Supercontinent cycle
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- What's up with Rodinia?
- Kinematic Constraints on the Rodinia-Gondwana Transition
- Implications for the Supercontinent Cycle
- Supercontinent Cycles and the Calculation of Absolute Palaeolongitude in Deep Time
- Davies Et Al Accepted
- Chapter 1 Mineral Evolution: Episodic Metallogenesis, the Supercontinent Cycle, and the Coevolving Geosphere and Biosphere
- New Directions in Wilson Cycle Concepts: Supercontinent and Tectonic Rock Cycles
- Mantle Dynamics Following Supercontinent Formation by Philip J
- Supercontinents: Myths, Mysteries, and Milestones
- 52 12B-Zhang+Nuna.Pdf
- Metallogeny and Its Link to Orogenic Style During the Nuna Supercontinent Cycle
- Precambrian Research Episodic Zircon Age
- Four-Dimensional Context of Earth's Supercontinents