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Schedule December 2020 / January 2021 OSL-FDH/CPH v.v.

Sailing schedule December 2020

From From Date Day From Oslo Copenhagen Frederikshavn 1st December Tuesday 14:15 23:45 2nd December Wednesday 14:15 3rd December Thursday 14:15 23:45 4th December Friday 14:15 5th December Saturday 14:15 23:45 6th December Sunday 14:15 7th December Monday 14:15 23:45 8th December Tuesday 14:15 9th December Wednesday 14:15 23:45 10th December Thursday 14:15 11th December Friday 14:15 23:45 12th December Saturday 14:15 13th December Sunday 14:15 23:45 14th December Monday 14:15 15th December Tuesday 14:15 23:45 16th December Wednesday 14:15 17th December Thursday 14:15 23:45 18th December Friday 14:15 19th December Saturday 14:15 23:45 20th December Sunday 14:15 21st December Monday 14:15 23:45 22nd December Tuesday 14:15 23rd December Wednesday 14:15 23:45 24th December Thursday 14:00* 25th December Friday 26th December Saturday 14:15 23:45 27th December Sunday 14:15 28th December Monday 14:15 23:45 29th December Tuesday 14:15 30th December Wednesday 14:15 23:45 31st December Thursday 16:30**

* 24/12 Please note that this voyage is Oslo-Copenhagen only. No sailing Oslo-Frederikshavn. Departure from Oslo at 14:00. Arrival to Copenhagen at 09:45 the next day.

** 31/12 Please note that this voyage is Oslo-Copenhagen only. No sailing Oslo-Frederikshavn. Departure from Oslo at 16:30 and arrival to Copenhagen at 11:00 the next day.

For further information please contact

DFDS A/S, Copenhagen/Frederikshavn DFDS A/S, Oslo T +47 2162 1376 T +47 2162 1375 dkno@.com [email protected]


Schedule December 2020 / January 2021 OSL-FDH/CPH v.v.

Sailing schedule January 2021

From From Date Day From Oslo Copenhagen Frederikshavn 1st January Friday 14:15 23:45 2nd January Saturday 14:15 3rd January Sunday 4th January Monday 5th January Tuesday 6th January Wednesday 7th January Thursday 8th January Friday 9th January Saturday 10th January Sunday 14:15 23:45 11th January Monday 14:15 12th January Tuesday 14:15 23:45 13th January Wednesday 14:15 14th January Thursday 14:15 23:45 15th January Friday 14:15 16th January Saturday 14:15 23:45 17th January Sunday 14:15 18th January Monday 14:15 23:45 19th January Tuesday 14:15 20th January Wednesday 14:15 23:45 21st January Thursday 14:15 22nd January Friday 14:15 23:45 23rd January Saturday 14:15 24th January Sunday 14:15 23:45 25th January Monday 14:15 26th January Tuesday 14:15 23:45 27th January Wednesday 14:15 28th January Thursday 14:15 23:45 29th January Friday 14:15 30th January Saturday 14:15 23:45 31st January Sunday 14:15

Please note that Pearl Seaways will be taken out of service between 3rd January and 9th January due to maintenance. There will be no departures in this period. First sailing after maintenance is 10th January from Copenhagen/Frederikshavn. We apologise for any inconveniences.

For further information please contact

DFDS A/S, Copenhagen/Frederikshavn DFDS A/S, Oslo T +47 2162 1376 T +47 2162 1375 [email protected] [email protected]