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- Deep Manifold-To-Manifold Transforming Network Tong Zhang, Wenming Zheng*, Member, IEEE, Zhen Cui*, Chaolong Li
- 2 Span, Basis, and Rank 2.1 Linear Combinations
- Theory and Application of Grassmann Algebra William C. Schulz
- Linear Transformations and Matrix Algebra
- Exterior Powers
- Linear Algebra
- A Child's Guide to Spinors
- The Discrete Hodge Star Operator and Poincaré Duality
- Manifolds the Definition of a Manifold and First Examples
- Chapter 22 Tensor Algebras, Symmetric Algebras and Exterior
- Arxiv:1112.1346V3 [Math.DG] 12 Feb 2013 3/2010
- Geometric Algebra in Linear Algebra and Geometry
- Manifolds and Differential Forms Reyer Sjamaar
- The Four Fundamental Subspaces
- Lecture 3. Transpositions, Kronecker Products, and Contractions
- II-4: Spinor Solutions and CPT
- Tensor and Matrix Inversions with Applications
- Hodge Theory