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Report N-File 731 32 B SI1 Dsu Qafy 43 45' R 16 W 30' c R 15 W R 14 W R 13 W 15' R 12 W R 11 W c R 10 W 113°00' 41°00' Qlf Sl Qafy b c Sl Oes Qlf Qes c 35 36 41°00' Plate1 Qlf Qafy DSu Sl 40 UTAHGEOLOGICAL SURVEY 40 Qlg Qlgf Qei *osi? 40 Sl c Qei/Qlg U tah GeologicalUtah Surve Ope y Report n-File 731 32 b SI1 DSu Qafy 43 Qlg 73 Qlg 43 a division of Qlg32 b Qlg DSu InterimGeologic MapBonneville the of FlatsSalt b b š Qafy Qlgf c Dsi 20 Qafy Utah DepartmeUtah NaturalofResources nt b Qes 44 b and East Part of the Wethe Quadrangleof PartEast and ndover 60' x s—Year30' 3 b Qafy Qlg Dg 35 Qes DSu Qh Qlg c P*os 18 / c b Qlg 25 Qla P*osc b b Qes c Qafy Qes/Qla 55 63 Qpl Qes 50 b Qafy 46 c b Qlgf c 45 Qlf T 3 N 57 80 c Qlf 10 70 b Qla Qes b c Oe Qlg Qes Qpl b 35 49 25 Qlg 30 Qlg c *osi 20 Qai c 45c 35 b b 20 35 b Qlgf b Qlg T 3 N Sl 7 45b c 52 b Oes Sl 18 b 24 60 Qlf 78 c Qlgf 10 25 33 b Qh 15 b b 30 b 15 Dsi b 70 *osi? c b b b Qlgf 30 b 45 c 40 Dsi 22 52 Qlgf 20 Qeas/Qpl b INTERIMGEOLOGIC MAP OFTHE BONNEVILLE SALT FLATS b Qla Qla 29 Qlg b Dg b 30 14 23 b b Qai Qls b 13 b 40 Qlg b 34 b 30 52 25 Qlg b Sl 40 33 Qlg Qlg b 31 b b b Qla 25 Qal b bDsi 30 Sl c b c b 25 c 24 b Qlg 40 Dg b20 27 b 30 b b Qafy 30 56 / P*os? *Mdc Qlg Qlgf b 59 53 b b 14 b 20 c ANDEAST PART OFTHE WENDOVER QUADRANGLES, 60' X 30' Qlg b 35 20 35 b Psd Qai 20 30 b 33 77 20 25 Qmtc 18 c 11 c b b 55b Dsi Qlgb b b b b b 14 65 P*os Tsl *osi? 20 20 47 35 b 43 b Qlg 40 37 b b 22 15 b c c 27 g c b b b 22 b c30 30 24 32 b b Qafy TOOELECOUNTY, UTAH—YEAR 3 35 b Dsi c P*osc b 33 c Tra(Dg)b b Qpl 40 49 c b 40 b c 15 17 Qei/Qlf c 30 35 PU DDLE Qafy 70 c 43 gb 10 c b 34 30 45 b b 45 b 55 Qlg 47 V ALLEY b 45 50 42 42 15 c b b3 Qlg 35 c c 36 b bb b c 26 b FAU LT Dsi 35 12 17 Qlg Qlg Qafy Qla 70 43 45 ? 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