UNITED NATIONS E/CONF.102/6 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL Nineteenth United Nations Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Pacific Bangkok, 29 October – 1 November 2012 Item 4 of the provisional agenda Report of the Permanent Committee on Geographical Information System Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific Report Of The Working Group 3: Spatially Enabled Government And Society Submitted by the Permanent Committee on Geographical Information System Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific (PCGIAP) Working Group 2: Spatially Enabled Government and Society * ___________________ * Prepared Mr. Greg Scott, Chairman, Mr. Ahmad Fauzi bin Nordin and Mr. Ahmad Toyserkani, Vice-Chairmen Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific Working Group 3 Spatially Enabled Government and Society Status Report 2009-2012 for the 19th UNRCC-AP Conference and 18th PCGIAP Meeting Bangkok Thailand 29th October – 1st November 2012 Chairman Mr. Greg Scott, Australia
[email protected] Vice Chairman Mr. Ahmad Fauzi bin Nordin, Malaysia
[email protected] Vice Chairman Mr. Ahmad Toyserkani, Iran
[email protected] 2 1) Resolutions Adopted at the 18th UNRCC-AP (2009) 1) Data Access (parts of) The Conference, Recognizing the benefits of having access to data in time of disaster for assessment and relief, but also the ongoing difficulties of many member states in accessing all forms of spatial data, such as GIS, remote sensing and land administration for disaster management. 2) Data Integration (parts of) The Conference, Recognizing the importance of integration of fundamental data with other spatial data including hazard and exposure data sets in support of disaster mitigation and reduction, Also recognizing the power of spatial tools in integrating various data from many sources and multiple formats, Noting that the discovery, access, integration, and delivery of geospatial data can become much easier with enhanced interoperability.