The Emergency (Ireland)
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- Eamon De Valera and the Rivalry That Led to War Julia Walsh
- Chapter 16 • the Administration of Justice During States of Emergency
- Ireland in the 20Th Century
- A Study for Strengthening the Legal and Policy Framework For
- States of Emergency in Response to the Coronavirus Crisis: Situation in Certain Member States IV
- UCLA Historical Journal
- The Emergency: Ireland in a World at War, 1939–45
- Observatory Submission
- Irish Americans, Ireland, and the United States, 1932-1945 Dissertation
- Propaganda and the Promise of Barty O'brien: Politics, Irish Nationalism, and Partition After World War II
- Northern Ireland: Human Rights Abuses by All Sides
- The Road to Peace in Ireland
- The Northern Ireland Troubles in Britain: Impacts, Engagements, Legacies and Memories Graham Dawson and Stephen Hopkins
- Royal Irish Academy TY Module: the Emergency: Ireland in a World At
- Sean Macentee Papers P67
- Dolly West's Kitchen
- The World Bank for OFFICIAL USE ONLY
- Submission to the Oireachtas Special Committee on Covid-19 Response