Yahya Ayyash
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- Iran and the Palestinian Nationalist Movement April 2019
- The Gatekeepers
- Hamas Operatives in the Gaza Strip Who Also Worked As Media Personnel Were Involved in Recruiting a Terrorist Network Exposed in Judea and Samaria
- Hamas and the Instrumentality of Violence in the Middle East
- The London School of Economics and Political Science
- What Do Death Tolls and Missile Attacks in Gaza and Israel (Summer 2014) Tell Us?
- CRS Report for Congress Received Through the CRS Web
- The Middle East - Peace by Piece
- Evaluating the Disruptive Capacity of Leadership Decapitation on Terrorist Organizations
- Targeted Killings and Compellence: Lessons from the Campaign Against Hamas in the Second Intifada by Charles Kirchofer
- 'Strangling Necks'
- Publishing and Distribution of Hamas Incitement
- Erased in a Moment: Suicide Bombing Attacks Against Israeli Civilians
- Digital Occupation: Gaza's High-Tech Enclosure Author(S): Helga Tawil-Souri Reviewed Work(S): Source: Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol