

Executive Summary 4

1 Setting the Scene 6

2 UK Agricultural Land today 7

3 Analysis: Demand & Supply of land to 2030 10

4 Land Use Vision & Key Objectives 14

5 Decision Making Framework principles 15

6 Proposed Actions for UK Government 16

7 The Next Steps 19

Appendix: key assumptions 20

References 22 22 p.22

Copyright © 2014 University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). Some rights reserved. The material featured in this report is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.

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This publication has been developed by and is released by CISL, 1 Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1QA, UK. Email: [email protected]


This report was written by Andrew Montague-Fuller of the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). CISL would like to thank all participating companies for their input into the collaboratory process.

CISL’s Natural Capital Leaders Platform The UK agricultural land use collaboratory, led convenes companies wishing to better by the Cambridge Natural Capital Leaders understand and manage their impacts and Platform, served as a vehicle for engaging dependencies on natural capital. By valuing industry in a review of the demand and supply these impacts and dependencies, our of UK agricultural land use and potential members are able to make better decisions, responses. identify new business opportunities and Our particular thanks go to Mark Reader, contribute solutions to natural capital loss and ecosystem degradation. Department of Land Economy (University of Cambridge) for his research into agricultural land demand and supply options.

Collaboratory Members:

Executive Summary

The demands on UK agricultural land are escalating. Meeting the needs of a growing population, providing greater food and energy security, increasing woodland coverage and offering better environmental protection are just some of these demands. But where will this land be found?

While our land resource is clearly finite, there simple, clear vision for UK agricultural land is much that can be done to optimise its use. use and a set of principles to aid future land Sustainable intensification initiatives*, a use decision making. Accompanying this, reduction in food waste and changing diets industry also wanted to propose some key are some of the opportunities that could actions for policymakers which will help to release land for other uses. Understanding provide greater clarity on future land use. this supply-demand balance for land is critical. The initial demand-supply analysis findings To date, there has been insufficient work were startling. There is potential additional undertaken to analyse this. But it is vital that demand for up to 7 million hectares of land to it is reviewed if we are going to think more meet a growing UK population’s food, space strategically about how land is used. The and energy needs while increasing the area industry needs greater clarity on what needed to protect and enhance the nation’s agricultural land is expected to deliver if it is natural capital. This is more than 35% of the to make sound investment and supply chain UK’s existing agricultural land, and compares decisions, minimise environmental impacts, with a possible maximum of up to 5 million manage social impacts, and deliver the hectares that might be released from a range greatest value to stakeholders and society of identified supply side initiatives, including more widely. In addition, industry needs to sustainable intensification opportunities and see clearer direction from Government on reductions in household food waste. While what it sees as the priorities for UK there is very significant uncertainty around agricultural land, and a supporting policy many of the assumptions and targets used in regime to accompany these priorities. this initial analysis, and it assumes no significant change in the global market’s Given this, the Natural Capital Leaders ability to supply food to the UK, this potential Platform convened a group of industry supply-demand gap is a significant concern companies and organisations in 2013 to and warrants more detailed research. It also examine the demand and supply of UK highlights the need to look at all UK land, not agricultural land and discuss potential just agricultural land, through the same industry responses. In the absence of any UK demand and supply lens. Government vision on land use, there was a strong consensus that industry needed to take a leadership position in the development of a

*Sustainable intensification refers to initiatives which aim to deliver production and/or productivity increases while enhancing environmental, social and economic impacts.

4 Mitigating this, it is recognised that there will Participants then developed an initial set of be opportunities to meet multiple demands principles to guide future land use decisions. with the same land. For example, increased These included the need to ensure that: woodland and certain bioenergy crops can provide carbon storage, wildlife habitats and  The full range of market and public goods flood mitigation benefits. The scope for this and services delivered by land are also needs further investigation and the understood and valued using appropriate methodologies; analysis needs to be revised accordingly.  Opportunities to deliver multiple benefits However, if this does not close the supply- from the same land are identified and demand gap, then difficult choices will need encouraged; to be made.  Cost-benefit analysis is undertaken to aid trade off decisions; and With this as a backdrop, the industry group  Landscape, recreational, climate change developed a simple land use vision to act as a and future generation impacts are taken rallying point on this issue. This vision is: into account in land use decisions.

Finally, this led to the identification of some “By 2030, UK agricultural land will be key actions for policymakers. The key optimised to support the multiple needs of a proposals from this industry group are that 70 million population and deliver an Government should acknowledge and improved and sustainable natural endorse this industry vision, and use the environment.” principles to develop a clear decision making Any vision needs to be supported by a set of framework with industry for the optimisation key objectives that will define what of UK agricultural land. In addition, constitutes success in achieving this vision. Government should develop an integrated Given this, the participants proposed the action plan across all key Government following key objectives: departments to consolidate existing agricultural land use policies and actions, and  Improved UK food security through a develop new actions where gaps exist. This focus on import substitution and export plan should also highlight the key land use growth where UK has a decisions that are needed to address climate competitive advantage; change, while the land use analysis should be  Increased UK energy security from used to inform future CAP negotiations. appropriate land based renewable energy as part of a broad mix of UK We now hope that this land analysis and the energy supply solutions;  Better protection of nature and its associated vision, decision making principles services, and the reversal in the decline and proposed actions kick start a much of key ecosystems; needed debate on UK agricultural land use,  Improved competitiveness and more and catalyse greater action and joined up diversified income sources for farmers thinking in this area. To take this forward, the and UK agricultural land based proposed next step is that a joint Industry and businesses; and Government group is formed to review and  Enhanced recreational space and build on this analysis, and develop a decision amenity value to UK society. making framework and action plan that integrates multiple existing targets, policies and research under one clear vision.

5 Setting the Scene UK’s agricultural land provides a wide range of essential goods and services, including food, fibre, timber, clean water, energy, wildlife habitats, carbon storage, flood management, employment and recreational opportunities.

However, the optimisation of land is severely habitats, while research on sustainable hampered by the lack of market prices for intensification is being conducted by a many of these goods and services. Government funded Platform6. However, this is being undertaken piecemeal by different Land managers generally make land use Government departments without reference decisions based on what they will be paid for, to a single overarching land use vision or constrained only by legal requirements that decision making framework, or an assessment are targeted at specific land uses, such as the of decisions on key trade-offs and how these 1 CAP cross compliance requirements . This is should be addressed. Integrated policymaking compounded by growing pressures on land in this area is vital. including the demands of a UK population 2 expected to reach 71 million by 2030 , the This lack of direction impacts industry. need for improved protection of the natural Without a clear understanding of what land environment given continuing degradation of needs to deliver, or how Government policies some key ecosystems, concerns over food fit together, or where supply chains need to security particularly for commodities such as be restructured to avoid resource fruit and vegetables, the growing requirement degradation, business uncertainty is created, for land to meet bioenergy needs and existing investment hindered and operating costs 3 ,4, 5 targets for increased woodland cover . increased.

But there is hope. Technology improvements Given this, there is now an opportunity for enabling efficiency, quality and yield benefits, industry to step up and show leadership by reductions in food waste, changing diets and delivering its own "vision, set of objectives and an emphasis on land delivering multiple decision making principles" to guide future UK benefits where possible, all provide agricultural land use. This could provide opportunities to optimise land use. But will significant benefits through clarity on how these supply initiatives be sufficient to meet land use will need to change and by providing growing demands? If not, difficult choices will greater investment and operational certainty need to be made, and a clear decision making for business. It will also improve society’s framework will be vital to this process. understanding of nature’s value, which will help to protect it from future challenges and The UK Government is taking some steps to threats such as climate change. Lastly, it will address this through targeting policies, provide Government with a vision and set of incentives and research at specific land uses principles to guide difficult land use choices and demand pressures. For instance, agri- and incentivise landowners and businesses to environmental schemes are being adjusted to deliver a wider set of goods and services for provide for improved protection of key the benefit of society.

46 Agricultural Land Today The UK has a total land area of 24.2 million hectares7, with over 75% of UK land utilised for farming purposes.

Figure 1: UK 2005 land use As shown in Figures 1 and 2, aside from grassland and livestock Other forest and woodland rearing, the main uses of agricultural Farm Woodland† land are for cereal crops (wheat, Arable barley and oats) and oil seeds All Grazing (Grassland) (oilseed rape and linseed). Other Urban+Roads+Reserves and nature key crops grown include potatoes, Wetlands peas, beans and sugar beet8. Source: Defra7

Figure 2: What makes up the 18.2 The UK’s temperate climate and million hectares of farmland productive soils are well suited to growing many arable and Cereals horticultural crops as well as Oilseeds rearing livestock. Despite these Potatoes Other crops competitive advantages, the UK is Horticultural crops reliant on imports for many Temporary grass under 5 year old agricultural commodities9, in Grass over 5 years old and rough grazing Farm woodland particular fruit and vegetables, All other farm land pig meat (Figure 3) and high protein animal feed, such as soya bean meal. Source: Defra8

Figure 3: Self sufficiency ratios (2011) This represents both a threat and an Linseed opportunity. It is a threat if key supply routes Oilseed rape to the UK are closed due to, for example, Barley Wheat climate change induced droughts or conflicts. Milk It could also be an opportunity if UK expands Lamb and mutton export channels for crops for which the UK Oats has a competitive advantage, such as wheat, Hen eggs root vegetables and apples, as well as Beef and veal Poultry processed products such as yoghurt and ice Potatoes cream. Sugar beet and sugar Fresh vegetables Pig meat Fresh fruit 0% 100% 200% Source: Defra10

7 However, this has to be set within a Figure 4: Change in the relative abundance of priority Figure 4: Change in the relative abundance of context where nature also needs species in the UK (1970-2010) priority species in the UK (1970-2010) greater protection. The UK’s 2011 120

National Ecosystem Assessment 100

(NEA) reported that 30% of 80 ecosystem services are currently in 95% Confidence interval max 60 decline, while many others are 11 already degraded . Examples of Change(%) 40 95% Confidence interval min these impacts include the loss of 20 pollinators, which have an estimated 0 value to UK agriculture of £430 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 12 million per annum , and the decline Year 13 in the abundance of priority species, Source: Data from the Natural Capital Committee as shown in Figure 413. Index represents 210 priority species Index: 100 = 1970

Efforts are being made to address this Biodiversity impacts are exacerbated by the through agri-environmental schemes which UK being one of the least forested countries in pay farmers to manage land for biodiversity, Europe, with approximately 12% of woodland healthy soil, water and landscapes, as well as cover versus a European average of 37% as through the current and future CAP reform, illustrated in Figure 514. which requires land to be put aside for ecological focus areas. Given that forestry provides many key functions including carbon storage, wildlife However, it is not clear yet whether these will habitats, water and air purification, amenity deliver the improvements needed to reverse value and a source of biomass, the value of declines. additional woodland cover is being increasingly recognised. As a result, the Government’s Forestry and Woodlands Policy Statement (2013) has already identified a target to increase woodland cover across England alone from 10% to 12% by 2060. Figure 5: Forestry cover

Proportion of total forest from total land area % at 1 x 1 km resolution

Source: Schuck et al15

8 With the UK population forecast to reach 71.4 Finally, land use is likely to be impacted by million by 2030 from 62.6 million in 20122, the climate change, which could see changes in additional demands for food, living, working the types and extent of crops grown. For and amenity space will create further, example, winter cereals, potatoes and carrots significant pressures on land. New residential could all see areas suited to their production and commercial developments, transport diminish under high emissions scenarios infrastructure, food production, (Figure 7)20. environmental needs and recreational space

will be competing for land. This may make the Figure 7: Agricultural land suitability for crops UK more dependent on imports and worsen under scenarios for areas where crop is the UK’s existing food, feed and drink trade present in 2010 deficit of £18.6 billion16 even further. Baseline period 2050 Low emissions 2050 High emissions (1960-1990) At the same time, land is also being targeted to deliver bioenergy crops, such as

miscanthus as a biomass feedstock. These Potatoes could make a significant contribution towards the UK meeting its targets to deliver 15% of the UK’s energy consumption from renewable sources by 202017 and reduce greenhouse gas

emissions by at least 80% by 205018. The

Department for Energy and Climate Change cereals Winter (DECC) 2050 pathway scenarios4 are a good

source for understanding the related

bioenergy crop land requirements.

Many of these pressures could be alleviated Carrots

by significant improvements in arable yields. Unsuited – PSMD* Marginal However, these have proved elusive in more Unsuited - Temp Moderate recent years as shown in Figure 68 in part due Unsuited Well to a focus on cutting costs, suboptimal 20 nitrogen applications19 and insufficient Source: ECI, HRW, Climate Resilience Ltd and Forest Research

investment in, and uptake of, new *Potential Soil Moisture Deficit technologies.

Figure 6: Main crop yields (2000-2013) Climate change also places a spotlight on

agricultural land’s role in helping to mitigate 9 8 its effects, with the strategic planting of trees, 7 the use of certain bioenergy material and land 6 Wheat used for water storage providing some of the 5 4 Barley options available to farmers and 3 policymakers. Looking forward, this could be 2 Oats 1 one of the critical roles that agricultural land Oilseed rape Yield (tonnes per hectare) per (tonnes Yield 0 needs to play, and coordinated action will be 2000 2005 2010 critical. Year Source: Defra8

9 Analysis:

Additional demand and supply of land to 2030 An initial analysis has been undertaken of the key demand pressures on UK agricultural land, and how this compares with potential supply options that could release land from existing use.

Its aim is to stimulate thinking on how UK agricultural land could be used differently in the future and, very importantly, whether it will be possible to meet all of the demands on land through some key supply side initiatives.

The analysis is based on projecting additional  Greater woodland cover to deliver a demands and supply options to 2030, with an range of benefits including carbon assumption that UK population will grow from storage, wood fuel, flood management, 2 increased wildlife and new amenity 62.6 million in 2012 to 71.4 by 2030 and that areas; and there is no significant change in the balance of

UK food trade with global markets.  Land dedicated to improved water management infrastructure, such as The following additional demands on land by increased wetlands and new reservoirs. 2030 have been assessed:

 Increased residential land needed for a larger UK population by 2030; On the supply side, there are a number of initiatives that may help to reduce the land  Land needed to meet bioenergy targets needed for arable and livestock production: under DECC 2050 scenarios4;  Sustainable intensification opportunities, including precision farming and improved  Improved UK food security through seed varieties. This could deliver higher replacing some key imports where viable, yields that enable arable land to be such as apples, pig meat and some high released for other uses; protein animal feed; and increasing

exports where UK has a competitive advantage, such as root vegetables,  Likewise, livestock yield increases, cereals and oilseeds; including improved husbandry, collection and use of performance data, and better feed conversion ratios. These will allow  Improved wildlife and habitat protection the same meat and dairy production to through increased areas managed for be delivered from less land. Current nature; Government and industry cooperation on

Agritech research is helping to advance these types of opportunities;

10  Reductions in food waste, which enable The low case mainly reflects the increasing less land to be used to feed the same needs of a growing population, the recent population. Approximately 19% of CAP reform impacts, a continuation of current household food and drink is currently productivity, waste reduction and changing wasted in households21; and diet trends, and less ambitious targets

established to improve food security.  Change in UK eating habits, with a move from meat to non-meat based diets in The high case reflects a set of bolder targets line with the UK trend over the last 20-30 based on the DECC 2050 Pathway analysis4, years. With livestock requiring up to 10 34 times the area to produce the equivalent the NEA’s Nature@Work scenario , adoption amount of protein for human of new arable and livestock sustainable consumption as arable crops22, a intensification technologies6, WRAP targets21, reduction in meat consumption could the Eatwell plate24 and more ambitious food release a significant amount of land for security targets. other uses (except where livestock are being reared for the global market). A full list of assumptions for each demand and supply category is contained in the Appendix. These additional demands and potential supply initiatives have been brought together It is important to note that the impacts of an in the picture below. Given the lack of data, increased UK population are embedded in and associated uncertainty over many of the each of the categories shown below (where assumptions made in this analysis, low and appropriate). high cases have been shown for both demand and supply (Figure 8).

Figure 8: Additional land demand uses versus supply options


The key conclusion from this initial analysis is that there is a very significant risk that the additional demands on UK agricultural land might not be met through land released from identified supply side initiatives.

Taking the high demand case and low supply In addition, there are opportunities for the case as an extreme, a land shortfall of approx. same land to provide multiple benefits 6 million hectares could occur, equivalent to a (discussed further below) which could reduce third of current UK agricultural land. Prima the potential supply-demand gap significantly. facie, this could lead to some very difficult More detailed analysis needs to be taken as a choices having to be made on UK land use. matter of priority to better understand this Nevertheless, it is acknowledged that there is picture and explore how these demand a high degree of uncertainty over the extent pressures could be met. Without this of this demand-supply imbalance, particularly understanding, and as also highlighted by the given the lack of data and associated targets 2010 Foresight Land Use Futures report25, key for the majority of the demand and supply land use decisions will continue to be made categories shown. on a reactive basis without reference to any overarching vision, direction or decision making framework.

12 Looking at the findings in more detail

Additional demand on land exceeds additional supply in both the low case (by 0.9 million hectares) and the high case (2.7 million hectares).

 In the low demand case, the primary contributors  In the high supply case, faster adoption of new to additional demand are the impact of CAP varieties and technologies enable faster reform, with its requirement to put aside 5% of productivity gains (1.7% per annum) which then arable land for ecological focus areas, and efforts allow land to be freed up for other uses; made to improve UK food security by producing the equivalent of half of our vegetable, fruit and  Likewise, livestock productivity increases do not high protein animal feed consumption in the UK. translate into a significant release of land in the This is likely to require a mix of increased UK low case but have a much more significant impact exports and reduced imports depending on the in the high case with the more rapid adoption of specific crops grown. This will deliver greater food new technology; security through a reduced UK food trade deficit;  Food waste reduction has the potential to release  In the high demand case, a much greater land significant land for other uses, with the high case requirement originates from a wider set of needs, showing up to 2 million hectares of land released including additional woodland and land set aside if the UK can reach zero “avoidable waste” in line for nature in line with the NEA’s 2011 with WRAP targets21; Nature@Work scenario, bioenergy growth in line with DECC’s 2050 Pathways scenario D and more  Dietary changes could also have a significant aggressive UK food security targets; impact (over 1 million hectares) if a change in consumption is achieved in line with the Eatwell  In the low supply case, sustainable intensification Plate24; and improvements are shown as a negative amount as incremental yield improvements are outweighed  Both food waste and dietary changes, however, by the need for an increased area to feed a larger remain heavily dependent on public attitude UK population. In other words, productivity towards waste and diet initiatives as well as improvements do not keep pace with population Government action taken to reduce waste and growth. improve eating habits through education, research and appropriate fiscal incentives.

Given the difficulty in assembling data for the It is possible that these multiple use above demand and supply impacts, this initial opportunities could reduce the additional analysis has not yet included opportunities to demands on land significantly. But it is likely maximise the delivery of multiple benefits that a material supply-demand gap will still from the same land. For example, increased remain, particularly if significant progress on woodland or bio-diverse perennial energy yield improvements, food waste reduction crops can also be used to alleviate flooding and dietary changes are not achieved. downstream. Biofuels production can deliver greater energy security and a high protein As a result, difficult choices on land use will animal feed co-product. The use of agri- need to be made, and these can only be environmental schemes can enable some undertaken with a clear vision and set of level of food production to continue while objectives for UK land use, accompanied by a protecting key habitats and food sources. practical decision making framework to assist with these choices.

13 Land Use Vision & Key Objectives Land Use Vision A powerful vision has the potential to become a rallying point for industry and policymakers on the need for better understanding and improved management of this finite and critical resource.

Drawing together views from across the value chain, this industry group’s vision is as follows:

By 2030, UK agricultural land will be optimised to support the multiple needs of a 70 million population and deliver an improved and sustainable natural environment.

Key Objectives

Any vision needs to be supported by a set of key objectives that will define what constitutes success in achieving this vision. Given this, the participants proposed the following key objectives:

Improved UK food security through a Increased UK energy security from Better protection of nature and its focus on import substitution and appropriate land based renewable services, and the reversal in the export growth where UK agriculture energy as part of a broad mix of UK decline of key ecosystems has a competitive advantage energy supply solutions

Improved competitiveness and more diversified income sources for Enhanced recreational space and farmers and UK agricultural land amenity value to UK society based businesses

14 Decision Making Framework principles The mechanism for turning this vision and set of objectives into practical action on the ground is through the development of a decision making framework that can be applied by industry and policymakers.

To aid the development of such a decision making framework, the participants offered What it should contain the following principles as the basis for such a framework:  A requirement that the full range of market and public goods and services are reviewed before key land use How it should be used decisions are taken: Given that agricultural land can provide a very wide range of goods and services, it is vital Its purpose should be to guide that all of these are recognised and industry and policymaker decision quantified. This includes provisioning making around the improved use services (such as food, fibre, fuel and of UK agricultural land in line with water), regulating services (such as the vision and objectives carbon storage, water purification, flood protection and clean air), cultural services (including education, recreation and aesthetic value) and social impacts It would recognise that different individuals may have different (such as rural livelihoods and legitimate interests in, and employment); priorities for, the use of individual areas of land, and also that the main factors influencing land use  Support for the delivery of multiple and land use choices can vary benefits: Where land can deliver multiple considerably from area to area. benefits - such as forestry or perennial The framework should not be crops providing both a source of timber intended to dictate how each and energy as well as water parcel of land should be used management, carbon storage and wildlife benefits - all of these should be It is recognised that there are understood, valued and their multiple existing policies for specific delivery actively encouraged and aspects of land use, including rewarded; those related to forestry, agri- environmental schemes and bioenergy. The intention is that  Cost-benefit analysis: Decisions should this framework sits above these be aided by a simple cost-benefit analysis policies, guiding the broader which assesses the full range of goods decisions around land use but remaining aligned with these and services as listed above. There is more specific policies. The aim is increasing support and research to assist to encourage a more holistic and agricultural land managers, businesses integrated approach to making plans about land use

15 and policymakers to place financial should remain a priority to examine values on many of these goods and options for restoring all such land for services, which should be used, where economically, socially or environmentally possible, to aid decisions on trade-offs productive uses; and between different uses of land;  Future generations and option values:  Landscape change: Where significant Consideration should be given to the land use change is proposed, it is value of land for future generations and essential that the general impact on ensuring that this is maintained through landscape is managed positively and sustainable use today. It is also important sympathetically given the importance of to understand where land has significant landscape to the UK’s sense of identity option value in the event that land use and individual and social wellbeing; needs to change quickly to meet an unanticipated but pressing need. For  Climate change impacts: Land use example, land should not be built on if it decisions should also be informed by the may have to play a vital role in the future impact of land use change on greenhouse for flood management. gas emissions as well as by an understanding of the opportunities and How it could be supported threats for land brought about by a changing climate. It is expected that agricultural land will need to contribute more actively to helping the UK meet climate change adaptation and mitigation Regulation and fiscal incentive design objectives; These should be designed to protect  Public access: With population growth essential public goods and services and an increasing interest in the which are not fully rewarded by the recreational opportunities provided by market, but with an additional aim to land, public access is a key benefit that place as light a burden on businesses as can often be provided in conjunction is consistent with the provision of public with other outputs, such as crop or goods timber production. As above, this is an area where multiple benefits can often Public understanding be delivered, particularly in the provision of accessible green space close to where In making decisions about land use, it is people live. This will also provide important that the general public have important health and well-being benefits; opportunities to contribute to debates and decisions about land use and  Unused land: Where land has ceased to management decisions which affect fulfil a useful function because it is their lives and their future. Coupled with derelict or vacant, it represents a this, Government and industry should significant loss of economic potential and encourage greater understanding by the amenity for the community concerned. public of the links between land use and There may be good economic reasons daily living why it is not utilised. Nevertheless, it

16 Proposed Actions for UK Government Currently, there is no UK Government vision, set of objectives or decision making framework that is used to guide the optimal use of UK agricultural land and link together the many existing policies and initiatives that address specific land use issues.

This is due in part to the devolution of powers Given this, participants believed that there to individual nations within the UK. The one are four key actions that Government should exception is Scotland which has developed its take as a matter of priority. These are: own land use vision and decision making framework, though the extent to which this is 1. To develop an integrated action plan influencing land use decisions is unclear. that will detail how Government

departments will be brought together Given this backdrop, this industry group with industry to develop the framework believes that the UK Government should above, address gaps in policies and acknowledge and endorse the above targets, and resolve potential conflicts; industry vision, key objectives and decision making principles, and work with industry to 2. To identify the key land use decisions use these as a basis to develop a clear that need to be made as a matter of framework around the best use of UK priority to help UK adapt to climate change; agricultural land.

3. To support research into the further Existing policies and fiscal regimes can then analysis of land use demand pressures be connected to this vision and framework, and potential supply options, and and where this leaves gaps or policy conflicts, develop an agreed forecast of the these can be identified and addressed. This demand-supply balance; and will deliver a more coherent and integrated approach to land use decision making. 4. To use the land use analysis, vision, objectives and decision making However, it is also likely to necessitate much framework principles to inform future greater connectivity across different negotiations on CAP reform. Government departments on policymaking, notably the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC), the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), the Communities and Local Government (CLG) and the Treasury.

17 There are a wide range of other Government demonstrate how this approach can be actions that could also be taken. These applied in practice by public bodies, and include the following: to provide practical guidance to land managers; and i. Government and industry to support further research into actions that can be iv. Government to identify and publicise taken to deliver the vision and address effective ways for communities to any supply-demand gap, including contribute to land-use debates and development of fiscal incentives and decision-making. reward structures that drive greater Adoption of some or all of the above actions wellbeing and structural change, such as will start to create much greater clarity on waste reduction and dietary initiatives; what UK agricultural land needs to deliver and ii. Government to encourage farm how this will be achieved. managers and businesses reliant on agricultural land to take actions in line Furthermore, greater integration of policy and with the vision, objectives and decision decision making across key Government making framework; departments will become increasingly iii. Government to support the further important if UK agricultural land is going to development of research on valuation of meet the mounting demands of a growing agricultural land services to facilitate land population and deliver the maximum value use and trade-off decisions, to from this critical resource.

18 The Next Steps This initial analysis and proposed industry vision, objectives and framework principles have the potential to kick start a much needed debate on how UK agricultural land could be used differently, and catalyse greater action and joined up thinking in this area. This work also highlights areas where greater research is required and more coordinated policymaking needs to happen.

To achieve this, the key next steps will be

To share these findings and industry vision, decision making principles To propose the formation of a joint and proposed Government actions Industry and Government Group to with a wider audience. This includes review and build on this report’s analysis and develop a decision raising awareness of this report across a wider cross section of the making framework and an action plan that integrates the plethora of existing UK agricultural land based value chain and within the key targets, policies and research under Government departments that are one clear vision. involved in land use decisions.

Through this process, it is expected that many Furthermore, a sharper, more engaging vision questions will be raised on this demand- might be proposed, or a new set of objectives supply analysis and how it needs to be or framework principles developed. These are improved. This is entirely appropriate as land all welcomed as long as it ultimately leads to use remains a very complex area where improved understanding and clear direction different views need to be listened to on how the management of this finite and carefully and modelled where possible. critical resource will be achieved.

19 Appendix: Key assumptions It is assumed that the UK population grows by 12.1% from 2012 (and 18.9% from 2005) to 71.4 million in 20302. Additional Demand by 2030

Category Current Land Scenario Change by Assumptions Reference (2005)* 2030 In million In million hectares hectares Residential 1.35 Low 0.3 Land used increases in line with population DEFRA7 land† growth forecast (from 5.5% in 2005 to 7% of ONS2 total land). High 0.4 Increased area of land for settlements as per DECC4 DECC 2050 scenarios. (all scenarios) Woodland 3.1 Low 0.2 Current trend of increasing UK woodland DECC4 continues at same rate into the future (from (scenario A) 11.6% in 2005 to 12.2% of total land by 2030). 11 High 1.6 Increased UK woodland cover from 11.6% in NEA (Nature@work 2005 to 18% by 2030. Scenario) Water 0.32 Low 0.1 Increase in water management areas to cope Cambridge management High 0.1 with climate change e.g. increased wetlands and estimate reservoirs. Bioenergy 0.1 # Low 0.1 Additional biofuels production already online in NNFCC 26 2013. High 1.6 DECC Pathway’s maximum domestic bioenergy DECC4 production growth scenario. (scenario D) Food Security 0.9 Low 0.7 UK to increase percentage of high protein DEFRA9 animal feed produced in UK from 28% to 50% DEFRA27 through substitution by oil seed rape, and produce 50% of fruit and vegetable consumption by focusing on those fruit and vegetables where UK has a competitive advantage e.g. apples, pears, plums, and summer berries (currently 9.8% of fruit is home produced). High 1.5 UK to produce the equivalent of 100% of its fruit DEFRA9 and vegetable consumption by increasing DEFRA27 production of fruit and vegetables where UK production has a competitive advantage, and UK to utilise new technology/ varieties to enable home grown high protein animal feed to replace 70% of imports. (Note: Biofuels production will also generate the equivalent of an extra 0.3 mt of high protein animal feed). Area for 13.9 # Low 0.7 Additional 5% of agricultural land is taken out of CAP Reform28 wildlife food production in line with Ecological Focus Areas required under agreed CAP reform. Note: This may increase to 7% in 2017 subject to further CAP negotiations. 11 High 1.8 Additional 13% of agricultural land is taken out NEA (Nature@work

of food production and set aside for nature as Scenario) per NEA projections. *Base year is 2005 due to the lack of UK data for all categories for 2012 † Total built environment including dwellings, private gardens, transport infrastructure and commercial land. # Base year for Biofuels and Area for Wildlife is 2012 as HLS information and Biofuels capacity not known/available in 2005

20 Additional Supply / Land released by 2030

Category Current Land Scenario Change by Assumptions Reference (2005) 2030 In million In million hectares hectares Sustainable 4.6 Low -0.2 A negative number because it assumes a HGCA29 intensification continuation of the long term trend of improving Sylvester-Bradley crop yields (1% per year) is outweighed by & Wiseman30 increased crop demand from population growth. High 0.4 Faster adoption of new crop varieties and Xu et al23 technology, including hybrid crops and precision Edgerton et al31 farming, delivers yield increases of 1.78% per year. Livestock yield 12.5 Low 0.2 Continuation of current trend of increased dairy, DairyCo32 increases pig and broiler production (1.5% per year) which Sylvester-Bradley outstrips increased demand from population & Wiseman30 growth. High 1.3 Adoption of new technology, including sustainable Xu et al23 intensification, increases yields by an additional Edgerton et al31 0.78% per year (i.e. total gain of 2.3% per year). Waste N/A Low 0.5 Continuation of the current trend of reductions in WRAP21 reduction household food waste, with waste declining from 18.5% to 15.4% by 2030. Note: there is a wide range in food waste from 5% for cereals to 50% for some fruits and vegetables. High 2.0 UK achieves zero ‘avoidable’ household food WRAP21 waste, i.e. a reduction from 18.5% to 6.6% by 2030. Improved diets N/A Low 0.6 Meat currently constitutes 12% of the current DEFRA33 average diet. The low case assumes a continuation Pimentel & of the trend over last 30 years of falling meat Pimentel34 consumption, with a further 5.9% reduction by 2030 (this is being replaced by greater vegetable & fruit consumption). Note: meat requires very approx. 10 times the area of land to produce the same protein as arable crops. High 1.1 A more dramatic change with average diets Eatwell Plate moving in line with UK Government’s healthy (201324 eating advice, which would reduce meat consumption by 11% and dairy consumption by 30%, with this offset by a 69% increase in grains and a 38% increase in vegetable & fruit consumption.

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