Science Fiction from a Youth



The whole thing goes: The ’s not set. There’s no fate but we make for ourselves.




VVL 04 The Earth’s Eye 06 The Journey to Mars 10 The strange discovery 16 Departure + Takeoff 23 To VVL 26 Arrival 30 The big black spot 33 Apparation 36 Hope 38 First defeat 41 A bone 43 Protection 46 Flash? Flash! 49 Exploding the 52 Second defeat 55 Where was Michael 58 The alien 61 A herd of aliens 64 A strange hole 68 Underground 71 The truth 73 A dream 77 Epilogue 78


Chapter 1 VVL

t is one of the most ancient planets in the universe. It is beyond the Ivision of the Hubble and the James Webb telescope. It is a place that humans have never set eyes on. It has extreme temperatures. During the day, its gives it a boiling temperature of 4,500 ℃. But at night, temperature drops to -190℃. Yet life still thrives there.



Chapter Ⅱ The Earth’s Eye

“Hurry!” A voice spoke.

“Yes, sir. There are two final particles.” said a squeaky voice like mouse.

Jack Franklin and Michael Jefferson are standing on a tower. Jack is a tall, thin and balding, with little black hair on his smooth head. He has a toothbrush mustache and side-beard. A pair of horn-rimmed glasses perched on his long, thin nose. His brow was furrowed as he stared at the construction below which was going on noisily. Michael stood beside him. Although at an age of 37, Michael was surprisingly short, only about 5 feet tall. A huge amount of fluffy blonde hair grew all over the place on his head. His hair grew so alarming faster that he sometimes suspects himself as a girl. Two blue eyes twinkled under his brow. Michael, however, was not looking at the construction, but looking at a few birds flying into the clouds. He blinked and looked at Jack who was still staring downwards unblinkingly. Suddenly, there was a loud clicking noise that filled the whole valley. Michael jumped and looked down at the construction, too. He saw a tiny figure waving a red flag with his arms like a windmill.


“It's signal. We must go, sir. They have finished.”

Jack tore his gaze away and found Michael. Michael shivered slightly. The gaze pierced him. He looked down at his feet.

“All right, Michael. Let’s go!”

They went down through the elevator. They strolled around the mountains and found themselves engulfed by a cheering crowd. “Finished?” Jack asked as he and Michael was hoisted upon many shoulders. “Yes, of course, sir!” roared the crowd together. Jack smiled. He had smiled for the first time in a year. As Technical Director of the “Earth’s Eye” telescope, with so many people to manage and so many mistakes to correct, smiling is really a difficult thing for him. About thrice the size of the Hubble, it would settle on Mars to explore space more clearly and helpfully. The “Earth’s Eye” would be a great leap in astronomy. Sent to Mars by two Long March-9s, one Falcon 11 Rocket and nine solid rocket boosters, it would take the longest journey.

On a sunny clear day, three huge rockets were advancing slowly towards a high-rise tower where Jack and Michael stood. Their hearts were pumping. Here, the rockets would be ready to assemble and liftoff. Jack quickly adjusted and glanced down at Michael. He was as white as a sheet. And his legs were trembling so violently. That he could barely stand. Jack knew why. It's hard to assemble so many rockets together. And no one had ever done it before. He signed a deep sigh and turned away. He went back to the lab and tried to work naturally but found out that he seemed to be rooted to the spot. After two days’ installing and testing, Jack and Michael went to the tower again. Jack caught sight of a red gold flag in the sunlight. And he saw Michael's face flooded


with a bit of color. He felt relieved. He didn't need to worry about this for two months for the liftoff of the Earth’s Eye was set in two months.



Chapter Ⅲ The Journey to Mars

wo months passed quickly. Autumn arrived with golden leaves Tlike butterflies falling from the trees, and apple's pounding the ground. Jack alone stood again on the tower. Michael had got flu and asked for two days’ leave. Jack had a sickly green pallor that matched his bright green eyes. The enormous rocky was ready to fire. People were flitting around it, making a last-minute check. Jack closed his eyes for a moment. Tiny spot appeared in the darkness flashing. He opened his eyes and his gaze rested upon the sky-- No clouds, no wind. It is a good omen. A bell rang loudly like sound across the ground. Jack looked at the time 8:50 a.m. He breathed deeply for a few minutes, gulped down some water and closed his eyes again, dreading the crash. That would mean another year's work if the liftoff is failed.

00:03, 00:02, 00:01, 00:00! The engines roared. Jack’s eyes flew open. A blinding light greeted him. He put on sunglasses as he watched the huge rocket grew smaller and smaller with a mixture of pride and anxiety. The rocket had vanished leaving large amounts of white smoke behind it.

Suddenly, the telephone rang. Jack's head was in his throat. Please be


good, be good! He thought frantically as he picked up the receiver.

“Jack Franklin speaking.” He said in a quivery voice.

“Hi Jack! This is the chief of the Earth's Eye. We are happy to inform you that the first stage has succeeded. Jack’s heart leapt. “We are also going to tell you that the second stage went on very…” Jack was grinning. “… bad.” The chief finished. And Jack's heart sank like a stone. “It didn't fall off from the main rocket as planned, so we landed it on the moon. And we will lift it in another five months. Good day to you, Jack.”

Jack put down the receiver and sank into an armchair. His hands buried into his face. For one glorious moment, he thought it had succeeded. Now he was left into worse turmoil than ever. He grabbed the reports and threw them into the fireplace. He tore pictures of the telescope into pieces. He wanted it to end. He wanted to go out and spend the rest of the days as a beggar. But why? A voice said in his head. “Why I want to be a beggar? I should have confidence in myself. I shouldn't have felt despair. That's still light ahead. I need to fight!” He leapt upwards. His face glazed with tears, but it also had a blazing look.


Five months had passed. There were still some shows in the valley which were on the tops of the mountains. On the ground, flowers were already blossoming, and grass was poking their heads out. Birds sang loudly, filling the valley with an echoing sound. Jack was standing on the tower again, this time with Michael. Now Jack felt peaceful. If it didn't succeed this time, the mission would be ended. After a while, there was a ringing noise behind Michael. He turned around. So did Jack. His brow furrowed. The telephone was rattling. Michael picked


up the receiver.

“Michael Thomas speaking. “

“Congratulations Michael. and to Jack if he's there.” Jack grinned. They heard a smattering of applause as the chief spoke. “It has left the moon and set out towards Mars. It will arrive there in two months. And… “And by the chief’s momentary silence, they heard yells and cries and much louder wave of applause. It's my honor to tell you,” roared the chief over the thunderous of sounds, “that the third stage is pretty smooth sailing.”

The chief paused for a moment and they heard what sounded like an explosion. For a moment, they looked at each other, horror on their faces. Then they both laughed out in relief. It wasn't an explosion, it was a sound mixed with yells, cheers, claps and cries. And the chief shouted it aloud to the receiver, “The group dragon has just left the Falcon 11 and are going to land on Mars in about two weeks. We'll talk to you again by then. Excuse me, I have to go and join the celebrations.”

There was only a buzzing sound. Jack and Michael stared at each other, hardly believing their ears. Then Jack broke the silence. He screamed and hugged Michael, then began to sob into his shoulders, choking, “Yes! Yes!” Michael patted Jack’s back as tears welled up in his eyes, too. He mopped his eyes and felt his ribs might crack under the tightness of Jack’s hug. It seemed that they had broken apart for many years. After a while, tears were still shining on their faces under the sunlight.


After the celebration on the high tower, Jack and Michael became anxious once more for the deadline was drawing nearer and nearer. Jack


said if it failed to land on the Mars, he would resign and become a beggar in the rest of his life. Michael said he would not eat or drink until it succeeded. The two men both seemed distressed and forbad any noise, especially laughter during their research.

Two weeks of tiredness had passed. They had been back to the high tower. From there, everything seemed exceptionally small, the trees, the river, and even the mountains are small.

“It’s important for us today.” said Jack. “If it is failed, I will be a beggar.”

“I won’t eat or drink until it succeeds.” said Mike mournfully.

“I think—” said Jack, but he felt silent at the sudden ringing that seemed to fill the whole valley. Trembling was so violently that he nearly dropped the receiver, Michael picked it up and whispered,

“M-Mich-chael sp-speak-king.”

“Don't be scared, Michael. “said the chief with loud, clear voice. The telescope successfully landed on Mars on 5:16 a.m. Congratulations to you. Mind you, I hope they won't accidentally press the buttons they shouldn't press.”

There was a stunning silence, Jack and Michael both seemed to be frozen. They stared at each other motionlessly. Immediately a roaring sound went cross the valley. Both of them yelled at the same time. Yelling hoorsely, they sank to the floor.

Then they stood up with their hands crossed. “God bless us! We made it!” Both of them screamed. They kicked the bars and hugged the flagpoles. They seemed to have gone beyond delight.

It was all over finally. They pushed the door open. And went downstairs. Then took a taxi back home. Jack laid down on his bed, staring at a


spider hanging on the lamp from the ceiling. Even the spider looked as if it was bouncing with happiness. Sunlight shot through the window. Jack jumped up from the bed. Then he took a bath in the warm sunlight and closed his eyes comfortably with happiness. He thought he was the most fortunate person in the world -- for the moment.



Chapter Ⅳ The strange discovery

he Earth’s Eye had been landed and fixed by three astronauts Twho were in the Crew Dragon. June the third, 2030.

Summer had begun, Jack was hot. His dog, Flash, was putting his tongue out. Jack in T-shirt and shorts took an umbrella and went down to the streets. The road seemed to tremble in the sun. Trees were protesting and grass was dying of thirst. From the distance, he could hear Flash howling for water.

Suddenly his Mate 90 phone rang. He sighed and withdrew it from his pocket. He thought it was another call. He looked at it and was surprised to see that it was from the chief. He pressed the green button immediately.

“Jack Franklin speaking. “

“Hi, Jack. Do you know? The Earth’s Eye had clicked its camera and took a picture of itself! “

“Really? Well, where did you see that?”

“It's all over the news about it on the Washington Post and the Times.


And Scientific American even opened a new column for the Earth’s Eye.”

“Ah, I didn't see that. Can you send the picture to me in WeChat?”

“Sure! You can see that now.”

Jack clicked WeChat and saw the chief’s name on the top with a small red one. Then another message from the chief caught his eyes. It said “Come to my house immediately. We'll have a meeting.”

Jack darted across the room. He slammed the door and called a cab to the chief's house. “What on earth does he want me to do?” He grunted unhappily as the car whizzed into a narrow alley way. Finally, the car stopped in front of a huge house. Rubbing his head, he paid the fare to the driver and leapt out of the car. He gazed at this house. He had never been here before. It was about 400 feet in length, 200 feet in width and 300 feet in height. He was sure that it could hold thousands of people. With his mouse hanging open, the golden gate which has two stone lions standing aside opened automatically before he tried to push it.

Two servants came into view. “Hi sir. May I have your name?”

Jack was so shocked that he had momentarily forgotten to sleep. After a while, when his brain had quite adjusted to the environment, he stammered, “J-Jack-k F-Frank-klin.”

“Welcome! You are a guest of my owner.” One servant said, showing his teeth. Jack counted two golden teeth in the servant’s mouth.

“This way, please.” He then turned to the other servant, “Please go and tell Mr. Mahler we have a guest to the meeting.” The other servant walked away in a fast speed.

The first servant came over to Jack and smiled, “Mr. Franklin, it's still


early, so we have enough time to explore. I can be your guide, if you wish.”

“Of course!” said Jack.

He followed the servant into the hall. Four long tables were seen. They were wooden and had short, stout legs. The ground was smooth and made of glass. The chairs were armchairs, squashy and comfortable. Swinging lights hung from the ceiling, made of diamonds, shivering a bit. Paintings of rockets and telescopes hung on the walls. The servant led Jack up a flight of stairs. They were made of pure silver, sleek and shiny. The bars were polished gold which gleamed in the light. There were many rooms in front of Jack’s eyes. Labels were hung on the wooden doors. Jack saw many doors with “Visitors” label on them. The servants showed a room nearest the staircase.

“Here's your room, sir.” said he with a low bow.

Jack went inside. He saw the walls were not made of concrete, but silver, shiny everywhere. Large to the walls, small to folks and knives, all of silver. The rug was from Persia, which has a soft feel. The pillow was white. The sheet looked as if it was made of snow. Air conditioning was on automatically changing temperature. Then suddenly something large and furry bounced upon him and licked his face all over. Mopping his face, he saw it was Flash, his loyal dog! Flash must have followed Jack to the chief's house.

“Nice dog!” said the servant. He checked his watch. “We still have about forty-five minutes. Come on, Sir. Let's proceed to the third floor, but leave the dog here.”

Jack left Flash and went upstairs with the servant who was explaining all about the house. Jack pulled himself the last step and saw an


enormous factory which was huffing and puffing and banging. There was no one could be found in the factory. did all the work. Jack became dizzy when he followed a robot arm with his eyes. “Sorry! We can't go inside. Mr. Mahler doesn't let anyone in except himself.” The servant stopped Jack. Jack thought: “Great! At least I needn’t go to face those crazy robots which turns and spins all the time.”

The factory was huge because it covered three floors, so they took the elevator to the sixth floor. A large gym stood in front of them. “We can't enter this place, either, unless Mr. Mahler invited you.” The servant sighed, “Sorry, it was very strict here.” At the seventh floor, there were many strange models, probably made by the chief himself. There was a famous stellar engine, some future cars, but one thing caught Jack’s eye. It was a working module of an alien. The search for aliens had been on for ages, but nothing was found. Jack longed to take the model home, but he knew he couldn’t. Finally, the journey was over. It was about five minutes left before the meeting, Jack followed the servant to take the elevator to the 30th floor and go into the meeting room.

Many people have already settled around a long table. Some were leaning on the chair and looking around. Some were talking. Some had their heads bowed, looking at the mobile phones and computers. Jack took his place on one spare chair. As time went by, people gathered around the table. Soon all the seats were filled.

The chief stood up. “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my house!”

“What makes us get together here today is a discovery in a planet soaring across the solar system. No one can understand how the planet could fly. It should have been pulled into the orbit by Neptune or


Jupiter. Nothing worked. But it was stopped by Mars and went into its orbit. No one could understand it. According to the astronauts on Mars, the planet was reddish, redder than Mars, and sulfur covered the surface. Volcanoes burst lava out. Small rocks flew everywhere. One of them even found a huge rock near the telescope. When they tried to remove it, they found that it was extremely light, even lighter than a feather. Below was a crater with the width of 126.83 km, and the depth of 29.74 km. Everything seems incredible.

“Currently, as astronauts on Mars have duty in protecting the telescope. We will send two astronauts to the planet. In 21.00732 seconds, computers made an analysis of the planet. The atmosphere on the planet is similar to the atmosphere on Venus and the Moon. Half of the planet has sulfur, along with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, while the other half is rather peaceful. By this, the equipment will not be a problem. The only trouble is that we don't have a person to apply for this job. Now I request you, in the name of science, to take this job.” There was an outbreak of muttering. Those who were bravest trembled and didn't say a word. Jack was also uncertain. He has a family of a beautiful wife and a cute son. And he also has Flash, his loyal pet dog. He couldn't stand leaving them for days, nor could they. Nearly an hour had passed, no one answered.

“No one?” The chief was unhappy. “If no one apply for it, I have to use force.”

He clicked his fingers. An “army” which had shining amor came from behind. All of them had guns in their hands, still no one stood up.

“Jack and Michael!” said the chief in a terrible voice, Jack and Michael stood up knowing what fate was upon them. They walked up to the



“On my orders, you two will explore the planet.” said the chief.

“But…” The robot army raised their guns and aimed at Jack and Michael. They had no choice but accepted.

“Settled. Meeting is over. Thank you!” The chief ended the meeting briefly.

Jack left the room with Michael. He was very unhappy. He took a taxi to go home with Flash. He couldn't believe his bad luck. How could the chief, his old friend, throw him to such a place where nearly everything was unknown? And what would he meet there? A strange T-rex which could transfer carbon dioxide into oxygen or a sabre- toothed tiger which had skin to turn solar power into oxygen? Flash knew his master was unhappy. So, he just dropped his head and kept quiet.

When they came home, Jack's wife, Helen was cooking in the kitchen. Looking at his wife's back, he sighed deeply. A few minutes later, the table was full of delicacies. Jack’s son, George, who was eight years old sat on a chair near the table ready to eat. Jack picked up his fork and stuck it into a potato. George did the same. After a while, Jack said: “Well, I have something to tell you.” Helen and George stopped to listen, Jack continued, “The chief had informed Michael and me to go to an unknown planet which had recently appeared near Mars. I don't know how long it will take and how dangerous it will be. I just want to say that if I don’t come back, Helen, please take care of George and…” he stopped for a while and went on, “start a new life.” Then he left for the bathroom to hide his tears.



Chapter Ⅴ Departure + Takeoff

ack had already got the lift-off data from the chief. He didn't reply Jthough.

January the 21st, 2031.

It was quiet hot at Kennedy space center even if it was in winter. Jack was already sweating. When Jack and his family walked to the spacecraft, Jack turned around and hugged George tight and then gave him a kiss. “Bye-bye, George. Try to be a man. Take care of yourself and your mother when I am not at home. I love you!” George wanted to follow but Helen held him back. Her eyes were filled with tears. Suddenly Jack turned around and came to Flash. He bent down and patted Flash’s head. Flash licked his face. He stood up slowly. Then he turned and walked toward the spacecraft. He didn't look back. He knew he had to go. When he stepped into the cabin, he found Michael already sitting there. Michael was single. So, he doesn’t have many worries. Only this time, Jack admired Michael.

“Why it wasn't rocket?” Jack asked.

“Someone just informed me that it was a nuclear fusion spacecraft with a new technology. I thought you know it, Jack.” Michael said.


Jack nodded but didn't say anything. After some time, he asked: “How are we going to get food?”

“Also, by a new technology--Ecological Maintenance System.”

“Aha…” Then came the chief’s voice. “The spacecraft will lift off one minute later, please be ready.”

Jack and Michael smiled bitterly at each other, the chief voice came again: “Jack, you will be the captain of the Researcher which is the name of the spacecraft. Michael is your lieutenant. I will give you an instruction on how to control it. I'm really sorry about it, but this new technology only appears three days ago, and the UN had just approved it yesterday. Now be ready.”

Then, there was a roaring sound. All the lights were on. They were leaving. Jack had a vague impression of what Helen, George and Flash would be like.



Chapter Ⅵ To VVL

ack looked at his mobile phone. He saw a message from the chief Jwhich is about how to control the spacecraft. Michael leaned over to read the message, too.

After a while Jack turned off his mobile phone. He opened the Solar Positioning System (SPS) on which he found the strange planet. he asked AI to go there at 0.0001 light speed. Next, there was a low rumbling sound. Then, there was a blast. Turing his head around, Jack saw thousands of miles of blue flames behind the spacecraft.

Jack turned around to face the screen. He saw a news reporter speaking to a huge crowd. “The Researcher has just left JFK space center and is flying at 0.0001 light speed now. There is a mission for it to search the new planet, VVL, which was found about a month ago. It has some of the world's latest technologies--nuclear fusion and Ecological Maintenance Systems. We'll call it EMS afterwards. Hello Mr. Jack Franklin and Mr. Thomas Jefferson, I know you can see us, and we can see you quite clearly too. May I have an interview with you?” Jack smiled. The reporter was Richard Radford, his old classmate. Jack nodded and laid back on his chair.


“Thank you. Jack, as the captain of the Researcher, what do you know about the spacecraft and how do you feel in it?”

“I don't know much about it in fact.” Jack sighed. “I knew the spacecraft today as you. And about the spacecraft, I am very satisfied for it is cool and comfortable.”

“How did you feel when you took this job, excited or sad?”

“To be honest, I'm sad of course. As my friend, you should know I have a wife, a son and a pet. How can I leave them for a long time? And I'm going to a new place, what if I can’t go back…” Jack stopped his mouth.

“Yes. I think I know how you feel, and I am sure everyone does.”

Richard turned to Michael. “Hi, Michael, what do you think of VVL?”

Michael twisted his beard. “It’s hard to say, but according to the pictures we’ve got, I bet it's tough.”

“Thank you, Michael and Jack! I wish you two have a wonderful and safe journey! Good Luck! Bye-bye!”

“Bye-bye!” Jack and Michael waved their hands.

Michael turned off the television. At the same time, his stomach gave a loud rumble. He looked at his watch. It was already 1p.m. He called Jack to get some food. Jack turned to face the food processing system. He thought of a way to control it. He said aloud: “please give us the menu.” The menu appeared on the screen. He looked at the menu. There were only 4 choices: spaghetti with beef and French fries, spaghetti with seafood, pork with potatoes and broccoli, beef with potatoes and broccoli. Jack ordered pork with potatoes and broccoli while Michael ordered spaghetti with beef and French fries. About


fifteen minutes later, the food came out along with forks and knives. Jack cut off a bit of pork and tasted it. He knew it must be green meat. Although green meat was very popular these days, he thought green meat still couldn't beat the meat from animals. They ate their lunch in silence. At about 1:45 p.m., they finished their lunch. They played video games for a while and then jogged in a spacecraft; they need to change different shoes there because they need to grab on the ground. After they had dinner, they went into their sleeping chambers and fell asleep.

The next day when they dealt with the particles on the Researcher, they thought there was probably something wrong with the antenna because the Earth cannot hear clearly what they were speaking and what was going on there. First the scientists on the Earth examined their objects and found nothing wrong. Then it may be the antenna’s problem. But according to the computer analysis, there was nothing wrong. Even Michael himself went out of the spacecraft and checked it. Under this situation, there were only two possibilities: One is something may have happened in the earth's atmosphere and stopped the information going back. The other is there may be a strong radio wave interruption which was higher than the sun because it was simply designed to be protected from that. The scientists would solve the first problem quickly because they could move the thing in the atmosphere around the Earth. But after they cleared the atmosphere and waited for an hour, Jack and Michael still couldn’t see anything from the Earth. With a sigh, Jack turned off the radio wave of the antenna. “It makes a lot of noise. Better turn it off.”



Chapter Ⅶ Arrival

ebruary the fifth, 2031.

FJack got up, yawning and stretching. Michael has already got up. He was having the breakfast. Jack put on his clothes and looked out of the window. The sun was glowing brightly, and he could see the red planet.

“Ready to go into the orbit.” said AI. The spacecraft was slowing down and gliding towards Mars.

“3 minutes left into the orbit.”

“2 minutes left into the orbit.”

“1-minute left into the orbit.”

“30 seconds left into the orbit.”

The spacecraft turned. CLICK! The spacecraft went into Mars’ orbit. Jack turned on the Scanner, which was a machine used to scan life on planets. As they slowly flew around Mars, they found something strange. The pictures sent back were dotted by big black thing. From the outline of the thing, they could tell that should be the Earth’s Eye. Jack immediately sent the signal “Researcher is arriving” to the black thing.


But what they received was only a buzzing sound.

“How strange!” exclaimed Michael.

Meanwhile, at the chief's office on the Earth, the scientists were still trying to figure out what happened to the antenna, the chief said: “Turn the wave’s frequency higher.” But after trying a few times, they found it no use.

At the same time, the Researcher was accelerating into Mars through the atmosphere.

“Woo!” shouted Jack as lights flashed by. “That's so crazy.”

“Parachute is open.” said AI.

“Twenty seconds to touchdown.”

“Ten seconds to touchdown.”

“Five seconds … and touchdown. Touchdown is confirmed. Gliding. Brake. Stop.”

The Researcher had landed in the South Pole and near a big black spot.



Chapter Ⅷ The big black spot

“That was definitely an adventure.” panted Jack, mopping sweat off his head.

“I agree with you.” said Michael. He turned to AI. “Atmosphere Analysis.”

“Atmosphere Analysis. Oxygen 20%, Nitrogen 53%, Sulfur 19%, CO2 3%, unknown 5%.”

“I really didn't know there was so much oxygen.” said Michael.

“It's not surprising. Since the appearance of VVL, rovers on Mars suffered a dramatic change in the atmosphere.” He said to AI, “Is it suitable for us to explore?”

“Yes.” said AI. “But please be careful of the sulfur in air.”

Jack and Michael went to the changing room. There they found two spacesuits for Mars and two spacesuits for VVL. The spacesuits were all made by Space X. They put on the spacesuits and looked for a rover. They founded it in the front. They jumped into the rover. The rover was powered by a pair of Solar batteries. They went around the Researcher to check if there was anything wrong. In the end they


simply found some slashes made when they were crossing the atmosphere. They fixed that and drove to the big black spot.

The big black hole was certainly gigantic. Jack did some experiments as Michael took some photos. After a moment, Jack sighed. “It didn't give any response. It seemed to be a thing beyond our acknowledge and imagination. Give me the photos.” The screen showed just the same as when they were captured thousands of miles above the ground. Jack shook his head. “Stop the car.” The car slowly stopped. “Let's walk, Mike.” They got off the rover. Jack stretched the leg into a hole. Nothing happened, Michael did it too. Everything was fine. Then they went back to the rover and began to draw back. They went into the Researcher. Jack turned on the engine.

“Go into the big black spot.”

“But we were going to find the astronauts first.”

“Never mind.”

There was a blast as the Researcher took off. After going up a few miles, suddenly it was soared into the black spot. There was a bright flash and the Researcher vanished.


“Damn it.” shouted the chief angrily. The signal had just disappeared. They had tried to contact the Researcher for many times. But Jack and Michael didn't send back anything. One time there was a flash on the screen which made all the people there yelling in surprise, but it disappeared immediately. “It vanished.” muttered the chief. “Jack and Michael are strong and smart. They will never let themselves be killed so easily. But how did they disappear? And how could we contact them?” 34


Chapter Ⅸ Apparation

eanwhile, Jack and Michael were shivering with fright, while Mthey watched the lights flashed by. After they went into the spot, many strange things happened. The world around them began spinning so fast that it was a blur. There was a clear tinkling sound like a wind bell. And there were different colors jumping up and down. Suddenly they saw a door ahead. They shot past the door. Whoosh! They landed on a piece of land.

“Where are we?” asked Michael.

“We are on VVL on the side of moon-like.” answered AI.



Chapter Ⅹ Hope

“But how could we be here?” stammered Michael, “According to my watch, we didn't lose a second in traveling. AI, do you know why?”

“Since I was made by human, how could I be cleverer than human?”

“But you were designed to be cleverer than human. Weren’t you can do difficult math problems much faster than I?”

“Yeah, but I can only do what you asked me to do. I'll do my best to succeed, but you can't expect me to be clever every time.”

“So, you can…”

“Enough!” shouted Jack. “Both of you! Shut up! I have had enough of that! I'm tired of adventures. I will get out of this place!” He slammed his hand on the control board where a lot of wrong messages appeared.

There was a long silence.

Michael said: “Jack, I don't think you should be so pessimistic. There are a lot of choices. Now we can even go back if you want. As I said, I'll do my best to support you. But… staying here is much better. You know, if we go back, we will have to face the fury of the world, criticizing us of not trying to find other kinds of life. And we lost a great


chance of becoming famous. If we succeed, everyone will know us. We will be rich. We will be written into history as the first person to find new life. What’s more, it's also a chance for the Earth to set up good relations with other planets. Maybe they have waited for nearly millions of years to find another life to talk with. Think about it again, Jack. Think about your glory, your family… I beg you, Jack, to stay. Of course, we can go home if you want to.”

Michael got off his chair and left the room. Jack dropped his head, no one could tell whether he was sleeping or thinking for the moment. After a while, Michael came back, and he saw Jack standing up, eyes flashing with excitement. “Have you decided?” asked Michael. “I will, I will explore for glory! I will stay to find new life! God bless me!” said Jack, stoutly.



Chapter Ⅺ First defeat

ack planned to start at once. He drove the Researcher here and there Jon the rocky surface of VVL. He stretched his neck here and there. He collected samples here and there. But nothing special found, even the samples were dead and dull.

Jack decided to go out and explore. He put on the special space suit and walked out of the spacecraft. He carried a drill. He drilled into the ground for about 4 to 5 meters deep. He took the samples back and examined them carefully. There was still nothing special in it.

Jack took the samples and threw them into the bin. “Useless.” he muttered. “Just a waste of time.”



Chapter Ⅻ A bone

or the next few days, Jack and Michael stayed in their cabin, Fplaying games, listening to music while letting the Researcher go around by itself.

Jack was bored by this dull life and he decided to go home, he was just going to tell Michael his idea when AI pushed through the door.

“Hey, Jack! I found something interesting. Wanna go and see?”

Jack rolled his eyes. He knew what was up. They had been there for hundred times. Every time he found it disgusting.

“Don't be down.” said AI. “It's really interesting!”

Jack lumbered out of his room with AI. He saw Michael waiting there, surprise on his face.

“So, you brought me here for this?” Jack glared at AI.

“No, no.” answered AI quickly. “I want to show you something. Look…” AI’s robot arms flew across the control board.

“Ah!” Jack and Michael bent forward on the screen, they saw white dust spreading to the sky and dunes all around. But that wasn't the most surprising. In the middle, there laid a black bone. The other picture 43

showed a closer look. There was a small line of words on it. It said “Edmond Fletcher”.

“That was the name of the astronaut sent to take care of the Earth’s Eye.” said Michael aghast.

There was a long silence.

“So, there is a problem.” said AI. “Who did that and why did they do that? And have you realized that we can't get a signal since we landed on this planet and we can’t see Mars, either.”



Chapter XIII Protection

“That's strange.” muttered Michael. He slouched into the chair. But Jack leapt from a chair. He darted away like a crazy man. A moment later, he returned, carrying an armful of weapons. He thrusted a laser gun to Michael's hand. Michael, however, looked surprised.

“What the hell…”

“Protect us from aliens.” said Jack breathlessly.

Michael nodded. “I got it.”

Jack turned to AI. “You have one?”

“Sure.” said AI as it poked a short branch- like thing out of its head.

“Does the Researcher have protection?”

“Of course!” answered AI.

“Great! Now look. Here's a plan. AI, you guard the Researcher when we are asleep. Anything emergent, pull the siren.” He pointed a small bell-like thing near the door. Also, change the “everyday” mode to “warning” mode.

“No problem.” said AI confidently. “And I don't think we'll run into


aliens.” he added.

“Listen!” said Jack earnestly. “I've experienced many battles and read a lot of books. From these I’ve got one conclusion: When you find something suspicious, be on the alert.” He gave a nervous glance out of the window. “Michael, could you go out for a minute? I’d like to talk about something with AI.” Michael nodded and backed out of the room.

Jack bent down and said: “AI, I know it's hard times, but it will be over soon. Once we get a picture of the VVL, we'll go home. It won't take too long.” AI lowered his head as Jack gave him a pat on the back.



Chapter XIV Flash? Flash!

any days had passed since Jack had that chat with AI. The Mfollowing days seemed to be boring. No sirens, no signals, just a chilly silence surrounding the spacecraft.

Jack rarely got out of his room. He was writing a book about his life on the Researcher. Here's a cutting:

Things became boring after I chatted with AI. I simply stayed in my small room and laid on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Occasionally I turned on the cameras to look around. The scenery was beautiful even there was only grey and white around. Oh yeah, we collected the bone and did many experiments. But it didn't show anything special. Sometimes, when I go to bed, I miss Helen, little George and Flash. I wonder if Helen has insomnia or not. I’d like to know how George is doing at school. I hope he will do his homework more efficiently. And how about poor Flash? I really doubt if he would eat after I left.

Jack put down his book, sighed and strode out. AI greeted him: “Hi Jack, Look!” But Jack waved a hand and walked out of the room carrying a laser gun. He also put on the spacesuit of Space X without doubt.


He slowly walks around the Researcher, eyes unfocused. When a sudden flash caught his eye, he jumped pointing to a black figure which had appeared from the light. He loaded his gun and backed away. But the creature followed all the way to the Researcher. By the dim light, he looked closely. Suddenly, the creature gave a bark and leapt on Jack, licking him all over.

“Flash? It’s really you?” Jack was so surprised. “How did you come here?” Jack couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw Flash.

“Nice to see you, Flash! I’ll show you my hotel, the Researcher. Follow me.” Pushing the enthusiastic dog off his shoulders, he took Flash back into the cabin.



Chapter XV Exploding the sun

he next day, Jack held a meeting with AI and Michael. He told Tthem about strange phenomenon that happened. Michael and AI said that it was the same as they came from Mars. They sat in the room for a long time. Then Jack suddenly said. “I want to go to the other side.”

“Are you kidding me!” said Michael and AI together.

“No, I'm not. I’ve thought about it for a long time. I think the real secret is on the other side.”

“Really, you should cool down a bit.” Michael said. “Maybe you're too excited when you saw Flash.”

“No. I'm sure. We've been here for who knows how long. That doesn't matter. What matters is that we haven't found life for weeks? I know the other side may be dangerous, but if we want to find new forms of life, we have to go there.” Jack said firmly.

“Jack, you're right, but I ain’t going to risk my life for that.”

“Could you please think about that?” Jack nearly fell upon his knees. “Do you want to fly back and let others say you're a coward?”


Michael buried is head into his hands. “All right. You win.” said Michael at last.


“OK!” said Michael and AI.

“Then let's go.” Jack pressed the button. With a roaring sound, the “Researcher” soared to the other side.



Chapter XVI Second defeat

ack and Michael landed the spacecraft in a rather cramped place. The Jweather was horrible there. Wind blew and blew. Yellow dust was flying around covering the sky. It seemed that a storm was coming soon. Jack found he could hardly breathe.

“This is really…eh…eh” coughed Michael, who was feeling the same way as Jack.

“Turn on Air Producing System.” Jack said to AI. AI obeyed. After a while, they felt much better. Jack told AI to do the usual precautions and turn on the Life Tracking System, a tracking device that can find something that might be life. Then they all went to sleep except AI.

The next morning Jack woke up. He looked at his watch showed 3:36. Too early. Flash was still snoring on the ground. He slowly got out of his bed and carefully tiptoed to the door. He turned to look at Flash. His ears twitched. Jack sighed and opened the door. He crept through the hallway to the huge control room. And he sat there watching the hundreds of lights flying across the board.

Suddenly, he saw something moving slowly, turning this way and that. Excitement flooded Jack. He put on the spacesuit, took his laser gun, 55

and left the Researcher. Then he inched towards it. The creature seemed to be too interested in its work that it didn't aware of Jack till Jack was five meters near it. The thing saw Jack and Jack stared at it. It was hooded. But from its clawed hands, Jack knew it wasn't something easy to deal with. It gave a screech and set off through the mist. Jack who was infuriated after seeing the honor slipping through his hands gave a roar. He pulled out his gun and fired. The creature seemed to have eyes on his back because even Jack shot after shot, he missed the creature again and again. Jack began to run after the creature. But the creature was faster, Jack put on a burst of speed. He was gaining on it. He stretched out his hand and “pop”.

He was back suddenly and surprisingly to his room. The time was still recorded at 3:36. No one second had passed. Jack flung open the door, put on his spacesuit, took his gun and sped towards the creature again. He fired as the creature went. The creature sped away as Jack ran after it. Jack was nearly caught up with the creature and “pop”! Jack was back to his room again. After a few times of repetition, Jack couldn’t run anymore. He was too tired. So, he lay on the bed and fell fast asleep.



Chapter XVII Where was Michael

t 7:00 a.m., Jack got up as usual and told Michael and AI about Ahis strange experience extremely excitedly. “Sounds interesting! It must be your dream!” said Michael. AI started to analyze why Jack had this dream and he had talked for almost one hour. Jack was disappointed because no one believed him. He didn't wait for AI to finish his words and left for his bedroom. He would rather stay with Flash. Then he began to write his book. Here's what he wrote:

It was a real defeat like a nightmare. I had really found other kind of life. The problem is when I took a camera to take photo for it, it was a blur. I don’t know what the creature was doing. When I did it again, it suddenly vanished, leaving a big black spot in air. And I found myself back to the bedroom. The spot was the same as that I had seen on Mars. I really can’t understand how it came here. It was like flying through a colorful tunnel the same as how Flash came here. I don't know what that is, even it appeared before. Anyway, I'm happy to have Flash with me.

It was midnight. Jack couldn't sleep for his ridiculous adventure.


So, he decided to call Michael. He knocked on the door but no answer. “It's me, Jack.” said Jack. There was still no answer. He tried to open the door. It was bolted. He took his gun and blasted the door open. What he found was appalling. The room was full of smoke, Jack waved the smoke away, the wardrobe was lain on the floor. The mirror was smashed into pieces. The bed was flown across the room and smashed on the wall. A pool of blood was on the ground. Michael was nowhere to be found. Jack was aghast. Where has Michael gone?

He went to AI's room. He woke AI up. “Listen, AI.” said Jack urgently, “I've found something strange.”

“What?” said AI slowly.

“Michael vanished!”

AI’s mouth fell open in horror, “What the hell…”

Jack cut him short. “The scariest thing was, his room like someone had a fierce fight there.”

“Let's go.” said AI.

They got to Michael's room in a few seconds. Jack opened the door. “Whoa.” AI still made the sound even though he drew a deep breath. “That's a big problem. What are we going to do now?” said AI, staring at the pool of blood on the floor.

“Get Michael back, then we leave this planet.” said Jack.

“I think aliens of VVL might take Michael away.” said AI.

“Definitely!” said Jack unconfused. A plan was forming in Jack's mind.



Chapter XVII The alien

he next morning, Jack told AI about the plan he made last night.

TThe plan was as follows: Jack will go out and try to attract some aliens of VVL. He will attract them to the Researcher. Meanwhile, AI was hiding. Throw a net at the aliens when the aliens come. Then they could ask the aliens to set Michael free.

It was 10:00 at night. Jack went out of the spacecraft, carrying test tubes like a scientist trying to collect samples. But two weeks had passed. There was still no track of the aliens.

It was a windy night. Jack went out of the spacecraft to search again. He had decided that it would be the last time he went out to search. After this night, he would be ready to leave this planet. At this time, he heard a sound behind him. He turned around. It was an alien! The alien was carrying a limp figure on its back. Jack was sure it was Michael. He pulled out his gun and darted towards the alien, this time the alien didn't run away. He put down Michael and stood there. Jack fired his gun. But the alien vanished. Jack was surprised. Suddenly he heard a blast behind him. Jack fell face first on the ground. Before he could turn, there was a heavy blow on his head. There were more afterwards. Jack


felt he was going to die, suddenly a grunt was heard, then there were some barks. And there was a voice which Jack recognized. It was AI. “Hurry up, we must go back to the Researcher.” Standing up slowly, he could see the alien writhing on the floor while Flash stood on it, tearing its flesh off. Jack took his gun and fired. There was a flash as a hole was drilled through the alien’s body. Jack looked for Michael but Michael was nowhere to be found. They dragged the alien's corpse back to the spacecraft. After giving Flash a big piece of beef as a prize, Jack went to the lab with AI. They did a lot of experiments, but they didn't find anything special. It was just like a usual human body except his face was green and there were claws on its hands.

“Hey! What's this?” Jack jumped. AI was dealing with a little piece of metal.

“I found it in its head.” explained AI.

Many letters were carved on the metal. It looked like this:

Front Back





“It seems like code.” said Jack in a hushed voice.

“Probably.” said AI.

Jack put it in his pocket. “See you later.” he said to AI.



Chapter XIX A herd of aliens

ack was sleeping in his bed when the siren was turned on. He gave a Jyelp that made Flash bark, he gave Flash some food to keep him quiet. Taking his gun, he left the room. In the control room, he found AI with an unhappy expression on his face. Before Jack could say a word, AI said, “I have to show you this.” On the screen, across the dunes, Jack saw hundreds of aliens are charging down the hills. “I captured it three days ago. I checked the camera today which turned out that they had made tents around. I was scared, so I woke you up.”

Jack immediately said, “Turn to the Battle Mode. We need to...”

“Crash!” The door was pushed open. Hundreds of aliens swarmed inside, carrying knives. Jack fired his gun. Some aliens fell down, but others advanced. Jack could see they were going for his lab.

“Protect the lab!” He shouted to AI as he rushed to the control room.

Since the Researcher had turned to the Battle Mode, many aliens had been shot to death outside of the spacecraft. Jack pushed the lift-off button. But the computer found the spacecraft was overload. “Damn it!” said Jack. He knew the spacecraft couldn’t survive too long under this circumstance. So, he pushed the Emergency button. By this, all the 64

warnings would be useless. The spacecraft was forced to do what it was told to do. There was a blast from the spacecraft's engine. The aliens below yelled and screeched. Maybe they have never seen this kind of thing. Jack rushed out of the room to fight with the aliens. As soon as he reached the lab, the aliens surrounded him, waving knives. Jack leapt onto the stairs of the lab. He could see AI fighting below. It had guns all around his head, turning and shooting. But later, Jack was aware of the energy signal on the gun. There were only two squares now. A few minutes later, Jack found his laser gun couldn't shoot a beam any more. Then the aliens pushed Jack down the stairs and smashed the lab’s door open. Jack fell on the ground without conscious.

When he woke up, the corpse of the alien had gone. It was a mess all around: boxes overturned, windows smashed, slashes on the wall… But to Jack’s surprise, he didn't even find one alien’s corpse. He got up rubbing his head. And he was still a bit dizzy. It took him some time to adjust himself. AI was nowhere to be found. Jack thought he went to his room to get recharged. He was going to walk to AI’s room when a glitter caught his eye. He picked the thing up. It was similar to the metal piece as the one they found in the alien’s corpse. It looked like this:

Front Back

rpe ozge

nzcadpd sfce

qczx ulnv mj

wlm It xtnslpv

Jack felt strange. The “ulnv” and “mj xtnslpv” had appeared both this


time and last time. He left for AI's room, stuffing it into his pocket. “What the hell is it?” he said to himself.

When he opened the door of AI’s room, he found that AI was recharging. Thanks God! AI was safe.

“Hi AI! I’m Jack.” Jack said hi to AI as if it was the first time for him to meet AI.



Chapter XX A strange hole

or the next few days, Jack didn't go out. They needed to recover Fthe Researcher from the battle. Jack wrote in his book again while taking a rest.

“A few days ago, AI and I had a great battle with the aliens of VVL. We are two but they are hundreds. Thanks god! They only had knives or we'll be dead in a few seconds. I don't know why they don't kill me and AI. And we are not even injured. They only took away the aliens’ corpse. But they left us two pieces of metal. There are some strange shapes and letters on it I think it's probably code. Unfortunately, we haven't decoded yet. I'm really afraid that Michael was tortured by the aliens because they seemed very ferocious. “

Jack laid down his pen. There was a knock on the door. Then AI walked in. “Sir, I think I've uncovered how an alien get back to his home.” He glanced at Jack. Jack was scratching his head. AI went on, “It was a cloudy night. The sun was nowhere to be seen. I was guarding the doors when an alien came into view. I didn't move from my place because I was afraid it was bait. The alien lingered for a moment, and then tapped the ground. A hole appeared around it. It jumped through


the hole and the hole was sealed.”

“Have you tried to follow it before?” asked Jack staring at AI.

“Of course, but I failed. It only left a footprint. Maybe only the aliens could do that.”

“Well, from now on, if you see an alien, report to me at once. I will deal with it.”

Later at night, AI was standing at the door when an alien appeared. He pulled the siren, Jack woke up. Flash did too. Jack took a gun and a box of energy particles. He took Flash to the control room. AI was waiting there.

“Over there.” AI whispered and pointed to the alien on the screen at the same time. Across the plain, the figure was moving slowly. Jack and AI glanced at each other.

“Let's go.” muttered Jack.

They left the Researcher and inched towards the figure. Flash was barking a lot, but the alien didn't seem to notice. When they were about one meter near the alien, the alien suddenly tapped the ground. A hole appeared. It spanned 2-3 meters. Before Jack could shout, all three of them fell into the hole with the alien.



Chapter XXI Underground

t was pitch black inside, Flash didn't bark this time. Instead, he Icrouched down, shivering. AI turned on the flashlight. Jack looked around for an exit. But there were none. A stone path led to the unknown place. They walked along the path. The walls were rocky and jagged. Strange carvings filled the walls. By the light they could tell the drawing was about the aliens’ life: how they got food, how they came here, the battles they fought and so on. They walked along, admiring the paintings.

A door suddenly loomed into view. They looked at the door. Two pictures were on it. They went forward. What they saw was astounding.



“I don't understand it. What does this mean?” said AI.

“Who knows? I reckon the two crazy pictures should be drawn by one zealot of the VVL.” Before AI could answer, the door flew open.



Chapter XXII The truth

ack and AI stared at each other. Jack turned to Flash. Flash seemed to Jsense the danger for it walked around uncomfortably with its tail down.

“I’m afraid we can't get back.” whispered Jack.

“Of course we can.” said AI.

Jack shrugged and stepped into the hall, with Flash at his heels. AI followed them. They crossed the hall, where a huge fire was burning. The crackling sounds were as huge as earthquakes. Jack covered his ears.

“Scary, isn't it?” he said.

After crossing the fireplace, Jack found a door ahead. It was a plain wooden door with no markings. Unlike the first door, it didn't fly open. But it wasn't shut up completely. Jack could get a glimpse of what's inside. A man was sitting in a chair with his back to the door. Some aliens stood around, carrying knives.

Suddenly he heard the man say, “Let Jack, AI and that dog, Flash in.”

Jack was going to run when the door opened. Two aliens stood there. Jack knew there was no chance to run away. They bustled inside.


“Hi Jack, AI. How are you doing?”

Jack found that voice was familiar. “Who are you?” said Jack with a shaking voice.

“Do you think my name shall be known by me? My dear Douglas and George?”

“No. My Majesty.”

“I'm sure you'll remember me when you see my face.” said the voice. It was a cold and chilly voice.

“Douglas, George, turn my chair.” Douglas and George gave Jack a menacing look as they turned the chair. Jack gasped. The man’s face was white and gaunt, eyes sunken but with one glance at his hair, Jack knew who the man was. After all, he has worked with the man for so many years.

“Michael!” exclaimed Jack. “How in the hell have you been like this?”

“You don't know, Jack, for you are too stupid to understand this kind of knowledge.” smiled Michael. “A long time ago, we also lived on the Earth. But one day, another kind of creature began to kill us for meat. They are you—human. Luckily, a smaller planet flew by, we hopped on that planet and left the solar system. But we didn't go far, we stayed near Pluto, strengthening ourselves. We developed time-space, transport technology. The first picture on the door meant that. By this technology, we can go wherever we want. I, as the leader, decided to go back to the Earth.”

“So it was you who told the alien to attack me and the astronauts?” Jack couldn't believe his eyes and ears.

“Sure, but your loyal Flash saved you, eh?” Michael gave an evil look


at Flash. Flash growled. “But all the same, I'm gonna kill you tonight and conquer the Earth.” There was a lot of clapping from below.

“Now,” Michael stood up, “since Jack, AI and Flash were my old friend, I'll give you a chance to duel with me. I will fight you three alone.”

Jack pulled out his gun, he gave some energy particles to AI while he stuffed all the particles inside his gun.

“Ready? Three, two, one. Go!”

Before Jack could even fire a shot, Michael pushed him down. Blows rained his head. He heard another thump, and he knew AI had also fallen. Jack felt blood in his nose and hair. He pushed himself up, barely knowing what was happening. Suddenly, there was a clatter. A piece of metal fell from his pocket, he grabbed it in his hand. Concentrating on Michael, he shoved the medal into his gun. Smash! Michael threw Flash across the room. He smashed into the wall and slumped onto the ground. Michael turned around, victorious as he dashed towards Jack. Without thinking, Jack fired a shot. He prayed: just let it hit Michael, God! Please! The beam shot straight towards Michael, but it vanished. Michael gave a roar of laughter. “See, Jack. This is the technology!”

A beam flew from nowhere as it flew through Michael's head. At this moment, his eyes seemed to bulge. Then he toppled, falling to the ground with a noise that shook the floor. The other aliens rushed forward, but were shot to death by Jack and AI. Jack stared down, with blood on his hands and face. Then he gave a yell and hugged AI. Flash limped to them, rubbing his head on Jack. Unbelievably they had won the duel.



Chapter XXIII A dream

ing! The alarm clock was ringing. Jack leapt out of his bed. That Dwas amazing! “What a dream!” he said to himself. “What's the time?” He looked at the watch on the desk. “Not 2031? Only 2021?” He went to the kitchen quickly. Helen was making breakfast. “Honey, is it 2031 or 2021?” “It is 2021 of course!” exclaimed Helen. “Are you ok?” “Yes. I’m great! Where is our George?” “Who is our George? Are you gone crazy?” “No, my dear. I suppose I lost my wits or …” “Aren't you sick? Shall I take you to the hospital?” “No, no, my dear. I think I'll skip breakfast and have a rest...” “No, you can’t. You should have breakfast right now, or you will be late for work.” Helen thrusted a plate with sandwich into his hands. “All right!” Jack sat down and ate his breakfast, but he still couldn't forget his wonderful dream. It was so real.



J une the third, 2030.

“Jack and Michael!” said the chief in a terrible voice, Jack and Michael stood up knowing what fate was upon them. They walked up to the chief. “On my orders, you two will explore the planet.” said the chief. “But…” The robot army raised their guns and aimed at Jack and Michael. They had no choice but accepted. “Settled. Meeting is over. Thank you!” The chief ended the meeting briefly. Jack left the room with Michael. Although Jack looked unhappy, he was so excited in fact. He smiled to himself, took a taxi with Flash and went home. He had an amazing plan.





Harrison Gong

Harrison Gong is a pupil in Class 3 of The Fifth Grade of Qibao Foreign Language School. He loves science and is particularly fascinated by the universe, artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies.

Harrison has read a lot of Chinese and foreign literature, especially . At the same time, he is also diligent in writing, tried to write in different styles.

This book is his latest science fiction written in English. Hope to bring a different experience to readers.


Price: CNY 10.00