DETECTION and TREATMENT OF LATENT tuberculosis infection in MASSACHUSETTS COLLEGE and UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Recommendations of the Medical Advisory Committee for the Elimination of Tuberculosis (MACET) RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE MEDICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE ELIMINATION OF TUBERCULOSIS (MACET) MACET College Health Subcommittee Janice Allen, NP Stephen J. Lerman, MD, MPH John Bernardo, MD (Principal Author) Michelle Bowdler, MSPH Art Nahill, MD Jennifer S. Daly, MD Thomas I. Nary, MD Sue Etkind, RN, MS Kay Petersen , MD Martha Favre, FNP Mitchell H. Pysznik, RN, MPH Pamela Harris, RN Linda Singleton, RN, MPH Margaret Higham, MD Janice Sundnas Robert N. Husson, MD Ian Wong, MSPH Karen Kalamkis, NP Carole Worsh, NP A. J. Lardner, RN MACET Members Carlos Alvarez, MA Robert N. Husson, MD Timothy F. Brewer, MD, MPH (Vice-Chair) Bonnie Johnston, RN Robert T. Cooper, RS Stephen J. Lerman, MD, MPH (Chair) Jennifer S. Daly, MD Edward Nardell, MD C. Robert Horsburgh, MD Joel Piton, MD, MEd Ex-Officio Members, Massachusetts Department of Public Health John Bernardo, MD Kathleen Hursen, RN Jennifer Cochran, MPH Jill Northrup, MPH Sue Etkind, RN, MS Sharon Sharnprapai, MS Alfred DeMaria, MD Linda Singleton, RN, MPH Staff Facilitator Tony Palomba, The Medical Foundation August 2003 Introduction.......................................................................................................................4 Format of the Guide...............................................................................................4 Health Science Students
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