Stephen Cope | 369 pages | 01 Oct 2000 | Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc | 9780553378351 | English | New York, United States Yoga and the Quest for the True Self by Stephen Cope: | : Books

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Millions of Americans know yoga as a superb form of exercise and as a potent source of calm in our stress-filled lives. Far fewer are aware of the full promise of yoga as a 4,year-old practical path of liberation—a path that fits the needs of modern Western seekers with startling precision. Now Stephen Cope, a Western-trained psychotherapist who has lived and taught fo Millions of Americans know yoga as a superb form of exercise and as a potent source of calm in our stress-filled lives. Now Stephen Cope, a Western-trained psychotherapist who has lived and taught for more than ten years at the largest yoga center in America, offers this marvelously lively and irreverent "pilgrim's progress" for today's world. He demystifies the philosophy, psychology, and practice of yoga, and shows how it applies to our most human dilemmas: from loss, disappointment, and addiction, to the eternal conflicts around sex and relationship. And he shows us that in yoga, "liberation" does not require us to leave our everyday lives for some transcendent spiritual plane—life itself is the path. Above all, Cope shows how yoga Yoga and the Quest for the True Self heal the suffering of self-estrangement that pervades our society, leading us to a new sense of purpose and to a deeper, more satisfying life in the world. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published September 5th by Bantam first published October 5th More Details Original Yoga and the Quest for the True Self. Other Editions 4. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Yoga and the Quest for the True Selfplease sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Yoga and the Quest for the True Self. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Start your review of Yoga and the Quest for the True Self. Apr 29, Craig Shoemake rated it it was amazing Shelves: yogaindian-philosophyindian-religionmeditationkundalini-yogakripalu-yogayoga-and- psychotherapy. Maybe it is, maybe not. Either way, it is pretty damn good. This is one of those books that entertains and educates you in a visceral way right from the start. We meet a man, a practicing Boston psychotherapist, who for a variety of reasons was feeling unsettled and dissatisfied with his life and then, somewhat to his dismay, found himself joining a religious community to do…what? Much of the book is an answer to that and related questions: What did he want? What was he trying to do at Kripalu? What was—is—the meaning of yoga? What is enlightenment? Is such a thing possible? Yoga and the Quest for the True Self there enlightened people in this world? And what happens when all the things we try to keep hidden are revealed for the world Yoga and the Quest for the True Self see? Stephen Cope furrows through all these questions and more. His sincerity, his intensity, his intelligence, make the book a gripping read. Its pages educate the reader even as Cope the protagonist is educated by his experiences in the ashram. Yoga philosophy is pondered over, its depths turned up, and its many connections to Western psychotherapy reflected upon, all in gratifyingly sober, lucid prose. You will find yourself in this book. In one of the many personal portraits Cope draws, you will find your own symptoms and neuroses, your fears, dreams and failings. And when you do, you will know that yoga has something to offer you. There is so much teaching here, and it is given in such generous, gentle and wise ways. Yoga and the Quest for the True Self of all, I think the primacy of ourselves as bodily beings, as thinking, feeling, dreaming animals of earth, is borne out. The body really is our temple, and yoga is our puja, an act of adoration, discipline and feast. If this is so—and I know it is—then any act, any breath, any thought done with full and alive attention, is yoga. View 1 comment. Sep 10, David Guy rated it liked it. I picked this book up on a whim because I have been doing yoga and reading up on it, and I was intrigued by the title. Cope is a therapist who went to Kripalu a yoga center in Western Massachusetts and basically never left. He writes very well, and tells a lot of stories. There was something about the book I found vaguely annoying, maybe all the upper middle class angst of many of the people he was talking about. There was also a lot more psychiatric jargon than I was interested in; I'm nore i I picked this book Yoga and the Quest for the True Self on a whim because I have been doing yoga and reading up on it, and I was intrigued by the title. There was also a lot more psychiatric jargon than I was interested in; I'm nore interested in spiritual practice than in therapy. That having been said, the book has stayed with me, and the basic concept of a false vs. One can't do justice to it in a few words, but basically the false self is one that we create out of concepts; the true self is the one that is living our daily Yoga and the Quest for the True Self life, and that we too often avoid by going off into our heads. He also mentioned something that R. Laing said at a conference of Buddhists and therapists that keeps coming back to me: Human beings are afraid of three things. Their own minds, other people, and death. Dec 20, Anne Phyfe rated it it was amazing. As a yoga teacher, I figure I am supposed to read yoga books. However I find within three chapters of most books on the subject I am either distracted or bored, or I have already absorbed what I need from the author. That was not the case with this book, which I read daily and finished within two weeks. Yoga and the Quest for the True Self Yoga and the Quest for the True Self recommended to me years ago, and I didn't even read it when my yoga studio 8 Limbs held a book group around it. But when a writer friend urged me to give As a yoga teacher, I figure I am supposed to read yoga books. But when a writer friend urged me to give it a chance, I finally relented, to my great advantage. Cope, a psychotherapist who has lived at Kripalu for several decades, uses a memoir framework to deliver some of the most personally valuable teachings about yoga I have received. I recommend this book to yoga practitioners of all levels. Be here now. Read it. May 13, Sunshine rated it it Yoga and the Quest for the True Self amazing Shelves: njsunshinebookclubto-buy. Absolutely transformational. Revolutionized the way I see yoga, myself, life, and relationships with people. There is so much to learn and so much more growth needed, but grateful for a read that deepened my spirituality and religious convictions and changed my perspective for the better. Because all beings are one with the great river of life, we are all, in effect, just a single soul. We are already inherently perfect; we have already arrived; and we have the potential in each moment to wake up to our true nature. Beneath the surface of our separation, we feel the hidden,unseen threads that link us. Each time we penetrate into samadhi, we have a small death-rebirth experience. Samadhi the world as we know it—its boundaries and categories. You will not be able to entertain the slightest feeling of personal ownership, not even toward the body, which is the most precious and jealously guarded possession of most persons. God is both here, within, right now, and is also everywhere? At the same time? It is the Yoga and the Quest for the True Self God, the same Reality. Just our language has trouble capturing it. This is the wonderful thing about yoga. You find God right here, right now. Yoga and the Quest for the True Self () • Stephen Cope

More thancopies sold! Millions of Americans know yoga as a superb form of exercise and as a potent source of calm in our stress-filled lives. Far fewer are aware of the full promise of yoga as a 4,year-old practical path of liberation—a path that fits the needs of modern Western seekers with startling precision. He demystifies the philosophy, psychology, and practice of yoga, and shows how it applies to our most human dilemmas: from loss, disappointment, and addiction, to the eternal conflicts around sex and relationship. Above all, Cope shows how yoga can heal the suffering of Yoga and the Quest for the True Self that pervades our society, leading us to a new sense of purpose and to a deeper, more satisfying life in the world. Millions of Americans know yoga as a superb form of exercise and as a potent source of calm in the midst of our stress-filled lives. Life itself is the path. He is the author of a number of bestselling books, including Yoga and the Quest for… More about Stephen Cope. This honest, intelligent, and beautifully written book is required reading for anyone interested in spiritual practice today. Destined to be a classic. When you buy a book, we donate a book. Sign in. The Best Books of So Far. Read An Excerpt. Sep 05, ISBN Add to Cart. Also available from:. Apr 17, ISBN Available from:. Paperback —. Also by Stephen Cope. Product Details. Inspired by Your Browsing History. The Healing Magic of Forest Bathing. Julia Plevin. Hands of Light. Barbara Ann Brennan. Bliss More. Light Watkins. The Joy of Living. Eric Swanson and Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche. Now Is the Way. Quantum Healing Revised and Updated. Deepak Chopra, M. Radically Happy. Erric Solomon and Phakchok Rinpoche. The Spirit Almanac. Lindsay Kellner and Emma Loewe. Daniel Siegel, M. The Great Work of Your Life. Stephen Cope. A Course in . Yoga and the Quest for the True Self the Body, Resurrecting the Soul. Paul Bedson and Ian Gawler. The Upside of Stress. Kelly McGonigal. Hope and Help Yoga and the Quest for the True Self Your Nerves. Claire Weekes. How Healing Works. Wayne Jonas, M. The Buddha and the Badass. Vishen Lakhiani. Full Catastrophe Living Revised Edition. Jon Kabat-Zinn. from the Mat. Rolf Gates and Katrina Kenison. The Art of Abundance. Dennis Merritt Jones. Norman E Rosenthal MD. The Healing Power of Essential Oils. Eric Zielinski DC. Dream Dictionary. Create Your Own Calm. Meera Lee Patel. The Sleep Revolution. Arianna Huffington. Energy Medicine. David Feinstein and Donna Eden. Haemin Sunim. The Anxiety Toolkit. Alice Boyes, Ph. Burning Bright. Kelsey J. Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. The Ultimate Happiness Prescription. Modern Comfort Food. Buy other books like Yoga and the Quest for the True Self. Related Articles. Looking for More Great Reads? Download Hi Res. Yoga and the Quest for the True Self. LitFlash The eBooks Yoga and the Quest for the True Self want at the lowest prices. Read it Forward Read it first. Pass it on! Stay in Touch Sign up. We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. Become a Member Start earning points for buying books! Yoga and the Quest for the True Self - Beliefnet

READ as many books as you like Personal use. Millions of Americans know yoga as a superb form of exercise and as a potent source of calm in the midst of our stress-filled lives. Far fewer are aware of the full promise of yoga as "the way of the fully alive human being"--a 4,year-old practical path of liberation that fits the needs of and the Quest for the True Self seekers with startling precision. Now one of America's leading scholars of yoga psychology--who is also a Western-trained psychotherapist--offers this marvelously lively and personal account of an ancient tradition that promises "the soul awake in this lifetime. In this irreverent modern-day Pilgrim's Progress, Cope introduces us to Yoga and the Quest for the True Self unforgettable cast of contemporary seekers--on the road to enlightenment carrying all the baggage of the human condition: confusion, loss, disappointment, addiction, and the eternal conflicts around sex and relationship. As he describes the subtle shifts of energy and consciousness that happen at each stage of the path, we discover that in yoga, "liberation" does not require us to leave life in the world for some transcendent spiritual plane. Life itself is the path. Above all, Cope shows how yoga can heal the suffering of self-estrangement that pervades our society, leading us to a new sense of purpose and to a deeper, more satisfying life in the world. Yoga and the Quest for the True Self Book Summary : One of the nation's leading Yoga instructors and teachers reveals the spiritual wisdom and health benefits underpinning this ancient practice, which has been adopted by more than Yoga and the Quest for the True Self million Americans. Yoga and the Quest for the True Self Book Summary : Focusing on the spiritual benefits of , the author looks past the "how-two" approach to explore the more subtle, less physical effects of this ancient meditation practice. The Wisdom of Yoga Book Summary : The author of Yoga and the Quest for the True Self offers spiritual seekers from all traditions a practical introduction to the wisdom and teachings of the Yogasutra, as he brings together insights from yoga philosophy with modern psychology to offer lessons in ethical living, enhanced creativity, and the discovery of one's higher purpose. The Great Work of Your Life Book Summary : An inspiring meditation on living a purposeful life draws on the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita to present the spiritually relevant story of a young warrior in crisis and God in disguise. Will Yoga Meditation Really Change My Life Book Summary : Stephen Cope asked 25 yoga and meditation teachers to share their "tales from the path" — their thoughts on how the long-term practice of yoga and meditation has changed their lives. The result is a unique collection of stories offering insight and inspiration for everyone seeking a more satisfying life. Overcoming Trauma through Yoga Book Summary : Survivors of trauma —whether abuse, accidents, or war—can end up profoundly wounded, betrayed by their bodies that failed Yoga and the Quest for the True Self get them to safety and that are a source of pain. The trauma-sensitive yoga described in this book moves beyond traditional talk therapies that focus on the mind, by bringing the body actively into the healing process. This allows trauma survivors to cultivate a more positive relationship to their body through gentle breath, mindfulness, and movement practices. It introduces trauma-sensitive yoga, a modified approach to yoga developed in collaboration between yoga teachers and clinicians at the Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute, led by yoga teacher David Emerson, along with medical doctor Bessel van der Kolk. The book begins with an in-depth description of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder PTSDincluding a description of how trauma is held in the body and the need for body-based treatment. It offers a brief history of yoga, describes various styles of yoga commonly found in Western practice, and identifies four key themes of trauma-sensitive yoga. Chair-based exercises are described that can be incorporated into individual or group therapy, targeting specific treatment goals, and modifications are offered for mat-based yoga classes. Each exercise includes trauma-sensitive language to introduce the practice, as well as photographs to illustrate the poses. The practices have been offered Yoga and the Quest for the True Self a wide range of individuals and groups, including men and women, teens, returning veterans, and others. Rounded out by valuable quotes and case stories, the book presents mindfulness, breathing, and yoga exercises that can be used by home practitioners, yoga teachers, and therapists as a way to cultivate awareness, tolerance, and an increased acceptance of the self. Emotional Yoga Book Summary : A groundbreaking yoga program that takes full advantage of the body-mind connection. Drawing on her extensive training in yoga therapy, dance, and meditation, Bija Bennett has created a groundbreaking yoga program that takes full advantage of the body-mind connection. Based on the classical eightfold path of yoga, Emotional Yoga offers a broad range of simple body-mind techniques that can positively affect our emotional well-being, including the dynamic interplay of movements, breathing exercises, meditations, lifestyle skills, rituals, gestures, and healing sounds. Each technique is presented in a way that is true to Bennett's background in the tradition of Viniyoga, which allows the reader to adapt the program to his or her specific needs. Book Summary : Premodern and early modern yoga comprise techniques with a wide range of aims, from turning inward in quest of the true self, to turning outward for divine union, to channeling bodily energy in pursuit of sexual pleasure. Early modern yoga also encompassed countercultural beliefs and practices. In contrast, today, modern yoga aims at the enhancement of the mind-body Yoga and the Quest for the True Self but does so according to contemporary dominant metaphysical, health, and fitness paradigms. Consequently, yoga is now a part of popular culture. In Selling Yoga, Andrea R. Jain explores the popularization of yoga in the context of late- twentieth-century consumer culture. She departs from conventional approaches by undermining essentialist definitions of yoga as well as assumptions that yoga underwent a linear trajectory of increasing popularization. While some studies trivialize popularized yoga systems by reducing them to the mere commodification or corruption of what is perceived as an otherwise fixed, authentic system, Jain suggests that this dichotomy oversimplifies the history of yoga as well as its meanings for contemporary practitioners. By discussing a wide array of modern yoga types, from to , Jain argues that popularized yoga cannot be dismissed-- that it has a variety of religious meanings and functions. Yoga brands destabilize the basic utility of yoga commodities and assign to them new meanings that represent the fulfillment of Yoga and the Quest for the True Self needs often deemed sacred in contemporary consumer culture. The Yoga of You Book Summary : Take a journey with a young child as she discovers her true self and all that she is capable of with the help of some friends along the way. Using yoga as a means of empowerment and self-discovery, one child's journey reveals that within her is the power for happiness, Yoga and the Quest for the True Self, confidence, strength and gratitude. All proceeds from the sale of this book are donated to the nonprofit Willow Tree Roots. Willow Tree Roots is a United States registered c 3 nonprofit public charity organization whose Mission is to empower women in developing nations to socioeconomic independence through entrepreneurship and to provide underserved women in these nations with income-generating skills with a goal toward improving the community as a whole. Their approach is to guide women in discovering their self-worth, spark their passions, then give them the tools they need to succeed as business and community leaders. Willow Tree Roots believes that empowering women in developing nations can lead to an empowered, sustainable and peaceful community. Is a new age philosophy which helps in identifying what an Indigo truly is and how you are able to identify them. This book will help serve you to understand what being an Indigo means, in how it applies and affects you, your loved ones and how they just may be an Indigo themselves. Find and identify the difference between Group Thinkers and Free Thinkers. Learn how feelings play an important role and how to deal with them. Discover and find that perfect life, love, and success in business you want to have. So unleash the power within and overcome the fear to Discover Your Authentic Self. With the same down-to-earth charm and wit that have endeared her to her many students and readers, Boorstein shows how one can be both an observant Jew and a passionately committed Buddhist. But where to start? How can we bring these qualities into our own lives? We all want someone to whisk us away and lead us by the hand through this magical world of yoga and meditation, but spending hours trying to empty our mind or bend into awkward postures might not seem like the easiest path. In this uniquely interactive guide, Robin opens her heart and shares her honest Yoga and the Quest for the True Self entertaining personal stories of how yoga and meditation have changed her life. Then, she brings these tales down to earth with genuine affirmations and creative meditations you can start practicing immediately to transform your body and mind today. Why don't you just speak up already? Are you fed up with pleasing others or settling for what you get instead of going for what you really want and need? Can you imagine how freeing and amazing it would be to get your power back and daring to be who you genuinely are? Are you looking for a straightforward and easy way to improve your self-esteem, reduce your self-criticism, feel better about yourself and have a healthier and happier life? If it sounds familiar then I urge you to keep reading. You are about to discover Be Assertive! Be your authentic self! This is not another book that gives you a plaster to put on the problem. This is a clear-cut cognitive behavioural therapy workbook that will help you become a more empowered and assertive individual, as well as, strengthen your self-esteem. It confronts the issue head on, asks you hard questions and reveals the true core source of your unassertiveness. By identifying and understanding the key psychological barriers that prevent you from acting assertively, challenging them directly and applying the newly learned strategies, you will be able to achieve permanent Yoga and the Quest for the True Self. It will take allot of motivation, energy, courage and hard work to create a change in your life but it is indisputably worth it. You may ask yourself: What are the Benefits of reading Be Assertive! Be your authentic self!? Being able to communicate and express your own authentic unique self. The dismantling of your inner bully and self-defeating behaviours will help you achieve your potential and a happier and more fulfilled life. Learning to challenge your daily negative thoughts will change and improve your emotions, behaviours, physical and psychological well- being and add balance to your life. The strengthening and the enhancement of your awareness of your personal strengths, as well as, changing the way you think about yourself and others will enable you to achieve personal growth. Attaining a better understanding and acceptance of yourself. Bonus- introducing self- compassion to your life This is your chance to live the life you truly desire and deserve. Yoga and the Quest for the True Self for it! The 3t Path Book Summary : Transform a life of anxiety, uncertainty and frustration into one of peace, strength, purpose and joy For the first time, find in a single book the principal means of changing your consciousness and reshaping your brain, for an increasingly Yoga and the Quest for the True Self life experience. Discover the power of your mind. In The 3T Path you'll find hundreds of time-tested and scientifically proven suggestions, facts and techniques Yoga and the Quest for the True Self your growth and self-improvement. The 3T Path is a comprehensive system that works in multiple fronts at the same time, bringing your noticeable results in a short time. The 3T Path will bring about enormous personal transformation to help you resolve and transcend the challenges of life, maximizing your potential. The strength of The 3T Path lies in its use of ancient and powerful tools from the yoga tradition: Mindfulness Dharma Inner peace Knowledge Devotion All these together with lifestyle suggestions to maximize your potential, and finally, The 3T Method to keep your progress steady. If self-realization seems like something from another world to you, out of your day-to-day reality, this book will change your views. The 3T Path shows how spirituality must be totally integrated into our daily activities and is nothing more than the perfection of the art of living well here and now. This book will give you a new vision of God, of your spiritual nature and of the process of enlightenment, in a practical and down to earth form. You'll see how spirituality will give you a clear advantage when dealing with everything in life, without you having to put aside your intelligence or common sense. This book is the result of decades of practice and research by the author, speaker and teacher of self-improvement and self-realization in yoga, Giridhari Das. He shows in this book how you can overcome your anxiety and frustration, how to find your purpose in life and guide your life day by day, the secrets of how to develop inner peace, how to use knowledge as an instrument of growth and enlightenment and the process of bhakti, the highest aspect of the path of yoga. This book will give you the tools to take control of your life experience. Yoga and the Quest for the True Self. The Wisdom of Yoga. The Great Work of Your Life. Overcoming Trauma through Yoga. Emotional Yoga. Selling Yoga. The Yoga of Yoga and the Quest for the True Self. Are You an Indigo. The 3t Yoga and the Quest for the True Self.