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Listes-Espèces-Nom Scientifique CODE Nom Français Nom scientifique Nom Anglais Famille Ordre AJS Baliste étoilé Abalistes stellaris Starry triggerfish Balistidae TETRAODONTIFORMES BAF Orphie plate Ablennes hians Flat needlefish Belonidae BELONIFORMES BLJ Encornet de Verany Abralia veranyi Verany's enope squid Enoploteuthidae CEPHALOPODA BJF Encornet de Pfeffer Abraliopsis pfefferi Pfeffer's enope squid Enoploteuthidae CEPHALOPODA FBM Brème d'eau douce Abramis brama Freshwater bream Cyprinidae CYPRINIFORMES FBR Brèmes d'eau douce nca Abramis spp Freshwater breams nei Cyprinidae CYPRINIFORMES NTK Langoustine arganelle Acanthacaris caeca Atlantic deep-sea lobster Nephropidae REPTANTIA NHI Langoustine spinuleuse Acanthacaris tenuimana Prickly deep-sea lobster Nephropidae REPTANTIA ACX Langouste poilue de profondeur Acanthaxius caespitosa Deep-water mud lobster Axiidae REPTANTIA BSZ Serran argentin Acanthistius brasilianus Argentine seabass Serranidae PERCOIDEI KGL Koester Acanthistius sebastoides Koester Serranidae PERCOIDEI AKK Bucarde aiguillonnée Acanthocardia aculeata Spiny cockle Cardiidae BIVALVIA AKJ Bucarde rouge Acanthocardia echinata European prickly cockle Cardiidae BIVALVIA KTU Bucarde peu côtelée Acanthocardia paucicostata Poorly ribbed cockle Cardiidae BIVALVIA KTS Bucarde épineuse Acanthocardia spinosa Sand cockle Cardiidae BIVALVIA KTT Bucarde tuberculée Acanthocardia tuberculata Tuberculate cockle Cardiidae BIVALVIA WAH Thazard-bâtard Acanthocybium solandri Wahoo Scombridae SCOMBROIDEI MLB Pagre berda Acanthopagrus berda Goldsilk seabream Sparidae PERCOIDEI AAB Pagre double bande Acanthopagrus bifasciatus Twobar seabream Sparidae PERCOIDEI YWF Pagre à nageoires jaunes Acanthopagrus latus Yellowfin seabream Sparidae PERCOIDEI MLM Pagre tête noire Acanthopagrus schlegeli Blackhead seabream Sparidae PERCOIDEI SUR Chirurgiens nca Acanthuridae Surgeonfishes nei Acanthuridae ACANTHUROIDEI DMB Chirurgien poudré Acanthurus leucosternon Powderblue surgeonfish Acanthuridae ACANTHUROIDEI MDO Chirurgien chas-chas Acanthurus monroviae Monrovia doctorfish Acanthuridae ACANTHUROIDEI KTR Lime géante de Rathbun Acesta rathbuni Rathbun's giant file shell Limidae BIVALVIA EKC Chevrette aviu Acetes americanus Aviu shrimp Sergestidae NATANTIA EKA Chevrette australienne Acetes australis Australian paste shrimp Sergestidae NATANTIA ESH Chevrette mauxia nordique Acetes chinensis Northern mauxia shrimp Sergestidae NATANTIA EKR Chevrette tsivakihini Acetes erythraeus Tsivakihini paste shrimp Sergestidae NATANTIA EKN Chevrette jawla Acetes indicus Jawla paste shrimp Sergestidae NATANTIA EKI Chevrette mauxia de Formose Acetes intermedius Taiwan mauxia shrimp Sergestidae NATANTIA AKS Chevrette akiami Acetes japonicus Akiami paste shrimp Sergestidae NATANTIA EKE Chevrette mauxia méridionale Acetes serrulatus Southern mauxia shrimp Sergestidae NATANTIA EKS Chevrette alamang Acetes sibogae Alamang shrimp Sergestidae NATANTIA ESV Chevrette jembre Acetes vulgaris Jembret shrimp Sergestidae NATANTIA APB Esturgeon de Sibérie Acipenser baerii Siberian sturgeon Acipenseridae ACIPENSERIFORMES APG Esturgeon du Danube Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Danube sturgeon(=Osetr) Acipenseridae ACIPENSERIFORMES AAM Esturgeon vert Acipenser medirostris Green sturgeon Acipenseridae ACIPENSERIFORMES AAA Esturgeon de l'Adriatique Acipenser naccarii Adriatic sturgeon Acipenseridae ACIPENSERIFORMES AAN Esturgeon barbillons frangés Acipenser nudiventris Fringebarbel sturgeon Acipenseridae ACIPENSERIFORMES APR Sterlet Acipenser ruthenus Sterlet sturgeon Acipenseridae ACIPENSERIFORMES APE Esturgeon étoilé Acipenser stellatus Starry sturgeon Acipenseridae ACIPENSERIFORMES APU Esturgeon commun Acipenser sturio Sturgeon Acipenseridae ACIPENSERIFORMES APN Esturgeon blanc Acipenser transmontanus White sturgeon Acipenseridae ACIPENSERIFORMES STU Esturgeons nca Acipenseridae Sturgeons nei Acipenseridae ACIPENSERIFORMES DJS Maconde lumineux Acropoma japonicum Glowbelly Acropomatidae PERCOIDEI ACR Macondes, etc. nca Acropomatidae Glow-bellies, splitfins nei Acropomatidae PERCOIDEI KJC Anemone-ceinture Actinia cari Girdle anemone Actiniidae ANTHOZOA KQN Actinie pourpre Actinia equina Beadlet anemone Actiniidae ANTHOZOA ATX Actinies Actiniaria Sea anemones ANTHOZOA KUY Holothurie brune des brisants Actinopyga mauritiana Surf redfish Holothuriidae HOLOTHUROIDEA ACN Squale noir Aculeola nigra Hooktooth dogfish Squalidae SQUALIFORMES DMK Pecten antactique Adamussium colbecki Antarctic scallop Pectinidae BIVALVIA TWP Élédone noueux Adelieledone polymorpha Antarctic knobbed octopus Octopodidae CEPHALOPODA QSC Vanneau Aequipecten opercularis Queen scallop Pectinidae BIVALVIA EHG Vieille roga Aethaloperca rogaa Redmouth grouper Serranidae PERCOIDEI AEM Calandre fil Aethotaxis mitopteryx Longfin icedevil Nototheniidae PERCOIDEI MAE Aigle de mer léopard Aetobatus narinari Spotted eagle ray Myliobatidae RAJIFORMES AJW Mulet de fleuve Agonostomus monticola Mountain mullet Mugilidae MUGILIFORMES HFH Fil de fer Ahnfeltia plicata Landlady's Wig Ahnfeltiaceae RHODOPHYCEAE AJC Alimentaire varech Alaria esculenta Babberlocks Alariaceae PHAEOPHYCEAE BGV Banane lèvre ronde Albula glossodonta Roundjaw bonefish Albulidae ALBULIFORMES BOF Banane de mer Albula vulpes Bonefish Albulidae ALBULIFORMES ALU Albulidés nca Albulidae Bonefishes nei Albulidae ALBULIFORMES BNK Mui-mui à épines Albunea lucasia Spiny mole crab Albuneidae ANOMURA ALR Ablette Alburnus alburnus Bleak Cyprinidae CYPRINIFORMES HBW Petit pingouin Alca torda Razorbill Alcidae CICONIIFORMES AJZ Corails mous Alcyonacea Soft corals ANTHOZOA ALA Cordonnier bossu Alectis alexandrinus Alexandria pompano Carangidae PERCOIDEI LIJ Cordonnier fil Alectis ciliaris African pompano Carangidae PERCOIDEI LTD Cordonnier plume Alectis indicus Indian threadfish Carangidae PERCOIDEI KNP Huître plicatule Alectryonella plicatula Fingerprint oyster Ostreidae BIVALVIA LSJ Sélar subari Alepes djedaba Shrimp scad Carangidae PERCOIDEI JWY Comète ruban Alepes kleinii Razorbelly scad Carangidae PERCOIDEI LSN Sélar aile noire Alepes melanoptera Blackfin scad Carangidae PERCOIDEI LSV Sélar harengule Alepes vari Herring scad Carangidae PERCOIDEI ALX Lancier longnez Alepisaurus ferox Long snouted lancetfish Alepisauridae AULOPIFORMES ALC Alépocéphale de Baird Alepocephalus bairdii Baird's slickhead Alepocephalidae SALMONIFORMES SWX Algues nca Algae Seaweeds nei PLANTAE AQUATICAE MISCELLANEA HBH Mergule nain Alle alle Dovekie Alcidae CICONIIFORMES AGM Alligator américain Alligator mississippiensis American alligator Crocodylidae CROCODILIA OUK Casseron africain Alloteuthis africana African squid Loliginidae CEPHALOPODA OUM Casseron bambou Alloteuthis media Midsize squid Loliginidae CEPHALOPODA OUW Casserons nca Alloteuthis spp Alloteuthis squids nei Loliginidae CEPHALOPODA OUL Casseron commun Alloteuthis subulata European common squid Loliginidae CEPHALOPODA SLT Thon élégant Allothunnus fallai Slender tuna Scombridae SCOMBROIDEI LHQ Loutène australe Alluroteuthis antarcticus Antarctic neosquid Neoteuthidae CEPHALOPODA PTH Renard pélagique Alopias pelagicus Pelagic thresher Alopiidae LAMNIFORMES THR Renards de mer nca Alopias spp Thresher sharks nei Alopiidae LAMNIFORMES BTH Renard à gros yeux Alopias superciliosus Bigeye thresher Alopiidae LAMNIFORMES ALV Renard Alopias vulpinus Thresher Alopiidae LAMNIFORMES BBH Alose d'été du Canada Alosa aestivalis Blueback shad Clupeidae CLUPEIFORMES CUA Alose de l'Alabama Alosa alabamae Alabama shad Clupeidae CLUPEIFORMES ASD Alose vraie(=Grande alose) Alosa alosa Allis shad Clupeidae CLUPEIFORMES SHD Aloses vraie et feinte Alosa alosa, A. fallax Allis and twaite shads Clupeidae CLUPEIFORMES CUI Alose de la mer Caspienne Alosa caspia Caspian shad Clupeidae CLUPEIFORMES TSD Alose feinte Alosa fallax Twaite shad Clupeidae CLUPEIFORMES SHH Alose américaine Alosa mediocris Hickory shad Clupeidae CLUPEIFORMES SHC Alose de la mer Noire Alosa pontica Pontic shad Clupeidae CLUPEIFORMES ALE Gaspareau Alosa pseudoharengus Alewife Clupeidae CLUPEIFORMES SHA Alose savoureuse Alosa sapidissima American shad Clupeidae CLUPEIFORMES SHZ Aloses nca Alosa spp Shads nei Clupeidae CLUPEIFORMES LSF Varech Alphestes afer Mutton hamlet Serranidae PERCOIDEI LST Varech veiné Alphestes multiguttatus Rivulated mutton hamlet Serranidae PERCOIDEI FEI Cardon nez camus Alpheus bisincisus Flathead snapping shrimp Alpheidae NATANTIA FEB Cardon teppo Alpheus brevicristatus Teppo snapping shrimp Alpheidae NATANTIA FED Cardon tenaille Alpheus digitalis Forceps snapping shrimp Alpheidae NATANTIA FEU Cardon nymphe Alpheus euphrosyne Nymph snapping shrimp Alpheidae NATANTIA FEL Cardon rouge Alpheus glaber Red snapping shrimp Alpheidae NATANTIA FEG Cardon marguerite Alpheus gracilipes Daisy snapping shrimp Alpheidae NATANTIA FEE Cardon grandes pinces Alpheus heterochaelis Bigclaw snapping shrimp Alpheidae NATANTIA FEH Cardon épineux Alpheus hoplocheles Armed snapping shrimp Alpheidae NATANTIA FEJ Cardon japonais Alpheus japonicus Japanese snapping shrimp Alpheidae NATANTIA FEP Cardon brosse Alpheus spongiarum Bristle snapping shrimp Alpheidae NATANTIA FET Cardon australien Alpheus stephensoni Queensland snapping shrimp Alpheidae NATANTIA FES Cardon corail Alpheus sublucanus Coral snapping shrimp Alpheidae NATANTIA DMH Mousse de Corse Alsidium helminthochorton Corsican moss Rhodomelaceae RHODOPHYCEAE AWI Bourse orange Aluterus schoepfii Orange filefish Monacanthidae TETRAODONTIFORMES ALN Bourse écriture Aluterus scriptus Scribbled leatherjac. filefish Monacanthidae TETRAODONTIFORMES AGC Sardinelle coulat
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