Roman citizenship
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- Taxation and the Formation of the Late Roman Social Contract by Patrick E
- Roman Citizenship and the Assimilation of Barbarians Into the Late Roman World1
- Sherwin-White, A. N. the Roman Citizenship. 2D Ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1973
- Concepts of Citizenship and the Legal Identity of Barbarians in the Later Roman Empire Author(S): by Ralph W
- Cicero's Civitas
- 1 the Spread of Roman Citizenship, 14-212 Ce
- The Ultimate Goal: Citizenship Civis Romanus Sum, “I Am a Roman
- The Roman Nation: Rethinking Ancient Nationalism
- Citizenship, Culture and Ideology in Roman Greece
- Law, Land, and Territories: the Roman Diaspora and the Making of Provincial Administration
- The Gracchan Agrarian Reform and the Italians Michael Claiborne Washington University in St
- Civis Romanus Sum. When Did This Simple Sentence Affirming One's
- PAUL the ROMAN CITIZEN" (Acts 16:1-40 and Acts 25:1-12) (Adapted from Ben Witherington III in New Testament History: a Narrative Account)
- CONSCRIPTION and VOLUNTEERING in the ROMAN IMPERIAL ARMY at All Times in the History of Rome Both Citizens and Subjects Were
- Roman Citizenship Was a Matter of Considerable Advantage for Travel in the Mediterranean World of the First Century
- How Generous Were the Romans in Granting Citizenship?1 by Altay Coşkun
- Popular Political Participation in the Late Roman Republic
- Masters and Freedmen: Junian Latins and the Struggle for Citizenship