14/11548/FUL - Roberts Barracks, Larkhill Garrison, Larkhill Dear Simon Our ref: CWI15417 I have received a Written Scheme of Investigation and Appendix for this application, which I attach for your information. I am happy that the proposed works are appropriate. Therefore, if there is a DOC request for Condition 6 of this application I would be happy to recommend a partial discharge of the condition. I would not, however, recommend a complete discharge as the works detailed in the WSI have not yet been carried out. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you would like to discuss this further. Regards Clare Clare King MCIfA Assistant County Archaeologist Wiltshire Council County Archaeology Service Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre Cocklebury Road, Chippenham SN15 3QN Tel: 01249 705503 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: www.wiltshire.gov.uk Visit the Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre - Your Passport to the Past: Archives, Archaeology & Building Records, Museums, Conservation, Local Studies. Larkhill Proposed Development Area Planning Reference Reference Type of Work Proposed Works Car parking, sports pitch, 2001 LXC652 None No proposed work. and modifications to security fences. Two Officer SLAs, messing facility, two LA0674, LA0675, Evaluation/watching 28 Phase 1 trenches and 11 SRSLAs, associated LA673, LA0677, LA0678, LA0676, messing facility, car Brief Phase 2 trenches. Watching 2002 LXC658, LXC659, parking, access roads, brief during the demolition LXC660, LXC661, of the existing buildings. and demolition of LXC662, LXC663 structures. Sports pitch. 2003 LXS026 Evaluation Four Phase 1 trenches and two Phase 2 trenches. LA0681, LA0682, 2004 – 40 Phase 2 trenches LA0683, LA0684, and a watching brief during Demolition of structures, Evaluation/Watching 2004 and 2005 LA0685, LA0686, demolition works.