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- Environment and Identity in Anna Pavignano's Novel "Venezia, Un Sogno" and Other Works in Literature and Film
- Ossessione in Context: an Analysis of the F Oundations and Achievements of Luchino Visconti's First Film
- XXII:4) Luchino Visconti, OSSESSIONE/OBSESSION (1943, 140 Min)
- Interacting with Horror: Archaeology of the Italian Horror Genre from Its Origins Until the Eighties
- Il Thrilling Italiano
- Viewed As an Extremely Misogynistic Genre; However, The
- Luchino Visconti ROCCO and HIS BROTHERS/ROCCO EI SUOI FRATELLI (1960), 177 Min
- Appendix: International Film Noir Classic Period (Selected Titles)
- Visconti's Senso and the Evolving Italian Cinema
- Visconti 2018, Various Filmmakers and Nations, 98 Min
- Ossessione (1943) Shadow of a Doubt (1943)
- Michelangelo Antonioni (1912–2007)
- The Revival of Film Realism the Case of Neo-Neo-Realism
- Visconti, Luchino (1906-1976) by Daryl Chin
- Giant of Postwar Italian Cinema Receives First Complete U
- Il Sistema Dei Personaggi in Ossessione, Di Luchino Visconti
- Visconti and Degradation