SINCE2013 Singapore International NDT Conference & Exhibition 2013, 19-20 July 2013 The Application of Voxel Size Correction in X-ray Computed Tomography for Dimensional Metrology Joseph J. LIFTON1,2, Andrew A. MALCOLM2, John W. MCBRIDE1,3, Kevin J. CROSS1 1The University of Southampton, United Kingdom; Email:
[email protected]. 2Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Singapore; Email:
[email protected]. 3The University of Southampton Malaysia Campus (USMC), Malaysia; Email:
[email protected]. Abstract X-ray computed tomography (CT) is a non-destructive, radiographic scanning technique that enables the visualisation and dimensional evaluation of both internal and external features of a workpiece; it is therefore an attractive alternative for measurement tasks that prove problematic for conventional tactile and optical instruments. The data output of a CT measurement is a volume of grey value integers that describe the material distribution of the scanned workpiece; the relative spacing of volume-elements (voxels) is termed voxel size and influences all dimensional information evaluated from a CT data-set. Voxel size is defined by the position of a workpiece relative to the X-ray source and detector, and is therefore prone to axis position errors, errors in the geometric alignment of the CT system’s hardware, and the positional drift of the X-ray focal spot. In this work a method is presented for calculating a voxel scaling factor that corrects for voxel size errors, and this method is then applied to a general X-ray CT measurement task and demonstrated to reduce measurement errors. Keywords: X-ray computed tomography, dimensional metrology, calibration, uncertainty, voxel size.