Tadeusz Mazowiecki
Top View
- Independence of Poland
- 104 STAT. 742 PUBLIC LAW 101-388—SEPT. 20, 1990 Public Law 101-388 101St Congress Joint Resolution
- Deceased Academicians ARROW Kenneth J
- The Revenge of the Nation: Political Passions in Contemporary Poland
- Nr 11/12 (2010), S
- The Problem of Property Reprivatization in Warsaw
- Herbarz Polski, Tom 1
- Participation of the Presidents Wojciech Jaruzelski and Lech Wałęsa in the Process of Cabinet Formation in Poland
- Introduction New Evidence on the Polish Crisis 1980-1982
- Dziennik Urzędowy Województwa Mazowieckiego
- Intosai at a Glance
- Reflections on Poland and America: a View from Warsaw
- Tadeusz Mazowiecki in Memoriam
- Rządy I Premierzy Iii Rzeczypospolitej
- The Fall of Communism in Poland: a Chronology
- Puppets: Theatre, Film, Politics Lalki 13-03-19 PL Wyklejki JDB FIN.Indd 2-3 2019-03-13 15:53:31 Lalki 13-03-19 PL Wyklejki JDB FIN.Indd 2-3 2019-03-13 15:53:31 7 101
- The Memory of Communist Poland in the Third Polish Republic. a Tentative Systematisation
- Polish Political Science Yearbook the Round Table in 1989