Manuscript received 6 June 2020 Revised manuscript received 1 October 2020 Manuscript accepted 5 October 2020

© 2020 The Authors. Gold Open Access: This paper is published under the terms of the CC-BY license. Published online 25 November 2020

The role of megacontinents in the cycle Chong Wang1,2, Ross N. Mitchell1*, J. Brendan Murphy3, Peng Peng1 and Christopher J. Spencer4 1State Key Laboratory of Lithospheric , Institute of and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 2Deparment of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki, Helsinki 00014, Finland 3Department of Sciences, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia B2G 2W5, Canada 4Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 2N8, Canada

ABSTRACT (and subsequently outboard additions) Supercontinent Pangea was preceded by the formation of , a “megacontinent” (Wan et al., 2019). Assembly of started about half the size of Pangea. There is much debate, however, over what role the assembly with the central Asian that weld- of the precursor megacontinent played in the Pangean . Here we dem- ed Baltica and at ca. 250 Ma. This as- onstrate that the past three cycles of supercontinent amalgamation were each preceded by sembly overlaps with the tenure and breakup of ∼200 m.y. by the assembly of a megacontinent akin to Gondwana, and that the building of a Pangea and represents an early assembly phase megacontinent is a geodynamically important precursor to supercontinent amalgamation. of the proposed future supercontinent The recent assembly of Eurasia is considered as a fourth megacontinent associated with (Mitchell et al., 2012). Following Siberia’s future supercontinent Amasia. We use constraints from seismology of the deep for assimilation into Pangea, accretion along the Eurasia and paleogeography for Gondwana to develop a geodynamic model for megacontinent eastern margin of Siberia of continental blocks assembly and subsequent supercontinent amalgamation. As a supercontinent breaks up, a and terranes occurred between 200 and 100 Ma megacontinent assembles along the girdle that encircled it, at a specific location (Torsvik et al., 2012; Wan et al., 2019). Much where the downwelling is most intense. The megacontinent then migrates along the girdle of Eurasia represents the reassembly of rifted where it collides with other to form a supercontinent. The geometry of this model fragments of Gondwana since the . is consistent with the kinematic transitions from to Gondwana to Pangea. The sense of plate motion has been meridional, translating rifted pieces of Gondwana from the INTRODUCTION percontinent formed during the breakup phase, to assemble in Eurasia in The supercontinent cycle of continental as- a megacontinent is viewed as an assembly of the . With the presently sembly and breakup has been linked to global- multiple continents geodynamically linked to rapid northward migration of and its scale orogenesis, mantle patterns, the incipient amalgamation phase of the next imminent collision with Eurasia, assembly of and the evolution of , the environment, supercontinent. The megacontinent becomes a the megacontinent is likely ongoing. and life (Nance et al., 2014). Three superconti- large subset of the next supercontinent, which nents are proposed to have formed since 2 Ga: results from the amalgamation of a majority Gondwana in Pangea Pangea, Rodinia, and Columbia (Evans, 2013). of continents into one contiguous, long-lived Gondwana assembled in two sectors: West Today, Earth is in between supercontinent con- (Evans, 2013). The new term fits in Gondwana, with the Brasiliano and Pan-­ figurations (Pangea in the past, Amasia in the fu- the continental hierarchy: supercontinent (e.g., African orogens; and East Gondwana, with ture) (Mitchell et al., 2012), with supercontinent Pangea) > megacontinent (e.g., Gondwana) > the East African and Kuunga orogens. The assembly beginning (e.g., Eurasia) while super- (e.g., ) > microcontinent (e.g., amalgamation of Gondwana was initiated as continent breakup is ongoing (e.g., East Africa). Japan). We provide evidence for the assembly of early as ca. 750 Ma and was fully complete Gondwana was a major and early-forming part megacontinents as precursors to every supercon- by ca. 520 Ma (Collins and Pisarevsky, 2005). of supercontinent Pangea (Fig. 1), but its role in tinent through time. We also offer a conceptual Gondwana formed the southern portion of su- the supercontinent cycle remains controversial. framework for the origin of megacontinents that percontinent Pangea (Fig. 1). The collision of Some researchers emphasize the importance of refines models of the supercontinent cycle. Gondwana and Laurussia (-Baltica- large Gondwana, even referring to it as a super- ) to finally form Pangea at ca. 350 Ma continent (Spencer et al., 2013), whereas others MEGACONTINENTS OF EARTH (Torsvik et al., 2012) thus implies that the as- interpret Gondwana as only part of the larger HISTORY sembly of megacontinent Gondwana predates Pangea (Doucet et al., 2019). Eurasia in Amasia amalgamation of supercontinent Pangea by We present the concept of a “megacontinent” Eurasia is presently Earth’s largest landmass ∼170 m.y. (Fig. 2). as a geodynamic precursor of supercontinent (Figs. 2 and 3A), containing Siberia, the North formation. If continents are rifted pieces of a su- China , the , the Tarim Umkondia in Rodinia craton, , and many small blocks bounded The Grenville orogen between eastern Lau- *E-mail: [email protected] by multiple orogenic systems that collided with rentia and, most likely, Amazonia and other

CITATION: Wang, C., et al., 2021, The role of megacontinents in the supercontinent cycle: Geology, v. 49, p. 402–406,

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Downloaded from by guest on 30 September 2021 Figure 1. Paleogeo- graphic reconstruction of Pangea before breakup, showing Gondwana megacontinent (orange) in Pangea supercontinent (blue)(Mitchell et al., 2012; Mitchell et al., 2020).

continents did not occur until ca. 1 Ga (Spen- an megacontinent is based on , ontinent as Nuna because (1) “Columbia” was cer et al., 2013), and supercon- geochemistry, and geochronology of a coeval the name used for the first attempts at global- tinent Rodinia was not finally assembled until ca. 1.1 Ga (Choudhary scale supercontinent reconstruction (Zhao et al., ca. 900 Ma (Merdith et al., 2017). However, et al., 2019). 2002), and (2) Hoffman (1997) used the term ∼100 m.y. before the Grenville collision and “Nuna” (an Inuit word for the bordering ∼200 m.y. before Rodinia amalgamation, sev- Nuna in Columbia the northern and of North Ameri- eral continents, including Amazonia, were part The existence of a –­ ca) to refer to the larger continent of Laurentia, of a megacontinent “Umkondia”, including the supercontinent Columbia which was suspected to be contiguous with Bal- Congo–São Francisco, India, Kalahari, and West (a.k.a. Nuna) has been proposed (Zhao et al., tica. Peripheral constituents of supercontinent Africa , that assembled before 1.1 Ga 2002; Kirscher et al., 2020). There is debate Columbia such as Australia were sutured by (Spencer et al., 2017; Choudhary et al., 2019). over its name, and legitimate cases for prece- ca. 1.6 Ga, heralding final supercontinent amal- Thus, assembly of the Umkondia megacontinent dence can be made for either option (Meert, gamation (Kirscher et al., 2020). The internal began while the breakup of the previous super- 2012; Evans, 2013). In a possible resolution to orogens of Laurentia indicate the assembly of continent was ongoing (Evans and Mitchell, this semantic standoff, we refer to the supercon- the Nuna megacontinent by ca. 1.8 Ga via the 2011). The case for Umkondia as a pre-Rodini- tinent as Columbia and to its precursor megac- Trans-Hudson orogen (Hoffman, 1997) and,

Figure 2. Megacontinents through time. (Top) Timeline of megacontinents and associated . (Bottom) Megacontinent reconstructions at age of final assembly (Eurasia at present day). EQ—.

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Downloaded from by guest on 30 September 2021 its supercontinent by ∼200 m.y. (Fig. 2). During A this time interval, a large closed, imply- ing a large initial spatial separation between the megacontinent and the supercontinent. Megac- ontinent Gondwana, for example, assembled at high southerly as evidenced by glacial deposits and paleomagnetic data (Caputo and Crowell, 1985), whereas the amalgamation of supercontinent Pangea straddled the equator af- ter the closure of the Rheic and Iapetus Oceans (Torsvik et al., 2012). We calculated megacon- tinent sizes using the areas of continent and/or craton geographic shape files (Pisarevsky et al., 2014; Torsvik et al., 2014) with GPlates soft- ware (, where Nuna, Umkondia, Gondwana, and Eurasia (includ- ing Australia in the future) represent ∼6%, 5%, B 16%, and 12% of Earth’s surface, respectively (Fig. 2). Laurussia covers only <5% of Earth’s surface, i.e., less than one-third the size of Gond- wana, implying that each supercontinent likely has only one bona fide megacontinent. With Pangea covering ∼23% of Earth’s surface, a megacontinent like Gondwana, therefore, rep- resents more than half (∼70%) the size of its supercontinent. There is a feedback between mantle convec- tion and supercontinent formation. On one hand, continents are modeled to drift “downhill” to- ward geoidal lows, thus forming a superconti- nent over a mantle downwelling (Gurnis, 1988; C Zhong et al., 2007). On the other hand, there are several ways in which a supercontinent may promote mantle upwelling beneath it, including, but not limited to (1) thermal insulation due to the inefficiency of heat transfer of thick, stagnant continental (Lenardic et al., 2011); (2) cold slab material no longer cooling the man- tle beneath the supercontinent (Coltice et al., 2007; Lenardic et al., 2011); and (3) reorgani- zation of mantle convective flow into a circum- supercontinent girdle of downwelling (e.g., the modern subduction “”) and coaxial supercontinent– upwellings (Zhong et al., 2007; Li and Zhong, 2009). The two an- Figure 3. Megacontinent-supercontinent . (A) Pangea before breakup, and an tipodal upwellings are each linked to equatorial enlarging Eurasia since then. Seismic shear-wave velocity is from the s5mean model of large low-shear-velocity provinces (LLSVPs; Doubrovine et al. (2016) at 2800 km depth, where velocities are: red—slow; blue—fast; white— average. Large low-shear-velocity provinces (LLSVPs) of mantle upwelling and bisecting the African and the Pacific) in the degree-2 downwelling girdle are labeled. (B) Two dominant modes (degree-1 and degree-2) of and are a testament to the dominance of degree-2 long-wavelength mantle convection (Zhong et al., 2007). Core is red, mantle downwelling is mantle flow (two antipodal upwellings bisected blue, and upwelling is yellow. When both flow modes are subequal (Conrad et al., 2013), their by the girdle of downwelling) on modern Earth potential geometric superposition (right) allows a megacontinent to form above the degree-1 locus of downwelling along the degree-2 downwelling girdle. (C) How a megacontinent turns since at least 300 m.y. ago (Zhong et al., 2007; into a supercontinent. Focused degree-1 mantle downwelling occurs along the degree-2 girdle. Torsvik et al., 2012). The shape and location Step 1 is formation of a megacontinent over the locus of downwelling (small arrows), and step of the African LLSVP closely correlates with 2 is formation of a supercontinent by convergence of continents (large bold arrows) to/along the location of supercontinent Pangea before the downwelling girdle. L—Laurentia; B—Baltica; G—Gondwana. breakup (Mitchell et al., 2020) (Fig. 3A). It has been hypothesized (Li and Zhong, 2009) based on paleomagnetism, Nuna also included GEODYNAMIC SIGNIFICANCE OF that the supercontinent cycle alternates be- Baltica and Siberia with Laurentia (Evans and MEGACONTINENTS tween the dominance of degree-2 mantle flow Mitchell, 2011). Nuna was comparable in size The existence of a megacontinent as a precur- during supercontinent tenure and breakup and to younger megacontinents, and its assembly sor to each supercontinent cycle can be identified degree-1 flow during supercontinent formation predated that of supercontinent Columbia by through time, with the assembly of each megac- (one upwelling and one downwelling) (Fig. 3B). ∼200 m.y. (Fig. 2). ontinent consistently predating ­amalgamation of ­Patterns in global plate motions that are coupled

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Downloaded from by guest on 30 September 2021 to mantle flow through basal tractions indicate the predominance of degree-1 flow both before and after degree-2 flow predominated between 240 and 60 Ma (Conrad et al., 2013). Although either degree-1 or degree-2 flow may predominate at any given time, both har- monics of mantle convection occur simultane- ously (Fig. 3B). For example, where degree-1 and degree-2 flow planforms interfere, this su- perposition would focus a zone of most intense downwelling at the degree-1 locus of down- welling along the degree-2 girdle (Fig. 3C). In our model, the location of most intense downwelling along the girdle occurs where subduction is located at a 90° angle from the pole of rotation (hence, the greatest rate of subduction) of the lower (moving) plate. Such a situation occurs today as continents aggre- Figure 4. Correspondence between megacontinents and orogenic magmatism. Megaconti- nents are generally associated with increased crustal reworking. Hf isotopes of ( ) gate over mantle downwelling in the north- εHf are shown as a 2000-point moving average (Puetz and Condie, 2019). Dashed line is linear ern and in south-central regression of the εHf data. supercratons (e.g., Superia) are thought to be segregated (Replumaz­ et al., 2004; Conrad et al., 2013) and small , unlike - supercontinents, with the global plate along the degree-2 Pacific girdle. The forma- network linking up between the supercratons–supercontinent transition (Wan et al., 2020). tion of Eurasia as a megacontinent is located

where mantle downwelling is most pronounced (both observed in early Gondwana). generally associated with negative εHf values along the degree-2 girdle (Figs. 3A and 3B). The downwelling beneath the megacontinent of zircon (Fig. 4), indicating their assembly The 47 Ma and present-day Euler poles for In- diminishes so that it becomes less intense than was accompanied by the significant crustal dia and Australia, respectively, are both located elsewhere along the girdle. However, because it reworking that characterizes Tethyan-style

in the Pacific LLSVP and 113° and 73° away remains trapped along the girdle by the flanking collisional orogens. By contrast, positive εHf from their respective continents (Fig. S1 in the LLSVPs, the megacontinent migrates along the values ­reflect the reworking of juvenile crust, Supplemental Material1), yielding an average girdle until it collides with the other continents as is typical of collisions­ between continents of 93° that indicates meridional subduction that have finally migrated there (i.e., Laurus- flanked by circum-Pacific–style accretion- along the degree-2 downwelling girdle. Thus, sia), thus culminating in Pangea (Fig. 3C). The ary orogens (Spencer et al., 2013). Although zones of most intense downwelling along the largely longitudinal motion of equatorial Lau- megacontinents Nuna and Gondwana have

degree-2 girdle may reflect variable rates of russia throughout Paleozoic time that closed pronounced εHf troughs of crustal reworking, subduction, as expressed by distance from the the Rheic and Iapetus Oceans was achieved that of Umkondia is comparatively very muted. Euler pole of rotation in the subducting plate. by a subpolar Euler pole of rotation (Mitchell Strikingly, this exception is consistent with In this scenario, the megacontinent (i.e., Gond- et al., 2012; Torsvik et al., 2012), implying myriad geologic proxies that suggest the as- wana) would assemble over a concentrated lo- that the next intense downwelling was located sembly of Rodinia was distinct from that of cus of downwelling along the girdle ∼90° from 90° from, and along the same great circle as, supercontinents before and after it (Liu et al., the pole of rotation (Fig. 3C). As plate spin the downwelling associated with Gondwana 2017). If each supercontinent was preceded is negligible (Olson and Bercovici, 1991), all assembly. Mantle convective modeling may by a megacontinent, it follows that the oldest continents at a high angle to the pole of rotation be able to explore whether such an orthogo- supercontinent was preceded by an evolution would migrate toward the girdle with no net nal migration of downwelling loci along the from supercraton (Bleeker, 2003) to megac- relative rotation between them, and the margins girdle is coincidental or a theoretical expecta- ontinent and then to supercontinent (Fig. 4). that collide would be the same ones that faced tion. Given our hypothesized relationship of a The geodynamic driver of that process, pos- one another when they drifted apart, consistent megacontinent with the pole of rotation, having sibly the final global linking of the modern with the model (Wilson, 1966; more than one megacontinent per cycle is un- plate tectonic network (Wan et al., 2020), may Replumaz et al., 2004) and the observation of likely. When the downwelling beneath Pangea signal a significant reorganization of mantle “strange attractors” (Meert, 2014). evolved into an upwelling, forming or reinforc- convection at ca. 2 Ga. As the megacontinent (Gondwana) forms, ing the African LLSVP, degree-2 convection however, the intensity of local downwelling reached maximum dominance again during ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Support for this work came from the National Natural progressively diminishes due to return flow and supercontinent breakup (Conrad et al., 2013). Science Foundation of China (grants 41890833 and subcontinental insulation (Coltice et al., 2007; Following such a dispersal of the continents to 41772192 to Peng, and grant 41888101 to Mitchell), Zhong et al., 2007), thus generating plumes their modern locations along the girdle, future the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (grant along its margins, and potentially slab rollback migration along the girdle would close the Sco- 2020M670443 to Wang), a Key Research Program tia, , and oceans as envisioned of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (grant IGGCAS-201905 to in the amalgamation by orthoversion of future Mitchell and grant XDB18030205 to Peng), the 1Supplemental Material. Supplemental Figure S1 supercontinent Amasia (Mitchell et al., 2012). Academy of Finland grant 294013 to Johanna and references providing the distance of continents If the assembly of megacontinents is geo- Salminen, and a Natural Sciences and Engineering from their Euler poles of rotation in the assembly dynamically distinct from the amalgamation Research Council of Canada grant to Murphy. We thank of Eurasia. Please visit Paul Hoffman for discussions, and two anonymous GEOL.S.13232336 to access the supplemental of supercontinents, then the two tectonic reviewers for impartial and constructive criticisms material, and contact [email protected] with processes should generate contrasting proxy that improved the manuscript. This is a contribution any questions. signals. The assembly of megacontinents is to International Geoscience Programme 648.

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