Women in Judaism
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- What a Get Means for Women Under Jewish Law
- Jewish Women and the Feminist Revolution: Exploring Identities, Accomplishments, and Challenges
- Women in Judaism: Traditions and Change JST 130 American Jewish University College Initiatives Young Judaea Year Course
- 1 the Evolution of the Niddah Practice from Ritual Hygiene to Biopower
- Gorsetman.Pdf
- Jewish Women & Religious Freedom in Australia
- Not According to Rule: Women, the Dead Sea Scrolls and Qumran
- Domestic Violence and the Jewish Community
- The Role and Position of Jewish Women Between 200
- The Sacred Calling: Four Decades of Women in the Rabbinate
- Fringe Benefits: Women and Tzitzit
- The Inheritance Rights of Women Under Jewish and Islamic Law, 23 B.C
- Thesis FINAL
- Feminism and Jewish Tradition
- Feminism, American Style: Jewish Women and the Making of a Revolution
- Mothers of Israel: Why the Rabbis Adopted a Matrilineal Principle
- As the Mother So the Child?
- Religion, Politics and Gender Equality Among Jews in Israel