The Asia and Pacific Museum in Warsaw: New Beginning and Challenges

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The Asia and Pacific Museum in Warsaw: New Beginning and Challenges Transcultural Perspectives 4/2020 - 1 !aria S-ymańska-Ilnata The Asia and Paci c Museum in Warsa$: Ne$ Be*inning and 9hallenges Introduction drze. #a$rzynia'& /orn in 1931 in #arsa$% he *radu- The purpose of this text is to briefly present the his- ated fro" the 1un*a 2ailing 2chool, 3dańsk% and in tory of the Asia and Pacific !useum in #arsa$% its 1948, still as a student% be*an sailing the seas, on the "ission and the assumptions behind its permanent 6ar Po"orza ship& After several voya*es and co"- exhibition $hich is no$ in develop"ent& The Asia and pleting further education, in 1950 he beca"e an of- Pacific !useum is the only "useum of its 'ind in Po- cer of the Polish !erchant Navy and "ade a land& It holds a collection of around 23,000 artefacts *ruelling voya*e through the tropics to China& fro" different countries of Asia and the Pacific Is- #a$rzynia' $ould often recall this .ourney as the lands, $hich $as "oved fro" one place to another turning point in his life& It $as at this time that he de- several times, as the "useum dealt $ith housin* veloped an interest in Asia& Later, he studied at the proble"s. The political and social situation in Poland 6iplo"atic-Consular ,aculty of the Central 2chool of had a big influence on the position occupied by the ,oreign Affairs in #arsa$ and% follo$ing his *radu- "useum in the cultural landscape of #arsa$ and Po- ation, started to wor' in diplo"acy ( *. 1)& land in the past& It has never been an institution of primary i"portance% nor has it attracted popular in- terest% but it has always had a loyal audience $hich has "otivated the "useum’s e"ployees, and formed an active *roup of real lovers of the culture% traditions and herita*e of Asia and the Pacific& The situation of the "useum as an institution has changed si*nificantly during recent years, as the housing proble" $as nally resolved& This $ill be dis- cussed in the second part of the article% $hich is de- voted to the present circumstances of the "useum& The nal part of the article presents plans $hich are no$ being realised& ,or the rst time in its history, the "useum is preparing to open a permanent exhibition, $hich $as always the drea" of the e"ployees. Plans for this display have been in preparation for "any years by t$o *enerations of curators. They have changed "any times in response to ne$ tendencies in "useolo*y, ne$ visions developed by younger cur- ators, and the develop"ent of kno$led*e and the col- lection. The article $ill reveal our present point of vie$ and concept% explaining its political, historical and so- ,i*& 1 Andr-ej #awr-yniak in 1akarta; 10>1= ?isual Archive of cial context& the Asia and Paci c !useu"& The history of the Asia and Paci c !useu" /et$een 1961 and 1971 he $as posted in Indone- The Asia and Pacific !useum *re$ out of the private sia% $here he developed a fascination $ith Indonesian collection of Indonesian arts and crafts created by An- culture and crafts $hich proved crucial for the "u- Maria 2-y"ańska-Ilnata The Asia and Paci c Museu" in #arsa$ 'unsttexte&de 4/2020 - 2 seum&1 At the be*inning he started to collect da**ers, $ith Andrze. #a$rzynia' appointed as director. The "asks and textiles. Later, his passion extended to institution $as *iven t$o to$nhouses dating fro" other artefacts. Eventually, his Indonesian collection 1854 that reGuired co"prehensive renovation to be- reached over 3000 ite"s. It $as brou*ht to Poland co"e proper office and stora*e space ( *. 3)&( thanks to the 'ind assistance of #a$rzynia'’s former In the meantime the collection was stored in differ- collea*ues, Polish captains $ho transported the pre- ent places in #arsa$ or sho$n to the public at te"- cious cargo on board their ships. porary exhibitions in other "useums. In 1976 the !u- Andrze. #a$rzynia' prepared the rst exhibition seum changed its na"e to the Asia and Pacific !u- of his collection in 1966 in cooperation $ith the Cra- seum% as it started to broaden its collection to include co$ Ethno*raphic !useum& It $as entitled Art of the artefacts fro" other Asian countries, despite of the 2outh Seas and was presented in t$o instalments ( *& lac' of exhibition space and proper stora*e roo"s. 2)& Afterwards, the collection $as exhibited in a ,i*& ( The old buildin* on 2olec 2treet= ca. 1000= ?isual Archive of the Asia and Paci c !useu"& Fi*& 2 The Art of the 2outh 2eas exhibition= 10>>= ?isual The situation changed slightly in 1977, $hen the Archive of the Asia and Paci c !useu"& 3allery of Nusantara $as allocated 100 "2 of base- "ent space in a residential building on 8o$o*rod-'a number of Polish to$ns and cities. At that time 2treet& The rst exhibition in the ne$ location $as #a$ryznia' $as still $orkin* abroad as a diplo"at in dedicated to the donors to the !useum& The 3allery different countries. After he ca"e bac' to Poland in of Nusantara was in operation until 2007 ( *. 4)&4 1971, he realised ho$ difficult it $as to 'eep such a big collection in *ood conditions. Hi*h costs of pro- fessional conservation, preventing da"a*e due to the change of climate% proper stora*e E these $ere only so"e proble"s he faced and could not solve alone& 1anusz Ka"oc'i, Polish ethno*rapher, curator at the Ethno*raphic !useum in Craco$ and one of the rst Polish researchers in Indonesia% advised him to donate his collection to the state on the condition that it beca"e the basis for the creation of a ne$ "useum $ith #a$rzynia' at the helm&2 In 1973 this proposal $as accepted by the !inistry of Culture and the Arts and the #arsa$ city council after the collection had ,i*& 4 8usantara 3allery; 200@= B& Delbert= ?isual Archive of been evaluated by a special co""ission as historic- the Asia and Paci c !useu"& ally, scientifically, and artistically valuable& In 1973 the !useum of Nusantara Archipela*o $as established% Maria 2-y"ańska-Ilnata The Asia and Paci c Museu" in #arsa$ 'unsttexte&de 4/2020 - ( The second exhibition space $as opened in a his- The rst Ine$ be*innin*J in the history of the toric tene"ent building on ,reta 2treet% close to Asia and Paci c !useu" #arsa$ Hld To$n. ,ro" 1984 to 2014 it $as also In 2013 the !useum started operating in the huge used for "eetings, s"all conferences and lectures. ne$ building designed by the 2-aroszyk and Kycerski 6uring that time% the !useum’s $ork $as split Architectural 2tudio that also housed "any apart- bet$een several locations, $hich "ade $orking life "ents for sale& The "useum space is located on t$o difficult& The offices and the technical $orkshop $ere floors. Hn the *round floor there is a permanent ex- for so"e time located a$ay fro" the stora*e roo"s, hibition space measuring 1000 "2, a roo" for te"por- $hile the t$o exhibition spaces $ere in different parts ary exhibitions, a library, reading roo"% educational of the city. After 1987 the housing situation beca"e space% conference roo"% cafL% shop% stora*e space "ore stable& The offices and stora*e roo"s $ere for exhibits, conservation and photo*raphic studios "oved to t$o buildings on 2olec 2treet% and the dis- and a fe$ offices. The rst floor houses the offices of plays were or*anised at the galleries on Freta and 8o- "ost of the "useum’s depart"ents and so"e stor- $o*rod-'a 2treet& 2ince 2002 the Asia and Pacific a*e roo"s. Although the design of the permanent ex- !useum cooperated $ith the /otanical 3arden of the hibition $as ready fro" the be*inning% it too' so"e Polish Acade"y of 2ciences in Po$sin, or*anising time to obtain the necessary funding& several te"porary exhibitions, for exa"ple% of con- 6espite these proble"s, the "useum $as very te"porary monumental te"ple sculptures in stone&7 actively pro"oting Asian arts, cultures and crafts. #e As $e can see fro" this brief historical outline% the started o) $ith a ca"paign called A'cja 2olec ;2olec "useum strug*led o$ing to the lac' of permanent ex- Action< $hich sought to present the "useum's poten- hibition space& Although it o$ns the land bet$een the tial to the people living nearby, the "ass "edia and t$o to$nhouses $here its offices and stora*e spaces the authorities. #e displayed so"e of the "ost spec- are located% it $as not able to afford the construction tacular artefacts fro" the collection in the e"pty of a ne$ building on that plot& The rst design for the roo"s of the ne$ building and organised guided tours ne$ building $as prepared in 1978, and the second% during the day and at night ( *. 6). envisioning a space for the "useum and offices for rent% in 1998, but neither $as realised& In 2004 a part- nership $as launched $ith a private investor to con- struct a building in a ne$ location, housing a hotel, offices for rent and spaces that the "useum could use& Although it too' several years to co"plete% the building was finally ready in 2013 ( *.
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    BOGDAN FILIP ZEREK National Library of Poland Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw email: [email protected] THE WARSAW SCHOOL OF PAPER CONSERVATION Bogdan Filip Zerek, MA, MS. He works for the National Library of Poland and since 2007 has been the head of the microbiology, disin- fection and conservation of atypical objects section and head of the Conservation Department-Laboratory. Since 2015, he has served as Head of the Institute for Conservation of Library Collections. With an MA in paper conservation and an MS in environmental biology, he is most active in the field of microbiological control, as a part of conservation and preservation measures for both single objects and whole collections. He has practical experience in dai- ly library routine, disaster response, and scientific experimental research. Since 2014 he has been lecturer on the Chemistry of Pa- per Conservation and Microbiology at the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. He has also pub- lished the book: The Preservation and Protection of Library Collections, A Practical Guide to Microbiological Controls, Elsevier 2014, ISBN: 9781843347590 The-Preservation-and-Protection-of-Library-Collections/Bogdan-Zerek/isbn-9781843347590/ KEYWORDS: Conservation of paper. Books and graphics. Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. National Library of Poland. Deacidification. Bleaching. Disinfection. Microbiology. History of conservation ABSTRACT: The paper presents the history and development of conservation of books, graph- ics and paper objects in Warsaw Poland, both in practical approach as well as in the process of teaching at the Academy of Fine Arts.
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