Plitvica (river)
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- Contribution to the Knowledge on Amphibians and Reptiles of North-Western Croatia
- Varadin Series
- Saprobic Status of Running Waters in Croatia Based on Benthic Macroinvertebrates
- Slovenia-Wine-Roads-En.Pdf
- From a Hypothesis on the Development of the Layout of Poklek Manor in Zagorska Sela, Towards a Hitherto Unknown Type of Residential Architecture in
- Karst Sediments
- We Travel, Some of Us Forever, to Seek Other States, Other Lives, Other Souls.” ( Anais Nin)
- Sava GIS & Sava
- Development of Fragility Curves for Piping and Slope Stability of River Levees
- Distribution of Eurasian Minnows (Phoxinus: Cypriniformes) in the Western Balkans
- Izvješće O Stanju Površinskih Voda U 2019. Godini
- Case Studies of Plitvice Lakes and Vrana Lake in Dalmatia (Croatia)
- Izrada Karata Opasnosti I Izračun Šteta Na Slivu Rijeke Bednje
- Rediscovery of the Dice Snake Natrix Tessellata
- Croatian Aquatic Dance Flies (Diptera: Empididae: Clinocerinae and Hemerodromiinae): Species Diversity, Distribution and Relationship to Surrounding Countries
- Taksonomska Analiza I Rasprostranjenost Slatkovodnih Puževa Iz Zbirke Zoologijskog Zavoda
- Taksonomska Analiza I Rasprostranjenost Slatkovodnih Puževa Iz Zbirke Zoologijskog Zavoda
- GHS 2017 Vodič Postkongresni V.1.0.Indd