Abraham Ibn Ezra's “Yesod Mora”
139 Abraham ibn Ezra’s “Yesod Mora” By: H. NORMAN STRICKMAN Rabbi Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra (1092–1164) was one of the outstanding scholars produced by medieval Sephardic Jewry. He was a poet, mathematician, astrologer, and grammarian. Above all he was one of medieval Jewry’s greatest Bible commentators. Abraham ibn Ezra was born in 1092 C.E.1 in Tudela, Spain and passed away in 1164. It is unclear whether he died in Lon- don,2 Calahorra3 or Rome.4 1 According to a statement found in several codices, Ibn Ezra (hence- forth “I.E.”) died on Monday, the first day of Adar 1 4927 (January 23, 1167) at the age of seventy-five. If this date is accepted, then I.E. was born in 1092. See M. Friedlander, The Commentary of Ibn Ezra on Isaiah (London, 1873), p. xxvii, n. 54. However, Heinrich Graetz believes that I.E. was born between 1088 and 1089. See Heinrich Graetz, Divre Yeme Yisra’el, ed. and trans. S. P. Rabino- witz, vol. 4 (Warsaw, 1916), p. 212. 2 E.Z. Melamed, Mefareshei ha-Mikrah, vol. 2 (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1978), p. 520. 3 Abraham Zakuta, Sefer ha-Yuhasin . _____________________________________________________ H. Norman Strickman is Rabbi emeritus of Marine Park Jewish Center, professor of Jewish Studies at Touro College, and past president of the Rabbinic Board of Flatbush. He received his M.H.L. from Yeshiva University, a PhD from Dropsie Universi- ty and was ordained at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Semi- nary. He is the recipient of the Histadrut Ha-Ivrit prize in He- brew Literature and his writings have appeared in Jewish Quar- terly Review, Midstream, Bitzaron and Ha-Darom.
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