home papers— visited her daughter, Mrs. John E. ed the camp-meeting at Littleton on Mrs. James Eagers of Smyrna Houlton at Caribou Friday and Carty started to pull him up, tin- and used space day after day—ex­ Mitchell last week. Sunday and many went through Mills is visiting at the home of Mrs Houlton at Millinocket Saturday. hit broke and the horse ran away cept Sunday—and kept at it with Houlton on the excursion from Mil­ Edward White, Sunnyside street “Pike” Johnson of the Houlton throwing out. the occupants. Mr. Abner Weed is at Augusta with tin* regularity of the seasons. linocket. Houlton. team has pitched two games where McCarty's leg was broken above flu* encampment of the Houlton He call ed to his assistance the best Mr. L. W. Harvender formerly Mr. Chas. White,'the well known only two hits have been made off and below the knee, and Mrs. Mc­ Militia of wind'll lie is a member. writers to prepare his announce­ connected with the N. E. Tel. Com-] Jinejnftn of the Aroostook Tel. alu, his delivery. The other pitchers Carty’s was broken below the knee, Bert Bradley of Haverhill who ments. Tlmse advertisements were pony of Boston has accepted a posi­ Tel. Co. is confined to the house of the league will have “to go some" while tin* child was unhurt. has been visiting his sister Mrs. Cur­ filled with human interest and hu­ tion with the Aroos. Tel. & Tel. Co. with illness. to beat the record. Both have many friends who re­ tis H attw entto Sherman last week man beings read them, became in­ In this town. to visit, relatives. Miss Doris Waterall lias been Stone who has been playing with gret to hear of the accident, as Mr. terested and made John Wanamaker Anyone desiring the help of a spending a few days at the Powers Houlton was formerly a member of McCarty only a short time ago had Mrs. Annh* Whit*- and daughter what he is to-day—tin* greatest mer­ chant of tin* present. young man during the school year cottage, Ludlow, the guest of Miss tin) Bates team and has been play­ a severe run of typhoid fever. Ruby are visiting B. H. White and around a place can secure one for Doris Powers. ing with Indianapolis of the Amer­ family of Houlton this week and his board and room by applying to The marriage of Mr. John Berrie ican Association where he is rated Advertised Letters will visit in Woodstock before re­ F or Sale. tho Times office. turning hum**. of Island Falls and Miss Essie Sav­ as a catcher of exceptional ability. Aug. 9, 1909. A 1x8 Pearl Printing Press in Kirst class Miss Eva McGinley returned last age of this town took place in Wood- Tiie Maine Colleges are well repre­ The sad news of tin* death of Mrs. condition at your own price. It will pay to week from Fort Fairfield where she stock* last week. sented in the Northern Maine Simeon Pommy of Batten which oc­ investigate. M K N, curred at Bangui has been received Address H. J. Times Office. has been for two weeks as stenog­ Mrs. John B. Madigan, Mrs. League, Stone, Johnson Harriman. rapher for Editor Harvey of the Re­ hen*. Sin* was a daughter of Mar­ Janies L. Doherty and A. W. Madi Bridges, Heaney. Allen, Lamorev, Ervin W. L. view during his absence. (L ady. Joseph tin Main Sr. of this town. gan leave here Thursday for a trip Dwinal, Rates ; Wilson and Lawiis Mileage Books Mrs. H. M. Bodge and daughter, to St. John, N. B. from Bowdoin ; Kalph Good, Wil­ Keels, S. w. Edna of Roslindale, Mass., are vis­ Me Donald, Ah-xai Sew ing Bangor ami Aroostook and Maine Central Hon. Beecher Putnam, State In­ ley. Tilton, Michaud from Colby; iting her brother, J. B. Perry, Sum­ Powers, Mr. 1 ’lain sowing ami »>makn nr. books bought and sold. surance commissioner arrived horn Stanwood from Maine. mer street, for a month. Mr. Dodge Seovil, ( d-o. ] 1. Mbs. P. BARKS, H. K. THO.MAs, Saturday evening and will be at expects to join hJs family the last of Messrs. A. H. W. i A < in High st. Barber Simp, Houlton, Maine. home during the week. Company L, N. G. S. M. the week. wo At )•; Mrs. Andrews of New York City Rev. Frank I. Hanscom, pastor of Company I. will ret urn from A u- j Brophy. Miss Lilli- returned to her home Wednesday gusta to-ni lit having been in at- the Congregational church at Cres- i ( 'oruint. Mrs. \nni OFFICIAL PROGRAM ton Iowa, occupied the pulpit of the evening after a short stay with her ndance at tin- annual State M us- | mother, Mrs. John Watson. M e Du If. Miss Ih-hi M. E. church in this town Sunday. tel'. N iehols, M rs. Emi Houlton Merchants Carnival Mr. Hanscom is a brother of A. H. Miss Spafford of Toronto who lias Houlton people should be w»ll Roberts, Hattie been the guest of her sister, Mrs. .Hanscom, the present pastor. pleased with Company L as the hoys Reed, Mrs. Ilatte M. Frank H. Jackson on Military St., August U , 1909 The representatives of two differ­ made a most excellent showing. Ross, Miss Carrie E. will return home Saturday. ent decorating concerns have been The following an* tin- members of ’Thomas, M rs. .J ost*ph Miss Lora Standish, daughter of the Company; Cawi. E. A. Hos- ''.V In town for the past week decorating Wlnm calling for b-fb-rs found in the business blocks for the carnival. Dr. Miles Standish of Waltham, ford; First Lieut. H. M. Perry, Sec­ above list mention advertised and S A U 'T E —Bells ami cannon. Nearly all places have employed Mass., is the guest of Miss Doris V. ond Lieut., Edward F. Keating. give date. BAND CONCERTS—Woodstock Band at Snell House, Houlton one or the other and many are very Powers at her camp at Ludlow. First Sergeant, E. A. Blair. Quarter­ F. M. HEME. B. M. Band at Elks Club. master Sergeant W. J. Keating, attractive. Mrs. F. H. Butler of Hinckley Me. BASE BALL—Houlton and Miliinocket, T*-nny Grounds. Prof. W. F. Watson, a graduate of arrived here Monday evening and Sergeants Thomas Dobbins. Fred WARRANT will visit friends for a month. She Huggard. Burns McIntyre and Jas. STREET PARADE—F. A. Peabody, Marshall; Aids. Mounted Ricker in the class of 1884, Colby To William H. Huiou, one of the Constables 1888 is in town to attend the Carni­ is the guest of Mrs. F. A. Nevers. Adams. Corporals, Verm* Mitch- Police; Fire Dept. Trades Floats, Farmers Teams etc., etc. Parade 11, Earl Hwsford, Lyman Smith, of the Town of Houlton. UkKKTiXH : val. Prof. Watson is at the head of Geo. McNair leaves here Thurs­ forms on North street mar Old Bark; proceed to Market Square, Ernest Brewer, Harry Wilson, Whereas, a petition signed hy H. L. Smith the Chemistry department in a day for Newport Me., with a crew from Market Squar ** to Main from Main to Military, from Mili­ ‘rank Nevers, Humbert: Thomas and 2.1 others, legal voters in the 'Town of prominent Southern college and is of men where he will build a bakery Houlton, has bt*en made to us Seleetmi-ti of vnd Basil Goodt-11. Musicians, Geo. tary to Kelh-ran. from Kelleran to Park from Bark to Court, from among the leading chemists of the for Don A. H. Powers of this town. said Houlton, to call a meeting of die in­ ‘lemming and G. E. Woodard. Court to Water, from Water to Pleasant, from Pleasant to Winter, country, having written several The ladies of the Church of the habitants of said town, to act upon the Tivates, William Ambrose, James articles hereinafter named. from Winter to Market Square and disband. text bo’okB on that subject. Good Shepherd will serve sand­ Boxton, Koy Bragdoii, Charles Now, therefore, we the undersigned, 1 1.5*1 BA ELGON ASG ENSIGN—From Highland Ave Bridge with double Henry A. Bishop and family, wiches, coffee and ice cream on the Brown, E. C. Cookson, H. E. Cook- Selectmen of said Houlton hereby request parachute drop. Bridgeport, Conn., arrived in town, church lawn to-dap beginning nt son, Benj. C-.irdrev, Clarence Cox, you to notify and warn the inhabitants of last week by automobile. They are 11 a. in. T. Cummings, Janies Curtis, George said Houlton, qualified by law to vote in BAND C< >XC KKTS—Fvom Snell House and Elks Club. on their annual trip to Portage for Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ham of Ban­ Davis, George Easterbronk, Henry Town altairs, to assemble at the Engine fishing. It will be recalled that it gor are in town until after the cele­ Fortier. Luther (-Hidden, Basil < T O ( M | “ House, in said town, on Wedm-sdaj the I Mb. Ma RATIION RACE—Start a-t corner of Main and Water streets’ day of August, 1 ‘**a.*, at nine o'clock, in tin* was Mr. Bishop who beat out the bration. Mr. Ham has the con­ ell, Levi Graham, Freeman Hanson. up Main to junction *d Main and Military, down Military to High, forenoon to act upon the following articles, B. A A. passenger train from Houl- tract to furnish the fireworks this Harry Herrick, Guy Jackins, Rob­ to wit: - to Bark, to Kelh-ran. to Military, to School, to Park, to Court, to to h to Bangor last summer, arriving evening. ert. Keith, Gilbert Kelley, George there with his automobile fifteen 1st. To elect a moderator to i-i-m-w at finish in Hipiiiro. Deputy Sheriff R. H. Whitney Michaud. Fayette Powers, Warren said landing. mlnutesjahead of the train. 2d N) BASE BALL—A t ’Tenney Grounds. Two G ames. Caribou and and son returned last week from Perrigo, Jesse Reed, Morrill Ross, 2nd. To see if the town will vote to ac­ Portland where Mr. Whitney went James Russell, Alfred Sweet, ('has. cept the following described wa\, to wit:, Millinocket. Houlton and Caribou. to take Reuben Barnes to the State Terry, Daniel Russell, Roland Tidd. Beginning at a point on the Boxeroft- Road- ACTOMOBILE PARADE—Form at High School Campus. school for boys. R. Watson, A. Weed, Thomas so-called, in said Houlton, one hundred duo; BAND CONCERTS. White and G. E. Woodard. feet south of tin* centre of the road, near Hon. It. W. Shaw, accompanied BALLOON ASCENSION —Highland Ave Bridge. *Have You Company F of Dover won the s<-c- Smith Ford, so-- which are found only when Miss Marie Whitney, daughter of by Lieut. Daniel J. Gould of Com­ propriuted for a bridge across tin M“du\ne- you possess the correct ac­ R. H. Whitney met with a had ac­ pany G of Bangor. Lieut. Edward keag Stream, so-called, near Smith Ford, to B U LB S, N il 11 IT BS, ETC . cessories. You furnish the cident while out berrying last week. F. Keating, Company L of Houlton, build a bridge one liundnxi don. Pvt -oath In some way she fell and cut her won tin* seeond prize and Lieut. of the old location and on tin* way di-de-ao-d. tub and water—we have the lip so badly that it required the Charles A. Marston of Norway, tin* by said Smith as set out in artiel two mb ! rest— services of a physician. third. 4th. 'To.se** what further sum of mon»y ' I will have the best stock of Tulips, Hyacinths and other Bulbs that the said tow n will appropriate to build said On Sept. 6, the O. E. S. will hold can be procured, and they will surely make a fine display lor next Cary Library. bridge. SOAPS, SPONGES a school of instruction in Houlton Riven under our hands at Houlton, the winter and spring if planted this fall. to be attended by representatives Tin* following is tin* report sub­ loth, day of August, A. D. F.'oq. Brushes. Bath Salt, Etc. from all the lodges in tin- County. mitted by the Librarian, Miss Anna A true cop\ attest : W. H. HI'Ini'. I am also prepared to supply the best of Cut Flowers, The school will be in the afternoon Frank A. Ilea body, l Selectmen Barnes for t In* minit li of J u Iy ; 'Total and in the evening an inspection of 1 Ijalmar Kdblait, el D e s ig n s and Decorations at such prices as will be BETTER GET A SUPPLY NOW number of books loam-d, 1323 ; trav­ Harry U. Burleigh, \ Houlton Fidelity Chapter will bo held. els, ect., 23; biographies, 22; histo­ within the reach of al'. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Irvine have ries, 1 i) ; fiction, senior, 1218: ii**- Furniture For Sale. Don't fail to place your order MARLY for Bulbs, sold their residence at Lake Georg**, They will certainly The Cochran tion, junior, 415; essays ami miscel­ (ietii*ml Household Fui'nitun-of all hub York Co.. N. B. where they have laneous, 23 ; poetry, in; fine arts, 11 ; for sal**. At 4s H igh Street. be all sold at an earlv date. Drug Store lived for fifty years, and have conn* useful arts, 1 ; natural sciences, 8 ; 238p to Houlton to live, where their son political and social science, 8 ; re­ Prescriptions A Specialty C. E. Irvine, aud daughter, Mrs. A. ligions, (B philosophy, 5 ; magazines Saleslady Wanted 5 Water St., Houlton, Me. M. Rideout, have lived for a num­ 41 ; new borrowers registered 21 ; One with wane experience preferred. IX. Im. C nA D A V IC K , S t r e e t ber of years. lines collected, $3.85. Apply to J. A. BROWNK A I *l v o n 6 15JSS— 4 The Aroostook Times, Wednesday August 11, 1909.

K sta k i, i - 1 if i > A )' i; 11 ' ■ THE AROOSTOOK TIMES ALL THE HOME NEWS.

Published every Wednesday Morning by the ! Legal Newspaper Decision s. Times Publishing Co. I. Any ev h>> liiki-- a paper o lti; in rl.' from tlm I'o-t < '(tier- V tml h» ■ v '! i m-c t • ' r, or \\ lot. Imr lm him -!li. [ or not, i - I'r-j 10:: - i i ili' lor t !:*• pa> . Subscriptions $ L per year in advance; single j If nil > per-on «' r> I •' r- hi- pup' r d '-• copies live cents. I rout i 1 nf'il. In' in u -1 p: 1 > ill! :i r f. ■; i rirr-. or lie- | 1111111 i - !11 ■ r m 11 y i■ o 111 i 111:>■ t o -.■ i1 > 1 it until ;):i> - Subscriptions in arrears per year m in t i- in,i.l" ami coll"et the *a !iol. amount No Subscription cancelled until all arrear­ j whether i; i - taken from t lie *d!uv <>r m >!. ages are settled. j • The t •oitrt- Inn e ,|e.mie,i t hat r > ■ t: i - i i. r- Advertising rates based upon circulation ami ' to take new'iiapei'iiml P" r io< I i < ’a ! - F'om the very reasonable. pii't ottice. or removing mid 1 < ■: i i 11 ur them Communications upon topics of general inter­ u i ica I led for, i ' i>r i ma far i e e v h le i na - of f ra ml. est are solicited If \ou want to -to p wiur papeia write to Entered at the post office at Houlton for o r the puiili'her VdlU-rif, ami don't leave It to dilation at second-class jiostal rates. t he po-d-mM-ter. I For Advertising Kates apply 1" tlf Editor atnl Mating- r.

Victory For All. up probably derive more fn >m tin* WATCHES future than any otln*r country and R icker C lassical In stitu te Now is the time to buy watches. people. As a chronological tact The Tariff bill passed the Senate there isn't any more future on the I have them in all the different and it Was signed by Pres. Taft late The Pioneer School of Northern Maine rades of the standard makes from Pacific ('oast than on the Atlantic : Thursday afternoon, and the result but the future is. so to speak, a great ti.oo up. Here are a few prices of the present attempt to revise the deal limn* imminent out there. They Pall i ei m u! 14 weeks opens S E P T E M B E R t t h , Seven teachers. Excellent equipment selected from my catalogue. An tariff bill convinces us that New l8 size Silverine screw back and feel it more and live in it more-- Fngland still lias an effective dele­ which constitutes the tremendous in science. Graduate" admitted to College on certificate. Expenses i.nw. bezel case fitted with a seven jewel, gation at Washington. stem wind, Waltht^jn or Elgin pull of that legion. All over the When the Dingley hill was adopt­ country, and especially in the Mid­ For Catalogue and Railroad Rates apply to movement $4.05 ed New Fngland dominated legisla­ A 15 jewel Waltham $5.05 dle West, the man with his way to tion at Washington to a remarkable make in the world does lean to the HERMAN 13. BETTS, Principal HOULTON, MAINE A 17 jewel Waltham or Elgin $6.55 degree, due to the policy of keeping A 17 jewel P. S. Bartlett $7-55 farther West wit h a feeling t hat tlm an acceptable man in the harness future bends down nearer to the For any of the above movements through successive terms. The in a 20-year Crown gold-filled present there. saving1 just $!2.5u a wo'k, whip pm , ever changing West has seen the Already plenty of tilings have OOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOt screw back and bezel case add to light and has adopted flu* same haw $17.50 to spind. ! the above price $3.45. All watches happened that might well he cele­ At tin* end of your D*ni h y a r you j policy to some extent, and to just brated by an exposition wdios-' spe­ delivered anywhere in the United that extent is New Fngland prestige 'have $lo.ooo which is earning yon; cial terrii ory includes not only tlm I $5oo a \ ear and may even bring you , States at these prices. Send for reduced. That the West was not Pacific states, hut Alaska. Hawaii { $r,oo or a year if you in\ <*st it catalog of Watches, Jewelry, Sew­ permitted to draft si tariff hill with $700 and tin* Philippines as well. Our ; w ll. I f you wen* only .50 yea;'" "I ing Machines, Kodaks, Edison New Fngland interests ill-consid­ trade in merchandise with the non­ age w hen you began sav ing you are J Phonographs and Fireproof Safes. ered is due to the wealth of resource contiguous P a c i fi c I I'j'i'i t c r i e s still too young to retire on $50 a i Yours for business, * and great personal ability of the amounts to a hundred million dol­ New England delegations there. month ; hut imw you can spend all lars a year. Only oiie state exceeds The West resented being led and that you earn. aud at t In* end "Ian-; G. W, YOUNG Alaska in the production ot gold, other ten years If you do not gather had determined to have no more of and that state hut slightly. W ash­ OPTICIAN & JEW ELER the “ honey" which your $ In, non js I it. ington leads every oilier state in New England fares well in the making for you. you w ill he worth a j BLAINE, MAINE production of lumber. Much more little over $17.(too, which at b per; tariff- report, though some of her might be said on this score. industries lose a part of the protee- cent, will bring'you an income of $s5 - Notice .Regarded simply as an exhibition a nlout ii for t he i est of y our I i 1 e. 1 tion which has made them so power­ of tilings already done, to see the Houlton, Maine, July 24, 1909. A mod if ica t ion of t lie above sc helm ■ ful. The only industry which has fair at Seattle is well worthy any­ To the Selectmen Houlton, Maine. can he made to work to the profit ot an increase in its favor is cotton. body’s time, (io and see it ; see the Chickering I hereby apply for a license to move the Pulp, paper and lumber duties are any wage earner, im matter what country ; see wdiat has been done email office Building now on the Tenney Lot reduced. However we are a part of his weekly earning" may be. grant­ on Charles Street, from its present location and get a keener breath of things to a great country and what is tor the ing, of course, that they are sutli- along Charles Street to Pleasant Street to be dolie. cieiit to live upon e o m fortaldy Eor Mechanic Street and along Mechanic Street best interests of the country at large instance, if tin* man w h o earns $15 a Henry F. Miller to my lot on the Bast side of said Mechanic is for our interest. The tariff is like Saving on a System. Street. Said building when placed on said the rain from heaven, it falls on ail w * e k could s a v e $7 a Week for four- lot to be used for an office. alike, regardless of occupation, and tee a y • ars le* won id lm \ e acq u i red a AND I also desire permission to build an ad­ benefits all, though it discommodes FKd'KKS SHOWING HOW A little fort line of $5.1 N M I. 1 >• » 'keeper dition to said office Building for a storeroom, a few. We predict the continuance COMPETENCY MAY BE A< - about 30x40 feet, one story high. Said office of the present era of prosperity un­ (’I'M ELATED. Don’t be an Imitator. Building and said Storeroom to be covered der the new tariff and an ever in­ Henry & S. G. or some other tire proof with galvanized Iron A young man who would have a materia]. creasing confidence in the wisdom The imitate!', says < )ri""ii Sw"l t J. S. WIELER. of those men who have given it to competency at tin* end of ten years Marden in Success Magazine, ruins must make sacrifices for the lir-i the people. The Republican party his capacity lor originality ; fin* ini­ On the foregoing petition of J. S. Wieler, has kept faith with the people. two or three year^. Say that von, tiative ; he. loses h is creat i ve power; Linderman Congressman Payne's statement for instance, are earning $.‘!o a w e e k . Ordered, that a hearing will be bad on same hi" : u Veil t i VeUeS." alld reSoUl'Cetul- At the present t im e you may he are goods to which I invite comparison •I the Selectmen’s Office at Houlton, on to the House contained the follow­ llessai'e never developed. In tact, Monday, August 16th, 1909, at nine o’clock ing data, showing the approximate spending most a 11 of this, as thou­ h is execii f i ve abi 1 i t y — tin* ability to that said petition and this sands of others are doing. Now in the forenoon, consumption value of the articles on originate, to do thing."..-is seriously order of notice thereon be published at the which rates have been changed : during the first year, you must save -•rippled, if not utterly dost roved 1 y G. A. HAGERMAN expense of said petitioner, three weeks in the $IOou, “ W hy," you exclaim, “ if I Duty Duty his efforts t" imitate someone else. “Arooetook Times,'’ that all persons inte­ I >erreused. I mua-nsed. should save $loui> a year that would No human being ever yet made a HOULTON, MAINE rested may be heard and have full opportunity Chemicals i:w,wv,siti $n,ier,s-.M make $ln,oon at t he end of ten \ oil's, to show cause why said permit should not be 12 425 Sllecess t eying to lie somebody else, Earthenware s, *: ,722 ------without count ing t lm interest ! N mi granted. Metals 1,2 is,200, nv.* n. i;i2,2.v> no matter lmw great or siiros-lul are off in your figuring." OOOOOOOOOOOOO Houlton, Maine, July 26, 1909. Lumber fXi»l,S7l>,l>?iO :;i.2sii,::72 that person might he. Success can­ MOO.IkVi.IW ; ... —— ------But wait. We are supplying now Frank A. Peabody) Selectmen Sugar not l»e slice' ■>" ft illy copied ; it is Hjalmar Edblad j* of Tobacco No change that you are having your share ot 830 Harry R. Burleigh l Houlton original; it i- self-expression. A Agriculture pro­ prosperity and that at ditlerent ducts l.asn.iq:; man is a failure jimt in proport ion I'i'J.O'l.S.'iti times within the next few years you Wines and Liquors------a" le* gets away from hinw'lf. §7MAKE AND SHIP I Notice 41,•122,021 will have doctor's Gills to pay. and Cotton When Henry Ward lieeclmi* and Houlton, Maine, July 1,1909. Flax, hemp, Jute '22,127,1 i.j sol,in may even In* without employment Wool No chang'* Phillip- lll'ook" W ere at t he height To the Selectmen of Houlton, Me. at times. T h e s e things must he Silk 7,1*17,.'Via joi;.7J2,»'>tt'> of their fame, hum I reds of young' FLORAL DESIGNS ° Gentlemen : I hereby apply for license to si, |si;, iki; taken into considerat ion if you Paper and pulp tV7,i>7s,nf>r> clergy II tell t 1* it'll tocopy their Style. rdtmtld and enlarge the piazza on the south­ m i,o : > s Would s a v e $10,000 ill tell Veal'S. Su ntlrles l,71t».42s,•"!'.' (h< ir ma n nerisms. their mode ot west part of my residence, situate on the So tin* tirst year you save$],om. ON SHORT NOTICE Main Street in the village of Totals $4,97*,122,124 pC)2,r>l2..Vj;\ expression. gestures. habits, but North side of ’I'llis leaves you a little less than $ 11 /Boulton. ‘‘Of the alK)\e increases the following are they 'ell as far short of tlm power a week upon which to live during; f THOMAS P. PUTNAM. luxuries, being articles strictly of voluntary of eit her of these giants as tin* com­ that time. Perhaps you will have use : mon ch l'onio tails short ot tlm nia-- and I assure you every DESIGN Chemicals including perfumerh to move out ot yniir present home On the foregoing petition of Thomas P. jn.io.vsi'u I,.r -pie<• e. N o t ou** til 111es•* imita­ I send will be a perfect produc­ etc. and rent one that is cheaper. Eor a Potnam, ordered, that a hearing will be had Wines and liquors 402.OO1 ,s,'t| tor." ever a .....tinted to anything un­ tion, made of fresh cut, choicest cd atme at the Selectmen’s Office at Houlton, Silks ion,712,a in time it will also he necessary for til he stopped copying, imitating you to contract fewer tailoring hills, Maine,*on Monday. August 16,1909, at nine and began to build his own founda­ flowers, grouped carefully and Total f.')7u,s3u,:i22 and in all probability you will get ..o'clock in the forenoon, that said petition and tions. ihla ordet of notice thereon be published at The estimates were complin! with vour wife to aid von in economizing, artistically. It is too bad to A great many clergymen today the expense of said petitioner, three weeks in great care by experts from data on but you must save $]noo d nringt hat merely echo other preachers' ser- receive disappointing floral the Aroostook Times, that all persons inte­ file in the census bureau and are as year and you will find that you can rested may be heard and have full opportunity mons w h ich t hey have read ;HU1 a 1 *- pieces—order of me and you’ll nearly correct as possible. They in­ do it. to show cause why said permit should not be si whet l. Tini* m;1 j o 1• iiy of pI*e \ i" II > dicate that there have been de­ In the second year your load will avoid th a t so rt of thing. NO granted : books.. cel KM*s of tin ■ author-l Whose creases on imports which in Mins i become lighter, and then you will Houlton, Maine, July 26, 1909. s t y 1 c and hdot." t hc writ ci" ia VO HIGH PRICES HERE. amounted to $5,000,000 and on ex- j see why it was necessary for you to Frank A. Peabody » Selectmen copied1. 1Lit t lu­s<* Copied sel'! ions Hjalmar Edblad . > of ports which in 1908 amounted Dm save $|noo during the first year. 380 Harry K. Burleigh 1 Houlton tun I 1>.■ok-. lack \ it a lity. fon na- $850,000. Of the increase $600,000 is I Tin* $ 1mmi you can easily place out 1 t urn IncSS. 1'll c y di ■ not st i r tln* on luxuries. Tin.1 report is a Taft J Notice at 5 per cent. interest, and at the blood or fo||<*h f h 1C hc;i rt of I hO 1,car- ADAM SEKENGER victory and it is a victory all along* | end of t lie second Veil i* it will have cl* or rcad cl*. Tin y ;1 | c (•( dd . 1 i 1'do."" Houlton, Maine, Aug., 3, 1909. the line. In the language of Mr. | earned you $5n. So during this o CONSERVATORIES: O To the Selectmen of the Town of Houlton. "Payne : tsecond year you will have to save Deafness Cannot be Cured I desire permission to repair aud recover | 32 Newbury Street BANGOR, MAINE | “ Duties," lie said, “ have been i $',)•',n. I n ot her words you will have l.v 1< hmd application.", as they cannot r •acl the the shed connecting ipy two stables and to i lisea.-t *n;ti i cmcd:c". 1 »e;ifn m oa mod andjbffloe. I will cover the roof and sides of imicoii prohibitive in character, and for j to. an n tla nio 1 cond it ion i d tin* " in ting ealrt building with asbestos or some other yea!' than the tirst. In this way cl' the Mustaeluau Tu!»*. Who I tins tut ic N fireproof material. I also desire to cover the that reason the importations were your load continue" to get lighter ihikim ■'1 \oii have a i'nn111!n .g 'Oil i id or ini ihlpf and roofs of the two stables with same comparatively small. On tin* other and lighter. You begin your t bird , p'-rfert hcarinu. and \\ hen it i" cut; re! v 1 leal ness is tin* result. ; nd nine," 11 io material. hand they have been raised in some io ! i be DIVIDEND NOTICE \ ear with $*jitini out at interest, and inliammation can he taKon nut and tl C. F. WYEK. instances where the tariff was in­ d uri ng'*. h is yea r \ on need save only i m.'lnlt d to its normal condition 11*‘U i 1ng Hill sufficient for protection and the ill' (1< *"t 11 )\ c i !"W\vr ; nine Cit-I ■S out of ten $9iii»: and so it goes until at the end am caUM-d l>\ < atari li, which s noth ng but A Semi-annual Dividend at the rate of On the foregoing petition of C. F. Wyer, importations were very great. of your fifih year you are saving 1 an inH uued condition of the mu ■"it" s t r i; ordered, that a hearing will be had on same only $790 a year, or less than one- W c will give ( tile 1 lundred 1h illai" tor aim at the Selectmen’s Office at Iloulton on ] cam •'t Doubles." leam-cd 9y cat:n 1h hm The Exposition half of your $15tnt salary. Each i cannot be ellled b\ Hull's 'atari'1; ( U v, ■, Monday, the 28rd day of August, 1909, at year you hav e more io spend and at Scud f >r riwibar--. free. nine o’clock in the forenoon,that said petition at Seattle. F .1, ( Ill A KV A- ( 1 i b ■ h 1 ’ and this order of notice thereou be published the end of your eighth vear vmi are Sold ll\ 1 »! Uggi'ls, 75c. 4 per cent 4 Tala ■ Hall's FaimU Fills tor coust 'll* !' m. at the expense of said petitioner, three weeks Speaking at the opening of the In the “Aroostook Times,” that all arsons Alaska-Yukon-P a c i ti c Fxposit ion per annum has been declared by the Interested may be heard and have dull op­ Mr. Hill remarked that most ot h show cause why said permit portunity to world's fairs leaned upon sonic his­ should not be granted. Houlton, Maine, August 3, 1909. toric event. They celebrated some­ thing tha) had happened. Tln-ir es­ . Frank A. Peabody, ) Selectmen ■/ a f r , Houlton Savings Bank Hjalmar Edblad, of sential meaning was “S'*<* how far Harry R. Burleigh Houlton 331 we have come!" But the Seattle show uns' s from Payable on and after Wednesday May 5, 1909 Notice no such elapsed occasion. I t c h*- olOVtfauE brates not what has happened hut kijlno a*M n, Dividends not withdrawn will be added District of Aroostook, l>ort of Honlton what is going to happen. It draws gCbiUcOV, Maine, August 2,1909. Business to the principal. Notice is hereby given that there was a line for the purpose of marking Short hunt! progress ahead. imt behind. I is

for violation of the revenue laws, 32 sacks of real message is, “Guess, if you can, Stu.lcnts ' .in «*nli i it .tn\ i ni'i . I Deposits made the first seven days of any wool weighing 933 lbs. Any person claim­ how tar wc are going to go!" A sa tion is i:uli\ i.lii it. Stn.l.'iit" < ■■■-' ■■'• ■! t tit'll". | [ i ' month, and remaining in the Bank until the ing said property is hereby notified to appear merely incidental, yet i nt • *n*"t i ng. Good for young and and file his claim within twenty elays and sign of its front-facing attitude it old. In use 58 years. I . I., S H A W , i ’ r (■"., l’i>Mi.,n.l next semi-annual dividend is payable, will be give the required bond or the same will l>e not only broke with all tradition by I). HAKIM N. Ires.. Hue-. •old at public auction at the Custom House, Expels all worms. opening on time, but it opened un­ allowed interest at the dividend rate, from Houltpn, Maine on Thursday August 26, mortgaged and out of debt. 36 ot*.f 50 eta., 1909 at 10 o’clock A. M. SI.00 Times Publishing Co* $ie fjrst day of the month when deposited. W. W. -SEWALL, Collector. This is quite appropriate, for the 831 country and the people who got it j Fine lob Work L. O. LUDWIG, Treasurer. The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, August 11, 1909.

Porter A. Ilarn- lo-s as it nears some hi" boulder in HOllltOIl’S TaX P ay ers, log si Portei I ra J . Telephones In the ill idstream. Perhaps il "ill pass Powers 1),,11 ,\ . 11. 77' hi Maine Woods. tl own tlit* liver and avoid (he ob- Tht- billowing is a list <>l II- ulf P<>\\ - r> Krederich A . 11 i' i ------! stacIe ;—if so. well and imod. lith e > t 1 > W 11 tax payors who emitribut< t Biiwers [•’. A . ( 1 uar. One of tho most hit,.retina usos ! 1" P< bit i..... b*uwti..» »ml «»*«» t» a I la i i's over $ 11 n»: j 1 kt 1 ph . Ih ik . M a rga r- s,; : pile up, then it is tune tor quick ac- i. d h to which the teh.phono 1ms ever A bct'iii'l by .Jainos .< I hi. i 1j Mariha, B;; u i i n e B,.w been put is reported from the woods 1,(>n 0,1 ^l0 i)aIt ol J1" ( lt" ’ A da ms J ol i n N . 1 li . i i j I’nWefS Llewellyn of Northern Maine, where lumber' rl o shout alon^ t i< liaims ot t n j A re i i i ha Id .1 a l m - L’dd td j Heim or 1 )evis-'"> ol 1 g’ '* lg camps are findini> it an invaluable r,ver tor 1,11111 a" a*% "" ,n ! Astlo A ll'n-d IE 1 s( dT | But mi m A . T. 6 1 aid during tin* logging season. | sl) ut tl,,‘ ^a<<‘ a,ui ^'^‘P ll!l' oU,‘' j A uhi-r (ioo. \Y. g’* is showing some very fine styles in [ojrs from passing thnmoh 11S used e ( to But iiam k\. T. A M . | i. dp, UP, Many and varied are the tasks which j Lank farmers Nat. Id7 di ij But nain Blue!, 11 u v. k l:e the procedure. Nowadays the g1.1- lg tlie ’phone lias been called upon to I 1 hink first Nat. tig .'a ij Putnam Hu rry i.. man at the telephone gives three 197 ■dp perform since its use ims become so i I Link 11 on It on Sa vi ugs Ih 1 l! 1i But mim M. D. i H i long rings, and this attracts imme­ i Id universal in this country, hut this I nmisoii .'Mary .). 117 : i 1 Bunium The.-. IV 7> diate attention at the dam. He hd case is rather unique. j Lorry ('has. 11. |gl ;,7 1 hil mum Wilium! 1 i. Us hurries tin* order to keep the chan­ 1 gd Travelers in the heavily wood *d i 1 ‘>orry A Tay lor g IT di i nel closed ; dynamite is applied to Bat 1 i gu n J a n h ■' ( '. gll lg sections of Maine have lately noticed Horry T. ( ’. S. 9ml hh gg Kieiia rds (leu, AY. the jam, and when the course is g: l d] the wires strung alonj with the Hlako \Y. S. hh i Hi clear, another telephone message K ie hards (1. W . A (hi. g7g gd trunks of trees for supports. These lii'ovvn .James A. idd gi i Richards M rs. (i. W. i I-mnie i hig g.) connectwith the dams on the streams : s*’ar*s the ^°gs boating downstioam ^ ou an* cordially Hn iwu .1 osoph A . 7 id ik; Rideout Percy k, lop 16 down which the logs float. Should | a#a:n Hrown Mao f. Ailntx Riley Jolui A. 1 M 1 invited to look Maine is also finding the telephone 1 id there be a sudden jam in the mass fst. If L. Staplo.s l gd di i Roach Bat rick useful in her war on forest flies. thorn over* and of lumber making its way down the Buck M. L. ! hi .’is I (eirs or 1 leyise,- ..f The land agent and forest commis­ gg 1 1:1 j stream, the telephone is at once Burleigh Albert A. gdi i S' l Rohi nsi ,n J usepl i F, 1 dl l 1*S ! sioner at Augusta recently had in­ compare with pressed into service, and the man at Burleigh Harry K. did g** Rose .J ust in ( , IK, stalled a number of telephone sets igl the dam is notified to hold up all Burleigh Barker B. 177 (17 Seeley John ( k 1 lei | s , others. oil look-out stations in the northern t gdd 61 ' the logs until the lumbermen above Burnham John F. ggl .’ i., part of the state. Men are posted Seeley Nchemiah F. gli'P dd have had time to straighten out the Kuzzell Olin B. hoi? ,S.d 1 Satisfy yourself, at these commanding spots with Sineuek Frank i tangle. Buz/.ell Wm. K. d71 tit; Hannah giul A- .B an IWU telescopes and keep a vigilant look­ gTd In former days this service was ('arr Wilbert F. 197 ; without doubt, out for trouble. At the least sign Sineock S. 11 enry J r. gdi; 1 W I performed by relays of shouters. (’arroll ('harb-s 1 il Ss of blaze or smoke1 they telephone to William H. ldp M that it's Men stood on the banks of a river (’ary Phoebe hh i ’» Small (ieo, \\k the nearest fire-fighting station for IS! Ol i at intervals small enough to allow (’ary Walter Md ds Smit h A lien T. ; 's help. Without the ’phone the woods 169 each to be heard by his nearest Chadwick Mrs. Augusta F. lid 1 H I Somerville Wm. (i. THE BEST PLACE TO TRADE would have to burn until aid was lud !S s neighbor. Sometimes the distances Chalmers Hannah 1 IS gd Stephenson Rnht. brought by a courier. I7u is from the lumber camp to the log (’hambers Eldorado 18S (U1 d’etiiiey (’lias. B. ; The campaign against forest fire* jam and from that to the nearest Clark frank B. lug Up j H ei IS

1 * 1 * 1 1 Berry-Maxwell. The Boston Post Cane

The marriage of Anna (himmimrs OF LOCAL INTEREST 111 Bosom Pem 1 ! m ;or\\ a •d' d io Berry. da ugl 111 ■!• of Mr. and Mr-. T. t I, >• 11 lairma u of o e I’mard i i 1md. m - C.S. Horry to Mr. Jehu Brown Ma\- mmi a g( 1111 -! m a .! < • i1 ' i , : y •a i)' ' Willi w * -11 took phico last W oiii'sday af- A BIG SURPRISE! j lie •'•qllest 1 i ' a l 1 1 111' in ll t ml Mr. and Mrs. Willard Bonn of Miss Barbara Neal was in Wood- tornoon at t ho itoi:: • of t In- bride's w it!) tlie com ! >] 11 m 1)1S i f t i r Hllslni, Lawrence Mass., are visiting Mr. parents on Hoy w<,o 1<1 11 ( i m eit i / e || " f (inly nn - m hors of tin- fa tit! iy and the store of O. M. Smith on account ut. the Bradley farm, Mrs. Mellody's nes ! ow 1 1 . Ill I'll se of i h. ■ 'leemme i mined in t e friends of tin- hr ido and of the damage by fire to the old one. former home. of IIIe li rst holder if til ' o; in . it is groom wore present. Miss Katherine O’Malley of St. Miss Bull, toll operator at . ot N •\v York, Irving Lovely has returned from 'The hrhlo was becomingly gowned uncle Geo. Densmore on Highland wlc< are widely i f M< Igniz* d as the a trip to Montreal and resumed his in a white oiubr >idere

It is a good rule never to acquire corns. They One Lot of Women's W ine and Tan Calf and Grey Suede Ties are painful, /very much in the way, and by no < tO e n grade a t means ornamental, but when you do get them, $0.69 while they last A d remember we have a positive cure in the form of Hatheway’s Corn Solvent Come and see for yourself how far you can make Simply paint it on and watch the troublesome a little money go during this clearance sale little callouses disappear. Hard or soft corns promptly and painlessly re­ moved in a few hours. Merritt’s Shoe Store Hatheway Drug' Co. Where they use an axe when they cut prices Millar Block Court Street The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, August 11, 1909.

iTi ^ ►?« i?i i?i *7« A Pa »?* >T« ^ ►!< ►?« ►?« Va >7« >7« i?« ►!« ►?« Maple Grove Electric Co.j Real Estate for Sale. f OF LOCAL INTEREST t Amonv the corporations which! FFEASANT Y1EW J''ARM. ruive been oiganiz.«d under a char- j 75'aorcs onb 2 miles from Houlton village, A. W. RACKLIFF ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ K* ^ ^ ter granted by a special act of the taie cottage house of a rooms, luirn 40x130. cuts Legislat ure a ml have tiled their o t - tons of hay, 75 Baldwin apple titles raised Hon. Jv A. Holme of Oariho Has Rented the R. B. McF.wcn of Millinockot was tiliejifes of orgjinization at the ofliee 1 ™ >b1s last year‘ 7"' ,nilliou 8Pniee lamber in town Sunday visiting friends. wus in t(iwn Friday on business. of the seeretarv of State is r first class condition, owner must sacrifice disf ribute elect ricity tor light, heat this farm for only $4,non. This property All those getting meals at my restaurant may stand theii Rig Stock." cold. Miss Lydia P>. White has been vis- and power in and through till that will not t>e in market long at this price. Miss Kmmn Putnam of North teams in my stable free of charge. ting trends in Fort Kent during the portion of the town of Fort Fair- T ins is ONE OF T1IK BEST. street was visiting friends in Man­ Will serve first-class meals and lunches at regular prices. past. week. fichl which w;is formerly township Farm of lf>u acres, 100 cleared, splendid ga >1 last week. house of 10 moms, barn 42x45 and basement, I intend to run a clean, orderly place. F. A. (iillin A Co. will pay t! cents hdter 1). rjinge 1, according to the I muble st rand gents chains, look survey and phut of s;iid letter I) machine house, hog house, only 2 miles to 4 per pound for lambs, live weight, potato houses, 4 miles to hustling village on like gold and wear liki gold, hut low made by Thomas Sawyer, except on Jill over (in lbs. one of the best roads in Aroostook Co. ill price at .1 ewett "s. that portion of said township nar- WAGONS WASHED 25 CERTS EACH Hon. A. I.. Lumbert left here hist YII.LABE FARM. W . C. Spaulding of Caribou was tieuhirly described in Cluipter hid of week oil a business trip to Bangor Situated in the village of Patten, 133 acres in town Thursday and Fridav the the J’rivjite jind Special Ljiws of 1SS7 timl ot her pi,act's. 115 cleared, this farm is adapted to either guest of friends. entitled “An Act creating the Fort dairing or potatos, must be sold at a sacrifice Don't let: anyone cut pieces out of K. A. (iillin A Co. aro buying h'airtield Yillage Corponition.’’ as owners are unable to work it, price only your wedding ring, you don’t have A. W. Raekliff lanilis, live weight, for which they '1’lie cjipital stoi-k of t lie corpora­ $75oo, including s iicres of house lots laid to ; Dike it t O ,J U Wet t -S. pay a good price. tion is $gooo. of which the sum of out which art' worth easily worth $250 a -Miss I'lli/.ahel 1) Swefi left here S'lttc is paid in. jind the p.arvjilueof piece. Rev. John Tingling' of Fort Fair- hist week for a visit to friends in the sluire holders, Jill id ”w hoiu re­ field spent Saturday as the guest of Nice U room hnu on one of the] liest Bucksport and other places. his daughter Mrs. Fred Merritt. side at J-’ort Fairtiehl and each of streets in llnllltoll lioo Sold on easy Beautiful old ivory just ipelied whom Inis subscribed for one sluire terms. W hy buy alarm clocks at the high Jit .Jewett’s. (il l the habit of stork Jil'e ;is follows : C’ljirent'e House ;uid stable on one of the of tlie liest indeed stores when Osgood lias the leet ing it. A. INiwers. Jjniies K. 'I’hurlough. streets in Boulton. $l“>o, Sold on easy WANTED largest stock and saves you-do cents terms. (luirhs M. W’jiidron. Isjiac ('onant (ieo. W. Young of lilaim WJIS 111 on each clock and A 1 hert T. Hoyt. 'File president Farms of ;ill sizes ami all prices, Hotels, Houlton last week on husitn s. call- .James (\ Mndigan, a graduate of of tlie corporjit ion is I sjijic (’oiuint Stores, Blacksmith Shop, Livery Stable, any­ ing on his many friend in tow r 1. thing )ou want. Houlton High School in the class of and the trejisui'er is (dairies M. CA^ADIAB Waldron. d’he directors jirc the CANADIAN 1909, will enter (ieorgetown Univer­ Base Ball infot unit ion will he fur- C. O. G rant, PACIFIC share holders mentioned jibovc. PACIFIC sity this fall. niched at any time, by calling t lie TIMES Office oil the telephone or Farm Agency, F Alii WAY I^AIliWAY We can put a new lens in your $15 to $30 Per Day. personally. broken spectacles quicker than any­ To A(>ENTS selling our fruit and farm one in town, and cheaper too at Misses Isabelle and Marie Fraw- lands in the southwest. Extraordinary op­ J ewet.t’s. ley of Bangor were in town last week portunities in small farms. Jumds pay 5o) page four hundred and three more than twenty- years ago. week for Oxbow where she will FOR IRONING lietween Smyrna St. and Maple St. (403), conveyed to Joseph Dinette of Milli- No heifer way is known. Only in­ visit lier mother Mrs. Clnis. Fllis. Two poles on northerly side ot' Maple St. noeket, in the County of Penobscot and h e ELECTRIC experienced workmen use the old Auto goggles, all the most com­ lietween Bowdoin St. and North St. State of Maine, a certain parcel of real estate IRON lias Iii:i:i\- hammer and tongs method. fortable pJltterns ;it J ewett's. Nine polos on easterly side of Elm St. be­ situated in township seventeen (17) range T advantages. It tween l’lejisant St. and the junction of Elm seven (7) now Plantation of Wallagras in the is clean, ^eing heated and Charles Streets. County of A roostook and State Maine, and Three poles on easterly side of Brook St. liounded as follows, to wit : the northerly in itself without the between Columbia St. and Cleveland St. agency of fire in any half of the southerly half of lot numbered EASTERN MAINE Eour poles on northerly side of Columbia fifty (5o) and lxnmded as follows, on the form. Consequently St. between Frank Jin St. and South St. north by land occupied by George St Ger- it is independent of a N ine poles on northerly side Franklin Ave. m;iin, on the east by the highway road lead­ stove and allows one between Court St. and High St. ing from Foit Kent to said Wallagrass to work in cool sur­ STATE FAIR Foies on Calais road-westerly side from a Plantation, on the south by land now oc­ roundings at their point near llannigan’s residence to the cupied In of tlie races with no entrance Houlton, Maine. . * No. (3. 2.11 Trot, 2.13 pace...... fre. In the matter of The Aroostook' Teleplione it Telegraph Harry E. Fox, In Bankruptcy. GRAND AMATEUR RUNS Company respectfully petitions the Board of Bankrupt.) When The Time Comes Selectmen of the town of Houlton, Maine, for - * ‘ AUGUST 24. A MAT El'It TYK AUGUST 27.7. A M A T El To the Hon. (T.ahkm k B alk, Judge of a location for its poles and wires thereon, and the District Court of the United States for • • • MILE* KIN. MIFFS KEN. tlie necessary supporting and strengthening the District of Maine. to open a BANK ACCOUNT, whether HARRY L. FOX of Pres­ it is a Checking Account or Savings OSCAR V. BABCOCK ACT fixtures and wires, in the following named que Isle in the Bounty of Aroostook '/ . V v I.ooping the Death Trap and Elyinu the Flume. A fascinating feat of human hazard. streets and highways in said town:- and State of Maine, in said District, respect­ Account .... , r/ “B" Road, so-called, from North Load to fully represents, that on the 2()th day of MANKICHI JAPANESE TROUPE l.udlow town line. Aug., last past, he was duly adjudged d X bankrupt under the Acts of Congress relating The costumes worn are of the finest ( M ental make, and their entertainment will hold tlm Littleton Ridge Road, so-called, from its to bankruptcy; that he lias duly Houlton Trust Company interest and attention irom beginning to end. junction with “B” Road at the Niles Settle­ surrendered all his property and rights PROF. £DW. R. HUTCHISON ment to Littleton town line. of property, and luis fully complied will be pleased to do business with you White Sett!'mfiit Load, so-cnlDd, from its with all the requirements of said Acts, America's most success!ul Aeronaut. Will give the up-to-date novelty TIH FEE FA KA- and of the orders of Court touching his and grant every reasonable facility con­ CHFTELEAF: From One Balloon by one Aeronaut. He goes up in a Gigantic Bomb junction with Main Street tu the Ilodgdon bankruptcy. sistent with safe banking methods. . . uttach<-'l to ft M iinslur linlloon, which, ’ .-vi axlimr. with a tremendous report, at a terrible town line. Wiu-:ui:i our. UK nows, That lie may elevation emits Frof. Ed. It. Hutchison who descends hv parachute. THE GKEA'J'E*t Highways running east from wnttc settio- lx- n the foregoinu implication of the Aroos­ ORDER OF NOTICE THEREON. ■>\!A TUESDAY A BIG DAY took To). »V Tel. ( o., ordered, that a hairing District of Manny ss. will be at the Fair, 5uo ,-groin will hu had on the same at the Selectmen's On this 7th day of Aug., A. D. 1909, on Free From Taxes Tuesday, Aug. 24th, the Yeterans from l ogos Bonn reading the foregoing petition, it is— y compjinied by their own band. Oltiee in said Jhmlton, on Monday the Oth Deposits of any amount from $i.ooto $10,000 Ohukki.ii i;v the Cookt, That a hearing 'y\!// day of Sept. A. D. 1909, at nine o’clock in he had upon the same on the 27th day of may be made, and all deposits placed in the PROF. WELCH’S EXHIBITION WHIPPET RUNNING DOGS tho forenoon, and that said, jippliciition and Aug, A. D. 1909, before s;iid Court at Savings Department of Houlton Trust Com­ y n \ ' l loyard Hat race, 440 yard hurdL ;; Will Do against Kunning Horse, Motor this order of notice thereon, he published, at 1 ‘ortland, in said District, at 1" o’clock in the V' Carol Bicycle. j forenoon; ,mid that notice thereof be publish­ pany are FREE FROM TAXES to the de. the expense of siid applicant, two weeks in ed .in the Aroostook T imes, a newspaper positoi. FIREWORKS sm-cessimi. in the Aroostook •’ ITON KKK’ printed in slid District, and that all known enditors, and other persons in interest, may THE BANK PAYS THE TAX. •' \ ; /'/ Biggest and best dispia\ of Firework? ever rl-ll in Maine. Ditferent progiam each ami in the A rood ook "TIMES," news­ . evening ot betw_ecu 40 and uid time and place, and show carry out. papers published in said luvn, the last cause, if any they have, why the prayer of yt\\ ' publication thereof to be fourteen davs at said petitioner should not he granted. DOG SHOW before the liil y ot said heariii; g, tliut all M, n IS 1- l IC IKI K < bKliEKEl; nv THE A M Kit 11’A N KENNEL Old HOULTON TRUST - #T loj.FntsLuts a.t'iand own-own is of pi.-perty upon the (ho ur. T hat the < File shall send by mail ' / 1 \ ^ ' Held liy the Bay Mad1 ('<>-( ipcrative Bench si: in tin to ail known creditors copies of said petition In. hwtiys b' In a’1" nd thereby, shall ha\e * country will officiate. ('"in'natod pri/c 'acch-i-- from <•: and ibis onFr, addressed to them at their sidesman) local PuI! idoodfd Don-, lull opportune te -how- cause wby such places of residence as stated. COMPANY. peumt should n"9. i I., sj JAMES E. JIEW’KY Clerk. J* KcTiK’cd rate- on a!) K. R. Frank A. Feabody, 1 Seleciuien Excursion rate-, from Boston tu Bangor. I f lalmai' ldibl.e I, of A true copv of petition and order thereon F. O. B E A L , P r e s . A , S, FIELD, M gr. ihurv R. Burleigh,) Houlton Attest: JAMES E. 11EWEY, Clerk The Aroostook Times, Wednesday, August 11, 1909.

'(iiaiKiiana iiaiiananaiiiin Trees for Barren Spots. Old Strawberry Beds. The Price of OF INTEREST TO FARMERS Dairy Butter. Ailanthus trees' > not very attrac- 11. W. \\ escott of Brunswick hi- naiiaiiai.aiiaiiai'iriiiiaMi'in'iai ari'.ir ■ a ■ i i i i i i i ■ I 11 I l » »|.»lll'l»llll!'«"i"»' l O H I O ^ I ______tive in appearance. especially when lieves that under right treatment the Sp«-< tally high class dairy hutUr such ly scattered, of 229 bushels over that j 5ounK * and many of them, though old strawberry bed may he continued s* ls matte at many farms that we know Give a Special Finish not all, give oft an unpleasant odor dur­ Before Marketing. produced in a similar rotation on land indefinitely and give a profitable yield. ot ought bibring just as high, a ) rice where no manure was scattered. This ing their time of bio on, yet they pos­ One good method is to run a mowing aa the fancn-! of fac’orv butter Yow ^Springfield sess advantages ihaii connteibalance A good many dollars are lost every means that for every ton of manure machine over the bod after the picking why iIocm; t it? Why Would bu lory their poor qualities. In the first place, year by farmers because they send their placed on this particular piece of land, is done : then rake up the \ mix and butter, much ol who h i- inferior stuff, they grow very rapidly on the poorert poultry to market in poor condition as nine bushels more corn were secured weeds and with a one-horse plough, command a letter price than the high­ soil and also under adverse conditions. regards flesh, says Rural World. On each year. This soil is still in excel­ throw a furrow on top of the rows. est grad.,.1 of dain butdrr Man) cus­ many farms the practice is to ship every lent degree of tilth, and is still capable ^ sPu‘a^ *a!'*’ an<^ *n eomparatiw- Atter it has lain for twenty - four hours tomers bur- many hnttrr, when they Where the Finest year several crates of live poultry, of larger annual yields. Unlike com- h ’ tiai“ thm-‘ wl!1 be a run over the ground with a spike-tooth can get i f. :n prefer' - nee b> the cream- young and old, and in most cases the mercial fertilizer, the chemicals of ma- growth of wood on a piece of ground harrow, following the row-. In a day try article, not entin iv because it is Flour is Made nure do not become available at once, planted to ailantnu'-. or win re tht) or two more go o\ er it oppoM’e "Tht* Lnuul-ina ora un idtit-s of tltvar specimens sold are picked up off the ( iieaper but. in cause they pieter it, suits a tv due t-mireA- m th. kind <-t wheat. but only as decomposition occurs; ma- ha\e grownup naturall\, that might wav. It. will look like H ploughed tVcuu' gives to wlje-tr. anil dour, all the range and no attention is paid to the them better. High class country but­ strength they po-xe--.” nure is therefore slower snd more last- he useless otherw i>< field and one who ha- never trad it ter is what we are talking about and L . - Oil s An h K N \ Til !■- Y, condition of flesh. The farmer can *n i / k Am* nctin MiilerX* They will grow among other and would say that would end the berries. people win; u-e d would have it just fatten the poultry cheaper than any one ing in its action. ILLIAM TKLL FLOUR is larger trees, as they can get along with Just wait. 1 hoy are might v hard to else under the sun and in most cases An experiment conducted with tin- same if the price was on a level made fain the finest specially little sunlight. In this case, however, kill when once e-taidiw row <>i Wheat. President John \Y. Burk to every fowl sold at a cost of not results, as sheep manure being dried, We are -are of it. We see no reason who personally inspects the wheat that they will not, through their rapid strong plants and few if any w< * ds. oticred for tins famous four, has an more than five cents. The extra flesh contains per ton much more of the why a farmer should sell a prime ar­ elements needed by the soil. Steer growth, crowd the better trees about \\ hat weeds there at o owi he ; l.rapiv ticle of nutter five cents a pound cheap­ experience of 45 years at tire business. added would make the entire consign­ Every shipment of grain must conje them or hold them back in develop­ cut out. 'l'he land is mellow arid a ment sell for one or two cents a pound manure according to its content valued er because it was not made in a factory. up to the long established William ment In this rapidity of growth they cultivator run through tin- row-, v. id Tell standard iu every respect. more than it otherwise would, at the at only $2.96 per ton, whereas sheep When it is known 'hat the store-keeper manure as before stated, is worth bear a close resemblance to weeds, and keep them as clean as a new ted and at has just received some of Mrs. So-and- Ask any expert. He will tell you that lowest estimate. the whip-st — most delicious bread—the $5.53. This gives a good idea of the seem to take the place among trees that a trifling cost. If need'd work in S i"s butter, customers almost tumble lightest biscuit--, the kind that melt in All the fowls that are to be sold your mouth —are made from the dour of weeds do among smaller plants. dressing between the rows at. t: .- fir-t should be selected three weeks before relative values of each, and shows over each other in their anxiety for it this wheat. That s the only kind that Ailanthus trees are easily cut, sawed cu! t i vuti< n. This work should be done g'its into — the time they aie to be shipped and what results may be expected from the t)f course there is a good deal of dairy and split, and while the wood from right after the crop of fruit is picked, placed in separate quarters. They application of a ton of sheep manure better ot lower grade, we admit that. them will not burn as long as most to give the plants time to get a proper should be given a reasonably sized pen to the soil. ; Hut the high grade is worth as much as William Tell woods, it answers fairly well in this grow th before fall. A full crop under ' indoors and a fair sized yard outside, There is no question as to the in­ the Lies' and should be recognized ac- respect, hut does best when used with this treatment, may be looked for the where they may exercise somewhat in trinsic value of sheep manure, and coidingiy As it is butter making in A- h. FOGG CO., other woods. Posts for light terming, next season. fair weather. They should be fed three farmers ought to consider this as the the private'-dairy is gradually going out Distributors such as wire or lath, are easily and times a day, morning, noon and night. third large return they get from their of fashion, because it is’ difficult to see quickly made from ailanthus. '1 he.-e YV~K*vv*lvv*.-.-...... •_ The morning and noon feeds may sheew---lamb, woof and manure from a where tbr profit is. More and more posts, however, should be dipped in consist of on* part corn meal, one part single $4 ewe. What more could be Y How to Fight the Flies. v the farmers are semfirg their cream to | sidered ?—Farm, Stock and Home. boiling tar when green, or treated with Flies are responsible far the v the factory where they find they are j CHURCH DIRECTORY ground oats with the hulls sifted out, Y spread of contagious and infer--Y some preparation like carbolineum be­ getting as much rm ne\ out of it with aj one part bran and a third of a part of Y tious diseases. They adhere to A Congregational fore being set in the ground ; other­ Puma st. high grade beef scraps. This may be Live and Dead Weights. *£ window p;uies. dishes ;ind other Yj great saving of work and care. j 1 Jo v. T. I William- wise they will rot more quickly than if -j- perpendicular surfaces by means saint i y .*-!■ 1 \ ho •- mixed with water or milk, though if P '.Un A. 'i. «i i\ si. It is a question at Thanksgiving made from harder woods. Y .,f minute u’.obules of op, am! EXTRAORDINARY OPPOR­ milk is used not quite so much beef A often t heir oily f"*" prints are First Baptist time whether to sell the turkeys live or Xo insects trouble or harm the foli­ scraps will be needed. The night feed Y illiKM I.AlulN. flies should TUNITY. < 'on rt m . dressed. The following notes may he age of ailanthus trees. Jn fact, insects v he excluded from sickrooms. bovA .J. \. Kn.-d should be of cracked corn Fresh water sand 1 \ Sor\ in- seem to have a great aversion even to Y They carry- 1:1th germs in. and del .earn JVi -ir.tph < iperatina. of assistance : if I. Id -'i lb KM. "I' Tt‘]t‘_miphv is the i It.l.-L ' A. M . 7."" 1’. V . should be given to drink and a box of Y they carry disease germs out. The loss of turkeys bled and with the wood itself’. It therefore can he "N LY ! Eli.Lb X I' 11 si’HoiiL Ya.-t of ‘ M. E. Church grit and one of charcoal should he X food supplies should ho part ieu Hn-tnii. < mod beard, -.’Unto s.;,;,n bn-d- only feathers removed is small. used to advantage in perches tor chick­ Y larly guarded. The sane files lb 'N-- - !-,i 'LULL. Lnti r imv . toe Military St. placed where the fowls can reach it at abm1 a u i * . Audi \\ . I'. Lilli, K. Lou. bov. A I i . llar-nnn If the head is off and the entrails en houses, and if boards from the wood Y tin t are attracted p. t he food on Sunday So:1 vioo- any time. No more should be fed at Lo-deiiemii. \ . I! i".;;'- a. m. :.on cm. out the loss is about one-tenth of the could he readily obtained it. would make Y the table and are so especially each meal than the birds will eat up at Y fund of milk likewise delight in Free Baptist weight. a fine lining for a poultry house. ’1 he one feed and any that is left over after Y tilth, e\ eii of the most danger FRED W. MITCHELL, M. D. Military St. Toms weighing alive 31 12 lbs., chief value however, ol ailanthus trees A mis kinds, which they are sure lb -v. K. < la rko 11 a i t 1< y fifteen minutes should be taken away sa a■ 1.1 y serve-.•- weighed after bleeding and plucking is for firewood. With the continued *|* to carry around with them mi Practice Absolutely limited to L A . M. 7.0" 1\ M. and the feeding troughs removed. J. their feet. Idy maggots live ami decrease of the forests, wood is becom­ Presbyterian 29 1-2 lbs., a loss of about one-fifteenth. y grow in i mi nure and filth, ami ing more and more valuable. Atlan- DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR, MdLarv S'. Great Value ol Ready for the oven they weighed 28 1-4 J. mature flies hover about the lb s K. Mo Kay tlius treo't growing so rapidly in p^or y same material to lay their eggs lbs., a loss of nearly one-tenth. 7 M. ‘ 7m- r. v Sheep Manure. .j- and seek bits of food. Cleanli- NOSE AND THROAT If dressed turkeys were 20 cents per soil, under adverse condition and in X ness about the kitchen and back Episcopal Hours: 9-12 A. M., 1-5. 7-8 P. M. It ia believed that farmers generally pound on the market one would need to shady localities, act its a substitute for yard, screen doors, window Mai a St. I o - \ . ,J. < K <>< uj do not consider the manure they get get 18 cents per pound of live weight other woods, and thus a good gain can Y screens, fly paper and fly pci- Sunday service- Office, Fogg Biock. Both Telephones. !- '.A a, 7.1 'I M> , from any class of stock, in the light of to realize the same money from the be made through them in retaining the *|* sons are the housekeepers’ prin- T cipal weapons in warfare against the valuable asset that it actually is. turkeys witfiout counting the cost of better woodland on the farm — Indian- St. M ary’s Caiholic X flies. Main st. It would be useless to attempt to con­ dressing. api l.s News. K> v. .1 . t \].a 1: id iik' be V. d . 1-'. I { ( ,L-a n Turkeys will not fatten in a strange Dr. Ghauiicy B. Bern vince some farmers, that it would pay suaoay ser\ loc­ A Rockland man relates a story of i''..-:" V. V. 7m a. them to keep stock if the cash returns place. Better feed in the usual {dace, DENTIST the eccentric conduct of a ct w owned W anted. j Unitarian only equalled the costs of feed and increasing the amount fed until a week by him which is certainly remarkable. Two million extras. eiears, and -eeond J M : it ary S'. labor, just for the manure produced, ortendays before Thanksgiving While cleat shingles ; a ho one million bet ot pine. I The animal is five years of age, and spruce and hr lx»x lx>:ud>. quinta*ions re. j yet such is the case, as experiments a chicken can stand from three to six guested. Ad'liv--, New EliVumd Lumber < o. j has live 1 a blameless life. On Tues­ carefully and consistently conducted weeks of confinement and feeding, U'oioeste). Ma--. I Y. M. C. A. day of last week, in the due course of ; have shown. The fact that packers do turkeys will steadily lose in flesh. Ten Moot- 1 -very Sunday Afternoon tilings, she became the fond mother of i nilieo Idipi; H)"rk at U.m o'clock in the a flourishing business in the sale of days confinement is the most they can a calf. 'Phis event was not unexpected l'o 1 o] ■ 1:, a: o < 0 :1111 - o' i< 111, l 'onkM'vi-ra' ioaa I i -t N’e-t ry. dried manure, goes to show that those stand, and they won’t stand that in an All Men Welcome and excited no comment, and the inci- , H oulton. at any rate who are not in position to entirely strange place. Try if possible dent was regarded as closed. Hut, last l produce it on their own ground, appre­ to confine them in a familiar building Sunday, five days after, this re-mark- j ciate its value to the extent that they Better leave them at Urgl'Till the night able cow gave birth to another calf, j G. T. HOLT gladly dole out bard cash for it, at the before marketing than confine them Both bossies are well, have gold appe-j rate of 12 3 4 cents per pound for the where they are dissatisfied. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST tites tor milk, which the mother sup-( aitvogen it contains, 7 cents for the Market old toms and heavy turkeys plies in sufficient quantities for them, 1 50 Main St., Houlton phosphorus and 6 i-4 for the potassi­ at Thanksgiving. Such birds will put I t im e TABLE SHOWING THE TIME and are growing well. The first was um. Farmers ought to be brought to on very little flesh between Thanks­ Over Fox Bros. j AT WHICH TRAINS ARE DUE ~ - v slightly below the average in size, hut 1 realise that the manure their sheep and giving and Christmas and will eat a G IV E N AWAY PHONE 186-4 TO ARRIVE AND DEPART. well developed and perfect in every way, ; hog* and cattle yield is worth real great deal of corn. Besides, the Thanks­ beautiful Shetland I'nm---. Hand-mnc and the second is fully as large as the j ( arts, solid bold Watcli---. I Mammid I line- I N KEF EFT .1 E \ K 21, pto". money to them, and that it is to be giving market calls for a larger bird and other valuable piv-Mit- eiwu away m .V r ED' 0. ORGUTT IT blAI A N r . \ 1; SET; V i r E. average. J considered a valuable and profit-yield­ than does the Christmas market.— Wal­ To Boys and Girls who Win in Huilman ''mepnid < dir on train .s'liviuieb D entist | to leave lb,u,mu a* 7.o_> p, ni. and bn-mr, ing return quite as much as is the lamb lace’s Farmer. PONY and CARL CONTEST at 7.on p, in. Don’t Walt. OlUce Ph'-ru* 27 ! Residence Phene 76-3 j end wool crop* the pork or beef yield, i >|omi !n ail I oin ,- and ' i' i i-. i o-t- Ol I ice Hours: ! Ihniiiu Pur on train scheduled to leave im»t!i111_ to 'Miti-i. ( .-mo,;* Wrato a- r.,-dav 1, i ,!l paHa-u a:- V- y EuinioM aio, iub-rmo.laito .-tat a' a . Here the different manures were an­ or cow is most easily confined by j Lao a :- .aba ■ . r (d i n n d O i a. m.-. alyzed, were applied to fields, and their throwing. Many times, however, the1 iV." batiao; and .uib-i-modi; T ill m rim is k id n ‘V troi; 1 d ( 1 i .t La-® -tation-- IV baud aid bo.-t.on. \ HUMAN LIFE PUBLISHING GO. .Medbnd actual value compared with commercial farmer loses time and much of Ids good v d o p : 528, At! mtie Avo., Boston, Mass. . . 1 !. L‘1U. Ill f"r E' n Kent and int'Tmoh:; fertilisers. The increased crop produc­ temper in performing this act s rnply T ill urinary t r m b ' s d IU 'V Office: Mansur Block because of no definite method. They n i y ! 11 ‘ ost . tion made .possible by some kirn's of Kesl.lence, No. 3 Winter •»! p- m. - In!' For! Euiilield. Laribeu. l ’rnlii by a M o u lt m i• i: i /. o 11' S ' X - manure was determined. following, known as the side-line meth- | HOI’I,TON, M A INK. 1 .Uiio.-b * I a- and iuto; uiod',ate -tatam-. porioti ; Practice a: all the '"ourts m rho State It *aa here discovered that content od, is very satisfactory, for throwing! a m. A' Humor lkeen add' and ;n- M rs . Held I ) 111 i 11a. ^ Hi:.. b la n d Par a -. boitiand a:;d considered, manure is equally valuable horses. Using a three-quarter inch I i ;o-t"U. A v o : II ollltol . M o. SI \ s : I )oa l i ‘ s Paper Boxes G. A. PERRiGO with the commercial fertilizers : that is, rope about forty feet long, double it at Ix id n o V bills 1 turn a I t a i. ■ n i a - ui-.-dy . m im’ r’ >rt Fa d ' ■■"J. ( d>’ b. \'au j i UiM'ii and ai'e: 111■ -U,;i7o -tat.oi,-. a pound of nitrogen for instance se­ the center and at this point tie a loop j a m i 11, o! oiiub Cl! l'o d k idin -y Coll!- General Law and rb u ist. U; .111. UK f mil..' >i aad ia'cMii'daPo cured from manure is just a^ effective about two feet long. This forms a sort j pin ini i 1 m y ' 1 x 'l l. \ 1 \ -. bi i: lb > i LION. k id m -\ ■s a n d o 1 Mso, 1 Ill o o S II tfor a 1- rived. It was also shown at this sta­ horse’s head. The free ends of the | Lb! tor Cat I < :is. S’ SAVINGS BANK BUILDING III. f.l'lll bo-tnli. I’ortiand, b a n y r m ost cot is t ,U tl K tr »U 1 i 1 a m ■■ a n d Mid Itito; Mi­ tion, that sheep manure is worth So.53 rope are then brought down between: i h 1 \ vs , S ; no C :iv’ < Co'ia’r of Market and Union Square ■diato -tata m-. a eh ina 1 tick. M y w o rk t i p r ; v a L d ll!. fl‘ 111 1 'aribou. 1-’’ort Fairfield Van the front legs and each passed under i ami 1 tbu1 a i-t lb \ THLI PHONE : - Oftmc lt-3, K\-<. i jf-3 per ton on the basis of commercial fer­ m y t n II do an 1 t Im mil: h o c , 1;' ; t 1 - bu-..'. |.: lie.-lolio .and intei medial'- • tat; 'U-, tilizer value. Certainly this becomes the fetlock joint of a hind leg, pasi-o.’ 1111 ' s l Mil h -a rli o. d ho \ b 1 1 ) O \ s also . m. imm '■'o;t K"tit an 1 intoi-'uo.i.at' a.'D-d rt .■uui la dy an 1 1 felt n is, r- n u / u rig1! by no means an inconsiderable sum, once around itself and then run for­ H, Drummond Foss S U a abb-. lie,a.'dii a of I 1 o; 1 11 ’ - Kidney Ii o)Uii vu.. when one thinks of the tone produced ward through the collar. Assistant Attorney and Counselor at Law .iu. ; rom 1 io-b a. I ’"ftdlud. baUV'T, I ’i 11 - I j a'i mmi rod a b x at 11 a 11 ia w a v ■'em -poll, ( , r v : i i o and intermediate each year even by a small flock. now pull backward on the ropes while Bangor, Me. • !;|t 11111 -. (o' - d rug si o ia - and ad; t a k o 1 ) Prompt Attention given t Colh’ct'on- It becomes interesting to discover the horse is backed, 'l ias draws his : 1 dll ! 1 H lit., Fort Idcrfa-iM U.' i;■ it i<•• -d r, ()l!:-:r "'AT A. H. berr(- A md- So-re. corr.e i i 1 o 111 a -11 ort 1 i 1 no w and ;u!e. m> diato -bit; 11! .-. just how much manure a sheep pro­ legs well forward and up on his sides. ! lief. liofuj-o burn i fC'-o fl o|!l M.IOI ,.r.d Nac'voa-; Streets. III. ; b'l 11 I 7 .-ton. !' oitland, banaor, duces in a day. The Ohio bulletin As soon as the horse is down the feet j pnin in my kick 111'V s ; | oMod and i"!i1;'i,>•d ;at -tab H0t.1l ton, .... .Maine •ays a 100-pound lamb which is being can be tiecR in this position with the ! imnmilly nml I ! r in o\ i ry m !bm, \ a a bu .* 1 T J. Limestone. Epilepsy, Fits ■id. but ami and inter- 3 31 rope. I e-I.MH.y , a s[dor, did m s ,ito -tat O.U-. h > fattened will produce lbs. of ...... f. manure each dry. This means that in For throwing f lie ln*lf.liitch J 1' L' ''' I1'’11' ■ H ilK m y l. V . ] i II 1 LIEJ'i iN bass-r Trallm i ( 111 b > im < ■ 1111 ■ 111. / - - V , ... . I Mauaaer. 110 days it would produce $1 worth, method is hard to beat. 'J he rope mav i I W M. i;i;n\VN (b'li'-iul ^upoi iutoiident * I I- >>r Sitle bv nil I ’lico 7,: i manure being valued at S5 53 per ton. vary m size out need not be larger than | b.maor. Me. The average breeding ewe would not one-fourth inch and probably thirty feet produce so much manure correspond­ long. The animal is confined by the , ’fif HIT- / OliOHESTER SPILLS

ingly as she is less heavily fed, but con­ head, one end of the rope ti d to the >1 '.'I M McCAH i’bll'RAS i DIAMOND X h \ i servative estimates plSce the value of horns or about the neck, a half-hitch S • her yoarly yield around the $1.50 or taken about the animal's body just W anted 92 mark. back of its fore legs, and another ju-t Ife. i t * * * . I WANT A El IDT d . \sS SU.Iis. Met \ i.i *s m a g a / i m : in front of tlie hind legs. Then by ; i.AbiF-! — —r As to the increase of crop yield MAN to r* *i resent mo ia this *]im alit\ M\- I AtU ■\ our Ui-iitfKt.t for Cni CHRS-TER’S A brought about by sheep manure no fig­ simply pulling on the rope and tighten­ hustlers are makinu bom sjn to > p”, per da\ ■ D1AMON1J ]•!■ AND PILLS in Ki n atid/A Dr. Miles’ Nervine. | Gor.i) metallic tx.xes, scaled with BtuevOy ures are available ; but the Ohio bulle- ing the half hitches, the animal will go \ou cun do die same. I will help you \\ rite ! Ri! : "Ti. Turn no other. Buy oF your \/ for terms ai d full information to aynt . TUm pb -y b b y o , : • ’ -;-o--d t''o’,L I)r0K«r).t and «.k for CJILC HKS.TfcR S V tnont i- .dim -t -nr, *• = ■ “ ■ "t n '-'b:v | nmiGN'I) HKAM) IMI.1,8, for twenty-five • tin shows arj average annual increase down. Try it once and see how easy . years regarded as Pea,Safest. Always Reliable. w. b. la in. r< i.\'. \YC in corn in a three-year rotation on land the cow falls.— Missouri Agricultural The first bottle will benc'T, if n-t, Suite ''lb Seoul ItV blliidillLU Isold by all druggists where 8 tons of manure were annual- [ College. your druggist will re turn /-mr ll‘cnb‘ 1 hiiul'i•. I llinois. TKIBLl EVERYWHERE TESTED WORTH

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