Silvio Micali
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- The BBVA Foundation Recognizes Goldwasser, Micali, Rivest and Shamir for Enabling a Secure Digital Society Thanks to Modern Cryptography
- Verifiable Random Functions
- Constructing Verifiable Random Functions with Large Input Spaces
- Co-Authorship Proximity of A. M. Turing Award and John Von Neumann Medal Winners to the Disciplinary Boundaries of Computer Science
- CECS 328 Lectures
- Contents U U U
- Problem A: Welcome Party
- Transitive Signature Schemes
- Privacy Preserving CTL Model Checking Through Oblivious Graph Algorithms
- A Bibliography of the ACM Turing Awards (1966–Date)
- Ed Catmull, Co-Founder of Pixar, Served As President of Pixar for 33 Years, and President of Disney Animation for 13 of Those 33 Years, Prior to Retiring
- Signature Schemes and Applications to Cryptographic Protocol Design by Anna Lysyanskaya Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- A Prosopography of Turing Award Laureates (1966-2016) Camille Akmut
- A Proposal for Decentralizing Algorand Governance by Silvio Micali
- Profile of Group B Recipients Professor Ronald L. Rivest
- Call for Papers
- Random Variables Def: a Random Variable X Is a Function X:U⟶V
- Goldwasser and Micali Awarded Turing Prize