Robert Tarjan
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- CS-TR-71-207.Pdf
- MAINS Established in Heidelberg - 06-01-2017 by Manjil Saikia - Gonit Sora
- Communications of the Acm
- Computer Science Department Stanford
- Rindfleisch, and Staff Prof. Golub, POLYA
- Combinatorics, Complexity, and Randomness
- Fundamental Data Structures
- Ed Catmull, Co-Founder of Pixar, Served As President of Pixar for 33 Years, and President of Disney Animation for 13 of Those 33 Years, Prior to Retiring
- Return of Organization Exempt from Income
- Stanford Computer Forum
- Tarjan / Knuth Donald E. Knuth, Robert E. Tarjan Introduction
- A Prosopography of Turing Award Laureates (1966-2016) Camille Akmut
- Communications of the Acm
- The Role of Conference Publications in Computer Science: a Bibliometric View
- Conference Program
- Two Linear-Time Algorithms for Five-Coloring a Planar Graph
- Algorithms and Complexity Internet Edition, Summer, 1994
- Association for Computing Machinery 2 Penn Plaza, Suite 701, New York