Kabbalat Panim for Kabbalat Panim for Shabbat

Candle Blessing ,Ir¯B©v ,©e"k§s©v

Kiddush, Evening ,h!c§r"g 'JUS¦e Welcome mi$p¨R z©l¨A!w oh¦t$C©v oh!fUr%C Shabbat Songs ,C©J$ h¥rhJ¦ KABBALAT PANIM — WELCOMING

You may offer one of these before kindling the lights. BLESSINGS FOR SHABBAT S THESE SHABBAT CANDLES give light A The candles are lit before the blessing is recited. to all who behold them, so may we, by our lives, give light to all who behold us. BARUCH atah, Adonai ²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr$C As their brightness reminds us Eloheinu, Melech haolam, 'o$kIg¨v Q'k¤n( 'Ubh¥vO¡t( of the generations of who have kindled light, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav, so may we, in our own day, be among those who kindle light. 'uh¨,«u%m¦n%C Ub¨J§S( ¦e r¤J£t v’tzivanu l’hadlik eh!k§s©v%k Ub(²U!m±u ner shel Shabbat. /,C©J$ k¤J rb¯

O SOURCE of light and truth, BLESSED ARE YOU, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, Creator of the eternal law of goodness, who hallows us with mitzvot, help us to find knowledge by which to live. commanding us to kindle the light of Shabbat. Lead us to take the words we shall speak into our hearts and our lives.

Bless all who enter this sanctuary in need, all who bring the offerings of their hearts. May our worship lead us to acts of kindness, peace and love.

For Kabbalat Shabbat, turn to page 130. For Kabbalat Shabbat, turn to page 130.

Help me perfect my ways of loving and caring. Inspire me to make myself whole Shabbat Candle Blessing — The of kindling Shabbat lights in the home is an early rabbinic so that I may honor Your name and practice (M. Shabbat 2:1ff.) The Shabbat candle blessing is first recorded in the ninth-century create a world of justice and peace. prayerbook, Seder Rav Amram. Lighting Shabbat candles as part of the synagogue service is an Martin Buber innovation of Reform . 121 120 Kabbalat Panim for Shabbat Kabbalat Panim for Shabbat

Candle Blessing ,Ir¯B©v ,©e$k§s©v BARUCH atah, Adonai ²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr KIDDUSH FOR EVENING OF SHABBAT Kiddush, Evening $C ,hc§r# g$ 'JUSe¦ Eloheinu, Melech haolam, 'o$kIg¨v Q'k¤n( 'Ubh¥vO¡t( Welcome oh¦t$C©v oh!fUr%C borei p’ri hagafen. /i'pD©v(² h¦r%P t¥rIC Fill a Kiddush cup with wine or grape juice. Shabbat Songs Raise it and recite: ,C©J$ h¥rhJ¦ Baruch atah, Adonai ²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr$C Eloheinu, Melech haolam, 'o$kIg¨v Q'k¤n( 'Ubh¥vO¡t( VAY’HI EREV vay’hi voker r¤e«c( h¦v±h³u c¤rg(' h¦v±h³u asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’ratzah vanu, 'Ub($c v$m¨r±u( uh¨,«u%m¦n%C Ub¨J§S( ¦e r¤J£t yom hashishi. /h¦,¦,©v oIh v’Shabbat kodsho IJ§s¨e ,"C©J±u b’ahavah uv’ratzon hinchilanu, 'Ub($kh¦j±b¦v iIm¨r%cU v$c£v©t%C AND THERE WAS EVENING and there was morning, zikaron l’maaseih v’reishit. /,hJt¥r¦ c% v¥Gg©n. k% iIrF°z$ the sixth day. Ki hu yom t’chilah l’mikra-ei kodesh, 'J¤s«e( h¥t¨r§e( ¦n%k v$K¦j§T oIh tUv h!F zecher litziat Mitzrayim. /o°h¨r( m% n¦ ,©thmh! k! rf' (¯z Ki vanu vacharta, v’otanu kidashta, ¨T§J©S( ¦e Ub¨,It±u( '¨T§r©j( $c Ubc($ h!F VAY’CHULU hashamayim v’haaretz .¤r¨t¨v±u( o°h©n¨( ,©v UKf±h+ ³u mikol haamim. /ohN¦ g¨v" k!Fn¦ v’chol tz’vaam. /o¨tc$ m% -k!f±u V’Shabbat kodsh’cha W§J§s¨e ,"C©J±u Vay’chal Elohim bayom hashvi-i h!gh!c§,©v oIH"C oh¦vO¡t k"f±h³u b’ahavah uv’ratzon hinchaltanu. /Ub¨T( %k©j±b¦v iIm¨r%cU v$c£v©t%C m’lachto asher asah. /v¨Gg$ r¤J£t ITft% k§n" Baruch atah, Adonai, m’kadeish HaShabbat. /,$C©,©v J¥S©e§n '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr$C Vayishbot bayom hashvi-i h!gh!c§,©v oIH"C ,«C§J°H³u mikol m’lachto asher asah. /v¨Gg$ r¤J£t ITft% k§n" -k!Fn¦ PRAISE TO YOU, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, Vay’varech Elohim et yom hashvi-i h!gh!c§,©v oIh-,¤t oh¦vO¡t Q¤rc±h($ ³u Creator of the fruit of the vine. vay’kadeish oto ki vo shavat mikol -k!F¦n,"c¨J Ic h!F'I,«tJ¥S©e±h³u Praise to You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe m’lachto asher bara Elohim laasot. /,IG.g"k oh¦vO¡t t¨r$C r¤J£t IT%ft"k§n who finding favor with us, sanctified us with mitzvot. In love and favor, You made the holy Shabbat our heritage THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH were finished, and all their array. as a reminder of the work of Creation. On the seventh day God finished the work that God had been doing, As first among our sacred days, it recalls the Exodus from Egypt. and God ceased on the seventh day from all the work that God had done. You chose us and set us apart from the peoples. And God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, In love and favor You have given us Your holy Shabbat as an inheritance. because on it God ceased from all the work of creation that God had done. Praise to You, Adonai, who sanctifies Shabbat. /,$C©,©v J¥S©e§n '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr$C Baruch atah, Adonai, m’kadeish HaShabbat.

Shabbat Kiddush — The beginning of Shabbat is marked by reciting a benediction sanctifying the day (Kiddush HaYom or K’dushat HaYom, “Sanctification of the Day”; M. B’rachot 8:1 and P’sachim 10:2). The benediction praises God for the gift of Shabbat that marks Israel as unique. Since Kiddush is recited over a cup of wine, symbolizing joy, it is preceded by the wine benediction, borei p’ri hagafen, “Creator of the fruit of the vine.” c¤rg(' h¦v±h³u Vay’hi erev . . . And there was evening . . . Genesis 1:31 UK+f±h³u Vay’chulu . . . The heaven and the earth . . . Genesis 2:1–3 123 122 Kabbalat Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat

Psalms 95-99, 29 y"f 'y"m-v"m rIn±zn¦ In God’s hand are the depths of the earth; L’chah Dodi h¦sIs v"f&k the peaks of the mountains are God’s. 92-93 God’s is the sea, God made it; z¨A!W z©l¨A!w d"m-c"m rIn±zn¦ Shalom Aleichem and the land, which God’s hands fashioned. KABBALAT SHABBAT — WELCOMING SHABBAT ofh+ k- g. oIk¨J Come, let us bow down and kneel, This section, until Shalom Aleichem on page 142, does not offer alternative readings. bend the knee before Adonai our maker, PSALM 95:1-7 for Adonai is our God, and we are the people God tends, the flock in God’s care. L’ CHU n’ran’na l’Adonai, 'hh² k$ vb±B©r±b² Ufk& O, if you would but heed God's charge this day. nariyah l’tzur yisheinu. /Ubg§J°h)- rUmk& vgh" r)¦ b² N’kadmah fanav b’todah, 'v¨sI,&C uh²b"p v¨n§S©e±b biz’mirot naria lo. /Ik gh$ r)¦ b² ,Irn±z¦ C# PSALM 96:1-6, 11-13 Ki El gadol Adonai, '²h±h kIs²D k¥t h#F SHIRU l’Adonai shir chadash, 'J¨s¨j rhJ¦ hh² k$ Urh J)¦ uMelech gadol al kol elohim. /ohvO¡t¦ (kF! (kg$ kIsD² Qk+ ¤nU) shiru l’Adonai kol haaretz. /.¤r¨t¨v) (kF! hh² k$ UrhJ)¦ Asher b’yado mech’k’rei aretz, '.¤r¨t) (h¥r§e§j¤n Is²h&C r¤J£t Shiru l’Adonai bar’chu sh’mo, 'In§J Uf§r"C '²hh$k UrhJ)¦ v’to-afot harim lo. /Ik oh¦r¨v ,Ip.gI,±u basru miyom l’yom y’shuato. /I,"gUJ±h oIh&k(oIH¦n Ur§¬$C Asher lo hayam v’hu asahu, 'Uv¨G) "g tUv±u o²H©v Ik(r¤J£t Sapru vagoyim k’vodo, 'IsIc&F o°hID$c Ur&P©x v’yabeshet yadav yatzaru. /Ur)"m²h uhs²²h ,¤JC)+ ³h±u b’chol haamim niflotav. /uh¨,Itk& p°b& ohN¦ g¨v$ (kf! &C Ki gadol Adonai um’hulal m’od, 's«t§n k"Kªv§nU ²h±h kIs²d h#F Bo-u nishtachaveh v’nichraah, v"g¨r) &f°b±u v®u£j©T§J°b Ut«C) nora hu al kol elohim. /ohvO¡t¦ (kF! (kg$ tUv t¨rIb nivr’cha lifnei Adonai oseinu. /Ub¥G«g) h±h² (hb¯ p& k# vf§r" c°b& Ki kol elohei haamim elilim ohkh# k¡t# ohN¦ g¨v$ h¥vO¡t(kF! hF# Ki hu Eloheinu, 'Ubh¥vO¡t) tUv(h#F v’Adonai shamayim asah. /v¨Gg" o°h©n¨J) hh² u³ vaanachnu am marito v’tzon yado. 'Is²h it«m±u I,h#g§r©n o$g Ub§j)³b£t³u Hod v’hadar l’fanav, 'uh²b"p&k r¨s¨v±u(sIv Hayom im b’kolo tishma-u. /Ug¨n§J) ,¦ Ik«eC& (ot¦ oIH©v oz v’tiferet b’mikdasho. /IJ¨S§e¦n&C ,¤r¤t) &p¦,±u z«g COME, LET US SING joyously to Adonai, Yism’chu hashamayim v’tageil haaretz .¤r¨t¨v) k¯d¨,±u o°h©n¨) ,©v Uj§n§G°h raise a shout for our Rock and Deliverer; yiram hayam um’lo-o. /ItO§nU o²H©v o$g§r°h let us come into God’s presence with praise; Yaaloz saddai v’chol asher bo 'IC(r¤J£t(kf±u! h©s¨G zO.g³h let us raise a shout for God in song! az y’ran’nu kol atzei yaar. /rg$ )²h(hm- g. (kF! Ub±B©r±h z¨t For Adonai is a great God, the great ruler of all divine beings. Lifnei Adonai ki va, ki va lishpot haaretz '.¤r¨t¨v) y«P§J#kt"ch#F't"ch#F ²h±h h¯b&p#k yishpot teiveil b’tzedek v’amim be-emunato. /I,²bUn¡t+C oh¦N$g±u e¤sm)+ &C k-c¥T y«P§J°h

,"C©J ,$k"C©e Kabbalat Shabbat, “Welcoming Shabbat,” is one of the ritual innovations of the circle of Kabbalists (Jewish mystics) who gathered around in sixteenth-century in the . Psalms 95–99, 29 — This cycle of six psalms, representing the six days of creation, enjoins all creation to sing out the praises of God. God’s creative power is revealed in the world around us; God’s sovereignty is over all nature and all nations. 131 130 Kabbalat Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat

Psalms 95-99, 29 y"f 'y"m-v"m rIn±zn¦ 5. L’chah Dodi Hitor’ri, hitor’ri, 'h¦r§rIg§,¦v 'h¦r§rIg§,¦v L’ CHAH DODI likrat kalah, 'vK" F$ ,t©r§ek# h¦sIs v"fk& hsIs¦ vf" k$ Psalms 92-93 ki va oreich, kumi ori, 'hrI¦ t) hnU¦ e) 'Q¥rIt t"c h#F p’nei Shabbat n’kab’lah. /vk" C©e±b& ,C©J" hb¯ P& d"m-c"m rIn±zn¦ uri uri shir dabeiri. Shalom Aleichem 'h¦rC©s)- rh¦J 'h¦rUg) h¦rUg) ofh+ k- g. oIk¨J k’vod Adonai alayich niglah. /vk±d°b" Q°hk)$ g" h±h² sIcF& BELOVED, COME to meet the bride; beloved come to greet Shabbat. Awake, awake, your light has come! Arise, shine, awake and sing: the Eternal’s glory dawns upon you. Shamor v’zachor b’dibur echad, 's¨j¤t rUC¦s&C rIf²z±u rIn¨J 1. Lo teivoshi v’lo tikalmi, 'h¦n&k"F¦, tO±u h¦JIc¥,) tO 6. hishmianu El ham’yuchad, 's¨j´h§n©v k¥t Ubgh)" n§J¦ v¦ mah tishtochachi umah tehemi, 'h¦n¡v¤T v©nU h¦j£jIT§J¦T v©n Adonai echad ush’mo echad, 's¨j¤t In§JU s¨j¤t ²h±h bach yechesu aniyei ami, 'h¦N$g h¯H°b.g Ux¡j®h Q"C l’shem ul’tiferet v’lit’hilah. /v"K¦v§,#k±u ,¤r¤t) &p¦,&kU o¥J&k v’nivn’tah ir al tilah. /VK" T¦ kg$ rhg# v¨,±bc°b±u& “Keep” and “remember”: a single command the Only God caused us to hear; An end to shame and degradation; forget your sorrow; quiet your groans. The the Eternal is One, God’s Name is One; glory and praise are God’s. afflicted of my people find respite in you, the city renewed upon its ancient ruins. Likrat Shabbat l’chu v’neilcha, 'vf" k& b±u¯ Ufk& ,C©J" ,t©r§ek# 2. 7. V’hayu lim’shisah shosayich, 'Q°h¨xt«J) v¨X¦J§n#k Uh¨v±u ki hi m’kor hab’rachah, 'v"f¨r&C©v rIe§n th¦v h#F v’rachaku kol m’valayich, 'Q°hg)" K& c§n$ kF! Ue£j¨r±u meirosh mikedem n’suchah, 'vfUx±b" o¤s¤E) n¦ Jt«r¥n yasis alayich Elohayich, 'Q°h¨vO¡t) Q°h)$k"g Gh¦G²h sof maaseh b’machashava t’chilah. /v"K¦j§T v"c¨J£j©n&C v¤G.g©n ;Ix kimsos chatan al kalah. /vK" F$ kg$ i¨,¨j GIG§nF# Come with me to meet Shabbat, forever a fountain of blessing. The scavengers are scattered, your devourers have fled; Still it flows, as from the start: the last of days, for which the first was made. as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride, your God takes joy in you. Mikdash Melech, ir m’luchah, 'vfUk§n" rhg# Qk+ ¤n) J©S§en¦ 3. Yamin usmol tifrotzi, 'hmI# r)&p¦T kt«n§GU ih¦n²h 8. kumi tz’i mitoch hahafeichah, 'v"f-p£v©v QIT¦n h¦t&m h¦nUe) v’et Adonai taaritzi, 'h#mhr)¦ .g©T ²h±h(,¤t±u rav lach shevet b’emek habacha, 't"f"C©v e¤ng)- &C ,+c¤J) Q"k c©r al yad ish ben partzi, 'hm§r# P$ iC+ Jht¦ sh³ kg$ v’hu yachamol alayich chemlah. /v"k§n¤j Q°hk)$ "g kIn£j³h tUv±u v’nism’chah v’nagilah. /v"kh)°d²b±u v¨j§n§G°b±u Royal shrine, city of kings, rise up and leave your ravaged state. Your space will be broad, your worship free: await the promised one; You have dwelt long enough in the valley of tears; now God will shower mercy on you. we will exult, we will sing for joy!

Bo-i v’shalom ateret ba’lah, 'V"k&g$C ,¤r¤y) .g oIk¨J&c h¦tIC) 9. Hitnaari, mei-afar kumi, 'hnU¦ e) rp" g¥n" 'hr¦ g. b§,³ v¦ 4. gam b’simchah uv’tzoholah, 'vk" v¢ m! &cU v¨j§n¦G&C o³D livshi bigdei tifarteich ami, 'h¦N$g 'Q¥T§r©t&p¦, h¥s±d#C h¦J&c#k toch emunei am s’gulah, 'v"K´D§x o$g h¯bUn¡t QIT al yad ben Yishai Beit haLachmi, 'h¦n§j$K©v ,h-C h©J°h i+C s³h k$g bo-i chalah, bo-i chalah. /vK" f$ htI¦ C) 'vK" f$ htI¦ C) karvah el nafshi g’alah. /Vk¨t±d" hJ¦ p& b³ k¤t vc§r" e¨ Enter in peace, O crown of your husband; enter in gladness, enter in joy. Lift yourself up! Shake off the dust! Array yourself in beauty, O my people! Come to the people that keeps its faith. Enter, O bride! Enter, O bride! At hand is Bethlehem’s David, Jesse’s son, bringing deliverance into my life.

For those who choose: When the congregation reaches the last verse, beginning oIk¨J&c h¦tIC) This poem was composed by Shlomo Halevi Alkabetz, 16th century Safed kabbalist. The first Bo-i v’shalom, Enter in peace, all rise and turn toward the entrance of the sanctuary, as if to greet eight verses are arranged acrostically according to the author’s name (h°u-K©v v«nO§J). the Presence of Shabbat.

139 138 Shabbat Evening I Shabbat Evening I

Chatzi JhS©e¦ hm£j# '` z¨A!W§l zi¦ax©r# AR’VIT L’SHABBAT I — SHABBAT EVENING I

LAMDEINI, Elohai, bareich v’hitpaleil k-K$P§,¦v±u Q¥r"C 'h©vO¡t 'h°b¥s§N) k$ YITGADAL v’yitkadash sh’meih raba tC©r" V¥n§J J©S©e§,°h±u k©S³D§,°h al sod aleh kameil, 'k¥n¨e vk+ g" sIx kg$ b’alma di vra chiruteih, 'V¥,Ug§r#f t¨r&c h¦S t¨n&k"g&C al nogah p’ri basheil, 'k¥JC" hr¦ P& Vd³ «b) kg$ v’yamlich malchuteih V¥,Ufk©n& Qhk§n# h±u³ al hacheirut hazot; :,t«Z©v ,Ur¥j©v k$g b’chayeichon uv’yomeichon iIfh¥nIh&cU iIfh¯H©j&C Lirot, lachush, linshom, 'o«J±bk# 'JUjk" ',It§rk# uv’chayei d’chol beit Yisrael, 'k¥t¨r§G°h ,h-C kf§s! h¯H©j&cU ladaat, layacheil, l’hikasheil. /k¥JF" v¦ k& 'k¥jh³ k& ',g$ ©s) k" baagala uviz’man kariv, 'chr¨e¦ i©n±zcU# tk" d² g. C$ Lameid et siftotai h©,I,&p¦G ,¤t s¥N$k v’imru: Amen. /i¥n¨t :Ur§nt±u¦ b’rachah v’shir , 'kK©v- rhJ±u¦ vf¨r" C& Y’hei sh’meih raba m’varach Q©r"c§n t"C©r V¥n§J t¥v±h b’hit’chadeish z’mancha W±B©n±z J¥S©j§,v¦ C& l’alam ul’almei almaya. /tH©n² k& g" h¥nk& g" kU& ok$ g" k& im boker v’im leil, 'khk- og±u# r¤e«C) og# Yitbarach v’ v’yitpaar r©t"P§,°h±u j$C©T§J°h±u Q©r"C§,°h l’val yih’yeh yomi hayom oIH©v h¦nIh v®h§v°h k$c&k v’yitromam v’yitnasei, 't¥¬³b§,°h±u o©nIr§,°h±u kitmol shilshom, 'oIJk& J¦ kIn§,F# v’yit’hadar v’yitaleh v’yit’halal k$K©v§,°h±u v+K$g§,°h±u r©S©v§,°h±u l’val yih’yeh alai yomi hergeil. /kD§r¤v¯ hnIh¦ hk$ g" v®h§v°h kc$ k& sh’meih d’kud’sha b’rich hu, 'tUv Qh¦r&C t¨J§sªe§S V¥n§J l’eila min kol birchata v’shirata, 't¨,¨rh¦J±u t¨,"f§r#C kF! in¦ tK" g)- k& TEACH ME, O God, a blessing, a prayer tushb’chata v’nechemata, 't¨,¨n¡j®b±u t¨,¨j&C§JªT on the mystery of a withered leaf, daamiran b’alma, v’imru: Amen. /i¥n¨t :Ur§nt±u¦ 't¨nk& g" C& i¨rhn£t©S¦ on ripened fruit so fair, on the freedom to see, to sense, to breathe, to know, to hope, to despair. EXALTED and hallowed be God’s great name, in the world which God created, according to plan. Teach my lips a blessing, a hymn of praise, May God’s majesty be revealed in the days of our lifetime as each morning and night and the life of all Israel — You renew Your days, speedily, imminently. lest my day be today as the one before; To which we say: Amen. lest routine set my ways. Blessed be God’s great name to all eternity.

Blessed, praised, honored, exalted, extolled, glorified, adored, and lauded ENTRANCES to holiness are everywhere. be the name of the Holy Blessed One, The possibility of ascent is all the time, beyond all earthly words and songs of blessing, praise, and comfort. even at unlikely times and through unlikely places. To which we say: Amen. There is no place on earth without the Presence. The JhS©e¦ Kaddish is marked by long strings of synonyms of praise. The rhythmic repetition of these words is meant to aid one in achieving a higher meditational state. Judith Z. Abrams 145 144 Kabbalat Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat

Psalms 95-99 AND JACOB LEFT Beersheba and set Q+k–¯H³u g$c·¨J r£¥t&C¦n c«–e.gh)³ t¥-m¯H³u SHALOM aleichem, malachei hashareit, ',¥r¨,©v hf£t- k©n& 'ofh+ k- g. oIk¨J y"f 'y"m-v"m rIn±zn¦ out for Haran. Coming upon a ™o¨J i+k¤²Hu³ oIœe¨N$C g¨³D&p°H³u:v²b¨r¨j) malachei elyon, 'iIhk& g+ hf£t- k©n& h¦sIs v"f&k [certain] place, he passed the night L’cha Dodi h£¯bc©t& ¥n) j©E°H™ u³ J¤nº¤,©v tc£" (hF# mimelech mal’chei hamlachim, 'ohf# k§N©v" hf- k©n& Qk+ ¤N) n¦ d"m-c"m rIn±zn¦ there, for the sun was setting; taking Psalms 92-93 one of the stones of the place, he made uh·¨,«J£t©r§n) o¤G–²H³u oIºe¨N©v HaKadosh Baruch Hu. /tUv QUr"C JIs¨E©v ofh% k& g' oIk¨J Shalom Aleichem it his head-rest as he lay down in that :tUv©v) oI¥e¨N$C c–$F§J°H³u Bo-achem l’shalom, malachei hashalom, 'oIk¨,©v hf£t- k©n& 'oIk¨Jk& of£tIC+ place. He dreamed, and lo — a ladder vm§rº©t" c£"Mªn o™ Kªx" v¤¯Bv±u¦ oO£j— )³Hu)³ malachei elyon, 'iIhk& g+ hf£t- k©n& was set on the ground, with its top ™v¯B¦v±u v¨n±h·¨n¨,©v $gh£°D©n I–Jt«r±u reaching to heaven, and lo — angels mimelech mal’chei hamlachim, 'ohf# k§N©v" hf- k©n& Qk+ ¤N) n¦ :ICoh) –¦s§r«h±u) oh¥#k«g ohº¦vO¡t h£-f£t&k©n of God going up and coming down HaKadosh Baruch Hu. /tUv QUr"C JIs¨E©v on it. And lo — Adonai stood up above h£°b£t ¸r©nt«H³u ˜uh"k"g c£"M°b œ²h±h v¨¯B¦v±u it, and said, “I, Adonai, am the God of h–¥vOt)¯u Whº#c¨t o£¨v¨r&c©t ™h¥vO¡t —²h±h Bar’chuni l’shalom, malachei hashalom, 'oIk¨,©v hf£t- k©n& 'oIk¨Jk& h°bUf§r) C" your father Abraham and God of Isaac: c£-f«J ™v¨T©t r¤¤J£t .¤r—¨t¨v e·¨j&m°h malachei elyon, 'iIhk& g+ hf£t- k©n& the land on which you are lying I will mimelech mal’chei hamlachim, 'ohf# k§N©v" hf- k©n& Qk+ ¤N) n¦ give to you and to your descendants. :Wg§r)+ z³ kU& v²B–®b§T¤t W¥ k& ¨vhºk+ g" And your descendants shall be like the .¤rº¨t¨v r£$p.gF)$ ™W.g§r)³z v¤²h¨v±u HaKadosh Baruch Hu. /tUv QUr"C JIs¨E©v dust of the earth and you shall spread v²b«£p"m±u v¨n§s–¥e²u v¨N¥²h ›¨T&m©rpU)" Tzeit’chem l’shalom, malachei hashalom, 'oIk¨,©v hf£t- k©n& 'oIk¨Jk& of§,t+ m- out to the west and the east and the ,«¥j&P§J¦n(k"F ›W&c U¥f§r&c°b±u v"C±d·®bu² north and the south. Through you and malachei elyon, 'iIhk& g+ hf£t- k©n& your descendants all the families of the :Wg§r)+ ³z&cU v–¨n¨s£t¨v) mimelech mal’chei hamlachim, 'ohf# k§N©v" hf- k©n& Qk+ ¤N) n¦ earth shall find blessing. And here I Wh™ T§r©n§JU¨¦ k«f£ C& Q¨N— g# hf«bœ# ¨t) vB¨¯ v±u¦ HaKadosh Baruch Hu. /tUv QUr"C JIs¨E©v am, with you: I will watch over you v¨n¨s£t– ¨v) (k¤t Whº,«c¦ J£v£¦ u)³ Qºk¥T- (r¤J£t wherever you go, and I will bring you r£¤J£t sg$š ºW&c²z;g¤t) t£O h#šF ,t«·Z©v PEACE BE TO YOU, O ministering angels, messengers of the Most High, back to this soil. I will not let go of you Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing. as long as I have yet to do what I have :Q)"k h¦T§r–$C¦S(r¤J£t ,¥¥t h¦,hº¦G"g(o¦t promised you.” Enter in peace, O messengers of peace, angels of the Most High, r¤nt«H— u¸I,³ b§² ,¦n c«e˜ g. h)³ .£©eh°Hu³ Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing. Waking from his sleep, Jacob said, hf«b–# ¨t±u) v·®Z©v oI–e¨NC$ h±h²º J£¯h i™ f¨t- “Truly, Adonai is in this place, and I did :h¦T&g¨s) ²h t¥O Bless me with peace, O messengers of peace, angels of the Most High, not know it!” He was awestruck, and Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing. said, “How awe-inspiring is this place! oI£e¨N©v t¨rIB– (v©n rº©nt«Hu³ t¨rh°H™ u³ Depart in peace, O messengers of peace, angels of the Most High, This is none other than the house of ,hC£- (ot¦ hF#š v®z— ih¥t£ v·®Z©v God and this is the gate of heaven!” :o°h¨n¨) ,©v r$g¥©J v–®z±u ohº¦vO¡t Majesty of majesties, Holy One of Blessing.

For Shabbat Evening I, turn to pages 144–145. For Shabbat Evening II, turn to page 263. For Shabbat Evening I, turn to pages 144–145. For Shabbat Evening II, turn to page 263. And so we understand that ordinary people are messengers of the Most High. They go about their tasks in holy anonymity, often, even unknown to themselves. Yet, if they had not been there, if they had not said what they said or did what they did, it would not be the way it is now. We would not be the way we are now. Never forget that you, too, yourself may be a messenger. Shalom Aleichem — A 17th century Shabbat table-song ( z’mirah), Perhaps even one whose errand extends over several lifetimes. Lawrence Kushner o+fh-k.g oIk¨J v¨rh¦n±z probably composed under the influence of Lurianic , alludes to Shabbat 119b, which gc$ ¨J) r¥tC& n¦ c«eg. h³ tm- H¯ u³ And Jacob left Beersheba . . . Genesis 28:10-17 states that two angels accompany each person home from the synagogue as Shabbat begins. 143 142 Shabbat Evening I Shabbat Evening I

Bar’chu Uf§r"C

Maariv Aravim ohc¨r# g. chr¦ g©n. o"kIg ,$c£v©t Sh’ma g©n§J V’ahavta THERE IS ONE who sings the song of his own life, ¨T&c©v¨t±u finding everything within himself. L’maan tizk’ru di«$ zFk% x# aE¦ rn! W# UrF±z& T¦ ig$ ©n) k& There is one who leaves the circle of her self, Emet Ve-Emunah v²bUn¡t®u ,¤n¡t and sings the song of her people. SH’MA UVIRCHOTEHA — SH’MA AND ITS BLESSINGS Mi Chamochah There is one whose voice rings with the song of humanity, vf«" n) f" (hn¦ hoping for the highest perfection. Ub)-ch#F§J©©©v V’shamru And there is one who rises even higher, Ur§n¨J±u uniting with all creatures, with all worlds, BAR’CHU et Adonai ham’vorach! !Q¨r«c§n©v ²h±h ,¤t Uf§r"C filling the universe with song. Baruch Adonai ham’vorach Q¨r«c§n©v ²h±h QUr"C N’vareich! !Q¥rc±b" l’olam va-ed! !sg+ u² okIg" k& Let us bless! PRAISE ADONAI to whom praise is due forever! Praised be Adonai to whom praise is due, OGOD, You are as near as now and forever! the very air we breathe, yet farther than the farthermost star.

We yearn to reach You. We seek the light and warmth of Your Presence. Though we say You are near, we are lonely and alone.

O let our desire be so strong that it will tear the veil that keeps You from our sight! Let Your light release our darkness and reveal the glory and joy of Your Presence.

The Sh’ma is one of the prayers one may recite in any language. M. Sotah 7:1 What does it mean to be called to worship? All serious activity requires preparation. The prayers and blessings that precede Uf§rC" , Bar’chu are warm-ups for the individual. Now communal prayer For those who choose: The prayer leader at the word Uf§r"C Bar’chu (the call to worship) bends begins. The leader asks, “Are you ready to pray?” And we respond, “Yes! Let us pray!” the knees and bows from the waist, and at ²h±h Adonai stands straight. ²h±h QUr"C Baruch Adonai is the adapted from Richard Levy communal response, whereupon the community repeats the choreography of the first line. 147 146 Shabbat Evening I Shabbat Evening I

Bar’chu BARUCH atah, Adonai ²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Uf§r"C Aravim Eloheinu, Melech haolam, 'o"kIg¨v Q+k¤n) 'Ubh¥vO¡t) ohc¨r# g' chr¦ g©n' Ahavat Olam PRAISE to You, Adonai our God, asher bid’varo , 'oh#c¨r.g ch¦r.g©n Ir"c§s#C r¤J£t o"kIg ,$c£v©t Sh’ma from whom the evening flows. b’chochmah potei-ach sh’arim, '¦ g§J" ©j¥,IP) v¨nf& j¨ &C g©n§J Your wisdom sets the way on which time and season glide; V’ahavta uvit’vunah m’shaneh itim oh¦T#g v®B©J§n v²bUc§,#cU ¨T&c©v¨t±u Your breath guides the sail of the stars. umachalif et haz’manim, L’maan tizk’ru Creator of the tide of time and light, 'oh°B©n±Z©v ,¤t ;hk£j©nU# UrF±z& T¦ ig$ ©n) k& Emet Ve-Emunah You guide the current of day into night. um’sadeir et hakochavim oh#c"fIF©v ,¤t r¥S©x§nU v²bUn¡t®u ,¤n¡t Mi Chamochah As heaven spans to infinity, b’mishm’roteihem barakia kirtzono. /IbIm§rF# gh$ e¨r)¦ C" o¤vh¥,Ir§n§Jn¦ C& vf«" n) f" (hn¦ You set its course for eternity. Hashkiveinu Borei yom valailah, 'v"k±hk)" ²u oIh t¥rIC Ub)-ch#F§J©©©v Praise to You, Adonai our God, goleil or mipnei choshech, Q¤J«j) h¯b&P¦n rIt k-kID V’shamru from whom the evening flows. Ur§n¨J±u v’choshech mipnei or. 'rIt h¯b&P¦n Q¤J«j±u) /oh#c¨rg. ch¦rg©N©v. '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Umaavir yom umeivi lailah, 'v"k±hk)" th#c¥nU oIh rh#c.g©nU Baruch atah, Adonai, hamaariv aravim. umavdil bein yom uvein lailah, 'v"k±hk)" ih-cU oIh ih-C kh¦S&c©nU Adonai Tz’vaot sh’mo. /In§J ,It"c&m ²h±h El chai v’kayam, 'o²H©e±u h©j k¥t THIS IS AN HOUR of change. tamid yimloch l’olam va-ed. /sg+ u² okIg" k& Ubhk)- g" QO§n°h shn¨T¦ Within it we stand uncertain on the border of light. Baruch atah, Adonai, hamaariv aravim. /oh#c¨r.g ch¦r.g©N©v '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Shall we draw back or cross over? Where shall our hearts turn? Shall we draw back, my brother, my sister, LESSED are You, Adonai our God, Ruler of the universe, or cross over? B who speaks the evening into being, This is the hour of change, and within it, skillfully opens the gates, we stand quietly thoughtfully alters the time and changes the seasons, on the border of light. and arranges the stars in their heavenly courses according to plan. What lies before us? You are Creator of day and night, Shall we draw back, my brother, my sister, rolling light away from darkness and darkness from light, or cross over? transforming day into night and distinguishing one from the other. /oh#c¨rg. ch¦rg©N©v. '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Adonai Tz’vaot is Your Name. Baruch atah, Adonai, hamaariv aravim. Ever-living God, may You reign continually over us into eternity. Blessed are You, Adonai, who brings on evening. /oh#c¨rg. ch¦rg©N©v. '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Baruch atah, Adonai, hamaariv aravim.

,It"c&m ²h±h Adonai Tz’vaot: this is one of many names that help elucidate God’s attributes. I know that the tide is not an independent force, but merely the submission of the water to the God designs, creates and arranges the universe with order and purpose. movement of the moon in its orbit. And this orbit in its turn is subject to other orbits which are mightier far than it. And so the whole universe is held fast in the clinging grip of strong hands, The darkness of the first day differed from the darkness that preceded creation. The root of the forces of Earth and Sun, planets, and comets, and galaxies, blindly erupting forces ceaselessly chr¦ g©n. maariv can also mean “mix,” suggesting God mixed light into the primordial darkness. stirring in ripples of silence to the very depth of black space. Amos Oz The tiniest spark of light can transform darkness. 149 148 ubhvkt vuvh k vuvh trah g sjt na

/s+g²u o"kIg&k I,Uf&k©n sIc&F o¥J QUr"C !s¨j¤t) vuv±h²¥ Ubh–¥vO¡t vuv±h²¥ k·¥t¨r§G°h g–©n§J Baruch shem k’vod malchuto l’olam va-ed. Sh’ma Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad! Blessed is God’s glorious majesty forever and ever. Hear, O Israel, Adonai is our God, Adonai is One!

The enlarged g ayin at the end of gna Sh’ma (Hear) and the enlarged s dalet at the end of sjt k¥t¨r§G°h g©n§J Sh’ma Yisrael . . . Hear, O Israel . . . Deuteronomy 6:4 echad (one) combine to spell sg eid (witness). We recite the Sh’ma to bear witness to the Oneness of God.

sIc&F o¥J QUr"C Baruch shem k’vod . . . Blessed is God’s glorious . . . M. Yoma 3:8, inspired by Nehemiah 9:5 153 152 Shabbat Evening I Shabbat Evening I

Bar’chu V’AHAVTA et Adonai Elohecha, Wh·¤vO¡t £²h±h ,–¥t º¨T&c©v£¨t±u Uf§r"C Maariv Aravim b’chol l’vavcha uv’chol nafsh’cha uv’chol (kf! cU& W§J– p& b³ (kf! cU& W¥ c& c)" k& (kf! &C ohc¨r# g. chr¦ g©n. Ahavat Olam m’odecha. V’hayu had’varim ha-eileh v+K—¥t¨v oh£¦r"c§S©v Užh¨v±u :W)¤s«t§n o"kIg ,$c£v©t Sh’ma LOVE your God with every heartbeat, asher anochi m’tzav’cha hayom al (kg$ oIH©v– W±U› m§n$ hf«b§# ¨t) r¤J£t¨ g©n§J with every breath, V’ahavta l’vavecha. V’shinantam l’vanecha v’dibarta –¨T§r$C¦s±u Whº®b"c&k o£¨T±b³B¦J±u :Wc)+ "c&k ¨T$c©v¨t±u with every conscious act. L’maan tizk’ru Keep in mind the words I command you today. bam b’shivt’cha b’veitecha uv’lecht’cha £W§T&f+k&cU ™W¨¤,h-c&C ¤W§T&c¦J&C o·"C UrF±z$ T¦ ig( ©n) k$ Emet Ve-Emunah Teach them to your children, vaderech uv’shochb’cha uv’kumecha. :W¤nUe) &cU –W&C&fJ¨ &cU) Q¤rº¤S$c v²bUn¡t®u ,¤n¡t Mi Chamochah talk about them at work: Uk’shartam l’ot al yadecha v’hayu U¥h¨v±u W·¤s²h(k$g ,I–t&k o¥¨T§r©J§eU vf«" n) f" (hn¦ whether you are tired or you are rested. Hashkiveinu l’totafot bein einecha. Uch’tavtam o›¨T&c©,&fU :Wh)®bh-g ih¥-C ,«–p¨y«y) &k Ub)-ch#F§J©©©v Let them guide the work of your hands; al m’zuzot beitecha uvish’arecha. :Wh¤r) "g§J#cU W–¤,h-C ,I¥z´z§n(k$g V’shamru keep them in the forefront of your vision. Ur§n¨J±u Do not leave them at the doorway of your house, L’maan tizk’ru, vaasitem et (,¤t o¤,h– G¦ g. u)³ UºrF±z& T¦ ig$ ©n£ k& or outside your gate. kol mitzvotai vih’yitem k’doshim ohJ«s§e–¦ o¤,h°h§v¥ °u) h·¨,«um& n¦ (kF! They are reminders to do all of My mitzvot, so that you can be holy for God. l’Eloheichem. Ani Adonai Eloheichem, o—+fh¥vO¡t) £²h±h hž°b£t :o)+fh¥vOt) -k I am Adonai your God. asher hotzeiti et-chem mei-eretz .¤r£¤t¥n ™o+f§,¤t h¦,t¤-mIv r¨¤J£t I led you out of Egypt to become your God, Mitzrayim lih’yot lachem l’Elohim oh·vOt¦ k)- of–+ k" ,Ih§v¥ k# o°hº©rm& n¦ I am Adonai your God! ani Adonai Eloheichem. :o)+fh¥vO¡t) ¥²h±h h–°b£t

YOU SHALL LOVE Adonai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. Take to heart these instructions with which I charge you this day. Impress them upon your children. Recite them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead; inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Thus you shall remember to observe all My commandments and to be holy to your God. I am Adonai, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to be your God: I am Adonai your God. /,¤n¡t o+fh¥vO¡t ²h±h Judaism is a doing which can be grasped only by the heart. Julius Lester Adonai Eloheichem EMET. When people come to you for help, do not turn them off with pious words, saying: “Have faith and take your troubles to God!” Act instead as if there were no God, as though there were only one person in all the world who could help — only yourself. Martin Buber For those who choose: At the end of the g©n§J Sh’ma, after the words o+fh¥vO¡t ²h±h Adonai Abaye said: Spread the love of God through your actions. If you yourself study and help others Eloheichem, the word ,¤n¡t emet (“true”) is added as an immediate affirmation of its truth. to do so, if your business activities are decent and trustworthy, what will people say? “Have you ¨T&c©v¨t±u V’ahavta . . . You shall love . . . Deuteronomy 6:5–9 seen the behavior of one who studies ? How beautiful! What a fine person!” Thus Isaiah (49:3) taught, “You are My servant Israel. I will be glorified through you.” based on Yoma 86a UrF±z& T¦ ig$ ©n) k& L’maan tizk’ru . . . Thus you shall remember . . . Numbers 15:40–41 155 154 Shabbat Evening I Shabbat Evening I

Bar’chu MI CHAMOCHAH ba-eilim, Adonai! !²h±h 'o#k¥t"C vf" «n) f" (hn¦ Uf§r"C Maariv Aravim Mi kamochah nedar bakodesh, 'J¤s«E) C$ r¨S§t®b vf" «n) F" hn¦ ohc¨r# g. chr¦ g©n. Ahavat Olam nora t’hilot, oseih fele! !t+kp)+ v¥G«g) ',>¦v§, t¨rIb o"kIg ,$c£v©t Sh’ma g©n§J SING THE SONG of men and women Malchut’cha ra-u vanecha, 'Wh)®b"c Ut¨r W§,Uf&k©n V’ahavta ¨T&c©v¨t±u joined in understanding and respect. bokei-a yam lifnei Moshe uMiryam. /oh§r² nU¦ v¤J«n hb¯ p& k# oh² g$ ¥e) I C L’maan tizk’ru The song of God’s miracles, UrF±z& T¦ ig$ ©n) k& Zeh Eli, anu v’amru, 'Ur§n¨t±u Ub"g 'h#k¥t v®z Emet Ve-Emunah an earth protected and cherished; v²bUn¡t®u ,¤n¡t a gift for our children Adonai yimloch l’olam va-ed! !sg+ u² ok«gk" QO§n°h h±h² Mi Chamochah and the generations to come. vf«" n) f" +hn¦ Hashkiveinu The song of a land once ravished by war, V’ne-emar: ki fadah Adonai et Yaakov, 'c«e.g³h-,¤t ²h±h v¨s"p h#F :r©n¡t®b±u Ub)-ch#F§J©©©v V’shamru now quiet and content; ug’alo miyad chazak mimenu. /UB¤N) n¦ ez¨j² sH³ n¦ Ik¨t±dU Ur§n¨J±u her soldiers home, to leave no more. Baruch atah, Adonai, gaal Yisrael. /k¥t¨r§G°h k©t²D '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C The song of a world redeemed: the song of peace. WHO IS LIKE YOU, O God, among the gods that are worshipped? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in splendor, working wonders?

Your children witnessed Your sovereignty, the sea splitting before Moses and Miriam. “This is our God!” they cried. “Adonai will reign forever and ever!”

Thus it is said, “Adonai redeemed Jacob, from a hand stronger than his own.” Praised are You, Adonai, for redeeming Israel. /k¥t¨r§G°h k©t²D '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Baruch atah, Adonai, gaal Yisrael.

vf" «n) f" (hn¦ Mi chamochah . . . Who is like You . . . Exodus 15:11 hk¥t# v®z Zeh Eli . . . This is our God . . . Exodus 15:2 Salvation is the Jews’ victory over human limitations: ignorance or insensitivity. It is the conquest QO§n°h ²h±h Adonai yimloch . . . Adonai will reign . . . Exodus 15:18 of sinfulness, of the evils resident within the self: pride, selfishness, hate, lust, cynicism, the deliberate rejection of goodness and truth. Milton Steinberg ²h±h v¨s"p h#F Ki fadah Adonai . . . Adonai redeemed . . . Jeremiah 31:10 159 158 Shabbat Evening I Shabbat Evening I

Bar’chu HASHKIVEINU, Adonai Eloheinu, 'Ubh¥vO¡t) ²h±h 'Ub)-ch#F§J©v Uf§r"C Maariv Aravim l’shalom, v’haamideinu shomreinu l’chayim, 'oh°H©j&k Ub¥r§nIJ) Ub¥sh) ¦n.g©v±u 'oIk¨J&k ohc¨r# g. chr¦ g©n. Ahavat Olam ufros aleinu sukat sh’lomecha, 'W¤nIk§J) ,$Fªx Ubh)-k"g G«r&pU o"kIg ,$c£v©t LET THERE BE love and understanding among us. Sh’ma Let peace and friendship be our shelter from life’s storms. v’takneinu b’eitzah tovah milfanecha, 'Wh)®b"p&K¦n v"cIy v"m-g&C Ub)¯b§E©,±u g©n§J V’ahavta Adonai, help us to walk with good companions, v’hoshi-einu l’maan sh’mecha. /W¤n§J) ig$ ©n) k& Ubgh)- JIv±u¦ ¨T&c©v¨t±u L’maan tizk’ru to live with hope in our hearts and eternity in our thoughts, V’hagein baadeinu, 'Ub¥s) .g$C i¯d¨v±u UrF±z& T¦ ig$ ©n) k& that we may lie down in peace and rise up waiting to do Your will. Emet Ve-Emunah v'haseir mei-aleinu oyeiv, dever, 'r+c¤S) 'c¯hIt Ubh)-k"g¥n r¥x¨v±u v²bUn¡t®u ,¤n¡t Mi Chamochah Ubh)-k"g oIk¨J ,$Fªx G¥rIP©v '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C v'cherev, v'raav, v'yagon, 'iId²h±u 'c"g¨r±u 'c¤r¤j±u) vf«" n) f" (hn¦ Hashkiveinu /o°hk¨JUr±h)" kg±u$ k¥t¨r§G°h INg$ kF! kg±u$ v'harcheik mimenu avon vafesha. /g©Jp)+ u² i«ug" UB¤N) n¦ eh¥j§r¨v±u Ub)&ch#F§J©©©v Baruch atah, Adonai, haporeis sukat shalom aleinu V’shamru Uv’tzeil k’nafecha tastireinu, 'Ub¥rh) ¦T§x©T Wh)+p²b&F k-m&cU Ur§n¨J±u v’al kol amo Yisrael v’al Yerushalayim. ki El shomreinu umatzileinu atah, 'v¨T¨t) Ubkh)- M©nU# Ub¥r§nIJ) k¥t hF# ki El chanun v’rachum atah. /v¨T¨t) oUj©r±u iUB©j k¥t h#F Ushmor tzeiteinu uvo-einu Ub¥tIcU) Ub¥,t) -m r«n§JU l’chayim ul’shalom, oIk¨JkU& oh°H©jk& GIVE US A PLACE TO REST, Adonai, our God. mei-atah v’ad olam. /okIg" sg±u$ v¨Tg¥n$ Bring us into shelter Baruch atah, Adonai, '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C in the soft, long, evening shadows of Your truth. For with You are true protection and safety, haporeis sukat shalom aleinu Ubh)-k"g oIk¨J ,$Fªx G¥rIP©v and in Your Presence are acceptance and gentle love. v’al kol amo Yisrael v’al Yerushalayim. /o°hk¨JUr±h)" kg±u$ k¥t¨r§G°h INg$ kF! kg±u$ Watch over us as we go forth. Prepare for us as we return. Spread over us Your shelter of peace, GRANT, O GOD, that we lie down in peace, over all we love — over our Jerusalem and Yours. and raise us up, our Guardian, to life renewed. Spread over us the shelter of Your peace. Ubh)-k"g oIk¨J ,$Fªx G¥rIP©v '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Guide us with Your good counsel; for Your Name’s sake, be our help. /o°hk¨JUr±h)" kg±u$ k¥t¨r§G°h INg$ kF! kg±u$ Shield and shelter us beneath the shadow of Your wings. Baruch atah, Adonai, haporeis sukat shalom aleinu Defend us against enemies, illness, war, famine and sorrow. v’al kol amo Yisrael v’al Yerushalayim. Distance us from wrongdoing. For You, God, watch over us and deliver us. For You, God, are gracious and merciful. Guard our going and coming, to life and to peace, evermore. Blessed are You, Adonai, Guardian of Israel, whose shelter of peace is spread over us, over all Your people Israel, and over Jerusalem. Ubh)-k"g oIk¨J ,$Fªx G¥rIP©v '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C /o°hk¨JUr±h)" kg±u$ k¥t¨r§G°h INg$ kF! kg±u$ Baruch atah, Adonai, haporeis sukat shalom aleinu v’al kol amo Yisrael v’al Yerushalayim.

Grant, O God, that we lie down in peace . . . Following a reading from Seder Rav Amram, our first known comprehensive prayerbook, circa 860 C.E. 161 160 Shabbat Evening I Shabbat Evening I

Select either V’shamru or Yism’chu Bar’chu Uf§r"C Maariv Aravim ohc¨r# g. chr¦ g©n. Ahavat Olam V’SHAMRU V’NEI YISRAEL k¥t¨r§G°h hb¯ c& Ur§n¨J±u o"kIg ,$c£v©t Sh’ma et HaShabbat, ',"C©,©v(,¤t g©n§J laasot et HaShabbat l’dorotam V’ahavta o¨,«r«s&k ,"C©,©v(,¤t ,IG.g$k ¨T&c©v¨t±u b’rit olam. /okIg" ,hr¦ C& L’maan tizk’ru WE ARE A PEOPLE in whom the past endures, UrF±z& T¦ ig$ ©n) k& Beini u’vein b’nei Yisrael k¥t¨r§G°h h¯b&C ih-cU h°bh-C Emet Ve-Emunah in whom the present is inconceivable without moments gone by. v²bUn¡t®u ,¤n¡t ot hi l’olam, 'o"k«g&k th¦v ,It Mi Chamochah The Exodus lasted a moment, a moment enduring forever. vf«" n) f" (hn¦ ki sheishet yamim asah Adonai h±h² v¨Gg" ohn¦ h² ,¤J¥J) (hF# Hashkiveinu What happened once upon a time happens all the time. Ub)-ch#F§J©©©v et hashamayim v’et haaretz, '.¤r¨t¨v) (,¤t±u o°h©n¨) ,©v(,¤t V’shamru Ur§n¨J±u u’vayom hashvi-i shavat vayinafash. /J$p²B°H³u ,$c¨J h#gh#c§,©v oIH$cU

THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL shall keep Shabbat, A THOUGHT has blown the market place away. observing Shabbat throughout the ages as a covenant for all time. There is a song on the wind and joy in the trees. It is a sign for all time between Me and the people of Israel. Shabbat arrives in the world, For in six days Adonai made heaven and earth, scattering a song in the silence of the night: and on the seventh day God ceased from work and was refreshed. Eternity utters a day.

YISM’CHU v’malchut’cha W§,Uf&k©n&c Uj§n§G°h shomrei Shabbat v’korei oneg. /d®b«g) h¥t§rIe±u) ,C©J" h¥r§nIJ Am m’kad’shei shvi-i, 'hgh# c§J# h¥J§S©e§n og$ kulam yisb’u v’yitangu mituvecha. /W)+cUY¦n Ud±B$g§,°h±u Ug&C§G°h o"K/F V’hashvi-i ratzita bo v’kidashto, 'IT§J©S¦e±u IC ¨,hm¨r)# h#gh#c§,©v±u chemdat yamim oto karata, '¨,t¨r¨e) I,It oh¦n²h ,©S§n¤j zecher l’maaseh v’reishit. /,hJt¥r¦ c& v¥Gg©n. k& rf+ z)¯

THOSE WHO KEEP SHABBAT by calling it a delight will rejoice in Your realm. The people that hallow Shabbat will delight in Your goodness. For, being pleased with the Seventh Day, You hallowed it as the most precious of days, drawing our attention to the work of Creation.

k¥t¨r§G°h h¯b&c Ur§n¨J±u V’shamru v’nei Yisrael . . . The people of Israel shall keep . . . Exodus 31:16–17 Uj§n§G°h Yism’chu contains twenty-four Hebrew words said to correspond to the twenty-four hours More than the Jewish People has kept Shabbat, Shabbat has kept the Jewish People. Ahad Ha-Am of Shabbat. 163 162 Shabbat Evening I Shabbat Evening I

Avot v’Imahot ,Iv¨N¦t±u ,Ic¨t G’vurot ,IrUc±D K’dushah v¨,ªs§e K’dushat HaYom PRAY AS IF everything depended on God. oIH©v ,©,ªs§e Act as if everything depended on you. Avodah v¨sIc.g Hodaah d¨Nt¦ Y# v¨t¨sIv Shalom oIk¨J T’FILAH T’filat HaLev PRAYER INVITES c-K©v ,$K#p§T God’s Presence to suffuse our spirits, God’s will to prevail in our lives. Prayer may not bring water to parched fields, nor mend a broken bridge, nor rebuild a ruined city. ADONAI, s’fatai tiftach, 'j¨T&p¦T h©,"p§G 'h²b«s But prayer can water an arid soul, £t ufi yagid t’hilatecha. mend a broken heart, /W¤,) "K¦v§T sh°D³h h#pU rebuild a weakened will.

ADONAI, open up my lips, that my mouth may declare Your praise. IN AN ENVELOPE marked: Personal God addressed me a letter. In an envelope marked: Personal I have given my answer.

Every word of one’s prayer should be like a rose that is picked from a bush. One gathers rose upon rose until a bouquet is formed and can be offered to God as a beautiful blessing. Nachman of Bratzlav For those who choose: Before reciting v"K#p§T t’filah, one takes three steps forward. God has placed abilities and challenges in our heart, without regard to gender. Each of us has the duty, whether man or woman, to realize those gifts God has given. Regina Jonas j¨T&p¦T h©,"p§G 'h²b«s£t Adonai, s’fatai tiftach . . . Adonai, open up my lips . . . Psalm 51:17 165 164 Shabbat Evening I Shabbat Evening I

Avot v’Imahot BARUCH atah, Adonai Eloheinu Ubh¥vO¡t) ²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C ,Iv¨Nt±u¦ ,Ic¨t G’vurot SOME PERISHED by fire, some by water. v’Elohei avoteinu v’imoteinu, Elohei h¥vO¡t 'Ubh¥,IN) ¦t±u Ubh¥,Ic£t) h¥vOt¯u ,IrUc±D K’dushah Some crossed the sea, or watered the desert. Avraham, Elohei Yitzchak v’Elohei Yaakov, 'c«e.g³h h¥vOt¯u e¨j&m°h h¥vO¡t 'o¨v¨r&c©t v¨,ªs§e Elohei Sarah, Elohei Rivkah, Elohei K’dushat HaYom Some starved all week to make a Shabbat feast. h¥vO¡t 'v¨e&c¦r h¥vO¡t 'v¨r¨G h¥vO¡t oIH©v ,©,ªs§e Some were left childless until old age. Rachel v’Elohei Leah. Ha-El hagadol kIs²D©v k¥t¨v /v¨t-k h¥vOt¯u k¥j¨r Avodah v¨sIc.g Some lifted their chins beneath a father’s knife. hagibor v’hanora, El elyon, gomeil k¥nID 'iIh&k+g k¥t 't¨rIB©v±u rIC°D©v Hodaah v¨t¨sIv Those who came before us gave everything chasadim tovim, v’koneih hakol, v’zocheir r-fIz±u 'k«F©v v¯bIe±u oh#cIy oh¦s¨x£j Shalom so that we, generations later, could glorify You. oIk¨J chasdei avot v’imahot, umeivi g’ulah v"Kªt±D th#c¥nU ',Iv¨N¦t±u ,Ic¨t h¥s§x©j c-K©v ,$K#p§T T’filat HaLev liv’nei v’neihem l’maan sh’mo b’ahavah. /vc£v©t" C& In§J ig$ ©n) k& o¤vhb¯ c& hb¯ c& k# And despite the dangers, with Your protection, some did survive, and even flourished, *SHABBAT SHUVAH — Zochreinu l’chayim, 'oh°H©j&k Ub¥r) &fz² — SHABBAT SHUVAH* some reaped in joy, were spared the knife, Melech chafeitz bachayim, 'oh°H©j$C .-p¨j Q+k¤n) were granted children. v’chotveinu b’sefer hachayim, 'oh°H©j©v r+p¥x) &C Ub)-c§,f±u! We are their inheritors, O God, l’maancha Elohim chayim. /oh°H©j ohvO¡t¦ W±bg©n$ k& and we know how rare is our good fortune Melech ozeir umoshia umagen. /id¨nU¯ gh$ JInU)¦ rzIg¯ Qk+ ¤n) to be born to such hard-won treasures. Baruch atah, Adonai, '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C magein Avraham v’ezrat Sarah. /v¨r¨G ,©r±zg±u+ o¨v¨rc©t& id¨n¯ A great responsibility is ours, and Yours as well, for if You do not sustain us, BLESSED ARE YOU, Adonai our God, God of our fathers and mothers, as you did Abraham and Sarah, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob, Rebecca and Isaac, Jacob, Rachel and Leah, God of Sarah, God of Rebecca, God of Rachel, and God of Leah, then who will sing Your praises? the great, mighty and awesome God, transcendent God who bestows loving kindness, creates everything out of love, Who will lift their chins, as we do now, remembers the love of our fathers and mothers, to sanctify Your name? and brings redemption to their children’s children for the sake of the Divine Name. *SHABBAT SHUVAH — Remember us for life, O Sovereign who delights in life, /o¨v¨r&c©t i¯d¨nU v¨r¨G s¥eIP '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C and inscribe us in the Book of Life, for Your sake, Living God. Baruch atah, Adonai, pokeid Sarah u’magein Avraham. Sovereign, Deliverer, Helper and Shield, Blessed are You, Adonai, Sarah’s Helper, Abraham’s Shield. /v¨r¨G ,©r±z+g±u o¨v¨r&c©t i¯d¨n '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Baruch atah, Adonai, magein Avraham v’ezrat Sarah.

“. . . The word of Adonai came to Abram in a vision, saying: ‘Fear not, Abram, I am a shield to you and your reward shall be very great . . . Look to the heaven and count the stars . . . So shall your offspring be.’ And because he put his trust in God, God reckoned it to his merit.” Genesis 15:1, 5, 6 *SHABBAT SHUVAH:The Shabbat between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur. In difficult moments of our lives we turn to God to help and sustain us. The classic chatimah For those who choose: At the beginning and end of the blessing, one bends the knees and bows (conclusion) to the Avot/Imahot prayer evokes God as “Abraham’s shield.” In this egalitarian from the waist at the word QUr"C Baruch and stands straight at the word ²h±h Adonai. version we evoke Genesis 21:1 where God takes note of Sarah (s¥eIP pokeid) as she struggles with infertility. The chatimah, as with the rest of the prayer, indicates that each of us experiences God ,Iv¨Nt±u¦ ,Ic¨t Avot v’imahot . . . As God has been gracious to our forebears, so may we receive differently. divine favor. 167 166 Shabbat Evening I Shabbat Evening I

Avot v’Imahot ATAH gibor l’olam, Adonai, 'h²b«s£t 'o"kIg&k rIC°D v¨T©t ,Iv¨N¦t±u ,Ic¨t G’vurot m’chayeih hakol (meitim) atah, 'v¨T©t (oh,¥n)¦ k«F©v vH©j§n¯ ,IrUc±D K’dushah rav l’hoshia. /gh$ JIv)¦ k& c©r v¨,ªs§e K’dushat HaYom WE PRAY that we might know before whom we stand: *WINTER — Mashiv haruach ©jUr¨v) ch¦,©n — WINTER* oIH©v ,©,ªs§e umorid hagashem. Avodah the Power whose gift is life, /o¤JD©v)² sh¦rInU v¨sIc.g who quickens those who have forgotten how to live. *SUMMER — Morid hatal. /k©Y©v shrIn¦ — SUMMER* Hodaah v¨t¨sIv M’chalkeil chayim b’chesed, 's¤x¤j) C& oh°H©j kF- k& f§n$ Shalom We pray for the winds to disperse the choking air of sadness, oIk¨J m’chayeih hakol (meitim) (oh,¥n)¦ k«F©v vH©j§n¯ T’filat HaLev for cleansing rains to make parched hopes flower, c-K©v ,$K#p§T and to give all of us the strength to rise up toward the sun. b’rachamim rabim, someich noflim, 'oh#k&pIb Q¥nIx 'oh#C©r oh¦n£j©r&C v’rofei cholim, umatir asurim, 'oh¦rUx£t rh¦T©nU 'oh#kIj t-pIr±u We pray for love to encompass us um’kayeim emunato lisheinei afar. /rp" g" hb¥Jh¯ k# I,bUn¡t² oH©e§nU¯ for no other reason save that we are human, Mi chamochah baal g’vurot ,IrUc±D k$gC)$ WIn) f" hn¦ for love through which we may all blossom into persons umi domeh lach, melech meimit ,hn¥n¦ Qk+ ¤n) 'QK" v¤nIs) h¦nU who have gained power over our own lives. um’chayeh umatzmiach y’shuah. /vgUJ±h" ©jhn)¦ m©nU& v®H©j§nU

We pray to stand upright, we fallen; SHABBAT SHUVAH — — SHABBAT SHUVAH to be healed, we sufferers; Mi chamochah Av harachamim, 'oh¦n£j©r¨v c©t WIn) f" hn¦ we pray to break the bonds that keep us from the world of beauty; zocheir y’tzurav l’chayim b’rachamim. /oh¦n£j©r&C oh°H©j&k uh¨rUm±h r-fIz we pray for opened eyes, V’ne-eman atah l’hachayot hakol (meitim). /(oh,¥n)¦ k«F©v ,Ih£j©vk& v¨T©t i¨n¡t®b±u we who are blind to our own authentic selves. Baruch atah, Adonai, m’chayeih hakol (hameitim). /(oh¦,¥N©v) k«F©v v¯H©j§n '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C We pray that we may walk in the garden of a purposeful life, our own powers in touch with the power of the world. YOU ARE FOREVER MIGHTY, Adonai; You give life to all (revive the dead). WINTER —You cause the wind to shift and rain to fall. Praised be the God whose gift is life, SUMMER —You rain dew upon us. whose cleansing rains let parched men and women You sustain life through love, giving life to all (reviving the dead) through great flower toward the sun. compassion, supporting the fallen, healing the sick, freeing the captive, keeping faith with those who sleep in the dust. Who is like You, Source of mighty acts? Who /(oh¦,¥N©v) k«F©v v¯H©j§n '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C resembles You, a Sovereign who takes and gives life, causing deliverance to spring up Baruch atah, Adonai, m’chayeih hakol (hameitim). and faithfully giving life to all (reviving that which is dead)? SHABBAT SHUVAH — Who is like You, Compassionate God, who mercifully remembers Your creatures for life? Blessed are You, Adonai, who gives life to all (who revives the dead). /(oh¦,¥N©v) k«F©v v¯H©j§n '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Baruch atah, Adonai, m’chayeih hakol (hameitim).

k©Y©v shrIn¦ / ©jUr¨v) ch¦,©n Mashiv haruach / Morid hatal — with these words, we join our Israeli brothers and sisters in their prayers for seasonal rains in the Land of Israel. k©Y©v sh¦rIn Morid hatal . . . You rain dew upon us . . . A seasonal insertion into the G’vurot acknowledges God as the Source of the power of nature. The variations in climate like growth and decay, The metaphor “reviving the dead” is widely used rabbinically. The Talmud recommends saying birth and death, are part of the fixed pattern of the universe created by God. In his prayerbook, Minhag oh¦,¥N©v v¯H©j§n '²h±h v¨T©t QUr"C Baruch atah Adonai, m’chayeih hameitim for greeting a friend America, Isaac Mayer Wise used the prayer for dew and rain as a permanent part of this benediction. after a lapse of seeing the person for twelve months, and for awakening from sleep. B’rachot 58b, Y. B’rachot 4:2 *WINTER: Sh’mini Atzeret / Simchat Torah to Pesach. SUMMER: Pesach to Sh’mini Atzeret / Simchat Torah. 169 168 Shabbat Evening I Shabbat Evening I

Avot v’Imahot ,Iv¨N¦t±u ,Ic¨t G’vurot ,IrUc±D K’dushah DAYS PASS and the years vanish, and we walk sightless among miracles. ATAH kadosh v’shimcha kadosh JIs¨e W§nJ±u¦ JIs¨e v¨T©t v¨,ªs§e God, fill our eyes with seeing and our minds with knowing; K’dushat HaYom uk’doshim b’chol yom oIh kf! &C oh¦JIs§eU oIH©v ,©,ªs§e let there be moments when Your Presence, like lightning, y’hal’lucha, selah.* */v"k¤X) WU)k&k©v±h Avodah illumines the darkness in which we walk. v¨sIc.g Baruch atah Adonai, Ha-El hakadosh. Hodaah Help us to see, wherever we gaze, that the bush burns unconsumed. /JIs¨E©v k¥t¨v '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C v¨t¨sIv Shalom And we, clay touched by God, will reach out for holiness, and exclaim in wonder: *SHABBAT SHUVAH — Baruch atah, 'v¨T©t QUr"C — SHABBAT SHUVAH* oIk¨J Adonai, HaMelech hakadosh. /JIs¨E©v Q+k¤N©v) '²h±h T’filat HaLev How filled with awe is this place, and we did not know it! c-K©v ,$K#p§T Blessed is the Eternal One, the Holy God! /JIs¨E©v k¥t¨v '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Baruch atah, Adonai, Ha-El hakadosh. YOU ARE HOLY, Your Name is holy, and those who are holy praise You every day.* Blessed are You, Adonai, the Holy God. WHERE might I go to find You, W£t"m§n¤t v²b¨t) V²h /JIs¨E©v k¥t¨v '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Exalted, Hidden One? ok" g®b±u& vk" g. b³ W§nIe§n Baruch atah, Adonai, Ha-El hakadosh. Yet where would I not go to find You, W£t"m§n¤t tO v²b¨t±u)

Everpresent, Eternal One? /okIg" tk¨n- W§sIcF& *SHABBAT SHUVAH — Praised are You, Adonai, Holy Sovereign. My heart cries out to You: W§,"c§r¦e h¦T§J©r¨S) /JIs¨E©v Q+k¤N©v) '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Please draw near to me. Wh,t¨r§e)¦ h#C#k kf! &C Baruch atah, Adonai, HaMelech hakadosh. The moment I reach out for You, W§,t¨r§e#k h¦,t-m&cU I find You reaching in for me. /Wh,t)¦ m§n" h,t¨r§e¦ k# /JIs¨E©v k¥t¨v '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Baruch atah, Adonai, Ha-El hakadosh.

Holiness occurs when power and goodness co-exist in perfect harmony. adapted from Kaplan How shall we sanctify God’s name? By being holy ourselves. How do we accomplish this? Let our This third blessing of praise in the v¨shn¦ g. emphasizes God’s holy nature. Even God’s prayers bring us to sacred deed, to actions that promote justice, harmony and peace. name is holy. 171 170 Shabbat Evening I Shabbat Evening I

Avot v’Imahot MAY THESE HOURS of rest and renewal ATAH kidashta et yom hashvi-i lishmecha, 'W¤n§J) #kh#gh#c§,©v oIh ,¤t ¨T§J©S) ¦e v¨T©t ,Iv¨N¦t±u ,Ic¨t G’vurot open our hearts to joy and our minds to truth. tachlit maaseih shamayim vaaretz. '.¤r¨t) u² o°h©n¨J) v¥Gg©n. ,hk# f©T& ,IrUc±D May all who struggle find rest on this day. K’dushah Uveirachto mikol hayamim, 'ohn¦ H©v² kF! ¦n IT&f©r-cU v¨,ªs§e May all who suffer find solace. v’kidashto mikol haz’manim, K’dushat HaYom May all who hurt find healing on this day. 'oh°B©n±Z©v kF! n¦ IT§J©Se±u¦ oIH©v ,©,ªs§e Avodah May all who despair find purpose. v’chein katuv b’Toratecha: :W¤,¨rI,C) cU,"F i-f±u v¨sIc.g Hodaah May all who hunger find fulfillment on this day. VAY’CHULU hashamayim v’haaretz .¤r¨t¨v±u– o°h©n¨¥ ,©v U›K/f±h³u v¨t¨sIv And may this day fulfill its promise. Shalom v’chol tz’vaam. Vay’chal Elohim bayom oI£H$C ™oh¦vO¡t k¤$f±h³u:o¨t) "c&m(kf±u! oIk¨J T’filat HaLev /,"C©,©v J¥S©e§n '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C hashvi-i m’lachto asher asah, v·¨Gg" r¤J£t£ IT– ft& k§n$ hºgh# c§# ,©v c-K©v ,$K#p§T Baruch atah, Adonai, m’kadeish HaShabbat. vayishbot bayom hashvi-i mikol (kF! ¦n hº#gh#c§,©v oI£H$C ™,«C§J°H³u m’lachto asher asah. Vay’varech Q¤r¤"c±h³u:v¨G) "g r¥¤J£t I–T&ft$k§n Elohim et yom hashvi-i vay’kadeish oto, I·,«t J–¥S©e±h³u hº#gh#c§,©v oI£h(,¤t ™oh¦vO¡t DISTURB US, Adonai, ruffle us from our complacency; ki vo shavat mikol m’lachto IºTft& k§n$ (kF! ¦n ™,$c¨J I¤c h£#F Make us dissatisfied. Dissatisfied with the peace of ignorance, asher bara Elohim laasot. :,I)G.g$k oh–¦vO¡t t¥¨r"C(r¤J£t the quietude which arises from a shunning of the horror, the defeat, the bitterness and the poverty, physical and spiritual, of humans. YOU SET ASIDE the seventh day for Your Name, the pinnacle of Creation; and You blessed it above all other days, more sacred than all Festival times. So it is Shock us, Adonai, deny to us the false Shabbat which gives us written in Your Torah: The heaven and the earth were finished and all their array. the delusions of satisfaction amid a world of war and hatred; On the seventh day, God had completed the work that had been done, ceasing then on the seventh day from all the work that [God] had done. Then God blessed the Wake us, O God, and shake us seventh day and made it holy, and ceased from all the creative work that God [had from the sweet and sad poignancies rendered by chosen] to do. half forgotten melodies and rubric prayers of yesteryears; Eloheinu v’Elohei avoteinu v’imoteinu, 'Ubh¥,IN) ¦t±u Ubh¥,Ic£t) h¥vOt¯u Ubh¥vO¡t) Make us know that the border of the sanctuary r’tzeih vim’nuchateinu. Kadsheinu b’mitzvotecha Wh¤,«u) &m¦n&C Ub¥J§S©e) /Ub¥,¨jUb§n) #c v-m§r is not the border of living v’tein chelkeinu b’Toratecha. 'W¤,¨rI,) &c Ub¥e) &k¤j i¥,±u and the walls of Your temples are not shelters Sabeinu mituvecha, v’samcheinu biy’shuatecha, from the winds of truth, justice and reality. 'W¤,) "gUJh#C Ub¥j§N©G±u) W)+cUY¦n Ub)-g&C©G v’taheir libeinu l’ovd’cha be-emet, ',¤n¡t+C W§S&cg! &k Ub)-C#k r¥v©y±u Disturb us, O God, and vex us; v’hanchileinu Adonai Eloheinu 'Ubh¥vO¡t) ²h±h 'Ub)-kh¦j±b©v±u let not Your Shabbat be a day of torpor and slumber; b’ahavah uv’ratzon Shabbat kodshecha, W¤J§s) e¨ ,$C©J iIm¨r&cU v"c£v©t&C let it be a time to be stirred and spurred to action. v’yanuchu va Yisrael m’kadshei sh’mecha. /W¤n§J) h¥J§S©e§n 'k¥t¨r§G°h Vc" UjUb) h±u² /,"C©,©v J¥S©e§n '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Baruch atah, Adonai, m’kadeish HaShabbat. /,"C©,©v J¥S©e§n '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Baruch atah, Adonai, m’kadeish HaShabbat. Our God and God of our ancestors, be pleased with our rest. Sanctify us with Your mitzvot, and grant us a share in Your Torah. Satisfy us with Your goodness and gladden us with Your salvation. Purify our hearts to serve You in truth. In Your gracious love, Adonai our God, grant as our heritage Your Holy Shabbat, that Israel who sanctifies Your Name may rest on it. Praise to You, Adonai, who sanctifies Shabbat. The meaning of Shabbat is to celebrate time rather than space. Six days a week we live under the tyranny of things in space; on Shabbat we try to become attuned to the holiness of time. It is a /,"C©,©v J¥S©e§n '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C day on which we are called upon to share in what is eternal in time, to turn from the results of Baruch atah, Adonai, m’kadeish HaShabbat. Creation to the mystery of Creation, from the world of Creation to the creation of the world. Abraham Joshua Heschel UK/f±h³u Vay’chulu . . . The heaven and the earth . . . Genesis 2:1-3 173 172 Shabbat Evening I Shabbat Evening I

Avot v’Imahot R’TZEI, Adonai Eloheinu, b’amcha Yisrael, 'k¥t¨r§G°h W§N$g&C'Ubh¥vO¡t) ²h±h 'vm- §r R’TZEI, Adonai Eloheinu, b’amcha Yisrael, 'k¥t¨r§G°h W§N$g&C 'Ubh¥vO¡t) ²h±h 'vm- §r ,Iv¨N¦t±u ,Ic¨t G’vurot ut’filatam b’ahavah t’kabeil, 'k-C©e§, v"c£v©t&C o¨,"K#p§,U ut’filatam b’ahavah t’kabeil, 'k-C©e§, v"c£v©t&C o¨,"K#p§,U ,IrUc±D K’dushah ut’hi l’ratzon tamid sh¦n¨T iIm¨r&k h¦v§,U ut’hi l’ratzon tamid sh¦n¨T iIm¨r&k h¦v§,U v¨,ªs§e K’dushat HaYom avodat Yisrael amecha. /W¤N) g$ k¥t¨r§G°h ,©sIcg. avodat Yisrael amecha. /W¤N) g$ k¥t¨r§G°h ,©sIcg. oIH©v ,©,ªs§e Avodah Baruch atah, Adonai, '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C El karov l’chol korav, 'uh¨t§r«e kf! k& cIr¨e k¥t v¨sIcg' Hodaah she-ot-cha l’vadcha b’yirah naavod. /s«c.g³b v¨t§r°h&C W§S$c&k W§,It¤J p’nei el avadecha v’choneinu, 'Ub)¯Bj±u¨ Wh¤s) "c.g k¤t v¯b&P v¨t¨sIv Shalom sh’foch ruchacha aleinu. /Ubh)-k"g W£jUr QIp§J oIk¨J EVERPRESENT ONE, may we, Your people Israel, T’filat HaLev be worthy in our deeds and our prayer. FIND FAVOR, Adonai, our God, with Your people Israel c-K©v ,$K#p§T Wherever we live, wherever we seek You — and accept their prayer in love. in this land, in Zion restored, in all lands — May the worship of Your people Israel always be acceptable. You are our God, whom alone we serve in reverence. God who is near to all who call, turn lovingly to Your servants. /s«c.g³b v¨t§r°h&C W§S$c&k W§,It¤J '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Pour out Your spirit upon us. Baruch atah, Adonai, she-ot’cha l’vad’cha b’yirah naavod. ROSH CHODESH, PESACH, AND SUKKOT Eloheinu v’Elohei avoteinu v’imoteinu, 'Ubh¥,IN) ¦t±u Ubh¥,Ic£t) h¥vOt¯u Ubh¥vO¡t) yaaleh v’yavo, v’yizacheir zichroneinu Ub)¯bIr&f°z r-f²Z°h±u t«c²h±u v+k.g³h v’zichron kol amcha beit Yisrael l’fanecha, 'Wh)®b"p&kk¥t¨r§G°h,h-CW§N$gkFiIr! f°z±u& OU ARE WITH US in our prayer, our love and our doubt, Y l’tovah, l’chein ul’chesed ul’rachamim, 'oh¦n£j©r&kU s¤x¤j) &kU i¥j&k 'v"cIy&k in our longing to feel Your Presence and do Your will. l’chayim ul’shalom, b’Yom oIh&C 'oIk¨J&kU oh°H©j&k You are the still clear voice within us. Therefore, O God, when doubt troubles us, Rosh HaChodesh hazeh. /v®Z©v J¤s«j©v) Jt«r when anxiety makes us tremble, Chag HaMatzot hazeh. /v®Z©v ,IM©N©v d©j when pain clouds the mind, Chag HaSukkot hazeh. /v®Z©v ,IFªX©v d©j we look inward for the answer to our prayers. Zochreinu, Adonai Eloheinu, bo l’tovah. Amen. /i¥n¨t /v"cIy&kIC'Ubh¥vO¡t) ²h±h 'Ub¥r) &fz² There may we find You, Ufokdeinu vo liv’rachah. Amen. /i¥n¨t /vf¨r" c& k# Ic Ub¥s§e) pU! and there find courage, insight and endurance. V’hoshi-einu vo l’chayim. Amen. /i¥n¨t /oh°H©j&k Ic Ub)-gh¦JIv±u And let our worship bring us closer to one another, Our God and God of our fathers and mothers, on this that all Israel, and all who seek You, (first day of the new month) — (day of Pesach) — (day of Sukkot) may find new strength for Your service. be mindful of us and all Your people Israel, /s«c.g³b v¨t§r°h&C W§S$c&k W§,It¤J '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C for good, for love, for compassion, life and peace. Remember us for wellbeing. Amen. Baruch atah, Adonai, she-ot’cha l’vad’cha b’yirah naavod. Visit us with blessing. Amen. Help us to a fuller life. Amen.

V’techezenah eineinu b’shuv’cha W&cUJ&C Ubh)¯bh-g v²bh)®z¡j¤,±u l’Tzion b’rachamim. /ohn£j©r¦ C& iIHm# k& LET OUR EYES BEHOLD Your loving return to Zion. Blessed are You, Adonai, whose Presence returns to Zion.

Baruch atah, Adonai, '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C hamachazir Shechinato l’Tzion. /iIHm# k& I,bh² f§J# rh°z£j©N©v 175 174 Shabbat Evening I Shabbat Evening I

Avot v’Imahot MODIM anachnu lach, shaatah hu tUv v¨T©t¨J 'Q"k Ub§j)³b£t oh¦sIn ,Iv¨N¦t±u ,Ic¨t G’vurot Adonai Eloheinu v’Elohei avoteinu v’imoteinu Ubh¥,IN) ¦t±u Ubh¥,Ic£t) h¥vOt¯u Ubh¥vO¡t) ²h±h ,IrUc±D K’dushah l’olam va-ed. Tzur chayeinu, magen yisheinu, 'Ubg§J°h)- id¨n¯ 'Ubh)¯H©j rUm /sg+ u² okIg" k& v¨,ªs§e K’dushat HaYom atah hu l’dor vador. /rIs²u rIs&k tUv v¨T©t oIH©v ,©,ªs§e Avodah Nodeh l’cha un’sapeir t’hilatecha. Al chayeinu Ubh)¯H©j k$g W¤,) "K¦v§T r-P©x±bU W&k v¤sIb v¨sIc.g Hodaah GOD OF GOODNESS, we give thanks ham’surim b’yadecha, v’al nishmoteinu Ubh¥,In§J°b) kg±u$ 'W¤s) h² C& ohrUx§N©v¦ v¨t¨sIv for the gift of life, wonder beyond words; Shalom hap’kudot lach, v’al nisecha sheb’chol yom oIh kf! &C¤J Wh¤X°b) k$g±u 'Q"k ,IsUe&P©v oIk¨J for the awareness of soul, our light within; T’filat HaLev imanu, v’al niflotecha v’tovotecha c-K©v ,$K#p§T for the world around us, so filled with beauty; Wh¤,IcIy±u) Wh¤,It) &k&p°b k$g±u 'Ub¨N) #g for the richness of the earth, which day by day sustains us; sheb’chol eit, erev vavoker v’tzohorayim. /o°h¨r) v¢ m±u! r¤e«c) ²u c¤rg)+ ',-g kf! C¤J& for all these and more, we offer thanks. Hatov ki lo chalu rachamecha, v’ham’racheim o¥j©r§n©v±u 'Wh¤n£j©r) Uk"f tO h#F cIY©v /,IsIv&k v¤t²b W&kU W§n¦J cIY©v '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C ki lo tamu chasadecha, mei-olam kivinu lach. /Q"k Ubh)°U¦eo"kIg¥n 'Wh¤s¨x£j) UN©,) tO h#F Baruch atah, Adonai, hatov shimcha ul’cha na-eh l’hodot. WE ACKNOWLEDGE with thanks that You are Adonai, our God and the God of our ancestors forever. You are the Rock of our lives, and the Shield of our salvation in every generation. Let us thank You and praise You — for our lives which are in Your hand, for WHEN WE BEHOLD Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, our souls which are in Your care, for Your miracles that we experience every day and for the moon and stars that You set in place — Your wondrous deeds and favors at every time of day: evening, morning and noon. O What are we humans that You are mindful of us? Good One, whose mercies never end, O Compassionate One, whose kindness never fails, We mortals that You take note of us? we forever put our hope in You. You made us little less than divine, On Chanukah, continue on page 556. adorned us with glory and majesty. You gave us dominion over Your handiwork, V’al kulam yitbarach v’yitromam shimcha, 'W§nJ¦ o©nIr§,°h±u Q©rC§,°h" oK" F/ kg±u$ laying the world at our feet . . . Malkeinu, tamid l’olam va-ed. /sg+ u² okIg" k& shn¨T¦ 'UbF)- k©n& how majestic is Your name throughout the earth! SHABBAT SHUVAH — Uch’tov l’chayim oh°H©j&k cI,&fU — SHABBAT SHUVAH /,IsIv&k v¤t²b W&kU W§n¦J cIY©v '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C tovim kol b’nei v’ritecha. /W¤,h) r¦ c& hb¯ C& kF! oh#cIy Baruch atah, Adonai, hatov shimcha ul’cha na-eh l’hodot. V’chol hachayim yoducha selah, 'v"k¤X) WUsIh) oh°H©j©v k«f±u viy’hal’lu et shimcha be-emet, ',¤n¡t+C W§n¦J ,¤t Uk&k©vh°u Ha-El y’shuateinu v’ezrateinu selah. /v"k¤x) Ub¥,¨r±z) +g±u Ub¥,) "gUJ±h k¥t¨v Baruch atah, Adonai, '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C hatov shimcha ul’cha na-eh l’hodot. /,IsIv&k v¤t²b W&kU W§n¦J cIY©v

For all these things, O Sovereign, let Your Name be forever praised and blessed.

SHABBAT SHUVAH — Inscribe all the children of Your covenant for a good life. O God, our Redeemer and Helper, let all who live affirm You and praise Your Name in truth. Blessed are You, Adonai, Your Name is Goodness, and You are worthy of thanksgiving. For those who choose: At the word oh¦sIn Modim, one bows at the waist. At ²h±h Adonai, one /,IsIv&k v¤t²b W&kU W§n¦J cIY©v '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C stands up straight. Baruch atah, Adonai, hatov shimcha ul’cha na-eh l’hodot. When we behold Your heavens . . . Psalm 8:4-7, 10 177 176 Shabbat Evening I Shabbat Evening I

Avot v’Imahot SHALOM RAV al Yisrael amcha W§Ng$ k¥t¨r§G°h kg$ c¨r oIk¨J ,Iv¨N¦t±u ,Ic¨t G’vurot tasim l’olam, 'o"kIg&k oh¦G¨T ,IrUc±D GRANT US PEACE, Your most precious gift, K’dushah O Eternal Source of peace. ki atah hu Melech Adon iIs¨t Q+k¤n) tUv v¨T©t h#F v¨,ªs§e K’dushat HaYom And give us the will to proclaim its message l’chol hashalom. /oIk¨,©v kf! k& oIH©v ,©,ªs§e Avodah to all the peoples of the earth. V’tov b’einecha l’vareich Q¥r"c&k Wh)®bh-g&C cIy±u v¨sIc.g Hodaah Bless our country as a safeguard of peace, et amcha Yisrael k¥t¨r§G°h W§N$g ,¤t v¨t¨sIv its advocate among the nations. Shalom b’chol eit uv’chol shaah bish’lomecha. /W¤nIk§J) C# vg¨J" kf! cU& ,g- kf! &C oIk¨J May contentment reign within our borders, T’filat HaLev health and happiness within our homes. SHABBAT SHUVAH — B’sefer chayim, 'oh°H©j r+p¥x) &C — SHABBAT SHUVAH c-K©v ,$K#p§T Strengthen the bonds of friendship and fellowship b’rachah, v’shalom, ufarnasah tovah, 'v"cIy v¨x²b§r$pU oIk¨J±u v"f¨r&C among all the inhabitants of every land. nizacheir v’nikateiv l’fanecha, 'Wh)®bp" k& c¥,F°b±u" rf- Z°b² Plant virtue in every soul, anachnu v’chol amcha beit Yisrael, 'k¥t¨r§G°h ,h-C W§N$g kf±u! Ub§j)³b£t and may the love of Your Name hallow every home and every heart. l’chayim tovim ul’shalom. /oIk¨J&kU oh#cIy oh°H©j&k Praised are You, Eternal One, who blesses our people with peace. Baruch atah, Adonai, oseih hashalom. /oIk¨,©v v¥GIg '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C /oIk¨,$C k¥t¨r§G°h IN$g ,¤t Q¥r"c§n©v '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Baruch atah, Adonai, '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Baruch atah, Adonai, ham’vareich et amo Yisrael bashalom. ham’vareich et amo Yisrael bashalom. /oIk¨,$C k¥t¨r§G°h IN$g ,¤t Q¥r"c§n©v

GRANT ABUNDANT PEACE to Israel Your people forever, for You are the Sovereign God of all peace. LO YISA GOI el goi cherev. 'c¤r¤j) hID-k¤t hId t¨¬°h-tO May it be pleasing to You to bless Your people Israel V’lo yilm’du od milchamah. /v¨n¨j&k¦n sIg Us§n&k°h-tO±u in every season and moment with Your peace.

ATION shall not take up sword against nation; they shall never again know war. N SHABBAT SHUVAH — In the book of life, blessing, peace and prosperity, may we be remembered and inscribed by You, we and all Your people Israel for a good life and for peace. Blessed are You, Adonai, who makes peace. DON’T STOP after beating the swords into ploughshares, don’t stop! Go on beating /oIk¨,©v v¥GIg '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C and make musical instruments out of them. Baruch atah, Adonai, oseih hashalom.

Whoever wants to make war again will have to turn them into ploughshares first. Blessed are You, Adonai, who blesses Your people Israel with peace. /oIk¨,$C k¥t¨r§G°h IN$g ,¤t Q¥r"c§n©v '²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr"C Baruch atah, Adonai, ham’vareich et amo Yisrael bashalom. Great is peace, for peace is to the world as leaven is to dough. Perek HaShalom 1:1 By three things does the world endure: justice, truth, and peace. R. Muna said: The three are one because if justice is done, truth has been effected and peace is brought about. Perek HaShalom 1:2 Great is peace, for even in a time of war one should begin (by attempting to arrange) peace. Perek HaShalom 1:14 “Seek peace and pursue it.” (:15) . . . The observes, we must “seek” peace in hId t¨¬°h-tO Lo yisa goi . . . Nation shall not . . . Isaiah 2:4 our own place, and “pursue it” in every other place. Numbers Rabbah, Chukat 19:27 179 178 Reading the Torah on Festivals Reading the Torah on Festivals

PRAYERS FOR HEALING MI SHEBEIRACH FOR ALIYAH Kabbalat HaTorah v¨rIT©v ,(k!C©e Hakafah MI SHEBEIRACH avoteinu v’imoteinu, 'Ubh¥,IN$ ¦t±u Ubh¥,Ic£t$ Q©r'C¤J hn¦ MI SHEBEIRACH avoteinu v’imoteinu, 'Ubh¥,IN$ ¦t±u Ubh¥,Ic£t$ Q©r'C¤J hn¦ v!p¨E©v Birchot HaTorah Avraham, Yitzchak v’Yaakov, Sarah, Rivkah, 'v¨e)c¦r'v¨r¨G'c«e&g³h±u e¨j)m°h 'o¨v¨r)c©t Avraham Yitzchak v’Yaakov, 'c«e&g³h±u e¨j)m°h o¨v¨r)c©t v¨rIT©v ,If§r"C Rachel v’Lei-ah, hu y’vareich et hacholim Atzeret–Simchat oh"kIj©v ,¤t Q¥r!c±h tUv 'v¨t'k±u k¥j¨r Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel v’Lei-ah, 'v¨t'k±u k¥j¨r 'v¨e)c¦r 'v¨r¨G v¨rIT ,©j§n¦G- ,¤rm$% g& Torah [names]. HaKadosh Baruch Hu yimalei t'k¨N°h tUv QUr!C JIs¨E©v /[names] hu y’vareich et [name] ben/bat [parents] [parents] ,(Cqi%C [name] ,¥t l¥r!c±h tUv Q©rC¤J) hn¦ Mi Shebeirach rachamim aleihem, l’hachalimam ul’rapotam o¨,t«P©rkU) o¨nhk£j©v" k) 'o¤vhk' goh! n£j©r¦ baavur she-alah/she-altah v¨,k) g¤Jqv! k! g¤J! rUcg& C( v¨v"C±d©v ul’hachazikam, v’yishlach lahem m’heirah v¨r¥v§n o¤vkj! k§J°h±u( 'o¨eh°z£j©vkU) Hagbahah lich’vod HaMakom, lich’vod haTorah. /v¨rIT©v sIc)f"k±u 'oIe¨N©v sIc)f"k r’fuah, r’fuah shleimah min hashamayim, 'o°h©n¨$ +©v inv¨n¦ k§J' v¨tUp§r 'v¨tUp§r k¥nID©v ,F§r! C# Birkat HaGomeil Bis’char zeh HaKadosh Baruch Hu tUv QUr!C JIs¨E©v v®z r(f§G"C r’fuat hanefesh ur’fuat haguf, hashta t¨T§J©v ';UD©v ,©tUp§rU J%p$®B©v ,©tUp§r v¨r¨y)p©v©v ,If§r"C Birchot baagala uviz’man kariv. V’nomar: Amen. yishm’reihu/yishm’rehah ¨v¤r§n§J°hqUv$ ¥r§n§J°h$ v¨rIT©v ,¨¨r²z§j©v HaHaftarah /i¥n¨t :r©nt«b±u /chr¨e¦ i©n±zcU" tk! d² g& C( v’yatzileihu/v’yatzilehah ¨v$%kh"M³h±uqUv$'kh"M³h°u HaChazarat MAY THE ONE who blessed our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, mikol tzarah v’tzukah umikol nega umachalah, 'v!k£j©nU g²d$®b k!FnU¦ v¨eUm±u v¨rmk! !Fn¦ HaTorah Rachel and Leah, bless and heal those who are ill [names]. May the Blessed Holy One be filled with compassion for their health to be restored and their strength to be revived. v’yishlach b’rachah v’hatzlachah v¨j!k)m©v±u v!f¨r)C j(k§J°h±u May God swiftly send them a complete renewal of body and spirit, and let us say, Amen. v’chol maaseh yadav/yadeha, '¨vh¤s$ ²hquh¨s²h v¥G&g©n k!f)C im kol Yisrael. V’nomar: Amen. /i¥n¨t :r©nt«b±u /k¥t¨r§G°h k!F og" MI SHEBEIRACH avoteinu Ubh¥,Ic£t$ Q©r'C¤J hn¦ M’kor hab’rachah l’imoteinu. /Ubh¥,IN$ t¦ k) vf¨r! C©v) rIe§n May the Source of strength who blessed the ones before us MAY THE ONE WHO BLESSED our ancestors, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Sarah, help us find the courage to make our lives a blessing and let us say, Amen. Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, bless [name] son/daughter of [parents], since he/she has come up to the Torah in honor of God and Torah. May he/she merit from the Holy Mi shebeirach imoteinu Ubh¥,IN$ ¦t Q©r'C¤J h¦n One of Blessing protection, rescue from any trouble or distress, and from any illness, M’kor hab’rachah laavoteinu. /Ubh¥,Ic£t$ (k v!f¨r)C©v rIe§n minor or serious; may God send blessing and success in his/her every endeavor, Bless those in need of healing with r’fuah sh’leimah, together with all Israel, and let us say, Amen. the renewal of body, the renewal of spirit, and let us say, Amen.

BIRKAT HAGOMEIL — k¥nID©v ,F§r( C" — THANKSGIVING BLESSING HAGBAHAH UG’LILAH— v!kh"k±dU v¨v!C±d©v The Torah is raised, rolled and wrapped Individual recites: BARUCH ATAH, ADONAI Eloheinu, 'Ubh¥vO¡t$ ²h±h 'v¨T©t QUr!C V’ZOT haTorah asher sam Moshe v¤J«n o¨G r¤J£t v¨rIT©v ,t«z±u Melech haolam, sheg’malanu kol tov. /cIy k!F Ubk¨n±D¤J$( 'okIg¨v! Qk% ¤n$ lifnei b’nei Yisrael, 'k¥t¨r§G°h h¯b)C h¯b)p"k al pi Adonai b’yad Moshe. /v¤J«n,sh³ C) h±h² hP" ,kg( BLESSED ARE YOU, Adonai our God, Sovereign of the universe, who has bestowed every goodness upon us. THIS IS THE TORAH which Moses placed Congregation responds: before the people of Israel, God’s word through the hand of Moses. Amen. Mi sheg’malchem kol tov, 'cIy k!F of% k¨n±D¤J) hn¦ /i¥n¨t Hu yigmolchem kol tov. Selah. /v!k¤x$ cIy k!F of% k) ¨n±d°h tUv Prayers of Our Community are on page xxx. Amen. May the One who has bestowed goodness upon us continue to bestow every goodness upon us forever. v¨rIT©v ,t«z±u V’zot haTorah . . . This is the Torah . . . Deuteronomy 4:44 k¥nID©v ,F§r( C" Birkat HaGomeil — may be recited by one who has survived a life-challenging situation. h±h² hP" ,kg( al pi Adonai . . . God’s word . . . Numbers 9:23 511 510 Aleinu and Mourner’s Kaddish Aleinu and Mourner’s Kaddish

Aleinu ALEINU l’shabei-ach laadon hakol, 'k«F©v iIs£tk% ©jC©J!" k& Ubhk!" g# Ubh!"k#g lateit g’dulah l’yotzeir b’reishit, ',h¦Jt¥r&C r"mIh&k v#Kªs±D ,¥,#k Epi«¥l¨r shehu sam chelkeinu Ub¥e! &k¤j o¨G tUv¤J ALEINU l’yacheid et sh’mo In§J ,¤t s¥j²h&k LEINU l’shabei-ach laadon hakol, 'k«F©v iIs£tk% ©jC©J!" k& v’goraleinu l’hamlich malchuto. /I,Ufk©n& Qhk§n©v* k& Ubk¨r«d±u!" A Ubhk!" g# lateit g’dulah l’yotzeir b’reishit, ',h¦Jt¥r&C r"mIh&k v#Kªs±D ,¥,#k Vaanachnu kor’im oh*g§rIF Ub§j!³b£t³u shehu noteh shamayim v’yoseid aretz, '.¤r¨t! s¥x«h±u o°h©n¨J! v¤yIb tUv¤J umishtachavim umodim, 'oh¦sInU oh°u£j©T§J¦nU umoshav y’karo bashamayim mimaal, 'kg% ©N! n¦ o°h©n¨! '%C Ir¨e±h c©JInU lifnei Melech mal’chei ham’lachim ohf* k§N©v# hf" k©n& Qk+ ¤n! hb¯ p& k* ush’chinat uzo b’govhei m’romim, 'oh¦nIr§n h¥v&cd&C IZ(g ,³bh*f§JU haKadosh Baruch Hu. /tUv QUr#C JIs¨E©v ² hu Eloheinu ein od. /sIg ih¥t Ubh¥vO¡t! tUv LET US NOW PRAISE the Sovereign of the universe, and proclaim the greatness of Vaanachnu kor’im oh*g§rIF Ub§j!³b£t³u the Creator whose unity we are charged to declare; whose realm it is our purpose to umishtachavim umodim, 'oh¦sInU oh°u£j©T§J¦nU uphold. Therefore we bow in awe and thanksgiving before the One who is Sovereign lifnei Melech mal’chei hamlachim ohf* k§N©v# hf" k©n& Qk+ ¤n! hb¯ p& k* over all, the Holy and Blessed One. HaKadosh Baruch Hu. /tUv QUr#C JIs¨E©v LET US NOW PRAISE the Sovereign of the universe, and proclaim the greatness of the Creator who spread out the heavens and established the earth, whose glory is ET US ADORE the ever-living God, L revealed in the heavens above and whose greatness is manifest throughout the world. and render praise unto You You are our God; there is none else. Therefore we bow in awe and thanksgiving before who spreads out the heavens and established the earth, the One who is Sovereign over all, the Holy and Blessed One. whose glory is revealed in the heavens above, and whose greatness is manifest throughout the world. Continue on page 589. You are our God; there is none else. ALEINU l’shabei-ach laadon hakol, 'k«F©v iIs£tk% ©jC©J!" k& Ubhk!" g# Vaanachnu kor’im oh*g§rIF Ub§j!³b£t³u lateit g’dulah l’yotzeir b’reishit, ',h¦Jt¥r&C r"mIh&k v#Kªs±D ,¥,#k umishtachavim umodim, 'oh¦sInU oh°u£j©T§J¦nU shelo asanu k’goyei haaratzot, ',Im¨r£t¨v h¯hId&F Ub¨G! #g t.¤J lifnei Melech mal’chei ham’lachim ohf* k§N©v# hf" k©n& Qk+ ¤n! hb¯ p& k* v’lo samanu k’mishp’chot haadamah. /v¨n¨s£t¨v ,Ij&P§J¦n&F Ub¨n¨G! tO±u haKadosh Baruch Hu. /tUv QUr#C JIs¨E©v Shelo sam chelkeinu kahem, 'o¤v#F Ub¥e! &k¤j o¨G t.¤J Therefore we bow in awe and thanksgiving before the One who is Sovereign over all, v’goraleinu k’chol hamonam. /obIn£v² /k"fF& Ubk¨r«d±u!" the Holy and Blessed One. Vaanachnu kor’im oh*g§rIF Ub§j!³b£t³u umishtachavim umodim, 'oh¦sInU oh°u£j©T§J¦nU We seek God as a partner in every significant act, we invest our deciding and doing with lifnei Melech mal’chei hamlachim ohf* k§N©v# hf" k©n& Qk+ ¤n! hb¯ p& k* direction, worth, hope, and in failure, the possibility of repair. Eugene Borowitz HaKadosh Baruch Hu. /tUv QUr#C JIs¨E©v Maybe God and perfection are at the end and not at the beginning. Maybe it is a growing world and a growing humanity and a growing God, and perfection is to be achieved, and not something LET US NOW PRAISE the Sovereign of the universe, and proclaim the greatness of to start with. Henry Slominsky the Creator who has set us apart from the other families of the earth, giving us a destiny unique among the nations. We bend the knee and bow, acknowledging the Ubhk!" g# Aleinu, one of our oldest prayers, was composed to introduce the sound of the shofar on Rosh HaShanah, announcing God’s ultimate and universal rule. By the fourteenth century, this supreme Sovereign, the Holy One of Blessing. prayer joined the final JhS©e¦ kaddish as a concluding note of hope for every service. Reform Jewish tradition emphasizes the universal aspect of this hope, represented by the English prayer “Let us For those who choose: At the word oh*g§rIF kor’im, one bends the knees; at oh°u£j©T§J¦nU adore,” going back to the original Union Prayer Book of 1895. umishtachavim, one bows at the waist; and at Qk+ ¤n! hb¯ p& k* lifnei Melech, one stands straight. 587 586 Aleinu and Mourner’s Kaddish Aleinu and Mourner’s Kaddish

Aleinu SHEHU noteh shamayim v’yoseid aretz, '.¤r¨t! s¥x«h±u o°h©n¨J! v¤yIb tUv¤J Ubh!"k#g umoshav y’karo bashamayim mimaal kg% ©N! n¦ o°h©n¨! '%C Ir¨e±h c©JInU ush’chinat uzo b’govhei m’romim. /ohnIr§n¦ h¥vc& ²d&C IZ(g ,³bh*f§JU LET THE TIME not be distant, O God, when all shall turn to You in love, Hu Eloheinu ein od, 'sIg ih¥t Ubh¥vO¡t! tUv when corruption and evil shall give way to integrity and goodness, emet Malkeinu efes zulato. /I,kUz# xp+ ¤t! UbF!" k©n& ,¤n¡t when superstition shall no longer enslave the mind, Kakatuv b’Torato, V’yadata hayom oIH©v ¨T&g©s²h±u 'I,¨rI,&C cU,#F%F nor idolatry blind the eye. v’hasheivota el l’vavecha, 'W!+c#c&k k¤t ¨,«c¥J£v³u O may all, created in Your image, ki Adonai hu HaElohim oh¦vO¡t¨v tUv ²h±h h*F become one in spirit and one in friendship, forever united in Your service. bashamayim mimaal, 'kg% ©N! n¦ o°h©n¨! '%C Then shall Your realm be established on earth, v’al haaretz mitachat, ein od. /sIg ih¥t ',©j¨T! ¦n .¤r¨t¨v! k%g±u and the word of Your prophet fulfilled: “Adonai will reign for ever and ever.” FOR YOU SPREAD OUT THE HEAVENS and established the earth; Your majestic abode is in the heavens above and Your mighty Presence is in the loftiest heights. You are our God and there is none else. In truth You are our Sovereign without compare, as is written in Your Torah: Know then this day and take it to heart that Adonai is surely Al kein n’kaveh l’cha Adonai Eloheinu, 'Ubh¥vO¡t! ²h±h W&k v®U©e±b i"F k%g God in the heavens above and on the earth below. There is none else. lirot m’heirah b’tiferet uzecha, 'W!®Zg( ,¤r¤t! &p¦,&C v¨r¥v§n ,It§r*k l’takein olam b’malchut Shaddai. /h©S©J ,Ufk©n& C& okIg# i¥E©,k& Adonai our God, how soon we hope to behold the perfection of our world, Al kein n’kaveh lach Adonai Eloheinu, 'Ubh¥vO¡t! ²h±h W&k v®U©e±b i"F k%g guided by a sacred Covenant drawn from human and divine meeting. lirot m’heirah b’tiferet uzecha, 'W!®Zg( ,¤r¤t! &p¦,&C v¨r¥v§n ,It§r*k l’haavir gilulim min haaretz .¤r¨t¨v! in¦ ohkUK°D* rhc* g©v0 k& v’ha-elilim karot yikareitun. /iU,¥r#F°h ,Ir#F oh*kh*k¡t¨v±u L’takein olam b’malchut Shaddai, 'h©S©J ,Ufk©n& C& okIg# i¥E©,k& v’chol b’nei vasar yikr’u vishmecha. /W¤n§J! c* Ut§r§e°h r¨Gc# hb¯ C& k"f±u L’hafnot eilecha kol rishei aretz. /.¤r¨t! hg§J" r¦ k"F Wh!+k¥t ,Ib&p©v&k

We therefore hope in You, Adonai our God. may we soon behold the glory of Your might: sweeping away the false gods of the earth that idolatry be utterly destroyed; perfecting the world under the rule of God that all humanity invoke Your name; turning all the wicked of the earth toward You.

sIg ih¥t ein od . . . There is none else . . . The Kabbalah’s interpretation is “Adonai is God; there is nothing (!) else,” the idea being, “God is all there is!” God and the universe become the same, interwoven in history. Joel Hoffman

o°h©n¨J! v¤yIb (tUv¤J) (Shehu) noteh shamayim . . . (For You) spread out the heavens . . . Isaiah 51:13

oIH©v ¨T&g©s²h±u V’yadata hayom . . . Know then this day . . . Deuteronomy 4:39 589 588 Aleinu and Mourner’s Kaddish Aleinu and Mourner’s Kaddish

Aleinu Yakiru v’yeidu kol yoshvei teivel, 'k"c¥, h"c§JIh k"F Ug§s¯h±u UrhF!* ³h Ubh!"k#g ki l’cha tichra kol berech, 'Q¤rC!+ k"F g©rf& T¦ Wk& hF* MAY WE GAIN WISDOM in our lives, tishava kol lashon. :iIJk# /k"F gc¨% '¦T overflowing like a river with understanding. L’fanecha Adonai Eloheinu yichr’u v’yipolu. /Uk«P°h±u! Ug§r&f°h Ubh¥vO¡t! ²h±h Wh!®b#p&k Loved, each of us, for the peace we bring to others. V’lichvod shimcha y’kar yiteinu. /Ub¥T°h! r¨e±h W§n¦J sIc&f*k±u May our deeds exceed our speech, Vikablu chulam et ol malchutecha, 'W¤,Uf! &k©n kIg ,¤t o#K(f Uk&C©eh°u and may we never lift up our hand v’timloch aleihem m’heirah l’olam va-ed. but to conquer fear and doubt and despair. /sg+ u² okIg# k& v¨r¥v§n o¤vhk" g0 QO§n,±u¦ Ki hamalchut shelcha hi, 'thv¦ WK¤J& ,Ufk©N©v& hF* Rise up like the sun, O God, over all humanity. ul’olmei ad timloch b’chavod, 'sIc#f&C QIk§n¦T s%g h¥n&kIg&kU Cause light to go forth over all the lands between the seas. kakatuv b’Toratecha: :W¤,¨rI,! &C cU,#F%F And light up the universe with the joy of wholeness, of freedom, and of peace. Adonai yimloch l’olam va-ed. :s+g²u o#kIg&k QO§n°h ²h±h V’ne-emar, V’hayah Adonai ²h±h v²h¨v±u 'r©n¡t®b±u l’Melech al kol haaretz. /.¤r¨t¨v! k"F kg% Qk+ ¤n! k& Bayom hahu yih’yeh Adonai echad s¨j¤t ²h±h v®h§v°h tUv©v oIH%C V’ne-emar, v’hayah Adonai ²h±h v²h¨v±u 'r©n¡t®b±u ush’mo echad. /s¨j¤t In§JU l’Melech al kol haaretz. /.¤r¨t¨v! k!F kg% Qk+ ¤n! k& Let all who dwell on earth acknowledge Bayom hahu yih’yeh Adonai echad s¨j¤t ²h±h v®h§v°h tUv©v oIH%C that unto You every knee must bend and every tongue swear loyalty. ush’mo echad. /s¨j¤t In§aU Before You, Adonai, our God, let them pay homage. Let them give glory to Your honored Name. Thus it has been said, Adonai will be Sovereign over all the earth. Let all accept the yoke of Your reign, On that day, Adonai will be one, and God’s Name will be one. that You may rule over us soon and forever. For Sovereignty is Yours and to all eternity You will reign in glory, as it is written in Your Torah: Kaddish begins on page 592. Adonai will reign forever and ever. Thus it has been said: Adonai will become Sovereign of all the earth. okIg# iUET¦ Tikkun olam (literally, “repairing the world”) originally (second-third century) On that day Adonai will become One and God’s Name will be One. referred to rabbinic legislation to remedy specific social ills or legal injustices. In the Ubhk!" g# Aleinu, composed about the same time, it represents acts by God to replace this imperfect world with the legal and moral perfection of divine rule. Sixteenth-century kabbalistic thought applied the term Kaddish begins on page 592. to human action, shifting the responsibility for perfecting the world onto us. The oneness of God is declared in the g©n§J Sh’ma. Yet that oneness is not apparent in the world. Human action can bring oneness and peace to all. Elyse D. Frishman The Jewish idea of redemption compels us to imagine a perfect world, a world that has reached its g©rf& T¦ (hk)* Wk& hF* Ki l’cha (li) tichra, . . . Unto You (Me) every knee must bend . . . Isaiah 45:23 full potential. Poetry asks the same of its language; poetry at its best imagines a perfect language, which can impart all the nuances, meanings, and music that it never quite achieves in our QO§n°h ²h±h Adonai yimloch . . . Adonai will reign . . . Exodus 15:18 everyday speech. When understood well, poetry and redemption can help us remake our world: Q+k¤n! &k ²h±h v²h¨v±u V’hayah Adonai l’Melech . . . Adonai will become Sovereign . . . Zechariah 14:9 a brilliant line of poetry can place a new link in the chain of our thought and language; and the idea of redemption helps us to look beyond our lives towards a world of possibility. Adam Sol tUv©v oIH%C Bayom hahu . . . On that day . . . Zechariah 14:9 591 590 Aleinu and Mourner’s Kaddish Aleinu and Mourner’s Kaddish

MOURNER’S KADDISH Mourner’s oI,h² JhS©e¦ Kaddish YITGADAL v’yitkadash sh’mei raba. /tC©r# V¥n§J J©S©e§,°h±u k©S³D§,°h B’alma di v’ra chirutei, 'V¥,Ug§r*f t¨r&c h¦S t¨n&k#g&C v’yamlich malchutei, 'V¥,Uf&k©n Qh*k§n³h±u b’chayeichon uv’yomeichon iIfh¥nIh&cU iIfh¯H©j&C WE THINK OF OUR LOVED ONES uv’chayei d’chol beit Yisrael, 'k¥t¨r§G°h ,h"C k"f§s h¯H©j&cU whom death has recently taken from us, baagala uviz’man kariv. V’im’ru: Amen. /i¥n¨t :Ur§nt±u¦ /chr¨e¦ i©n±zcU* tk# d² g0 C% those who died at this season in years past, Y’hei sh’mei raba m’varach Q©r#c§n t#C©r V¥n§J t¥v±h and those whom we have drawn into our hearts l’alam ul’almei almaya. /tH©n² k& g# h¥nk& g# kU& ok% g# k& with our own . . . Yitbarach v’yishtabach v’yitpaar r©t#P§,°h±u 'j%C©T§J°h±u Q©r#C§,°h /vf¨r# c& k* obIr² f°z& v’yitromam v’yitnasei, 't¥¬³b§,°h±u o©nIr§,°h±u Zichronam liv’rachah. v’yit’hadar v’yitaleh v’yit’halal k%K©v§,°h±u v+K%g§,°h±u r©S©v§,°h±u May their memories be for blessing. sh’mei d’Kud’sha B’rich Hu, 'tUv Qh¦r&C t¨J§sªe§S V¥n§J l’eila min kol birchata v’shirata, 't¨,¨rh¦J±u t¨,#f§r*C k"F in¦ tK# g!" k& tushb’chata v’nechemata, 't¨,¨n¡j®b±u t¨,¨j&C§JªT daamiran b’alma. V’imru: Amen. /i¥n¨t :Ur§nt±u¦ /t¨nk& g# C& i¨rhn£t©S¦ Y’hei sh’lama raba min sh’maya, 'tH©n§J² in¦ tC©r# t¨nk§J# t¥v±h v’chayim aleinu v’al kol Yisrael. /k¥t¨r§G°h k"F k%g±u Ubh!"k#g oh°H©j±u V’imru: Amen. /i¥n¨t :Ur§nt±u¦ Oseh shalom bimromav, 'uh¨nIr§n*C oIk¨J v¤G«g Hu yaaseh shalom aleinu, 'Ubh!"k#g oIk¨J v¤G0g³h tUv v’al kol Yisrael. V’imru: Amen. /i¥n¨t :Ur§nt±u¦ /k¥t¨r§G°h k"F kg±u%

EXALTED and hallowed be God’s great name, in the world which God created, according to plan. May God’s majesty be revealed in the days of our lifetime and the life of all Israel — speedily, imminently. To which we say: Amen. Blessed be God’s great name to all eternity. Blessed, praised, honored, exalted, extolled, glorified, adored, and lauded be the name of the Holy Blessed One, beyond all earthly words and songs of blessing, praise, and comfort. To which we say: Amen. May there be abundant peace from heaven, and life, for us and all Israel. To which we say: Amen. May the One who creates harmony on high, bring peace us us and to all Israel. To which we say: Amen.

599 598 Songs and Hymns Songs and Hymns

HYMNS / PIYUTIM Hymns Mah Navu 657 Shoshanat Yaakov 673 Shabbat Mah Tovu 130 Sim Shalom 98, 258, 334, 490 Ma Yafeh Ha’Yom 128, 634 Siman Tov Umazal Tov 648 Mi Ha-ish 189 Sisu V’simchu 663 Adon olam asher malach, 'Qk¨n! r¤J£t okIg" iIs£t Songs Mi Shebeirach 109, 371, 511 Sisu V’Simchu B’Simchat Chag 663 Israeli Songs b’terem kol y’tzir nivra. /t¨rc°b# rhm±h$ k!F o¤r¤y% #C Mi Y’maleil 668 Star Spangled Banner 679 Days of Awe L’eit naasah v’cheftzo kol, 'k«F Im#p¤j#c v¨G&g³b ,(g#k Miryam Han’viah 666 T’filah (Avinu Shebashamayim) azai Melech sh’mo nikra. Miriam’s Song 646 Three Festivals /t¨r§e°b In§J Qk) ¤n% hz£t³ 113, 373, 517 Mitzvah Goreret Mitzvah 646 T’filat Haderech 649 Sukkot V’acharei kichlot hakol, 'k«F©v ,Ik#f$F h¥r£j©t±u Mizmor Shir This Is Very Good 649 Pesach l’vado yimloch nora. /t¨rIb QIk§n°h IS!c#k L’ Yo m HaSh a b b a t 640 Tov L’hodot 140, 214, 302, 390, 443 Maoz Tzur 669 V’hu hayah, v’hu hoveh, 'v®u«v tUv±u 'v²h¨v tUv±u Turn, Turn, Turn 664 647 Tzaddik Katamar 659 Chanukah v’hu yih’yeh, b’tifarah. /v¨r¨t#p¦,#C 'v®h§v°h tUv±u Not By Might 669 Tzur Mishelo 637 Tu Bish’vat O Canada 679 Ufros Aleinu 664 V’hu echad v’ein sheini, 'h°b¥J ih¥t±u s¨j¤t tUv±u O Chanukah Purim 669 Ush’avtem Mayim 659 l’hamshil lo l’hachbirah. /v¨rhC§j©v%$ k# Ik khJ§n©v¦ k# O Guide My Steps 677 Songs of Memory Utzu Eitzah 673 Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu 657 B’li reishit b’li tachlit, ',h$k#f©, h$k#C ,h¦Jt¥r h$k#C V’eizehu 649 Meditation and Od Yishama 647 Healing v’lo haoz v’hamisrah. /v¨r§G¦N©v±u z«g¨v Iku V’erastich Li 28 Open Up Our Eyes 677 V’ha-eir Eineinu 650 National Hymns Or Chadash 60, 228, 313, 454 V’hu Eli v’chai go-ali, 'h$k£t«D h©j±u h$k¥t tUv±u V’nomar L’fanav 650 Or Zarua 647 v’tzur chevli b’eit tzarah. /v¨r"m ,(g#C h$k#c¤j rUm±u V’samachta V’chagecha 663 Oseh Shalom 647 V’taheir Libeinu V’hu nisi umanos li h$k xIb¨nU h¦X°b tUv±u Ozi V’zimrat Yah 647 650 m’nat kosi b’yom ekra. /t¨r§e¤t oIhC# hxIF¦ ,b§n³ Pitchu Li 188, 648 V’yashvu Ish 650 Rom’mu 105, 367, 497 Vaanachnu N’vareich Yah 189 B’yado afkid ruchi, 'h¦jUr sh¦e#p©t Is²h#C S’vivon 670 ViY’hudah L’olam Teisheiv 676 b’eit ishan v’a-irah. /v¨rhg¨t±u%$ i©Jht¦ ,g( C# Shabbat HaMalkah 128, 635 Y’did Nefesh 128, 636 Y’rushalayim Shel Zahav 660 V’im ruchi g’viyati, 'h¦,²H°u±D h¦jUr o$gu Shabbat Shalom (Shir Hamaalot) 635 Shabbos (Yidn Zol Zein) 639 Y’rushalayim (Mei-al Pisgat Har Adonai li v’lo ira. /t¨rh¦t tO±u h$k ²h±h Shachar Avakesh’cha 633 Hatzofim) 659 Shalom Aleichem 142, 627 Y’varechecha Adonai MiTzion 659 You are our Eternal God, who reigned before any being had been created; Shalom Rav 96, 178, 282, 358, 488 Yah Ribon 637 when all was done according to Your will, then You were called Ruler. Shavua Tov, Yesh Kochavim 595, 675 May You Have a Good Week 641 628 And after all ceases to be, You alone will rule in majesty. Shehecheyanu 648 Yism’chu HaShamayim 650 You have been, are yet, and will be in glory. Shir Chadash 648 Yom Zeh L’Yisrael 634 And You are One; none other can compare to or consort with You. Shir Lashalom 658 Zog Nit Keinmol, You are without beginning, without end. To You belong power and dominion. Shomeir Yisrael 633 The Partisan’s Song 531, 676 And You are my God, my living Redeemer, my Rock in times of trouble and distress. You are my standard bearer and my refuge, my benefactor when I call on You. Into Your hands I entrust my spirit, when I sleep and when I wake, and with my spirit my body also; Adonai is with me and I shall not fear. 625 624 Songs and Hymns Songs and Hymns

L’ C H I L AC H HEIVEINU SHALOM ALEICHEM Hymns oh¦yUH$P Shabbat L’chi lach, lech l’cha. /Wk# /Qk) 'Qk" hf$ k# Heiveinu shalom aleichem, 'ofh) k( g& oIk¨J Ubtc¥v%( ,"C©J Havdalah L’simchat chayim, l’chi lach. /Qk" hf$ k# 'oh°H©j ,©j§nG¦ k# aleichem heiveinu shalom. /oIk¨J Ubtc¥v%( ofh) k( g& v"k¨S#c©v Songs ohrh¦ J¦ Let us bring you peace. Israeli Songs L’chi lach to a land that I will show you, k¥t¨r§G°h .¤r%¤t h¥rh¦J Lech l’cha to a place you do not know, Days of Awe oht¨rIb¦ ohn¦ h² L’chi lach, on your journey I will bless you, HINEIH MAH TOV Three Festivals And you shall be a blessing, you shall be a blessing, ohk$ d§r² JO¨J Sukkot You shall be a blessing, l’chi lach. Hineih mah tov u’mah na-im ohg$ B² /v©nU cIY/v©n vB¯ v¦ ,IFªx Pesach shevet achim gam yachad. /s©j%²h/o³D oh¦j©t ,)c¤J% j©x%)P Shavuot L’chi lach and I shall make your name great, ,Ig.c¨J Lech l’cha and all shall praise your name, Chanukah How good and how pleasant it is that brothers/sisters dwell together. vF´b£j" L’chi lach, to the place that I will show you, (Psalm 133:1) Tu Bish’vat L’simchat chayim (3x), l’chi lach. y"c§J$C U"y Purim oh¦rUP IM EIN ANI LI MI LI? Songs of Memory LO ALECHA rIf±z Meditation and Im ein ani li, mi li? ?hk$ hn¦ 'hk$ h°b£t ih¥t ot¦ v¨n"k§j©v±u v²h#m©yh¦s¤n Healing Lo alecha ham’lachah ligmor rIn±dk$ vft" k§N©v" Whk%) g" tO Uch’she-ani l’atzmi, mah ani? ?h°b£t v¨n 'hn¦ m# g! k# h°b£t¤JfU# oh°HNªt¦ k# ohrh¦ J¦ National Hymns v’lo atah ben chorin l’hibateil mimenah. /v²B%¤N¦n k¥y!C¦v#k ih¦r«j i)C v¨T©t tO±u V’im lo achshav, eimatai? ?h¨,¨nh¥t 'uh¨J#f!g tO o¦t±u

It is not your duty to complete the work. If I am not for myself, who will be for me? Neither are you free to desist from it. (Pirkei Avot 2:16) And if I am for myself, what am I? And if not now, when? (Pirkei Avot 1:14) LO YAREI-U IM TIRTZU Lo yarei-u v’lo yashchitu U,hj§J%¦ ³h-tO±u Ug¥r% ²h-tO V’chit’tu charvotam l’itim oh¦T¦t#k o¨,Ic§r©j U,§T$f±u Im tirtzu ein zo agadah v¨sD©t² Iz ih¥t Um§r¦T o¦t vachanitoteihem l’mazmeirot. /,Ir¥n±z©n#k o¤vh¥,I,h°b£j³u lih’yot am chofshi b’artzeinu, 'Ub%(m§r©t#C h¦J#p¨j o!g ,Ih§v$k b’Eretz Tzion, viY’rushalayim. /o°hk¨JUrh°u%! 'iIH$m .¤r¤t% #C They shall not hurt or destroy. They shall beat their swords into plowshares, If you will it, it is no dream. and their spears into pruning hooks. (Isaiah 11:9) To be a free people in our land of Zion and Jerusalem.


Lo yisa goi el goi cherev, 'c¤r¤j% hID/k¤t hId t¨¬°h/tO Ivdu et Adonai b’simchah, 'v¨j§n¦G#C ²h±h ,¤t Us#c$g v’lo yilm’du od milchamah. /v¨n¨jk# n¦ sIg Us§nk°h# /tO±u bo-u l’fanav birnanah. /v²b²b§r$C uh²b"p#k Ut«C%

Nation shall not take up sword against nation; they shall never again study war. Worship God with gladness! Come into God’s presence with singing. (Isaiah 2:4) (:2) 645 644 Songs and Hymns Songs and Hymns


Shabbat AL KOL EILEH V’ha-eir eineinu b’Toratecha, 'W¤,¨rI,% #C Ubh%¯bh(g r¥t¨v±u ,"C©J Havdalah v’dabeik libeinu b’mitzvotecha. /Wh¤,«u% #m¦n#C Ub%(C$k e(C©s±u v"k¨S#c©v Al had’vash v’al haoketz al hamar v’hamatok eI,¨N©v±u r©N©v kg.¤e«! g¨v% kg±u! Jc§S©v! kg! Songs V’yacheid l’vaveinu, 'Ub%(c"c#k s¥j³h±u ohrh¦ J¦ al biteinu hatinoket sh’mor Eli hatov. /cIY©v h$k¥t r«n§J ,¤eIbh% ¦T©v Ub¥T% $C k!g Israeli Songs l’ahavah ul’yirah et sh’mecha, 'W¤n§J% /,¤t v¨t§r°h#kU v"c£v©t#k k¥t¨r§G°h .¤r¤t% h¥rhJ¦ Al ha-eish ham’vo-eret al hamayim hazakim. /ohF$ Z©v³ o°h©N©v% kg! ,¤rg«c§n©v%) J¥t¨v kg! Days of Awe v’lo neivosh, v’lo nikaleim, 'o(k"F°b tO±u 'JIc¯b tO±u oht¨rIb¦ ohn¦ h² Al ha-ish hashav habay’tah min hamerchakim. /ohE¨j§r¤N©v¦ in¦ v¨,±hC©v%! c¨-©v Jht¨v¦ kg! Three Festivals v’lo nikasheil l’olam va-ed. /sg) u² okIg" k# k¥JF°b" tO±u ohk$ d§r² JO¨J Sukkot Al kol eileh, al kol eileh, 'v)K¥t% k!F kg! 'vK) ¥t% k!F kg! ,IFªx Enlighten our eyes with Your Torah. Cause our hearts to cling to Your commandments. Pesach sh’mor na li Eli hatov. /cIY©v hk¥t$ hk$ tb² r«n§J j©x%)P Unite our hearts to love and revere Your name, so that we may never be put to shame. Shavuot Al had’vash v’al haoketz .¤e«g¨v% kg±u! Jc§S©v! kg! ,Ig.c¨J Chanukah al hamar v’hamatok. /eI,¨N©v±u r©N©v kg! vF´b£j" V’NOMAR L’FANAV Tu Bish’vat Al na taakor natua, 'gU! y% b² rIeg©T& tb² k©t y"c§J$C U"y Purim al tishkach et . /vu§e² T©v¦ ,¤t jF§J! T¦ kg! oh¦rUP V’nomar l’fanav shirah chadashah. Hal’lu Yah. /V²h-Uk#k©v /v¨J¨s£j v¨rh¦J uh²b"p#k r©nt«b±u Songs of Memory Hashiveini v’ashuva v"cUJ¨t±u% h°bch%( ¦J£v rIf±z Meditation and el haaretz hatovah. /v"cIY©v .¤r¨t¨v% k¤t Sing before God a new song, Hallelujah. v¨n"k§j©v±u v²h#m©yh¦s¤n Healing oh°HNªt¦ k# ohrh¦ J¦ National Hymns Sh’mor Eli al zeh habayit, ',°hC©v! v®z kg! hk¥t$ r«n§J al hagan, al hachomah v¨nIj©v kg! 'iD©v² kg! V’TAHEIR LIBEINU miyagon mipachad peta umimilchamah. /v¨n¨jk# N¦ nU¦ g©,P%) s©jP%! n¦ iIdH² n¦ V’taheir libeinu l’ovd’cha be-emet. /,¤n¡t)C W§S#c!g#k Ub(C$k r¥v©y±u Sh’mor al ham’at sheyeish li, 'hk$ JH¤J¯ yg§N©v! kg! r«n§J al haor v’al hataf ;©Y©v k!g±u rIt¨v k!g Purify our hearts to serve you in truth. (based on Proverbs 20:9) al hapri shelo hevshil od v’shene-esaf. /;©x¡t®B¤J±u sIg khJ¦ c# v¦ t3¤J hr¦ P©v# kg!

M’rashreish ilan baruach, '©jUr%C" ikh" t¦ J¥r§J©r§n V’YASHVU ISH meirachok nosheir kochav cfIF" r¥JIb eIj¨r¥n V’yashvu ish tachat gafno mish’alot libi bachoshech nirsh’mot achshav. /uh¨Jf# g! ,In§J§r°b Q¤J«j% C! hC$ k$ ,Ik£t§Jn¦ Ib#p³D ,©j©T% Jh¦t Uc§J²h±u v’tachat t’einato v’ein macharid. Ana sh’mor li al kol eileh vK) ¥t% k!F kg! hk$ r«n§J tB² ¨t% /sh¦r£j©n ih¥t±u I,²b¥t§T ,©j©,±u% v’al ahuvei nafshi h¦J#p³b h(cUv£t k!g±u And all shall sit under their vines al hasheket al habechi v’al zeh hashir. (chorus) /rh¬©v¦ v®z kg±u! hf$ C©v%) kg! y¤e-¤% ©v kg! and fig trees, and none shall make them afraid. (Micah 4:4)

My Good God, keep these safe: the honey and sting, the bitter and the sweet, and our baby daughter; the burning flame, the pure water, and the man returning home from YISM’CHU HASHAMAYIM afar. Yism’chu hashamayim v’tageil haaretz. /.¤r¨t¨v% k¯d¨,±u o°h©n¨% -©v Uj§n§G°h Keep all of these safe my Good God: the honey and the sting, the bitter and the Yiram hayam umlo-o. /ItO§nU o²H©v o!g§r°h sweet. Do not uproot what has been planted; do not forget the hope. Return me and I will return to the good land. Let the heavens rejoice and the earth exult. [Cont.] Let the sea roar and everything within it. (Psalm 96:11) 651 650 Songs and Hymns Songs and Hymns

There is still a white sail on the horizon opposite a heavy black cloud. LU Y’HI Hymns oh¦yUH$P May all that we ask for come to pass. Shabbat ,"C©J And if in the evening windows, the light of holiday candles flickers, Od yeish mifras lavan baofek e)p«t% "C i"c"k G¨r#p¦n J¯h sIg Havdalah may all that we ask for come to pass. v"k¨S#c©v mul anan shachor kaveid. /sc( F" rIj¨J ib² g" kUn Songs ohrh¦ J¦ May all that we ask for come to pass. Kol shen’vakeish, lu y’hi. /hv±h¦ Uk 'J¥Ec±B¤J! k«F Israeli Songs k¥t¨r§G°h .¤r¤t% h¥rhJ¦ V’im bachalonot ha-erev c¤rg¨v%) ,IbIK©j!C o¦t±u Days of Awe If the messenger is standing at the door, may he have a good word. oht¨rIb¦ ohn¦ h² May all that we ask for come to pass. or nerot hechag ro-eid. /s(gIr d¨j¤v/,Ir¯b rIt Three Festivals ohk$ d§r² JO¨J If your soul seeks to die, from blossom or from harvest. Kol shen’vakeish, lu y’hi. /hv±h¦ Uk 'J¥Ec±B¤J! k«F Sukkot May all that we ask for come to pass. ,IFªx Pesach Lu y’hi, lu y’hi, ana lu y’hi, 'h¦v±h Uk t²B¨t% 'h¦v±h Uk 'h¦v±h Uk j©x%)p What are these sounds I hear, the sound of the shofar, the sound of the drums? Shavuot ,Ig.c¨J May all that we ask for come to pass. kol shen’vakeish, lu y’hi. /hv±h¦ Uk 'J¥Ec±B¤J! k«F Chanukah Let one prayer from my lips be heard from among all these. vF´b£j" Tu Bish’vat May all that we ask for come to pass. Im ham’vaseir omeid badelet ,)k¤S% !C s¥nIg r¥¬!c§n©v o¦t y"c§J$C U"y Purim tein milah tovah b’fiv. /uh$p#C v"cIy v"K¦n i¥T oh¦rUP In a small shady neighborhood, there is a small house with a red roof. Songs of Memory May all that we ask for come to pass. Kol shen’vakeish, lu y’hi. /hv±h¦ Uk 'J¥Ec±B¤J! k«F rIf±z Meditation and It is the end of the summer, the end of the road; let them come back here. Im nafsh’cha lamut sho-elet ,)k¤tIJ% ,Un"k W§J#p³b o¦t v¨n"k§j©v±u v²h#m©yh¦s¤n Healing May all that we ask for come to pass. miprichah umei-asif. /;h¦x¨t¥nU v¨jh¦r#P¦n oh°HNªt¦ k# ohrh¦ J¦ National Hymns Kol shen’vakeish, lu y’hi. /hv±h¦ Uk 'J¥Ec±B¤J! k«F

Ma kol anot ani shomei-a MAH NAVU g! ¥nIJ% h°b£t ,IBg! kIE v©n kol shofar v’kol tupim? ?oh$PªT kIe±u r"pIJ kIe Mah navu al heharim raglei m’vaseir, 'r¥¬c§n! hk±d©r( ohr¨v¤v¦ /kg! UutB² /v©n Kol shen’vakeish, lu y’hi. /hv±h¦ Uk 'J¥Ec±B¤J! k«F Mashmia shalom mashmia y’shuah. /vgUJ±h" gh! n§J©n%¦ oIk¨J gh! n§J©n%¦ Lu tishama b’toch kol eileh vK) ¥t% k!F QI,#C g©n¨-¦T Uk gam t’filah achat mipi. /h$P¦N ,©j©t v"K$p§T o³D Kol tzofayich nasu kol yachdav y’raneinu, 'Ub%¯B©r±h u¨S§j³h kIe Ut§G²b Q°hp«m%! kIe Kol shen’vakeish, lu y’hi. /hv±h¦ Uk 'J¥Ec±B¤J! k«F Ki ayin b’ayin yiru b’shuv Adonai Tziyon. /iIH$m ²h±h cUJ#C Ut§r°h i°hg%! #C i°hg%! h$F

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the herald announcing peace, B’toch sh’chunah k’tanah mutzelet ,k) Mªn%) vB©y§e² vbUf§J² QI,C# announcing salvation. Hark! Your sentries raise their voices, as one they shout for joy, bayit kat im gag adom. /o«s¨t dD³ og$ y¨e ,°hC%! when every eye shall behold Adonai’s return to Zion. (Isaiah 52:7–8) Kol shen’vakeish, lu y’hi. /hv±h¦ Uk 'J¥Ec±B¤J! k«F Zeh sof hakayitz, sof haderech Q¤r¤S©v% ;Ix '.°h©E©v% ;Ix v®z tein lahem lashuv halom. /oIk£v cUJk" o¤vk" i¥T OD YAVO SHALOM ALEINU Kol shen’vakeish, lu y’hi. /hv±h¦ Uk 'J¥Ec±B¤J! k«F Od yavo shalom aleinu v’al kulam. /oK" F. kg±u! Ubhk%( g& oIk¨J tIch² sIg Salaam, aleinu v'al kol haolam, 'okIg¨v" k!F kg±u! Ubhk%( g" 'otk¨x" Salaam, salaam. /otk¨x" 'otk¨x"

Peace will surely come to us, to everyone. Salaam, for us and for the entire world. 657 656 Songs and Hymns Songs and Hymns

The mountain air is clear as wine and the fragrance of pine is carried in the evening Y’RUSHALAYIM SHEL ZAHAV Hymns oh¦yUH$P breeze with the sound of bells. In the slumber of tree and stone, captive within her Shabbat dream, is the city which sits deserted, and the wall at its heart. Avir harim tzalul kayayin v’rei-ach oranim oh°b¨r¢t ©jh¥r±u% i°h%³H!F kUk"m oh¦r¨v rh°u£t ,"C©J Havdalah nisa b’ haarbayim im kol paamonim. /oh°bIng& PkIeo! go°h$ C§r%! g¨v! ©jUr%#Ct¨¬°b v"k¨S#c©v , of bronze, and of light, am I not a harp for all your songs? Songs Uv’tardeimat ilan va-even sh’vuyah bachalomah V¨nIk£j!Cv²hUc§J i)c¤t% ²ui"kh¦t,©n¥S§r©,#cU ohrh¦ J¦ Israeli Songs How the cisterns have dried up! The market square is empty. No one attends the ha-ir asher badad yoshevet uv’libah chomah. /v¨nIj V"C$k#cU ,)c¤JIh% s¨s"Cr¤J£trh$g¨v k¥t¨r§G°h .¤r¤t% h¥rhJ¦ Days of Awe temple mount in the Old City. And in the caves in the rock winds moan. No one oht¨rIb¦ ohn¦ h² descends to the Dead Sea by way of Jericho. Y’rushalayim shel zahav c¨vz² k¤J o°hk¨JUr±h%! Three Festivals ohk$ d§r² JO¨J v’shel n’choshet v’shel or rIt k¤J±u ,¤J«j±b% k¤J±u Sukkot But when I come today to sing unto you and to bind crowns for you, I become smaller ,IFªx Halo l’chol shirayich ani kinor. /rIBF$ h°b£t Q°h©rh% J¦ k!f#k tO£v Pesach than the youngest of your sons or the least of the poets. For your name burns the lips j©x%)P like the kiss of a seraph if I forget you. O Jerusalem, that is all of gold. Shavuot Eicha yav’shu borot hamayim, 'o°h%©N©v ,IrIC UJ#c²h v"fh¥t ,Ig.c¨J Chanukah We have returned to the cisterns, to the market and to the square. A shofar calls out on kikar hashuk reika. /v¨eh¥r eU-©v rF" F$ vF´b£j" Tu Bish’vat the Temple Mount in the Old City. And in the caves in the rock, thousands of suns V’ein pokeid et Har Habayit ,°h%!C©v r©v ,¤t s¥eIP ih¥t±u y"c§J$C U"y shine. We will once again descend to the Dead Sea by way of Jericho. Purim ba-Ir Haatikah. /v¨ehT¦ g¨v! rhg$ C" oh¦rUP Songs of Memory Uvamarot asher basela gk! ¤X% C! r¤J£t ,Irg§N" cU! rIf±z Meditation and m’yal’lot ruchot. /,UjIr ,Ik#K³h§n v¨n"k§j©v±u v²h#m©yh¦s¤n Healing V’ein yoreid el Yam Hamelach j!k%¤N©v o³h k¤t s¥rIh ih¥t±u oh°HNªt¦ k# ohrh¦ J¦ National Hymns b’derech Y’richo. /Ijh¦r±h Q¤r%¤s#C

Ach b’vo-i hayom lashir lach Q"k rh¦J"k oIH©v h¦tIc#C Q©t v’lach likshor k’tarim, 'ohr¨,¦ F# r«J§ek$ Qk±u" katonti mitz’ir banayich Q°hb%³ C" rhg$ M# n¦ hT±b¦ «y¨e% umei-acharon ham’shor’rim. /ohr§rIJ§N©v¦ iIr£j©t¥nU Ki sh’meich tzoreiv et has’fatayim o°h©,% p§¬©v" ,¤t c¥rIm Q¥n§J hF$ kin’shikat saraf. /;¨r¨G ,©ehJ±b¦ F$ Im eshkacheich Y’rushalayim asher kulah zahav. /c¨vzV² K" Fr¤J£to°h. k¨JUr±h%! Q¥jF§J¤t" ot¦

Chazarnu el borot hamayim lashuk v’lakikar rF" F$ k±u! eU-!k o°h©N©v% ,IrIC k¤t Ub§rz¨j%³ shofar korei b’Har Habayit ba-Ir Haatikah. /v¨eh¦T!g¨v rh$g"C,°hC©v%! r©v#C t¥rIe r"pIJ Uvamarot asher basela gk! ¤X% C! r¤J£t ,Irg§N" cU! alfei sh’mashot zorchot ,Ij§rIz ,IJ¨n§J h(p#k©t v’shuv neireid el Yam Hamelach j!k¤N©v% o³h k¤t s¥r¯b cUJ±u b’derech Y’richo. /Ijh¦r±h Q¤r¤s% #C

661 660 Songs and Hymns Songs and Hymns

STAR SPANGLED BANNER LAMDEINI ELOHAI Hymns oh¦yUH$P Shabbat Lamdeini, Elohai, bareich v’hitpaleil k(K!P§,¦v±u Q¥r"C 'h©vO¡t 'h°b¥s§N% !k ,"C©J O say, can you see Havdalah al sod aleh kameil, 'k¥n¨e vk) g" sIx kg! v"k¨S#c©v By the dawn’s early light, Songs al nogah p’ri basheil, 'k¥JC" hr¦ P# Vd³ «b% kg! ohrh¦ J¦ What so proudly we hailed Israeli Songs At the twilight’s last gleaming? al hacheirut hazot, ',t«Z©v ,Ur¥j©v k!g k¥t¨r§G°h .¤r%¤t h¥rh¦J Days of Awe Whose broad stripes and bright stars, lirot, lachush, linshom, 'o«J±bk$ 'JUjk" ',It§rk$ oht¨rIb¦ ohn¦ h² Three Festivals Through the perilous fight, ladaat, layacheil, l’hikasheil. /k¥JF" v¦ k# 'k¥jh³ k# ',g! ©s% k" ohk$ d§r² JO¨J Sukkot O’er the ramparts we watched ,IFªx Were so gallantly streaming! Lameid et siftotai b’rachah v’shir hallel, k(K©v rh¦J±u v"f¨r#C h©,I,#p¦G ,¤t s¥N!k Pesach j©x%)P b’hit’chadeish z’mancha im boker v’im leil, 'khk( og±u$ r¤e«C% og$ W±B©n±z J¥S©j§,v¦ C# Shavuot And the rockets’ red glare, ,Ig.c¨J l’val yih’yeh yomi hayom kitmol shilshom, 'oIJ#k¦J kIn§,$F oIH©v h¦nIh v®h§v°h k!c#k Chanukah The bombs bursting in air, vF´b£j" Gave proof through the night l’val yih’yeh alai yomi hergeil. /kD§r¤v¯ hnIh¦ hk! g" v®h§v°h kc! k# Tu Bish’vat y"c§J$C U"y That our flag was still there! Purim O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave Teach me O God, a blessing, a prayer Teach my lips a blessing, a hymn of praise oh¦rUP Songs of Memory O’er the land of the free, and the home of the brave? On the mystery of a withered leaf As each morning and night rIf±z On ripened fruit so fair You renew Your days, Meditation and v¨nk§j©v±u# vh² m©yh$ s¤n¦ Healing On the freedom to see, to sense, Lest my days be today as the one before To breathe, to know, to hope, to despair. Lest routine set my ways. oh°HNªt¦ k$ ohrh¦ J¦ National Hymns O CANADA Lamdeini Elohai, bareich v’hitpaleil k(K!P§,¦v±u Q¥r"C 'h©vO¡t h°b¥s§N% !k lameid et siftotai b’rachah v’shir hallel. /k(K©v rh¦J±u v"f¨r#C h©,I,#p¦G ,¤t s¥N!k O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command. NATIONAL HYMNS With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North strong and free! HATIKVAH From far and wide, O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. Kol od balevav p’nimah v¨nh%°b#P c"c(K!C sIg k!F nefesh Y’hudi homiyah v²H¦nIv h¦sUv±h J)p%®b God keep our land glorious and free! ul’faatei mizrach kadimah v¨nhs¨e%¦ j¨r±zn¦ h¥,£tp! kU# O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. ayin l’Tzion tzofiyah v²H$pIm iIH$m#k i°hg%! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. od lo avdah tikvateinu Ub¥,% ²u§e¦T v¨s#c¨t tO sIg hatikvah bat sh’not alpayim o°hP%! #k©t ,Ib§J ,!C v²u§e¦T©v lih’yot am chofshi b’artzeinu Ub%(m§r©t#C h¦J#p¨j o!g ,Ih§v$k Eretz Tziyon viY’rushalayim. /o°hk¨JUrh°u%" iIH$m .¤r¤t%

So long as within the inmost heart a Jewish spirit sings, so long as the eye looks eastward, gazing toward Zion, our hope is not lost - the hope of two thousand years: to be a free people in our land, the land of Zion and Jerusalem. 679 678