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- Quakers: Paths to Humanism a Brief Overview of Quaker History
- Indians, Quakers, and the Negotiation of American Imperialism, 1754-1846
- The Changing Face of Faith in Britain: How Should Quakers Respond? Part 3: Charting Quaker Ecumenical and Interfaith Involvement
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- Quakers, Women, and Reform Women in Quaker Doctrine
- When History Substitutes for Theology: the Impact of Quaker Scholars’ Religious Affiliations on the Study of Nineteenth Century American Quakerism
- Chronology of Christianity
- Notes on Quakerism “The Religious Society of Friends Values Both Inward Spiritual Life and Its Outward Expression in the World
- Neo-Evangelical Identity with American Religious Society of Friends (Quakers): Oregon Yearly Meeting, 1919-1947
- The Circulation of Quaker Texts, 1650-1700
- The American Holiness Movement: Why Did It Captivate Nineteenth Century Quakers?
- The Quaker Testimonies
- A Guide to Quaker Practice for Friends School of Minnesota
- The ARDA's Religious Classification Guide
- Quaker Meetinghouse
- A Quaker Response to Christian Fundamentalism
- The History & Origin of Quakers
- The Quaker Woman Minister and the Holiness Revival