Top View
- Hmaps Hybrid Height-Voxel Maps for Environment
- An Efficient Encoding Voxel-Based Segmentation
- Introduction, Part I
- Gigavoxels: Un Pipeline De Rendu Basé Voxel Pour L'exploration
- Does Pixel/Voxel-Size Limit the Measurement of Distances in CBCT-Tomography?
- Development and Implementation of Fully 3D Statistical Image
- Example-Based Super-Resolution for Point-Cloud Video
- Virtual Flythrough Over a Voxel-Based Terrain 1. Introduction
- Video Frame Synthesis Using Deep Voxel Flow
- Graphics and Multimedia
- Real-Time Voxel Rendering Algorithm Based on Screen Space Billboard Voxel Buffer with Sparse Lookup Textures
- Pixel/Voxel-Based Machine Learning (PML) and Big Data in Medical Imaging: Detection and Regulation
- Geometric Considerations for College of Computing-0280 Graphics, Visualization Stereoscopic Virtual Environments & Usability Center Atlanta, Georgia 30332
- A Hybrid Representation for Modeling, Interactive Editing, and Real-Time Visualization of Terrains with Volumetric Features
- Introducing the World's First Volumetric Arcade Machine
- Chapter 11: Computed Tomography
- Real-Time Voxelization for Complex Models
- Rasterization and Voxelization of Two- and Three-Dimensional Space Partitionings