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For The Year 1773-4. c^ &*'

This reprint is limited to 170 copies, of which 155 are for sale.




From the 25TH May 1773, to 25TH May 1774,






There has long been considerable dubiety, even in the minds of those most intimately acquainted with

the history and antiquities of the city, as to the year

in which the first Edinburgh Directory appeared. This has been partly due to the extreme rarity of the volume in question, and partly to the am- biguity of the advertisement on the cover of the

Directory for 1775-6—itself very rare—in which it is stated that " the Edinburgh Directory has now

been published for three years," without its being

made clear whether or not the issue of that year is taken into account. It therefore seems fitting to preface this facsimile

reprint of the first edition by a few words as to the

discovery of its original, the evidence of its being the first, and the circumstances connected with the publication of the book by Peter Williamson in 1773. The original volume, which is here reproduced by photo-lithography, was purchased by me in in the present year at the sale of the library of a Scottish collector. It was found in excellent preservation, with the original blue paper covers, and containing the autograph signatures of two such noted bibliographers as the Rev. Dr John Lee and Dr David Laing—the former having —

vi Publisher 's Note. apparently become its possessor in 1824, the latter in 1863, as these dates follow their respective names. Curiously enough, neither of these gentlemen noted upon the book the fact of its being the first edition ; perhaps neither felt sufficiently sure of its being so.

On securing it, the first question that arose was, whether or not one had become owner of the much sought for "editio princeps," and an enquiry through the columns of The Scotsman fortunately produced the desired information. Mr John Glen, of Edin-

, having been engaged in searching the file of The Caledonian Mercury in the Advocates' Library, in another connection, had come upon the earliest advertisements of Peter Williamson in regard to his venture, and luckily had carefully noted their

dates. After a little correspondence, he very courteously placed his memoranda at my disposal, and I was thus enabled to settle definitely that the

first "City Directory" was that for the year 1773-4, which I had in my possession. Williamson's ad-

vertisements ran as follows ; first in The Caledonian Mercury of 6th June 1773

" In the press and will be published at Whitsunday week, The Edinburgh New Pocket Companion or City Directory, distinctly pointing out every householder's

name, place of abode, trade, and traffic, within the city and suburbs, , Canongate &c. —Gentle

men who are to flit this term, will please send their names and place of abode to Peter" Williamson, Printer, head of Forrester's Wynd, who will insert them in this directory." —

Publisher s Note. vii

And again on June 30th of the same year

" This day was Published, Price is.

And sold by PETER WILLIAMSON, at his printing- house in Dunbar's Close, Lawn-market, by John Wilson front of the Exchange, and William Coke bookseller on the shore of Leith. WILLIAMSON'S DIRECTORY For the City of Edinburgh, Canongate, Leith, and Suburbs. From the 25th of May 1773, to the 25th of May 1774. CONTAINING An ALPHABETICAL LIST of the Names and Places of Abode of all the Members of the College of Justice, public and private Gentlemen, Merchants,

and other eminent Traders, Mechanics, and all persons in public business. Where, at one view, you have a plain direction, pointing out the streets, wynds, closes, lands, and other places their residence in and about this Metropolis. Together with Separate Lists of the Magistrates, Court of Session,

and Court of Exchequer ; the Constables of Edin-

burgh, Canongate, and Leith ; Carriers, &c."

A search through the file for the preceding year having revealed no notice of any such publication, it must be concluded that the " three years " re- ferred to in the volume for 1775-6 include the issue of that year, and that the above are the first announcements. Interesting confirmation of this is obtained, however, by reference to the advertise-

ment appended to the volume here reprinted, for it will be seen that it is not only couched in language viii Publisher s Note.

suitable to a first venture, but that in it the publisher apologizes for omissions, due to many having " scruples of giving information, as they imagined it was for another purpose he was taking up their names,"—such scruples being of course much less likely to exist after the nature and purpose of the publication had been made manifest by its appear- ance before the public. It may be stated, in passing, that the entire population of the city and Leith about this date has

been estimated at fully 80,000 ; more than usually accurate data having been obtained for the enumera- tion from a survey taken in 1775 in connection with the Road Tax ; and also, that the unpopularity of the visitation made in this connection no doubt served to augment the difficulties experienced by Williamson. The long sought for Directory having been found, the possibility of obtaining the Appendix, promised to subscribers in the supplementary advertisement above quoted, next came under consideration. It seemed almost hopeless to look for it, as the volume itself had been so hard to find ; but just then one of those pieces of good fortune happened, which at rare intervals come to book-collectors. The Library of James Cadell, Esq., at Carron Park, West Lothian, being under arrangement by one of my assistants, a second copy of the Directory, in perfect preservation, and with the desired supplement, was found on the Publisher's Note. ix shelves. It had been placed there by William Archibald Cadell, grand-uncle of the present owner, and by him carefully cased in cloth, and dated; and its owner, immediately on its discovery, most kindly consented to lend the valuable little volume, that the Appendix might be reproduced along with the book. The reprint is therefore placed before the reader complete, as at first published.

The following facts regarding Peter Williamson, to whose enterprise the city first owed this useful publication, may be of interest. He was a man of very varied experience, and of much energy and versatility, and has left the record of his Life and Curious Adventures, penned by himself.

it From we gather that he was born about 1730 ; that he was a native of the parish of Aboyne, Aber- deenshire ; and that, while a mere child, he was kid- napped at Aberdeen and carried to America, where he was sold as a slave and subjected to the most cruel hardships. He relates in his book, at consider- able length, the story of his misfortunes, and especi- ally of his terrible sufferings at the hands of the Indians, and at the same time conveys to the reader much interesting information regarding scenes and people but little known in his day. On his return to his native land in 1756, the publication of his Curious Adventures brought him into collision with the Magistrates of Aberdeen, he having charged the x Publisher 's Note.

" worthy merchants " of the town with engaging in the infamous trade of kidnapping children. On being brought before them he was forced to declare his statement untrue, but soon found that his having done so did not prevent his being both fined and expelled from the town. He appealed to the Court of Session, however, and was there exonerated, his charge being only too true, and received ^ioo in damages from the Magistrates. He then settled in Edinburgh, where he for some time carried on the business of a vintner ; but, as will be seen by refer- ence to the note on page 91 of the Directory, he ultimately relinquished it for the more congenial employment of a printer, and from his press, in addition to the series of Directories and his volume of Adventures, issued a weekly paper named The Scots Spy, and several excellent books, including more than one edition of the Scottish version of the Psalms. One would think that Williamson's share of mis- fortunes had been ample, and that his later years would have been left undisturbed ; but it was not so, for in 1789 we find a volume appearing entitled " The Trial of Divorce at the instance of Peter Williamson, printer in Edinburgh, against Jean Wilson, daughter of John Wilson, bookseller, Edin- burgh, his spouse." It will be noted that the said John Wilson's name appears on the title-page which follows this preface. Perhaps that which as much as his Directory — —

Publisher's Note. xi displays the versatility of Williamson, and proves him to have been ahead of his time, is his having successfully organised a system of penny postage for letters and parcels throughout the city, and Leith. On the appearance of his second Directory, which, by the way, he says, " contains 4000 names more than last year's, and is upon an entire new plan," he adds: " N.B. —The public may depend, that Letters, &c. , will be regularly sent by the Penny Post, to Leith, or any place within an English mile of the cross of Edin-

burgh, every hour thro' the da)', a number of hands

being kept for that purpose ; and the different offices

for taking in Williamson's Penny Post letters, are all inserted in the Directory."

From the wording of this advertisement, it is evident that the system was already, to some extent, known to the citizens, and it is likely that the visita- tion for the first Directory suggested the idea to him. His scheme succeeded, and, as usual in such cases, his success brought competition into the field, for he states on the cover of the Directory for 1775-6 that he " did not long continue without many rivals," and that " The multiplicity of penny post-offices, which were constantly starting up, distracted Public attention," and he therefore requests the citizens to entrust him alone with their correspondence, giving the following information and directions :

" Peter Williamsop thinks it a duty he owes himself, to

inform the public, that all the offices belonging to xii Publisher's Note.

him, are mentioned in the last page of this Directory,

and that every letter, delivered by any of his men, is

stamped with these words : Penny Post Paid ; or, Penny Post not Paid. If any letter shall be offered by the Penny Post, without such stamp, they are

entreated not to pay for it, as such a practice might encourage the men to circumvene their master, who

is obliged to pay them their wages weekly, whether

the office yields himself so much or not, which he is

sorry to say, is some weeks the case. By persever-

ance, however, he still hopes to succeed. He begs leave to assure the public of the safety and expedi-

tion of letters or parcels intrusted to his care ; or to any of the offices he has appointed in different parts

of the town for the conveniency of the Public : as, if

properly directed, they cannot fail of being speedily delivered." Amidst much discouragement, Williamson con- tinued both this service and the issue of his Direc-

tories for several years, and it is satisfactory to be informed that he received a small pension from

Government on its taking over the postal arrange- ments of the city. His death occurred early in 1799. Before concluding these brief notes, I desire to express my thanks to Mr Cadell and Mr Glen, before mentioned, and also to Mr Wm. Cowan, the

present owner of the first discovered copy of the Directory, for their aid in bringing together the materials for this reprint, and the facts connected

with its original publication. William Brown.

Edinburgh, May 1889. WILLIAM SO N's DIRECTORY, FOR THE

City of Ed i nbu rgh, Canongate, Leith, and Suburbs, FROM

The 25th to 2 1 May 1773 j S1^ May 177^ CONTAINING, An Alphabetical List of the Names and Places of Abode of the Members of the College of Juftice, Ptiblic and. Private Gentlemen, Merchants, and olher eminent, Traders; Mechanics, and all Per- fons in public Bufmefs 3 where, at one View, you have a plain Direction, pointing out the Streets, Wynds, Clofes, Lands, and other Plaees of their P\.efidence in and about this Metropolis. TOGETHER. WITH Separate Lifts of the Magistrates, Court of Seflion, and Court of Exchequer ; the Conftabies of Edinburgh, Canongate and Leith ; Carriers, ire EDINBURGH: Printed by and for P e t e r Williamson, and fold at his Printing-honfe in Dunbar's Clofe, Lawn- market, by Jokj* Wilson, BookfeHer Front of the Exchange, and ny William Coxe, Book- feller on the Shore, Leith. MDcctxxm. {Pries One Shilling.] DEDICATION.


GILBERT LAURIE, Esq,; Lord Provost

Kid, Esq,; John 1 Johk Grieve, Esq; .'_ * r, 7. ^Bailies; Arch. Campbell, Esq,; ' Thomas Cleghorn, Esq,; J AND To the other members of the X, TOWN COUNCIL


i s, WITH THE GREATEST SUBMISSION, DEDICATED, BY THEIR MOST OBEDIENT AND HUMBLE SERVANT, PETER WILLIAMSON. A LIST of the MAGISTRATES and Town Council of the City of Edin- burgh, and Suburbs thereof. The Right Honourable Gilbert Laurie, Efq; Lord Pro- voft, baxters clofe, . C John Kid, Efq; head of the cowgate. o •)• J J°hn Grieve, Efq; head Roxburgh's clofe. Bailies, < Archibaid Campbell Efq; Campbell's clofe. Q_ Thomas Cleghorn, Efq; grafs-market. Charles Wright, Efq; Dean of Guild, St Andrew's-ftr. John Wordie, Efq; Treafurer, Libberton's wynd. John Dalrymple, Efq; Old Provoft, queens-ftreet. C John Learmonth, Efq; St Mary's wynd. Old j Walter Hamilton, Efq; Brown's fquare. Bailies, j Thomas Elder, Efq; princes-ftreet. £ William Trotter, Efq; bow-head. James Stoddart, Efq; old dean of Guild, Baillie's clofe. James Stirling, Efq; old treafurer and college trea- furer, head of Dickfon's clofe. James Geddes, old bank clofe. ~) John Tod, Chrichton-ftreet. >Merc. Councilors. James Torry, Exchange. S Thomas Cleland, bailie Fyfe's clofe. >«.*.- r i Trades Cou,! el' Orlando Hart, oppofite the guard, j f Ordinary Council . William Inglis, furgeons, Brown's land, luckenbcoths. T. Herriot, Conveener, wrights, new-town, James Fyfe, taylors, head of Wardrope's court. James Cunningham, bakers, Allan'#*clofe. John Mellis, flelhers, princes-ftreet. Thomas Miller, wawkers, foot of Leith wynd. Extraordinary Council Deacons. Alexander Gardner, gold-fmiths, Geddes's clofe. Alexander Ritchie, lkinners, baxters clofe. Mark Sprott, furriers, water of Leith. William Turnbull, hammermen, back of the guard. William Jamiefon, mafons, near porto-bello. Thomas Dick, fhoe-makers, Gray's clofe. William Reaburn, weavers, ftock-bridge. C ] Thomas Kirk, "bonnet-makers, Libberton's wynd. Walter Hamilton, admiral and bailie in Leith. James Cundell, refident bailie in ditto, fherifF-brae.

James Mitchell, • ditto, faw-mills. Thomas Elder, baron-bailie of canongate and calton. Andrew Reid, refident bailie in ditto. Daniel Millar, ditto, head of new-ftreet, canongate. William Trotter, baron bailie portfburgh, & potter-ro, , refident bailie in ditto, potter-row. John Megget, ditto, portfburgh. James Geddec, Efq; captain of the orange -colours.

LIST of the Right Honourable the LORDS of COUNCIL and SESSION. Robert Dundas of Arnifton, Efq; Lord Prefident, Adams's court. $ Thomas Miller of Barlkiniming, Efq; Lord.Juftice- clerk, Brown's fquare. Alexander Frafer of Strichen, Whitehoufe. f Henry Home of Kaims, New-ftreet, Canongate.- f Alexander Bofwell of Aucbinleck, parliament clofe. James Erfkine of Alva, Argyle's fquare. •j* George Brown of Colfton, Caftle-hill. Andrew Pringle of Alemoor, at Hawkhill. James Veitch of Elliock, at Jock's-lodge, John Campbell of Stonefield, George's fquare. f James Fergufon of Pitfour, Luckenbooths. Francis Garden of Gardenfton, at St Katharine's f Robert Bruce of Rennet, Horfe wynd. Sir David Dalrymple of Hales, New-ftreet, Canong. James Burnett of Monboddo, St John's ftreet. James Montgomery, Efq; his Majefty's Advocate. below the head of Carrubber's clofe. Henry Dundas, Efq; Solicitor-general, George's fq. N. B. Thofe marked thus are Lords Jufliciary. -J- of BARONS of EXCHEQUER. The Right hon. Robert Orde, L. chief baron, New E. Efq; John Maul Efq; nether-b. I John Grant nether-b. Efq; George Wynne, Efq; | W. Mure, Abbey-h, . WILLIAMSON'S DIRECTORY

For the City of EDINBURGH, &c.

From May 1773, to Mat i774*

A ADVOCATES. ABercrombie G.'of Tillibody, George's fquare. Anderfon James, country ; Anftruther Sir Robert> principal cl. to the bills, country. Armftrong David, meal-market flairs, cowgate. Achyndachy Alexander, Warrifton's dole. Aberdeen Robert, writer's court. Arnot Hugo, princes- fireet. CLERKS to his Majesty's SIGNET. Anderfon David, Carrubber's clofe. Alflon William, abbey-hill. Aytoun William, at the crofs. Abercrombie Alexander, fountain clofe. LORDS and ADVOCATES CLERKS. Auld Robert, Lord Alva's derk> back flairs.. Alifon James, Lord Coalfton's clerk, Milln's court. Anderfon Char. Ex. Durie's office, Forrefter'* wynd. Andrew George, 1 ft clerk to David Smith and Alex* ander Murray advocates, affembly clofe. Aitken Robert, xft cl. to W.Wallace, advocates clofe. Alves Thomas, depute cl. of tiends, Borthwick's clofs.

WRIT E R S. Anftruther Philip, Riddle's land. Ainflie John, in Trotter's clofe, cowgate. A PHYSICIANS. Auftin Adam, Brown's fquare. Abernethy-Drummond William, blackfriars wynd. NOBLEMEN and GENTLEMEN. Aboyne earl of, St John's ftreet, canongate. Ahercrombie General, George's fquare, Alves Major, in the cattle. MERCHANTS. Ainflie Sufannah, lawn-market, north fide. Angus Mrs, advocates clofe, luckenbooths. Anderfon Lindfay, and Co. ditto. Alexander Mrs> luckenbooths Anderfon Rachel, ditto. Anderfon Sophia, ditto. Anderfon Mils, ditto. Ackmonds Mifs, ditto. Aitken Mifs, ditto. Anderfon Robert, feed-merchant, at the croft, Allan Alexander, cloth-merchant, parliament dole.

Anderfon Mrs> china-mere, above blackfriars wynd. Atchifon Hugh, Ihore of Leith. Archibald John, wine -merchant, kirkgate, Leith, Anderfon Michael, tolbooth wynd;, Leith. Anderfon William, iron-monger, weft-bow. Archibald Mrs, caftle-hill. Alfton John, toy-fhop, front of the exchange. Angus John, woolen draper, ditto. Armllrong Wal. haberdalher, Don's clofe luckenbooths- GROCERS. Andrew John, bow-head. Aitken John, head of baillie Fyfe's clofe. Anderfon James, head of Chalmers's clofe. SHIP -MASTERS. Alexander Alexander, bernard-ftreet Leith. Air Duncan, on the fhore of Leith. Anderfon Andrew, fherhf- brae, Leith. .

Anderfon James, queen-ftreet, Leith. Alexander Robert, Bernard- ftreet, Le it'll SURGEONS. Aitken John, canongate-head. Abercrombie Jamesi briftow-ftreet. Anderfon Thomas, broad wynd Leith. ATthor Frederick, Druggift, chapeL-ftreet BREWERS. Allan James, grafs-market, fbuth fide. Anderfon Alexander, yard-heads, Leith. Arnot James, foot of Campbell's clofe, cowgate. Anderfon John, foot of tolbooth-wynd, canongate. PRINTERS. Alfton Gavin, old fiih-market clofe. Auld William, Turk's clofe, lawn-market. JEWELERS and GOLD-SMITHS. Atchifon and fon, parliament clofe. Anderfon Thomas, luckenbooths. UPHOLSTERERS and UNDERTAKERS Anderfon Robert, cowgate-port. Alexander William, briltow-ftreet. Aitken Archibald, tolbooth-wynd, canongate SMITHS,^. Auchinlcck John, St Ninian's-row. Aughterlony James, Allifon's clofe-, cowgate. Ainflie Thomas, calton. Anderfon John, gun-fmith, bow-head, well. Armftrong Wilham, copper-fmith, weft-bow, WIG-MAKERS, and HAIR-DRESSERS. Allan John, head of Gedries's clofe. Anderfon George, hair-drefTer, ditto.

S H O E - M A K E R S. Anderfon Henry, bow-head. Anderfon Mrs, oppofite the back flairs, cowgate, Angus George, canongate-head. A 2 4 A TAYLORS. Anderfon David, canongate-head. Anderfon William, ditto, STABLER S. Alexander Adam, weft-bow. Anderfon William, cowgate-head. Archibald James, Candlemaker-row. SCHOOL and WRI TIN G-M ASTERS. Anderfon James, head of blackfriars wynd. Allan, William, luckenbooths, Anderfon James, foot of Forrefter's wynd. MILLINERS. Allan Helen, front of the exchange. Angus and Welih, ditto. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Alexander Robert, Banker, Royfton's clofe. Anderfon David, hatter, at the crofs. Adams John, architect, Adams's fquare. Adamfon James, carver and gilder candlemaker-row. * Allan Davidj officer of excife, kirkgate Leith. Anderfon Andrew, cork-cutter rotten-row Leith. Adam'bn David, vintner, on the fliore of Leith. Allifon Alex, fail and rope-maker, links of Leith; Allifon Alex. dep. cafh. of Ex. foot of Leith walk. Anderfon and fon, candlemakers, tolbooth-wynd, Leith. Alexander Robert, watch-maker, ditto. Alexander James, weaver, Leith-wynd. Allan William, baxter, canongate-head. Aberdour James, founder, head of the weft-bow. Allan John, fun-fire-agent, Strichen's clofe. ROOM SETTERS. Anderfon Mrs, Paterfbn's court. Alexander Mrs, Don's clofe, luckenbooths. Anftruther Mrs> oppofite the EngEfh-ehapel, cowgate. Aitken Mrs, Robertfon's clofe. B

B ADVOCATES. BAlfour James, at , near Edinburgh. Binning William, foot of the weft-bow. Baillie William, James's court. Bruce John, ditto. Balfour John, ditto. Bruce Alexander, blackfriars wynd. Balfour Andrew, Fiiher's land, lawn-market. Blair Robert, Strichen's clofe. Brown Charles, caftle-hill. Baillie Hugh, at Monktoun, in the country. Barclay Henry, Carrubber' s clofe. Belfehes John, Niddery's wynd. Berry Robert, Allifon's fquare. Bofwell James, James's court. Bofwell Claud, lady Stairs's clofe. Belfehes Alexander, new-bank clofe. Buchan Thomas, James's court. Buchan George, ditto. Brown Alexander, librarian, near Magdalen's chapeL CL ERKS to his Majesty's SIGNET. Brown Charles, Argyle's iqiiare. Barclay Anthony, James's court, Balfour James, Argyle's fquare, Burnet Andrew, Cockpen. Baillie Thomas, James's court. Barclay Robert, Carrubber's clofe. Bell John, Buchan's court. Buchan John, James's court.

WRITERS admitted by the Court of Sefllon. Buchan Hugh, Milln's fquare. Bruce Adam, back of the theatre, new Edinburgh. Bell William, oppofite the water-houfe, caftle-hill 6 B Bell Adam, foot of the caftle-wynd, grafs-market. Bruce George, foot of weft-bow. Barclay David, princes-ftreet. Bofwell Robert, new Edinburgh. Balmain John, clofet-keeper Durie's office, Wardrop s court. Blackball Thomas, clofet-keeper, Dalrymple's office, potter-row.

ADVOCATES firft CLERKS. Bell Adam, to Robert Campbell, Efq; caftle-wynd. Buchan Archibald, to A. Leith, Efq; carrubber's clofe. Bruce Adam, to Walter Campbell, back of the theatre. Bannerman James, to Robert Cullen, Efq; Barclay David, to Archibald M'Donald, Efq; Bog John, to Robert B'air, Efq; Allan's clofe. Brymner James, to Hugh Rofs, Herriot's-w. bridge. Beveridge James, to Robert M'Intolh, Milln's court. Blair Andrew. Bruce Thomas, deputy clerk of feffion, bow-foot. Belfches Thomas, pref. of fignatures, new-bank clofe. Burnet William. WRITERS not admitted. Bruce Thomas, w eft-bow. Bolt David, at Magdalen's chapel, cowgate. Blacklaw Thomas, briftow-ftreet. Bain. George, potter-row. Baillie James, Carrubber's clofe, PHYSICIANS. Bofwell John, back of the meadow. Baird James, in Hog's land, oppofiteblackfriarswynd. Black Jofeph, college wynd. Buchan William, horfe wynd. MINISTERS. Brown James, laurifton. Blair Hugh, Argyle's fquare. Buckham William, Willie Waters's clofe, Leith. Blacklock Thomas, Crichton's ftreet. B 7 LADIES and GENTLEWOMEN. Bofwell Lady, in lady Stairs's clofe. Baillie Mifs, Hyndford's clofe. Balcarras countefs dowager of, Dickfon's clofe. Blair Mrs, gentlewoman, ditto. Buchan Mrs, gentlewoman, ditto. Blakie Lady, Niddery's wynd, Ballantine Mrs, nether-bow. Brodie Mrs, Brodie's clofe, caftle-hill. Boyd Mils, caitle-hill.MERCHANTS. Brown John, lawn-market. Bell Mrs, lawn-market. Boyd George, Dunbar's .clofe, ditto. Blackwood Mifs, luckenbooths. Bowie and co. Mifs, luckenbooths. Baillie Mifs, luckenbooths. Brown Alexander, Craig's clofe. Bruce William, Brodie's clofe lawn-market. Beveridge James, Campbell's clofe, cowgate. Bremner James, meal-market, cowgate. Bell William, wine-merchant, quality" -ftreet, Leith. Bryce Alexander, ditto, ditto. Bell George, quality-ftreet, Leith. Balfour Henry, king-ftreet, ditto. Bruce Alexander, leather-mere, weft-bow. Bum William, ditto, Riddle's land, lawn-market. Ballantine John, wool-mere, weft-bow. Blair John, filk-merc. caftle-hill. Bryce Thomas, luckenbooths. Brown Alexander, Niddery's wynd. Brown Rohert, head of ditto. Butter John, head of the old bank clofe. Black John, back of the tolbooth. Bell Alexander, heart of Gosford's clofe. Brown John, Bnrges's clofe., Leith. Borthwick Alexander, lawn-market, north fide. Butter and Torry, woollen-drapers, exchange- Beatfon David, woollen-draper, ditto, 8 B GROCERS. Bowie James, head of the flefh-markei clofe. Bannerman George, head of the fountain clofe. Brown William, oppofite the fountain well. Bannantine Maitland, head of Dickfon's clofe. Brown Robert, weft-bow. Barr Mrs, cowgate-head. Brown Robert, briftow-ftreet. Baird and Orrock, Jheriff-brae, Leith. Buchan John, near Queenfberry's lodging canongate. SHIP.MAS.TERS. Bofwell Thomas, rotten-row, Leith. Burnet Robert, on the Ihore of Leith. Beatfon John, north Leith. Brown John, ditto. Bannantyne William, coal -hill Leith. Beatfon William, queen-flreet, ditto. Bauld James, impoft-mafter, bernard-ftreet, ditto. SURGEONS. Brodie James, Surgeon, lawn-market. Balfour John, Carrubber's clofe. Bell Benjamin, Gosford's clofe. Butter Mrs, druggift, cowgate-head. Brockie Walter, Druggift, grafs-market.

WRIGHTS, UPHOLSTERERS, ire. Bennet John, calton. Bruce William, uphblfterer, blackfnars wynd. Brotherftone upholfterer, Bell's wynd. Brodie & Son, wrights and undertakers, lawn-market. Buchan Thomas, wright, bernard-ftreet, Leith. Beverly Alexander, upho. St Andrews ftreet, New E.

Balfcur James, iees-quarter, ' Leith. SMITHS. Begbie George, weft- bow. Barlow Lewis, Middleton's entry. Bull George, kirkgate, Leith. Barron John, kirkgate, Leith. B CLOCK and WATCH-MAKERS. Brown Samuel, head of Geddes's clofe. Binney and Gordon, nether-bow. Brown John, back of the city-guard. Brakenrig Robert, grafs-market, north fide. Brakenrig John, Portiburgh. SADDLERS. Blinfhall Bailie, at the crofs, fouthfide. Brunton William, front of the exchange. Brown Alexander, oppofite to the tron-church. PEWTERERS. Brown John, grafs-market. Ballantyne William, cowgate-head. HATTERS. Binney Mrs, oppofite to the foot of the horfe-wynd. Barclay Alexander, pleafance. Begbie Jofeph, St Ninian's row. BAXTERS. Begbie George, Halkerfron's wynd. Baird James, back of the fountain well. Baxter Andrew, at James's court. Buchanan John, canongate-head. Barrowman William, head of new-ftreet, canongate. Brakenrig John, briftow flreet. Black Archibald, tolbooth wynd, Leith. Barron man John, coal-hill, Leith. Bow Peter, princes-ftreet, new-town. FLESHERS. Brown Thomas, flelh-market clofe. Bain William, ditto. BARBERS andHAIR-DRESSERS. Bell Andrew, luckenbooths. Boyd Walter, head of blackfriars wynd. Buchanan Walter, foot of Bell's wynd. Buchanan David, college wynd. S H O E and C L O G - M AK £ R S, Black John, Warrifton's clofe. B Burn Andrew, calton. Blackwood Alexander, calton. Beath John, calton. BifTet Robert, St Ninian's row. Bruce Thoma«, ditto. Baillie Alexander, grafs-market. Buchanan John, potter-row. TAYLORS and STAY-MAKERS. Barclay William, advocates clofe. Burnet John, Gray's clofe. Brown Bobert, old afTembly clofe. Brunton John, ftay-maker, bow- head. Bell William, chapel-flreet. Bowie Edward, on the fhore, Lcith. Brown James, ftay-ma. op. Chefals's court, canongate. WEAVERS. Biggar Walter and co. fiennes. Blair Robert, Jack's land, canongate. MILLINERS. Ballantyne Mifs, lawn-market. Blacketer, Mifs, head of Toderic's wynd. OFFICERS of EXCISE. Bruce Sir David, collector of excife, head of St John's fh-eet. Begg William, furveyor of excife, kirkgate, Leitli. Blyth John, yard-heads, Leith. Brown Robert, dub-row, Leith. BREWERS. Bartholomy and Bell, pleafance. Barron James, potter-row. Bairnsfather George, foot of new-flrect, canongate. Blair Mrs, foot of ditto. Blair James, abbey. Baker Thomas, yard-heads, Leith. VINTNERS.

Blackball Alex, new flage-roach offi. on the fliorc, Leith.

Brown Mrs, Don's dole, luckenbooth 1;. B M

Bridges David, bridge-ftreet. Bain George, old aifembly clofe. Bain Donald, old fifli-market clofe. Bono Thomas, back of the city-guard. Balder William, on the fliore of Leith. Bain George, rotten-row, Leith. STABLER S. Boyd James, canongate head. Begbie Charles, grafs-market, north fide. Baillie Matthew, within the weft-port. Bowie Robert, in the Pleafance. Bauld Mrs quality ftreet, Leith. Bell John, canongate head. William, Stonelaw's clofe. Bruce ENGRAVERS. Bell Andrew, parliament clofe. Begbie Patrick, Blyth's clofe, caftle-hiH. CONFECTIONERS. Burnet Hugh, coal -hill, Leith.

Buchan J. cowgate-head. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Ballenden Lord, eaft Lothian, heretable umer of exch Balfour John, bookfeller and printer, head of the An- chor clofe. Brown James, bookfeller, parliament clofe. Bain John, type-founder, calton. Berry William, feal-cutter, head of Niddery's wynd. Bartlet Benjamin, ftore-mafter, in the cafHe. Barclay Will, fecretary to annexed eftates Carriro ber's clofe. BofweH Thomas, accomptant, cuftom-houfe flairs. Brough John, cook, foot of Heafty's clofe, cowgate. Bog Alexander, cork-cutter, St Ninian's row. Bennet David, clerk in the poft-office, caftie-hilL Borthwick William, feeds-man, bridge-ftreet. Bonnar John, painter, head of Niddery's wynd. B 2 12 B Bland John, manager of the theatre, calton. BJyth Robert, trunk-maker, head of Chalmers's dole. Brown James, glover, oppofite to the lolbooth door. Brown William, dyer, Borthwick's clofe. Ballantyne Alexander, copper-fmith, canal-ftreet. Barr Robert, copper-fmith, head of flejh-market clofe, Baxter John, Architect piinces-ftreet* Brown Wil. bookbinder, oppolite to the back-flairs. Baird james, Nicolfon's ltreet. Brown John, French-teacher, Nicolfon's ftreet. Bruce Captain, broad wynd, Leith. Brugh William, feflion-clerk, ditto, Lcith. Bofwell David, dancing-mailer, broad wynd, Leith, Blair Mrs, midwife, dub-row. Bog Mrs, cutler, Leith-wynd. Bairnsfather George, plumber, abbey-hill. Brown James, architect, teviot-row. Bremner Robert, mufic-fhop, at the crofs. Bartlet Alexander, fchool-mafter, Al'.ifon's fquare. Brown Mrs, mantua-maker, head of Gray's clofe. Bald Edward, Hone warehoufe, bernard-ltrect, Leith. Bathgate George, meflenger, Forreflcr's wynd. Baker Mrs, Englifh-ttacher, canal- flreet. Borthwick William, £fq; Allan's clofe.

R O O M - S E T T E R S. Bryfon Mrs, nr thcrniofl baxters clofe. Boyd Mifs, Warrifton's clofe. Blackburn Mrs, Forreflcr's wynd. Boggs Mrs, oppofite the bow-head well.


ADVOCATE 8. CtAmpbell Ronald, cowgatc-hcad j Craping William, Predion. Craigit John, Wardropc's court. C 13

Callendar John, new«town. Campbell Robert, writers court. St Clair Charles, St John's flreet. Campbell Archibald, George's fquare. Craig Robert, near Crichton's coach-work, eanongate, Campbell Hay, Brown's fquare, Crofbie Andrew, St. Andrew's fquare, new-town. Cotkburne Aichibald, flxeriff, back of the meadow. Campbell Alexander, advocates clofe. Campbell Walter, Brown's fquare. Chalmers Patrick, cowgate-head. Cullen Robert, mint clofe. Cochrane John-Henry, country. Colquhoun James, Peeble's wynd.

Clark George, James's court. . Craig William, Carrubber's clofe. Campbell Alexander Jun. Milln's court. C L ER K S to Ms Majesty's SIGNET. Carmichael James, Buchanan's court. Craigie Laurance, Allifon's fquare. Cunningham Alexander, old-bank clofe. Cockburn Thomas, Nicolfon's ftreet. Campbell David, of Bellmount, back of Mflln*s fquare. Chalmers John, canongate-head. Craigie David, Clarke Allan, cowgate-head. Chalmers James, Wardrop's court. Cooper George, Cant's clofe. Crawford James, Blyth's clojTe, cattle-hill. Craigie Willi am -Charles, Crichton-ftreet. Corrie Hugh, old ailembly clofe.

C L E R K S of Seffion. Campbell Archibald, one of the principal clerks of &{- lion, James's court. Campbell John, depute clerk of feflion, head of Bra- die's clofe. Chalmers John, extrac. in Kirkpat. office, potter-row. 14 C EX CHEQ,U ER. Clark George, Efq; L. treafurer's remembrancer, Ex- chequer, James's court. Cockburn Thomas, king's writer, Nicolfon's flrect. Chalmers John, macer, Portfburgh.

WRITERS admitted by the Court of Seflion. Conftable George, canongate- head. Chrilric James, Cant's clofe. Campbell Hugh, Forreiter's \* ynd. Clark James, near the car.ongate-chnrch. Cairncrofs George, oppofite the bughts. Carmichael Andrew, back of the theatre. Clark James, oppofite to Crichton's entry, canongate. Chalmers Robert, foot of Nhldcry s wynd. Chriftic James, Cant's dole. ADVOCATES firA CLERKS. Cairncrofs George, to George Ogilvie, oppofite the bughts. Cuming George, to John M'Kcnzie, new-town. Chriftie James, to James Dunbar, Cant's clofe. Chalmers William, to And. Balfour, Efq; caflle-hill. Cumming James, to L. Gardenfton, James's court. WRITERS not- admitted. Chalmers James, Bifhop's land. Cumming John, high-fchool yards- Craigie Charles, Charles': flrcct. Cockburn A. Nicolfon's flrcet. Cunningham James, collcgc-wynd. MERCHANTS. Carmiehael Thomas, grafs-market, north fide. Caldcr John, grafs-market, ditto. Cleghr>rn Thomas, wine-merchant, grafs-market. Cumming Alexander, ncthermoft baxter's clofe. Carfrae and Turnbull, woollen-drapers, front of excha. Campbell Angus, lnckenbooths. Cowan William, ditto. c it Campbell John, writers court. Carfrae William, bridge-ftreet. Clapperton Mrs, Byres's clofe. Cockburn Thomas, wine-merchant, calton. Cargill James, oppofite the crofs. Cheap William, linen-draper, Hyndford's clofe. Craig John, Gosford's clofe. Campbell James, foot of the old-bank clofe. Cock Char, wine-mer. Middleton's entry, potter-row. Crawford Patrick, lauriiton. Cockburn John, wine-merchant, above Queenft>ery*s lodging, canongate. Caithnefs Edward; Wardrop's court. Chirnfide Thomas, Crichton-ftreet. Crawford William, rotten-row, Leith. Cheap Hugh, wine-merchant, quality-ftreet, Leith. Chalmers James, ditto, citadel, Leith. Cockburn Archibald, haberdafher, oppofite the guard. Carmichael, Anderfon in Co. Gabriel's road, N.-town. GROCERS. Chriftie James, oppofite the fountain well. Carmichael Duncan, nether-bow. Chriftie William, grafs-market, fouth fide. Chalmers William, candlemaker-row. Cowan Charles, tolbooth wynd, Leith, Campbell John, oppofite St John-ftreet canongate. Carrick Alexander, welt-bow. Campbell Alexander, oppofite meal-market, cowgate. Clark Jame9, Burnet's clofe. Cundell William, hop-merchant, fheriff-brae, Leith. Campbell Archibald, head of Dickfon's clofe. Chriftian Angus, back of the theatre.- Caronochan William, St Andrew's ftreet. L A D I E S and G E N T L E M E N. Colvile Lord, St John-ftreet, canongate. Cunningham Lady Mary, abbey-hill. Cunningham Sir John, foot of . Carnegy of Finhaven, princes-ftreet. Chalmers Sir George, St Andrew's fquare. to C Cowan George, hanover-ftreet. Cockburn Mrs, St Andrew's fquare. Campbell mifs, ofCarrick, new-town. Campbell Lady, Patterftm'i court. Crawford Mifs, Brown's fquare. Clark John, Efq; fociety. Campbell Colonel, Nicollbn's ftreet. Clark George, commiflioner, James's court. Calendar John Efq; of Craigforth, new-town, Cumming Dr, minirter, royal-bank clofe. Cullen William, Phyficiaii, Mint. Charters Samuel, Solicitor of cuftoms, exchange. Campbell, Captain of the city-guard. SHIP-MASTERS. Nicol, on the (horc, Leith. Caffr-ls Andrew, bcrnard-f^reer, ditto. Currie, James, Leith-bridge. Chriflie James, coal-hill, Leith. Crawford John, ditto, ditto. Clephan David, fliore-malter, kirkgate, ditto. Crawford James, fhip-buildcr, north Leith. BREWERS. Campbell Alexander, Campbell*! clofc, cowgate. Cockburn William, plcafance. Comb William, yard- heads, Leith. Comb Matthew, Jun. {Iiertil'-brac, Leith. Cnodell Jamei and Son, ditto. Couden David, in dub-row, Leith. Cairns Robert, lees-quarter, Leith. CarintOfl John, foot of new-irrcct, canongate. Crichton James, back of the canongate- SURGEONS. Chalmers William, back ftairs. Choyne John, new-key, Leith. Caritairs John, head of the canongate. SMITHS, &c. Crawford William, grafs-market, north fide Chalmers Robert, calton. C 17 Cockburn Andrew, white-iron-fmith, bow-head. Chalmers Roderick, ditto, lawn-market, north iide. Chalmers Thomas, black-fmith, potter-row. Cairnton Robert, ditto, Allan's clofe. Crawford Maurice, eopper-fraith, canongate-head. George, black-fmith, pleafance. Chriitie WATCH-MAKERS. Cowan James, parliament clofe. Cleland John, lawn-market, north-fide. CUdfdale Robert, head of Dickfon's clofe. CUTLERS. Crooks John, Leith-wynd. Cargill Andrew, ditto. Cargill Daniel, ditto. WRIGHTS, Sec. Cowan George, Cowan's clofe, cowgate. Callendar George, ditto. Cairns James, yard-heads, Leith* SLATERS. Crockat John, kirkgate, Leith. Chiiflol John, head of the canongate, GLAZIERS. Clark James," oppofite Chefals's court, canongate. Clark Robert, Toderick's wynd. PAINTERS. Cameron Archibald, Milln's clofe, eowgate* Cunningham ThomaSj canal-ftreet. Caldwall John, limner, Skinner*s clofe. Cumming James, ditto, new-ftreet, TAYLORS. canongate* Culbert John, calton. Creech Alexander, ftay-mraker, ehapel-ftreer. Craigie Thomas, taylor and ftay-maker, canon.-heaxL BARBERS and H A I R - DRESSERS. Culbert "W illiam, luckenbooths. Cockburn William, Nieolfbn's-ftreet, G i3 C BAXTERS. Crooks Thomas, grafs- market, north fide. Colvil Mrs, Milln's fquare. Clark ion John, at the crofs. Cunningham James, head of Toderick's wynd. Crawford William, head of Skinner's clofe. Cunnigham James, head of Burnet's clofe.

Clarklon , at the foot of Niddery's wynd. CouJen Hugh, near the cow gate port. Crawford Alex, college wynd. Cleghorii Robert, tolbooth wynd, Leith. Cunningham David, foot of the well-bow. Cleghorn William, coal-hill, Leith. FLESHERS. Camming Thomas, Bull's clofe. Cairns John,SHOE-MAKERS.canal-flreet. Cumming William, weft end of the luckenbooths. Chifhohn William, St Ninian's-row. Ghifliolm John, calton. Craigie Thomas, pleafance. Cowie James, laft-maker, calton. Carmichael Daniel,VINTNERS.paton-maker, luckenbooths. Oxkburn John, briflow-ftreet. Cahlwalls Alex, foot of Peeble's wynd. Crookfhanks John, fhorc of Leith* Crichton Mrs, bernarcUfireetj Leitb. Cnrrie Mrs, on the iiiorc, ditto. Catanach John, ditto. Cowan Mrs, ditto. STABLER S. Crawford Jolin, grafs-market, nortlj fide. Coulter James, ditto. Campbell John, ditto, fonth fide Clichton Archibald,ENGRAVERS.ditto. Clark John, oppofitc the tolboo'h. Cameron Cicoigc, Boi thwick'i clofe C *$ BOOK-BINDERS. Campbell Samuel, weft-bow. Chriftie William, back-ftairs. Clark Robert, Kincaid's land, cowgate. SCHOOL-MASTERS. Cranfton James, Niddery's wynd. Cockburn John, Marlain's wynd. Coffer Walter, at the crofs. Crookfhanks Andrew, oppofite the poft-houfe-ftair;;. MILLINERS and MANTUA-MAKERS. Chriftie May, luckenbooths. Cumming Anne, lawn-market, north fide. Chalmers and Cochrane, Milln's fquare, Cock Janet, foot of the back-ftairs. Callendar Mifs, mantua-maker, cowgate-head. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS, Cumming and fon, bankers, prefident-ftairs.- Culbert William, faddler, back of the guard. Clark Robert, goldimith, parliament clofe. Carmichael James, nailer, grafs-market, north fide. Craw William, harnefs-maker, fountain-well. Caddel John, ftone-warehoufe, nether-bow. Clark John, organift, blackfriars wynd. Craig James, feflion- clerk, foot of the weft-bow. Craig James, architect, ditto. Crocket Robert, wine-cooper, kirkgate, Leith. Crumbie Andrew, filk-dyer, Hume's clofe, cowgatc, Caitchin Jolin, carver, cowgate. Chriftie James, cork-cutter, foot of Burnet's clofe- Clapperton James, Tint-drefTer, head of Scot's clofe. Clark Thomas, leather- manufacturer, briftow-ftreet, Clark David, ditto, potter-row. Campbell Thomas, officer of excife, kirkgate, Leith. Cunningham Tho, ftearch-mak. bernard-ftreet, Leich. Cameron and Carrol, upholfterers, above tron-church. Crichton, coach-maker, canongate. Clark John, Jeweler and optician, oppofite the. guard. Cock William, bookfeller, on the fhore, Leith, C 2 20 D Crookflunks William, candlemaker, canongate-head. Chriilie WilL clerk to the rolbooth, blackfriars wynd. Cumming George, weaver, canongate-head Crooks V/il. ferrier, near the foot of the canongate. Cramb William, breeches-maker, ROOM-SETTERS.potter-row. Clark Mrs, Currie's clofe, caftle-hili. Chaplain Mrs, ditto. Campbell Mrs, old affembly clofe Catanach Mrs, at the crofs. Chalmers Mrs, head of the cowgate. Campbell Mrs, head of ditto. Cameron Mrs, potter-row. Chapman Mrs, boarder, Morifon's clofe. Callendar Mrs, ditto, Marlain's wynd.

D ADVOCATES DAlrymple Sir John, Cranfton. Duff William, back-wall, pottcr-row-port. Dundas Thomas, marq. Tweedale's, nethei-bnw. Dundas John, wright's houfes. Dunbar Sir James, new-ftreet, canongate. Dalrymple David, advocates clofe. Duff Arthur, Rothiemay, country. Douglas Lewis, near Dalkieth. Dick Robert, Allifon's fquare. Dundas James, parliament clofe. Dewar James, meal-market flairs. Dundas Henry, George's fquare. Dickfbn James, Dunbar Alexander, Denholm Sir Archibald, Drammond A, Duff Alexander, Duncan Alexander, D 21 CLERKS to Ms Majesty's SIGNET Dallas George, Niddery's wynd. Davidfon John, king's agent, caftle-hill. Dick 'Andrew, Nairn's clofe, djtto. Duncan Alexander, high-fchool yards* Dunbar Keith, old affembly clofe. Donaldfon Robert, Chalmers's clofe* Duff Lauchlan, James's court. Dundas John, prefident-ftairs. Dick William, back-flairs. Dunbar William, oppofite the guards LORDS and ADVOCATES CLERKS. Dickie Matthew, to James Bofwell, James's court. clofe, Dallas J. to J. Dickfbn, and Alex. Belches, par. Duncan Char, to J* Campbell jun. high-fchool yards WRITERS admitted by the Court of Seffion. Dingwall John, Niddery's wynd. Dalgliefh James, cuflom-houfe flairs. Dallas James, parliament clofe. Donaldfon Robert, Chalmers's clofe, not admitted. Duncan John, cowgate, ditto. Dougal writer, back of the theatre. Deucbar Andrew, procurator, cowgate. PHYSICIANS. Dick Sir Alexander, Freflonfield. Drummond Alex.-Monro, profeff Wardrope's court. Duncan Andrew, briftow-flreer. NOBLEMEN and GENTLEMEN. Dalhoufie earl of, Dalhoufie caflle. Dalryinple John, kte Provoft, queens-frreet- Donaldfon John, richmond-ftreet. Doeg David, hammermens clofe, canongate. Duncan George, comptroller of the ftamp-office. briftow-flreet. MERCHANTS. Dunfmuir and co. head of Sellers's clofe. Duncan John, hard-ware mer. front- of exchange, Dawfon William, lawn-market, north fide. Dewar and M'Farlanc, oppoGte bridge-ftrcet. Dowie David, fecd-inan, foot of welt-bow. Davie John, Nicolfon's-iheet. Dalton Robert, new-key, Leith. Dickfon John, on the fhore of Leith. Dryfdale & Badie, corn-merch. fherifF-brae, Leith. GROCERS. Dempfter John, head of Kinloch's clofe. Dalgliefh Jaines, lawn-market. Durham Alexander, caltlc-hill. Donaldfon Samuel, on the (hore of Leith.

S H I P-M ASTERS. Dingwall cahon. Dick John, precious clofe, Leith. Dryburgh Robert, fhip-bi"lder, north Leith. GOLDSMITHS and JEWELERS. Dempfler William, parliament clofe. Davie William, well entry to ditto. Davie Adam, oppofite to Haddo's-hole church-door. SHOE MAKERS. Davidfon Alexander, calton. Douglas Walter, St Ninian's-row. Dallas Henry, ditto. Douglas William, fountain-well. John,harnels-maker Jack's land canongate, DRUGGISTS. Donald James, oppofite the city-guard. Douglas Andrew, foot of Forrcfter's wynd. Duncan Mrs, head of Brodic's clofe, lawn-market BOOKSELLERS and PRINTERS. Donaldfon Alexander, printer and bookf. at the crofs* Drummond John, ditto. Dickfoo James, front of the exchange. VINTNERS. DllUlbredk John, king's head, bridge-finer. Dick Alexanderf prefident-ftaiw, parliament -clofe. Dick Rotten, MJUo'i fqnare, Do'igl.u Daniel, Craig's dole. D 23 Dunbar Mrs, Libberton's wynd. Dun James, Cowgate-port. Duncan John, the fliore of Leith. Dick John, bernard-ftreet, Leith. LADIES and GENTLEMEN. Dirleton lady, Bifliop's land. Dickfon Mifs, of Hartry, Murdoch's clofe. Douglas Mrs, marq. of Tweedale's clofe. Drummond Mils, Niddery's wynd. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Duncan John, brafs-founder, calton. Davidfon William and fon, glovers, creams. Douglas John, hatter, Monteath's clofe. Dallas and Son, (ilk-dyers, blackfriars wynd. Dow Peter, holier, head of Toderick's wynd. Dougal and Kinrofs, barbers, back of fountain -well. Dryidale Alexander, copper-fmith, weft-bow. Davidfon William, cooper, foot of Libberton's wynd. Dow John, cork-cutter, at ditto. Dewar William, glazier, oppolite the back-ftairs. Dudgeon Alexander, ditto, Allifon's fquare. Dykes Mrs, barber, on the fliore of Leith. Douglas John, architect, ditto. Dalmahoy James, currier, foot of Jack's clofe canon. Drummond John, weaver, fhoe-maker's clofe canon. Donaldfon John, painter, nether-bow. Davidfon Daniel, ditto, lawn-market. Dick and Ronald, upholfterers, mckenbooths. Deuchar David, lapidary, ditto. Dallas and Barclay, milliners, oppofite the city gnaid. Dundas Mifs, ditto, luckenbooths. Dick James, brewer, foot of the college wynd. Davidfon Robert, ditto, foot of the canongate. Dalgliefh watch-maker, parliament -clofe. Downie William, ditto, welt end, of luckenbooths. Davidfon Robert, upholfterer, lawn-market. Dallas William, wright, Anchor clofs. Donaldfon David, ditto, calton. Dick William, tobacconilt, grafs-market. Duncan John, ditto, kirkgate, Leith. .

24 F SCHOOL- MASTERS. Dunfmure John, fchool-m after, bailie Fyfe's clofe. Dnimmotul Alexander, Dickfon's clofe. Duncan Libberton's wynd ROOM SETTERS and BOARDERS.

Dunbar Mrs, Brown's clofe 4 Downie Mrs, Carrubber's clofe Diuibar Mrs, Chalmers's clofe. Druramond Mrs, Fifher's clofe, lawn-market.

E ADVOCATES. ELibank Lord, James's court. Erlkine James. Elliot Sir Gilbert, keeper of the fignet, Brown's fq. Elphingftone Alexander, Carrubber's clofe Erfldne Henry, flioe-ruakers clofe, canongate, CLERKS to his Majesty's SIGNET. Elliot Cornelius, caftlc-hill. Erfldne David, Argyle's fquare. Edgar John, horfe-wynd. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. EdmooftooC James, writer, admitted, back of the guard. Eafton John, procurator, Allan's clofe. Eccles Martin, phyfician George's fquare* Elphingftom Lord, kirk brae-head. EdmOllltoM William, furgeon, lees-quarter, Leith. Elder and Co. conftcL & grocer op. the tron-church. Ewin^ Jamc, (thool-inaiter, cowgate. E^gle Mrs, fecd-mcr. Smith's land. Ew;irt Tlifima.s, ftabltr, foot of candle-maker-row. EfpUfl Michael, (hoe-maker, foot of Forrefter's wynd, Eu art Wiliiam, topper-fruit)., Lcith-wynd. Liplin John, paptr-llaincr head of Swan'-i clofe. F 25

Efpy William, diitiller, upper baxters clofe. Elliot Charles, bookfeller, parliament cloie. Eafton John, merchant, middle of the weft-port. Edmoniton Mrs, milliner, head of Baranger's dofe. Elliot Mrs, midwife, Dickfou's clofc. Elliot Mil's, mantua-maker, D^ckfon's clofe. Elliots Mifs, milliners, ditto. Englifh Mil's, miliner, oppollte the city-guard.

F ADVOCATES. FRafer Simon, feu. Crichtcn-fa-eet. Fargufon Sir Adam, St Andrew's {quare< Fergufon James, jun, luckenbootbs. Fergufon George, Millus fquare. Forbes "William, Leith. Frafer Simon, jun. bailie Fyfe's clofe. Fergufon Alex. St Andrew's fquare. Falconer David, world's end clofe.

Fleming, J. Stewart, old afTembly clofe. WRITERS to his Majesty's SIGNET. Frafer Wiiliam, prefident- flairs. Frafer John, Milln's court. Frafer James, new-town. Frafer Simon, Milln's fquare. Forrefc James, Milln's court. Ferrier James, ditto. LORDS and ADVOCATES CLERKS. Forbes Alex, to Ld. Strichen, Sell's wynd. Foggo James, to Ld. Hales, at the crofs, fouth fide. Fergufon Alex, to C. Hay and Alexander Scrymgeow 3 head of Barauijer's clofe.

WRITERS admitted by the Couri of Scffioa, Forbes David, BroJie's ciofe, lawn-marke:. D 26 F Forbes George, taylor's-hall, cowgate. Flockhut John, Newington. FinLvyfon William, foot of Cant's doll. Farquhar George, back of the theatre. Frafer Alex, ditto. Fergufon Walter, writer, Gavinloclvs land. GENTLEMEN. Forbes Sir William, new-town. Foulis David, phylician, at Mifs Paton's caftle-hiil. Fergufon James, captain, Gavinloch'-j land, Ittckenb. Fullerton George, comptroller of cuftoms, Brughton, Falconer, Mrs, Foulis's clofe. Fullerton [olui, Efq; Niddery'* wynd. Fullerton William fclf^; of Fullerton, Argyll's fcpiare. For reft John, Efq; of Comifton, laurillou. Frafer George, clerk of Excife, bridow-ftreet Forbes Robert, bilhop, kirkgatc-LeitU. Falconer John, ditto, near the foot of canongate. BANKERS. Fairhobn Thomas, Blyth'a clofe, cafllc-lull. Foggo Thomas, James's court. Fyfe John, Wardropc's court. Frafer John, calton. Fergufon Anthony, poft-houfe flairs.

MERCHANT S. Farquhar James, hard-ware-mercliaut, luckenbooths. Foggo Thomas, front of the exchange. Fcttc:; William, fen. Liberton's wynd, weft fide. Kcrrier Robert, wine-inerch.-int, rotten-row, Lcith. !"ji avarCbu] Jamcy, quality-fticct, Leith. Fcttes Mrs, luckenbooths, fouth Mr. Fyfe Jamei, head of Wardropc's court. Foora Alexander, holier, oppofite the guard. Forreller Peter, hard-ware-merch. at the crofs. Forreftcr Francis, ditto, luckenbooths. Korreft John, caftle-hill. Fyfe Jamej, Partcrfou's court. Falconer D. cl. dep. of the weigh-houfe, weft-bow. F- 27 GROCERS. Fettes William, jun. Smith's land, nethcr-bow. Finch T- confec. and grocer, head of bvidge-itreett Farquharfon Peter, Biihop's land. Fell Thomas, head of Cant's clofe. Forrert Alexander, CharlesVftreet. Fergufon Mango, Kenderfon's ftairs. Fergufon John, head of St Mary wynd. Farquarfon Mrs, head of Chefals's court, canongate. Fortune George, foot of Robertfon's clofe, cowgate* SHIP-MASTER S- Farmer Peter, Burges's clofe, Leith. Forrefter William, new-key, ditto. Foord John, coal-hill, ditto* Forrefter Robert, ditto. BREWERS.

Fleming John, foot of new-ftreet, canongate fc Fenton William, water-gate, ditio. Finlay William, diftiller, abbey-hill. VINTNERS. Fortune John, oppofite the guard. Frafer Alexander, covenant-ciofe. Fyfe Peter, old fift-market. Finlay Robeit, onthe&ore, Leith. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Fleming Robert, printer and bookfeller, at the crofs. Fergufon John, copper-fmith, weft -bow. Fergufon James, ditto, foot of weft-bow. Finlay David, barber, lawn-market.

Fifhex John, engraver, luckenbooths. - Frafer William, white-iron-fmith, ditto. Frafer John, ditto, weft-bow. Frafer Simon, captain of the tolbooth, ditto. Forfyth James, fhoemaker, calton. Forrefter And. keeper of the cofFee-ho. at the crofs. Fairholm barber, head of Bell's wynd. Forbes James, lint-drelier, old fifh-market. D 2 28 F Forbes James, lint«drefTer, old filh-market. Fergufon William, candle-maker, weft-bow. Forreft William, printer, foot of ditto. Fair Martin, ftone-warehoufe, weft-bow. Forbes Duncan, ftearch-manufacturer, grafs-market. Forfyth James, book-binder, oppofite meal-market. Fleming William, mafon, Nicolfon's-ffcreet. Frafer John, wright, cracklmg-houfe. Frafer John tanner, head of the canongate. Forreft Michael, goldfmith, head of new-ftrcet, can. Frafer Luke, mafter of the high-fchool, Allilbn's fq. Finlayfon Thomas, baxter, dub-row, Leilh. Finlayfon Thomas, baxter, tolbooth wynd, ditto. ROOM-SETTERS and BOARDERS. Falconer- Mrs, boarder and room-fetter, Carrub. clofe. Foggo Mrs, ditto/ bailie Fyfe's clofe. Fergus Mrs, ditto head of Chalmers's clofe. Fergnfon Mrs, boarding-fchool, fociety Finlay Mrs, room -Tetter, fountain clofe. Farquharion Mrs, Koulis's clofe. Frigg Mrs, Milln's court. Fleming Mrs, richmond-ftrcct. Fergufon Mrs, midwife, Lyon's clofs. Falconer Mrs, ditto, Chcyne's land, n.-key, Leith.

ADVOCATES. GOrdon the honourable Alexander, caAle-hill. Grant Sir Archibald, horfe wynd. Grahame Nicol, Gartcmore. Glen James, Grxmc David, parliament clofe. Gillon John, Konlis's clofe. Gordon John, Riddle's land. Gordon Cofmo, Argylc's fquarc. -

G 19 Gordon Alexander, Jun.caftle-hill. Gordon Robert, Graeme Patrick, Grant James, polMioufe flairs. Gordon William, Grahame John bailie Fyfe's clofe- WRITERS to his Majesty's SIGNET- Gordon Alexander, briftow-ilreet. Gartfhore James, Gosford's clofe. Grant Robert, Carrubber's dofe. Gordon George Gordon William, Grant Colquhoun, Gayinloch's land, luckenbootlrs Gray Alexander, St Andrew's fquare. Gray John, Kennedy's clofe. Grant Ifaac, blackfriars wynd. Gordon John, hanover-ftreet. Gordon Charles, George's fquare. Grahame John, bailie Fyfe's clofe. Gow William, officer, Scot's clofe. LORDS and ADVOCATES CLERKS.. Gibfon Tho. principal clerk of feffion, Fifher's land, lawn-market. Grant Ludovick, to L. Advocate, pari, clofe. Grant James,, to Buchan Hepburn, Grant Lauchlan, to Alex. Lockhart, Monteath's clofe. Gordon Lewis, to Cofmo Gordon,

Geurly Oliver, to J. Scott, trunk clofe. Gordon Alex, of Crogo, to J. M'Laurin> parlia. clofe. Gordon Alex, keeper of the minute-book, laurifton. Guthrie Henry, extractor, Durie's office, Newington, Gibb W. dep. keep, of the min. book Nicol. ftreet.

WRITERS admitted by the Court of Sefllon. Grant Lauchlan, Monteath's clofe. Gordon Alex, of Crogo, ftamp-offise flairs pari, clofe. Grant John, teviot-row. Grant Alexander, morocco's clofe. Gray John, Kennedy'-s clofe. Greig James, Cant's clofe,sot admitted. 30 G Geddes William, writer in Excife, Libberton's wynd. Greig William, Wood's land, cowgate. Grant John, head of Brodie's clofe, lawn-market. PHYSICIANS. Glen Thomas, canongate. Gardiner, John, Niddery's wynd. Grant Gregory, James's court. GENTLEMEN. Gray Lord, Adams's fquare. Grant John, baron of exchequer, new-ftreet. Guthrie James, trnftees office, Gloag John, Kiinifter, Fifher's clofe. lawn-market, Gibibn doctor, oppofrte the foot of Niddery's wynd. Grahame John Efq} Nicolfon's ftreet. Gibb Adam, miniftef Nicolfon's ftreet Glen John, doctor, below the car.ongate-chnrch. Gregory Robert, St John's ftreet. Goldie George, britifh linen office, canongate. LADIES and GENTLEWOMEN. Grant Lady of, Preftongrange, St John's ftreeto Gibfon Mis, Brodie's clofe, caft'e-hill. Guild Mifs, Patterfon's court. Grahame MhT, Marlain's wynd. Geddes Mrs, bow-heado MERCHANTS. Gibb John, corner of bridge-ftreet. Gillefpie and Fyfe, luckenbooths. Gray Mifs, and Co. ditto, Gloag John, ditto. Grant Lewis, ditto. Gray George, foy»merchant, parliament clofe. Gray Toderick's wynd. Gilchrtft Archibald and Co. back of the guard. Goodfman James, hofier, head of Turk's clofe. Goodfman John, ditto, foot of Libberton's wynd, Gordon Janet, on the ihore, Leith. Gordon John, ditto. Grieve James, new-key, ditto. u 31 Gowans Alexander, bernard-ftreet, Leith. Gladftanes Tho. flower and barley mer. coal-hill, ditto. Grant John, jun. kirkgate, ditto. Grindley George, leather-merchant, welt-bow» Grahame Mrs, wool ditto, caftle-hill. Grant John, fen. bernard-ftreet, Leith. GROCERS. Gray David, grafs-market, north fide. Graham David, ditto. Graham James, lawn-market. Grant James, head of Halkerfton's wynd. Gibb James, head of fountain clofe. Guild Mrs, head of Forrefter's wynd. Gibfon James, weft-bow. Gavine Jofeph, two-penny-cuftom. Greig David, foot of Burnet's clcfe. Gow Robert, foot of college wynd. Giles Alexander, dub-row, Leith, Grieve Mrs, canongate-head. Gibb James, oppofite the Britifh linen office, Gray David, canongate-foot. Geddes James, Cow gate-head. BREWERS. Grahame James, Livingfton's yards. Gordon James, grafs-market. Geiles Mrs, lees-quarter, Leith. Gilbert James, foot of tolbooth wynd, canongate Gentle James, below the canongate-church. VINTNERS. Grant William, writer's court. Giles William, covenant clofe. Gardener Mrs, cowgate-port. Grieve Mrs, more of Leith. BOOKSELLERS. Gibb William, parliament-houfe. Gray William, front of the exchange. Gordon William, parliament-dofe. Gray John, printer and bookfeller, oppofite the guard. 32 G GOLDSMITHS. Gardiner Alexander, parliameut-dofc. Gilliland James, ditto. Gilchrift William, anchor-clofe. WRIGHTS and UPHOLSTERERS. Gow John, caftle-hill. Gordon Lewis, uphol. head of Halkerfton'i wynd. Gillefpie ditto, head of Carrubber's dole. Gibb Hugh, grafs-market. Good Andrew and Son, college wynd. Grant Charles, briilow-ftrcet. Goodall James, {hoe-makers clofe, canongater Galloway Alexander, turner, caftle-hill. Gardiner William, crofs-caufeway. SHOE- MAKERS. Grigory John, calton. Giblbn William, ditto. Grieve George, ditto. Glafs James, ditto. Gray James, St Ninian's-row. Gray George, potter-row. Gray Andrew, Leith wynd. BAXTERS. Gray John, north fide of the grafs-marker. Graham Duncan, briltow-Itreet. Gilhs Henry, canongatc-hc ad.

R O O M - S E T T E R S. Grant Mrs, James's court. Gibfon Mr«, flefh-market clofe. Graham Mils, Carrubber's clofe Gilchrifl Mil's, ditto. Guthrie Mrs, oppofitC bhekfriars wyr.d. Gordon John, Dicklbn'i clofe. Guthrie Mr,, ol.l-aflembly clofe. Guthrie Mrs, old cuflom-houfc ftair» Gordon Mrs, new-key, Leith* Ged Mifs, Patcrfon'i court. G 33 Gordon Mrs, advocate's clofe. Garvie Mrs, back of the theatre. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Gibfon and Balfour, bankers, covenant clofe. Gordon James, accompt. Horn's building, calton-hiD. Grant William, taylor, blackfriars wyttd, Gibfon WilHam, ditto, potter-row. Grant John, glover, oppofite teviot row, briftow-ftreet. Gray Robert, procurator-fifcal, Byres's clofe. George Adam, hofier, lawn-market. Guthrie James, fecretary to the truftees, exchange. Gardner George, pewterer, nether- bcw. Grahame Wiiliam, faddler, cowgate-head. Graham John, book-binder, oppofite the meal-market. Govan YVilliam, glazier, op. bow-head-well. Gavine Lewis, French-teacher, Bilhop's land. Galbreath Henry, printer, bull's clofe. Gardner Alex, fchool-mafter,, upper baxters clofe. Gillefpie James

CLERKS to his Majesty's SIGNET. Haliburton James, Carrobber's dole. Hay William, Gosford's clofe. Hume Henry, Hume George, canongate. Halibnrton Andrew, Gosford's clofe.

Hay William, jon, prioces-itree .

Hunter J aim, Patterfou's court. LORDS and ADVOCATES C I- E R K S. Hunter John, to Lord Monboddo, potter-row. Hart Alexand :, tojamei Fergofon, and A. Rowland, cuftom-houfe flairs. Hardie James, to Thomas Calderwood, well-how. Henry William, to A. Wight, parliament clofe.

w R I T E R S. Halc'aiic JoIid, blackfriars wyndi

T Tail PMneas, cancngate-head* Hepburn George, caftle-hilL Hntchifbn Peter, Middleton't entry, potter-row. Hay John, aeeomptaat, blackfriars wynd. Hepburn John, ditto, cattle hill. Hamilton Jo! n, procurator, wcil-bow. H 35

Hume John, NicolfonVftreet. Hume George, town-clerk of Leith, kirk-gate. NOBLEMEN and GENTLEMEN. Hopeton earl of, St John's-ftreet. Hamilton of Bargennie, St Andrews-ftreet. Hunter of Thurfton, St Andrews fquare. Hume David ditto. Henderfon Sir Robert, St john's-flreet. Home General, kirk-gate, Leith. Hepburn Alexander, Allifon's fquare. Hacket Colonel, fociety. Hume Colonel, caftle-hill.

Hay Efqj fountain clofe „ Hamilton Robert, profef. of di. head of college wynd. Hamilton major, of Fairholm, fociety. Henry Robert, minifter, briftow-ilreet. Harper John, minifter, Marlain's wynd. LADIES and GENTLEWOMEN. Hume Lady, caftle-hill. Hog Mrs, Allifon's fquare. Hepburn Mrs, caftle-hill. Hutchifon Mrs, Herriot's work. Hamilton Mrs, St John's ftreet. Hume Mrs, of Gemblefheels, ditto. Henderfon Mifs, high-fchool yards. PHYSICIANS. Hume Francis, Foulis's clofe. Hope John, high-fchool yards. Hay James, new-ftreet, canongate. Hamilton James, Horfeburgh James, Stonelaw's clofe. MERCHANTS. Hepburn Thomas, luckenbooths. Hamilton James, grafs-market, north fide. Hunter James, hard-ware mere, parliament houfe. Henderfon Thomas, iron-ditto, weft-bow. Houfton Alexander, James's court, E 36 H

Hope John and co. filk ware-honfe, parliament-clofe. Hamilton Hugh, luckenbooths. Hutchifon and Robb, ditto. Hepburn Mifs, ditto. Hill Mrs, ditto. Hutchifon John, ditto. Hill Campbell, head of Sellers's clofe. Harley William, hofier, head of flefh-market clofe. Hutton John, paper ware-honfe, parliament clofe. Harvey Thomas, weft-bow. Hamilton Robert, paper-merchant, ditto. Hutchifon John, rotten-row, Leith. Hay Mrs, on the fhorc of Leith. Hutton James, bernard's llrect, ditto. Hadaway John, yard-heads, ditto. Haggart William, wine mere, fheriff-brac, ditto. Hardie James, jun. tolbooth wynd, ditto. Hutton Mrs, china-merchant, exchange. GROCERS. Hunter and Matthew, oppofite Niddery's wynd. Hamilton Alexander, nether-bow. Hcrdman Robert, front of Milln's court. Hunter William, grafs-market. Hamilton James, weft- bow. Houden John, briftow-ftreet. HuhSand Tnomas, canongate-head. Hudlefon Mrs, canongate-foot. Hogg James, canongate-head. Hopes Mifs. head of Brodie's clofe.

S H I P-M ASTERS. Houifon George, on the more of Leith. Hamilton James, ditto. Hardie John, north Leith. Hume William, ditto. Hume James, coal-hill, ditto. Hunter William, dub-row, Leith. Hogg Thomas, tolbooth wynd, ditto. Hay Charles, (hip-builder, north Leith.. Hardie James, fen. coaft-waitcr, tolbooth wynd ditto. H 37 SURGEONS. Hepburn and Lauder, furgeons, luckenbooths. Hepburn William, princes-ftreet. Hay John, Strichen's clofe. Hamilton Alexander, back-ftairs. Hepburn John, flefli-inarket clofe, canongate. WRIGHTS and UNDERTAKERS. Hay John, advocates dole. Horn John, calton. Horn James, calton. Houifon Charles, Fifher's clofe, lawn-market. Hill Thomas, princes-ftreet, new-town. Hunter Charles, candlemaker-row. Hamilton William, pleafance. Hamilton William, kirkgate Leith. Hamilton William, tolbooth wynd, canongate. Herriot Thomas, chefals's court. Herriot Thomas, Allan's clofe. Hill William, back of the theatre. Hope and Chalmers, old aflembly clofe. SMITHS. Herriot William gun-fmith, head of Chalmers's clofe. Haftie John, princes-ftreet. Hutchifon John, Scot's clofe. Henderfon John kirkgate, Leith. BAXTERS. Hardie Andrew, badgeon-hole. Hutchifon Thomas, oppofite the city-guard. Hardie George, head of bridge-ftreet. Haig Mrs, Niddery's wynd. Hardie George, Gosford's clofe. Hardie Henry, head of B rodie's clofe. Hardie Richard, grafs-market. Hardie Ralph, foot of back ftairs, cowgate. Hunter David, in the abbey. Hunter Peter, foot of old aflembly clofe, 38 H SHOE MAKERS. Hart Orlando, oppofite the city-guard. Hutchifon James, calton. Hendcrfon Peter, paton- maker, calton. Houifon Nicol, St Nuiian's row, Hewit John potter-row. Henry David, Leith wynd. Herd James, pleafance. Hunter Thomas, potter-row. BREWERS. Herriot James, goofe-dub. Kenderfon William, St Leonard's hill. Hodgecafe James, grafs-markct, fouth fide. Hadaway Thomas, yard-heads, Leith. Hunter John, toot of tolbooth wynd, canongate. Hardie James, canongate-foot. Hay John, Robertfon's clofe. STABLER S. Hall William, foot of Cant's clofe. Herriot Archibald, canongate-hcad. Hunter William, Leith-wynd. Henderfon John, fmith and ftabler, xirkgate, Leith. MILLINERS, &c. Hay Mifs, milliner, luckenbooths. Huttons Mifs, weft-wing, exchange. Horfeburgh Mrs, fountain-well. Hamilton Mrs, head of Forreftcr's wynd. Hume Mrs, weft-bow. Hunter Mrs, mantua and grave cloaths maker, ham- mermens clofe, cowgate. Hunter Mifs Mary, milliner there. Hamilton Mifs, mantua-maker, old aflcmbly cloP\ Haig Mrs, mantua-maker, on the fhore, Leith. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Hunter Alexander, Banker, covenant clofe. Hume John, coach-maker, new-town. Hunter John, druggift, we(l-bow. Hewit James, goldfmith, ditto. H 39 Hay James, glazier, back of the tolbooth, north fide. Hodge James, ditto, queen-ftreer, Leith. Hutton Robert, mufician, Kennedy's clofe. Hunter William, pewterer, foot of the weft-bow. Hugh Mitchell, gilder, meal-market. Henry Peter, tobacconift, foot of the old fifli-market. Herriot Mrs, book-binder, old fifh-market clofe. Herriott Cbaries, bookfeller and binder, fliop parlia- ment houfe. Henderfon James, plafterer, foot of the horfe wynd. Hunter George, mafon, hamermens clofe, cowgate. Hunter Charles, book-binder, ditto. Hutchifon, druggift, foot of candlemaker-row. Hume clerk in the truftees otBce, new-ftreet. Hog Wal. aflift. manager Britiih linen co. abbey-hill. Hearherweek Nicol, excife-officer, St Ninian's row. Hempfeed Mrs, midwife, weft-bow. Harley John vintner on the ihore, Leith. Harley Mrs, inn-keeper, bernard-ftreet, Leith. Hog James, lint manufacturer, Allan's clofe. Hay William, taylor, lawn- market. Hunter Thomas, ditto, cartongate head. Hay John, barber, back of the city guard. Hunter David, ditto, calton. Hall John, ditto, cowgate. Handcock Leas, weaver, Dickfon's clofe. Hodgfon William, at Skitenburg's patent manure- office, hanover-ftreet, new-town. K OOM-SETTERS. Hamilton Mrs,, old poft-houfe clofe. Hutchifon Mrs, biackfriars wynd. Hyflop Mifs, back-ftairs. Horner Mifs, covvgate-head. Hunter Mrs, cowgate. Hector Mrs, Byers's clofe. Hunter Mrs, poft-houfe flairs. Herriot Mrs, makes grave-cloaths and fets rooms Nairn's dole, caftle-hi'l. 4°

I CLERKS to his Majesty's SIGNET. INnes Thomas, Turk's clofe. Jamiefon Robert, Wardrope's court. Innes Alexander, welt-bow.

W R I T E R S and CLERKS, ire. JefFery George, firit clerk, to Robert Sinclair advo. Innes George, to James Erlkine, ditto. Johftone John, to Alexander Steven, ditto. Inglis Charles, dep. clerk to the bills, wrights-houfes. Inglis Laurance, writer, entry to Herriot s work. Jackfon William, ex. Pringle's office, L. Stair's clofe. Inglis George, Efq; of exchequer, Niddery's wynd. Irvine John, writer in the chancery, Blyth's clofe. Innes George, in the ftamp office, Niddery's wynd. MERCHANTS. Inglis Patrick, entry to the parliament clofe. Inglis Claud, luckeilbooths. Jamiefon and Carmichael, exchange. Johnftone Peter, Niddery's wynd. Jamiefon John, wine mer. rotten-row, Leith. Jamiefon John, fen. wine merchant, ditto. Jamiefon Thomas new-key, ditto. Innes John, corn mer. precious clofe, ditto. Jamiefon John and co. tiniber-buih, ditto. Innes Charles, linen-draper, at the crofs. GROCERS. Jarvey and Lang, luckenboolhs. John/ton Andrew, chapel-ltrcet. Innes Mrs, Allifon's fquare. GENTLEMEN. Inglis Sir John, horfe wynd. fohnfton of Straiton, Adams's court, (ohnfton David, minifter, no;th Leitb. I 4* Johnfton of Carlon, Chefals's court, canongate. Irvine James, Efq;SURGEONS.Nicolfon's ftreet. Inglis William, foot of the luckenbooths. Inglis head of the flefh-market clofe, Edward, BARBERS. Jeffrey Francis and James, lawn-market. Johnfton James, oppofite the tron-church.. Johnfton Robert, below Carrubber's clofe. Johnfton Thomas,SHOE-MAKERS.on the Ihore Leith. Johnfton James, canongate head. Jack John, briftow-ftreet. Johnfton William, ditto. Ireland David, near the nether-bow. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Jarden Alex, confectioner, St Ninian's row. Johnfton John, founder, ditto. Innes Edward, baxter, blackfriars wynd. Inglis Archibald, pewterer, Kennedy's clofe. Innes Francis, gun-fmith, at Magdalen's chapel, cow. Johnfton Andrew, ftabler, bow-foot. Jamiefon George, tobacconift, grals-market. Inverarity David, wright, canal-ftreet. Johnfton Charles, ftay-maker, oppofite the meal-mar. Innes Edward, baxter, below the flefli-market clofe. Johnfton Charles, fchool-mafter, briftow-ftreet. Jollie Andrew, taylor, canongate -head. Jollie Walter, ditto. Inglis James, merchant, princes-ftreet. Jamiefon William, mafon, letters for him to be left at Mifs Nicolfon's milliner, back of the city-guard. Izzet James, hatter, oppofite Chefals's court, canon. Johnfton James, cooper, oppofite the canongate-church. jack William, hofier, oppofite Magdalen's chapel. ROOM-SETTERS. Juftice Mrs, Gavinlocb's land. Johnfton Mrs, Nicolfon's ftreet. Jamiefon Mrs, boarding-fchool, bailie Fyfe's clofe. F 42 K


A D V O C A T E S and C L E R K S, 4re. KIrkpatrick James, advocate. Kirkpatrick William, advocate, and principal clerk of Seffion, Dalrye. Keith Alexander, dep. cle. of Seffion, college wynd. Kirkpatrick George, Crichton-ltreet. Kemp Alexander, clerk to Ld Kaims, caitle-hill. Key James, to John M'Kenzie. Kerr William, to Patrick M'Donald. Kerr James, keeper of the regifters, Laurifton. Ketel James, writer, Brodie's clofe. GENTLEMEN. Keith Robert, Efq; St Andrew's fqnare. Kinloch David of Gilraerton, Efq; exchange. GROCERS. Kennedy Robert, head of the anchor clofe. Keyles Richard, head of Chalmers's clofe* Keith David, head of fountain crofe. Kennedy Duncan, head of Bell's wynd. Kinloch Hugh, canongate-head. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Kid John, wine-mere, prefent Bailie, cowgate-head. Kincaid Alexander Efq; his majefry's printer and fta- tioner, oppofite the foot of the old fi.'h-market. Kelly George furgeon, tolbooth wynd, Leith.

Kid James, fhip-maik r, on the more ditto. Kerr Robert and co. merchants, ditto. Kerr William,

L ADVOCATES. Ockhart Alex, dean of faculty, Adams's court, L Law William, head of Chalmers's clofe. Lkric William-Charles, of Libbertoa, Brodie's clofe. Law Alexander, head of Chalmers's clofe. Leith Alexander, at Buchan Hepburn's, James's court, WHITERS admitted by the Court of Seflion. Lothian David, Riddle's land, lawn-market. Lindfay David, above the weigh-houfe. Lumfden John, Laing George, chapel-trreet. Lundin Michael, Skinner's clofe. Livmgfton Charles, AJlifon's fquare. WRITERS and CLERKS. Loch William, writer, Patterfon's court. Leflie William, ift clerk to Edward M*Cormick, Lindfay Martin, extractor, back of the meadow. F 2 44 L Lindfay Gray, collectors clerk, cuttoin-houfe, Leith. Lockhart William, writer, briitow-ltreet. Leflie Charles, procurator, blackfriars wyntl. NOBLEMEN and GENTLEMEN. Laurie Gilbert, Efq; commuTior.er of Excife, pre- fent Lord Provoft, baxter's clofe, cow gate. Leven Earl of, Nicolfon's ftreet. Lind James, phyfician, princes-ftreet. Lundie Henry, minifter blackfriars wynd. Logan John, minifter, tolbooth wynd, Leith. LADIES and GENTLEWOMEN. Lovet lady, blackfriars wynd. Leven countefs dowager of, St Andrew's fquare. Lindfay Mifs, Turk's clofe. Lennox Mifs, Currie's clofe, caftle-hlll. Lindfay Lady, cattle-hill, north fide. Leith Mrs, advocates clofe. MERCHANTS. Lauchlan Jofeph, head of Dunbar's clofe. Law William, luckenbooths. Lothian John, wooien-draper, exchange. Lindfay bailie, cuftom-houl'e flairs. Little Ann, head of Gosford's clofe, Lamb George, head of Buchanan's court. Lauder Alexander, wine mere, broad wynd, Leith. Lindfay James, ditto, quality-ftreet, ditto. GROCERS. Leflie Alexander, St Ninian's row. Low John, head of Murdoch's clofe. T ee Patrick, back of the guard. L tvaux Thomas, front of Milln's court. Lindfay Robert, Crichton-ftreet. Lindfay George, plcafance. VINTNERS. Laing Mrs, oppofitc the city guard. Learmonth William, Halkerfton's wynd. Lennox Mrs, on the fliore of Leith. Laing Thomas, 0:1 the /here, Leith. L 45

Lawfon Thomas, ditto. Laverock Mrs, ditto. SHIP- MASTERS. Laurie John, Leith-bridge. Landels Alexander, north Leith. Liddel John, ditto. LiddJe Adam, coal- hill, Leith. Liddle Robert, north Leith. SMITHS. Laurie John, calton. Loan William, foot of Forrefter's vvynd. Lawfon James, kirkgate, Leith. Lauder John, copper-fmith, weft-bow. SHOE -MAKERS. Lockhart William, cowgate-head, Lightboddie David, calton. Lumfden James, St Ninian's row. Lyon Peter, broad wynd, Leith. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Laurie Gilbert, jun. apothecary, head of Niddery's wy. Lindfay David, ikinner, front of Milln's court. Le Brun, French-teacher, anchor clofe. Lauder Colin, furgeon, below Toderick's wynd. Logan Robert, book- binder, foot of weft-bow. Laurie Robert, fchool-mafter, op. the meal-market. Luke James, baxter, briftow-ftreet. Lighton Mrs, midwife, Charles's-ftreet. Laurie John, fchool-mafter, Richmond-ftreet. Learmonth John, tanner, St Mary's wynd. Laidlaw Alex, meal-feller, coal- hill, Leith. Lees James, taylor, dub-row, ditto. Lyon William, wright, queen-ftreet, ditto. Lighton Alexander, ftay-maker, canongate-head. Lawfon George, weaver, Leith wynd. Laing Thomas, edge-tool-maker, back of the theatre. Lamb and Scyth, upholfterers, o P . blackfriars wynd. Laume and Lmd, ditto, lawn-market, north fide. L.e Fie Charles, dancing-mafter, Skinner's clofe. Lothian Mus, fets rooms, Geddes's clofe. aS m

M ADVOCATES. ^.T £ Qjieen Rober', George's fquare. I. M'Laurin John, Urown's fquare. M'Leod John, Murray Archibald, James's court. M'Kenzie Sir Archibald, Mitchelfon John, of Middle.-on. Mackie John, Macdoual Charles, anchor clofe. Middleton, George, Moncrief David-Stewart, horfe wynd. M'kay George, Montgomery John, btihop'.s land. Macdoual Patrick, Murray John, M*Intofh Robert, Murray Patrick, covenant cloi'e. Monro Jf>hn, Gosford'a clcfe. M union George, Macneal J«>hn, Murray Alexander, James's court. Mackenzie William, old aflembiy clofe, Miller John, advocates clofe. M'Donald Charles, M'Leod William-Bain, Craig's clofe. M'Leod Donaid, Brown's fquare. Mitchell Andrew, M'Conothic A. lociety. M'Dcwa] William, M'Kenzie John, cowgate-he;.d. M'Cormicfi Edward, Kennedy's clofe. Murdoch Archibald, advocates clofe.

C I. E II K S to his Majesty's SIGNET. M'Kenzie John, horfe wynd. M'Leod Roderick, CraijA dofc. Morthland Matthew, Mitchelibn Samuel, fen. Cm-rubber's clofe. Muir George, Brown's iquare. Marihall James, Milln's fquare. Mitchelibn Samuel, jun. Riduie's land.

M'Donaid William, Adams s Court. M'Kenzie Alexander, Cun-ubber's clofe. Moir John, back flairs M'Dougal Allan, anchor clofe. Menzies Alexander, Carrubber's dole, WRITERS admitted by the Court of Seffion. M'Gowan John, luckenbooths. Monteath William, Moffat William, bow-bead. M'Culloch William, iuciety. M'Ewen William, oppofite backfriars wynd. Manfon Thomas, new- bank clofe. M'Ewen John, Brown's land, luckenbooths. M'Dougal Alexander, Dickfon's clofe.

LORDS and ADVOCATES firft CLERKS. Murray William, to Ld. juftice Clerk, Forrefler's wy. Murray David, to Ld. Pitfour, welt-bow. Moffat William, to George Currie, ad. ditto. Miller Thomas, to Andrew Crofbie, ad. M'Intofli Charles, to James,Grant, poft-houfe flairs. Mafon Thomas, to Alexander Law, bailie Fyfe's clofe. Mafon Alexander, to David Dalrymple, advocates el. M'Kenzie Charles, to David Armftrong. Murray William, to Alex. Taylor. Moncrief William, to Henry Erfkine, Bell's wynd. Manul Hugh, to David Walker, caufey-fide. McDonald Duncan, to Hay Campbell, head of Lady Stair's clofe. Maxwell Hugh, to Claud Bofwell, princes-flreet. M'Harg Archibald, to George Wallace, Riddle's land. Murray William, to Robert Aberdeen. M'Donald Patrick, to Alexander Campbell, jun. M'Leod Roderick, to J. Swinton, jun. pofl-ho. flairs. M'Culioch William, to William Baillie, Brown's fqua. 48 M EXTRACTORS. Moir Robert, Mafon William, back of the wcigh-houfe. M'Arthur John, Lord Strichen's dole. Mar/hall David, head of Galloway's clofe, lawn- mar. M'Donald Duncan, head of Lady Stair's dole. Mair Gilbert, anchor clofe. In the E X C H E Q_U E R. Maule John, Baron, nether-bow. Mure William, Baron, abbey-hill. M'Dowgal Alex, depute remb. fountain clofe. Maitland John, clerk of the pipe, Hat ton. M'Kenzie Henry, attorney, cowgate-head. Maughan John, kirk brac-head. Montgomery John, C. M. WRITERS and CLERKS. M'Conochie, Alexander, writer, cowgate-head. Moubray Martin, cl. poft-office, Wardrope's court. Moubray Alexander, foot of fifh-market, cowgate. Moubray Chriftopher, ditto, lady Stair's clofe. Malcolm Charles, nethermoft baxter's clofe. Marfhall David, lawn-market. Murray David, clofct keeper, weft-bow. Morifon John, calton. M'Leod, Norman, compt. clerk, cuftom-houfe, Leitlj. Matthew Thomas, cl. port-office, Carrubber's clofe. M< Arthur John, blackfriars wynd. M'Farlane, treafurer, infurance office, weft-bow. Muckle Robert, Anderfon's land, weft-bow. Maxwell Hugh, princes- ftreet. Monro Robert, officer of excifr, Lcith. M'Harg Anthony, procurator, Allan's clofe. Mcnzies William, ditto, calton-hill. NOBLEMEN and GENTLEMEN. Murray earl of, briftow-houfc. M'Donald Sir Alex, potter-row port. M'Farlanc of M'Farlanc, near Qjjeenfberry's lodg. M'Millan Duncan of Morning-lidc, Efq; Milln's court. M'Lain of Kinlureh, chapcl-flreet. M 49

Miller Captain of Gleanlea, advocates clofe. Maitland Captain, Lauriflon. Miller George, abbey clofe. M'Qjieen Daniel, minifter, Gosford's clofe. Macnight James, minifter. LADIES and GENTLEWOMEN M'lntofti the hon. lady, on the lhore, Leith. March ladies of, Milln's fquare. Maitland Mrs, of Pitreacha, Smith's land. Murray Mrs, of Balmanno, blackfriars wynd. Menzies Mrs, of Coulteralers, Crichton-ftreet. Middleton Mrs, of Seaton, Nicolfon's-flreet, Maxwell lady, princes-ftreet. Murray Mrs, Mint. Matthiefon Mrs, Craig's clofe. Maxwell Mrs, Paterfon's court. Miller Mrs, Dunbar's clofe. Murray Mifs, oppofite the guard. Mansfield Mrs, Carrubber's clofe. PHYSICIANS. Monro Alexander, Nicolfon's-ftreet. M'Farlane William, foot of the canongate. Mophat, horfe wynd. M'Kenzie cowgate-head MERCHANTS. McQueen George, luckenbooths. McDonald Angus, lawn-market. Moon James, ditto. M'Pherfon & Son, woollen-drapers and furnilhers of mens apparel, luckenbooths. Moyes Andrew, grafs-market, north fide. Monro William, luckenbooths. Murdoch Archibald, ditto. Murray John, ditto. Millers Miff, ditto. M'Pherfon and Grant, ditto. M'Kenzie Mrs, ditto. G So M MarfliaO Francis, hard-ware mere, luckenboorhs. Morifon William, exchange. Morifon James, horfe wynd, Leith. M'Naogjbton Malcoim, hard-ware mere, at the crofs. M >ir John, at the crofs. M'Intyre glafs-merc. head of Cant's tlofe. Miller George, leather-mere, bridge-itreet. Milln David, back-ftairs. Main Peter,, hard-ware mere, parliament clofe. Monro John, lawn-market. Moubray Robert, head of Libberton's wynd. Michie Thomas, ditto. MafTon A. head of old bank clofe. Murray Robert, wool-mere, bow-head. Mofman John, lawn-market. Maxwli Alexander, wine-mere. George's Iquarc. M'Ouecn anc! CO. feed-merchants, Lauriflon. M'Intyer Patrick, brcad-wynd, Leith. Martin i^His and co. quality -ftreet, ditto. M'Glafhan James, h.rnard-flxeet, ditto. Morifon James, ditto. Mitchell William and Son, wood-mere, faw-mill, dit. Mitchell James, wood-merch. there. M'Larin David, corn-mere, kirkgatc, Leith. Miiler Peter and James, corn-mere. Iheriff-brae, ditto. Morton William, corn-mere, in ditto. M' Donald James, tolbooth wynd, Leith Miller Arthur, queen-ltxeet, ditto. M'Gibbon and Logan, luckenbootbs. Miller William, feedfman, horfe wynd, canongate, Mui ray William, canorgste-head. Miller Charles, hard-wood turner, parliament clofe. GROCERS. Mien William and fon, head of F'iflier's cl. la. market. M'Intyer Patrick, Leith-bridge. Meldrum John, Lees-quarter, ditto. Miller Daniel, head of new-ftreet, canongate. M'Grtlgar George, oppofitc St Jnhn's-drctt, canon. Murray William, head of St John'o-flrcct. M j* M'DuiTMrs, dub-row, Leith. M'Donald Daniel, canongate-head. Marlhali John, head of the plain Uone clolc, canong. Mafon James, head of Chehals's court. Mufhet Alexander, new-ftreet, canongate. MeJliiion Jean, St Andrew's-ftreef. M'Lean Donald, feed-mere and groc anehorc loi'e. M*Kain David, head of Patterfon's court. Mure Adam, calton. Mercer William, oppofite the tron-church. Mitchell Andrew, head of Barranger's dole M'Donald James, Niddery's wynd. Middleton and Innes, head of trunk clofe. Murray James, head of Toderick's wynd. Miller Mrs, head of Niddery's wynd. Manners Alex, head of Kennedy's clofe. M* Donald John, head of Strichcn's dole. Murray James, hack of the city-guard. Murray Mils, lawn-market. M'Grougar Thomas, head of Riddle's clofe, lawn-m, Murray Daniel, cewgate-head. M'Ewen James, foot of Peebles wynd. M'Eard Andrew, Robertfon's clofe. M'Farlane John, foot of horfe wynd. Matthew Mrs, foot of fiflt-market. M'Ready John_, Crichton-rtreet, M'Call James, Nicolfon's-Mreet. Monteath William, kirkgate, Leith,

S H I P-M ASTER S, M'Cdloch George, lees-quarter, Leith. Marlhali William, weigh-houfe wynd;,. ditto. Mndie Robert, tolbooth wynd, ditto." Matthiefon Bovrgal, ditto. Mudie Alexander, faore -dues office, broad wynd, do, Martin William, coaft-waitei% queen-ftreet, "ditto. Monro Alexander, land-waiter, dub-rcw, ditto. VINTNERS. Monro George^ kckrabooths. G z Si M

Martin Robert, advocates clofe. Man James, Craig's clofe. Mitchell James, old bank clofe. Mackie George, head of Leith-walk. Macduffie Mrs, anchor clofe. Maxwell John, on the fhore, Leith. Murray Mrs, Bortlrwick's clofe. Midcilemoft Thomas, oppofue the new filh-markef. M'Kenzie Donald, ditto. M'Phaill Foulis's clofe. M'Kenzie William, cowgate-head. M'Vicar William, on the fhore, Leith. Miller Andrew, vintner, and coach-hirer, ditto. M'Cleur Alex, head of Forrefter's wynd.- Murphey Daniel, on the fhore, Leith. M'Bain Lauchlan, foot of lucky Tom's clofe. Miller John, golf-houfe, Leith-links. Matthicfon Mis, inn-keeper, new-key, Leith. BREWERS, Milks John, wtrft-port. Murray Walter, potter-row. Merrykes John, yard-heads, Leith, Muckk George, ditto. Mitchell Mrs, lees-quarter, ditto. Morton David, near Paul's work. Murrefon Divid, foot of Campbell'.-: clofe, canongate. Miller ThotnaSj abbey-hill. Megget John, weft port.

S T A B L E R S. Mure William, grafs-market, north-fide. Murray David, cowgate-head.

Menzies Alexanderj candkmakcr-row. Murdoch Gcorgej grafs-market, fbutb fide. M'Intycr, John, cowgate-head. M'b'arlane David grals-rnarkct. M'Farlane Duncan, within the potter-row port. SCHOOL- MASTERS. M'Cleur John, PatteHbn'i court. M'Intyre J>hn, oppofitc the meal-market, cowgate. M 53 Mafon Alexander, teacher of Englifb, Carrubber's cL M,Michan calton. Moir James, Gray's clofe. Mafon Arthur, teacher of languages, old alTerably cl. Morton Marlain's wynd. Mafterton Alex, covenant clofe. Miller Hugh, grammar-fchool Leith, kirkgate. Matthiefon Charles, lees-quarter, ditto. Morton Walter, Skinners's clofe. PRINTERS. Murray and Cochran, Craig's clofe. Martin and Wotherfpoon, advocates clofe. M'Farquhar Colin, Nicolfon's-ftreet. Mundel Robert, Brodie's clofe, lawn-roarket. M'Pherfons Gilbert and Alexander, grafs-maket, SMITHS. Murehead William, St Ninian's-row. M'Cole John, ditto. M'Qtieen Mrs, white-iron-fmith, nether-bow. Martin Gray's clofe. Murray John oppofite St John's-ftreet, canongate. WATCH-MAKERS. Murdoch John, Niddery's wynd. M'Pherfon Norman, head of covenant clofe. M'Lean Hugh, brillow-ltreet. Monro George, canongate liead. WRIGHTS and UPHOLSTERERS. Matthiefon David, well-bow. Montgomery Dickfon's clofe. Miller Andrew, wheel-wright, fifh-market clofe. Murdoch James, ditto, foot of Haftie's clofe. Milln Robert, briftow-ftxeet. Matthew John, Gabriel's road, new town. M'Conochie William, cowgate-head. Muir Thomas, new-town. TAYLORS. Mackenzie William, bow-head Meh-afe Tuchard, Charles's-ftreet. 54 M Melroy Andrew, foot of new-fheet, cancngate. Murray James, Leith wynd. Mackenzie William, head of wc<\ boW. Malbn William, oppofite to Cheffals's court, canon. BAXTERS. Murray Thomas, foot of weft-bow. Mafon John, cowgate-head. Miller James, oppo. the linen office, canougate. Matthew John, oppo. the canongate church. Mafon John, oppoiite ditto. M'Grew John, potrer-ruw. Murray John, fool of ForrefTer'.s wynd. Mitchell Alexander, canongate-head. Murray Adam, head of James's court. Mafon head of Morifon's clofe. FLESHERS. Mellis Peter, nV lii-marktt clofe. Meilis William, ditto. Mellis George, ditto, Mellis Andrew, ditto. Mellis John, princes-Jlreet. SHOE- MAKERS. Murray and Clark, within the exchange. Marfha'l Alexander, cahon. Mitchell James, St Ninian's-row Milln John, callle-hill. Mitchell John, giafs-market. M'Kenzie Duncan, Kincaid's land, cowgate. M'Xaj William, potter-row. Mori f«,»n Robert, crackling-houfc. Murray Robert, Leith-wynd. BARBERS Moubray John, lawn-market. M'Kinnon Niel, Gavinloch's land. Mb 1 ray Andrew, JuckeribootJis.

M'Kinnon Neal, head erf Monlon'j dofe. Moody James, weft-bow. M'Ltau William, foot of Sk'nner's clofe. M 55 Murray John, chapel-ftreet. Montgomery Francis, cnnongate-head. Mitchell Robert, oppofite AUifon's fquare; MILLINERS and MANTUA-MAKERS. Montford, Cockburn, and Kennedy, lawn-market. Murray Mrs, Carrubber's clofe. Mcekefon Mifs, pieafance. Mackenzie Mifs, Forrefter's wynd. Merryles Katherine, kirkgate, Leith, M'Farlanes Miff, mantua- makers, Carrubber's clofe. Mufhet Mifs, ditto, weft-bow. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Miller Patrick banker, James's court. Muirhead William, brufh»maker, foot of baxters clofe. More John, book-binder, Brown's clofe. M'Donald Mrs, druggift, lawn-market. Marcoucci Mi.C~, dancing- fchool, James's court, M'Coul Archibald, tobacconift, luckenbooths. More John, painter, Warrifton's clofe. Miller William, limner, writers court. Muat and Paton, haberdafhers, exciiange. Miller James, dyer, calton. Miller William, bookfeller, oppofite the guard. Milln William, mafon, Halkerfton's wynd. Milln and fon, founders, Chalmers's clofe. Miller Mrs, auctioneer of houf. furni. Kinloch's clofe. Marnoch James, hofier, oppofite fountain well. M'Grugar John ditto, head of Skinner's clofe. Moffat druggift, below the fountain well, Miller Alexander, confectioner, nether-bow. M'Coul James, candle-maker, ditto. Miller Mrs, painter, Hyndford's clofe.

Maclntofli , mufician Skinner's clofe. M/Ever Mrs, paftry-fchool, Peebles wynd. M'Nab, and Guthrie, haberdafhers, op. bridge-ftreet. M'Pherfon John, mufician, Bell's wynd. Miller John, turner, Libberton's wynd. MTJowal William, ftocking-weaver, weft-bow. Mollyfon J. fhagreen-cafe-maker, foot of Dkkfon's cl. SS M Malcolm James, hofier, foot of the back Hairs. M'Donald James, dancing-matter, blackfriars wynd. Miller William, hatter, foot of the old aflembly clofe. M'Kenzie, cork-cutter, foot of Stonelaw's clofe. Morifon Alex, hatter, parliament houfe. M'Donald George, lint-mauufaelurer, ditto. Mortimer George, glover, briftow-ltreet M'Lean Murdoch, lieutenant, at the crofs. M'Cleifh James, ftationer, candlemaker-row. Mackie James, gold-fmith, briftow-ftreet. M'Vicar Neal, lint- manufacturer, potter-row. Mafon John, mafon, lees-quarter, Leith. Midcaef Mrs. midwife, kirkgate, Leith. Miller Thomas, dyer, canongate-foot. Miller Arclubald, coach-maker, ditto. Miller Robert, coach-maker, oppo. canongate church T M'Kell James, fifh -hook-maker, Leith wynd. M'Farquhar George, painter, Leith wynd. Miller Alex, glazier, canongate -head. M'Gall William, weaver, fhoe-makers clofe, canon. Mngeriand Andrew, cooper, white-horfe clofe, cano. Montgomery John, ftay-maker, canongate-head. Meekiefon David, flater pleafance. ROOM SETTERS and BOARDERS. Matthew Mifs, keeps boarders, weft-bow. M'Lean Mrs, fets rooms, ditto. Murray Mrs, James's court. M'Caffie Mrs, Wardrope's court. Murray Mrs, flefli-market clofe. Murray Mrs, Milln's fquare. Muat Mrs, ditto. Morifon Mrs, Niddery'g wynd. M'Donald Mrs, near the tron- church. M'Pherfon Mrs, Libberton's wynd. Murray David, Kennedy's clofe. M'Kenzie Mrs, old affembly clofe. M'Kenzie Mifs, Morifon's clofe. Morifon Mrs, Ga'inloch'a land. Murray Mrs, Sellcrs's clofe. N 57 Marfhall Mrs, Gray's clofe. Moffat Mrs, blackfriars wynd. Marfhall Mrs, Nicolfon's-ftreet.

1 &.*$] II \SLJ3


A D V O C A T E S and C L E RK S, ire. NAIRN William, advocate, back-flairs. Nafmith Michael, writer to the fignet, lucken. Nafmith Thomas, ditto, oppo. new chapel, cowgate, Nilbet John, writer, admitted, cowgate-head. Newbigging James, Ld. prefident's clerk, George's fq. Neilfon James, writer, Toderick's wynd. NOBLEMEN and GENTLEMEN. Northefk earl of, St Andrew's fquare. Napier the hon. captain, George's fquare. Neilfon Doctor, Riddle's land, lawn-market. Nairn captain, blackfriars wynd. Norris captain, upper baxters clofe» Nicolfon Arthur, phyfician. MERCHANTS. Neal John, haberdafher, back of the guard. Neal Thomas, luckenbooths. Nifbet Alexander, lawn-market. Neal John, nether-bow, Nimmo Peter, grafs-market. Nairn John, head of Turk's clofe. Norrie George, on the fhore of Leith. Nimmo James, lees-quarter, Leith. Neilfon John, new-ftreet, canongate. BARBERS. Nairn Robert and Adam, canongate-head, Nimmo John, cowgate-head. Neilfon James, head of Chalmers's clofe. Nicolfon James, St Ninian's-row. H 58 N DIFFERENT' EMPLOYMENTS, Nicolfon Alexander, plumber, caftle-hiU. Neal Thomas, wright, Done's clofe, luckenbooths. Nifbet Charles, confectioner, Kinloch's clofe. Nicol William, watch and clock-maker, back of the city-gu^rd. Neilfon John, grocer, foot of Forrefter's wynd. Noble and Stevenfon, grocers, chapel-flreet. Nifbet William, weaver, potter-row port. Newton Francis, baxter, pleafance. Neilfon Robert and Son, painters, Waters's cl. Leith. Nairn John, vintner, on the fhore, ditto. Neilfon Gilbert, foap-maker, lees-quarter, Leith. Neilfon David, ditto, tolbooth wynd, ditto. Naefmith Michael, wright, grafi-market. Norrie Mr.°, Morifon's clofe. Nifbet Mrs, upper baxters clofe. Naefmith Mifs, boarding-fchool, Cray's clofe. Nicol Mrs, fets rooms, Dickfon's clofe. Nicols, Mrs, ditto. Bell's wynd.

# # * # M*?x-r?$\\F "^

Ormc David, i ft clerk to David Grrcmc, bluckf. wyn. Ogle John, writer, Murdoch's clofe. Oliphant, ditto, briftow-ftrect. O 59 GENTLEMEN, &c. Orde Robert, lord chief baron, new town. Qiiphant Robert, poit-maiter general, fhoe-makers dole, canongate. Ogilvie Alex, law-mill, Leith. Orrock Mrs, biiliap's land. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Orr James, merchant on the more, Leith. Orrock Walter, keeper of the exchange coffee-houfe. Ogilvie Alexander, glover, below Carrubber's clofe. Ogilvie Malcolm, grocer, head of Skinner's clofe. Orrock William, faddler, oppo. Niddery's wynd. Oliphant Charles, perfumer, head of Barranger's clo. Orr John, barber, blackfriars wynd. Ogilvie Duncan, fchool-mafter, Kinloch's clofe. Ogilvie David, fhip-mafter, precious clofe, Leith. Ogilvie James, fhip-mafter,ditto. Oliphant William, baker, Waters's clofe, ditto. Oman Mrs, vintner, on the more, ditto. Ogle Allan, wright, canongate-head. Orrock James, ftone warehoufe canongate-head. ; Orrock Hellen and Elizabeth, mantua-makers, Pattcr- fon's court, makes ladys caps, cloaks, ire. in the neateft manner and neweft fafhions.

P ADVOCATES. PUlteney William, St Andrew's fquare, new-towu. Philp James, foot of the weft-bow. Pringle George, Plummer Andrew, Argyle's fquai-e, WRITERS and CLERKS. Pringle John, clerk to the Signet, fociety. Patterfon Robert, ditto, briltow-ftreet. Pringle James, clerk of feffion, old affembly clofe. H 2 60 P

Pitcairn Andrew, fen. writer Halkerfton's wynd.

Pitcairn Andrew, 1 ft clerk to William Binning, Bull's turnpike. Prefton Alexander, to John Balfour, Libberton's wy. Plenderleith Pat. to John C. Ranifay. Perrie Alexander, extractor, James's court. Patterfon John, writer, back of theatre. GENTLEMEN. Pringle Sir John, phyfician, James's court. Philp James, judge admiral, Craig's ciofe. Pringle of Toretlie, Milln's fquare. Prefton Sir George, caftle-hill. Pringle James, Eiq; of Bouling, old afTembly clofe. Pringle of Crichton, Crichton-ftreet. Paton George, of the cuftom-houfe, caftle-hill. Pringle Efq; Pirrie's clofe, canongate. Penman Edward, cuftom-houfe. Pitcairn George, captain of city-guard, blackf.wynd. Plenderleith David, minifter, trunk clofe. Proudfit John, ditto, kirkgate Leith. MERCHANTS. Phillips on the fhore, Leith. Paintland Alex, wine-mere, quality-ftreet, ditto. Parker Thomas, kirkgate, ditto. Pillani James, fheriff-brae, ditto. Patterfon Samuel, luckenbooths. Paifley Ninian, briftow-ftreet. Patterfon Hugh, fheriff'-brae, Leith. Paifley James, coal-hill, ditto. Pym Jofeph,SHIP-MASTERS.hahcrdafher, bridge- ftrcot.. Pillans William, new-key, Leith. Paton William, fhcrilT-brac, ditto. Patterfon John, dub-row, ditto. Paton William, jun. new-key, ditto. MILLINERS. Pringle Mif«, exchange. Pittillo and Blair Mitt, at the cfofs. P 61 Plyddal Mrs, Warrirton's clofe. VINTNERS. Paxton James, new-inn, grafs-market. Petrie James, anchor clofe. Pringle Mrs, parliament clofe. Purvis Thomas, prefident ftairs TAYLORS. Peters William, canongate-head, L. 5000 per a?m. Patterfon James, lawn-market. Peters "William, luckenbooths. Perrie William, ftay-maker, lawn-market. Patterfon James, ftay-maker, exchange. Patterfon John, Turk's clofe. Plenderleith Alexander, Crichton's-flreet. Pringle William, Nicolfon's-ftreet. Peterkin pleafance. John, BAXTERS. Purfell John, Charles's-ftreet. Peat David, potter-row. Pew William, canongate-head. Purfell John, ditto. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Phin William, filk-dyer, caftle-hill. Pirney William, mafon, calton. Page Michael, heal and laft-maker, St Niuian's-row. Porteous David, painter, Halkerfton's wynd. Paton John, fmith and ferrier, calton. Pollock John, ftabler, cowgate-head. Patterfon William, ditto, grafs-market. Patterfon Hugh, barber, briftow-llreet. Portcous Alexander, flefher, flefh-market clofe. Peters Gabriel, ftationer, head of Carrubber's clofe. Pepper Charles, French-teacher, Skinner's clofe. Pringle John, teaches dancing, blackfriars wynd. Peat John and co. upholfterers, Milln's fquare. Paton George, book-binder, back of Befs wynd. Priddie Hamden, hat-maker, cowgate-head. Paton James, watch-maker, Niddery's wynd. 6 2 R Palmer Alexander, Wright, chapel-ftreet. Phillip William, turner, Magdalen chapel, cowga.tc. Penman George, fhoemaker, Libbertun s wynd. Phillip William, wheel-w right, potter-row. Pillans John, brewer, plealance. Pillans Robert, ditto, pleafance. Pitketland, mafon, lees-quarter, ditto. Peacock Andrew, tobacconift, on the more, Lcith. Pringle Dunbar, tanner, parliament clofe. Phillips Thomas, print-fhop, back of the theatre. Porteous Mrs, fets rooms, Gray's clofe. Peter Gabriel, lets rooms, fhoe-makers clofe, canon.

ADVOCATES. R E David, old afFembly clofe. RARigg Thomas, Bifhops land. Ramfay Robert Fifher's land, lawn-market. Roberton Archibald, Rolland Adam, Exchange. Ramfay John Cumming, Strichen's clofe. Rutherfurd John, Rofs Matthew, Dunbar's clofe. CLERKS to his Majesty's SIGNET. Robertfon Alexander, Milln's fquare. RnfTell John, Argylc's fquare. Rutherford George, new affcmbly clofe. Rofs Walter lady Stairs's clofe. Riddle William, teviot-row. Rofs David, clerk of fcflion, St Andrew's fquare. Rofs Alexander, depute clerk of ditto, Dunbar's clofe. Ru/rd Henry, dep. clerk to the admiffion of notaries. Robertfon Alex, depute cl. of feafmes Milln's fquare.

WRITERS admitted by the Court of Seflion. Rutherfurd Edward, R 63 Rattray Thomas., Don's clofe. Ruflell David, aceomptant, Gosford's clofe. Rolland William, Robertfon John, jun- meal-market Hairs, Ruflell Henry, Robertfon John, fen. weft port.

ADVOCATES firft CLERKS. Rattray Thomas, to A Bruce Efq; Don's clofe. Rutherlurd Edward, to John Craigie Efq; Rolland William, to James Dalgliefh Efq; Chalmers's clofe. Robertfon J. to R. Campbell Elqj Rvthven Thomas, to John Gordon, plain' ftone dofe. Rofs John, Chalmers's clofe. WRITERS, &c Robertfon John, clofet-keeper, Chalmers's clofe. Rofs Donald, ditto, Nicolfon's ftreet. RiddochThomas, Baron Grant's clofe. Ramfay James, cefs-oflke, Allifon's fquare. Reoch James, procurator, Murdoch's clofe. Richardfon William,GENTLEMEN.ditto, Borthwick's clofe. Robertfon William, of Hillisfield, old affembly clofe* Robertfon Roger, of Ladykirk, lucky Tom's clofe. Robertfon William, principal, college. Robertfon James, profeflbr of Hebrew, ditto. Ramfay Robert, profeflor of natural hiftory, ditto. Riddle James, Efq; oppofite lord Milton's lodging. Roughhead James, of , St John's ftreet, can. Rofs David, of Inverhafley, St Andrew's fquarc. Ramfay Sir James, thiftle-court, new town. Robertfon Charles, princes's ftreet. Rutherford John, pbyfician, Hyndford's clofe. Ramfay Robert, ditto, Niddery's wynd. RobertfonJofeph, ditto, Bifhop's land. MERCHANTS. Ritchie Alexander, lawn-market. Robertfon Mrs, ditto. Rannie Thomas, iron- monger, weft-bow. 64 R Robert fon James, htckenbooths. Robertfon John, ditto. Robertfon and Stewart, ditto. Ruflell Robert, ditto. Robertfon Peter, ditto. Rannie and Campbell, front of Exchange. Reid William, hard-ware mere, oppofite the guard. Richmond John, feed-mere, weft-bow. Rannie James, wine-mere, quality ftreet, Leith. Robertfon James, new key, ditto. Rofs Robert, on the Jhore, ditto. Riddle James, ditto. Ramfay Robert, ditto. Robertfon Duncan, bernard-ftreet, ditto. Rannie James, jun. ditto. Robertfon Thomas, wood-mer. kirkgate, ditto. Robertfon George, cool-hill, ditto. Reid George, paper warehoufe, Kincaid's land, cow. GROCERS. Reid Alexander, head of Forrefter's wynd. Ronaldfon John, head of Gray's clofe. Rate Mrs, head of Kennedy's clofe. Rowley Ogilvie, head of covenant clofe. Rigg Mrs and Son, head of Forrefter's wynd. Ronaldfon Ann, head of Libberton's wynd. Robertfon John, cowgatc-head. Ramfay Daniel, Kincaid's land, cowgate. Ramage William, brillow-itreet. Richardfon John, AUifon's fquare. Hanken James, St Mary's wynd. Robertfon William, bernard-ftreet, Leith. Roger David, dub-row, Leith. Ronald William, tolbooth wynd, ditto. Robertfon Daniel, oppofite CberTals'* court, canong Rae John, grafs-market, north fide. Ramage James, weft-bow. Roger Thomas, ditto.

S II I P - M A S T E R S. Ritchie George broad wynd, Leith. Rittbie Alexander, ditto. R 6s Robertfon George, on the more, Leith. tolbooth-wynd, ditto. Rofs David, PRINTERS. Robertfon John, back-ftairs, parliament clofe. Ruddiman Walter & Son, Porrefter's wynd. Reid John, bailie Fyfe's clofe. Robertfon Alexander, Niddery's wynd. SMITHS. "Robertfon David, oppofite Magdalen's chapel. Hutherford Robert, fen. calton. Rofs Donald, ditto. Richardfon John, ditto, Richardlon William, Wright's clofe, cowgate. Ramfay George, potter-row. Riddle James, Jack's clofe, canongate. PAINTERS. Robertfon and Co. anchor clofe. Rofs William, Morifon's clofe. Ramfay James, and Co. head of weft-bow. Runciman and M'Larin, foot of old affembly clofe. TAYLORS and STAY-MAKERS. Ramfay Robert, Gray's clofe. Rule Alexander, canongate-head. Robertfon John, ftay-maker, ditto. Richardfon John, brocker, ditto. Robertfon John, habit-maker near canongate-church. Ritchie John, brocker, canongate-head.

S H O E- M A K E R S. Rutherford Robert, calton. Ronaldfon James, foot of college-wynd. Ramfay William, pleafance. ROOM- SETTERS. Rannie Mrs, Warrifton's clofe. Rofs Mrs, Craig's clofe. Richardfon Mrs, flefh-market clofe. Reid Thomas, ditto. I .

66 a Robertfon Mrs, oppofite the tron-church. Reynolds Mrs, Milln's fquave. Rofs Mrs, Niddcry's wynd. Rofs Mrs, old afFembly clofe. Richardfon Mrs, cowgatc-port. Roberts Mrs, meal-market flairs. Reoch Mrs, back of the theatre. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Robertfon Patrick, Jeweler, parliament clofe. Ramray Peter, ltabler, cowgate-port. Ritchie Jofeph, goldfmith, horfe wynd. Ranken James, lappidary. Morocco's clofe. Ritchie Helen and co. milliners, front of exchange. Richardfon Richard, tea-warehoufe, exchange. Ranken George, rnafon, calton. Ritchie Alexander, glafs-grinder, St Ninian's-row. Reoch William, wright and glafs-grinder, Carrub. cl. Reikie James, glazier-, oppohte Niddery's wynd. Reikie Thomas, ditto, fifh-market clofe. Reid William, tobacconift, head of bull's clofe. RufTell James, upholfterer, head of Chalmers's clofe Rarofay and Crammond, milliners, head of Gray's cl. Rofs Miff, milliners, at the crofs. Ranken James, wright, Skinner's clofe. Reoch. Charles, old coffec-houfe, crofs. Robertfon David, glover, oppofite the tolbooth door. Ronaldfon William, baxtcr, head of old bank clofe, Robertfon Alexander, vintner, Gosford's clofe. Richmond James, land-furveyor, grafs-markct. Rattray James, brewer, oppofite the back-flairs, Robertfon barber, Gabriel's road, new town. Robertfon Robert, candlemaker, Kincaid's land, cow. Ramfay David, mafon, horfe-wynd. Robertfon Thomas, barber, foot of Stonelaw's clofe. Ranken William filk-dyer, foot of Borthwick's clofe. Robertfon James, flefher, flefh-market clofe. Robertfon John, ditto, there. Robertfon Richard, baxter, pleafance. Rofs David, accomptant, Crichton-ftreet. Riddle M»gniu, tobacconift, on the fhore oXLe'tth. S 6? Ritchie John, vintner, oppofite "the tolbooth door. Ritchie Mrs, vintner, on the fliore, Leith. Richardfon William, faddler, kirkgate, ditto. Robertfon Robert, baxter, tolbooth wynd, ditto- Rutherford John, lint-dreflfer, Leith-wynd. Robertfon John, watch-maker, canongate-head. Ramfay James, (later, new-ftreet, canongate. Rofs John, wright, Jack's clofe, canongate. Reid James, coach-maker, oppofite Milton's lodging. Reid Robert, brewer, near ditto. Robertfon William, limner, abbey. Robertfon James, ftabler, canongate-head. Reid William ftocking-maker, foot of college wynd. Rymer Gavin, regifter-office, St Mary's wynd.

ADVOCATES, SWinton John, tevict-row. St Clair Charles, Adams's court. Smollet James, George's fquare. Stewart Sir John, St John's-ftreet, canongate. Swinton John, jun. Brov/n's fquare. Sinclair James, jun. foot of pofl-houfe-ftairs. Stewart John, St John's ftreet. Sinclair Robert, advocates clofe. Stevenfon Alexander, old affembry clofe. Scrimgeour Alexander,- old afTembly clofe. Smyth David, St Andrew's fquare. Scott John, Kinloch's clofe. Somerville William, Sharp Charles, CLERKS to his Majesty's SIGNET Sandy George, under keeper, newftairs. Saunders James, potter-row. I 1 68 S Smith John, back ftairs. Scrimzeour Henry, back-flairs. Syme Robert, head of Forreftcr's wynd. Scott James, canongate-head. Smith James, head of Bull's dole. Syme John, Nicollbn's-ftreet. Scott Walter, head of college wynd. Stevenfon Archibald, canongate. Stewart James, James's court. Stewart Andrew, Gosford's clofe. Strachan Francis, foot of Warrifton's dole. Stewart David, foot of Gray's dole. LORDS and ADVOCATES CLERKS. Stevenfon Alex. dep. clerk of leffion, kirk-brae head. Stobie John, to Ld. Auchinleck, Byres's clofe. Stewart William, to Lds. Elliock and Stonefield. Turk's dofe. Stormont Ja. fo MefT. Alex, and Hog, Bailie Fyfe's cl. Stewart William, jun. to David Rae, Efq; Broughton. Sinclair James, to Alex. Hay, Efq; Scotland Wilham, to B. M'Leod, Efq; old cnftom- houfe flairs, parliament-clofe. Sihbald Charles, to Ad. Ogilvie, head of Peebles wy. Smith James, to John Gillon Efq; Scott William, depute cl. to the bills, cowgate-head. WRITERS admitted hy the Court of Seffion. Sutherland William, Robertfon's dole, cowgate. Sommers James, Carrubber's dole. Sibbald Chailci, above the tron-church. Sibling William, Stewart Robert, WRITERS. Spence Laurance, Gosford's dole Sharp Alex. Brown's fquare. Spark Peter, CliarlesVflreer. Sime James, Kennedy's clofe. Stewart John, writei, IherifF clerk's office, weft -bow. Saunders James, ditto, Carrubber's dofe. S 69 Scott John, oppo. meal-market, cowgate. Scotland William, Laurifton. Skirving Nicolfon's-ftreet. Strachan William, new-key, Leith, Shaw William, bernard-ftreet, ditto. Smith Robert, Bull's turnpike. Simpfon Robert, fountain clofe. EXTRACTORS, &c. Stewart James, extract. Kirkp. office, Cleland's yards. Saunders James, extract., in ditto, pctter-row. Sandy George, in ditto. Stewart John, extract, in Tait's office, covenant clofe. Stewart Daniel, macer of exchequer. Scott William, procurator, head of the college wynd. Sprott William, procurator, .briftow-ftreet. GENTLEMEN. Seaton of Touch, Fortune's clofe. Sinclair of Hermifton, Efq; St John's-ftreet, Scott James, of Hogfburn, Efq; briftow-ftreet. Sinclair John, of Frifwick, Efq; Brown's fquare. Stewart Alexander, of Currifton. Spottifwood John, Efq; meal-market flairs. Shiels Archibald, Efq; anchor clofe. Scott General, George's fquare. Scott Colonel, teviot-row. Stewart Andrew, Efq; exchequer. Stevenfon John, profeffor, new town. Steadman Robert, chapel-ffreet. Stewart George, profefTbr, college. Stewart Matthew, ditto. Scott Thomas, minifler, kirkgate Leith. Scott Nifbet, world's end clofe. LADIES and GENTLEWOMEN. Sutherland Countefs of, George's fquare. Smith Mrs, of Methven, St Andrew's fquare. Sommers Mrs, thiflle-court, new-town. Shiels Mrs, grafs-market, north-fide. Sandilands Mrs, caftle-hill. Smith Mrs, ditto. .

70 S

Shaw Mrs, caftle-hill. Stmpfon Mrs, ditto. Somervillc Mrs, flefh-market clofe. Sinclair Mrs, Foulis's clofe. Sands Mrs, Gabriel's road. MERCHANTS. S ewart and Stod dart, exchange. Stton and Houftoun, lawn-market, north fide, Seton Daniel, exchange. Stewart Archibald, parliament clofe. Scctt James, weft-bow. Sirapfon William, v/ool-merch. bow-head. Scotland William, ditto, bow-head. Steven Peter, bridge- Itreet. Scoit Robert, jun. head of Geddes's clofe. Scot'. Robert, filk mere, ditto. Scott Robert, hard-ware mere, ditto. Stewirt Mifs, luckenbooths. Sawers William, head of Turk's clofe. Scott Walter, grafs-market. Salton John, hard-ware mere, ditto. Scott Alex, wine-mere. Allifon's fquare. Stoddart Thomas, wood-mere, faw-mills, Leith. Sibbald William, bernard-ftreet, Lcith. Sheriff Robert, ditto. Sheriff Alexander, wine-mere, ditto. Sheriff Charles, ditto. Scaife Calub, of the glafs-houfe. Shortridge Robert, dub-row, ditto. Smith William, luckenbooths. Scott Margaret, head of old poft-houfe clofe. Sanderfon Thomas, tloath-merc. caflle-hill. Swan George hard-ware mere. oppo. tron-church. Strong Robert and Son, at Leith bridge. Spottifwood and Son, iron-mongers, grafs-markc* GROCERS. Skac David, oppolitc the guard. Storie John, graii-market, north-fide. S 71 Shepherd David, head of Strichen's clofe, Stewart Mrs, head of Kinloch's clofe. Somerville Alex. Riddle's land. Stewart V\frlliam, head of covenant clofe. Stark John, tobacconift and grocer, at the crofs. Spaldino- James, oppo. tron-church. Saunders James, calton. Simpfbn Richard, grafs-market. Stewart Daniel, foot of Forrefter's wynd. Sutherland John, meal-market. Stewart John, foot of Burnet's clofe. Simpfon Walter, briftow-ftreet. Stewart Alexander, Nicolfon's-ftreeU Storrock John, head of Leith-wynd. Sinclair Andrew, oppo. Brrtifh linen office, canongate. Stewart William, canongate-head.

S H I P-M ASTERS. Sime John and fon, fliip-builders, north Leith. Steel George, on the more, Leith. Smith William, ditto. Smith Thomas, ditto. Sheriff Gilbert, Leith-bridge, Strong James, ditto. Strong Laurance, of the Shetland packet, ditto. Smith William, north Leith. Somerville Jofeph, coal-hill, ditto. Scougal John, ditto. Smith John, dub-row, ditto. Scougal Richard, tolbooth wynd, ditto. BREWERS. Straiton John, weft-port. Semple Robert, caftle-barns. Scott Archibald, potter-row. Scott William, kirk-gate, Leith. Symington Jofieph, abbey-clofe. SMITHS. Sibbald Thomas, college wynd. Steel George, calton. Steel Alexander, NicolfonV Greet, 72 S Straiton William, pleafance. Scott John, gun-fmith, canongate-head. Scott James, ditto, canongatc-foot. Steel George, Gabriel's road. Smith Jolin, weft-bow. WRIGHTS and UNDERTAKERS. Smith Walter, Lady Stair's clofe. Sprott Walter, calton. Stark James, briftow-ftreet. Steel oppofite to St John's-ftreet, canongate. Swinton William, abbey -hill. Scotland John, abbey-ftrand. TAYLORS. Sibbald William, above the tron-church. Spence James, Borthwick's clofe. Sevewright William, blackfriars wynd. Sibbald calton. Sinclair Alex, potter-row. Smith Robert, broad-wynd, Leith. Smith Peter, Leith-wynd. Sellers Peter, ditto. BAXTERS. Smith Alex, bow-head. Sawcrs Archibald, Forrefter's wynd. Simpfon James, Hunter's land, cowgate. Steven Alex, head of blackfriars wynd. Smith Mrs, back of the guard. Somerville Samuel, bow-head. Symington Mrs, grafs-market, fouth fide. Smith David, oppolite.Allifon's fquare. Stewart John, fherifF-brae, Leith. Stewart John, Peeble's wynd. SHOE- MAKERS. Stewart Charles, canongate-head. Smith David, foot of Forrefter's wynd. Smart Jolin, calton. Btoddtrt William, ditto. Scott David, ditto. S 73

Small James, Allifon's fquare. Sibbald James, oppofite to AUiTon's fquare, Scott Walter, potter-row. Stoddart James, meal-market flairs. Smith Robert, foot of Hume's clofe. Saunders James, St Ninian's row. Scott Gilbert, St Ninian's row. Simpfon George, calton. SLATERS and PLUMBERS. Sime James, flater, Monteath's clofe. Syme George, ditto, Dickfon's clofe. Smith James, ditto, near Queenfberry's lodging. Selby Robert, plumber, bailie Fyfe's clofe. Scott Ellias, ditto, foot of Craig's clofe. Scott William, ditto, foot of upper baxters clofe. GLAZIERS and PAINTERS. Sommers Thomas, glazier and print feller, pari. dole. Salton Robert, ditto, grafs-market. Salton Alexander, ditto, grafs-market. Small John, ditto, Libberton's wynd. Stewart Robert, ditto, canongate-head. Scott Thomas, painter, near the canongate church. Spence William, ditto, head of James's court. Spence John, ditto, oppo. bow-head well. Stevenfon Robert,BARBERS.ditto, back of the theatre. Small Charles, head of Chalmers's dofe. Savage Robert, Allifon's fquare. Spence James, head of Burnet's clofe. Stewart Alexander, Kinloch's clofe CANDLE- MAKERS. Sprott John, head blackfriars wynd. Storrie Alexander, at the crofs. Sprott Robert, above the tron-church. Sprott Thomas, back of the guard. Sprott John, tolbooth wynd, Leith, K 74 S VINTNERS. Small Charles, comely-garden. Sommers Thomas, oppolke the guard. Storrie John, new-key, Leitli. Skinner Mrs, on the more, ditto. Swanfton John, foot of Leith-walk., STABLER S. Sutherland John, cowgate-head. Scott Thomas, at Magdalen's chapel. Stewart James, cowgate head. Sharp John, pleafanee. MILLINERS and M A N T U A-M A K E R S. Steele and Faichney, milliners head of bridge-ftreet. Smiths Miff, Bow-head. Selkrig Mrs, lawn-market. Storries Mill", luckenbooths. Spankie Mifs, Warrifton's clofe. Steedman Mifs, Niddery's wynd. Strachan Mifs, Adams's fqnare. Shiels Mifl^ mantua-makers, Nairn's clofe. Smith Mifs, ditto, Peebles wynd. Scott Mifs, ditto, flefii-market clofe canongate. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Steedman John, phyfician, St John's ftrect, canongate. Spence David, ditto, Forrefter's wynd. Stcvenfbn Alexander, doctor, Niddery's wynd. Spence Nathaniel, fnrgeon, Niddery's wynd. Simpion William, teller in the royal bank. Scott William, banker, Foulis's clofe. Sinclair Andrew, banker, Nicolfon's-ftrcet. Smith Daniel, banker, chapel-llreet. Smellie and Balfour, printers, foot of anchor clofe. Spottifwood James, paper ware-houfc, Milln's fquarc. Sealy Jofeph, teaches dancing, Foulis's clofe. Strange David, teaches dancing, Todcrick's wynd.

Selkrig Robert, teller in t lie royal bank, grafs-market.

Shieh druggift, above the troii-clinn li.

Simpfon Thomas, pewtcicr, head of I Jalkei fton's wy. Stalkerjatues, fchool-maher, Pattcrfon's court. s 7? Stockell Jofeph, hofier, front of the exchange. StockeU Mrs, hofier, front of the exchange. Stirling; John, ftocking-maker, nether-bow. Smith James, glover, creams. Sime James, glover, foot of the creams. / Stewart David, glover, tolbooth door. Smith Gilbert, founder, St Ninian's row Steele Robert, confectioner, oppofite bridge-ftreet. Stewart Neil, mufic-ihop, parliament clofe. Smiton John, mufician, Henderfon's land. Smiton Charles, hatter, blackfriars wynd. Sprott James, tanner, weft-port. Sprott Alexander, tanner, at Hamilton's folly. Simpfons Miff, tobacconift at the crofs. Somerville David, tobacconift, grafs-market. Smith Mrs, confectioner, cowgate-head. Scott John, heftier, higli-fchool yards. Stewart John, jewel-cutter, Nicolfon's ftreet. Strachan WilHam, officer of excife, dub-row, Leith.. Stewart John, officer of excife, there. Scails Adoiphus and Andrew, rope-makers, Lieth. Sutherland William, flih-hook-maker, Leith wynd. Spalding Peter, fifliing-rod maker, grafs market. Small George, cooper, oppofite ChefTals's court, can. Sutherland John, lint-drefler, canongate-head. Smiton Alex, book-binder, Brown's clofe, luckenbo. Scott James, book-binder, Gabriel's road. Sangfter Peter, book-binder, Peebles wynd. Skirving John, watch-maker, luckenbooths. Straiton Archibald, watch-maker, flefh-market clofe. Scott James, watch-maker, on the ftiore, Leith. Smith John, trunk-maker, calton. Somerville trunk-maker, head cf Carrubber's clofe- Spalding John, faddler, grafs-market. Sutherland Mrs, midwife, Peebles wynd, ROOM SETTERS. Stewart Mrs, head of Befs wynd. S'Jiith Mrs, weft-bow. Shaw Mrs, James's court, Steven John, Pattcrion's court. K 2 76 T Strachan Mrs, Niddery's wynd. Stewart Mrs, nether-bow. Scrymgeour Mrs, world's end clofe. Simpfon James, Bell's wynd. Steel Mrs, JLibberton's wynd. Spark Thomas, oppofite Niddery's wynd. Strachan Mifs, Adams's fquare. Sutherland Mrs, Milln's fquare.

r I * YTLER Alexander, advocate, Campbell's clofe.

CLERKS to his Maj e sty's S T G N £ T. Tytler William, Campbell's clofe, cowgate. Tait John, new town. Todd Thomas, Carrubber's clofe. Taylor James, MuiFelburgb. Tait Alex, clerk of feflion, Argyle's fquare. WRITERS admitted by the Court of Seffion. Taylor William, Craig's clofe Trotter Robert, canongate-head. Tawfe John, trunk clofe Thomfon Alexander, meal-market -flairs. Tod George, weft-bow. EXTRACTORS, WRITERS, ire. Thomfon John, extra, in Gibfon's office, new town. Tyrie John, extractor, Tait's office, Kinloch's clofe. Taylor Alexander, attorney, in excheq* Muffelburgh Taylor David, ditto, briftow-ltreet. Turner Robert, ditto, Milln's fquare. Todd Thomas, examiner, Carrubber's clofe. Taylor William, writer, Craig's clofe. clofe. Tait J, clerk in the council chamber, lady Sair's Turnbull David, writer, briftow-ltreet. Thomfon John, St Andrew's-ltreet. Tod Archibald, procurator, Muffelburgh. T 77 MERCHANTS. Tod Thomas, Milln's court. Tod William, leather-mere, caftle-hill. Thomfon Robert, lady Stairs's clofe. Tulloeh Thomas, wine-mere, head of Dunbar's clofe. Thomfon Patrick, lawn-market. Taylor William, hickenbooths. Tod and Galloway, ditto. Tweedy Mil's, ditto. Taylor John, ditto. Taylor William, Libberton's wynd. Turnbnll and Carfrae, front of exchange. Thomfon John, jun. new-key, Leith. Tod Richard and Son, wood-merch. few-mill, Leith. Thomfoa John, tolbooth-wynd, ditto. Thorn James, wine-mer. near Milton's lodging, can. Thomas Mills, china-merch. head of Cheftals's court. Thomfon James, grafs-market, north fide. GROCERS. Trotters William and Thomas, confectioners and gro- cers, bow-head. Thomfoa Andrew, oppofite to Niddery's wynd, Thomfon John back of fountain well. Thomfon William, cowgate-head. BAXTERS. Taylor Thomas, hickenbooths. Thomfon James, head of Forrefter's wynd. Turnbull George, potter-row. Taylor Robert, jun. canongate-foot. Taylor Robert, ditto. Turnbull George, briftow-ftreet. GENTLEMEN. Trotter Thomas, of , oppo canon, church. Tod Colin, Efq; St John's-ftreet, canongate. Touch John, minifter. Thomfon Walter, oppo. Peebles wynd. Threipland Sir Stewart, phyfician, Cheflals's court. Trail John, minifter, fociety. Thain. John, oppofite Milton's loaging, canongate. 78 T DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Taylor John, and co. jewelers, parliament clofe. Thomfon John, carver and gilder, Magdalen's chapel. Thomfon James, infurance broker, exchange. Thomfon Robert, hard-ware mere, exchange. Taylor John, cloag-maker, St Ninian's row. Taylor Robert, founder, St Ninian's row. Tait James, wright, old pofl houfe clofe. Thomfon James, writing-mafter, anchor clofe. Thomfon James, glover, creams. Tanfh David, taylor, Morifon's clofe. Tod James, fchool-mafter, Stonelaw's clofe. TurnbuU and Aitchifon, clock and watch-makers back of the guard. Thomfon James, barber, head of covenant clofe. Touch George, bcll-h.inger, old aflcmbly clofe. Tibbetts Thomas, hatter, at the crofs Trail John, ftationer, parliament clofe. Thomfon William, hair-dreffer, lawn-market. Thomfon James, founder, cowgate-head. Taylor Peter, fmith, Scot's dole. TurnbuU Thomas, candlemaker, briftow-flreet. Tait James, book-binder, college wynd. Thomfon John, faddler, St Mary's wynd. Tuomfon John, Jhip-mafter, broad-wynd, Leith. Thomfon James, ftiip-mafter, ditto. Tod George, fhip-maflcr, tolbooth-wynd, ditto. Tliomfon Katharine, vintner, Burges's clofe, ditto. Thomfon David, vintner, on the iliore, ditto. Thomfon Robert, ihoe-maker, ditto. Tliomfon James, of tlie glais-houfc, kirkgate, ditto. Taylor William, boat-builder, (heriff-brae, ditto. TurnbuU & company, facking factory, ditto. Tinnlnill Thomas, copper-fmith, tolbooth wynd, dit. Thninfoii [olin, block-maker, queen-ftrect, ditto. 1 hoinfoii )oliii, Ihoe-maker, head of the canongate, Tlunnfon Mil";, milliner, St Andrcw's-lh eel. Telpher Mr-, fiftl rooms, upper baxters clofe. Thomfon Mrs, ditto, writers court. Taylor Mr:;, ditto, baillic Fyfe's cofe. u 79

U ADVOCATES. URquhart William, canongate. Udny Alex, commifli. of excife, near lauriflon. Urquhart Keith, Banff. DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. Urquhart Leonard, cl. to the fignet, Forrefter's wy. Urquhart William, ditto, Gray's inn, London. Urquhart Alex, fhip-mafter, tolbooth wynd, Leith. Urquhart David, fmith, calton. Urquhart Mrs, fets rooms, Dickfon's clofe. Urquhart Robert, cork-cutter, Stonelaw's clofe. Urquhart John, taylor, canongate -head.

DIFFERENT EMPLOYMENTS. VAir William, barber, at the crofs. Veitch George, merchant, luckenbooths. Vallentine Mrs, vintner, on the fhore, Leith. Veitch John, grocer, kirkgate, ditto. Veitch John, marble-cutter, foot of canongate^

W ADVOCATES. WUliamfon Jofeph fen. Leven-lodge. Wallace William, near. Magdalen's chapeL Wallace George, Scott's clofe. 80 W Wight Alexander, St Andrew's fquare. Whitefoord Sir John, ditto. White Robert, Wallace William, Byers's clofe. C L E R K S to his Majesty's SIGNET. Wilfon William, new-bank clofe. Wemys William, foot of Marlane's wynd. Welfh John, back of the exchange. Watfon James, Milln's court. Walker James, fociety. Wight David, St Andrew's fquare. WRITERS. Whyt Bain, welt-bow. Walker William, Byres'* clofe. Wilfon Thomas, Wai rifton's clofe. Wright John, canal-ftreet. Williamfon Jofeph, jnn. Leven-lodge. PROCURATORS, Watfon John, Milln's court. Walker Willium, ditto. Wocdhead Anthony, Forrefler's wynd, Watfon Samuel, meal-market flairs. Wilfon James, in Fyfe, MERCHANTS. Williamfon David, at Leven-lodge. Webfter George, cloath-merc. front of exchange. White James, Chalmers's clofe. Walker and Strachan, Kinloch's clofe. Wilfon Andrew, lawn-market, Wood John, Herriot's work. Wight Robert, head of Dunbar's clofe, Watfon John, broad-wynd, Leith. White Mrs, rottfn-row, ditto. Wood Chriltopher, bernard-ftreet, ditto. Watfon William, bernard-flreet, ditto. Walker Thomas, queen -flrcet, ditto. Watt William, qucen-flreet, ditto, Wood Hugh, quccn-itrecr, ditto, W 81 Watfon Robert, hard ware-mero. luckenbooths. Williamfon Alexander, Nicolfon's-ftreet. Walker Niddery's wynd. John, GROCERS. Walker James, head of Kennedy's dofe. Wardrope David, head of old aflembly clofe. Wilfon Thomas, cowgate-port. Wallace William, cowgate-head. Wood Mrs, oppofite back ftairs. Williamfon William, chapel-ftreet. Wifbn James, oppofite canongate church. White Peter, caftle-hill. GENTLEMEN. Williamfon John, Leven-lodge. Wemyfs leut. governor, Edinburgh caftle. Williamfon high fchool-vards. Wharton Thomas, commif. of Excifo, near Laurifton. Wemyfs Sir James, oppofite canongate-church. Wemyfs James, St John's-ftreet, canongate. Wyvil Edward, near linen office, canongate. Walker Robert, minifter, caftle-hill. Webfter Alex, minifter, caftle-hill. Wifhart George, minifter, Jack's clofe, canongate. Warden John, minifter, oppo, the canongate-church. LADIFS and GENTLEWOMEN. Whiteford lady.- Argyle's iquare. Waterfide lady, Smith's land. Wallace Mrs, James's court. Watfon Mrs, Dunbar's clofe. SURGEONS. Wardrope David, head of Forrefter's wynd. Wood Alex. Cheflals's court. Walker Robert, Sellers's clofe. Williamfon and Congalton, Gray's ciofe. Wooc" Andrew, new affembly clofe. Wood Thomas, quality -ftreet, Leith. Wright George, head of fhoe -makers clofe, canonea. L 8a W GOLD -SMITHS and JEWELERS. Welfh James, parliamcnt-clofe. Welfh John, under the tolbooth. Wemyfs James, at the council-chamber door. BAXTERS. Wight Robert, at the crofs. Wight William, oppofite to the fountain-welL Waugh Gilbert, head of Niddery's wynd. Wright John, nether-bow. White Thomas, head of Haftie's clofe. Wightman William, chapel-ftreet. Wilfon John, Nicolfon's-ftreet. Webfter David, St Ninian's row. SILK-DYERS. Wemyfs Jolin, back of the weigh-houfe. Wilfon Mrs, Niddery's wynd- Wight Robert, foot of Llbberton's wynd. Wilfon Patrick, potter-row. VINTNERS. Walker Charles, writers court. Wares Francis, old poft-houfe clofe. Ward William, back of the theatre. William fon Robert, on the fhore, Leith. Watfon Mrs, on the fhore, Leith. Whyte Thomas on the fhore, Leith. MILLINERS and M A N T U A - M A K E R S. Wood Mifs, mantua-maker, Hyn

"Wright Charles, ftationer, parliament clofe. Walker James, mafon, briftow-ltreet. Wilfon Andrew, fleflier, fiefh-market clofe. Williamfon James, fleflier, ditto. Wilfon and co. painters, St Mary's wynd. White James, cork-cutter, on the fliore, Leith. Waddle James, fliip-mafter, ditto. Walker John, clerk of the weigh-houfe, ditto. Wood Alex, mathematician, Liddel's clofe, ditto. Wilfon William, land-waiter, lees-quarter, ditto. Waugh David, fleflier, tolbooth wynd, ditto. Wood James, taylor, canongate-head. Whitehead Robert, wright, new-flreet, canongate. Watfon Robert, weaver, flioe-makers clofe, ditto. Wright George, taylor, canongate-head. Wilfon Gavin, (hoe-maker, and curious in making all kinds of leather-work, canongate-head. Wilfon Robert, turner, canongate-head. Wilfon John, mafon, back of the theatre.

YOUNG Thomas, phyfician, ncw-ftreet, canon. Young John, firft clerk to W. Baillie, Porrefl". wy. Young William, clerk to Sir John Whiteford. Yeaman John, mathematical inftru. maker, bow head. Yule Benjamin, baxter, front of Milln's court. Young Mrs, gentlewoman, Sellers's clofe. Yair Rachel, merchant, luckenbooths. Young James, wig-maker, luckenbooths. Young and Trotter, upholflerers, luckenbooths. Yair Mrs, bookfrller, parliament clofe. Young Thomas, fchool-mafter, prefident flairs. Young William, flabler, cowgate-head. Young John, mere, graft-market. Young William, wright, Scott's clofe. Young Patrick, fchool-maftcr, br^ad wynd, Leith. Y 8; Young James, mip-mafter, rctten-rov, Lelth. Yule Johu, baxter, dub-row, ditto. Young James, brewer, lees- quarter, ditto. Young John, wright, thiftle court, new- rwn. Yeats John, vintner, on the more of Le ;h. Young Robert, barber, grafs-market. Z Zigglar George, writer, oppofite Magdalen's chapel.

A LISTofthe CONSTABLES of Edinburgh, for the Year 1773, with an exact Defcription of their Bounds.

SAmuel Patterfon, merchant, luckenbooths, prefes, his bounds begins at the weft fide ofHaftie's clofe, including the college wynd, eaft fide of the hone wynd, to the potter-row port. John Gibb, merchant, head of bridge-ftreet, begins within the weft-port, north fide of the ftreet, and ends at the head of the weft-bow, weft fide. William Gillefpie, merchant, luckenbooths, begins at the head of the weft-bow on the weft-fide, and goes up the fouth fide, and down the north fide of the caftle-hOl to Nairn's clofe. Alexander Thotnfon, grocer, back of the crofs-well begins at Nairn's clofe on the eaft fide, and ends at Gladftone's clofe. John Peat, upholfterer, Halkerfton's wynd, begins at Gladftone's clofe, and ends at the undermoft bas- te rs clofe. Lewis Gordon, upholfterer, a little below bridge-ftrett, begins at the undermoft baxters clofe, and ends at Byres's clofe, weft fide. 86*

Thomas Kerr, wig-maker, head of Bell's wynd, be- gins at ihe eaft iu'e of Byres's clofe, and ends at Allan's dole, weft tide. William Harley, holier, oppofite to the guard, begins at the eaft lide of Allan's clofu, and ends at Ged- des's clofe, weft lide. Peter Kobertibn, merchant, luckenbooths, begins at the ealt fide of Geddes's dole, and ends at Buil's dole, well; fide.

Mark Wart, tobacconift, foot of the weft-bow , be- gins at eaft fide of Bull's dofe, and ends at Halker- lton's vvynd, weft fide. Malcolm M'Naughton, merchant, oppofite to the croft, begins at eaft tide of Halkerfton's wynd, and ends at M<-rifon's clofe, weft fide. Jofeph Stockell, hof.er, exchange, begins at the eaft fide of Morifon's dole, and ends at Chalmers's clofe, weft fide. Peter Forrefter, merchant, oppofite to the crofs, be- gii.s at the eaft fide of Chalmers's clofe, and ends at the head of Leith wynd, welt-fide. William Gordon, brewer, in the grafs-market, begins at the head of St Mary's wynd, weft fide, and up the lbuth fide of the ftreet to blackfriars wynd. James Dickfon, bookfeller, exchange, begins at the cowgate-poit, up both fides of the ftreet, to black- friars wynd, and up the call fide of the high-fchool wynd. James Thomfon, wig-maker, head of the covenant dofc, begins at the high-fchool gate fouthvvard, and the weft lide of that wynd, to the eaft fide of Ro- bertibn'l clofe, including Cant and Dickfon's clofe. William Borthwick, feed-merchant, bridgc-ftreet, begins at Kinloch's clofe, below Niddery's wynd headj with the fore ftreet to blackfriars wynd head, including Fei'gnfon'l clofe, Niddery and Marlain's wyndf, with i\ c weft fide of Robertfon's dofe on the fouth (ide of the cowgate. 8? John Cairns, fleflier, fldh-market clofe, begins at the tron-church, and ends at Bell's wynd, eaft fide. James Chalmers, flefher, fiefli-market clofe, begins at the weft fide of Bell's wynd, and ends at the eafl fide of Borthwick's clofe. Walter Boyd, wig-maker, head of b'ackfriars wynd, begins at the weft-fide of Borthwick's dole, to the entry of the parliament clofe, and from the foot of blackfriars wynd on the north fide of the cowgate, to the kirk-heugh. t George Hutchifon, painter, in flem-market clofe, be- gins at weft fide of the back of fifli-market, includ- ing the parliament clofe and luckenbooths, on the fouth fide. John Richmond, feed-mere, in weft-bow, begins at the laigh council door, to Libberton's wynd, eaft fide, including the north fide of the cowgate from the foot of the back ftairs to Libberton's wynd. Alexander Reid, grocer, head of Forrefter's wynd, begins at weft fide of Libberton's wynd, to the head of the weft bow, William Orrock, faddler, head of Halkerfton's wynd, begins at the head of the weft-bow, on the eaft fide, down the fame to the cowgate-head, including the clofes, and from the cowgate-head, on the north fide, to Libberton's wynd. John Hutchifon, mere, in luckenbooths, begins at potter-row port, down the weft fide of the horfe wynd, to the new-well and up the fouth fide of the cowgate, to the bear-well, and the eaft fide of the candle-maker-row, to the fociety port. James Grant, grocer, head of Halkerfton's wynd, begins at weft fide of fociety port, down the weft fide of candle-maker row, to the cowgate-head, and weft the fouth fide of grate-market, to the port, Gavin Wilfon, fhoe-maker, head of canongate, begins at head of St Mary's wynd, down the canongate, fouth fide, to St John's ftreet. John Nicolfon, fhoe-maker, head of canongate, the fame bounds as above. 88


James Murray, taylor, Leith-wynd, ift quarter, John Thomfon, fhoe-maker, Morocco's land, id qua. John Campbell, mere. Jack's land, 3d qua. moderator. John Buchan, merchant, oppofite Chieeniberry's lodg. James Scott, gun-fmith, canongate-head. Robert Whitehead, wright, new-ftreet.

CONSTABLES in LEITH. John Crockat, flater, kirkgate. John Thomfon, block-maker, queen-ftreet. William Coke, bookfeller, on tlie fhore. Thomas Jamiefon, merchant, on the new-key. James Orr, merchant on the (hore. John Anderfon, candle-maker, in the tolbooth wynd. John Watfon, cooper, head of broad-ftreet.

CONVENERY or CANONGATE. Hammermen, C Archibald Miller, deacon-convener. 2. James Riddle, colleague* C Peter Smith, deacon. Taylors. £ James Wood, colleague. C Robert Taylor, Bakers. jun deacon. £ James Miller, colleague. Thomfon, Cordiners. 5 John deacon. £ John Wifhart, colleague. Wrights and S Archibald Aitken, deacon. Coopers. £ Thomas Scott, colleague. Peter Stewart, deacon, treafurer. S Weavers. . John Dnimmond, colleague, J. Wil- r fon colleague, in J. Drummond's abf. John Kohcrtfon, deacon. Flefhers. 3 £ William Cruckfhank?:, colleague. James Crawford, Clerk. L I S T of the CARRIERS from ail the Towns in Scot/and : their qarters in Edinburgh, with the days of their Arrival and Departure.

From whence Where lodged. jfrriv. Depa. Aberdeen Reid's Murdoch's clofe Wed Frid Air Campbell's grafs-market Alloa Buchanan's ditto Wed Thurf Anft. & Wemyfs Campbell's back the guard Tuef Wed Bankhead- Coulter'* grafs-market Tuef Wed Bannockurn cowgate-head Thurf Wed Bathgate Walker's grafs-market Frid Satur Berwick on Tw. Robertfon's canonga.head Wed Thurf North Berwick Kerriot's ditto, .north-fide Frid Satur Biggar Wallace's grafs-market Mond 1 uef BorrowftounnefsCrawford's ditto Frid Satur Brechin Reid's Murdoch's clofe Wed Frid Broughton Pollock's eowgate-head Tuef Wed Burntifland Scott's Peeble's wynd-hd. Tuef Wed Calder Buchanan's grafs-market Frid Satur Carmichael Buchanan's ditto Tuef Wed Carnwarth Ewart's cowgate-head Tuef Wed Carlifle Malcolm's briitow Wed Cardrofs Gibfon's grafs-market Wed Thurf Carron Coulter's ditto Tuef Wed Coldllream M'Farlane's horfe wynd Wed Thurf Crail Campbell's Kennedy's cL Thurf Frid Culrofs Gibfon's grafs-market Tuef Wed Cupar Fife Rofs's back of the guard Thurf Frid Cupar Angus Arnot's mint clofe Wed Thurf Carltairs Campbell's grafs-market Wed Thurf Clackmannan Buchanan's graft-market Tuef Thurf Dalkieth Aitken's horfe wynd. daily daily Down Gibfon's grafs-mar-ket Wed Thurf Dolphington Ker's diito Frid Satur Douglas Buchanan's ditto TuefWed Dumblain Pollock's cowgate-head Thurf Frid Dunfermling M'Intyre's & Buchanan's grafs-market M Tuef. Thurf 9° Dumfries Coulter's grafs-market ThurfFrid Dunbar Heniot's canongate-head Tuef Wed Dnndce Duff's Pceble's wynd Tuef Frid Dimkeld CbrHHe's Skinner's clofe Tuef Thurf Duufc Aitken's horfe wynd ThurfFrid Dinifyre Archibald's candlema. row Tuef Wed. EarHtcm Pollock's cowgate-head Wed Wed Fly Rofs's back of the guard Wed Thurf Falkirk Gibfon'.s grafs-market Tuef Wed Fort William Ditto Monthly Gladftanes Ker's grafs-market Tuef Wed Glafgow Coulter & M'Intyre ditto ThurfFrid Galafliiels Ewart's candlemaker-ro. Tuef Wed Haddington Bell'sand Herriot's canon. Tuef Wed Hamilton Campbell's grafs-market ThurfFrid Hawick Pollock's cowgate-head. Wed Thurf Jedburgh Aitken & M'Farlane h.w. Thurf Frid Inverkcithing Coulter's grafs-market Tuef Wed Irvine Campbell's ditto Kelfo Scott's cowgate-head Wed Thurf Ditto Aitken's horfe wynd Tucl Wed Kcnuoway Ronaldfon's poultry-mar. Wed Thurf Kilkedzie Buchanan's grafs-market Wed Thurf Kilmarnock Ditto Frid SatUT Kinrofs Bell's canongate-head Wed Thurf Kinghorn Fearliefoot blackfriarsw. Tuef Wed Kippen Walker's grafs-market Wed Thurf Kirkcaldy Rofs's back of the guard Wed Thurf Lanark Campbell's grafs-market Wed Thurf Langholm Malcolm's in briftow Wed Thurf Lauder Aitken's boric wynd Wed Thurf Lellie ClnifHc's Skinner's clofe Tuef Thurf Lefmahagoe Ker's grafs-market Wed Thurf Leven Ronald toil'* poultry-mar. Tuef Thurf Libberton Bucbanau'f grafs-market Mond Tuef Linton Wallace's ditto Tuef Wed Linlithgow Coulter's 8c M'Farlans'sd. Tuef Tuef ' Ladykirk M'Farlane's horfe wynd ThurfFrid Mclrrifc M'Farlane's horfe wynd Wed Thurf 9f

Melville Chriftie's Skinner's clofe TuefWed Moffat Pollock's cowgate-head Thurf Frid Maybole Campbell's grafs-inarket Gibfon^ grafs-market ThurfTrid Newcaftle wag.3 Newraills Buchanan's grafs-market Frid Satur Ormifton Gilchrift's canong. head Tuef Tuef Path-head Ronaldfon's poultry-mar. Tuef Thurf Peebles Menzies'scandlemaker-r. TuefWed Pennycuik Menzies'scandlemaker-r. Thurf Frid Preftonpans Gilchriil's canong. head Tuef Tuef Perth Rofs's at the tron-church Frid Satur Polmuid Rannie's cowgatc-head Fuef Wed Pittenweem Campbell's Kennedy's cl. Thurf Frid St Andrews Sydferf's Kennedy's clo. Wed Thurf Sanquhar Coulter's grafs-market uncertain Selkirk Menzies'scandlemaker-r. Mond Tuef Shots Coulter's grafs-market Frid Satur Skirling Buchanan's ditto Mond Tuef Stirling Pollock's cowgate-Jiead Thurf Frid Strathaven Campbell's grafs-market Frid Satur Walfton Kerr's ditto Mond Tuef FINIS.

The Publifher of this work takes this method to ac- quaint his friends and well-wifhers, that he has entire- ly left off the bufinefs of a vintner, and embraces this opportunity of returning his hearty thanks to all his cuftomers, in hopes they will continue their favours to his fucceffor George Honey, who has provided himfelf with all neceflaries fuitable to accommodate the public.

The Publifher has laid in a,i affortment of new- types, in order to carry on the printing buGnefs in all its various brandies. He will make it His frudy to give all fatisfaeVion to his employers, and will print on the moft reafonable terms, and thankfully acknow- ledge ihe favours of thofe who fhall think proper to employ him. ADVERTISEMENT.

* I « H E Pul)li(her of this Directory has endeavour- JL cd to fuj>ply the frequent complaints of itrangers, as well as the Citizens, in taking upon him the arduous tafk of compiling a Complete Guide, for the eafy find- ing out every inhabitant, of the lead note, in this me- tropolis and fuburbs.

But, as the difficulty of a private perfon'.s knowing every one and his connections, without the affiftancc of the people themfelves, muft be apparent to every one ; it cannot be expected, but that Come errors and o- miifions will appear, which he hopes the indulgent pub- lic willexcufe ; notwithftanding, the publisher did make an actual furvey of almofl every houfe in Edinburgh, with a view to be as exact as pofTible, but many had fcruples of giving information, as they imagined it was for another purpofe he was taking up their names. Therefore, to render this Directory complete, there will be an Appendix printed, and given gratis to the pur* chafers of this, about the fir ft of Auguft next, recti- fying the miftakes (if any be) wherein the names of thofe that have been omitted in this fliall be carefully inferted, and the publifher will take it kind to have written information on this occafion, that the Appen- dix and the fubfequent editions may be as complete as pofTible.

As this Directory will annually require reprinting, on account of removals, deaths, new partneifhips, and other accidents, the publifher hopes, that thofe who are to move will give him proper notice thereof, be- fore the firft of May next, that they may be inferted accordingly. A ¥ T E N D I X


City of Edinburgh, Canongate, Leith, and Suburbs.

Ranged in Alphabetical order, in the Manner of a Dictionary, after the Plan of the London Directory.

Which Appendix is given gratis to the purchafers of the Dire&ory, wherein is contained the names of thofe who have been omitted, and the miftakes ace rectified, fo far as they have come to the Publiiher's knowledge.

ABercrombie Alexander, advocate, writer's court. Adam Alex, rector of the high-fchool, college- wynd, cowgate. f Adam Alexander, flater, Anderofn's land, weft-bow. Addifon John, mufician, horfe-wynd, cowgate. Addifon James, fhip-mafter, c«ueen.-ftreet Leith. A ; 2 B f Allan Robert, merchant, and agent for the fun-fire office, Strichen's clofe. Allan John, minifter, near foot of Peebles wynd. Anderfon William, writer, cowgate-head. Anderfon William, fadler, cowgate-head. f Andrew George, clerk to Mr Alexander Murray, advocate, old aflembly clofe. f Andrew John, grocer, head of James's court. Armftrong Francis, merchant, luckenbooths. Amot James, brewer, in Campbell's clofe canongate. Auchinleck Gilbert, cutler, nether-bow. B | Bain William, writei', potter-row. to Cullen, advocate, •f Bannerman James, clerk R. above the fheriff-clerk's office. Bell Robert, minifter, Gabriel's road, new-town. Bell William, minifter, fountain- bridge. Bell John, bookfeller, writer's court. f Bell John, writer to the fignet, Buchanan's court. Bell William, writer, Kincaid's land, cowgate. Bertram William, merchant, fountain-bridge. Berwick Robert, grocer, lawn-market, fouth-fide. f Blackhall Thomas, clofet keeper Daliymple's office, Brifto-ftreet. f Boes Mi6, fets rooms, Warrifton's clofe. f Bogue Johnr clerk to R. Blair, ad. Allan's clofe. Bonar John, depute follicltor excife, Chefleh's court, f Bofwell Robert, writer, back of the theatre* f Bofwell Mrs, of Balmuto, lady Stair's clofe. Boyd Robert, writer, Dunbar's clofe. Boyd and Little, tea-dealers, bridge-ftreet. Bremner James, writer and clerk to Meff. W. Nairn and Simon Frafer, advocates, Hernot's work entry, Bryee Alexander, wine-cooper, broad wynd, Leith. Bryfon Thomas, brewer, Siennes. f Buchan Hepburn George, advocate, James's court, f Buchan Thomas, 'advocate, Chalmers's clofe. j- Burnet William, exchequer. Butter and Son, wrights, Carrubber's clofe. c f Cairncrofs George, writer, Miln's court. of feffion, head of f Callender John, depute clerk Brodie's clofe. Scot's f Callender George, cabinet-maker andmeafurer, clofe, cowgate. Campbell James, clerk to A. Campbell advocate, co- venant clofe. Campbell William, writer, fcale ftairs, old affembly cl. Campbell John, cafliier, royal-bank Campbell Mrs, midwife, Geddes's clofe. Caw John, afliftant fecretary excife, ChefTels's court. Chriftie David, wright, kirk-gate, Leith. Cheyne William, furgeon, new key, Leith. f Clark Mrs, gentlewoman, Brown's fquare. Cobb William, inventor and patentee of fiftieries and manufactories, Brodie's clofe, Lawn-market. Cock John, leather-drefTer, at Bell's mills. Coldftream John, writer, in the commiflary-office. Colquhoun Sir James, Peebles wynd. Comb Matthew, fenior, brewer, kirk-gate, Leith. Conftable George, writer, advocates clofe. Cooper George, mufic-mafter, back of the Exchange. Copland Mrs, calender-keeper, Hume's clofe. Cowan John, engraver, oppofite the guard. Craig James, baxter, head of Dickfon's clofe- Cranfton James, fchool mafter, flioe-mak clofe, can. Creech William, bookfeller at the crofs. Cruckfhanks William, mafter in the high-fchool, oppo- fite the foot of the old fifh-market, cowgate. Cuming and fon, bankers, exchange. Cuming George, clerk to W. M'JKenzie advocate, royal bank clofe. Cunningham James, writer, Grant's clofe, weft-bow. Cunningham Rob. ftearch-maker. bernard-ftr. Leith. A 2 4 D Darling William, bookfeller, bridge-ftreet. Davidion, Dick, and Ronald, upholfterers, lawn»ma. Deas William, fdk-dyer, oppofite the weigh-houfe. Dick Robert, minifter, Broughton. Digges Weft, Efq; manager of the theatre-royal, near Bonnie-haugh. Doig David, land-waiter, rotten-row, Leith. f Drummond William, bookfeller, at the crofs. Dryfdale John, minifter, back of the theatre. Dryfdale Mrs, midwife, weft-bow. Dan James, wright, laurifton-ftreet.

Duncan Charles, cl. to J. Graham, high-fchool yards. Dundas James, advocate, at wrights-houfes. Dundafes MifT. milliners, luckcnbooths-

E En/lie Tohn. writer, Trotter's clofe, cowgate.

Fairly Patrick, weaver, Broughton. Fairweather David, feed-merchant, pleafance. f Falconer Rev. William, Somervile's land canong.

-f Falconer David, advocate, Chalmers's clofe. Farquharfon Alexander Ichool-mafter, pleafance. Farquharfon Alex, accountant, oppofite the crofs. Fergus Mr?, boarding-fchool, fociety. f r crgufon George, advocate, Hyndford's clofe. t Fergufon Alexander, clerk to MefT. C. Hay and Alexander Scrymgeour advocates, Dickfon's cfofe. Forbes captain, brifto-ftreet. Forbes Sir William, Hunter, and Co. bankers, par. cl. Forrcfter James, lcathcr-dreftcr, at filyer -'mills. Forrefts and Maxwell, wine-merchants, Miln':> court. FrafrrAlex. paper-merchant, Weir's land canongatc. Frendl Alex, mafter high-fdiool, Middlcton's entry* Fullerton William, Elq. of Carftair.*, Nicollbn's ftre. Gardiner Andrew, brewer, goofe-dub. Gafcoigne Mrs, gentlewoman, St John's clofe, canon. Gibfon John, minifter, weft-church. Gibfon Walter, furgeon, broad wynd, Leith. Gilchrift Mrs, midwife, college wynd. Gillies Alexander, writer, teind office, calton-hill. Gilmore Samuel, rope maker, grafs-market. Goodwillie John, writer, luckenbooths. Gordon John, writer to the fignet, Miln's court. Gordon Lewis, cl. to Cofmo Gordon, ad. Dickfon's cl. Graham John, wine-merchant in quality-ftreet, Leith. Graham William, wine-merchant, ditto. Graham John, advocate, Carrubber's clofe. Grant Thomas and Son, bowers, nether-bow. Gray James, clerk to Lord Alemoor, old aflembly cl. Gray James, letter-cafe maker, Forrefter's wynd. Gray John, writer to the fignet, Miln's fquare. Greig James, cl. to G. Buchan Hepburn, Cant's clofe. Grewar John, mufician, entry to Gavinloch's land. Grieve Alexander, book-binder, Bell's wynd. H

f Haliburton And. writer to the fignet, Gosford's cl. Hall Ifabella, milliner, luckenbooths. Hamilton Mrs, midwife, old afTembly clofe. Harper William, minifter, Merlin's wynd. Haftie William, fmith, prince's ftreet. Hay William, merchant, and ham-curer canal-ftreet. f Heatherwick Will, excife officer, St Ninian's row. Hempfeed Mrs, fets rooms, Richraond-ftreet. Herriot John, writer, Crichton- ftreet. Hodges Will, merchant, at the back of the crofs well. Hope Robert, wool and leather- merchant, weft-bow. Hope Archibald, cafliier royal bank, weft-bow. Horfeburgh Mrs, milliner, lawn-market. Horfeman Rob. excife officer, caftle wynd. Hume Henry, writer to the fignet, head of the canon. Hume James, of Gemblelhiels, St. John's ftreet. Hunter, Mansfield, and Co. bankers, Inckenbooths. Hunter John, clerk to L. Monboddo, blackfri^rs wynd. Hunter James, merchant, new town. Hutchifon James, vintner, advocates clofe.


Jackfon W. fen. extra'tor Durie's office, Strichcn's cl. Jarvey William, tea ar.d fpir it- dealer, head of Byers's dole, luckenbooths. JefTcry George, cl. to R. Sinclair ad. Brifto-frreet. Inglis Charles, depute clerk to the bills, bill-chamber. Innes John, furgeon, college. Innes James, furgeon, Miln's court. Johnlton Mrs, midwife, anchor clofe. K Kennedy Robert, grocer, head of blackfriers wynd. Kerr, minifter, oppofite L. Milton's lodging. Kerr William, clerk in the port-office, Burntneld-links. Kid James, grocer, foot of the canongate. King Mrs, midwife, caftde-hill. Kinloch Robert, glover, at the croft. L Laing Alexander, architect, oehind the theatre. Lake Richard, wine-mer. op. Magdalen's chapel. Laurie Gilbert jun. and Co. chymifls and druggifts, head of Niddery's wynd. Law John, meflenger. Reoch's laud, cowgate. Law Wil. and Alex. advo. fcale (lairs Niddery's wy. Le Brun, French teacher, James's court. Leflie John, writer, blackfriers1 wynd, Lind James, phyfician, canongate. Lindfay, Anderi'on, and Co. merchants, luckenbooths. Lindfay Mrs, fcts rooms, Craig's clofe. Little William, writer and notary, lady Stair's clofe. Loch William and James, writers, Patterfon's court. Lothian William, minifter, back of the canongate. Lyon William, ftabicr, Low-foot. M 7

M'CaRan Alex, printer and bookfeller, crofs caufey. f M'Conochie Alexander, writer, fociety. f M'Conochie Allan, advocate, cowgate-head. M'Craw Roderick, merchant-taylor, pleafance. M' Donald Archibald, advocate, Skinner's clofe. M'Donald .Archibald, glazier, head of the canongate. M'Dowal Archibald, cloathier, bridge-ftreet. M'Fait Dr tbenezer, roathematician, Merlin's wynd. M'Farlan Daniel, brewer, reformation corner Portibu. f M'Kenzie Charles, clerk to Mr D. Armftrong, advo. poft-houfe (lairs, parliament clofe. •) M'Leod .Banantyne- William, advo. Craig's clofe. M'Queen "fohn & Co. feed And nurfery-men Laurifton. M* Vicar Patr. writer, Middelton's entry, potter-row. M' Vicar Neil, writer, trunk clofe. Gilbert, extractor, •f Mair Carrubber's clofe. Mair Mrs jean, gentlewoman, Herriot's work entry. Mair .Mrs Sarah, gentlewoman, Rrifto-ftreet. Malcolm Mrs, midwife, canongate-head. f Manuel Hugh clerk to .Mr D. Walker, caufey-fide. Mafon Gilbert, Efq; St Andrew's fquare. fMafon Alexander, clerk to Mr D. Dalrymple, adv. back of the guard Maule Dr Charles, kirkgate, Leith. Meikle Robert, writer, Anderfon's land, weit*bow.

Miller James, clerk to A . Crofbie, Henderfon's ftairs. Miller Philip, occuliit, Morroco's clofe, canongate. Millians Charles, ftay-maker, canongate-head. Mochrie !Neil, vintner, eaft end of the meadow. f Moir John, writer to the fignet, meal-market ftairs f Moir Robert, extractor, at Alex. Ogilvie's glover, head of Carrubber's clofe. Mollifon John, writer, Forrefter's wynd. Monro Richard, weaver, crofs caufey. f Montgomery James, lord advocate, bifhop's land. Morifon Alexander, writer, horning office. Moriibn Alex, meffenger, head of flem-market clof«- Morton Hugh, wright, kirkgate, Leith. 8 M Muddie Robert, merchant, .walk fide. f Murray Patrick, advocate, Kincaid'sland, cowgate. William, clerk to Mr Alex. Tytler, north •f Murray fide of the weigh-houfe. Murray William, notary, head of Miln's court. Murray the hon. Mrs, of Stormont, Smith's land, Murray the hon. Mrs Margaret, caftle-hill. N

Naefmith Michael, wright, grafs-market ; (hop irt new ftreet, canongate. Niblie Archibald, clerk to the hon. Alex. Gordon, head of lady Stair's clofe. Nicholls Robert, and Co. hat-makers, at Bever-hall. o Ogilvie James, cuflom-houfe. P Parlane James, fpirit-dealer, op. L. Milton's lodging, Patterfon David, printer, lawn-market. Patterfons MifT. mantua-makers, old aflembly clofe. Pattifon John, minifter, brifto-itreet. Patti'fon John, writer, back of the theatre. Pattullo John, writer, Miln's fquare. Paul John, bookbinder, foot of high fchool wynd. Pirrie George, merchant, head of advocates clofe. Pitcairn Andrew, cl. to R.White, adv. bull-turnpike. Poole Matthew, keeper of Prince's ftreet cofFee-houfe. Pringle John, advocate, blackfriers wynd.


Rac James, furgeon, caftle-hill. Ramfay William, banker, luckenbooths. + Ramfay Robert, profeflor of nat. hift. Niddery'swy. Ranken George, merchant, bridge-ftreet. Rcid James, and Co. linen printer! at . Ritchie Alexander jun. fliip-mafter on the fhore, Leilh. Ritchie Jofeph, artificial tooth-maker, potter-row port. Robertfon-Barelay J. writer to the fig. Carrubber's clo>. Robert fon Alex. keep, of thegeue. regifter, Beii's wy. Robertfons Mift'es, nuntua-rnakers, Toderick's wynd. Robertfon Francis, writer, lauriftoa. f Robertfon Hugh, habit-maker, near canongate ch, Rofs William, under keeper of the &bey. \ Runciman Alex, painter foot of pLea.fan.ce. RufTell John, jun, writer, Argyle's fqnare,


| Saunders Jamfis, writer, .marquis of Twesdale's cl. Saunders Jo. teller in the old bank., head of weft-port. Sawers Archibald, baxter, Forrefter's wynd. Sawer.s John, farmet, Bell's mills. Schaw Alexander, writer, caftle-bffl. Scheninian Charles, harpficord teacher, Bell's v/ynd. Scott James, writer to the fignet, back of Befs v/ynd. Scott John, wheel-wright, wefl-bo\tf\ Seton John, limner, St. Andrew's ftrfeet. Sharp Thomas, fecretary. royal bank ; Eronghton. Shiels Mrs, midwife, eaftie-hiTJ. Sinclair Sir John, Smith's land. Small Charles, vintner, Craig's clofe. Smith Nathaniel, ihoemaker, Lamb's land, potter-row. Smith Adam, fkinner, at ftock-bridge. Smith William, miller, at ditto. Smith James, limner, end of prince's flxeet. Spalding Charles, confectioner and grocer, exchange. Spence James, treafurer, , f Spence William, taylor. Borthwick's clofe. Spence David, linen manufacturer fountain-bridge. Spens Laurance, writer, Gosford's clofe. f Spenfe Nathaniel, fur^eon, Nidderrs wynd. Stewart Alexander, minifter, weft church. Stewart Thomas, fee bank of Scotland, Miln's fquare. t Straton William, officer of excife, dub-row, Leith. Sutherland Mrs, jun- midwife, grafs-market. B IO i.

Taylor James, writer to the fig. Forrefter's wynd. TehTair Cortes, Englifh-teacher, Skinner's clofc. Thomfon Thomas, teller in the old bank, James's court* Thorn fon John, mathematician, Skinner's clofe. Thomrbn William, druggift, head of Niddery's wynd. Threipland Sir Stewart, phyfician, Horfe-wynd. Threipland Mrs, Merlins wynd. Tod John, merchant, Crichton ilreet. Turnbull John, brewer, graft market. Turnbull Mrs, Libberton s wynd. V Veevers William, druggift,W lawn-market. Waddle Mifs, mantua- maker, Cant's clofe. Walker Mrs, midwife, Campbell's clofe, cowgate. Walkinfhaw Mrs, gentlewoman, St. John's ltreet. Walkinfhaw Mrs, ditto, Niddery's wynd. Wallace David, writer, Nicc-lton's ftreet. Wardrope James, grocer, keeper of the Haddington, Mufrelburgh, and Dalkeith flys, at the head of the old alfembly clofe. Watfon Alexander, of Glentarchie, writer, Craig's cl. Wat Ton Mrs, gentlewoman, Carrubbcr's clofe. Watt Robert, writer, Forrefter's wynd. Weftwater James, coach-maker, cowgate port. While Dr, canongate-head. White and Mitchel, hard-ware merchants, oppofite the tron-chnrch. White Robert, fmith, weft-port. Whytt Robert, advocate, St Andrew's ftreet. -J- Wi0it D. baker, foot of Hammermen's clofe cowgate.

Wild , wright, portlburgh. Wilfbn Thomas, taylor, founiain-clofe, nether-bow. Williamfon Kilparritk, cl w>J. t-och, Pa trerfou's court. Wright John* mathematician, Brown's clofe, lucken.

-j- Wyvill Edward, general furveyor of txcife, near linen-office, canongate. Y Young Mrs, gentlewoman, briflo-ftrcct, \

n A LIST of the MAGISTRATES and Towd Council, lately elected. The Right Honourable Gilbert LAtmiE, Efq; Lord Provoft, baxters clofe, cowgate. f~ John Brown, Efq; lawn»market.

_ ... George Macqueen, Efq; luckenbooths. Baihes,- Merc, Geunfcllors* Richard Richardfon, exchange. \

Orlando Hart, oppofite the guard. 1 tr j r> n r Traies Coun eL Thomas Herriot, new-town. \ f Council Deaconr. T. Simpfon, hammermen, convener, Halkerfton's wy, William Inglis, furgeons, Brown's land, luckenbooths. Alexander Gardiner, gold-fmiths, Geddes's clofe. William Jamie fon, mafons, near Porto-bello. Thomas Dick, Aioe-makers, Gray's clofe. William Raeburn, weavers, flock-bridge. Extraordinary Council Deacons David Stewart, fidnners, oppofite the tolbooth, Mark Sprott, furriers, water of Leith. John Bonnar, wrights, head of Niddery's wynd, John Brunton, taylors, bow-head. 14 John Mafon, bakers, cowgatc-head, George Mrllis, flefhers, flefh-market clofe, Hamden Pridie, wawkers, head of cowgate. boixnet-makers, Libberton's wynd. Thomas Kirk s Thomas (leghorn, Efq; admiral of Leith, John Grieve, Eiq; baron-bailie of canengate an*. calfon, Archibald Campbell, Efq; baron-bailie of portlburgh. and potter-row. Mr Charles Tunes, captain, of the ot ange colours,


N". B, Thoft marked thus \ in the Jppaidix, are mi- flaken in the Diretlory.

As the Appendix is now publifhed, which renders die Directory complete, fofar as information could be '' ' got 1 "' \ I M,,liftlc r w iH always be glad of new infor- . mation in time coming, ihat he may be able to make this work as nfefu! to the public as poflible , and he hopes the inhabitants will not think a milling ill laid out upon a performance calculated, at a very great expencc and trouble, for the benefit of this metropolis.