Unitary Development Plan Adopted June 2006 PAGE 11
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Sefton Unitary Development Plan Adopted June 2006 PAGE 11 Sefton Unitary Development Plan 2006 About the Plan What is the Sefton Unitary What is the Plan used for? Development Plan? The Plan looks ahead for a period of about Every local authority has a duty to prepare a 15 years and sets out the Council’s policies development plan for its area. For Sefton this and proposals for how land should be used was in the form of a unitary development and developed. It has a number of functions: plan (UDP) up until 004. Since then all • it helps to co-ordinate new development authorities are required to prepare a Local with the infrastructure it requires Development Framework (LDF). However as the Sefton UDP was at an advanced • it provides a framework for regeneration stage, we have been able to complete it. • it helps create certainty both for The policies in the UDP will be ‘saved’ for 3 developers and the local community about years from its adoption in June 006, during what kind of development will be allowed which time they will gradually be replaced by where other documents in the Local Development Framework. You can follow progress on the • it sets out the considerations which Local Development Framework by visiting influence planning decisions our website at www.sefton.gov.uk/ldf When was the Plan produced? Stage When Notes Start preparing Spring 1998 Consultation with organisations and members of the public Plan on ‘key issues’. First Deposit July 2002 Plan was available for comment for a six week period. Draft Revised Deposit April 2003 Plan revised to take account of comments received at previ- Draft ous stage. Local Public In- May-September A Public Inquiry was held into objections which had not quiry 2004 been resolved. Modifications to June 2005 Further changes made to the Plan mainly as a result of the Plan Inspector’s recommendations. About the Plan Sefton UDP 2006 PAGE 1 Sefton Sefton Unitary UnitarySefton Development Development Unitary DevelopmentPlan Plan About Chapter the Plan plan 1 PAGE PAGE 13 13 How do I find my way around the Policies in context Plan? Decisions about a particular development The Plan consists of main parts – the Figure i proposal will often require consideration of written statement and the Proposals Map. Structure of the Plan a number of the Plan’s policies. So, policies The written statement (this document) should not be read in isolation, but in the consists of 4 sections as shown in figure i. context of the Plan as a whole. At the end SECTION B of the explanation to each policy is a section There is also a Proposals Map. To be Core Strategy 1: called ‘policy links’. This refers to other understood properly this needs to be closely related policies (including some in the Providing for the Borough’s development read together with the written statement. Regional Spatial Strategy) which are likely to and infrastructure needs to 016 in It does two main things: be relevant. locations where it will do most to assist urban regeneration. How will the Plan be put into • allocates sites for different types of practice? development Chapter 4 Urban Priority Areas • shows areas where particular In a number of different ways – these are policies apply. Chapter 5 Economic Development & set out in a section at the end of each policy Tourism called ‘Implementation’. The map covers the whole Borough in Chapter 6 Housing & Neighbourhood • one key way is through supplementary four sheets as shown in figure (ii) Renewal guidance which explains in greater detail Chapter 7 Retail Development how the policies will be used. Examples SECTION A include Supplementary Planning Chapter 8 Transport Infrastructure Guidance (SPG) Notes on ‘Design’ Chapter 1 Chapter 9 Energy, Minerals & Waste and ‘New Residential Development’. Aims & Objectives Appendix 1 provides a list of supplementary guidance which has This chapter sets out the overall been produced and further guidance purpose of the Plan SECTION C still to be prepared. Core Strategy 2: • the Plan will also be put into effect Chapter 2 Restraining development in locations through the development control where it would cause harm to the Context process, when the Council takes environment or regeneration. account of the policies in the Plan in This provides a regional, making decisions on particular types of Merseyside and local context to development. the development of the strategy of Chapter 10 Green Belt and Countryside the Plan Chapter 11 Nature Conservation How will we know if the Plan is working? Chapter 1 The Coast Chapter 3 Chapter 13 Urban Greenspace & • aims and objectives are set out in Recreation Strategy Chapter 1 (figure 1.1). These say what it This section sets out the core Chapter 14 Heritage Conservation is intended that the Plan, together with strategy of the Plan in 3 policies other plans and strategies, will achieve. (called Core Strategy Policies 1-3) The objectives for each chapter are SECTION D repeated at the front of that chapter. Core Strategy 3: • the key indicators to be used to measure progress are also set out Sets out the principles to be taken at the front of each chapter. Where account of in all development proposals. possible they draw on established regional and national indicators and on Chapter 15 Accessible Development Sefton’s Community Strategy. Some are general indicators of social, economic Chapter 16 Design & Environmental and environmental conditions, where Quality the implementation of the Plan’s Chapter 17 Environmental Protection policies is one of a large number of influences at work. The majority relate Chapter 18 Miscellaneous Development to more specific outcomes which are directly influenced by the Plan. About the Plan Sefton UDP 2006 Sefton Sefton Unitary UnitarySefton Development Development Unitary DevelopmentPlan Plan About Chapter the Plan plan 1 PAGE PAGE 13 13 Figure ii How the Proposals Map works • further work to refine the indicators How is this document referred to? and, where appropriate, to define performance targets is being carried Throughout the written statement this out in parallel with the development of document is simply referred to as ‘the Plan’ the Community Strategy. Government or ‘this Plan’. The text tries to make it clear if guidance on indicators will also result in other plans and strategies are being referred changes to the list of indicators. to. • performance against a range of indicators Glossary and Footnotes will be monitored and reported each year through an Annual Monitoring Technical terms which are used a number of Report (AMR). times throughout the Plan are defined in the Glossary e.g. sequential testG. Phrases are in Notes bold type if it is not clear exactly which words the symbol refers to. Where a term is only Regional Spatial Strategy used once, an explanation is normally given in footnote. The Plan contains many references to Regional Spatial Strategy. This is a document produced by the Northwest Regional Development Agency that sets out strategic policies for the North West. It was adopted in 003 as Regional Planning Guidance and became the Regional Spatial Strategy in September 004 with the changes to the planning system. About the Plan Sefton UDP 2006 CHAPTER 1 Aims and Objectives of the Plan PAGE 17 ‘Sefton 2000+’ ‘SAVE’ – a Region which uses its resources through the services it provides and by wisely, makes full use of renewable implementing its own policies. The Council’s 1.1 The starting point in the preparation of alternatives, produces minimal waste and current priorities are set out in its Corporate this Plan was the 1998 consultation document conserves its historic environment. Plan 006/07-008/09, which identifies the Sefton 000+. It proposed that the broad aim adoption of this Plan as a target to support of the new Plan should be: ‘GROW’ – a thriving, prosperous and the promotion of sustainable development. attractive region of high employment with ‘To make a positive contribution to the the necessary infrastructure to support it and The Contribution of the Plan to prosperity and quality of life to all Sefton’s which uses land efficiently. Sustainable Development communities by promoting sustainable development.’ Sefton’s Sustainable Development 1.9 The particular role of the Plan is to Objectives promote sustainable development in a 1. Sustainable development, in simple long-term land use strategy and through terms, means achieving a better quality of 1.5 The Local Government Act 000 policies for development and environmental life for everyone, now and for generations places a duty on the Council to prepare a improvement. In these respects it shows how to come. The contribution of the Plan to Community Strategy to ‘promote or improve the objectives of other related plans can be sustainable development was summarised in the social, economic or environmental well- achieved. Where necessary the Plan will be three themes: being’ of the Borough and ‘contribute to the used to guide choices if there are competing achievement of sustainable development claims for the use of land, buildings and • Promoting urban regeneration; in the UK’. In addition to the Council, many environmental resources. The law says that public, private, community and voluntary the Plan should be the primary consideration • Caring for the environment; organisations will have a part to play in in making these planning decisions, but other achieving improvements in the quality of life. • Reducing disadvantage. relevant plans and strategies may be taken into account as ‘material considerations’. 1.6 The Sefton Borough Partnership has 1.3 These were endorsed during the been formed to bring the contributions of the consultation programme and remain valid. 1.10 Figure 1.1 on the following pages gives Council and its partners together.