Wildlife Species of Stagecoach State Park Compiled by Carron Meaney, October 2003 Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Score Sensitive Federal CO Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status CNHP Ranking

MAMMALS Insectivora Masked Shrew Sorex cinereus M 3 42 Montane Shrew Sorex montincolus M 2 40 Dwarf Shrew Sorex nanus M 3 38 FS G4/S2 Water Shrew Sorex palustris M 1 52

Chiroptera Long-eared Myotis Myotis evotis M 3 53 Little Brown Myotis Myotis lucifugus M 1 41 Long-legged Myotis Myotis volans M 1 60 Hoary Bat Lasiurus cinereus M 2 36 Silver-haired Bat Lasionycteris noctivagans M 3 32 Big Brown Bat Eptesicus fuscus M 1 23 Spotted Bat Euderma maculatum M 3 81 FS, BLM G4/S2 Townsend's Big-eared Bat Plecotus townsendii M 3 103 BLM G4T4/S2

Lagomorpha Mountain Cottontail Sylvilagus nuttallii M 1 44 White-tailed Jackrabbit Lepus townsendii M 2 42

Rodentia Sciuridae - Least Chipmunk Tamias minimus M 1 15 Uinta Chipmunk Tamias umbrinus M 1 32 G5/S5 Yellow-bellied Marmota flaviventris M, P 1 33 Wyoming Ground elegans M, O 1 37 Golden-mantled Spermophilus lateralis M, O 1 24 Chickaree, Pine Squirrel Tamiasciurus hudsonicus M 3 36

Geomyidae-Gophers Northern Pocket Gopher Thomomys talpoides M, O 1 44 Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Score Sensitive Federal CO Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status CNHP Ranking Castoridae-Beaver American Beaver Castor canadensis M, O 1 53

Muridae-Mice, Rats, and Voles Deer Mouse Peromyscus maniculatus M 1 12 Bushy-tailed Woodrat Neotoma cinerea west ssp. M, O 1 35 Southern Red-backed Vole Clethrionomys gapperi M 2 37 Long-tailed Vole Microtus longicaudus M 2 26 Montane Vole Microtus montanus M 1 30 Sagebrush Vole Lemmiscus curtatus M 1 51 G5/S? Common Muskrat Odatra zibethicus M 1 38

Zapodidae-Juming Mice Western Jumping Mouse Zapus princeps M 3 37

Erithizontidae-Porcupine American Porcupine Erithizon dorsatum M, O 1 27

Carnivora Canidae-Dog Family Coyote Canis latrans M, O 1 19 Red Fox Vulpes vulpes M, P 1 34

Ursidae-Bears Black Bear Ursus americanus M 1 8

Procyonidae-Raccoons Ringtail Bassariscus astutus M 3 46 Raccoon Procyon lotor M 1 16

Mustelidae-Weasels Short-tailed Weasel, Ermine Mustela erminea M 2 25 Long-tailed Weasel Mustela frenata M 1 28 Mink Mustela vison M 3 30 Badger Taxidea taxus M, P 1 9 Striped Skunk Mephitis mephitis M, P 1 20

Felidea-Cats Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Score Sensitive Federal CO Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status CNHP Ranking Mountain lion Felis concolor M 1 * Bobcat Lynx rufus M 1 15 S4

Artiodactyla American Elk Cervus elaphus M, O 1 5 Mule Deer Odocoileus hemionus M 1 6 Moose Alces alces P 3 49

BIRDS Y= Year-round breeding resident, W= Winter, S= Summer, B= Known breeding populations, M= Migrant, I= Infrequently seen at the park

Loons (Gaviidae ) Common Loon- M Gavia immer B, O 1 * 66 Pacific Loon- I Gavia pacifica B, O 5 * 25

Grebes (Popicipedidae ) Pied-billed Grebe- S Podilymbus podiceps B, O 2 13/3/2 57 Horned Grebe- SM Podiceps auritus B, O 2 * 32 Eared Grebe- SM Podiceps nigricollis B, 0 2 14/3/2 53 Western Grebe- SM Aechmophorus occidentalis B, O 1 19/3/2 51 Clark's Grebe- M Aechmophorus clarkii B, O 4 20/3/3 63

Pelicans (Pelecanidae ) American White Pelican- S Pelecanus erythrohynchos B, O 1 21/3/3 69 BLM SC G3/S1B,SZN

Cormorants (Phalacrocoracidae ) Double-crested Cormorant- SM Phalacrocorax auritus B, O 2 13/3/2 47

Herons (Ardeidae ) Great Blue Heron- SB Ardea herodias B, O 1 12/2/2002 53 American Bittern- SM Botaurus lentiginosus B, 0 3 17/3/2 75 Black-crowned Night-Heron- SM Nycticorax nycticorax B, O 3 13/3/2 57

Ibises (Threskionithidae ) White-faced Ibis- M Plegadis chihi B, O 1 16/3/2 67 FS,BLM G5/S2B,SZN White Ibis- M Eudocinus albus B, O 3 * Glossy Ibis- I Plegadis falcinellus B, O 5 * Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Score Sensitive Federal CO Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status CNHP Ranking

Geese, Ducks (Anatidae ) Mallard- Y Anas platyrynchos B, O 1 11/1/3 15 Gadwall- SM Anas strepera B, O 1 14/2/3 44 American Wigeon- Y Anas americana B, O 1 15/3/2 27 Canada Goose- Y Branta canadensis B, O 1 13/3/3 4 Green-winged Teal- SM Anas crecca B, O 1 14/3/3 18 Blue-winged Teal- M Anas discors B, O 3 14/3/2 21 Cinnamon Teal- M Anas cyanoptera B, O 3 18/3/3 25 Bufflehead- M Bucephala albeola B, O 4 17/3/2 27 Hooded Merganser- M Lophodytes cucullatus B, O 3 19/3/2 61 Common Merganser- SM Mergus merganser B, 0 1 15/3/3 17 Red-breasted Merganser- M Mergus serrator B, O 3 * 20 Snow Goose- M Chen caerulescens B, O 3 * 43 Northern Pintail- SM Anas acuta B, O 3 13/3/2 66 Northern Shoveler- SM Anas clypeata B, 0 1 14/3/2 18 Canvasback- SM Aythya valisineria B, O 3 18/3/2 55 Redhead- SM Aythya americana B,OL 3 20/3/3 22 Ruddy Duck- M Oxyura jamaicensis B, O 3 18/3/3 26 Ring-necked Duck- MW Aythya collaris B, O 1 19/3/3 15 Lesser Scaup- SM Aythya affinis B, O 3 16/3/3 68 Greater Scaup- I Aythya marila B, O 4 * 0 Common Goldeneye- WM Bucephala clangula B, O 1 * 22 Barrow's Goldeneye- W Bucephala islandica B 4 21/3/2 55 BLM SC G5/S2B,SZN

Rails, Coots (Rallisae ) American Coot- SM Fulica americana B, O 2 12/3/3 11 Virginia Rail Rallus limicola 16

Cranes (Gruidae ) Greater Sandhill Crane- SB Grus canadensis tabida B, O 3 20/3/2 82 FS SC G5T4/S2B,S4N

Plovers (Charadriidae ) Semipalmated Plover- I Charadrius semipalmatus B, O 5 * 59 Killdeer- Y Charadrius vociferus B, O 1 * 60 Snowy Plover- M Charadrius alexandrinus B, O 3 * 94 FS/BLM SC G4T3/S1B,SZN

Stilts, Avocets (Recurvirostridae ) Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Score Sensitive Federal CO Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status CNHP Ranking American Avocet- SM Recurvirostra americana B, O 3 21/3/3 73

Sandpipers (Scolopacidae ) Spotted Sandpiper- SB/M Actitis macularia B, O 1 13/3/3 41 Common Snipe- SM Gallinago gallinago B, O 3 13/1/5 18 Greater Yellowlegs- SM Tringa melanoleuca B, O 3 * 49 Lesser Yellowlegs- SM Tringa flavipes B, O 3 * 62 Solitary Sandpiper- SM Tringa solitaria B, O 3 * 45 Willet- M Catoptophorus semipalmatus B, O 4 * 60 G5/S1B,SZN Sanderling- M Calidris alba B, O 3 * 56 Semipalmated Sandpiper- M Calidris pusilla B, O 3 * 63 Western Sandpiper- M Calidris mauri B, O 3 * 66 Least Sandpiper- M Calidris minutilla B, O 3 * 40 Baird's Sandpiper- M Calidris bairii B, O 1 * 51 Stilt Sandpiper- M Calidris himantopus B, O 3 * 82 Long-billed Dowitcher- M Limnodromus scolopaceus B, O 3 * 60 Short-billed Dowitcher- M Limnodromus griseus B, O 5 * * Wilson's Phalarope- SM Phalaropus tricolor B, O 1 19/3/2 69 G5/S4B,S4N

Gulls, Terns (Laridae ) Ring-billed Gull- SM Larus delawarensis B, O 1 31 California Gull- SM Larus californicus B, O 1 17/3/2 41 Forster's Tern- M Sterna forsteri B, O 3 20/3/2 63 G5/S2B,S4N Common Tern- I Sterna hirundo O 5 58 FS Pomarine Jaeger- I Stercorarius pomarinus O 5 * *

American Vultures (Cathartidae ) Turkey Vulture- SM Cathartes aura B, O 3 12/3/2002 31

Hawks, Eagles, Kites (Accipitridae ) Osprey- SM Pandion haliaetus B, O 1 15/3/2 58 Northern Harrier- Y Circus cyaneus B, O 3 17/3/2 67 Swainson's Hawk- SM Buteo swainsonii B, O 2 22/2/5 69 Red-tailed Hawk- Y Buteo jamaicensis B, O 1 13/3/3 25 Ferruginous Hawk- W Buteo regalis B, O 3 24/3/5 71 FS,BLM SC G4/S3B,S4N Rough-legged Hawk- W Buteo lagopus B, O 3 * 36 Golden Eagle- Y Aquila chrysaetos B, O 1 16/2/3 78 Bald Eagle- W Haliaeetus leucocephalus B, O 1 18/3/2 72 T T G4T?Q/S1B,S3N Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Score Sensitive Federal CO Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status CNHP Ranking

Falcons (Falconidae ) American Kestrel- Y Falco sparverius B, O 1 15/4/4 36 Prairie Falcon- Y Falco mexicanus B, O 3 20/3/3 69 G5/S4B,S4N

Grouse, Quail (Phasianidae ) Ring-necked Pheasant- Y Phasianus colchichus B, O 3 Sage Grouse- Y Centrocercus urophasianus B, O 2 79 BLM SC G5/S4 Blue Grouse- Y Dendragapus obscurus B 1 20/3/3 50 Tympanuchus phasianellus Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse- Y columbianus B, O 1 68 FS, BLM SC G4T3/S2

Doves (Columbidae ) Rock Dove- Y Columba livia B, O 1 * * Mourning Dove- SB Zenaida macroura B, O 1 11/2/4 36

Owls (Strigidae, Tytonidae ) Great-Horned Owl- Y Bubo virginianus B, O 1 13/3/3 25 Northern Saw-whet Owl- Y Aegolius acadicus B 5 15/3/3 48

Nightjars (Caprimulgidae ) Common Nighthawk- SBM Chordeiles minor B, O 1 14/2/4 48 Common Poorwill- M Phalaenoptilus nuttallii B 4 19/3/3 60

Hummingbirds (Trochilidae ) Broad-tailed Hummingbird- SB Selasphorus platycercus B, O 1 20/2/5 35 Rufous Hummingbird- M Selasphorus rufus B, O 1 * 47 Calliope Hummingbird- M Stellula calliope B, O 1 * 46

Kingfishers (Alcedinidae ) Belted Kingfisher- SM Ceryle alcyon B, PL 1 14/3/2 65

Woodpeckers (Picidae ) Northern Flicker- Y Colaptes auratus ssp. B, O 1 14/2/5 49 Downy Woodpecker- Y Picoides pubescens B, O 1 13/3/2 44 Hairy Woodpecker- Y Picoides villosus B, O 1 15/3/3 38 Red-Naped Sapsucker- SB Sphyrapicus nuchalis B 4 21/2/4 50 Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Score Sensitive Federal CO Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status CNHP Ranking Flycatchers (Tyrannidae ) Western Wood-Pewee-SB Contopus sordidulus B, O 1 17/2/5 49 Say's Phoebe- SM Sayornis saya B, O 3 17/3/3 30 Western Kingbird- SM Tryannus verticalis B, O 3 16/1/4 31 Eastern Kingbird- M Tryannus tyrannus B, O 4 14/2/3 41 Cordillaran Flycatcher- SB Empidonax occidentalis B, O 2 21/3/4 35 Willow Flycatcher- MSB Empidonax traillii B, O 1 18/3/2 62 G5/S4 Dusky Flycatcher- SB Empidonax oberholseri B, O 2 19/2/3 34

Larks (Alaudidae ) Horned Lark- Y Eremophila alpestris B, O 1 12/2/2005 60

Swallows (Hirundinidae ) Tree Swallow- SBM Tachycineta bicolor B, O 1 15/3/3 35 Violet-green Swallow- SBM Tachycineta thalassina B, O 1 19/3/5 50 Bank Swallow- MS Riparia riparia B, O 4 13/3/2 50 Cliff Swallow- SB Petrochelidon pyrrhonota B, O 1 11/2/3 22 Barn Swallow- SBM Hirundo rustica B, O 1 12/3/3 30

Jays,Crows,Magpies (Corvidae ) Western Scrub-jay- I Aphelocoma californica B 5 18/2/3 42 Gray Jay- Y Perisoreus canadensis B, O 3 15/3/3 26 Black-billed Magpie- Y Pica pica B, O 1 17/2/5 American Crow- Y Corvus brachyrhynchos B, O 1 11/3/3 19 Common Raven- Y Corvus corax B, O 1 10/1/3 31

Chickadees (Paridae ) Mountain Chickadee- Y Poecile gambeli B, O 1 16/3/3 58 Black-capped Chickadee-Y Poecile atricapillus B, O 1 12/2/2002 36

Creepers (Certhiidae ) Brown Creeper- Y Certhia americana B, O 1 15/3/2 46

Nuthatches (Sittidae ) White-breasted Nuthatch- Y Sitta carolinensis B, O 1 13/1/3 48 Red-breasted Nuthatch- Y Sitta canadensis B, O I 14/3/3 49 Pygmy Nuthatch- Y Sitta pygmaea B 3 19/3/2 51 Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Score Sensitive Federal CO Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status CNHP Ranking Wrens (Troglodytidae ) Rock Wren- SM Salpinctes obsoletus B, O 3 15/2/3 48 House Wren- SBM Troglodytes aedon B, O 3 13/3/3 25 Marsh Wren- SM Cistothorus palustris B, O 4 17/3/2 59

Dippers (Cinclidae ) American Dipper- Y Cinclus mexicanus B 4 21/3/4 58

Thrushes (Muscicapidae ) Western Bluebird- M Sialia mexicana B 3 17/2/2 62 Mountain Bluebird- SM Sialia currucoides B, O 3 18/3/4 58 Townsend's Solitaire- MW Myadestes townsendi B 4 17/2/4 34 Swainson's Thrush- SB Catharus ustulatus B, O 1 14/3/2 55 Hermit Thrush- SB Catharus guttatus B, O 1 16/3/4 39 American Robin- Y Turdus migratorius B, O 1 11/2/4 23 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher- M Popliotila caerulea B 5 * * Ruby-crowned Kinglet- SM Regulus calendula B, O 3 16/2/5 47

Shrikes (Lanniidae ) Loggerhead Shrike- M Lanius luovicianus B 4 16/1/3 68 Northern Shrike- W Lanius excubitor B 5 * 35

Mockingbirds (Mimidae ) Gray Catbird- SM Dumetella carolinensis B, O 1 15/3/2 39 Sage Thrasher- MSB Oreoscoptes montanus B, O 1 18/3/3 41

Pipits (Motacillidae ) American Pipit- SM Anthus rubescens B, O 1 15/3/4 42

Waxwings (Bombycillidae ) Bohemian Waxwing- I Bombycilla garrulus B 5 * 9 Cedar Waxwing- SM Bombycilla cedrorum B, O 3 13/3/2 25

Starlings (Sturnidae ) European Starling- Y Sturnus vulgaris B, O 1 10/2/2003 *

Vireos (Vireonidae ) Warbling Vireo- SM Vireo gilvus B 4 18/2/5 36 Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Score Sensitive Federal CO Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status CNHP Ranking Plumbeous Vireo- SM Vireo plumbeus B 4

Warblers (Parulinae ) Yellow-rumped Warbler- SBM Dendroica coronata B, O 1 14/3/4 45 Orange-crowned Warbler- M Vermivora celata B, O 1 12/1/2003 28 Common Yellowthroat- SM Geothlypis trichas B, O 3 14/4/2 55 Yellow Warbler- SB Dendroica petechia B, O 1 14/2/5 37 Wilson's Warbler- MSB Wilsonia pusilla B, O 1 19/4/5 56 Virginia's Warbler- M Vermivora virginiae B 4 23/3/3 52 Black-throated Gray Warbler-M Dendroica nigrescens B 4 21/3/3 45 Townsend's Warbler- M Dendroica townsendi B 4 * 36 MacGillivray's Warbler- M Oporornis tolmiei B 4 20/4/3 37 Yellow-breasted Chat- M Icteria virens B, O 3 15/3/2 44

Tanagers (Thraupidae ) Western Tanager- SBM Piranga ludoviciana B, O 1 17/2/4 43

Towhees, Sparrows (Fringillidae ) Spotted Towhee- SM Pipilo erythrophthalmus B, O 1 16/2/3 52 Green-tailed Towhee- SBM Pipilo chlorurus B, O 1 19/2/5 49 Chipping Sparrow- MS Spizella passerina B, O 3 16/4/3 52 Vesper Sparrow- SB Pooecetes gramineus B, O 1 14/3/3 49 Lark Sparrow- SM Chondestes grammacus B, O 1 18/3/5 59 White-crowned Sparrow- MS Zonotrichia leucophrys B, O 1 14/2/5 45 Savannah Sparrow- MS Passerculus sandwichensis B, O 1 14/3/3 39 Song Sparrow- Y Melospiza melodia B, O 1 11/2/3 38 Clay-colored Sparrow- MW Spizella pallida B, O 1 * 51 Brewer's Sparrow- M Spizella breweri B, O 3 19/4/3 62 Lincoln's Sparrow- SM Melospiza lincolnii B, O 3 17/3/5 33 Dark-eyed Junco- Y Junco hyemalis ssp. B, O 1 13/2/4 44 Black-headed Grosbeak- SM Pheucticus melanocephalus B, O 3 18/2/3 29

Weavers (Passeridae ) House Sparrow- Y Passer domesticus B, O 1 * *

Finches, Grosbeaks (Fringillidae ) Pine Siskin- M Carduelis pinus B, O 1 15/3/5 58 Lesser Goldfinch- SM Carduelis psaltria B, O 4 15/2/3 36 Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Score Sensitive Federal CO Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status CNHP Ranking American Goldfinch- SM Carduelis tristis B, O 1 12/3/2002 38 Red Crossbill- I Loxia curvirostra B 4 16/3/3 56 House Finch- Y Carpodacus mexicanus B, O 1 10/2/3 12 Cassin's Finch- M Carpodacus cassinii B 1 18/2/4 41 Evening Grosbeak- I Coccothraustes vespertinus B, O 4 14/3/3 49

Blackbirds, Orioles (Icteridae ) Red-winged Blackbird- Y Agelaius phoeniceus B, O 1 11/2/3 45 Western Meadowlark- Y Sturnella neglecta B, O 1 15/2/4 53 Yellow-headed Blackbird- SM Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus B, O 2 18/3/2 58 Brewer's Blackbird- SM Euphagus cyanocephalus B, O 1 13/2/4 47 Common Grackle- SM Quiscala quiscula B, O 1 10/1/3 31 Brown-headed Cowbird- SBM Molothrus ater B, O 3 9/1/3 21 Bullock's Oriole- SM Icterus bulluckii B, O 4 16/2/3 57 Great-tailed Grackle- M Quiscalus mexicanus B, O 5 12/3/2 18

REPTILES Prairie/Plateau Lizard Sceloporus undulatus H, L 3 29 Sagebrush Lizard Sceloporus graciosus H, L 3 35 Western Terrestrial Garter Snake Thamnophis elegans H, L, O 1 29 Smooth Green Snake Liochlorophis vernalis H, L 2 47 FS G5/S4 Bullsnake Pituophis catenifer H, L 3 42 Western Rattlesnake Crotalus viridis H, L 2 57

AMPHIBIANS Frogs, Toads (Anura) Western Chorus Frog Pseudacris triseriata H, L 3 36 Northern Leopard Frog Rana pipiens H, L 2 75 FS,BLM SC G5/S3

Salamanders (Caudata) Tiger Salamander Ambystoma tigrinum H, L, P 1 52

FISH Rainbow Trout, I Oncorhynchus mykiss D 1 * Brown Trout, I Salmo trutta D 1 * Brook Trout, I Salvelinus fontinalis D 3 * Cut-throat Trout, I Oncorhynchus clarki D 3 * Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Score Sensitive Federal CO Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status CNHP Ranking Kokanee Salmon, I Oncorhynchus nerka D 3 * Fathead Minnow, N Pimephales promelas D 1 23 Western White Sucker, I Castostomus commersoni D 1 31 Common Carp, I Cyprinus carpio D 1 * Northern Pike, I Esox lucius D 1 * Longnose Sucker, N Catostomus catostomus D 2 31 Longnose Dace, N Rhinichthys cataractae D 2 27 Mottled Sculpin, N Cottus bairdi D 1 43 Mountain Whitefish, N Prospium williamsoni D 1 35 G5/S3 Redside Shiner, N Richardsonius balteatus D 3 * Speckled Dace, N Rhinichthys osculus D 1 * Creek Chub, N Semotilus atromaculatus D 1 18

Status/Ranking explanations and the sources of information

For Birds: Y = Year-round breeding resident, W = Winter, S = Summer, B = Known breeding populations, M = Migrant, I = Infrequently seen at the park

For Fish: N=native, I=introduced

Source Codes: O= Directly observed by consultant, by Colorado Birding Society (Richard Stevens, [email protected]), Melissa Miller (U.S. Forest Service), Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory (Doug Falkner, [email protected]), or Allison Hilf ([email protected]); D= Division of Wildlife Biologist, M= of Colorado; B= Birds of Colorado and/or Colorado Breeding Bird Atlas; L= Livo et al. 2000 (County record tables for Colorado amphibians and reptiles); H= Hammerson.

Likelihood to be Present codes: 1= Species verified & common; 2= Suitable habitat-species not verified, but likely common; 3= Limited suitable habitat- possibly present, but unverified, or Species verified, but uncommon; 4= Rare species- seen only occassionally during appropriate season; 5= Very rare species, very unlikey

Imperiled species are those with PIF (Partners In Flight) Tot=>21 or COVERS => 38; or CNHP =< S3 (For PIF, PT= Population Trend- Birds with high scores for PT are more demonstrably in need of conservation action than are birds with low scores; AI= Area Importance- =>3 indicates greater conservation value.)

Agency,federal or COstatus: E=Federally endangered;T=Federally threatened; PT= Proposed Threatened; C= Candidate; SE= State endangered; ST= State threatened; SC= State species of concern; FS= Sensitive (identified by the regional forrester); BLM= Sensitive (found on public lands, similar to C). Likelihood PIF COVERS Agency to be Scores Score Sensitive Federal CO Common Name Scientific Name Source Present Tot/PT/AI Total Biology Status Status Status CNHP Ranking CNHP Status: G= Global; S= State; 1= Critically imperiled because of extreme rarity; 5= Demonstrably secure; B= Breeding status; N= Non-breeding status; SH= Historically known but not verified for extended period of time; SZ= Migrant, occurrences too irregular, dispersed or transitory; T=Trinomial rank used for ssp.; SR= Reported to occur in state, but unverified; SA= Accidental in the state.