Royal Army Medical Corps

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Royal Army Medical Corps J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-21-01-17 on 1 July 1913. Downloaded from JOURNAL OF.THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. / / <!orpa news. JULY, 1913. HONOURS. THE KING has been' graciously pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty's birthday, to give orders for the following appointments :-'--- To be Ordinary Member of the Military Division' of the Third Class, or Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Surgeon-General Louis Edward Anderson, Deputy Director of Medical Services, Ireland. To be a Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire: Major copyright. Robert James Blackham, R.A.M.C., commanding the Station Hospital, Jutogh. His Majesty has been further pleased to confer the honour of Knighthood upon Major Edward Scott Worthington, M.V.O., R.A.M.C. CAYALRY-1st LIFE GUARDS.-Surgeon-Lieutenant Hubert C. G. Pedler resigns his commission, dated May 28, 1913. _Ernest Deane Anderson to 'be Surgeon. Lieutenant, vice H. C. G. Pedler, resigned, dated June 4, 1918. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas E. Noding is placed on retired pay, dated May 25, 1913. Lieutenant-Colonel Noding entered the Service as a Surgeon, Army Medical Depart­ ment, July 30, 1881; became Surgeon-Major, Army Medical Staff, July 30, 1893; Lieutenant·Colonel; Royal Army Medical Oorps, July 30, 1901; Lieutenant·Colonel with increased pay, April 19,1907. His war service is: Egyptian Expedition, 1882. Medal; bronze star. Waziristan Expedition, 1894·95. Medal with clasp. The undermentioned Majors to be Lieutenant·Colonels: Charles Dalton vice J. J. C. Donnet, retired, dated May 7, 1913. Oliver L. Robinson, vice T. E. Noding, retired, dated May 25, 1913. The undermentioned Captains to be Majors: Ernest G. Ffrench, }\ILB., dated May 28, 1913. Andrew McMuim, dated June 25, 1913. Captain Horace H. Kiddle, half-pay list, retires, receiving a gratuity, dated June 25, 1913. Quartermaster and Honorary Captain Richard Scott retires on retired pay, dated June 4, 1913. on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected HIGHER RATE OF PAY.--Lieutenant-Colonel C. H. Burtchaell has been selected for the increased pay under Article 317 of the Royal Warrant for P[1.Y and promotion. ARRIYAL HOME FOR DUTY.-Major H. S. Thurston from Malta, on May 23 {by exchange). Captain N. E. J. Harding from West Africa, on June 7. Lieutenant. Colonel R. Caldwell and Captain G. S. Parkinson from South Africa, on Jnne 12. Captain ~. M. Pollard, on Jnne 19. ARRIYALS HOME ON LEAYE.-Colonel J. M. Irwin; Lieutenant-Colo~el T. B. Beach; Majors F. J. Palmer, E. E. Ellery, J. PoweIl, and H. F. She a ; Captains T. McC. Phillips, C. ,M. Rigby, and J. R. Yourell; Quartermaster and Honorary Captain A. J. Chalk. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-21-01-17 on 1 July 1913. Downloaded from POSTINGS.-To the Southern Command: Lieutenant-Colonel R. Caldwell. To the Irish Command: Major H. S. Thurston. To the London District: Major T. F. Ritchie., To the Eastern Command: Captain A. M. Pollard. To the Scottish Command: Captain C. S. Parkinson. TRANSFER.-To Aldershot: Lieutenant-Colonel J. Thomson, from the London district. To the London District: Major W. A. Ward, from the Southern Command. APPOINTMENT.-Lieutenant·Colonel J. Thomson, officer in charge of Records, Royal Army Medical Corps. RETIRED PAY APPOINTMENT. -Major A. J. Chambers, Medical Charge a~ Lichfield City. QUALIFICATIONS.-The undermentioned officers have obtai~ed the degrees, &c., noted against their names: Major N. J. C. Rutherford, the Diploma in Public Health of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons in Ireland. Captain M. F. Grant, M.D., University of Cambridge. EMBARKATION. - Fo?' West Af1'wa: On June 26, Captain R. R. Lewis. RESULTS OF EXAMINATIONS.-The following results of examinations ara notified for general information:- Passed for promotion to the rank of Major:- In Appendix xi, K.R., Subhead (b): Captains D. G. Carmichael, D. P. Watson, 'H. C. Hildreth, M. Sinclair, P. A. Lloyd-Jones, L. V. Thurston, R. K. White, A. E. S. Irvine, W. J. Weston, G. De la Cour, P. Sampson, and M. P. Leahy. In Appendix xi, K.R., Subhead (c): Captains J. Fairbairn, R. J. Cahill, R. C. Hallowes, G. H. Rees and S. Field. Passed for promotion to the rank of Captain :- In Appendix xi, K.R., Subhead (c) ii: Lieutenants C. H. Stringer, and B. H. H. Spence. ' copyright. ROSTER FOR SERVICE ABROAD.-'-Major G. B. Crisp has exchanged to a higher position on the roster with Major W. M. B. Sparkes. WARRANT OFFICERS, NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, AND MEN. PROMOTIONS. LANCE-CORPORALS. 73 Private Ellard, F... 5.5.13 Special under para, 281 Stand­ ing Orders. 1051 Davey, W. H. 8.5.13 Special under para. 281 Stand­ ing Orders. 1974 Ferguson? C. D. 24.5.13 Special under para. 281 Staud­ ing Orders. DISCHARGES. 8223\ Sjt.-Major How, S. J ... 2.6.13 Having reached the age limit. 8270 Qmr.-Serjt. Jones, F. L. 'M. 12.6.13 Medically uufit. 9691 Arnold, G ... 20.6.13 Termiuation of second period. 8564 S.-Se~h. Howell, G. A. 4.6.13 After 3 months' notice. 10548 Smith, J. H. 15.6.13 Medically unfit. on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected 15737 Corp~ral Thompson, A. E. 28.5.13 Termination of first period. 15786 Collins, H. E. C. 13.6.]3 705 Pri~~te Sinclair, J. W. 12.4.13 Payme;;t of £18. 7100 Driscoll, R. L. 16.5.13 £10. 6928 Barker, A. B. 17.5.13 " £10. 15714 Hawarden, J. 20.5.13 Termination of first period. 19627 Hedges, A. H. 29.5.13 Medically unfit. 19644 Stevenson, G. E. 12.6.13 At own request after 18 years. 9439 Nunn, W. J. 18.6.13 After 3 months' notice. 11593 Bootes, T. L. 10.6,13 Free after 15 years. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-21-01-17 on 1 July 1913. Downloaded from 3 TRANSFERS TO ARMY RESERVE. 252 Pte. Berryman, G. .. 11.5.13 19625 Pte. I Wood, S. J. .. 29.5.13 5779 Murphy, J. .. 9.5.13 4997 Thomson, J. .. 2.6.13 4986 " Flood, J. J. .. 11.5.13 19629 " Cox, H. W. .. 31.5.13 19609 " Aldridge, F. J ... 9.5.13 4815 " Williams, A. .. 1.6.13 4981 " Macdonald, J. .. 13.5.13 4813 " Usher, S. R. .. 1.6.13 4987 " Kelly, T. .. 16.5.13 2142 " Taylor, E. C: .. 3.6.13 4989 " Peppiatt, E. .. 17.5.13 291 " Melton, F. .. 6.6.13 4990 " Allerton, H. .. 18.5.13 4998 " Daltrey, H. .. 5.6.13 267 ,." Scammell, A. E. 22.5.13 5004 " Grey, C ... .. 5.6.13 247 L .. CpL O'Callaghan, J.J. 7.5.13 5000 " Liderth, J. .. 5.6.13 4992 Pte. Pet ch, 'r. .. 22.5.13 5001 " .Alexander, H. .. 6.6.13 4995 Osbourne, J. .. 24.5.13 298 " Hanchett, G. .. 7.6.13 4994 " Beer, G.W. .. 24.5.13 298 " Bentley, A. W •.. 7.6.13 19623 " Stabler, J. .. 28.5.13 19640 L.:OpL Hollands, G. H .. 8.6.13 5257 " Penson, C. .. 24.5.13 5008 Pte. Wyburn,W. .. 9.6.13 4996 ' " Mortimer,E.G.V. 24.5.13 5006 Cronley, A. C. .. 9.6.13 738 " Ryan, M. .. 6.6.13 303 " Hicks, F. .. 10.6.18 5021 " Johns, A. F. .. 31.5.13 19648 " S tiding, F. .. 14.6.13 935 C;~p!. Griffith. Williams, 6.6.13 " H.M. I TRANSFERS TO OTHER CORPS. , 12391 Serjeant .. Ogden, H. .. .. 16.5.13 To Colonial Government. 18018 .. Phipps, F. S. .. 21.5.13 copyright. 391 Corporal" .. Scorey, W. J. .. 21.5.13 " " " 1836 Private .. Edwards, W. J. .. 21.5.13 " " " 7012 .. Saunders, W. H. .. 13.5.13 :: Scottish Rifles. " 6144 " .. Clayton, R. C. .. 18.5.13 " A. S. Corps. 10581 S.-Serjeant" Warsop, H ... .. 6.6.13 Dub!. Univ. O.T.C. Fd. Amb. 10861 Serjeant .. Cleare, G. .. .. 7.6.13 " School of Inst., R.A.M.C, " T.F. No. 10 District. TRANSFER FROM OTHER CORPS. 71561 Private. .., McFadyen, G. 19.5.13 I From 2nd Batt. Highland L.L DEATHS. 53841 Private ., Millins, G. P... 127.5.131 London I 189151 Act. S.·Maj. Barrett, A. E ... I 6.6.13 Aberdeen I No. 2 HighlandF.A., T.F. DISEMBARKATIONS FROM ABROAD. on October 1, 2021 by guest. Protected FROM SOUTH AFRICA, PER S.S. "DOVER CASTLE," MAY 20, 1913. 19098 Private B. urley, F. P. 111972 Private .. Davidson, B. 1975 Hawkes, W. 2259".. Wilson, S. W. 18988 Corporal Haigh, R. H. T. 4777 " .. Ball, F. 1082 Private McKeague, J. 17967 " .. Wren, C. FROM SOUTH AFRICA, PER S.S. "GARTH CASTLE," MAY 29, 1913. 129871 Serjeant .. IWaiter, B. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-21-01-17 on 1 July 1913. Downloaded from 4 THE FOLLOWING RO.Os. AND MEN HAVE QUALIFIED FOR PROMOTION IN THE VARIOUS OORPS EXAMINATIONS. FOR QUARTERMASTER-SER.rEANT. 11082 I S.-Serjeant I Fraser, J. FOR STAFF-SER.rEANT. 16002 I Serjeant .. I Amsden, H. W. FOR SER.rEANT. 12986 I Lce.· Serjt. I Alexander, E. 11 19980 I Oorporal ! Loder, H. J. FOR OORPORAL. 1270 Private Marrable, F. G. 5772 Private Loft, A. O. 5402 Sexton, P. 6494 Hilary, T. O. J. 5669 Olark, H. 1096 Oooney, J. A. 5910 McLeod, D. 585 Webb, G. E. S. 12096 Flynn, W. 5055 Gray, H. O. 1861 Simmons, J.
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    J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-21-01-17 on 1 July 1913. Downloaded from JOURNAL OF.THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. / / <!orpa news. JULY, 1913. HONOURS. THE KING has been' graciously pleased, on the occasion of His Majesty's birthday, to give orders for the following appointments :-'--- To be Ordinary Member of the Military Division' of the Third Class, or Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Surgeon-General Louis Edward Anderson, Deputy Director of Medical Services, Ireland. by copyright. To be a Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire: Major Robert James Blackham, R.A.M.C., commanding the Station Hospital, Jutogh. His Majesty has been further pleased to confer the honour of Knighthood upon Major Edward Scott Worthington, M.V.O., R.A.M.C. CAYALRY-1st LIFE GUARDS.-Surgeon-Lieutenant Hubert C. G. Pedler resigns his commission, dated May 28, 1913. _Ernest Deane Anderson to 'be Surgeon. Lieutenant, vice H. C. G. Pedler, resigned, dated June 4, 1918. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas E. Noding is placed on retired pay, dated May 25, 1913. Lieutenant-Colonel Noding entered the Service as a Surgeon, Army Medical Depart­ ment, July 30, 1881; became Surgeon-Major, Army Medical Staff, July 30, 1893; Lieutenant·Colonel; Royal Army Medical Oorps, July 30, 1901; Lieutenant·Colonel with increased pay, April 19,1907. His war service is: Egyptian Expedition, 1882. Medal; bronze star. Waziristan Expedition, 1894·95. Medal with clasp. The undermentioned Majors to be Lieutenant·Colonels: Charles Dalton vice J.
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