
Sunday, January 31st - The 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Anticipated 4 p.m. (organ & cantor) Elderly Mass Sunday—9:00 a.m. (organ & cantor); 11:00 a.m. (organ & cantor); 5:00 p.m. (organ & cantor) Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 6:15 a.m. Tuesday & Thursday - 5:30 p.m.; Saturday - 8:00 a.m.

First Saturday: 8:00 a.m. followed by recitation of the Rosary

Fatima Votive Mass: 13th of the Month, May - October | 5:30 p.m.

Monthly Peace Mass: First Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. This Mass heeds Our Lady’s call to pray for world peace and conversion of hearts. CONTACT US 2319 Johnston St., Lafayette, LA 70503 Pastor: ...... Rev. Msgr. Jefferson DeBlanc Parochial Vicar: ...... Rev. Korey R. LaVergne Deacon ...... Timothy Maragos & Randy Hyde Administrator: ...... Stephanie Supple Parish Secretary: ...... Mona Bouillion Receptionist: ...... D D McElligott Bookkeeper: ...... Annie Governale Director of Music, Organist, Choir Master ...... Keith D’Anna Bulletin Editor ...... Keith D’Anna Church Office: ...... (337) 232-8945 Church Fax: ...... (337) 232-0323 School Office:...... (337) 235-2464 Church Website: ...... www.fatimalafayette.org Office Hours ...... Monday - Thursday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The Sacrament of Penance on the third Sunday of each with the Church office, if at all month, following the 11:00 possible, at least ONE YEAR in Saturday a.m. Mass. Please contact the advance. To avoid schedule 1 hour prior to the Vigil Mass; parish office before the baby conflicts, all wedding dates Sunday is born for required classes. held at Our Lady of Fatima 30 minutes prior to Mass; Sponsors are to be confirmed must be confirmed with the and practicing Catholics who Parish Administrator, who Monday, Wednesday, Friday attend Sunday Mass. should be the first contact of & First Saturday 30 minutes prior to Mass; the couple. Please visit our Tuesday & Thursday The Sacrament of Matrimony Parish Website to review 1 hour prior to Mass Due to a new “couple wedding and music mentoring” marriage guidelines, and details of The Sacrament of preparation program, paperwork and preparation The Sacrament is celebrated arrangements are to be made requirements. The Mysteries of the Rosary - Part One Sister Lúcia wrote vocal prayer, in common or in private, is most suitable for most people. In the Rosary, we meditate on what God has revealed to us for our salvation.

From the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity which God revealed to us in the Annunciation of the to Mary, to the mystery of the Word made man, his life, passion, death, res- urrection and ascension into heaven, where He is seated at the right hand of the Father, and is also present in his Church, in the Sacraments, in the tabernacle where He remains in the con- secrated hosts, and in our brothers and sisters who form, with us, his Mystical Body, of which we are all living and functioning members. This is the faith, which we imbibe in prayer, and it is prayer which sustains and increases our faith. As we pray the mysteries of the Rosary, we receive the light of truth and the strength of grace in order to accept willingly, and co-operate in, the redemptive work of Christ.*

Contemplation of the Joyful Mysteries

Let us now contemplate the mysteries in the life of Our Divine Savior and His Blessed Mother. The following meditations are highlights from chapter 35 of Sister Lúcia’s book.

1) The Annunciation. Gabriel told the Mary that she is “full of grace.” Mary was chosen to be “the first human temple inhabited by the Most Holy Trinity.” We too are “living temples of God and … we must keep our temple pure … in order that God’s life may grow in us and may give us immortality.” 2) The Visitation. The Virgin’s meeting with her cousin Elizabeth shows Mary’s humility. Chosen to be Moth- er of God, Mary “does not feel herself exalted, or raised to a higher level. … She recognizes her lowliness before God and offers herself to serve Him as a slave.” 3) The Nativity. The Birth of Jesus Christ, God made man, is a “masterpiece of love.” The shepherds of Beth- lehem came to adore the newborn Savior and, believing, they praised God. We too must believe and say, “My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You! I ask pardon of You for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You.” 4) The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple. “In this mystery of the presentation of Jesus, the pure hands of Mary are the first paten on which God placed the first host; and, from this paten, the priest on duty in the temple of Jerusalem took it, to place it on the altar and offer it to the Father as something which is owed to Him and an offering with which He is well pleased. Here we have a figure; later will come the real Mass, when the sacrifice of expiation will be consummated on Calvary; Jesus, by His own hands, will offer Himself to the Father for men, under the consecrated species of bread and wine, saying to the priests of the New Covenant: ‘Do this in memory of me’ (Lk 22:19-20), that is, offer My sacrifice to the Father so that it will be renewed on the altar for the salvation of the world.” 5) The Prayer of Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem. The Jerusalem Temple, at which the Holy Family wor- shiped, reminds us of “the places of worship, which today, for us, are our Churches where we too should go, all together, to offer to God our prayer and praise.” Jesus said to His Mother, “Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Lk 2:49). “We go to our Father’s house, so that, there, united around the same table, we can be fed by the same bread the bread of the Eucharist, the bread of the word of God. Like Jesus Christ, we must listen there to the word of God, which is spoken to us by his ministers ….”

Next Week: The Mysteries of the Rosary—Part Two

* Unless otherwise indicated, quotes are those of Sister Lúcia in chapter 35 of Calls from the Message of Fatima, Sister Lúcia of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart, Sisters of Mosteiro de Santa Maria, trans. (Fatima, Portugal: Secretariado dos Pastorinhos, 2000), pp. 273-297.

02 1 Mon. 6:15 a.m.: Charles Blanchard 2 Tue. 5:30 p.m.: Living & Deceased Members of the Butcher & Smith Families 3 Wed. 6:15 a.m.: Eva Fontenot 4 Thu. 5:30 p.m.: Living & Deceased Members of the Ison & Eva Fontenot Families 5 Fri. 6:15 a.m.: Julien Marius Stokes

6 Sat. 8:00 a.m.: Janice Governale

4:00 p.m. Anticipated: Elden Butcher, The Nugier Family, Vivian Boudreaux, Ernest & Mary Catherine Bouvier, Ash- 30 Sat. Anticipated: Elden Butcher, The Nugier Family, ley Cormier, Edwina Smith Hernandez, Eva Fontenot, Edwina Smith Hernandez, Eva Fontenot, Ernest & Mary Gerald & Alberta Gossen, Paul Domingue, Amanda Claire Catherine Bouvier, Gerald & Alberta Gossen, Donald Ur- Judice, Lynn Kallam Ditch, James Judice, Charles quhart, Amanda Claire Judice, Lynn Kallam Ditch, James Blanchard, Rosamaria Reyes-Silva; Living & Deceased Judice, Mark LeDoux, Charles Blanchard, Marie Elmire Members of: & Fred Landry & Family, The Ison & Jouette, Curley Hanks, Rosamaria Reyes-Silva, Faye Marie Eva Fontenot Families, The Thomassee Family, The Gesser; Living & Deceased Members of: Michael & Fred Menard Family, The Judice, Kallam, Langlinais, & Hamil- Landry & Family, The Ison & Eva Fontenot Families, The ton Families; Living: Konner Melancon, Kevin George, Jer- Rader Family, The Judice, Kallam, Langlinais, & Hamilton ry Bouvier & Family, Toan Dinh, Mary Families; Living: Jerry Bouvier Pham, Mary Het Bui

31 Sun. 9:00 a.m.: Hailey Hicks, Eva Fontenot, Mary 7 Sun. 9:00 a.m.: Living & Deceased Members of The Rieu Tran; Living & Deceased Members of: F.B. Kerne & Caillouet, Henry, Randazzo, Costanza, & Campos Families Family, B.M. Fontenot & Family, The Ison & Eva Fontenot 11:00 a.m.: Hailey Hicks, Dr. Frem F. Boustany, Families, The Caillouet, Henry, Randazzo, Costanza, & Jr., Eva Fontenot, Albert Champagne, Faye Marie Gesser; Campos Families; Living: Anna Larriviere, Micae Quang Living & Deceased Members of: The Ison & Eva Fontenot Bui, Mary Het Bui, Jonathan Nguyen, Marie Nguyen, Families; Living: Thanks to God, Huynh Pham, Elizabeth Giuse Tai Pham, Micae Quang Bui 11:00 a.m.: Fatima Parishioners / Pro-Populo 5:00 p.m.: Julien Marius Stokes & 5:00 p.m.: Fatima Parishioners / Pro-Populo Marius Coppello

In today’s Gospel we The Weekend of January 17th hear proclaimed the Weekly Offertory Budget ...... $15,384.62 beginning of Jesus’ Total Offertory Received ...... $12,257.30 public ministry. He Weekly Budget +Over, -Under ...... -$3,127.32 teaches. He heals. Total Mercy Works ...... $205.00 And all are amazed. DesOrmeaux Foundation ...... $1,196.00 By their baptism, Christian stewards The Weekend of January 24th realize they are Weekly Offertory Budget ...... $15,384.62 called to do the Total Offertory Received ...... $10,248.95 same in their lives. Weekly Budget +Over, -Under ...... -$5,135.67 They are called to be Total Mercy Works ...... $270.00 the light of Christ Church in Latin America ...... $778.00 each day. As we bring closure to the beginning of this new year, now is a good time to ask the Lord to fill 2 things you can do for the poor our hearts with courage and faith, so that we too may publicly minister in his name. Let us ask that 1. Collect food items for a food pantry in your we may be liberated from our insecurities and fear community. so that we can share the Gospel authoritatively and 2. When it can be safely accomplished, work to heal at least one wounded relationship in volunteer to assist a pantry for a day of the coming months ahead.. sorting, bagging or distributing.


changes at the parish for lent

Weekday Masses during Lent (beginning Ash Wednesday) will be Monday at 6:15 a.m. and Tuesday through Friday at 5:30 p.m. Confession will begin at 4:30 p.m. prior to the 5:30 p.m. Mass. Way of the Cross will take place on Fridays during Lent at 5:30 p.m. followed by Mass.

Ashes on Ash Wednesday will be dispensed as follows:

The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has directed that the following adaptations be made to celebrations of Ash Wednesday this year:

The priest will say the prayer for blessing the ashes. He will address all those present only once as it appears in the Roman Missal, applying it to all in general: “Repent, and believe in the Gospel”, or “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return”. The Priest and Ministers will cleanse their hands, put on their face mask and distribute ashes to those who come to him. Parishioners will bow their heads, allowing the Priest/Minister to merely pinch the ashes between the thumb and forefingers, then sprinkle ashes on the crown of the head in silence.

These changes  Reduce the necessity of physical contact between those imposing and receiving ashes  Eliminates the need of those imposing ashes to speak while in close proximity to those receiving ashes

the seven sorrows of mary as given to st. bridget.

When we think about the Passion of Christ we must also think about His Mother. The Mother of God gave to St. Bridget the revelation that whoever prays seven Hail Mary’s daily, while meditating upon her tears and sorrows, and then spreads this devotion, will be promised the following graces:

1. I will grant peace to their families. 2. They will be enlightened about the Divine mysteries. 3. I will console them in their pains and I will accompany them in their work. 4. I will give them as much as they ask for; as long as it does not oppose the Adorable Will of my Divine Son or the sanctifi- cation of their souls. 5. I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy and I will protect them at every instant of their lives. 6. I will visibly help them at the moment of their death; they will see the face of their mother. 7. I have obtained (this grace) from my Divine Son, that those who propagate this devotion to my tears and dolors, will be taken directly from this earthly life to eternal happiness, since all their sins will be forgiven and my Son and I will be their eternal consolation and joy.

1st Sorrow 5th Sorrow

Simeon’s prophecy that a sword will pierce Mary witnesses the Crucifixion Mary’s soul. Hail Mary …. and death of Jesus on the Cross. Hail Mary ….

2nd Sorrow 6th Sorrow

The Flight The dead body of Jesus is taken down and laid into Egypt. Hail Mary …. in the arms of His Holy Mother. Hail Mary ….

3rd Sorrow 7th Sorrow

The loss of the Child Jesus in the The Burial of Jesus, with Mary’s tears Temple of Jerusalem. Hail Mary …. and loneliness. Hail Mary ….

4th Sorrow

The meeting of Jesus and Mary on the Way of the Cross. Hail Mary ….

04 REGISTRATION FORM - DEADLINE IS MARCH 5, 2021. diocese of Lafayette This form must accompany your artwork entry. Please send completed work to the Office of Pro-Life Apostolate, 1408 pro-life rally Carmel Drive, Lafayette, LA 70501-5215 or email submissions to Trista Littell, [email protected]. PLEASE PRINT: poster contest rules Student’s First and Last Name:______Student’s Grade:______Student’s Age: ______The Office of Pro-Life Apostolate invites all Teacher’s/Parent’s Name: ______high school students to participate in the ______promotional poster contest for the Teacher’s/Parent’s Email: ______2022 rally/march/prayer service. ______

This is a great opportunity for students to think about Teacher’s/Parent’s Phone #: ______how they support our value as human beings from ______conception until natural death. Be creative and express School Name: ______your advocacy of the born and unborn! School/Home Address: ______Below are the requirements for contest entry Teacher/Parent Signature (if student is a minor) ______ One entry per Student; can work as a group but Note: Poster will not be eligible for the competition unless all infor- only one prize will be given mation in this entry form is completed.  Finished art size must be 11’ X 17”  Artwork must be original work: Use of Image Waiver - Diocese of Lafayette Pro-Life Rally Poster Contest Participants May be created or enhanced digitally, but must Please carefully read and sign this form for the Diocese of be entirely original art by the student, and able Lafayette Pro-Life Rally Poster Contest. to be printed to the required size for submis- sion. Use of copyrighted material is prohibited. ʻThrough my own and/or my child’s participation in the Diocese of Lafayette Pro-Life Rally Poster Contest, I hereby grant the Diocese of Lafayette permission to use my own and/or my child’s image and  Poster may consist of any medium (oil, acrylic, likeness in any television broadcast, photograph, video, internet site, markers, pastel, collages, photography, canvas, audio-recording, and in any and all of its publications, including website entries (collectively “promotional materials”) without pay- computer generated graphic, etc.) ment or any other consideration. I understand and agree that these  Use of theme: May be creative and expand on the promotional materials will become the property of the Diocese of Lafayette and will not be returned. I hereby irrevocably authorize the theme “Uniting Hearts . . . Saving Lives. Diocese of Lafayette to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish or distribute  Artwork must be received by March 5, 2021 to be my own/my child’s images or likeness for purposes of publicizing or considered promoting the ʻOffice of Pro-Life Apostolateʼ programs or for any other lawful purpose. In addition, I waive the right to inspect or ap-  Completed registration/waiver form must accom- prove the finished product, including written or electronic copy, pany the poster submission. Artwork becomes the wherein my own/my child’s likeness appears. Additionally, I waive property of the Diocese of Lafayette and will not be any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of the promotional materials. I hereby hold harmless and release returned. and forever discharge the Diocese of Lafayette from all claims, de-  Each entry will be evaluated on: originality, inter- mands, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, exec- utors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf, my pretation of theme, presentation of a pro-life mes- child’s behalf, or on behalf of my estate have or may have by reason sage, and overall effect. of this authorization.ʼ

______An award will be to the top three winners: one Name/Child Name Signature/Parent-Guardian award per poster. The winning poster will be the official poster for ______the 2022 Pro-Life Rally. Parish/Group Name Diocese of Lafayette Upon submission, all artwork becomes property of Diocese of Lafayette Service. All decisions made by the judges are final. ______Date Date 05 education weekend

bishop’s services appeal

The 2021 Bishop’s Services Appeal theme is Bringing Hope and Healing. In His healing minis- try, Jesus summons us to be the hands of service and voices of hope, guided by hearts of loyal de- votion. We are called to share our gifts with oth- ers because each of us has encountered Jesus on the road to the Father’s house. Please prayer- fully consider making a sacrificial gift or pledge to the Bishop’s Services Appeal.

This weekend is Bishop’s Services Appeal Educa- tion Weekend. Jesus gently holds us in loving hands. He turns pain into strength and hope. Come together to care for our Church and those in need as Jesus cares for us. May Our Lady of Fatima Parish respond with generosity.

worldwide marriage encounter


Worldwide Marriage Encounter: “I place much of my hope for the future in World- wide Marriage Encounter.” John Paul II

A new year brings new opportunities for personal growth, but where to start? What about the most important relationship in your life? This year, make the resolution to enhance and enrich your marriage. Attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter virtual experience from the comfort of your home!

Nine in ten couples who attend a Marriage Encounter Weekend recognize a long- lasting positive effect on their lives. For more than 50 years, Worldwide Marriage Encounter has helped over 3.5 million couples in almost 100 countries unlock the power of their relation- ships with new ways to do the “I do.” This marriage experience helps you listen, share, and connect more deeply. There’s no group discussion. It’s just about the two of you learning to be the best, most loving and thriving couple you can be.

To attend a Virtual WWME experience visit: wwme.org

The mission of Worldwide Marriage Encounter is to proclaim the value of Marriage and Holy Orders in the Church and in the world.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter is faithful to the Roman ’s teaching that marriage is a cove- nant that exists between one man and one woman. Any reference to marriage or couple made by WWME is in this context.

06 the - our extended family in heaven

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2 Blessed Benedict Daswa Presentation of the Lord

Married layman in the dio- cese of Tzaneen, South Afri- ca. Mem- ber of the Lemba tribe, called “Black ” be- help, but would never disturb him cause at prayer. they fol- Agricola, governor of Cappa- lowed docia, came to Sebaste to persecute Jewish Christians. His huntsmen went into laws and traditions. Converted to the forests of Argeus to find wild Catholicism in 1963 and became animals for the arena games, and very active in the Church. Teacher, The feast commemorates the puri- found many waiting outside Blaise’s catechist and worked with local fying of the Blessed Virgin accord- cave. Discovered in prayer, Blaise youth; he combined all these works ing to the Mosaic Law, 40 days after was arrested, and Agricola tried to by checking on students who the birth of Christ, and the presen- get him to recant his faith. While in missed class, and helping their fam- tation of the Infant Jesus in the prison, Blaise ministered to and ilies when money ran low. Helped Temple. The feast was introduced healed fellow prisoners, including build the first Catholic church in his into the Eastern Empire by Emperor saving a child who was choking on area. Principal of his school, popular Justinian I, and is mentioned in the a fish bone; this led to the blessing local leader, and advisor to area civil Western Church in the Gelasian of throats on Blaise’s feast day. authorities. Sacramentary of the 7th century. Thrown into a lake to drown, When his village was beset Candles are blessed on that day in Blaise stood on the surface and in- by a series of strong storms in late commemoration of the words of vited his persecutors to walk out January 1990, the elders decided it Holy concerning Christ “a and prove the power of their gods; was due to magic, and demanded a light to the revelation of the Gen- they drowned. When he returned to tax from all the residents to pay for tiles” (Luke 2), and a procession with land, he was martyred by being magic to counter them; Benedict lighted candles is held in the beaten, his flesh torn with wool said storms were a natural phe- church to represent the entry of combs (which led to his association nomenon, and he wasn’t paying Christ, the Light of the World, into with and patronage of those in- anything to support anti-Christian the Temple of Jerusalem. volved in the wool trade), and then superstition. Murdered by a mob for “Candlemas” is still the name in beheading. refusing to support the witchcraft Scotland for a legal term-day on Blaise has been extremely plan. which interest and rents are paya- popular for centuries in both the ble (February 2). Eastern and Western Churches. In Born: June 16, 1946 in Mbahe, Lim- 1222 the Council of Oxford prohibit- popo, as Bakali WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3 ed servile labor in England on his Died: beaten, stabbed and had boil- Saint Blaise feast. He is one of the Fourteen Holy ing water poured over him on Feb- Helpers. ruary 2, 1990 in Mbahe, , Physician. Bishop of Sebaste, Arme- South Africa nia. Lived in a cave on Mount Ar- Born: Armenian Beatified: September 13, 2015 by geus. Healer of men and animals; Died: flesh torn by iron wool- according to legend, sick animals combs, then beheaded c.316 would come to him on their own for Canonized: Pre-Congregation 07 school news the church on absolution Taken from the “Encyclopedia of Catholic Doctrine” Jan. 31-Feb. 5 Catholic Schools Week Feb. 1-Feb. 12 Virtual Dads Read Too Absolution refers specifically to the for- Feb. 2 Alumni Council Meeting giveness of sins. Indeed, “bishops and Feb. 5 School Mass Feb. 5 Noon Dismissal priests, by virtue of the sacrament of Holy Orders, have the power to forgive all sins ʻin Virtual Dads Read Too Week in the OLF the name of the Father, and of the Son, and Library is this week and next. It’s im- of the Holy Spiritʼ” (CCC 1461). portant that students have an oppor- This power comes from Christ himself, tunity to be exposed to the reading world from the male perspective. Many who on numerous occasions in the Gospels of our Fatima dads have stepped up told people not simply “You are forgiven” and will be reading to their child’s class. A big but “Your sins are forgiven.” On the evening THANK YOU to all of our dads! of the Resurrection, when he appeared to the disciples in the Upper Room, he told catholic schools week them: “ʻAs the Father has sent me, even so I send you.ʼ And when he had said this, he This Sunday, January 31, 2021, marks the breathed on them, and said to them, beginning of Catholic Schools Week, the Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the annual celebration of Catholic education. ʻ The 2021 theme is, Catholic Schools: Faith. sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain Excellence. Service. Catholic schools have the sins of any, they are retainedʼ” (Jn 20:19- a specific purpose to form students to be 23) good citizens, to love God and neighbor and enrich so- Absolution is normally given within ciety with the influence of the Gospel and by examples the context of the sacrament of Penance or of faith. Catholic schools instill in their students their destiny to become saints. Academic excellence is inten- Reconciliation, provided the penitent has ex- tionally directed to the growth of the whole person -- pressed sorrow for his sins and made a pur- mind, body, and spirit. Finally, service is at the core of pose of amendment. He must also be willing Catholic discipleship. May God bless our Catholic to “do some penance,” whether it is offering schools, especially Our Lady of Fatima School and may prayers or performing some acts of charity. we all strive to live in active service of Jesus and His mis- sion. Absolution can be withheld if there is reason to believe the penitent is not contrite marriage anniversary mass or has no intention of changing his lifestyle. He may have committed a sin, yet failed to The annual Diocesan Marriage Anniversary have sorrow for it and only be confessing it Mass will be held on Sunday, February 14, 2021 at St. Catholic Church in Rayne. The 2 because the Church requires this; then there p.m. Mass will be celebrated by Bishop J. is lack of contrition. Or he may be living in a Douglas Deshotel. Pre-registration by no later sinful situation and unwilling to remove than this Sunday, January 31, 2021 is required for all couples who wish to be honored as they celebrate 25, himself from that situation; such a person 40, 50, 60 or more years of married life during the year 2021. obviously is not expressing a purpose of COVID RESTRICTIONS: Couples celebrating will have reserved seating. Masks are highly recommended. Seating for those amendment. Absolution is considered to be not celebrating are on a first come, first serve basis until max conditional if given based on the condition capacity is reached. The Mass will be live streamed on our Diocese of Lafayette Facebook page and YouTube channel. of the penitent’s sorrow or willingness to Please go to the following link to register: https://diolaf.org/ perform some act such as restitution. marriage-anniversary-mass-information. 08 Sacred Heart Enthronements

Call the Parish Office to schedule your Sacred Heart Home Enthronement. Pro- moters go into the home to conduct the Enthronement, which follows a 9 day period of prayer by the family.

Prayer for Cancer Patients this week on formed

A statue of St. Peregrine, pa- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1: Saint Brigid tron of cancer patients, is Read: Twenty Tales of Irish Saints made available to go into the homes of those diagnosed Read: The Young People’s Book of Saints with cancer. This statue of St. Listen: Lessons from the Early Church Peregrine was acquired from Listen: The Logic of Being Catholic a convent in the city of Lille, northern France. The statue was hand-painted by nuns in TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2: Presentation of the Lord the mid 1900s. Call the parish Watch: Mary of Nazareth office to get on the roster. Watch: Brother Francis: The Rosary Watch: NAPA: Praying the Rosary Like Never Before Prayer Calendar for Priests Watch: Ready Reasons: Did Jesus Condemn Praying the Rosary? Watch: Ready Reasons: Was the Necessary? Monday, February 1 Read: Advent of the Heart Pope Francis Read: The Blessings of Christmas Tuesday, February 2 Read: Cradle of Redeeming Love Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Listen: Holiness is Always in Season Wednesday, February 3 Listen: Drawing Strength from Our Lady of Sorrows Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel Listen: The Virgin Mary Revealed through Scripture Thursday, February 4 Bishop Emeritus Michael Jarrell

Friday, February 5 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3: Saint Blaise Rev. Joseph Nasser, SJ Read: The Year and Our Children Saturday, February 6 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6: St. Dorothy Rev. James Bam Nguyen Read: The Book of Saints and Heroes Sunday, February 7 Rev. Nick Hien Nguyen, SVD

Send the names of those who have left come, lord jesus the church to St. Monica Sodality, c/o St. John Cantins Parish, 825 N. Carpenter Mondays 6:30pm (WOMEN) - DD McElligott, 319.8866 Street, Chicago, IL 60622-5499. The So- dality will include your loved ones in 6:30pm (WOMEN) - Email: [email protected] their prayers and sacrifices. When all Thursdays 6:00 am (MEN) - Joe Wolf, 349.2645 other efforts fail, the only thing left to do 6:00 am (MEN) - Deacon Tim Maragos, 235.1521 is pray and sacrifice. Consider joining Fridays 1:00 pm - Jennifer Connolly, 288.4386 the St. Monica Sodality. Writing to the above address will give you information Saturdays 8:00am - Anne Pesacreta, 739.5903 on how to do so and the requirements First Saturday - 9:00 a.m. after Mass & Rosary for membership.

Parish Representatives The Blessing of the Unborn Child follows the Sunday 9 & 11:00 a.m. Masses Jill Jordan or DD McElligott - 337-319-8866 the 1st weekend of the month. 09 PARISH ORGANIZATIONS AND INFORMATION

PARISH ORGANIZATIONS ARE THE CHURCH - SEXUALITY PRO-LIFE APOSTOLATE SUSPENDED OR Engaged Couples Project Rachel MEETING VIRTUALLY UNTIL Attend a Catholic Engaged Encounter Weekend. The A post abortion healing and recon- FURTHER NOTICE! weekend is open to any engaged ciliation program for those suffer- Women’s Group couple wanting to prepare for a ing the negative effects of an abor- “WOMEN OF GRACE” deeper more meaningful life tion experience. Individual sessions together. For more information (Contact Stephanie at the Parish are offered where one can receive contact Paul & Carolyn Trahan at the healing grace of God through a Office for upcoming events!) 337.254.8947 or 337.898.9257 or 9-10 step healing program. Take the Mommy Meals [email protected]. first step and call 337.261.5598. - Outreach to new moms Mercy Meal Team Natural Family Planning Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat - Outreach to the sick Natural Family Planning Courses St. Gemma Food Bank are held in conjunction with The next Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat - Outreach to the needy marital prep. FMI, Contact the for healing after abortion is sched- Parish Office. uled for April 9-11, 2021. The retreat Mary’s Mothers begins at 6:00 p.m. on Friday and Formation for mothers Reclaim concludes at 3:00 p.m. on Sunday. of school age children Sexual Health Catholic Recovery For more information please call Program: 337.261.5598. Catholic Daughters reclaimsexualhealth.com (online - 3rd Thursday, 6 pm help 24/7) Project Joseph Knights of Columbus (for men suffering - 1st Thursday, 7 pm Porn Addiction Support after an abortion) Sts. Joachim & Anne Society Group for Men: - 2nd Tuesday - Rosary/Social In honor of the year of St. Joseph, Fatima Mercy Works Weekly meetings are held for the Office of Pro-Life Apostolate has - Monthly outreach to needy one hour and fifteen minutes. begun planning the Diocese of Lafa- Strict confidentiality is observed. yette’s first Project Joseph Retreat Men’s Group - CAST A confidentiality statement is exclusively for men. This ministry offers men the opportunity to heal signed by each prospective member of the group. Call and after an abortion. Studies have CAST stands for Catholic, Apostol- shown that women are not the only leave a confidential message at ic, Sacramental, Theology, and is ones who suffer from the detri- 337.945.3995 for more the focus of a Fall and Spring mental effects of abortion. Men are information. Fishing Retreat in Grand Isle. The deeply affected as well, although

CAST men then meet regularly on many remain in denial and want to Healing Hearts a monthly basis for fellowship and bury the feelings. Some may have Weekly meetings for women initially felt relief after their partner’s study. CAST Masses are every whose lives have been affected abortion but now experience regret Monday morning at 6:15 a.m. and by porn or sexual addiction of a and remorse. If you or someone you Tuesday evenings at 5:30 p.m. If loved one. know would like to attend a Project interested in making the CAST Joseph Retreat, please call retreat, contact the Parish Office. Must sign confidentiality 337.261.5598. We are happy to speak statement. with you and prepare you for the first retreat which will be held June 6th through 8th grade 12, 2021. YOUTH FORMATION Call 337.404.6113.

(Contact Stephanie Supple Unplanned Pregnancy SESSIONS OF Call 1.800.256.7222 for free for more information) “COME, LORD JESUS!” ARE EITHER confidential counseling MEETING IN PERSON, VIA ZOOM,

regarding keeping or placing OR A COMBINATION OF BOTH. SEE Young Women of Grace and your baby. PAGE 9 FOR A SCHEDULE. Young Warriors 10 Small act, big impact.

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Thank you for advertising in 984-2110 ANDERSON, DOZIER, BLANDA & SALTZMAN our church bulletin. 1601 Verot School Rd. I am patronizing your business PERSONAL INJURY LAW because of it! 981-1145 233-3366 Your Small act, big impact. Give blood this month. ad Your blood type is vital. 412 Travis Street 4950 Johnston Street ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” MUSSO SHOE couldREPAIR Suite 213 www.vitalant.org and Present It The Next Time You Fisher 2827 JohnstonEarly(Next Childhood to Laf. Lanes) 984-2110 DUCOTE ROOFINGPatronize One of Our Advertisers be in this Lafayette, Louisiana 70503 Drop-Off LocationsDevelopment at Southpark Center 1601 Verot School Rd. [email protected] Roofing & All 230 andRidge Hardy’s Road Cleaners 984-9625space! Aspects of 337-212-1484 204 E. 269-9501Farrel 984-2015 337-277-9300 981-1145 www.dsfcpas.com Construction 337-224-7866 LA Lic. #555370 Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. [email protected] am patronizing your business www.ducoteroofingandconstruction.combecause of it! C. Mitchell Hebert, FIC Your Serving 337-592-0673 Since 1921 [email protected] Contact Melissa Jones • [email protected] • (800) 477-4574ad x6570 4950 Johnston Street 235-9449 could 412 Travis Street Life Insurance • Long-Term Care Insurance Classical Tutoring Suite 213 984-2110Screen Enclosures Retirement Annuities by Michael Champagnebe in this Lafayette, Louisiana 70503 Patio Covers 1601Pool EnclosureVerot School • Carport Rd. Covers Disability Income Insurance • Homeschooling and Tutoring Services [email protected] • Affordable ratesspace! Insulated Glass Enclosures Michael Champagne • (337) 277-2263 www.dsfcpas.comProtecting Catholic families since 1882. [email protected] 337-277-9300All Structures Are Custom 981-1145Made (337) 288-5784 — Drive Thru — Compound Medications — Immunizations — Ideal Protein (337) 261-0000 607 Kaliste Saloom Rd. Bruce Brown — Gift Shop with Complimentary Gift Wrapping Lafayette, LA 70508 337-706-7706 Open Daily • 10:30am - 9:00pm 337-233-9245 337-277-9300FREE APPETIZER WITH THIS AD* *Limit One Coupon Per Person 6770 Johnston St, Lafayette, LA C. Mitchell Hebert, FIC 515329 Our Lady of Fatima Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-438-8931 337-592-0673 [email protected]

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For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com Our Lady of Fatima, Lafayette, LA A 4C 05-1766