An Arms Control Association and Partnership for Global Security Report

The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments

Updated and Revised March 20, 2012

Michelle Cann, Kelsey Davenport and Margaret Balza

An Arms Control Association and Partnership for Global Security Report

The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments

Updated and Revised March 20, 2012

Michelle Cann, Kelsey Davenport and Margaret Balza

About the Authors

Michelle Cann is a senior budget and policy analyst at the Partnership for Global Security (PGS). She has been with PGS since graduating from Drexel University in 2007. She is currently earning a graduate degree in international science and technology policy from the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University.

Kelsey Davenport is the Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellow at the Arms Control Association (ACA). She holds a master’s degree in peace studies from the Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame and a bachelor’s degree from Butler University.

Margaret Balza is a research assistant at PGS. She holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin- Madison and studied international relations at the graduate level at the Elliott School of International Affairs at the George Washington University.


The authors would like to thank Tom Collina for reviewing drafts of this report; Kenneth Luongo for his support of the project; Jackie Barrientes for her excellent work in the report’s layout and design; Farrah Zughni for editing assistance; Robert Golan-Vilella and Sarah Williams for their earlier work on “The 2010 Nuclear Security Summit: A Status Update,” which helped inform this report; and the Fissile Materials Working Group for its support. Finally, Kelsey also would like to express her sincere gratitude to the Scoville Fellowship.

The Arms Control Association is grateful for the generous support of our members and donors, without which this report would not have been possible. In particular, we wish to thank the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the Connect U.S. Fund, which provide support for ACA research and public education programs.

The Partnership for Global Security wishes to thank the Carnegie Corporation of New York and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for their continuing support.

Cover Photo

Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

©Arms Control Association, March 2012 Table of Contents

1 Executive Summary

2 Introduction

4 National Commitments by Category

14 National Commitments by Country

21 Map

32 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit

33 Conclusion

35 Appendix I: Glossary of Terms

37 Appendix II: Highlights of the National Commitments Made at the Nuclear Security Summit

39 Appendix III: Nuclear Security Summit National Statement of the United States “Looking forward to the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, we expect to see even more accomplishments of commitments made in Washington, and new pledges of action that make real progress towards securing nuclear materials, preventing nuclear terrorism and illicit trafficking, and making the world a safer place.”

—Laura Holgate, Senior Director for Weapons of Mass Destruction Terrorism and Threat Reduction, National Security Council, October 7, 2011 Executive Summary

his report highlights the advances in global nuclear material security that have taken place around the world since the April 2010 Nuclear Security Summit (NSS). TIn particular, it tracks the national commitments implemented by 30 countries and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ahead of the 2012 Seoul NSS.

• A principle achievement of the 2010 NSS was gain- regime and quickly achieving progress on an un- ing agreement by all 47 participating nations that precedented global scale. It is a unique vehicle with nuclear terrorism is among the top global security heads-of-state participation that holds great potential challenges and that strong nuclear material security for building a stronger nuclear material security regime measures are the most effective way to prevent it. by breaking down the political barriers and combating bureaucratic inertia. • More than 60 national commitments made by 2010 summit participants are detailed in the White House’s • It is critical to recognize that the nuclear material highlights document and U.S. national statement that security challenge will not be solved even after all the were released after the summit. Implementation of national commitments made at the 2010 summit are these commitments is tracked in this report. completed. National commitments represent neither an exhaustive nor encompassing list of actions neces- • Approximately 80 percent of national commit- sary to close existing gaps in nuclear security and pre- ments from the 2010 summit have been completed, vent nuclear terrorism. Leaders must acknowledge that based on an assessment of open source documents as nuclear material security is an ongoing, long-term issue of February 2012. Important progress has been made in and sustained attention is needed to ensure that its many areas, including ratifying international conven- tools continually evolve to meet new, emerging threats. tions, securing and removing highly enriched uranium (HEU) and plutonium stocks, and establishing new • The 2012 NSS will maintain a central focus on training collaboration centers and opportunities. nuclear material security, but will also include a greater focus on radiological source security and the interface • Examples of completed national commitments of nuclear safety and security. The tragic 2011 ac- include cident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant o development of new nuclear security centers reminded the world that nuclear crises do not respect of excellence, conferences, and training activities borders and that people and the environment need to around the world by Canada, China, France, India, be protected from the harmful effects of uncontrolled Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, and the Re- releases of radiation. Multilateral actions are vital to public of Korea; protect the global public. o removal of all HEU from Chile; and o new funding support for the IAEA Nuclear Se- • Summit organizers have indicated that the NSS pro- curity Fund, HEU reactor conversion and material cess was not meant to be a permanent institution, and removals, and anti-smuggling initiatives contributed the final summit could be held in 2014 in the Nether- by Belgium, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, lands. Leaders at the 2012 summit should acknowledge Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States. the value of this process in achieving global nuclear security progress and determine how best to adapt it • The summit process has proven effective at to shape more global and sustainable nuclear material strengthening the existing nuclear material security security governance structures into the future. Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security

1 The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments2 - The purpose of this report is to assess the progress progress the assess to is report this of purpose The onstrate where needs and gaps remain. The national national The remain. gaps and needs where onstrate U.S. the in outlined were here included commitments broadly representative countries, nuclear security broadly representative countries, nuclear Insuf- is a global concern that affects all nations. radiological ficient security for nuclear material and poses a serious threat that will continue even sources if national commitments are fulfilled and the four- year goal is met. Global stockpiles of highly enriched uranium (HEU) and plutonium provide enough fissile material for tens of thousands of nuclear weapons, and the level of security over materials and facilities varies throughout the world. Even countries that do not possess fissile materials have a role to play in the security agenda, including by sharing information and working to prevent nuclear trafficking. Increasing states’ ability to prevent theft or diversion of mate- rial and foster dialogue are primary aims of the NSS process. the before commitments national specific on made audience broad a provide to aims It Seoul. in NSS 2012 dem and made progress the of examples concrete with

n April 2010, representatives from 47 countries and three international organizations gathered in Washington, D.C., for the first Nuclear Security Summit (NSS). The summit focused on strengthening security for fissile materials worldwide and

Central objectives of the Seoul summit include Central objectives of the Seoul summit Although the selective multilateralism practiced

reviewing progress made on implementing the 2010 reviewing progress made on implementing actions to NSS commitments and proposing new The primary further improve global nuclear security. focus of the summit will continue to be on nuclear scope in 2012 has been ex- materials, but the agenda’s radiologi- on focus in-depth more a include to panded security and to address the nuclear safety cal source and security interface. Many countries supported the security at the 2010 inclusion of radiological source summit. Radiological materials exist in nearly every country around the world, and high-intensity sources could be fashioned into a “dirty bomb” that spreads 2011 nuclear accident in Japan radiation. The March demonstrated that radiation does not respect national borders and dramatic consequences could result from Although other an attack on a civilian nuclear reactor. forums exist for addressing nuclear safety specifically, this incident highlights the need to discuss balancing safety and security measures. at the summits only includes a limited number of Introduction second summit is being convened in Seoul during March 26-27, 2012. commitments to enhance nuclear security and prevent the illicit use of fissile materials. A nuclear security framework. In addition, countries offered more than 60 specific national compliance with the existing structures, mechanisms, and initiatives that comprise today’s Leaders concluded a consensus communiqué and work plan that focused on gaining and spurred countries to take actions to strengthen the global nuclear security regime. summit also brought greater global attention to the threat posed by fissile materials endorsed the goal of securing all vulnerable nuclear materials within four years. The preventing nuclear terrorism through robust nuclear security measures. Participants I national statement and in a highlights document re- mitments and positively impacting global nuclear leased by the White House at the end of the 2010 sum- security. mit. U.S. national commitments were not included in The information used to assess progress on the the highlights document; the commitments from the implementation of national commitments comes pri- U.S. national statement are included here for balance. marily from open source documents and is accurate as Although more countries may have made additional of February 2012. The level of commitment comple- commitments in their national statements, most of tion was assessed based on the actions taken by na- these statements were not made public. National tions to undertake activities as described in the high- commitments from 29 countries and the International lights document and U.S. national statement. Due Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are listed in the high- to the sensitive nature of fissile material security, we lights document. Implementation of the communiqué acknowledge that countries may have taken actions and work plan objectives is not assessed in this report, toward the completion of national commitments that as those documents are generally vague and nonbind- are not reflected in this report, as those actions may ing and did not set specific measurable goals that could not have been made public or were announced after be assessed on a country-by-country basis. publication. This report also highlights some contri- The significant progress toward fulfillment of the butions made toward strengthening nuclear security 2010 national commitments represents a major step outside of the national commitments, but it is not in strengthening the global nuclear security regime. intended to be an exhaustive list of actions taken out- Approximately 80 percent of the national commit- side of the summit process since April 2010. Research ments from the 2010 summit have been completed. results are presented first categorically and then by In short, countries are meeting their national com- country. PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images RICHARDS/AFP/Getty J. PAUL

Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security Leaders from 47 countries met in Washington, D.C., for the first Nuclear Security Summit in April 2010.

3 National Commitments by Category

ore than 60 national commitments were made by 30 countries at the 2010 Washington NSS. At the start of 2012, approximately 80 percent of these Mhave been implemented. As the host of the 2010 summit, the United States publicized the pledges made by 29 countries and the IAEA in a highlights document released by the White House after the summit and detailed its own additional commitments in the U.S. national statement. These national pledges were consistent with the consensus commitments contained in the summit’s communiqué and work plan that were endorsed by the leaders of all 47 nations and three international organizations participating in the summit. However, tracking implementation of the consensus document pledges is difficult due to their nonbinding nature and the caveats that many contain, including phrases such as “as appropriate,” when “technically and economically feasible,” and “as soon as possible.” In light of this, communiqué and work plan commitments are not tracked here. The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments National of Assessment Summit: Security Nuclear The

This report provides an overview of the steps coun- • New National Laws tries have taken to implement the voluntary, national commitments that are detailed in the White House • Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism highlights document and U.S. national statement. The actions taken by countries have been organized • Preventing Nuclear Smuggling into nine categories. • G-8 Global Partnership • International Conventions International Conventions • Removing and Securing HEU and Plutonium The 2010 NSS communiqué and work plan recog- nize the importance of the International Conven- • Reactor Conversions and Shutdowns tion for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT), Convention on the Physical Protection • New IAEA Cooperation of Nuclear Material (CPPNM), and the CPPNM 2005 amendment as legally binding, multilateral mecha- • New Centers, Conferences, and Training nisms for enhancing material security and preventing Support nuclear terrorism. Summit participants called for their

4 universal adoption. be handled by states when seized.5 Since the 2010 The CPPNM has been ratified by 42 of the 47 NSS, 12 countries have ratified ICSANT, and half NSS participants.1 It is the only legally binding are summit participants.6 Armenia, Georgia, and international instrument with physical protection the United Kingdom have acted on their national requirements for nuclear materials, but is limited ratification pledges. Armenia ratified the convention to material in international transport.2 The CPPNM in September 2010 and Georgia in April 2010. The 2005 amendment extends protection requirements United Kingdom ratified the convention ahead of to the domestic use, storage, and transport of nuclear the 2010 summit in September 2009. Argentina and materials and sets new legal consequences for misuse Australia also committed to move toward ratification and sabotage. The amendment is not yet in force of ICSANT, but their work remains in progress.7 For because too few countries have ratified it. Since the example, on February 28, 2012, Australia’s parliament 2010 NSS, 19 countries have ratified the amendment, passed the “The Nuclear Terrorism Legislation and nearly half are summit participants.3 Of these Amendment Act 2011” which will allow Australia to states, Germany, the United Kingdom, and ratify ICSANT.8 Argentina were acting on their national pledges. The national statement of the United States at the The amendment was ratified by the United Kingdom 2010 summit indicated that it was accelerating its in April 2010, by Germany in October 2010, and efforts to ratify both the CPPNM 2005 amendment by Argentina in November 2011. France also and ICSANT. In April 2011, the White House released pledged to ratify the amendment and was working a statement indicating that the Obama administration to complete the process at the start of 2012. At the was submitting legislation to Congress necessary for September 2011 IAEA General Conference, the French ratifying both conventions.9 Congress has not passed delegation reported that the country had set a goal this legislation. of completing ratification “within the next few months.”4 Removing and Securing HEU The 2005 UN treaty against nuclear terrorism, and Plutonium ICSANT, provides a definition of nuclear terrorism Summit documents recognize that the use and and details how offenders and illicit materials should management of nuclear materials and facilities are YURI GRIPAS/AFP/Getty Images GRIPAS/AFP/Getty YURI

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov fulfilled U.S. and Russian national commitments by signing a plutonium-disposition protocol during the Washington summit. The protocol requires each country to dispose of 34 tons of excess weapons-grade plutonium. Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security

5 under the jurisdiction of individual states, but they scientists and specialists from the United States and encourage steps to keep them secure, including Kazakhstan were part of the effort to secure three consolidation of storage sites and removal and metric tons of weapons-grade plutonium and more disposition of fissile materials no longer in use. In this than 10 metric tons of HEU.17 Over the course of a vein, a number of summit participants made national year, 12 shipments of spent fuel were transported commitments to consolidate, secure, or remove from Aktau to a new long-term, IAEA-safeguarded nuclear materials in their territories. storage facility in eastern Kazakhstan.18 Additionally, Chile, Mexico, and Ukraine committed to a full in May 2009 more than 70 kilograms of spent HEU clean-out of their HEU stocks. Kazakhstan pledged to fuel was returned to Russia, and 33 kilograms of fresh cooperatively work on the BN-350 reactor shutdown HEU fuel was down-blended into LEU in the fall of and fuel security and eliminate HEU from a reactor 2011.19 set to undergo conversion from HEU to low-enriched Canada committed to returning large inventories uranium (LEU) fuel. Canada committed to funding of spent HEU fuel to the United States. This fuel HEU removal activities in Mexico and Vietnam had been used to produce medical isotopes and is and returning HEU spent fuel to the United States. currently being stored at the Chalk River Laboratories Additionally, the United States and Russia pledged in Ontario. At the 2010 summit, Canadian Prime to sign a plutonium-disposition protocol, and Minister Stephen Harper announced that the the United States said it was in the final stages of project would take place between 2010 and 2018.20 obtaining legal and regulatory approval to allow it to In addition to returning its own HEU, Canada also bring plutonium into the United States from sites of committed to provide funding for HEU removals concern. in Mexico and Vietnam. A trilateral agreement Chile completed its national commitment to among Canada, Mexico, and United States to work eliminate all 18 kilograms of HEU from the country cooperatively on the project was announced at the ahead of the summit. In early 2010, the U.S. National 2010 summit and the removal has been completed Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) worked with in advance of the Seoul summit.21 Canada is the Chilean Commission of Nuclear Energy to remove contributing approximately $5 million to help the the HEU and more than 400 radiological sources U.S. NNSA’s Global Threat Reduction Initiative from the La Reina Nuclear Center and the Lo Aguirre (GTRI) implement the reactor conversion and HEU Nuclear Center.10 The Chilean removal was the first removal.22 The Vietnam project is also in progress. HEU shipment to the United States to occur since a At the 2010 NSS, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary January 2009 authorization for the United States to Rodham Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister accept limited amounts of non-U.S.-origin HEU spent Sergey Lavrov fulfilled national commitments to fuel.11 sign the Plutonium Disposition Protocol to the 2000 Ukraine is on track to meet its commitment Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement. to give up half of its HEU by the end of 2010 and Under this agreement, both countries commit to all of it by the 2012 summit.12 On September 26, eliminating at least 34 metric tons of excess weapons- 2011, the United States and Ukraine signed a grade plutonium. The verification measures to ensure Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) formalizing compliance are being negotiated, and in a letter to the this commitment.13 Under the MOU, the United IAEA, the two countries indicated that they hoped to Commitments National of Assessment Summit: Security Nuclear The States will provide Ukraine with financial and have them completed before 2012.23 technical assistance to eliminate the material and The U.S. national statement indicated that the modernize its peaceful nuclear research activities. country was in the final stages of gaining approval This assistance is expected to exceed $60 million in to bring up to 100 kilograms of plutonium into the cost and include LEU reactor conversions and a new United States from sites of concern for disposition. neutron source facility for medical isotope production This approval was completed following required that will be operational by 2014. In December 2010, environmental impact appraisals and other the NNSA announced that 50 kilograms of HEU assessments. fresh fuel had been removed from three sites in Additionally, other significant material removals Ukraine: Kiev Institute for Nuclear Research, Kharkiv have occurred outside of countries’ publicized Institute for Physics and Technology, and Sevastopol national summit commitments. For instance, Poland, National University of Nuclear Industry and Energy.14 an NSS participant, completed the removal of more Earlier that year, 56 kilograms of spent HEU fuel was than 450 kilograms of Russian-origin HEU spent fuel returned to Russia from Ukraine for disposition.15 in October 2010 in collaboration with the NNSA.24 In November 2010, the U.S.-Kazakhstan Energy Belarus committed to return all of its HEU to Russia Partnership announced the completion of cooperative in advance of the 2012 summit, but ultimately work on the BN-350 plutonium-production reactor reneged on the pledge.25 In October and November shutdown and fuel security project.16 Hundreds of 2010, however, more than 84 kilograms of HEU was


In April 2010, Russia shut down its ADE-2 reactor in Zheleznogorsk, fulfilling its national commitment to end plutonium production.

removed from a research facility in Sosny, Belarus.26 was used to produce plutonium for nuclear weapons; Overall, since President announced since 1995, its main purpose has been supplying heat a four-year, international effort to secure vulnerable for the city. nuclear materials in his April 5, 2009, speech in In December 2010, Vietnam reaffirmed its national Prague, the GTRI has eliminated all HEU from six commitment to complete the conversion of its Dalat countries: Chile, Libya, Romania, Serbia, Taiwan, HEU research reactor in an MOU with the United and Turkey.27 Since the 2010 NSS, the United States States.30 The NNSA previously worked with Vietnam has removed 400 kilograms of HEU and plutonium in 2007 to partially convert the reactor and return 4.3 and down-blended 700 kilograms of HEU from civil kilograms of fresh fuel to Russia. This new agreement nuclear programs from countries around the world.28 provides the legal framework for full conversion and the return of the remaining fuel to Russia.31 Reactor Conversions and Shutdown Kazakhstan committed to convert an HEU research Summit participants encouraged the conversion reactor and eliminate its remaining fuel. Cooperative of HEU-fueled reactors to LEU in the communiqué efforts between the United States and Kazakhstan to and work plan as part of efforts to minimize the use convert a research reactor at the Institute of Nuclear of HEU. They recognized that HEU and separated Physics in Almaty are ongoing, but 33 kilograms plutonium are particularly sensitive materials and of HEU fuel has already been removed and down- agreed to take special precautions with them and shut blended.32 The United States, Kazakhstan, and the down any reactors that are no longer required. In IAEA worked together to ship the material to the the spirit of this summit commitment, Kazakhstan, Ulba Metallurgical Plant in Ust-Kamenogorsk in Mexico, Russia, the United States, and Vietnam August 2011 where it was down-blended into LEU pledged to shut down or convert reactors that use or and returned to the institute for future nuclear energy produce weapons-usable nuclear materials. research. Days after the 2010 summit, Russia fulfilled Mexico committed to convert its research reactor, its national commitment to end plutonium and a trilateral agreement with the United States and production by shutting down the ADE-2 reactor in Canada on this project was announced at the 2010 29 33 Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security Zheleznogorsk. During the Soviet era, this reactor NSS. Under their agreement, the three countries will

7 work cooperatively with the IAEA on the project, and committed to provide approximately $6.4 million.41 negotiations to define and set up the project have The United States, EU, United Kingdom, and Canada been initiated.34 In August 2011, Mexico, the United are the NSF’s largest contributors.42 States, and the IAEA signed an agreement detailing ’s IPPAS mission took place in June 2009, arrangements for replacing Mexico’s HEU fuel for the and a follow-up security review is planned for TRIGA Mark III at the National Institute for Nuclear 2012.43 The United Kingdom’s IPPAS mission to the Research with LEU.35 At the September 2011 IAEA Sellafield Nuclear Reprocessing facility and Barrow General Conference, Mexico indicated that the fuel port were completed in late October 2011.44 France’s transfer could be completed by early 2012.36 No IPPAS mission to the EDF power plant at Gravelines timeline for the reactor conversion has been made was completed in late November 2011.45 According public.37 to U.S. officials, theUnited States has requested In the U.S. national statement, the country an IPPAS mission, but the IAEA’s “Nuclear Security committed to convert its six remaining HEU-fueled Report 2011” provides no update on its status.46 The reactors to use LEU as soon as suitable fuel was U.S. national statement indicated that the National developed. The statement noted the completed Institute of Standards and Technology’s Center for conversion of all 20 U.S. HEU reactors able to utilize Neutron Research would be the facility reviewed. current LEU fuels. No new U.S. reactors have been converted since the summit in April 2010. New Centers, Conferences, and Training Support New IAEA Cooperation Summit documents emphasized the importance The essential role that the IAEA plays in advancing of the human dimension of nuclear security, and nuclear security was highlighted in the 2010 summit countries responded with a series of national documents. The work plan detailed the valuable commitments to enhance nuclear security culture and services and guidance materials that the agency offers. build human capacity through hosting or establishing NSS participants were encouraged to take advantage new training and educational centers, conferences, of IAEA resources and to provide support for its and other activities. nuclear security work. Belgium, Japan, New Zealand, Canada and Japan pledged to fund and host nuclear Norway, Russia, and the United Kingdom made security best practices workshops with the World national commitments to provide additional funding Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS). Canada also to the IAEA’s Nuclear Security Fund (NSF). Finland, announced that it would unveil $100 million in new France, the United Kingdom, and United States bilateral security cooperation with Russia. Japan said announced their intentions to invite International it was launching an integrated regional support center Physical Protection Advisory Service (IPPAS) security and conducting research and development work on reviews. nuclear detection and forensic techniques. China At the 2010 NSS, Belgium committed to provide and India announced their intentions to create new $300,000 and Norway committed to contribute nuclear security centers of excellence. Kazakhstan said $3.3 million over four years for use in developing it would consider hosting an International Nuclear countries. The United Kingdom committed to provide Security Training Center. Italy committed to establish $6 million without specifying a time frame, and a school of nuclear security in Trieste, and France said Commitments National of Assessment Summit: Security Nuclear The Japan, New Zealand, and Russia all pledged funds it would incorporate nuclear security training into the without specifying amounts or time frames. curriculum of the European Nuclear Safety Training The IAEA’s annual nuclear security reports do not and Tutoring Institute (ENSTTI) and the International list the amounts that countries contribute to the Nuclear Energy Institute (I2EN). Saudi Arabia pledged NSF, but they do indicate who has made or pledged to host a UN Security Council Resolution 1540 contributions that year. According to the 2010 and conference for the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). 2011 reports, every country that made a national The Republic of Korea announced that it would host commitment to provide NSF funding fulfilled it: the 2012 NSS. The United States said it was providing Belgium, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Russia, and support and funding for WINS, requesting additional the United Kingdom.38 Additionally, NSF funding has nuclear security funding in fiscal year 2011, and also been provided during this period by Denmark, contributing to the voluntary fund to help countries Estonia, Germany, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, meeting their Resolution 1540 obligations. The Korea, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, the United United States also indicated that it had launched an States, and the European Union.39 In December 2010, international effort to develop a nuclear forensics Russia announced that it had signed an agreement library and other tools to assist governments to contribute $6.5 million between 2010 and 2015.40 investigating illicit nuclear materials. Additionally, The United Kingdom signed a similarly sized funding the IAEA noted that it would soon release a fifth agreement with the IAEA in March 2011 in which it update of its “Nuclear Security Recommendations on

8 Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Group to support their collaborative work related Facilities” guidance document. to the NSS process, Integrated Support Center, and Canada hosted a four-day WINS workshop titled other activities, such as nuclear forensics.52 Japan also “Guard Force Recruitment, Training, Deployment, hosted a gathering titled “International Workshop and Exercises” in Ontario in June 2010 that helped on Nuclear Forensics Following on the Nuclear inform the WINS International Best Practice Guide on Security Summit” in October 2010 and a WINS Nuclear Guard Force management and operation.47 workshop titled “Corporate Governance and Security Although Canada’s new bilateral security cooperation Leadership” in June 2010.53 with Russia has reportedly been implemented, the At the 2010 NSS, China announced its intention particulars about its efforts do not appear to have to cooperate on the creation of a nuclear security been publicized.48 center of excellence. In January 2011, the United Japan launched its new Integrated Comprehensive States and China signed an MOU to enable the NNSA Support Center for Non-proliferation and Nuclear to work with China’s Atomic Energy Authority on Security in December 2010. The Japan Atomic a center of excellence.54 The center will promote Energy Agency (JAEA) operates the center and effective nuclear security safeguards throughout Asia hosted opening ceremonies in February 2011.49 and act as a central site for the training of nuclear The center aims to help emerging nuclear power site personnel on measurement and accounting, countries develop tailored institutional and technical protective force personnel development, and the infrastructure, provide human resources and design and installation of nuclear material security capacity-building support, and enhance international systems.55 The center will be located in Beijing, and cooperation and coordination.50 The IAEA, the construction is set to begin after a project review is European Atomic Energy Community, Australia, completed.56 The NNSA committed to provide some China, Korea, and the United States are actively equipment to the center and help develop its training cooperating with JAEA on the center.51 programs and best practice exchanges.57 Additionally, In November 2010, the United States and Japan the United States and China continue to engage on established a bilateral Nuclear Security Working nuclear security matters in other ways, including NNSA

In November 2010, Kazakhstan and the United States announced the completion of cooperative efforts to secure three tons of weapons-grade plutonium and 10 tons of HEU. The nuclear materials were transported from the BN-350 reactor

Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security to a secure storage site in eastern Kazakhstan in 12 shipments.

9 through the Joint Coordinating Committee of the nuclear security in Trieste that would help train U.S.-China Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Technology nuclear personnel from developing countries. In Agreement in March 2011 and the installation of a April 2011, the “International School on Nuclear radiation detection system at China’s Yangshan port Security” was held at the International Centre for in December 2011 as part of the NNSA’s Megaports Theoretical Physics in Trieste. The IAEA and Italian Initiative.58 Ministry of Foreign Affairs co-sponsored the school India announced at the 2010 NSS that it would in collaboration with the Central European Initiative create a nuclear energy center that would include a and Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of nuclear security component. India’s Global Centre Science.69 for Nuclear Energy Partnership (GCNEP) is under French President Nicolas Sarkozy announced in construction at Kheri Jassaur, near Bahadurgarh, March 2010 that France would create I2EN to interact Haryana.59 In September 2011, the Indian Atomic with the new nuclear security centers of excellence Energy Commission (AEC) announced that a regional around the world and would expand training training course on nuclear security, titled “Physical opportunities for nuclear professionals.70 France’s Protection of Nuclear Facilities against Sabotage: September 2011 statement at the IAEA General Assessing Vulnerabilities and Identifying Vital Areas,” Conference indicated that I2EN was operational and would take place in New Delhi in November to the number of grants available to foreign students launch the GCNEP. The center is owned and operated seeking nuclear training programs at the International by the Indian government, but open to international Nuclear Academy would be increased.71 France participation.60 It is intended to improve international also committed to incorporating nuclear security cooperation on advanced nuclear energy systems, training into ENSTTI’s curriculum. In June and July nuclear security, radiological safety, and radiation 2011, ENSTTI held an “Introduction to Nuclear technology applications to health, food, and industry. Safety” course in Munich that included a one-day An MOU on cooperating on the GCNEP was signed track on nuclear security and nonproliferation.72 during Obama’s trip to India in November 2010.61 It explored nuclear security principles and culture, Then, at the U.S.-India Strategic Dialogue in July the intersection of nuclear safety and security, 2011, a joint statement indicated that a U.S.-India nonproliferation and international safeguards, and Joint Working Group would hold its first meeting in physical protection, control, and accounting for late 2011 to begin implementing the GCNEP MOU.62 nuclear materials. India has also signed an MOU related to the center Saudi Arabia satisfied its commitment to host with Russia and is expected to complete one with the a Resolution 1540 conference for the GCC in IAEA and possibly France and the United Kingdom.63 December 2010.73 The regional workshop took place At the 2010 NSS, Kazakhstan’s president said that in Riyadh and focused on implementing Resolution his country would consider hosting an International 1540 to prevent terrorist acquisition of weapons Nuclear Security Training Center, but no new of mass destruction (WMD). Participants included information on this has been publicized.64 representatives from China, France, Kuwait, Mexico, Although not listed as national commitments in Oman, Qatar, Russia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the highlights document, other countries are also United Kingdom, and United States and UN offices. pursuing the creation of nuclear security centers of The Republic of Korea is hosting the 2012 NSS in Commitments National of Assessment Summit: Security Nuclear The excellence for training and information sharing. Seoul on March 26-27, 2012. More than 50 countries For example, the Republic of Korea announced in and international organizations will attend. The September 2010 that it would open an International primary focus of the agenda will continue to be Nuclear Security Training Center in 2013.65 This nuclear material security, but participants will also center is intended to support the peaceful use of address radiological sources security in greater depth nuclear energy while mitigating its risks of misuse. and examine the interface of nuclear safety and Also in 2010, the EU launched its CBRN Centres security. Countries are again anticipated to endorse of Excellence Initiative to help countries and a “Seoul Communiqué” and offer new, voluntary regions maintain the institutional capacity needed national (“house gifts”) or multilateral (“gift baskets”) to fight against chemical, biological, radiological, commitments. The communiqué is likely to include and nuclear threats.66 It aims to establish Centres a commitment by countries to minimize the civil use of Excellence in five regions of concern: south of HEU.74 Caucasus/Ukraine/southeast Europe, North Africa, Countries’ summit representatives—sherpas and West Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.67 sous sherpas—have engaged in a series of preparatory A regional secretariat opened in Amman, Jordan, in meetings to develop the substance of the 2012 NSS. December 2011, and 19 projects have been selected Meetings took place in Argentina in November 2010, for implementation.68 Austria in March 2011, the Republic of Korea in Italy committed to establishing a school of June 2011, Finland in October 2011, and India in


In October 2010, Polish, U.S., and Russian agencies completed a 12-month cooperative effort that shipped more than 450 kilograms of spent HEU fuel from Poland to Russia for disposition.

January 2012.75 Regional meetings hosted by other largely supported by the Congress in the final summit participants in support of the NSS process omnibus funding act.81 In fiscal year 2011, the have also been held, including in Poland and Chile.76 United States provided $3 million for a Resolution Additionally, several expert dialogues have been 1540 implementation fund.82 In fiscal year 2012, organized since the 2010 summit by Korean and an additional $1.5 million to support this fund was other international policy organizations in support of appropriated.83 evolving the nuclear material security regime through Finally, the IAEA released its fifth revision of the summit process. “Nuclear Security Recommendations on Physical U.S. support for the activities of WINS began Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities” with a funding pledge of $3 million in 2009 and in early 2011.84 This document provides guidance has continued with additional funding from the and recommendations for creating and implementing departments of State and Energy.77 As detailed in physical protection measures for nuclear materials the WINS 2010 annual report, the United States and facilities and was last revised in 1999.85 has engaged with the organization in a number of Additionally, the agency has launched a nuclear forums.78 Additionally, as indicated in its national security information portal to serve as a centralized statement, the United States requested additional hub of nuclear security topics and activities and is nuclear security funding in fiscal year 2011. Nearly helping to coordinate the activities of the nuclear $2 billion was sought by the administration to security centers that are being created around the support international WMD security programs in world. One such coordination meeting was held in the NNSA and the Department of Defense, including June 2011.86 an additional $320 million specifically to support the four-year effort to secure vulnerable nuclear New National Laws materials around the world that was endorsed at Given that it is the responsibility of states to the 2010 NSS.79 However, Congress did not support ensure that the nuclear material on their territory the administration’s full request.80 The fiscal year is protected, summit documents encouraged 2012 request for NNSA and Defense Department participants to maintain and enforce effective

Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security programs was lower than in fiscal year 2011, but national laws and regulations to keep materials

11 secure and criminalize any misuse or misconduct. Kazakhstan hosted a number of earlier GICNT activities, In advance of the 2010 summit, Armenia, Egypt, including its third plenary meeting in June 2007 and an and Malaysia passed new export controls laws and “Atom Anti-Terror 2008” exercise in June 2008. regulations to govern their nuclear activities. In June 2011, the Republic of Korea hosted Armenia passed new export control laws in the GICNT 2011 plenary meeting and the IAG November 2009. The legislation updated the meeting.96 Korea previously hosted the GICNT events country’s munitions controls and regulations and “Workshop on Detecting and Responding to Illicit was accomplished in cooperation with the IAEA and Transport and Trafficking of Nuclear and Radioactive U.S. State Department’s Export and Border Control Materials” and the third Exercising Planning Group program.87 The laws incorporate international meeting in April 2009. best practices on strategic export controls to meet In its national statement, the United States Resolution 1540 obligations. Additionally, in July reiterated its April 2009 pledge to continue to fund 2010, Armenia adopted a new law and implemented a and support the GICNT and to turn it into a “durable decree for dual-use goods.88 international institution.”97 In fiscal year 2012, $6 Egypt enacted a law in March 2010 titled million was requested for the State Department’s “Regulating Nuclear and Radiological Activities” that WMD terrorism program, which helps support confirms the country’s adherence to all international, the GICNT.98 Ideas under consideration by GICNT regional, and bilateral treaties and agreements it has members for evolving it into a durable institution ratified.89 The law was passed as part of preparation have been termed “enhancing implementation” and to achieve the country’s goal of building four nuclear include “clearly identifying a policy making body, reactors by 2025.90 having a decision making mechanism that is open to In April 2010, Malaysia passed the “Strategic Trade all partners, better coordinating exercise planning, Act 2010,” which introduces new export controls and and…facilitating capacity building.”99 At the 2010 statutory penalties for companies that fail to comply GICNT plenary meeting, five accomplishments aimed with its export controls.91 It was Malaysia’s first export at enhancing implementation were highlighted, control legislation specifically designed pursuant to including the creation of two priority functions for Resolution 1540 obligations.92 It includes controls the group: nuclear detection and nuclear forensics.100 on both the physical and electronic movement of At the June 2011 plenary, a third priority function strategic goods and technologies. area was adopted: response and mitigation. Morocco will lead efforts to develop materials, workshops, Global Initiative to Combat and other collaborations in support of response and Nuclear Terrorism mitigation. The Netherlands and Australia are leading The value of the Global Initiative to Combat the working groups addressing nuclear forensics and Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT) in promoting nuclear detection. Documents on all three areas are expected security was recognized in summit documents, and to be delivered at the 2013 plenary meeting hosted by participants were encouraged to work together and Mexico.101 expand cooperation under this and other multilateral initiatives that support improved nuclear security. Preventing Nuclear Smuggling Since its creation in 2006, the GICNT has grown to Summit documents emphasized the need for states Commitments National of Assessment Summit: Security Nuclear The include 82 countries and four official observers who to work together to prevent and respond to incidents voluntarily commit to implementing a set of nuclear of nuclear smuggling. One mechanism that supports security goals articulated in the GICNT Statement of this objective is the U.S. Megaports Initiative. It is Principles.93 part of the U.S. Second Line of Defense (SLD) program Argentina, the Philippines, Thailand, and within the NNSA that provides equipment, training, Vietnam all made national commitments to join the and technical support to partner countries to help GICNT. These countries, plus Mexico and Singapore, prevent nuclear and radioactive material smuggling were welcomed as new members at the GICNT’s June at maritime ports. Another mechanism is the U.S. 2010 plenary meeting.94 Kazakhstan and the Republic Nuclear Smuggling Outreach Initiative (NSOI). The of Korea committed to hosting activities for the NSOI engages with countries to create joint action group, and the United States pledged its continued plans to improve anti-smuggling capabilities and support. facilitate donor partnerships that fortify human and Kazakhstan fulfilled its commitment by co-hosting capital resources to prevent nuclear smuggling. an exercise with Australia and the United States Italy and the UAE listed their recently signed on countering the financing of nuclear terrorism. Megaports Agreements with the United States as Kazakhstan also worked with Spain to hold the national commitments. New Zealand committed inaugural meeting of the GICNT’s Implementation to contribute to the NSOI, and Norway pledged and Assessment Group (IAG) in September 2010.95 $500,000 in additional resources to support

12 upgrades to radiation portal monitors in Kazakhstan. technologies that do not rely on helium-3 were Additionally, the U.S. national statement indicated “sufficiently mature enough” to be considered in that it had accelerated its time frame to develop and future portal-monitor deployment decisions.107 deploy new neutron-detection technologies from five years to 18 months. G-8 Global Partnership The UAE signed an agreement with the United The role and contributions of the Group of Eight (G- States in December 2009 to begin cooperative 8) Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons efforts to install radiation detection equipment and Materials of Mass Destruction were recognized and infrastructure at the ports of Abu Dhabi and in summit documents. The work plan welcomed Sharjah.102 Under the framework, UAE officials will additional programming to enhance nuclear material be trained to use and maintain the equipment. This security by partners in this multilateral initiative. agreement was signed in Abu Dhabi and builds on a The Global Partnership was created in 2002 by the Megaports Agreement signed with Dubai in 2005. G-8 to provide $20 billion over 10 years for WMD Italy signed its agreement in March 2010 under safety, security, and nonproliferation projects in which the NNSA will work with the Customs Agency Russia and other former Soviet states. It currently of the Italian Republic to defend against nuclear has 16 partners beyond G-8 countries. Its geographic trafficking at several Italian ports, including Genoa mandate was broadened in 2008, but operationally, and Gioia Tauro.103 The agreement will enable the work continues to be concentrated in Russia and other NNSA to provide equipment and training for the former Soviet states. At the time of the 2010 summit, ports and includes cost-sharing arrangements. the Global Partnership was set to expire in 2012. Under the NSOI, New Zealand funded the Therefore, Canada pledged to champion its extension, provision of radiological monitoring equipment for and the United States expressed support for a 10- the Boryspol International Airport in Kiev, Ukraine, year extension and an expansion of its mission and in 2010.104 This was the third NSOI-identified project committed another $10 billion in funding for new to which New Zealand has contributed since 2007. Its projects.108 2007 NSOI funding enabled the supply, installation, At the May 2011 G-8 summit in Deauville, France, and training of officials on radiation detection leaders agreed to extend the Global Partnership monitors and secondary inspection equipment at a beyond 2012.109 No expiration date was set or new Ukrainian-Russian border crossing, and its 2009 NSOI funding detailed. However, leaders expressed their funding made similar radiation detection equipment objective of expanding the number of partners and training possible in Kazakhstan. contributing to it and enlarging its scope to include In December 2010, a $500,000 contribution by nuclear and radiological security, biosecurity, scientist Norway to the NNSA SLD program was announced. engagement, and facilitation of Resolution 1540 The funding was provided to install radiation implementation.110 Future funding will be decided detection equipment at Kazakhstan’s Almaty “on a national, joint, or multilateral basis.”111 A Airport.105 Norway also contributed more than few earlier efforts that contributed to the Global $837,000 to the NNSA in 2009 to support anti- Partnership’s extension include its track record of smuggling efforts in Kazakhstan. successes, the creation of an experts group to examine The United States noted in its statement at the the future of the initiative at the June 2010 G-8 September 2011 IAEA General Conference that summit, and diplomatic and public outreach events, since the 2010 NSS, it had deployed 19 radiation such as the March 2011 Canadian embassy event detection systems worldwide.106 Additionally, a titled “Global Efforts in WMD Threat Reduction: U.S. Government Accountability Office report from Perspectives on the Nuclear Security Summit and G-8 September 2011 indicated that neutron detection Global Partnership.”112 Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security

13 National Commitments by Country

orty-seven countries and three international organizations attended the 2010 Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in Washington, D.C. Although nuclear security Faffects every country, participation in the summit process was limited for practical purposes. As the 2010 summit’s host, the United States focused on inviting countries that possessed civil and military fissile materials, are located along suspected nuclear trafficking routes, and were identified as regional leaders. The host of the 2012 NSS, the Republic of Korea, has opted to invite the 2010 attendees and several new participants, including Azerbaijan, Denmark, Gabon, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania, and INTERPOL.

The purpose of this section is to provide a nonbinding. By February 2012, however, brief nuclear security profile of each country that approximately 80 percent of the national participated in the 2010 summit, including its commitments were complete, with an additional 16 membership in relevant international conventions, percent in progress. These numbers indicate that Commitments National of Assessment Summit: Security Nuclear The fissile material holdings, and relationship to the NSS despite their nonbinding nature, countries are process. These profiles also detail the implementation fulfilling the commitments they made in Washington. status of the national commitments made by 30 Completion of the national commitments, countries that are outlined in the “Highlights of the however, is only a step toward securing all nuclear National Commitments Made at the Nuclear Security materials within four years, as the 2010 summit Summit” document and the U.S. national statement. endorsed. Although these commitments demonstrate The highlights document was compiled by the White significant progress in the field of nuclear security, House at the end of the 2010 summit. Although they also indicate areas where work remains to be additional commitments may have been made done. The 2012 summit should celebrate the progress in each country’s national statement, this report made on these commitments while encouraging confines itself to evaluating the commitments from participating countries to make even more ambitious the highlights document because not all the national strides to strengthen the global nuclear security statements were made public. National commitments agenda. made by the United States were not included in the White House’s highlights document; U.S. Notes and Sources: commitments are drawn from its national statement. Information on national commitments made in Similar to the communiqué and work plan, the 2010 are from national commitments made at the NSS were

14 • “Highlights of the National Commitments Membership in relevant international conventions Made at the Nuclear Security Summit,” April 13, was determined based on whether a country has 2010, deposited its instrument of ratification. The deposi- office/highlights-national-commitments-made- tory for the Convention on the Physical Protection nss; and of Nuclear Materials (CPPNM) and the CPPNM 2005 amendment is the International Atomic Energy Agen- • The White House, “Nuclear Security Summit cy (IAEA). All information on ratifications of CPPNM National Statement of the United States,” April and the CPPNM 2005 amendment can be found at 13, 2010, press-office/nuclear-security-summit-national- • IAEA, “Convention on the Physical Protection statement-united-states. of Nuclear Material,” Publications/Documents/Conventions/cppnm_ The text of these documents can be found in the status.pdf; and appendices of this report. Information on fissile material holdings comes • IAEA, “Amendment to the Convention on from either of the following sources, unless otherwise the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material,” noted: Conventions/cppnm_ amend_status.pdf. • International Panel on Fissile Materials (IPFM), “Global Fissile Materials Report 2011: The acts the depository for the In- Nuclear Weapon and Fissile Material Stockpiles ternational Convention for the Suppression of Acts of and Production,” January 10, 2012, http://www. Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT). All information on the; or ratification status of ICSANT is found at

• Nuclear Threat Initiative, “Highly Enriched • “15. International Convention for the Uranium: Who Has What?” August 2011, http:// Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism,” United Countries Treaty Collection, http:// Not all countries declare their fissile material hold- aspx?&src=UNTSONLINE&mtdsg_no=XVIII~15 ings. For some countries, a best estimate of HEU and &chapter=18&Temp=mtdsg3&lang=en#Particip plutonium stockpiles is provided. The symbol “±” de- ants. notes that there is some uncertainty to the estimates provided and that the actual fissile material holdings Several countries ratified relevant international may fall within a larger range. Some countries, such treaties outside of their national commitments since as Brazil, Chile, Georgia, the Philippines, Republic of the 2010 summit. Specific mention of ratifications, Korea, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, and Turkey, are listed acceptances, or accessions that took place since the as having less than 1 kilogram of HEU. Despite the Washington summit are included in the notes section remaining amounts, these countries are considered for each country. cleared of HEU by the IPFM. The remaining HEU in Unless otherwise mentioned, all information on these countries is scrap material found primarily in membership in the Global Initiative to Combat old fuel plates and filters, making further disposition Nuclear Terrorism (GICNT) and on GICNT trainings difficult and unnecessary. and workshops is from Throughout this section, when fissile material is measured in tons, this refers to metric tons. • “Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Unless otherwise noted, all information on nuclear Terrorism,” Center for Nonproliferation Studies, weapons stockpiles is from July 18, 2011.

• Federation of American Scientists, “Status This report also incorporates national responses of World Nuclear Forces,” February 19, 2011, to a questionnaire sent out by the Fissile Materials Working Group in the fall of 2010. The survey was nuclearweapons/nukestatus.html; and sent to the embassies and foreign ministries of the 47 countries that attended the Washington summit. • Robert S. Norris and Hans M. Kristensen, It asked them to disclose any actions that they had “U.S. Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Europe, taken toward meeting the commitments they made 2011,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 67, in Washington. Where relevant, their responses have No. 1 (January/February 2011). been incorporated into this report.

Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security

15 Algeria controls and created new licensing procedures National Commitments Made at NSS for the import and export of military materials. None Additionally, in July 2010, new legislation for licensing and control of dual use goods was International Instruments implemented.115 CPPNM: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party International Instruments ICSANT: State-party CPPNM: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action Fissile Material Holdings ICSANT: State-party None Fissile Material Holdings Notes None Algeria acceded to ICSANT in March 2011.

Australia Argentina National Commitments Made at NSS National Commitments Made at NSS 1. Move toward ICSANT ratification 1. Join the GICNT • Status: IN PROGRESS. On February 28, • Status: COMPLETED. Argentina joined in 2012, the Australian parliament passed the June 2010. “Nuclear Terrorism Amendment Act of 2011” which will allow Australia to ratify ICSANT.116 2. Move toward ICSANT ratification • Status: IN PROGRESS.113 International Instruments CPPNM: State-party 3. Move toward the ratification of the CPPNM 2005 CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party amendment ICSANT: Signatory • Status: COMPLETED. Argentina ratified the amendment in November 2011. Fissile Material Holdings HEU: 2 kilograms International Instruments CPPNM: State-party Notes CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party Australia’s HEU clean-out is in its final phases.117 ICSANT: Signatory More than 100 kilograms of U.S.-origin HEU have been removed from Australia since 1998.118 Australia Fissile Material Holdings also possesses the largest known uranium fields, at HEU: Less than 8 kilograms approximately 23 percent of the world’s total, and is the third-largest producer of uranium oxide.119 Commitments National of Assessment Summit: Security Nuclear The Notes Current Australian policy only allows uranium sales Argentina shipped more than 44 kilograms of irradi- for nuclear energy purposes and prohibits any sale ated and unirradiated HEU fuel to the United States to countries that are not members of the nuclear between 1996 and 2010. The remaining HEU is in old Nonproliferation Treaty. In December 2011, the Labor filters, fuel plates, and scraps that are in the final Party voted to overturn the ban and sell uranium stages of being cleaned out.114 to India.120 The country is also leading the GICNT priority function area on nuclear detection that was adopted at the June 2010 plenary meeting.121

Armenia National Commitments Made at NSS 1. Ratify ICSANT Belgium • Status: COMPLETED. Armenia ratified National Commitments Made at NSS ICSANT in September 2010. 1. Contribute $300,000 to the IAEA Nuclear Security Fund (NSF) 2. Passed new export control law • Status: COMPLETED. The IAEA 2011 • Status: COMPLETED. Armenia’s new export nuclear security report indicates that Belgium law, passed in 2009, updated munitions provided funding for the NSF.122

16 International Instruments the scope of its work to include areas such CPPNM: State-party as radiological security, biosecurity, and CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action implementation of UN Security Council ICSANT: State-party Resolution 1540.126 No new funding commitments were made and no expiration Fissile Material Holdings date was set at the summit. HEU: 700-750 kilograms 3. Fund HEU removals from Mexico and Vietnam Notes • Status: IN PROGRESS. Canada pledged to The BR2 research reactor in Belgium provides 20 provide approximately $5 million in funding percent of the world’s supply of molybdenum-99 to the U.S. Global Threat Reduction Initiative (Mo-99) medical isotopes, which is widely used in (GTRI) to support the HEU removal from treating cancer, heart disease, and brain disorders.123 Mexico.127 Canada, Mexico, and the United The United States sold HEU to Belgium in 2006 and States signed a trilateral agreement on the 2010 to fuel the reactor with the agreement that the Mexican HEU removal at the 2010 summit, reactor undergo conversion when a high-density which was completed in early 2012.128 No low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel is available.124 timeline for the HEU removal from Vietnam An estimated 10 to 20 B-61 gravity bombs, part of has been publicized. NATO’s nuclear deterrent, are believed to be stored at the Kleine Brogel Air Force Base. In April 2005, 4. Host and fund a World Institute of Nuclear the Belgium parliament passed a resolution to work Security (WINS) best practices workshop toward the withdrawal of U.S. weapons from the • Status: COMPLETED. Canada hosted country. a WINS workshop titled “Guard Force Recruitment, Training, Motivation, and Deployment” June 14-18, 2010, in Blue Mountain, Ontario.129 Brazil National Commitments Made at NSS 5. Unveil $100 million in new bilateral security None cooperation with Russia • Status: COMPLETED.130 International Instruments CPPNM: State-party International Instruments CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action CPPNM: State-party ICSANT: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action ICSANT: Signatory Fissile Material Holdings HEU: Less than 1 kilogram Fissile Material Holdings HEU: Less than 500 kilograms131

Notes Canada Canada produces 40 percent of the world’s medi- National Commitments Made at NSS cal isotope Mo-99.132 The isotope is produced at the 1. Return a large amount of spent HEU fuel from its National Research Universal (NRU) reactor in Chalk medical isotope production reactor to the United River, Ontario, which accounts for a significant por- States tion of Canada’s HEU stocks. The HEU for the targets • Status: IN PROGRESS. The fuel is scheduled used at the NRU are imported from the United States to be repatriated to the United States by and Russia, at an annual rate of about 15 kilograms 2018.125 per year.133 The NRU’s operating license is currently set to expire in 2016, and Canada committed to end- 2. Champion the extension of the G-8 Global ing the use of HEU for this purpose at that time.134 Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Canada also has three Slowpoke reactors, each Materials of Mass Destruction fueled with 1 kilogram of HEU. Canada has yet to • Status: COMPLETED. The Global Partnership indicate if it will convert these reactors to LEU fuel.135 was extended beyond 2012 during the May 2011 G-8 summit. The G-8 leaders aim to expand the Global Partnership’s membership

Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security beyond the current 24 partners and broaden

17 Chile is moving toward mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel for future National Commitments Made at NSS reactors and has converted several reactors to MOX 1. Removed all HEU in March 2010 fuel already.140 In its most recent IAEA declaration, • Status: COMPLETED. Eighteen kilograms China did not list any separated plutonium for civilian of HEU were shipped to the United States for use. In 2010, however, China began testing a repro- disposition.136 cessing plant that would allow it to produce eight tons of separated plutonium per year for civilian International Instruments use.141 China also ratified ICSANT in November 2010. CPPNM: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party ICSANT: State-party Czech Republic Fissile Material Holdings National Commitments Made at NSS HEU: Less than 1 kilogram None

Notes International Instruments Chile ratified ICSANT in September 2010. CPPNM: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party ICSANT: State-party

China Fissile Material Holdings National Commitments Made at NSS HEU: Less than 40 kilograms

1. Announce cooperation on a nuclear security Notes center of excellence The Czech Republic’s remaining fissile materials • Status: COMPLETED. China and the holdings are irradiated HEU fuel. The removal of the United States signed a memorandum of remaining fuel for shipment to Russia is scheduled understanding (MOU) on the creation of the for 2013.142 The Czech Republic became a party to center in January 2011.137 The China Institute ICSANT in December 2010. of Atomic Energy indicated in November 2011 that construction would begin at the selected location after a project review. The center will serve as a place for exchanging best practices Egypt and technical information and help meet the National Commitments Made at NSS training needs for developing countries.138 1. Passed new comprehensive nuclear law in March 2010 that includes nuclear security, International Instruments criminalization of sabotage, and illicit trafficking CPPNM: State-party provisions as well as envisages an independent The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments National of Assessment Summit: Security Nuclear The CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party regulatory authority ICSANT: State-party • Status: COMPLETED. Egypt enacted the law in March 2010.143 Fissile Material Holdings HEU: 16 ± 4 tons International Instruments Plutonium: 1.8 ± 0.5 tons CPPNM: No action CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action Notes ICSANT: Signatory China has never officially disclosed an accounting of their nuclear weapons and fissile material hold- Fissile Material Holdings ings. China is believed to have stopped produc- None tion of weapons-grade HEU in 1987 and plutonium around 1990. The country is estimated to possess approximately 240 nuclear warheads. China did run two HEU research reactors, now converted to LEU, Finland which would have consumed an estimated one ton of National Commitments Made at NSS HEU.139 Although China loaded its Experimental Fast 1. Invited an International Physical Protection Reactor, which went into full operation in 2011, with Advisory Service (IPPAS) security review from the 240 kilograms of HEU fuel, trends indicate that China IAEA

18 • Status: COMPLETED. The IAEA completed of plutonium is estimated at six tons and its HEU an IPPAS review in June 2009.144 at 26 tons ± 6 tons, although it ceased production of weapons-grade HEU in 1996. France also pos- International Instruments sesses an extensive stockpile of HEU and plutonium CPPNM: State-party for civilian use. In its most recent IAEA disclosure, CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party France declared 56 tons of plutonium and 4.6 tons ICSANT: State-party of HEU for civilian use. France is also one of the few countries to continue reprocessing spent nuclear Fissile Material Holdings fuel. They accept spent nuclear fuel from other coun- None tries for that purpose. As a result, roughly 24 tons of foreign-owned plutonium, principally from Japan, is Notes stored on French territory.150 France has two power Finland indicated that it is planning for a follow-up reactors that still use HEU fuel. France said it would IPPAS review in 2012.145 Finland ratified the CPPNM begin converting these reactors as soon as an LEU 2005 amendment in June 2011. alternative fuel becomes available.151

France Georgia National Commitments Made at NSS National Commitments Made at NSS 1. Ratify the CPPNM 2005 amendment 1. Sign instrument of approval for ICSANT • Status: IN PROGRESS. France reiterated • Status: COMPLETED. Georgia acceded in its commitment to ratifying the CPPNM April 2010. 2005 amendment at the 2011 IAEA General Conference in September. In its statement, International Instruments France indicated its own goal of completing CPPNM: State-party ratification within several months.146 CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action ICSANT: State-party 2. Invite an IPPAS security review from the IAEA • Status: COMPLETED. The IPPAS mission Fissile Material Holdings to the EDF power plant at Gravelines was HEU: Less than 1 kilogram completed in November 2011.147

3. Incorporate training in nuclear security at the European Nuclear Safety Training and Tutoring Germany Institute (ENSTTI) and the International Nuclear National Commitments Made at NSS Energy Institute 1. Move toward ratifying the CPPNM 2005 • Status: COMPLETED. The ENSTTI summer amendment 2011 training program held in Germany • Status: COMPLETED. Germany ratified the included a course titled “Nuclear Security amendment in October 2010. and Non-Proliferation Objectives.”148 France’s statement to the 2011 IAEA General International Instruments Conference indicated that the International CPPNM: State-party Nuclear Energy Institute was operational.149 CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party ICSANT: State-party International Instruments CPPNM: State-party Fissile Material Holdings CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action HEU: 950 kilograms ICSANT: Signatory Plutonium: 7.6 tons

Fissile Material Holdings Notes HEU: 30.6 ± 6 tons Of Germany’s 7.6 tons of separated plutonium, 5.6 Plutonium: 62 ± 1 tons tons are stored outside of the country. Germany operates an HEU-fueled research reactor in Munich, Notes called FRM-II. German lawmakers originally required France possesses an arsenal of fewer than 300 stra- a conversion of FRM-II from 93 percent-enriched

Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security tegic nuclear warheads. France’s military stockpile HEU to 50 percent-enriched HEU by the end of

19 2010.152 However, in 2010 the president-minister of a nuclear core of 70 kilograms of HEU enriched to Bavaria extended the conversion deadline to 2018. about 30 percent.158 Sea trials are expected to begin As a result of this extension, Germany’s HEU stock- in 2012.159 piles are predicted to increase in the coming years and cross the 1,000-kilogram threshold, as FRM-II requires about 35 kilograms of HEU fuel per year.153 Germany does not have the domestic facilities to Indonesia produce HEU, and they currently rely on foreign National Commitments Made at NSS imports. Approximately 730 kilograms of spent HEU None fuel is stored in Germany because there is no path- way to the United States for disposition and German International Instruments law no longer allows reprocessing of German fuel CPPNM: State-party in France.154 Germany has announced it will end its CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party nuclear power program by 2022. The United States ICSANT: No action is believed to store 10 to 20 nuclear weapons in Ger- many at Büchel Air Base. Fissile Material Holdings HEU: Less than 1 kilogram

Notes India Indonesia ratified the CPPNM 2005 amendment in National Commitments Made at NSS May 2010. 1. Announce the creation of a nuclear energy center with a nuclear security component • Status: COMPLETED. An MOU was signed with the United States in November 2010 Israel and with Russia in June 2011 regarding the National Commitments Made at NSS building and running of the new center. None In September 2011, the Atomic Energy Commission announced that it would launch International Instruments the new Global Center for Nuclear Energy CPPNM: State-party Partnership in November 2011 with a regional CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action training course in New Delhi. The course was ICSANT: Signatory titled “Physical Protection of Nuclear Facilities against Sabotage, Assessing Vulnerabilities Fissile Material Holdings and Identifying Vital Areas.”155 HEU: 0.3 tons Plutonium: 0.82 ± 0.15 tons International Instruments CPPNM: State-party Notes CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party Israel’s government maintains extreme secrecy over Commitments National of Assessment Summit: Security Nuclear The ICSANT: State-party every aspect of its nuclear program, making it dif- ficult to estimate the size of its still unacknowledged Fissile Material Holdings nuclear arsenal and fissile material stockpiles or HEU: 2.0 ± 0.8 tons assess its nuclear security arrangements. Israel is Plutonium: 4.6 ± 0.65 tons known to operate a reactor and reprocessing plant at its Dimona facility that produces HEU and pluto- Notes nium. Israel is believed to possess approximately India continues to produce HEU and plutonium. 80 warheads. A recent audit of the Dimona facility India’s nuclear arsenal, estimated between 60 and 80 by the Israel Defense Forces found that the security warheads, is plutonium based. India produces pluto- measures around the facility were insufficient. Alleg- nium at weapons and reactor grades. It is estimated edly, this resulted in further investment in the facil- that 0.52 tons ± 0.17 tons of its plutonium stockpile ity’s monitoring systems.160 The HEU stockpile carries are of weapons grade. India is thought to be expand- even greater uncertainty. Of Israel’s roughly 0.3 tons ing its enrichment capabilities.156 Currently, India’s of HEU, 34 kilograms are estimated as marked for HEU is believed to be enriched to between 30 and 45 civilian use. percent and is intended to fuel its nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines.157 India is believed to be working toward a fleet of five submarines with

20 Nuclear Security Summit Summit Participants and Fissile Material Holdings

2010 and 2012 summit Summit participants with HEU participants and/or plutonium stockpiles greater than one kilogram

New 2012 summit Non-summit participants with participants HEU and/or plutonium stockpiles Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security

21 The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments 22 Nuclear Security Summit Security Nuclear Holdings Material and Fissile Participants Summit Italy also established a bilateral Nuclear Security National Commitments Made at NSS Working Group with the United States in 1. Signed a Megaports Agreement with the United November 2010 to work on activities related States to nuclear forensics and other NSS-related • Status: COMPLETED. Italy and the United activities.167 States signed an agreement in March 2010 whereby the U.S. Department of Energy’s 3. Contribute new resources to the NSF National Nuclear Security Administration • Status: COMPLETED. The 2011 IAEA report (NNSA) will cooperate with the Italian on nuclear security indicates that Japan Customs Agency to prevent nuclear trafficking contributed to the NSF.168 through Italian ports.161 4. Host a WINS best practices workshop 2. Establish a school for nuclear security in • Status: COMPLETED. Japan hosted a WINS collaboration with the IAEA workshop titled “Corporate Governance and • Status: COMPLETED. The IAEA opened Security Leadership” September 8-9, 2010, in the Nuclear Energy Management School at Tokyo.169 the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics in Trieste in April 2011.162 International Instruments CPPNM: State-party International Instruments CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action CPPNM: State-party ICSANT: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action ICSANT: Signatory Fissile Material Holdings HEU: 1.2-1.4 tons Fissile Material Holdings Plutonium: 44.9 tons HEU: 100-200 kilograms Notes Notes Of Japan’s 44.9 tons of plutonium, 35 tons are stored Italy’s HEU stocks are primarily irradiated fuel from its outside the country—18 tons in France and 17 tons little-used Tapiro fast-neutron reactor. An estimated in the United Kingdom.170 After the March 2011 100 kilograms of the spent fuel is U.S.-origin mate- earthquake that damaged Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi rial that is ineligible for return to the United States. In reactor, Tokyo decided to undertake a comprehensive 2010, Italy reported to the IAEA that the reactor runs review of its nuclear energy program. A new policy for only about 60 hours per year.163 The HEU used to outlining Japan’s use of fissile materials is expected fuel Tapiro is a weapons-grade uranium metal alloy, to be released in August 2012. As of February 2012, a fuel type that makes reactor conversion to LEU only 2 of the 54 reactors were functioning. This inci- difficult.164 Italy also hosts an estimated 60 to 70 U.S. dent prompted the 2012 summit to increase its focus nuclear weapons at two locations, 50 at Aviano Air on the security-safety interface. Japan also has two Base and another 10 to 20 at Ghedi Torre Air Base. research reactors and two critical assemblies that use HEU fuel. The GTRI is working with Kinki Uni- versity, which runs one of the research reactors, and Kyoto University, which runs a critical assembly, to Japan study the feasibility converting the research reactor National Commitments Made at NSS and critical assembly to LEU use. The GTRI expects 1. Launch an integrated regional support center the conversion to take place in the next four years.171 • Status: COMPLETED. The Integrated Japan’s uranium-enrichment program is limited to Comprehensive Support Center for Non- producing LEU. The majority of its HEU originated in proliferation and Nuclear Security was the United States and the United Kingdom. Between launched in December 2010 and began full- 1996 and 2010, Japan shipped 656 kilograms of HEU fledged operations in February 2011.165 to the United States. Japan accounts for a significant share of the separated plutonium located outside of 2. Conduct research and development on detection the nuclear-weapon states. In addition, Japan is cur- and forensics rently the only non-nuclear-weapon state reprocess- • Status: COMPLETED. Japan hosted a ing fuel and fabricating fuel containing plutonium.172 meeting titled the “International Workshop on Nuclear Forensics Following on Nuclear 166

Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security Security Summit” in October 2010. Japan

23 Jordan CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party National Commitments Made at NSS ICSANT: State-party None Fissile Material Holdings International Instruments HEU: 10.5-10.9 tons CPPNM: State-party Plutonium: At least 3 tons CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party ICSANT: Signatory Notes Kazakhstan possesses one-half of the global HEU Fissile Material Holdings holdings located in non-nuclear-weapon states. With None the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan inher- ited the BN-350 reactor, which held more than 10 Notes tons of HEU. Nearly all of Kazakhstan’s HEU stock- Jordan, in cooperation with the European Commis- pile consists of fuel from that reactor, which was sion, established a nuclear security training center in also used to breed plutonium for the Soviet Union’s Amman in December 2011.173 nuclear weapons program.177 In November 2010, the United States and other international partners completed a long-term effort to shut down the reactor and provide long-term storage for its spent Kazakhstan fuel in the Baikal-1 depository at Semipalatinsk, a National Commitments Made at NSS facility in northeastern Kazakhstan. This included 1. Convert an HEU research reactor and eliminate securing more than 10 tons of HEU and three tons remaining HEU of weapons-grade plutonium.178 The remainder of • Status: IN PROGRESS. In October 2011, Kazakhstan’s HEU is stored in a research reactor. officials announced that 33 kilograms of Fifteen to 30 percent of the world’s uranium reserves fresh HEU fuel were removed from the are located in Kazakhstan, and it is one of the world’s research reactor at the Institute of Nuclear largest producers of uranium.179 Kazakhstan rati- Physics in Almaty, sent to Kazakhstan’s Ulba fied the CPPNM 2005 amendment in April 2011 and Matallurgical Plant, and down- blended to joined the Global Partnership in February 2012. LEU. Currently, Kazakhstan is working with the GTRI to covert the reactor to use LEU.174 No timeline for conversion has been made public. Malaysia 2. Cooperative work on BN-350 reactor shutdown National Commitments Made at NSS and fuel security 1. Passed new export control law • Status: COMPLETED. This activity was • Status: COMPLETED. In April 2010, the completed in November 2010.175 Malaysian government passed a law designed to prevent the export or transshipment The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments National of Assessment Summit: Security Nuclear The 3. Host a GICNT activity of materials linked to weapons of mass • Status: COMPLETED. Kazakhstan hosted a destruction (WMD).180 GICNT conference in September 2010, which included an exercise titled “Countering the International Instruments Financing of Nuclear Terrorism” and the first CPPNM: No action meeting of the GICNT Implementation and CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action Assessment Group. ICSANT: Signatory

4. Consider an international nuclear security Fissile Material Holdings training center None • Status: NO PROGRESS EVIDENT. Kazakhstan’s president, Nursultan Nazarbaev, has promoted Kazakhstan as a potential location for the proposed center in advance Mexico of the 2010 summit,176 but no progress on National Commitments Made at NSS establishing such a center is evident. 1. Convert an HEU research reactor and work through the IAEA to eliminate remaining HEU fuel International Instruments • Status: IN PROGRESS. Mexico’s HEU was CPPNM: State-party stored in the country’s sole research reactor,

24 the TRIGA Mark III, in Veracruz. Mexico signed Notes agreements to cooperate with Canada, the The Netherlands produces 25 percent of the world’s United States, and the IAEA on HEU removal Mo-99 at its HFR research reactor in Petten.186 The and conversion of the research reactor. reactor has been converted to use LEU fuel, but still In August 2011, Mexico, the United States, uses HEU targets. The Netherlands is planning a and the IAEA signed an agreement whereby replacement for the HFR and is researching the use the United States will provide Mexico with of LEU targets for the new reactor.187 The country is 113 kilograms of LEU in exchange for 10.8 leading the GICNT’s priority function area on nuclear kilograms of 70 percent-enriched HEU from forensics that was adopted during the June 2010 ple- the research reactor as well as fresh and nary meeting.188 The Netherlands accepted ICSANT irradiated fuel assemblies.181 The return of in June 2010 and the CPPNM 2005 amendment in Mexico’s HEU was completed in early 2012.182 April 2011. Additionally, the Dutch requested an IP- PAS review from the IAEA, which was scheduled for International Instruments the second half of 2011.189 The Netherlands hosts an CPPNM: State-party estimated 10 to 20 U.S. nuclear weapons at Volkel CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action Air Base. The 2014 Nuclear Security Summit will be ICSANT: State-party hosted by the Netherlands. The chairmanship of the summit process will be officially transferred to the Fissile Material Holdings Dutch at the Seoul summit. HEU: Less than 1 kilogram183

New Zealand Morocco National Commitments Made at NSS National Commitments Made at NSS 1. Contribute to the IAEA NSF None • Status: COMPLETED. IAEA nuclear security reports indicate that New Zealand contributed International Instruments to the NSF.190 CPPNM: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action 2. Contribute to the U.S. Nuclear Smuggling ICSANT: State-party Outreach Initiative (NSOI) • Status: COMPLETED. According to the Fissile Material Holdings NSOI, New Zealand provided equipment None for radiological monitoring to Ukraine for Boryspol International Airport in Kiev in Notes 2010.191 Morocco hosted the NSS regional outreach and GICNT conference for African countries in Rabat International Instruments in November 2011.184 The country will also lead the CPPNM: State-party GICNT’s third priority-function area that was adopted CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action at the June 2011 plenary meeting: response and miti- ICSANT: Signatory gation.185 Morocco ratified ICSANT in March 2010. Fissile Material Holdings None

Netherlands National Commitments Made at NSS None Nigeria National Commitments Made at NSS International Instruments None CPPNM: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party International Instruments ICSANT: State-party CPPNM: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party Fissile Material Holdings ICSANT: No action HEU: 0.73-0.81 tons

Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security Fissile Material Holdings

25 HEU: About 1 kilogram Notes Pakistan is thought to possess an arsenal of 90 to 110 Notes nuclear weapons. This estimate represents a signifi- Nigeria imported a miniature neutron-source reactor cant increase in the number of warheads over the from China that is fueled with one kilogram of HEU. past several years.196 The entirety of Pakistan’s pluto- China is in the process of converting the reactor to nium and the vast majority of its HEU is designated use LEU fuel.192 for military use.197 The country does have a small ci- vilian HEU stockpile, estimated at only 17 kilograms. The civilian stockpile is used for the PARR-2 research reactor. The remaining HEU is believed to be en- Norway riched to 90 percent.198 Analysts have expressed con- National Commitments Made at NSS cern over the status of nuclear security in Pakistan 1. Contribute $3.3 million over the next four due to the threats it faces as a result of unrest within years to the IAEA NSF (flexible funds for use in the country and the presence of extremist organiza- developing countries) tions.199 Pakistan has taken a number of significant • Status: COMPLETED. The IAEA noted a steps to improve its nuclear security over the past contribution from Norway to the NSF in its decade, including working with the United States to annual report.193 equip its ports with scanners to detect radiological material.200 2. Contribute $500,000 in additional support to Kazakhstan’s efforts to upgrade portal monitors to prevent nuclear smuggling as part of the GICNT • Status: COMPLETED. Funding was provided Philippines to the NNSA in December 2010 for radiation National Commitments Made at NSS detection equipment installation at the Almaty 1. Join the GICNT airport in Kazakhstan.194 • Status: COMPLETED. The Philippines joined the GICNT in June 2010. International Instruments CPPNM: State-party International Instruments CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party CPPNM: State-party ICSANT: Signatory CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action ICSANT: Signatory Fissile Material Holdings HEU: 1-9 kilograms Fissile Material Holdings HEU: Less than 1 kilogram Notes In the 1990s, Norway imported 9 kilograms of HEU, Notes most of which has been blended down to LEU. The The Philippines hosted the January 2012 WINS exact amount of remaining HEU is unclear, but Nor- conference titled “Enhancing the Security of High- Commitments National of Assessment Summit: Security Nuclear The way has said it will dispose of its remaining HEU fuel Activity Radioactive Sources.”201 domestically.195

Poland Pakistan National Commitments Made at NSS National Commitments Made at NSS None None International Instruments International Instruments CPPNM: State-party CPPNM: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action ICSANT: State-party ICSANT: No action Fissile Material Holdings Fissile Material Holdings HEU: Less than 5 kilograms202 HEU: 2.75 ± 1 tons Plutonium: 0.135 ± 0.045 tons Notes The exact size of Poland’s HEU stockpile remains

26 unclear due to a number of HEU removals over the plutonium, which is enough weapons-grade past several years. Most notably, in October 2010, material for 17,000 nuclear weapons.209 the NNSA announced that it had removed more Disposition is scheduled to begin in 2018. than 450 kilograms of HEU during the prior year.203 These removals cleared out the Ewa research reac- 2. End plutonium production tor.204 The remaining HEU in the country is thought • Status: COMPLETED. Russia closed its last be contained in the Maria reactor, which uses HEU plutonium-production facility in April 2010.210 fuel to produce Mo-99. This reactor is scheduled to be converted to LEU use in 2012.205 Poland ratified 3. Contributing to the IAEA NSF ICSANT in April 2010. • Status: COMPLETED. Russia signed an agreement with the IAEA in December 2010 to provide $6.5 million to the NSF.211

Republic of Korea International Instruments National Commitments Made at NSS CPPNM: State-party 1. Host the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit. CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party • Status: COMPLETED. The summit is ICSANT: State-party scheduled to be held in Seoul on March 26-27, 2012. Fissile Material Holdings HEU: 737 ± 120 tons 2. Host a GICNT activity Plutonium: 176 ± 8 tons • Status: COMPLETED. Seoul hosted the GICNT plenary session in June 2011.206 Notes Russia’s 11,000 warheads and extensive stockpiles of International Instruments fissile materials make it integral to the larger nuclear CPPNM: State-party security agenda. Russia also runs an extensive civil- CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action ian nuclear power program, with 31 nuclear power ICSANT: Signatory reactors at 10 power stations, and plans to build five new reactors. Russia has more research reac- Fissile Material Holdings tors than any other country. More than 50 research HEU: Less than 1 kilogram reactors, pulsed reactors, and critical assemblies use HEU, making Russia’s civilian HEU stockpile (more Notes than 20 tons) the largest in the world.212 Russia has The Republic of Korea possesses an extensive LEU- committed 104 tons of HEU to down-blending pro- fueled nuclear power program. Twenty-one reactors grams that should reduce their stockpile to 665 tons supply about 40 percent of the country’s power, and by 2013.213 Of Russia’s plutonium stockpiles, 48.4 an additional 11 reactors are in various stages of tons was declared for civilian use in its most recent being planned and built.207 As the country does not IAEA documentation.214 have enrichment or reprocessing capabilities, Korea The United States and international organizations relies on the United States to supply it with reactor such as the Global Partnership fund and run an ar- fuel. Korea has a significant nuclear technology in- ray of nuclear security-related programs in Russia. dustry and is seeking to become a major exporter of The functions of these projects include conducting nuclear reactors. The Korean government is planning security upgrades at nuclear facilities, consolidating to build a nuclear security center of excellence that Russian HEU, and converting Russian reactors to use will provide training on the prevention of nuclear ter- LEU. These efforts have made varying degrees of rorism. The center should be operational in 2013.208 progress in recent years. According to the U.S. Gov- ernment Accountability Office (GAO), the Material Protection, Control and Accounting program has had the greatest success, conducting security upgrades Russia at more than 100 sites. HEU minimization, consoli- National Commitments Made at NSS dation, and reactor conversion projects, however, 1. Sign plutonium-disposition protocol have been less successful.215 In August 2011, the • Status: COMPLETED. In July 2011, the United States and Russia completed the installation Plutonium Management and Disposition of radiation detectors at every border crossing in Agreement entered into force. The agreement Russia.216 requires the United States and Russia to each

Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security dispose of 34 metric tons of weapons-grade

27 The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments 28 - - 221 222 The country’s stockpile ofstockpile HEU Theis largelycountry’s a 223 220 targets. result of domestic production for the nuclear weap ons programAfrica that abandoned South during the A portion, is however, U.S.-origin late mate 1980s. 6.3 kilograms was returned rial,August and in2011, to the United States for disposition. Notes Switzerland has an HEU reactor that is scheduled to be remainingshut down. plutonium Switzerland’s is scheduled for disposition in France where it will be blended into fuel MOX and used for civilian power reactors. Sweden National Commitments Made at NSS None International Instruments CPPNM: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action Signatory ICSANT: Fissile Material Holdings HEU: Less than 1 kilogram Switzerland National Commitments Made at NSS None International Instruments CPPNM: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party State-party ICSANT: Fissile Material Holdings kilogramsHEU: 5-10 Plutonium: Less than 0.05 tons Spain National Commitments Made at NSS None International Instruments CPPNM: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party State-party ICSANT: Fissile Material Holdings HEU: Less than 1 kilogram 217 In 219 In December 2010, the InUnited December 2010, 218 Status: COMPLETED.Arabia hosted Saudi in • the conference in Riyadh in December 2010. 1. Host a Resolution 1540 conference1. for the Gulf Cooperation Council States received the first large-scale shipment of Mo-99 produced using the new LEU technology. 2011, South Africa announcedSouth that, by the end of the 2011, they year, would begin producing the isotope in their reactorresearch NTP using only LEU fuel and LEU Notes Africa producesSouthpercent 10 of the world’s supply of Mo-99 and has developed a means of producing the medical isotope using LEU targets rather than HEU. Fissile Material Holdings kilogramsHEU: 610-760 International Instruments CPPNM: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action State-party ICSANT: SouthAfrica National Commitments Made at NSS None Fissile Material Holdings None International Instruments CPPNM: No action CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action Signatory ICSANT: Singapore National Commitments Made at NSS None Notes Arabia becameSaudi a party to the CPPNM 2005 amendment in January 2011. Fissile Material Holdings None International Instruments CPPNM: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party State-party ICSANT: SaudiArabia National Commitments Made at NSS Thailand Notes National Commitments Made at NSS Ukraine is on track to complete its commitment to 1. Join the GICNT clean out its HEU stocks by the 2012 NSS. Prior to • Status: COMPLETED. Thailand joined the 2010, Ukraine’s HEU was stored at three locations: a GICNT in June 2010. research reactor in Kiev, an experimental facility in Kharkiv, and a critical assembly in Sevastopol. With International Instruments U.S. assistance, removals in May and December CPPNM: No action 2010 cleared 106 kilograms of HEU out of Ukraine. CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action Ukraine signed an MOU with the United States in ICSANT: Signatory September 2011 committing to the removal of its remaining HEU holdings by April 2012.226 Fissile Material Holdings HEU: Less than1 kilogram

United Arab Emirates National Commitments Made at NSS Turkey 1. Signed a Megaports Agreement with the United National Commitments Made at NSS States None • Status: COMPLETED. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed a Megaports International Instruments Agreement with the United States in CPPNM: State-party December 2009. Under this agreement, the CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action NNSA worked with the UAE to install radiation ICSANT: Signatory detection units at several ports and train personnel on their use.227 Fissile Material Holdings HEU: Less than1 kilogram International Instruments CPPNM: State-party Notes CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party Turkey’s HEU was cleaned out in January 2010.224 ICSANT: State-party Turkey is believed to host approximately 60 to 70 U.S. nuclear weapons at Incirlik Air Base. Approxi- Fissile Material Holdings mately 50 of the bombs are designed for U.S. aircraft None use only, although there is no U.S. fixed fighter wing stationed at Incirlik. The remaining 10 to 20 bombs can be delivered by Turkish F-16s. United Kingdom National Commitments Made at NSS 1. Contribute $6 million to the IAEA NSF Ukraine • Status: COMPLETED. The United Kingdom National Commitments Made at NSS signed an agreement with the IAEA in March 1. Remove all HEU by the next summit and half of 2011.228 it by the end of 2010 • Status: IN PROGRESS. Two-thirds of 2. Invite an IPPAS security review from the IAEA Ukraine’s HEU was removed from the country • Status: COMPLETED. The IAEA conducted in 2010, fulfilling the latter half of Ukraine’s an IPPAS review at the United Kingdom’s commitment. The remaining HEU is scheduled Sellafield Reprocessing facility and Barrow for removal by the 2012 summit.225 port in October 2011.229

International Instruments 3. Ratified ICSANT CPPNM: State-party • Status: COMPLETED. The United Kingdom CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party ratified the treaty in September 2009. ICSANT: State-party 4. Ratified CPPNM 2005 amendment Fissile Material Holdings • Status: COMPLETED. The United Kingdom HEU: Approximately 50-150 kilograms ratified the amendment in April 2010. Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security

29 The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments 30

240 239 The GICNT 237 241 242 238 236 Status: COMPLETED. The fiscal year Status: COMPLETED. Status: IN PROGRESS. In November 2010, Status: COMPLETED. In 2009 the United Status: COMPLETED. In July 2011, the Status: COMPLETED. In July 2011, Status: COMPLETED. Status: COMPLETED.A September 2011 currently developing new fuel that will allow The itUnited to theconvert final six reactors. States originally indicated that they intended to complete conversion but it is by 2014, unlikely that the Energy Department will meet that goal. In 2010 the WINS annual report noted the a In 2010 contribution millionof approximately $1.4 from the Energy Department. is partially funded out of the Department The WMD terrorism program. of State’s administration requested $6 million for that program in fiscalCongress which year 2012, appropriated in full. • budget request contained nearly $2 billion for programs in the departments of Defense and • the United States and Japan established a bilateralGroupWorking that Nuclear Security will include nuclear forensic work. • States pledgedWINS. $3 million to support • Plutonium Management and Disposition The agreementAgreement entered into force. requires the United States and Russia to disposeeach of 34 metric tons of weapons- grade plutonium, is enough which weapons- gradenuclear material weapons. for 17,000 Disposition will begin in 2018. • • GAO report stated that neutron detection technologies that do not rely on helium-3 were sufficiently developed as to allow for their deployment. 9. Requested the largest ever amount for nuclear security budget programs in its fiscal year 2011 7. Launch an Launch international to effort develop a 7. nuclear forensics exercises, library, common lexicons, and other foundational elements for cooperation in nuclear forensics 8. WINS Provide financial and the support for GICNT 4. Sign plutonium-disposition protocol 5. Seek approval to bring up to 100 kilograms of plutonium from sites of concern into the United States pending disposition 6. Develop and deploy new neutron-detection technologies

- - 230 - - - 235 233 In addition to its own the stocks, 234 232 Status: IN PROGRESS. The United StatesStatus: is IN PROGRESS. Status: COMPLETED. In 2011 the United Status: COMPLETED. In 2011 Status: IN PROGRESS.April 2011, In Of its HEU stockpile, 1.4 tons Ofis itsdesignated HEU stockpile, 1.4 for • • States review requested of an HEU an IPPAS facility. • President Obama Barack submitted legislation to Congress that would bring U.S. law in line The legislation haswith yet the to treaties. move out of the judiciary committee in the House of Representatives or the Senate. 231 3. itsConvert six remaining HEU-fueled reactors 1. Request an IPPAS mission Request an IPPAS 1. Accelerate2. to efforts ratify and ICSANT the CPPNM 2005 amendment tors. In addition, the United Kingdom possesses extensive Thecivilian United stockpiles of fissile materials. Kingdom reprocesses spent fuel from power reac tonium, 86.8 are for civilian use, making the United stockpile of civilianKingdom’s plutonium the largest in the world. civilian use. Of the 95.3 tons of British-owned plu British store 28 tons of foreign-owned plutonium, 17 tons areof which from Japan. ments came from the national statement issued by the United States. United States National Commitments Made at NSS The commitments made by the United States were not Theselisted commit in the highlights document. Notes The United Kingdom possesses a ofstockpile fewer the gov than 225 nuclear warheads. In July 2011, ernment announced that it planned to reduce the number of operationally deployed warheads to 120 the governmentA year in earlier, 2010, by early 2015. “Securingreleased Great BritainAge inof Unceran Fissile Material Holdings tons HEU: 21.2 Plutonium: 95.3 tons International Instruments CPPNM: State-party CPPNM 2005 amendment: State-party State-party ICSANT: tainty: The Strategic Defence and Securitytainty: Review” statedwhich that the United Kingdom would work to reduce the total stockpile of warheads to 180 by Thewarheads United are Kingdom’s the mid-2020s. deployed on submarine-launched ballistic missiles. Energy aimed at international WMD security. LEU, LEU fuel is being developed, or conversion is Congress, however, provided funding below impossible.248 Research reactors in Europe and Can- the administration request for 2011. The ada that produce Mo-99 using HEU are exempt from fiscal year 2012 budget request for the same the conversion requirement. In September 2011, the programs, while lower than the 2011 request, GAO released a report recommending that federal received higher funding on average from agencies play a greater role in tracking U.S.-origin Congress than the 2011 appropriations.243 materials overseas and ensuring that the material remains subject to IAEA safeguards overseas.249 The 10. Propose a voluntary fund to help countries United States has allocated 53.9 tons of plutonium meet their obligations under Resolution 1540 for civilian use in its 2010 declaration to the IAEA.250 • Status: COMPLETED. The United States The United States also plays a significant role in proposed the fund, and the White House funding the removal and the securing of nuclear ma- requested $3 million for it in fiscal year 2011 terials in foreign countries. The GTRI, a U.S. govern- and $1.5 million in fiscal year 2012.244 ment program, has worked to shut down or convert 72 HEU research reactors and remove more than 2.8 11. Led efforts at the IAEA to establish for the first tons of HEU around the world.251 The GTRI also has time a dedicated line item for nuclear security in worked with 22 countries to remove all HEU material 2009 and is working with 16 additional countries to re- • Status: COMPLETED. move the last of their HEU stockpiles. By the end of 2016, the GTRI plans to have converted or shut down 12. Support extension of the Global Partnership 129 HEU reactors and removed 4.8 tons of HEU and • Status: COMPLETED. During the May 2011 plutonium.252 G-8 summit, the Global Partnership was extended indefinitely beyond its original expiration date in 2012. The United States also said it would give $10 billion to support the Vietnam Global Partnership extension. National Commitments Made at NSS 1. Convert a HEU research reactor International Instruments • Status: IN PROGRESS. In December 2010, CPPNM: State-party Vietnam and the United States signed an MOU CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action to complete conversion of the Dalat research ICSANT: Signatory reactor. The timeline for conversion has not been made public.253 The Dalat reactor, which Fissile Material Holdings is used for medical isotope production and HEU: 610 tons research, was partially converted to LEU use Plutonium: 91.9 tons in 2007.

Notes 2. Join the GICNT The total inventory of U.S. nuclear warheads is • Status: COMPLETED. Vietnam joined the approximately 8,500. This number includes sev- GICNT in June 2010. eral thousand warheads awaiting dismantlement. The United States possesses the second-largest International Instruments stockpiles of HEU and plutonium. Of the 614 tons CPPNM: No action of HEU in the United States, more than two-thirds CPPNM 2005 amendment: No action are marked for military purposes, with 260 tons ICSANT: No action designated for weapons uses and 230 tons for naval reactors.245 Of the remaining stockpile, 20 tons of Fissile Material Holdings HEU are for civilian use, and 104 tons are marked HEU: 1-10 kilograms to be down-blended into LEU. The United States has already completed the blending down of more than 130 tons of HEU.246 Of the plutonium stockpile, the United States designated 53 tons of plutonium as excess and reserved 38.3 tons for future weap- ons needs.247 The United States also exports HEU. According to federal law, export of HEU fuel is only allowed for civilian purposes and if the reactors

Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security receiving the HEU are scheduled for conversion to

31 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit

March 26-27, 2012

Agenda The 2012 summit will call attention to cooperative efforts to combat nuclear terrorism, protect nuclear materials and facilities, and prevent illicit nuclear trafficking. It will review the progress and emphasize practical implementation of 2010 summit commit- ments and objectives. The agenda will focus on many of the same topics that were covered during the 2010 summit, but it will also include a more in-depth treat- ment of radiological source security and explore the interface of nuclear safety and security.

• Monday, March 26: Welcome reception and working dinner • Tuesday, March 27: Two plenary sessions and a working lunch followed by a concluding press confer- ence

Participants More than 50 world leaders are expected to attend the 2012 summit. Six new countries (Azerbaijan, Den- mark, Gabon, Hungary, Lithuania, and Romania) and one new international organization (INTERPOL) will Commitments National of Assessment Summit: Security Nuclear The join the original 47 countries and three international organizations in Seoul this March. A conditional in- tional commitments (“house gifts”) and possibly also vitation was sent to the Democratic People’s Republic present multinational or regional commitments (“gift of Korea, but it was not accepted because of its de- baskets”). nuclearization requirement.254 The Republic of Korea planned to invite Belarus to the summit if the country Side Summits fulfilled its December 2010 declaration to eliminate As in 2010, side summits for the nuclear indus- all of its HEU holdings by 2012.255 Belarus recanted on try and expert community are also being held. The this commitment in August 2011, however, after the “2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Symposium” for experts United States imposed sanctions on Belarusian com- is being organized by the Korea Institute of Nuclear panies for political repression.256 Iran was not invited Nonproliferation and Control and the Institute of to either summit due to its unresolved nonprolifera- Foreign Affairs and National Security. The “2012 Seoul tion issues that are being addressed in other forums. Nuclear Industry Summit” is being organized by Ko- rea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co. Both events will Outcomes include approximately 200 participants from around A “Seoul Communiqué” is expected to combine the the world and take place on March 23.257 The industry communiqué and work plan into a single document. summit will include a visit to Korean nuclear power States are expected to offer additional, voluntary na- facilities the following day.

32 Conclusion

wo years after the 2010 Nuclear Security Summit (NSS), approximately 80 percent of the national commitments made there have been completed, and other notable Tsteps to advance nuclear security have been taken by states in support of the summit’s communiqué and work plan objectives. Completed national commitments include

• development of new nuclear security centers 400 kilograms of HEU and plutonium and down- of excellence, conferences, and training activities blended 700 kilograms of HEU from the civil nuclear around the world by Canada, China, France, India, programs of countries around the world. Other Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Korea, aggregate accomplishments, including actions taken and Saudi Arabia; outside of the national commitments, since the first • removal of all highly enriched uranium (HEU) summit include from Chile; and • new funding support for the International • 19 countries ratifying the 2005 amendment Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Nuclear Security to the Convention on the Physical Protection of Fund (NSF), HEU reactor conversion and Nuclear Material,258 material removals, and anti-smuggling initiatives • 12 countries ratifying the International contributed by Belgium, Canada, Japan, New Convention on the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Zealand, Norway, Russia, the United Kingdom, and Terrorism,259 United States. • 6 countries joining the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism,260 Countries that have made important progress • 18 countries and the European Union implementing their national commitments include contributing to the IAEA NSF,261 and • 12 new national or regional security centers of • Ukraine, removing more than half of its excellence created.262 HEU stocks and signing a memorandum of understanding (MOU) in September 2011 with the Building on this impressive progress, the 2012 United States on completing its HEU clean-out by summit offers states an opportunity to go beyond the the 2012 summit; boundaries of the current regime to develop a more • Mexico, eliminating its HEU and signing an globally inclusive and responsive nuclear security agreement with the United States and IAEA in system. The 2010 summit focused mainly on gaining August 2011 associated with its reactor conversion compliance with the existing regime, which has commitment; slowly evolved in an ad hoc manner and is largely • Kazakhstan, completing the removal and down- voluntary and nationally focused. New national blending of 33 kilograms of HEU fuel associated commitments in 2012 are one area where countries with its reactor conversion and HEU elimination can act individually or in concert with neighbors and commitment; and allies to take quick, concrete steps to create new nuclear • Vietnam, reaffirming its commitment to security partnerships, initiatives, and funding streams. convert a HEU research reactor in an MOU with Combined with the collective political commitments the United States in December 2010. that all countries are expected to endorse in the “Seoul Communiqué,” ambitious national and regional

Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security Since the 2010 NSS, the United States has removed commitments can help lay the groundwork for another

33 The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments 34

NNSA The successes from the 2010 summit commitments commitments summit 2010 the from successes The nuclear security structures. Without compromising compromising Without structures. security nuclear security, material nuclear on focus primary event’s the integrate successfully to need will participants and safety nuclear the and security radiological to need will They discussions. into interface security and process summit the of utility the demonstrate to order in participants among cohesion maintain nuclear advance to multilaterally working continue tight and priorities global competing amid security of difficulties added the have also They budgets. election presidential during efforts these conducting Korea) of Republic and Russia, States, United (e.g., years occupying Iran and Korea North of actions the with and nuclear-related and attention media’s the of much governments. of bandwidth give to progress of foundation a form helped have a begin to Seoul in together come to space the states limits current its beyond regime the evolve to push must will political Yet, threats. new address better to potential summit’s the for momentum this underpin state, of heads of involvement the With realized. be to great holds that vehicle unique a provide summits the and barriers political the down breaking for potential to necessary is This inertia. bureaucratic combating and system governance nuclear global stronger a build terrorism nuclear prevent to regime security material The materials. radioactive of security the bolster and and advantage this on capitalize should summit 2012 nuclear the of direction future the outlining begin agenda. security Communicating the value of the summit process process summit the of value the Communicating many face will participants summit, 2012 the At summit in 2014 and the nuclear security agenda for for agenda security nuclear the and 2014 in summit come. to years its of picture accurate an provide to able being requires aggregate to attempt one is report This achievements. that efforts important and unique the present and Although years. two last the over place taken have the comprehensive, be to made was attempt every coupled sources open on primarily relying of limitations long and issues nuclear of nature sensitive the with activities implementing with associated times lead are that occurred have may actions some that means waiting are countries if particularly here, reported not achievements. their tout to summit Seoul the until progress implementation commitment Reviewing is and summit 2012 the of objectives the among is nuclear global how understanding for important process. NSS the of result a as advanced has security commitment- standardized a to objections early After countries participants, NSS some by process tracking summit 2012 the at actions their on report to agreed this Although attached. parameters specific without tracking common a utilizing flexibility, offers method even, more a provide would format reporting and States implementation. commitment at look transparent system common a to agreeing by served well be would how know to want will world the when 2014, of ahead “secure to commitment consensus NSS 2010 their if and met. been has materials” nuclear vulnerable all global stronger build to continuing to challenges Prior to the 2010 Nuclear Security Summit,Commission Chile removed of Nuclear all 18 Energykilograms worked of itsthewith HEUHEU the tostockpile. Nationalthe United Nuclear TheStates. Chilean Security Administration to facilitate shipment of x I ppendi

A Glossary of Terms

Convention on the Physical Protection of various speeds. Uranium-233, uranium-235, and Nuclear Material (CPPNM): The only inter- plutonium-239 are all fissile materials. Fissile ma- national legally binding undertaking in the area terials undergo fission more easily than other fis- of physical protection of nuclear material. Signed sionable materials and are more desirable for most in and New York on March 3, 1980, it reactor types and essential for nuclear explosives. establishes measures related to the prevention, detection, and punishment of offenses relating to Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism nuclear material. A diplomatic conference in July (GICNT): A voluntary association of states, estab- 2005 was convened to amend the convention and lished in 2006, committed to sharing information strengthen its provisions. The amended conven- and expertise in order to prevent nuclear terror- tion makes it legally binding for states-parties to ism. Eighty-two states currently participate in the protect nuclear facilities and material in peaceful initiative. domestic use and storage as well as transport. It provides for expanded cooperation between and Global Partnership Against the Spread of among states regarding rapid measures to locate Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction: and recover stolen or smuggled nuclear material, An initiative launched in 2002 at the Group of mitigate any radiological consequences of sabo- Eight summit in Kananaskis to prevent terrorists or tage, and prevent and combat related offenses. The those who harbor them from acquiring or develop- amendments will take effect once they have been ing nuclear, chemical, radiological, and biological ratified by two-thirds of the states-parties of the weapons; missiles; and related materials, equip- convention. ment, and technology.

Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR / Nunn- Global Threat Reduction Initiative (GTRI): Lugar): Since 1991, the CTR program has worked A collaborative program aimed at reducing and to secure and eliminate weapons of mass destruc- protecting vulnerable nuclear and radiologi- tion and their related materials, especially in the cal materials located at civilian sites worldwide. states of the former Soviet Union. Initially seen as Launched in 2004, the GTRI helps the U.S. Depart- an immediate response to the chaos as the Soviet ment of Energy achieve its nuclear security goal to Union was collapsing, it later came to be seen as prevent the acquisition of nuclear and radiologi- part of a broader effort to keep nuclear weapons cal materials for use in weapons of mass destruc- and materials out of the hands of terrorists. The tion and other acts of terrorism by repatriating or program is run by the Defense Threat Reduction otherwise securing nuclear fuel and converting Agency in the Department of Defense. reactors to use new, more proliferation-resistant technology. Three key subprograms of the GTRI— Enrichment: Uranium enrichment increases the convert, remove, and protect—provide a compre- percentage of fissile uranium-235 in a batch of nu- hensive approach to denying terrorists access to clear fuel. Low levels of enrichment are suitable for nuclear and radiological materials. The program is use in civilian nuclear power reactors, while highly run by the National Nuclear Security Administra- enriched uranium (HEU) can be used to build a tion. nuclear weapon. Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU): Uranium Fissile material: Material that contains elements that has been processed to increase the propor- whose nuclei are able to be split by neutrons of tion of the U-235 isotope to more than 20 percent. Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security

35 HEU is required for the construction of a gun- type nuclear device, the simplest type of nuclear Megaports Initiative: A U.S. government program weapon. The greater the proportion of U-235, i.e., that works with foreign partners to enhance se- the higher the enrichment level, the less mate- curity at ports around the world. The initiative rial that is needed to cause a nuclear detonation. helps equip major ports with radiation detection Weapons-grade uranium generally refers to urani- equipment, as well as provide training for foreign um enriched to at least 90 percent, but material of personnel. Foreign cooperation with the initia- far lower enrichment levels can be used to create a tive is typically formalized by signing a bilateral nuclear explosive device. “Megaports agreement.” The program is run by the National Nuclear Security Administration. IAEA Nuclear Security Fund: A voluntary funding mechanism, to which International Atomic En- 2010 Nuclear Security Summit (NSS): A meeting ergy Agency (IAEA) member states are called on of 47 national delegations and the European to contribute. The fund was established to sup- Union, the International Atomic Energy Agency port, among others things, the implementation of (IAEA), and the United Nations held in Washing- nuclear security activities to prevent, detect, and ton, DC, April 12–13, 2010, to enhance interna- respond to nuclear terrorism. The fund’s lifetime tional cooperation in preventing nuclear terrorism. has been extended twice; the current Nuclear Secu- The participants agreed on a communiqué and rity Plan is scheduled to run through 2013. a work plan. In their national statements, many states described specific steps they will take to ad- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): vance nuclear security. The summit was first pro- International organization based in Vienna posed by President Barack Obama in an April 2009 charged with monitoring and safeguarding nuclear speech in Prague where he outlined his vision of a material and facilities under the nuclear Nonpro- world free of nuclear weapons and nuclear threats. liferation Treaty and with helping states pursue peaceful nuclear programs through technical Nuclear Smuggling Outreach Initiative (NSOI): cooperation. It was set up as the world’s Atoms A U.S. government program which collaborates for Peace organization in 1957 within the UN with foreign governments to prevent, detect, and structure. The IAEA Secretariat is a team of 2,200 respond to incidents of nuclear smuggling. The multidisciplinary professional and support staff program is housed in the State Department’s Bu- from more than 90 countries. The agency is led by reau of International Security and Nonprolifera- Director-General Yukiya Amano and six deputy di- tion. rectors-general who head the major departments. Research reactor: Small nuclear reactors used for International Convention for the Suppression scientific research and the production of radio- of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism (ICSANT): Inter- active materials used in medicine and industry. national agreement opened for signature in 2005 Many utilize highly enriched uranium as a fuel, that criminalizes the planning, threatening, or unlike larger civilian power reactors, which oper- implementation of acts of nuclear terrorism and ate on low enriched uranium. Commitments National of Assessment Summit: Security Nuclear The requires states-parties to pass national legislation to that effect. Resolution 1540: A UN Security Council resolution passed in 2004 mandating that states establish International Physical Protection Advisory domestic controls to prevent nonstate actors from Service (IPPAS): This service was created by acquiring nuclear, chemical, and biological weap- the IAEA in order to assist states in strengthening ons or related materials. nuclear security within their borders. During an IPPAS review, IAEA experts will examine facilities World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS): within a country where nuclear or radioactive ma- A nongovernmental body that aims to provide a terials are kept. They will compare the facilities’ forum for nuclear security professionals to discuss systems of physical protection with international and exchange best security practices. As of August guidelines and best practices, and make sugges- 2010, WINS has over 400 corporate and individual tions for follow-on activities or security upgrades. members from over 50 countries.

36 Highlights of the National x II Commitments made at the ppendi

A Nuclear Security Summit

Armenia: Ratified International Convention on Sup- tection Advisory Service security review from the pression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, passed new International Atomic Energy Agency; incorporat- export control law ing training in nuclear security at the European Nuclear Safety Training and Tutoring Institute Argentina: Joined the Global Initiative to Combat and the International Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Terrorism; moving toward the ratification (announced during March 2010 Paris nuclear en- of the International Convention on Suppression ergy conference) of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism and 2005 Amend- ment of the Convention on Physical Protection Finland: Invited an International Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials Advisory Service security review from the Interna- tional Atomic Energy Agency Australia: Moving toward the ratification of the In- ternational Convention on Suppression of Acts of Germany: Moving toward ratifying 2005 Amend- Nuclear Terrorism ment of the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials Belgium: Contributing $300,000 to International Atomic Energy Agency’s Nuclear Security Fund Georgia: Signed instrument of approval for Interna- tional Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Canada: Returning a large amount of spent highly Nuclear Terrorism on April 7, 2010 enriched uranium fuel from their medical isotope production reactor to the United States; champi- India: Announcing the creation of a Nuclear Energy oning the extension of the G8 Global Partnership Center with a nuclear security component Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction; funding highly enriched urani- Italy: Signed a Megaports agreement (to install detec- um removals from Mexico and Vietnam; hosting tion equipment at ports) with U.S.; establishing a and funding a World Institute of Nuclear Security school of nuclear security in Trieste, in collabora- best practices workshop in Ottawa; unveiling tion with the Abdus Salam International Center $100 million in new bilateral security coopera- for Theoretical Physics and the International tion with Russia Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), to train nuclear personnel from developing countries Chile: Removed all highly enriched uranium (18kgs) in March 2010 Japan: Launching an integrated regional support center; research and development on detection China: Announce cooperation on nuclear security and forensics; contributing new resources to In- Center of Excellence ternational Atomic Energy Agency’s Nuclear Secu- rity Fund; hosting and funding a World Institute Egypt: Passed new comprehensive nuclear law of Nuclear Security best practices conference in March 2010 that includes nuclear security, criminalization of sabotage and illicit trafficking Kazakhstan: Converting a highly enriched uranium provisions as well as envisaging an independent research reactor and eliminating remaining high- regulatory authority ly enriched uranium; cooperative work on BN- 350 rector shutdown and fuel security; hosting a France: Ratifying the 2005 Amendment to the Global Initiative Activity in June; considering a Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear International Nuclear Security Training Center. materials; inviting an International Physical Pro- Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security

37 The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments 38 for Gulf Cooperation Council for Gulf Cooperation Nuclear Terrorism end of it by year’s next Summit—half ment with the U.S. Nuclear Security Agency’s national Atomic Energy Physical Protec- Fund; inviting an International tion Advisory Service security review from the Energy Agency; ratification International Atomic of the International Convention on Suppression and 2005 Amend- of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism Protection ment of the Convention on Physical of Nuclear Materials reactor; joining the Global Initiative to research Combat Nuclear Terrorism security INFCIRC 225, the IAEA nuclear physical guidance document Hosting a UNSCR 1540 conference conference 1540 a UNSCR Hosting Arabia: Saudi to Combat Global Initiative Joining the Thailand: enriched uranium by Ukraine: Removing all highly Agree Signed a Megaports- United Arab Emirates: to Inter Contributing $6 million- United Kingdom: Converting a highly enriched uranium Vietnam: revision of IAEA: Completing final review of the next search reactor and eliminating remaining highly eliminating remaining reactor and search IAEA uranium working through enriched Security Fund; contrib- Nuclear Energy Agency’s Smuggling Outreach uting to the U.S. Nuclear Initiative nuclear security fund (flex- four years to the IAEA activities in developing ible funds for use for $500,000 in additional countries); contributing efforts to upgrade portal support to Kazakhstan’s nuclear smuggling as part of monitors to prevent Terrorism the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Nuclear Terrorism Summit; hosting a Global Initiative activity to ending plutonium production; contributing Nuclear International Atomic Energy Agency’s Security Fund Contributing to International Atomic New Zealand: Contributing to International Norway: million over the next Contributing $3.3 Philippines: Joining the Global Initiative to Combat Republic of Korea: Hosting 2012 Nuclear Security Russia: Signing Plutonium Disposition protocol; Converting a highly enriched uranium re- a highly enriched Converting Mexico: Passed new export control law control new export Passed Malaysia: Nuclear Security Summit x III National Statement of the ppendi

A United States

n April 2009, President Obama addressed the citizens of Prague and the world, stating clearly and with conviction America’s commitment to seek the peace and security of Ia world free of nuclear weapons. Recognizing this goal is not immediately achievable, the President laid the groundwork to ensure that through the steady accumulation of progress we move continually along the path toward this critical objective.

In that speech, the President identified the risk of that would suffer from nuclear terrorism, we cannot nuclear terrorism as the most immediate and extreme prevent it on our own. The goal of the Nuclear Securi- threat to global security, called for an international ty Summit is to highlight this global threat and agree four-year effort to secure vulnerable nuclear material, to steps we can take together to secure nuclear mate- and announced his intent to host a Nuclear Security rial and prevent illicit nuclear trafficking. The Nuclear Summit. Over the past year, with the leadership of Security Summit provides an occasion for the United President Obama, we have made progress on this States to highlight some of its recent and future ef- unprecedented call to action. At the United Nations forts to show leadership in improving the security of Security Council last fall, we unanimously passed nuclear materials both at home and abroad. Resolution 1887 endorsing the goal of securing all • Domestic Nuclear Security: Our first priority nuclear materials and preventing the spread and use is to ensure that nuclear materials and facilities in of nuclear weapons. the United States are secure. Through sustainable This Nuclear Security Summit takes place on April security programs, including a continual evaluation 12-13, 2010. Leaders from 47 nations as well as the of the threat, inspections, and emergency response, United Nations, the International Atomic Energy preparedness and coordination programs, the United Agency and the European Union will gather in Wash- States keeps its materials secure. Following September ington, DC – the largest gathering of heads of state 11, 2001, security at domestic facilities was enhanced and government in Washington’s history. and is evaluated on a continuous basis. Most recently, Our objective is clear: ensure that terrorists never on March 22, 2010, the Highly Enriched Uranium gain access to plutonium or highly-enriched uranium Materials Facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee—an ultra- – the essential ingredients of a nuclear weapon. The secure uranium warehouse that replaces multiple ag- challenge we face is how to lock down the over 2000 ing facilities with a single, state-of-the-art storage fa- tons of plutonium and highly enriched uranium ex- cility— came on-line as one measure of our increased ist in dozens of countries with a variety of peaceful as security posture. well as military uses. The consequences of a nuclear As part of our ongoing efforts to evaluate the secu- detonation, or even an attempted detonation, per- rity of its nuclear facilities, we will request an advi- petrated by a terrorist or criminal group anywhere in sory mission from the International Atomic Energy the world would be devastating. Not only could there Agency’s International Physical Protection Advisory be an enormous loss of life but there would also be Service to review physical protection at the National overwhelming economic, political and psychological Institute of Standards and Technology’s Center for consequences that would reverberate worldwide. Neutron Research, licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory

Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security Just as the United States is not the only country Commission. The Center’s reactor supports a broad

39 The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments 40 Working within within • International Working Cooperation: • United Nations Security Council Resolution Interna• Nuclear Security Programme of the - • G8 Global Partnership Against the Spread of nuclear materials in the private and public sectors. public private and in the materials nuclear to and other members working with Russia are We - Combat Nuclear Ter Initiative to turn the Global The institution. a durable international rorism into Institute the World strongly supports United States forum for sharing Security as an effective for Nuclear based on its broad membership best security practices, police, private industry, in 44 countries, representing state regulators and national government agencies, will continue to provide financial laboratories. We and encourage other countries support and expertise to do so as well. nuclear security frame- existing legal and multilateral security cooperative activities works, U.S. nuclear meet their nuclear security help states worldwide the highest international nuclear obligations, uphold and maxi- security recommendations and standards, materials while mize the peaceful benefits of nuclear its Fiscal Year reducing the risks of their misuse. In the larg- 2011 budget request, the U.S. has requested increase over est amount ever – $1.6 billion, a 31% across multiple the previous year – for these programs the world. agencies working with countries around a com- 1540: In 2009 the UN Security Council created their obliga- mittee to assist states in implementing The tions under this universal, binding resolution. to contribute United States has proposed, and intends to, a voluntary meet the obli- fund to help countries and to match gations this resolution places on them, international, them up with wide range of national, of assistance. and nongovernmental sources tional Atomic Energy Agency: In 2009, the United the 150-plus States led efforts to gain agreement of Agency to nations of the International Atomic Energy budget line for establish for the first time a dedicated which had until then been funded nuclear security, exclusively through voluntary contributions from member states. The U.S. voluntary contribution to this effort has risen 59% since 2007. and Materials of Mass Destruction: In Weapons 2002, under the leadership of Canada, the G8 com- mitted $20 billion over ten years to stop the spread of weapons of mass destruction. Eight years later, the 23 G8 Partners have allocated more than $18 bil- with Rus- have made progress lion to this effort. We sia to eliminate stocks of chemical weapons and to dismantle decommissioned nuclear submarines. We are ready to join with our Canadian colleagues and call for another ten-year extension with an expanded scope/mission and to commit up to another $10 bil- lion towards new projects, including expanding our efforts to improving nuclear security to countries not previously eligible for G8 assistance. The United States has The United States • Ratifying Conventions: In • Minimizing Highly Enriched Uranium: • Plutonium Disposition: The United States and • Nuclear Detection: Due to shortages in materi- the emerging discipline • Nuclear Forensics: With • Sharing Best Practices: Nuclear security can be program of research using neutron techniques, and and techniques, neutron using of research program tech- measurement and applies new neutron develops to convert its reactor NIST has committed nologies. to a new low enriched enriched uranium from highly been tested and approved fuel once that has uranium advisoryfor use. This an inde- will provide mission comparison of the physical pendent, confidential and their implementation with protection regulations and best practices. international guidelines to complete ratification proce- accelerated efforts international treaties governing dures for the two key the International Convention for nuclear security, and the Acts of Nuclear Terrorism the Suppression of to the Convention on the Physi- 2005 Amendment Material. Legislation that cal Protection of Nuclear line with these treaties has been brings U.S. laws into are in place submitted to the Congress. Once laws States will implementing the conventions, the United deposit its instruments of ratification. of all 2009, the United States completed conversion reactors 20 of our highly-enriched-uranium-fueled uranium that could be converted to use low enriched - fuel. There are six remaining highly-enriched-urani that will be um-fueled reactors in the United States fuel once ac- converted to use low enriched uranium ceptable fuel has been developed. the Plutonium Russia have just signed the Protocol to which com- Management and Disposition Agreement, tons of mits both countries to eliminate 68 metric programs— plutonium (34 each) from their weapons nuclear enough material for approximately 17,000 United States weapons combined. Furthermore, the up to 100 is in the final stages of approval to bring concern into the kilograms of plutonium from sites of eliminat- United States pending disposition, thereby ing vulnerable, weapons-usable plutonium in certain cases where no other solution is available. als for current neutron detectors, the United States is working to develop and deploy new neutron detec- tion technologies through an aggressive program of development, test, and evaluation. The time research, frame for this effort has been shortened from 5 years to 18 months. launched the United States has of nuclear archeology, an international effort to develop nuclear forensics common lexicons, and other foun- exercises, library, dational elements that will provide the framework for cooperation between governments investigating the illicit use of nuclear materials. advanced through sharing best practices among those with responsibility for securing and accounting for NOTES 12. Personal communication with NNSA staff, December 2011. 13. Department of State, “Memorandum of Understanding 1. The NSS countries that have not ratified the CPPNM are with Ukraine on Nuclear Security Cooperation,” September 26, Egypt, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. See: IAEA, 2011, “Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material,” 14. Office of Public Affairs, NNSA, “NNSA Achieves Milestone updated September 29, 2010, in Removal of HEU from Ukraine,” December 31, 2011, http:// Documents/Conventions/cppnm_status.pdf. 2. Office of the Press Secretary, The White House, “Nuclear 15. Ibid. Security Work Plan Reference Document,” April 13, 2010, 16. Office of Public Affairs, NNSA, “Joint Statement by Co- work-plan-reference-document. Chairs of the U.S.-Kazakhstan Energy Partnership in the Successful Completion of the U.S.-Kazakhstan BN-350 Spent 3. The countries that have ratified the 2005 amendment since Fuel Program,” November 17, 2010, the 2010 NSS are: Argentina, Bahrain, Bosnia, Czech Republic, gov/mediaroom/pressreleases/spentfuelstatement111710; Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Anne Harrington, Speech on completion of BN-350 fuel Latvia, Luxemborg, Nauru, the Netherlands, Portugal, Saudi shipments, NNSA, November 18, 2011, Arabia, Macedonia, Tunisia, and the United Kingdom. mediaroom/speeches/harringtonbn350. Of these, Argentina, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, and 17. NNSA, “Joint Statement by Co-Chairs of the U.S.- United Kingdom were 2010 summit participants. See: IAEA, Kazakhstan Energy Partnership.” “Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protection 18. Office of Public Affairs, NNSA, “NNSA GTRI Program of Nuclear Material,” updated November 25, 2011,.http:// Recognized for Accomplishments in Reducing Global Risks of Weapons of Mass Destruction,” October 6, 2011, http://www. amend_status.pdf.; Harrington, Speech on completion of BN-350 fuel shipments. 4. Eric Besson, Speech before the IAEA 55th General Conference, September 2011, 19. Office of Public Affairs, NNSA, “NNSA and Kazakhstan Policy/GC/GC55/Statements/france.pdf. Complete Operations to Eliminate Highly Enriched Uranium,” October 12, 2011, 5. Office of the Press Secretary, The White House, “Nuclear pressreleases/uskazakhcoop. Security Work Plan Reference Document.” 20. Office of the Prime Minister of Canada, “PM announces a 6. The countries that have ratified ICSANT since the 2010 NSS nuclear cooperation project with the United States to further are: Algeria, Armenia, Bahrain, Chile, China, the Democratic secure inventories of highly enriched uranium,” April 12, 2010, Republic of Congo, Georgia, Lesotho, Nauru, the Netherlands, Poland, St. Vincent and Grenadines, and Tunisia. Of these, Algeria, Armenia, Chile, China, Georgia, and the Netherlands 21. Office of the Press Secretary, White House, “Trilateral are summit participants. The U.K. ratified the treaty in advance Announcement Between Mexico, the United States, and of the 2010 summit. See: United Nations Treaty Collection, Canada on Nuclear Security,” April 13, 2010, http://www. “International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of between-mexico-united-states-and-canada-nuclear-security; Nuclear Terrorism,” updated November 3, 2011, http://treaties. personal communication with State Department official, February 2012. no=XVIII~15&chapter=18&Temp=mtdsg3&lang=en#EndDec. 22. Office of the Prime Minister of Canada, “Canada’s Global 7. International Convention for the Suppression of Acts Partnership Program collaboration with the United States of Nuclear Terrorism, and Mexico,” April 13, 2010, conventions/Conv13.pdf; Personal communication with staff asp?id=3282; Pavel Podvig, “United States to remove HEU from at NPS Global, November 2011; Parliament of Australia Joint Mexico,” International Panel on Fissile Materials blog, August Committee, Report 122, November 22, 2011, http://www.aph. 19, 2011, united_states_to_remove_.html. 8. Attorney-General for Australia, “Laws Strengthened in the 23. Daniel Horner, “Russia Endorses Plutonium Disposition Fight Against Nuclear Terrorism,” February 28, 2012, http:// Pact,” Arms Control Today, July/August 2011, http://www. aspx. Plutonium_Disposition_Pact. 9. Office of the Press Secretary, The White House, “Statement by 24. Office of Public Affairs, NNSA, “NNSA Completes Largest the Press Secretary on the Submission of Legislation Required Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU) Fuel Return Campaign in for Four Key Nuclear Security Treaties,” April 13, 2011, http:// Program’s History,” October 12, 2010, mediaroom/pressreleases/polandheu101210. press-secretary-submission-legislation-required-four-key-nucle. 25. Office of the Spokesman, Department of State, “U.S.-Belarus 10. Office of Public Affairs, NNSA, “Ahead of Nuclear Security Bilateral Meeting,” December 1, 2010, Summit, NNSA Announces Removal of All Highly Enriched pa/prs/ps/2010/12/152168.htm; Richard Boudreaux, “Belarus Uranium from Chile,” April 8, 2010, Scraps U.S. Nuclear Deal,” Wall Street Journal, August 19, 2011, mediaroom/pressreleases/04.08.10. Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security 11. Ibid. 6518342345196526.html.

41 The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments 42 The The , February 8, 2011; Yosuke Naoi, “Planned “Planned Naoi, Yosuke 2011; 8, February , Security Fund,” IAEA News Centre, March 8, 2011, http://www. 2011, 8, March Centre, News IAEA Fund,” Security Ibid. 42. the by response survey Group Working Materials Fissile 43. 2011. 31, January D.C., Washington, in Finland of Embassy “Nuclear Change, Climate and Energy of Department 44. October Completed,” Barrow and Sellafield to Mission Security 2011, 28, pn11_089/pn11_089.aspx. November 14-25 France in mission IPPAS “IAEA EUROSAFE, 45. 2011, November 2011,” userfiles/3_4_%20slides_mission%20IPPAS%20in%20FRANCE_ Jalouneix_20111108.pdf. and Impact Summits: Security “Nuclear Holgate, Laura 46. 13, September Institute, Hudson the at Statement Assessment,” 2011, Report Security “Nuclear IAEA, upcoming_events&id=878; 2011.” Report,” Annual 2010 “WINS WINS, 47. International on Workshop “WINS WINS, fileitem.aspx?id=232; Training, Recruitment, Force Guard Nuclear for Practices Best http://www. 2010, June Canada, Exercise,” and Deployment $FILE/Invitation_Guard%20Force%20ws_final.pdf. June official, Canadian a with communication Personal 48. 2011. Opens,” Center Support Nonproliferation “Nuclear 49. Shimbun Denki Non- Nuclear for Center Support “Integrated the of Activities presentation, workshop Security,” Nuclear and Proliferation and Progress Measuring Security: Nuclear Generation “Next 2011. 13, April Vienna, FMWG, Forward,” Way the Charting Nuclear for Center Support “Integrated Naoi, Yosuke 50. http:// IAEA-CB-184/52, Security,” and Nonproliferation Documents/PapersRepository/052.pdf. Ibid. 51. “Fact House, White The Secretary, Press the of Office 52. Nuclear Reducing on Cooperation U.S.-Japan on Sheet 2010, 12, November Risks,” the-press-office/2010/11/12/fact-sheet-us-japan-cooperation- of States United the in Japan of Embassy reducing-nuclear-risks; November Initiatives,” U.S.-Japan New on Sheet “Fact America, 2010, Sheet%20on%20New%20USJapan%20Initiatives.pdf. Workshop “International Agency, Energy Atomic Japan 53. Summit,” Security Nuclear on Following Forensics Nuclear on 2010, 5-6, October Japan, Annual “2010 WINS, activity/2010-10-05/index_en.html; Report.” Agreement Sign China “U.S., NNSA, Affairs, Public of Office 54. January Security,” Nuclear on Excellence of Center Establish to 2011, 19, chinacenterofexcellence01.19.11. Ibid. 55. Beijing,” in Center Training Nuclear Planning “China 56. http://zeenews.india. 2011, 14, November, com/news/world/china-planning-nuclear-training-centre-in- Washington Washington , December 1, 2010, 2010, 1, December , 26. Glenn Kessler and Mary Beth Sheridan, “Belarus Agrees to to Agrees “Belarus Sheridan, Beth Mary and Kessler Glenn 26. Uranium,” Enriched Highly of Stockpile Up Give Post dyn/content/article/2010/12/01/AR2010120101198.html. Announces “NNSA NNSA, Affairs, Public of Office 27. Serbia,” from (HEU) Uranium Enriched Highly All of Removal 2010, 22, December Nuclear of “Ahead NNSA, pressreleases/serbiaheu122210; Highly All of Removal Announces NNSA Summit, Security NNSA, Affairs, Public of Office Chile”; from Uranium Enriched Removed Uranium Enriched Highly Announces “NNSA 2010, 12, January Turkey,” from Affairs, Public of Office mediaroom/pressreleases/01.12.10; Enriched Highly Last of Removal Announces “NNSA NNSA, Spent Russia-Origin of Shipment Air Romania; from Uranium 2009, 30, June Fuel,” Office, Accountability Government pressreleases/06.30.09; Planning U.S. Comprehensive Nonproliferation: “Nuclear Vulnerable Secure to Needed Cooperation Foreign Better and http://www. 2010, December Worldwide,” Materials Nuclear General IAEA the for prepared as Remarks Chu, Stephen 28. http://www. 2011, 19, September Vienna, 2011, Conference BBC plant,” plutonium weapons-grade last closes “Russia 29. 2011, 15, April News, Cooperate Vietnam and “U.S. Hanoi, U.S. the of Embassy 30. 2010, 8, December Dalat,” in Non-Proliferation Nuclear on Ibid. 31. Operations.” Complete Kazakhstan and “NNSA NNSA, 32. Announcement.” “Trilateral House, White 33. provided response survey Group Working Materials Fissile 34. 23, February D.C., Washington, in Mexico of Embassy the by Announcement.” “Trilateral House, White 2011; Atomic International the between “Agreement IAEA, 35. Mexican United the of Government the Agency, Energy America of States United the of Government the and States Uranium Enriched Highly of Replacement the Concerning 2011, 17, August Uranium,”,INFCIRC/825, Enriched Low by infcirc825.pdf. at statement Mexico’s of translation Google a on Based 36. 2011, September Vienna, Conference, General IAEA 55th the mexico_sp.pdf. government Mexican with communication Personal 37. 2012. February official, 2010, 12, August 2010,” Report Security “Nuclear IAEA, 38. 2011,” Report Security “Nuclear IAEA, English/gc54-9_en.pdf; 2011, 5, September GC55/GC55Documents/English/gc55-21_en.pdf. Ibid. 39. Nuclear IAEA’s to $6mln over allocate to “Russia Interfax, 40. 2010, 5, December Fund,” Security newsinf.asp?id=206844. Nuclear IAEA to Contribute to Agreement Signs “UK 41. beijing_741781.html. “Saudi Arabia Set to Host Workshop on the Implementation 57. NNSA, “U.S., China Sign Agreement to Establish Center of of Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004) in Riyadh, 11-12 Excellence on Nuclear Security.” December,” December 9, 2010, docs//2010/dc3275.doc.htm. 58. “U.S., China Expand Cooperation on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Technology,” NNSA News, March 30, 2011, http:// 74. “Negotiators agree to minimize civilian use of HEU ahead of; Office the nuclear summit,” Yonhap News Agency, January 18, 2012, of Public Affairs, NNSA, “United States, People’s Republic of China Commission First Radiation Detection System at the 000000AEN20120118005100315F.HTML. Port of Yangshan,” December 7, 2011, 75. Nuclear Security Summit Preparatory Committee, “Official mediaroom/pressreleases/yangshan. 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit Brochure,” November 4, 59. Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership (GCNEP), 2011, “Welcome to GCNEP,” press/press_view.jsp?oCmd=6&b_code=1&idx=65&rnum = 4&f_gubun=0. 60. “Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership,” Press Information Bureau, August 12, 2010, 76. Bonnie D. Jenkins, Remarks on 2012 Nuclear Security release.asp?relid=64718. Summit Preparations, Foreign Press Center Briefing, 61. Office of the Press Secretary, The White House, “Joint Washington, D.C., September 8, 2010, Statement by President Obama and Prime Minister Singh isn/rls/rm/150043.htm. of India,” November 8, 2010, 77. Communications with WINS staff, February 2011. the-press-office/2010/11/08/joint-statement-president-obama- 78. WINS, “2010 Annual Report.” and-prime-minister-singh-india; Srikumar Banerjee, Statement 79. Michelle Marchesano and Raphael Della Ratta, “Preliminary at the 55th IAEA General Conference, Vienna, September 21, Funding Analysis of the FY11 Budget Request for International 2011, WMD Security Programs,” Partnership for Global Security, india.pdf. March 23, 2010, 62. Office of the Spokesman, Department of State, “U.S.-India PDFFrameset.asp?PDF=fy11_wmd_budget_request_analysis.pdf. Strategic Dialogue Joint Statement,” July 19, 2011, http://www. 80. Partnership for Global Security, “Updated Analysis: FY12 Budget Request for International WMD Security Programs,” 63. Banerjee, Statement at the 55th IAEA General Conference; February 15, 2011, http://www.partnershipforglobalsecurity. “France, Russia to assist India to set up global centre for nuclear org/PDFFrameset.asp?PDF=pgs_updated_analysis_fy12_budget_ energy,” Daily News and Analysis, December 3, 2010, http:// request.pdf. to-set-up-global-centre-for-nuclear-energy_1476182. 81. Ibid. 64. , “Global World and Nuclear 82. Partnership for Global Security, “Obama Administration Security,” EuroDialogueXXI, April 2010, http://eurodialogue. Slashes Nuclear Security Funding: FY13 Budget Request for U.S. org/Global-World-and-Nuclear-Security. International WMD Security Programs,” February 14, 2012, 65. Dr. Ju-Ho Lee, Remarks as prepared for the 54th General asp?PDF=fy13_budget_request.pdf Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency, September 9, 2010, 83. Ibid. GC54/Statements/rok.pdf. 84. IAEA, “Nuclear Security Recommendations on Physical 66. “Key-Points of the CBRN CoE Initiative,” accessed January Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities,” IAEA 19, 2012, Nuclear Security Series No. 13, INFCIRC/225/Rev.5, 2011, http:// 67. Didier Haas, “EURATOM Safeguards and Security Research in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle,” presentation at Laying the Grounds 85. The White House, “Nuclear Security Work Plan Reference for 2012: Opportunities for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Document.” Nuclear Security, Amman, Jordan, November 30, 2011, http:// 86. Holgate, Remarks on Progress. 87. Communications with Department of State export control Haas.pdf. and related border security assistance staff, February 2011; 68. Ibid. “EXBS Director Visits Armenia and Praises Legislative Reform,” 69. International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), EXBS Quarterly Newsletter, January 2011, “International School on Nuclear Security,” http://cdsagenda5. documents/organization/155368.pdf. 88. “EXBS Director Visits Armenia and Praises Legislative 70. Nicolas Sarkozy, Remarks as prepared for the International Reform.” Conference on Access to Civil Nuclear Energy, Paris, March 8, 89. “Egypt bank to raise funds for nuclear power plants,” 2010, Al-Shorfa, April 6, 2010, 71. Besson, Speech before the IAEA 55th General Conference. meii/xhtml/en_GB/features/meii/features/main/2010/04/06/ 72. ENSTTI, “Introduction to Nuclear Safety,” Munich, June feature-02; “Mubarak approves nuclear radioactive law,” Egypt 27, 2011, State Information Service, March 31, 2010. TUTORING/Induction%20course%202011.pdf. 90. “Egypt bank to raise funds for nuclear power plants.”

Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security 73. Department of Public Information, The United Nations, 91. Wong & Partners, “The Malaysian Strategic Trade Bill 2010,”

43 The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments 44 BBC BBC , December 3, 2011, 2011, 3, December , norway120310. General IAEA the for prepared as Remarks Chu, Stephen 106. http://www. 2011, 19, September Vienna, 2011, Conference Detectors: “Neutron Office, Accountability Government 107. http:// 2011, 29, September Helium-3,” Using to Alternatives Global G-8 the of Role Future “The Jenkins, D. Bonnie 108. The Destruction,” Mass of Weapons Combating Partnership: 2010, June Foundation, Stanley Secretary, Press the of Office publications/pab/Jenkins_610.pdf; National Summit Security “Nuclear House, White The http://www. 2010, 13, April States,” United the of Statement national-statement-united-states. “G8 State, of Department Spokesman, the of Office 109. Beyond Partnership Global Extend to Agree Leaders 2011, 3, June 2012,” ps/2011/06/164962.htm. Global G8 the on “Report Canada, of Government 110. of Materials and Weapons of Spread the Against Partnership Destruction,” Mass summit-sommet/2011/Annex6-Report-G8GlobalPartnership AgainsttheSpreadofWeaponsandMaterialsofMassDestruction. aspx?view=d. Ibid. 111. Report,” Evaluation Partnership “Global Heyes, Alan 112. http:// 2011, December D.C., Washington, in Presented Group, Working Materials Fissile presentation_US_DEC.pdf; 2011, 11, March Reduction,” Threat WMD in Efforts “Global Argentina, Global NPS at staff with Conversation 113. 2011. November Fissile “Global Materials, Fissile on Panel International 114. and Production Books: the Balancing 2010: Report Materials 2010). GFMR (hereinafter 142 p. 2010, December Stocks,” Legislative Praises and Armenia Visits Director “EXBS 115. Reform.” the in Strengthened “Laws Australia, for Attorney-General 116. Terrorism.” Nuclear Against Fight 142. p. 2010, GFMR 117. “Final NNSA, Affairs, Public of Office Release, Press NNSA 118. Completed,” Australia from HEU of Shipment Origin U.S. 2009, 21, May pressreleases/05.21.09. Uranium,” “Australia’s Association, Nuclear World 119. 2011, 29, December updated info/inf48.html. India,” to sales uranium backs party Labor “Australia’s 120. News asia-16021428. Statement.” Co-Chair “Joint State, of Department 121. 2011.” Report Security “Nuclear IAEA, 122. Isotope “Medical Board, Studies Radiation and Nuclear 123. http:// 2009, Uranium,” Enriched Highly without Production April 2010, 2010, April Documents/Type%202/WP/al_wongpartners_strategictradebill_ Summits: Security “Nuclear Muslim, bin Noramly apr10.pdf; IFANS-KINAC-FMWG the at presented Status,” Malaysian The and Summit Security Nuclear Seoul 2012 the on Conference Seoul. 2011, 2, November Security, Nuclear Generation Next 2010.” Bill Trade Strategic Malaysian “The Wong, 92. Combat to Initiative Global “The State, of Department 93. http://www. 2011, 4, February accessed Terrorism,” Nuclear “Joint State, of Department Spokesman, the of Office 94. to Initiative Global 2010 the Regarding Statement Co-Chair Dhabi, Abu Meeting,” Plenary Terrorism Nuclear Combat 2010, 29, June Emirates, Arab United pa/prs/ps/2010/06/143754.htm. Nuclear Combat to Initiative “Global State, of Department 95. http:// Exercises,” and Workshops Multilateral Key Terrorism “Plenary Committee, Preparatory Summit Security Nuclear 96. be to Terrorism Nuclear Combat to Initiative Global of Meeting http://www.thenuclearsecuritysummit. 2011, 28, June Held,” org/eng_media/press/press_view.jsp?oCmd=6&b_ to Initiative “Global code=1&idx=14&rnum=11&f_gubun=0.; and Workshops Multilateral Key Terrorism Nuclear Combat Statement Co-Chair “Joint State, of Department Exercises”; Nuclear Combat to Initiative Global 2010 the Regarding Ju-Ho Dr. by “Statement IAEA, Meeting”; Plenary Terrorism Technology and Science Education, of Ministry of Mister LEE General 54th the At Korea of Republic the of Delegate Head Agency,” Energy Atomic International the of Conference 5-6, pg 2010, 9, September GC/GC54/Statements/rok.pdf. April Prague, Square, Hradcany at Remarks Obama, Barack 97. 2009, 5, Request. Budget 2012 State of Department 98. Partnerships,” International “Enhancing Kang, Eliot C.S 99. Initiative Global the of Meeting Plenary 2009 the at Remarks http://www.state. 2009, 16, June Terrorism, Nuclear Combat to gov/t/isn/rls/rm/125349.htm. Statement.” Co-Chair “Joint State, of Department 100. “2011 State, of Department Spokesman, the of Office 101. 2011, 30, June Terrorism,” Nuclear Combat to Initiative Global Arab United and “U.S. NNSA, Affairs, Public of Office 102. at Aimed Agreement Initiative Megaports Sign Emirates http:// 2009, 16, December Smuggling,” Nuclear Preventing Sign Italy and “U.S. NNSA, Affairs, Public of Office 103. of Smuggling Prevent to Agreement Initiative Megaports http:// 2010, 29, March Material,” Radioactive and Nuclear of “Details Initiative, Outreach Smuggling Nuclear 104. New Projects: NSOI-Developed to Provided Being Assistance 2011, 4, February accessed Zealand,” ourpartners/newzealand.asp. Support Increases “Norway NNSA, Affairs, Public of Office 105. December Smuggling,” Nuclear Combat to Work NNSA of 2010, 3, 124. GFMR 2010, p. 142, 205. “GFMR 2011”). 125. Office of the Prime Minister of Canada, “PM announces a 151. “Civilian HEU: France,” Nuclear Threat Initiative, July nuclear cooperation project.” 2011, 126. “Report on the G8 Global Partnership Against the Spread 152. GFMR 2011, p. 12. of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction,” May 26-27, 153. Ibid. 2011, 154. “Civilian HEU: Germany,” Nuclear Threat Initiative, July summit/declarations-and-reports/appendices/report-on-the-g8- 22, 2011, global-partnership-angainst-the.1353.html. germany/. 127. Office of the Prime Minister of Canada, “Canada’s Global 155. Banerjee, Statement at the 55th IAEA General Conference. Partnership Program”; Podvig, “United States to remove HEU.” 156. GFMR 2011, p. 11. 128. White House, “Trilateral Announcement”; Communication with State Department official. 157. GFMR 2011, p. 10. 129. WINS, “Annual Report.” 158. GFMR 2010, p. 124 130. Personal communication with a Canadian official, June 159. GFMR 2011, p. 7. 2011. 160. “Shortcomings Seen in Israeli Atomic Site Protections”, 131. Nuclear Security Index, “Quantities of Nuclear Materials: Global Security Newswire, November 30, 2011, http://www. Canada,” January 11, 2012, protections/. 132. Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board, “Medical Isotope Production.” 161. NNSA, “U.S. and Italy Sign Megaports Initiative Agreement.” 133. GFMR 2010, p. 143. 162. International Centre for Theoretical Physics, 134. GFMR 2010, p. 15. “International School on Nuclear Security.” 135. Ibid. 143. 163. This number is based on the operator report to the IAEA in 136. NNSA, “NNSA Announces Removal of All Highly Enriched 2010. See IAEA, “Research Reactors,” 2009, http://nucleus.iaea. Uranium from Chile.” org/RRDB/RR/Utilization.aspx?RId=226. 137. NNSA, “U.S., China Sign Agreement.” 164. GMFR 2010, p. 142. 138. An Baijie, “Nuclear Security Center Planned,” China 165. Denki Shinbum, “Nuclear Nonproliferation Support Daily, November 14, 2011, Center Opens,” IAEA Daily News Press Review, February 9, business/2011-11/14/content_14088349.htm. 2011, 139. GFMR 2010, p 100; Nuclear Threat Initiative, “Civil Highly 166. Japan Atomic Energy Agency, “International Workshop on Enriched Uranium,” Updated August 2011, Nuclear Forensics.” media/pdfs/HEU_who_has_what.pdf. 167. The White House, “Fact Sheet on U.S.-Japan Cooperation 140. GFMR 2010, p 100. on Reducing Nuclear Risks.”; “Fact Sheet on New U.S.-Japan 141. GFMR 2010, p. 106. Initiatives.” 142. Thomas P. D’Agostino, Remarks on NNSA’s role in 168. IAEA, “Nuclear Security Report 2011.” implementing President Obama’s nuclear security agenda, 169. WINS, “2010 Annual Report.” June 18, 2010, 170. GFMR 2011, p. 21. pragueremarks061810. 171. “Civilian HEU: Japan,” Nuclear Threat Initiative, July 21, 143. “Egypt bank to raise funds for nuclear power plants.” 2011, 144. Marjatta Rasi, Statement to the IAEA 53rd General 172. GFMR 2010, p. 136. Conference, September 2009, Policy/GC/GC53/Statements/finland.pdf. 173. Haas, “EURATOM Safeguards and Security Research.” 145. Fissile Materials Working Group survey response by the 174. NNSA, “NNSA and Kazakhstan Complete Operations.” Embassy of Finland in Washington, D.C., January 31, 2011. 175. NNSA, “Joint Statement by Co-Chairs of the U.S.- 146. Besson, Speech before the IAEA 55th General Conference. Kazakhstan Energy Partnership.” 147. EUROSAFE 7-8, “IAEA IPPAS mission in France 14-25 176. Nazarbayev, “Global World and Nuclear Security.” November 2011,” November 2011, http://www.eurosafe-forum. 177. Office of Public Affairs, NNSA, “NNSA Secures 775 Nuclear org/userfiles/3_4_%20slides_mission%20IPPAS%20in%20 Weapons Worth of Weapons-Grade Nuclear Material from BN- FRANCE_Jalouneix_20111108.pdf. 350 Fast Reactor in Kazakhstan,” November 18, 2010, http:// 148. ENSTTI, “Introduction to Nuclear Safety”; Sarkozy, Remarks as prepared for the International Conference on 178. Ibid. Access to Civil Nuclear Energy, 179. “Kazakhstan: Nuclear Profile,” Nuclear Threat Initiative, 149. Besson, Speech before the IAEA 55th General Conference. updated November 2011, 150. International Panel on Fissile Materials, “Global Fissile kazakhstan/nuclear/. Materials Report 2011: Nuclear Weapon and Fissile Material 180. “Parliament: Strategic trade bill is passed,” The Star Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security Stockpiles and Production,” January 2012, p 34. (hereinafter Online, April 5, 2010,

45 asp?file=/2010/4/5/nation/20100405172919&sec=nation. 203. NNSA, “NNSA Completes Largest Highly Enriched 181. IAEA, “Agreement between the International Atomic Uranium (HEU) Fuel Return Campaign in Program’s History.” Energy Agency, the Government of the United Mexican 204.Ibid. States and the Government of the United States of America 205. Miles A. Pomper and William C. Potter, “Medical Concerning the Replacement of Highly Enriched Uranium by isotope production: The US must follow South Africa’s lead,” Low Enriched Uranium.” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, December 17, 2010, http:// 182. Personal communication with State Department official, February 2012. production-the-us-must-follow-south-africas-lead. 183. Personal communication with Mexican government 206. Department of State, “Joint Co-Chair Statement.” official, February 2012. 207. World Nuclear Association, “Nuclear Power in South 184. “Rabat to Host African Conference on Nuclear Security Korea,” March 2011, Summit,” Morocco World News, November 20, 2011, http:// aspx?id=348&terms=Nuclear%20Power%20in%20South%20 Korea. conference-on-nuclear-security-summit/15608. 208.Chang-Kyung Kim, Statements at the International Atomic 185. Department of State, “2011 Global Initiative to Combat Energy Agency General Conference, September 19-23, 2011. Nuclear Terrorism.” 186. Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board, “Medical Isotope pdf. Production.” 209. Office of Public Affairs, NNSA, “U.S., Russia Reaffirm 187.Ibid. Commitment to Dispose of Enough Plutonium for 17,000 Nuclear Weapons,” July 13, 2011, 188. Department of State, “2011 Global Initiative to Combat mediaroom/pressreleases/pmda. Nuclear Terrorism.” 210. “Russia closes last weapons-grade plutonium plant,” BBC 189. IAEA, “Nuclear Security Report 2011.” News, April 15, 2010, 190. Ibid. 211. Division of Public Information, IAEA, “Russian Federation 191. Nuclear Smuggling Outreach Initiative, “Details of Supports IAEA Nuclear Security Fund,” December 7, 2010, Assistance Being Provided to NSOI-Developed Projects: New Zealand.” 212. GFMR 2010, p. 12. 192. GFMR 2010, p. 141. 213. GFMR 2010, p. 67. 193. The IAEA’s nuclear security report noted a contribution 214. GFMR 2011, p. 34. from Norway between July 2009 and June 2010. In addition, in Norway’s statement to the 54th IAEA General Conference, 215. “Russia: Nuclear Profile,” Nuclear Threat Initiative, it stated that “Today, we have formalized a commitment to December 2011. allocate 2.5 million Euros over four years in an agreement with 216. Office of Public Affairs, NNSA, “NNSA, Federal Customs the Agency.” See statement by Norway, IAEA 54th General Service of Russia Equip Every Border Crossing in the Russian Conference, 2010, p. 4, Federation with Radiation Detection Systems,” September GC54/Statements/norway.pdf. 22, 2011, 194. NNSA, “Norway Increases Support of NNSA Work to fcsraddetect92211. Combat Nuclear Smuggling.” 217. 1540 Committee, The United Nations, “Outreach Events,” The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments National of Assessment Summit: Security Nuclear The 195. GFMR 2010, p. 142. accessed January 30, 2012, 196.Karen DeYoung, “Pakistan Doubles Its Nuclear Arsenal,” outreachevents.shtml. The Washington Post, January 31, 2011, http://www. 218. Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board, “Medical Isotope Production.” AR2011013004682.html. 219. “LEU Produced Medical Isotopes Arrive in the U.S.,” 197. GFMR 2011, p. 9, 17. Global Security Newswire, December 7, 2010, http://www.nti. 198. GFMR 2011, p. 11. org/gsn/article/leu-produced-medical-isotopes-arrive-in-us/. 199. See, for example Matthew Bunn, Securing the Bomb 2010: 220. Chloe Colby, “The Conversion of South Africa’s Medical Securing All Nuclear Materials in Four Years (Cambridge, MA Isotope Production from HEU to LEU: Policy Implications for and Washington, DC: Harvard University and Nuclear Threat Global Conversion,” May 2011, Initiative, 2010), p. 30. 221. “South Africa Ships HEU Back to U.S.,” Global Security 200. Kenneth N. Luongo and Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Naeem Salik, Newswire, August 17, 2011 “Building Confidence in Pakistan’s Nuclear Security,” Arms south-africa-ships-heu-back-to-us/. Control Today, December 2007, 222. “Appendix 8A: Global stocks of fissile materials, 2009,” act/2007_12/Luongo. in SIPRI, SIPRI Yearbook 2010: Armaments, Disarmament and 201. World Institute for Nuclear Security Web site homepage, International Security (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), p. 369. 202. “Quantities of Nuclear Materials: Poland,” Nuclear Security 223. GFMR 2010, p. 134. Index, January 11, 2012 224. NNSA, “NNSA Announces Highly Enriched Uranium

46 Removed from Turkey.” 249. Government Accountability Office, “Nuclear 225. Communication with NNSA official. Nonproliferation: U.S. Agencies Have Limited Ability to Account For, Monitor, and Evaluate the Security of U.S. Nuclear 226.“Ukraine Commits to Relinquishing Nuke Ready Materials Overseas,” September 8, 2011, Uranium,” Global Security Newswire, September 27, products/GAO-11-920. 2011, relinquishing-nuke-ready-uranium/. 250. GFMR 2011, p. 34. 251. Department of Energy, “Department of Energy FY 2012 227. NNSA, “U.S. and United Arab Emirates Sign Megaports Congressional Budget Request: National Nuclear Security Initiative Agreement.” Administration,” February 2011, p. 424, 228. IAEA, “UK Signs Agreement to Contribute to IAEA Nuclear gov/sites/default/files/nnsa/inlinefiles/FY%202012%20 Security Fund.” NNSA%20Congressional%20Budget%20Submission_0.pdf. 229. Department of Energy and Climate Change, “Nuclear 252. Ibid. Security Mission to Sellafield and Barrow Completed.” 253. Embassy of the U.S. Hanoi, “U.S. and Vietnam Cooperate 230. GFMR 2011, p. 6. on Nuclear Non-Proliferation in Dalat.” 231. GFMR 2010, p. 71. 254. Holgate, Remarks on Progress; “Lee Dangles Invite 232. Ibid. to Nuclear Summit Before Kim Jong-il,” The Chosumilbo, May 11, 2011, 233. GFMR 2011, p. 21. dir/2011/05/11/2011051100541.html; “N. Korea formally 234. Laura Holgate, “Nuclear Security Summits: Impact and notified of Lee’s invitation for Kim,” Yonhap News Agency, Assessment.” May 18, 2011, 235. Diane Barnes, “Congress Could Re-write Obama Proposals 11/05/18/18/0401000000AEN20110518008600315F.HTML. on Adopting Nuclear Pacts,” Global Security Newswire, October 255. Robert Gibbs, press briefing, The White House, December 6, 2011, 1, 2010. obama-proposals-on-adopting-nuclear-pacts/. 256. “Belarus Reverses Course on Giving Up Bomb Grade 236. “Two More U.S. Reactors Stop Using Highly Enriched Uranium,” Global Security Newswire, August 19, 2011, http:// Uranium,” Global Security Newswire, September 28, 2009, 257. See 2012 Nuclear Security Summit, “Events,” http://www. highly-enriched-uranium/; and Bryan Bender, “Terrorists Could Target Reactor; MIT Delays Conversion of Fuel,” Boston Globe, December 28, 2009. 258. The countries that have ratified the 2005 Amendment since the 2010 NSS are: Argentina, Bahrain, Bosnia, Czech 237. NNSA, “U.S., Russia Reaffirm Commitment to Dispose of Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Enough Plutonium for 17,000 Nuclear Weapons.” Kazakhstan, Latvia, Luxemborg, Nauru, the Netherlands, 238. Government Accountability Office, “Neutron Detectors: Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Macedonia, Tunisia, and the United Alternatives to Using Helium-3.” Kingdom. See IAEA, “Amendment to the Convention on the 239. The White House, “Fact Sheet on U.S.-Japan Cooperation Physical Protection of Nuclear Material.” on Reducing Nuclear Risks.” 259. The countries that have ratified ICSANT since the 240. Communications with WINS staff, February 2011. 2010 NSS are: Algeria, Armenia, Bahrain, Chile, China, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Georgia, Lesotho, Nauru, the 241. WINS, “2010 Annual Report.” Netherlands, St. Vincent and Grenadines, and Tunisia. The 242. Consolidated Appropriations Act 2012, Conference Report United Kingdom ratified the treaty in September 2009, prior to Accompany HR 2055, December 15, 2011. to the 2010 summit. See “International Convention for the 243. Partnership for Global Security, “Updated Analysis: FY12 Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism.” Budget Request for International WMD Security Programs”; 260. Argentina, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Mexico, and House of Representatives Committee on Rules, “H.R. 2055 Singapore joined the GlCNT in June 2010. See Department of [CONFERENCE REPORT] Military Construction and Veterans State, “Joint Co-Chair Statement regarding the 2010 Global Affairs and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2012.” Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism Plenary Meeting.” 244. Partnership for Global Security, “Obama Administration 261. Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Slashes Nuclear Security Funding: FY13 Budget Request for U.S. Ireland, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Netherlands, Norway, International WMD Security Programs.” Republic of Korea, Russia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, 245. GFMR 2010, p. 34. United States and the European Union have contributed to the NSF in 2010 and 2011. See IAEA, “Nuclear Security Report 246. Ibid, p. 34. 2011,” IAEA, “Nuclear Security Report 2010.” 247. Ibid, p. 37. 262. Laura Holgate, Remarks on Progress Since the 2010 248. “Civilian HEU: The United States,” Nuclear Threat Washington Nuclear Security Summit, The United States Initiative, May 18, 2011, Mission to the United Nations, October 7, 2011, http://usun. civilian-heu-united-states/. Arms ControlAssociation and Partnership for Global Security

47 The Nuclear Security Summit: Assessment of National Commitments 48 analyzes the convergence of the security, technological, analyzes the convergence of the security, founded in 1971, is a national nonpartisan membership a national nonpartisan membership founded in 1971, is

advocacy for government adoption and implementation of improved policies. adoption and implementation of improved government for advocacy committed to improving fissile material security through the development of actionable policy proposals and fissile material security the development to improving through committed a non-governmental coalition of the more than 60 U.S. and international organizations, including ACA and PGS, and PGS, ACA and international organizations, including than 60 U.S. coalition of the more a non-governmental The publication of this report was made possible by the Fissile Materials Working Group (FMWG). The FMWG is The Group (FMWG). Working the Fissile Materials made possible by publication of this report was The The Partnership for Global Security (PGS) organization dedicated to promoting public understanding of and support for effective arms control policies. support of and to promoting public understanding organization dedicated (ACT), ACA provides Arms magazine, education and media programs and its Through its public Today Control analysis and commentary information, authoritative press and the interested public with policy-makers, the national security issues. In addition to and agreements, and related on arms control proposals, negotiations staff provides the Association’s on major arms control developments, the regular press briefings ACA holds commentary and spectrum of issues for journalists and scholars both in the United States and analysis on a broad abroad. The Arms Control Association (ACA), and economic issues that are shaping the 21st century’s global nuclear and biological challenges. Its focus is on the 21st century’s and economic issues that are shaping partnerships that are necessary of private and public creating the broad and integrated networks to strengthen reputation and reach, focus on key emerging threats. Its global international security and fight transnational policy initiatives and recommendations and development of actionable global security challenges and trends, and increased by millions of dollars the security programs have resulted in the creation of new international initiatives. funding for important global security Arms Control Association Partnership for Global Security 1313 L Street, NW, Suite 130 1025 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 506 Washington, D.C. 20005 Washington, D.C. 20036