The Public Outreach & Education office in Brera, Milano

Stefano Sandrelli, Ilaria Arosio INAF – National Institute for Astrophysics Brera Astronomical Observatory, , Italy

Founded in 1762 The most ancient scientific institution in Milan Public Outreach and Education office (POE)

Funded in 1999 Merate Monica Sperandio

Brera Stefano Sandrelli communicates astronomy with…

• media and new media operators I.C.

• decision makers Outreach • general public

Edu • teachers / students

residuals interested involved Brera Palace: 1571 – 1776 Brera Palace: 1571 – 1776

1762 1774 1776 Osservatorio di Orto Botanico Accademia di Brera (Brera (botanical Belle Arti e Observatory) garden ) (Fine Arts 1770 and Biblioteca Brera Picture 1797 braidense (Brera Gallery: they the Istituto Lombardo - Library) were divided only Accademia Di Scienze E Lettere in 1882) (Napoleone Bonaparte as a Institut de France in Paris) science representation (interpretation ) of the world art Necessity of a multidisciplinary approach both to Edu and Outreach activities

must be a matter of research in communication to promote a new links between science and society Education

• Contemporary astropysics linked with real scholastic curricula

• Eyes-on activity (with OAVDA multi-telescopes domes – 14!)

• Story telling in astronomy (Le olmicomiche )

• Italian Astronomy Olimpyad (INAF, SAIt)

Viaggio al centro della Galassia (with IASF) Contemporary astropysics linked with real scholastic curricula Reality books

A return-ticket to remind that Physics means Nature

At a 1° glance, the Sun is…

coloured Try to find the laws of Physics you luminous already know to explain these characteristics spherical

One more question: how old could it be?

The fuel-consumption theorem Eyes-on activity (with OAVDA multi-telescopes domes – 14!) Story telling in astronomy (Le olmicomiche )

GT: studenti III media superiore Viaggio al centro della galassia

Hunting for the black holes

Forlì, 28.11.2008 1. Mirrors

Costo Missione Peso Energia Area Focale Campo di (gravito Risol. spaz. reale (kg) (keV) (cm 2) (m) vista ni)

SVOM/XIAO 1 10 0.2-2 100 0.8 30’ 10”

XMM 4 300 0.1-15 1200 7.5 30’ 5”

1200@10 Simbol-X 6 400 0.5-80 keV 20 12’ 20” 400@30 keV

Chandra 10 1000 0.1-10 600 10 30’ 0.5”

50000@1 keV XEUS 20 1000 0.1-40 35 7’ 2” 1000@40 keV

Come quelli vincoli prestazioni di…

Total budget: 40 gravitons OAB outreach

• I cieli di Brera (Istituto Lombardo) • Historical visits (Museum and Schiaparelli dome • Milano Planetarium • Historical exhibitions

• OAB press office Outreach

Public talks by astronomers in planetaries or in institutional locations

Necessity of a multidisciplinary approach both to Edu and Outreach activities Public exhibitions

• Oltre la terra, Milano, 2008 (ASI)

• L’universo dentro, Milano, 2009 (Accademia Brera)

• Astri e particelle, Roma, Napoli, 2009 (INFN, ASI) Science &

The universe inside: a project of astronomy for professional artists

Perugia 2009, Milano 2009, Garbagnate 2010 2007-2008: The Universe as a creation lab

We did not want:

• to teach modern astronomy to the artists

• to show the artists what they should care of and to be interested in

We wished to show them the contemporary vision of some remarkable aspects of the universe and to talk about it with them 1°step (2007-2008): the Universe as a creation lab

Goal 1: To pave the way to a permanent dialogue among scientists and artists* in Brera

Note: a dialogue requests a common language and a sincere interest to get in touch with somebody; listen and talk!

Goal 2: to stimulate an interest for the contemporary scientific vision of the universe among the artists

* Artists = artists and their students 2008-2009: labs and dialogues 20 hours course The nextdoor Universe of astronomy

Postcards from the Solar System

The Sun and the stars

The Galaxy realm

The Big Bang and the expanding universe

Far away from our eyes

The farthest explosions in the universe

30 teachers of 300 students the Academy 2°step (2009-….): The Universe Inside

An exhibition of modern art dedicated to the scientific vision of the cosmo

Organizers Partners

Brera Academy 3 Shopkeepers Associations of: Brera Observatory • Brera • Fiori Chiari Street • Madonnina Street

Supporters 50 shops with no direct benefit (not for sale) ONU/UNESCO/IAU INAF Sponsors European Space Agency MIUR Alser vini Esselunga Milano Municipality F.Lli Fiasconaro Milano Provincia Sudalimenta Lombardia Regione Istituto Alberghiero “Vespucci”, Milano Joo Yeon Kim


Mosaic cm 50 x 50

2009 Kim Sung Heun

Rubbish Universe

Installation. Acrylic on paper and rubbish Pannello cm 150 x 250


2009 Science & theatre

• PACTA . Dei teatri, professionals

• Light from stars, by/with M. Carpineti, M. Giliberti, N. Ludwig, S. Sandrelli studenti 16-18

2007, 2008, 2009, 2010

2011-12 work in progress

Science & literature

• In viaggio per l’universo (Feltrinelli)

• Sotto lo stesso cielo, con Roberto Piumini (INAF, Emergency, Carthusia)

• Piccolo Atlante celeste (Einaudi), con Giangiacomo Gandolfi

• Tutti i numeri sono uguali a cinque (Springer), con Bob Ghattas e Daniele Gouthier Finalist in the Italian Andersen Prize for the best book for kids 2010 (the winner is out of 3 nominations)

Science communication research

• National Workshop of Communication of science (SISSA) from 2004

• Communicating Astronomy with the public (IAU, ESO), 2005, 2007, 2010, 2011

(4 editions / 8 contributions – 4 talks, 4 posters) Our vision