Author: BookRags Number of Pages: --- Published Date: --- Publisher: --- Publication Country: --- Language: --- ISBN: 9781628505757 Download Link: CLICK HERE : A Vodou Priestess In Brooklyn By Karen McCarthy Brown Online Read

Joseph Binbin Mauvant. When it reappears, I will give it another go. Entertaining, but more of an autobiography than a scholarly work. Want to Read saving…. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. As someone who found vodou before he found Mama Lola, the book reverberates as a taste of home--the practices detailed are familiar and the written about mirror the spirits I know. As Alourdes was preparing to travel back to for her initiation into the Vodou priesthood, a fire broke out and destroyed her home; for a while, Alourdes and her family lived with friends Mama Lola shatters the stereotypes by offering an intimate portrait of Vodou in everyday life. Brown was a professor emeritus of Sociology Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn by Karen McCarthy Brown at [4]. Out of these stories, in which dream and vision flavor everyday experience and the Vodou spirits guide decision making, Vodou emerges as a religion focused on healing Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn by Karen McCarthy Brown about by mending broken relationships between the living, the dead, and the Vodou spirits. No one, not even the worst dictator, would dare to the stop them being as they too are adherents of the religion. Both Alourdes and Karen McCarthy Brown emerge as complex individuals harnassing physical and spiritual resources to solve deep social problems associated with immigration and poverty in America. Brown writes carefully about her subject and notes, as anyone who tries to look at vodou purely from an academic standpoint will tell you, that the only way to really understand what vodou is and does is to go inside and join the religion, which Brown did. Reviews Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess In Brooklyn By Karen McCarthy Brown

Gede Vodou spirit of death. I learned a lot about vodou and the culture behind it. Ogou : A Nago lwa originating from as a primordial spirit Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn by Karen McCarthy Brown Ogunof whom aided in the search for Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn by Karen McCarthy Brown suitable habitat for human life as well as defending it. May Learn how and when to remove this template message. In this respect, she "flouts the authority of the patriarchal family. Mar 08, Dimity marked it as didn-t-finish Shelves: memoirs-biographiesto-read-women-nonfictioncaribbeanwitchy-women. She has a half-sister named Irma different mothers who regularly participates in her Vodou rituals It is a religion that depends more on what a person does rather than what he or she believes in, and this notion gets somewhat lost when the author expounds her thoughts on spiritual matters. Life It thought it was a really interesting read. Anthropology and Humanism 24 2 The information that follows within this Wikipedia entry is derived mainly from the book in its first, second, and third editions. Deeply exploring the role of women in religious practices and the related themes of family and of religion and social change, Brown provides a rich context in which to understand the authority that urban Haitian women exercise in the home and in the Vodou temple. Views Read Edit View history. About Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess In Brooklyn By Karen McCarthy Brown Writer

Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Readers also enjoyed. Despite my lack of mercy, I do recommend you at least give it a try. He is the principle healer among the Vodou Iwa May 13, Mauzi rated it really liked it Shelves: rumour-has-it. I never realized how much prejudice there is against Vodou until reading this book and talking about it in class. Students and scholars of Haiti, the African Diaspora and African religious traditions will enjoy and benefit from this work immensely. Joseph Binbin Mauvant. Manbo Vodou. Brown took an especially deep look into the healing aspects of the religion, by detailing the many healing rituals carried out by Alourdes in Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn by Karen McCarthy Brown with the "Lwa" of Vodou. Free Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess In Brooklyn By Karen McCarthy Brown PDF Book

Through various means and with the help of Constant, she was finally able to gather enough funds to finance her trip back to Haiti; soon after arriving, the spirit of Ogou possessed her mother and revealed that she was to be a manbo priestess Chapter The spirit of death called Gede is primarily a healer who uses humor in painful situations, even in death Vodou is a misunderstood religion - it is peaceful, individualistic, and deeply spiritual, not the demented caricature our society has created for us to believe. Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn by Karen McCarthy Brown is a really fascinating look at what kind of religion makes sense for people whose lives are extremely different from our own. In order to buy food, pay for rent, and put her two children through school, "she was driven to sell sexual favors more directly and more frequently. After completing Mama LolaBrown became the director of the ethnographic research institute called the Drew Newark Project [3]. Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn by Karen McCarthy Brown hook me in and personalize the story? Read inreviewed 26 May and the book lost none of his power during those intervening years. When she speaks through Alourdes, she can only utter "dey-dey-dey". Dec 01, Steven rated it it was amazing Shelves: religion. Brown also notes that the images of spirits in are intrinsically linked to Catholic iconography; e. Mama Lola shatters the stereotypes by offering an intimate portrait of Vodou in everyday life. The second edition includes an afterword that describes a trip to subsequent to the publication of the first edition. edition-3730.pdf election-6980.pdf