United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNITED NATIONS TD United Nations Distr. GENERAL Conference TD/B/LDC/GR/INF.1 on Trade and 14 February 1996 Development ENGLISH/FRENCH/SPANISH High-level Intergovernmental Meeting on the Mid-Term Global Review on the Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the 1990s New York, 25 September - 6 October 1995 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Note: The format and data of the entries in this list are as provided to the secretariat. GE.96-50254 -2- REPRESENTATIVES AFGHANISTAN * H.E. Mr. Hamidullah TARZI, Minister without Portfolio ** Mr. Mahiuddin MEHDI, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Planning Mr. Mohammad AZAM ARSALAI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, New York Mr. Massod OSMANI ALGERIA * S.E.M. Mohamed-Salah DEMBRI, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères ** S.E.M. Ramtane LAMAMRA, Représentant Permanent, Mission permanente, New York S.E.M. Amine KHERBI, Directeur général des Relations multilatérales M. Sid Ali KETRANDJI, Directeur des Relations économiques internationales M. Merzak BELHIMEUR, Ministre plénipotentiaire, Mission Permanente, New York M. Abderrahame MEROUANE, Conseiller M. Mourad AHMIA, Premier Secrétaire ANGOLA * H.E. Mr. Adriano A. TEIXEIRA PARREIRA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative, Geneva *** Mr. Belarmino BARBOSA, Director of Cabinet Mr. Mpindi Joao KAYALA, Expert, Ministry of Trade, Cabinet for International Exchange AUSTRIA * H.E.Mr. Viktor SEGALLA, Ambassador, Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Vienna Ms. Elke ATZLER, Counsellor,Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Gerhard DOUJAK, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, New York BANGLADESH * H.E. Mr. Reaz RAHMAN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative, New York ** Mr. Md. Fazlur RAHMAN, Additional Secretary, Economic Relations Division, Ministry of Finance, Dhaka Mr. Syed JAMALUDDIN, Economic Minister, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr.
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