Al>\ F.KTISKMKNT »:-d the (wo troop* bring* the total of' ard to the Pre» show the of to pre¬ ( I inn and returned Cuba unto its own prcparedne»i loyalty ability the country " Lost \.\v ï or k ( it\ under arm- to a number than ever be- Peace troops Cheers of Idenl irrenter paro should the people rird ongre people B. M. Speech 71st Expecting about .".TOO It if rumored that the 14" 100,000 foot on the hallowed ground* declare their readiri' I to do so. It "a Lieutenant Cet.eral s. Yonkers' Yells of and the Tth In¬ thi« at Voung who first announced that the In A. F. JAMMES Infantry, Brooklyn, about "Cradle of Liberty" any I'repar>'3ness and patíiotishi pro- A- of Manhattan, will bo the no\ <>:ip t¡mc The manner in which they idod the for address de¬ time had come to shAw whethnr III» I m .|". 1er» V.l.. It» «hop. to fantry, Patriots Rock topic every ¦¦. on,». i gi menta, thi 121 thr Am 'rican Senator wild eheers in response >r rial men; tvho would fi^ht for th< of people, by te every appeal But ence to Listen and fiflth. did no' uot back 'rom t'i Hiram Johnson down to the recruiting to prepare for war but there was a honor and national pn Refuses Mid ga^H Cradle was taken all the .-. srl»el« For Guard Duty Mexican border until March fi. Both Liberty sergeants who worked at their dhows rolemn air of understanding when Sen« .he same attitude by After (¡eorge Haven Putnam and D theM r « b i< other Senator Baits Periroie »;.i- obably again in the crowd, loft no ilouht to th^ir r.tor Johnson told of 11 spenders. tfewell Ullhi bad red cieir under regular n> tulor« whvn attitude In the present crisis. must be but '.vlnch niu- to leave Service Com¬ serve as colonel the recruiting offices that had been "Kvery normallv constitu'ed man speak, but found it impossible raneous remark«." o "A nation such a* ac< ount illness. His of Cowards Applauded opened about Independence Hall While era war." he said. New Vork on of. more than- 1.000 glowed with PARFUMERIE EXQUISIA i curs consecrated to dedicated name was when one of it ts known how many ntmi freedom, loudly'cheered sure that the ^rn" .. pleted not just to of feeling were to tlm roll« during the equality among men. determined the sprukers told of his defiance would '¡(I-, lira ik_ D. A. R. Politic» signed that all of (¡od's must «hare in the Kaiser. 4 tw ." said .' Men Ready March Square was crowded with no MOI ßaeiaeoa Hitase* I in»' for l>a> rr.on huppmess and a comfortable plane Bg support t" the President m "with the even to i'ealt. sentiment triotic cf men and worn« und :n the sun, will suffer much Bliy programme to defend the country been here. Th*" 11 ;i w \.. m \u -i Candidate» for President Gen¬ gathering I'ractically every big factory the very tension of honor, before en¬ of some expressed th>-.! ;nr'«< houae in .«rid near the city and expressing approval plan to abusintr day Ml wars airo, when Ami bui in strife. But ¦ nation, States ought stop for the to jrive their raging bloody of universal Military training. Fir*; we kro". %.- a»d 47th Mobilize eral Seek Indorse¬ was than its broad lind eloaed day as for its many tning such ours, . 23d liberty born, packed to take part dependent per¬ into this war, and then there's no Hcllow above the bedlam. employ«", the opportunity on the character of it cttiren- i to-day .ind solemnly uttered n of the petuity where we would waa May Be ments in the demonstration, kfany that dare« not maihfa.r. it* ideals 35 Submarine Chasers telling stop." .empt Promptly.7th defiance in j ship, that moment some <;-. ind coat Runt of ar.y foreign enemy. Liberty etnplo>ea of these bausas appeared und will not protect the lives 'of its At Next n-> more the line of march in bodies, currying Arrive from Detroit audience« hts basa -. Called Washington. March 81 Administra-' Hell resounded to patriotic th"ir de¬ ctizens sows within itself the seeds of recovered patriotic banners expressing dissolution. submarine chasers arrived "Put him out!" roared this m ihan't speak," t'.on politics of the National Bocietj of Utterances in thoFe days than it did ildi lhi.t\-!.v¿ '.oice that in' to bach the Pic "We would have no c e I l"i * h war of in the Hobok'-n yards of the I.acka- gymnast. American Révolu- this afternoon when speakers told all sirs of Heal! I -rs! front row the Daughters of the One of the isjtpre spectacles or Wo wnnna Railroad yesterday morning. All ludge betrayed BStontshmcnt, 4 i-irirrifnt- who crowd was a held (run. newly aggrandisement aggression. but the tradition of » he waUed tion are In into shape for. thoca could within range of the parade «lant no of We would. that could be learned aöout them was upheld tv, whipped I have lu it .. ring out by the Midvsle Steel Com¬ conquest, Detroit. Several with his unshaken dignity. Brooklyn vester- thi- the annual their voices that they could "perish if turned are or ly when imperatively compelled by that they came from opening of twenty-sixth ami a mate to weapons that them off the mouth of "Who pulled that?" he demanded. of Po was a lob's K order» to the- were or pany in the of our rights by the tugboats awaited at Continental Hall or April COWSrdS, '.cht if they tons at the (iermnns transgression and answer was ¡in ¡ncohl V II ¿ly congres? I.uriine of steal destruction of our lives, enter the com- the canal that runs into the yard, The K meut into .¦¦ ">. "' v ..r which rumbled over the pave- «II of the house. Vor moro in raising lira .1 Hamilton Lev i niñee, of blur ai. and then in the spirit of America, eventually towed them away, probably parts hs eomplrfd close tu a detachment Yard. than a minute Judge B< Yonners. late Lewis, of Illinois, the »dminia- Nearly luU.OUu meii and women P"f- ment there to the spirit that took no indemnity from oth« Brooklyn Navj in demonstrar 01 Hie big gun was only tration candidate lor provident general, tteipated today's ¡acheta. \ F the 1*1 ^quad- has left Washington for Charleston, \. w hich wat abo s. C, to campaign with the Daughters IVa» Department. of thai state. She is a member of the ted PERFUMES, powders and Jodet riromprjy Rebecca Mot1 Chanter, of Chai FRENCH Neckwear, Handkerchiefs. the ulso various gol into uni- being the candidate chosen by im¬ rcqw.sücs for boudoiu inch i - a- Beaded and Girdles.recent read Mrs. William Cumming Story her Bags c^CQ trinkets and Frem h \ tXX lies. two TELLER act thai flip successor. Mrs. Lewis has also been I ans. BONWIT portations received from out of the Fed- made chairman of the programme com¬ work ago. aftor mittee for the coming congress. H/w ofOrtainaùona Mexican bordo;. Mrs. William Wallace Garr, of Indi¬ Opecia/ùiÔhof3 then to do. ana, has been solocted as administra¬ AT 30. .->p* will be tion candidate to succeed Mrs. .loseph FIFTH AVENUE STREET ... day :'.. Ransdell, of Louisiana, as treasurer coi ecture among She will be opposed by Mrs CAPES Women's DAYTIME Frocks Irj whether Robert J. Johnston, of Iowa, who Women's COATS, n coni- the ückeí ot Mr*. George Thachei and EVENING Gowns th< armory ¡ Guernsey, candidate for president gen- & EVENING Manteaux .'know h in'. street are leatj.ed in te placo him i-. in ZTV »W|7 Liiloi made Frocks ¡>. Mrs. Guernsej will arrivr in Wa h fitted and pegtop silhouettes ¦:<¦ ke Major M. Straightline, serge and satin and emphasized a restrained .¦¦¿I coin' mgton cam nex1 week, brining with AFTERNOON COATS done in exquisite It believed, her the indorsements of Illinois, South simplicity in treatment and silhouette. Carolina. Oklahoma and Nebraska. The gold, silver, metallic thread and chenille em¬ L nusual Modes Individualized Types indorsements from Illinois and South Afternoon and calling hocks appropriate for Ulcers of their Carolina, from which Mrs. Lewis would broideries. SLEEVELESS COATS in hand¬ purpose of the to luncheons and club dinners